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Answer (1-6

1. Show the difference between Robert Rassendyll and
Rudolph Rassendyll?‫اعرض االختالف بين روبرت ورودلف رازندل‬
Robert depends on his work and he improves his wealth but
Rudolph depends on his family’s wealth. And he didn’t do anything
useful in his life ‫روبرت يعتمد على عمله ويحسن ثروته ولكن رودلف يعتمد على ثروه‬
‫ابيه وال يعمل شيء نافع‬
2-What did Rose blame ‫ تلوم‬Rudolf for?
She blamed him for being 29 years old and not doing anything
‫ سنه ولم يفعل شيء‬29 ‫هى المت عليه بسبب وصوله‬
3-Why was Rudolph Rassendyll good at?
1)He spoke some languages and He was very good at riding horses
good with a gun and a strong swordsman. ‫هو جيد فى ركوب الخيل والتصويب بالبندقيه‬
‫واستخدام السيف‬
4 - What good news did Rose have for her brother-in-law? ‫أخو‬
the English ambassador wanted. wanted Rudolf Rassendyll to work
with him as an assistant in 6 months ‫السفير البريطانى يريد رودلف ان يعمل‬
‫معه مساعد‬
5-Why did Rudolf Rassendyll account for ‫ برر‬his being idle
He said that he was a rich man and his brother was the lord of
Burlesdon so he didn’t need to work ‫قال انه رجل غنى وان اخوه حاكم مدينه‬
6. Who was Sir Jacob Borrodaile?
He would be the English ambassador in six months. Robert wanted
Rudolf Rassendyll to work with him.‫هو سيبقى سفير بريطانيا القادم‬
7. Why wouldn't Rudolf tell his family about his journey?
Because he knew they would refuse to let him go. ‫النه يعرف انهم سوف‬
8. What do you know about Rose?‫من هى روز‬
She was Robert Rassendyll’s wife and Rudolf’s sister in law. She
Annoyed and complaining ‫مزعجه وشكايه‬
9. What did both Rudolph the fifth and Duke Michael want? ‫ماذا‬
‫كانو يريدو‬
They both wanted to be the king of Ruritania and marry Princess
Flavia.‫كالهما يريدان ان يكونو ملوك ويتزوجو برنسيس فالفيا‬
10- Why was Bretram sad?‫لما كان بريترام حزين‬
Because he falls in love with Antoinette but she didn’t love him she
loved Black Michael ‫النه وقع فى حب انطوانيت ولكن هى لم تحبه هى احبت بالك مايكل‬
11. What did Johann do when he saw Rudolf Rassendyll?
He stared at him and He stepped backwards. ‫امعن النظر ثم رجع خطوات للخلف‬
12-Who ‫من‬did Rassendyll call on ‫ يزور‬in Paris?
He called on his old two friends, George , and Bertram Bertrand, Who was
a famous poet
13-What was Johann's offer for Rassendyll? ‫ماذا كان عرض جوان‬
He offered that Rassendyll could stay at his sister's house .‫ان يسكن فى منزل اخته‬
14-What did Rudolph dream?‫ما هو الحلم الذي حلمه رودلف‬
He dreamt that he was married to Princess Flavia and lived in the
castle at Zenda . But in his dream he was about to kiss her when
he heard a loud voice.‫انه حلم انه تزوج برنسيز فالفيا فى زندا ولكن كان على وشك ان قبلها ولكن سمع صوت‬
16- Why did Rassendyll fall asleep forgetting his train to
and his luggage?‫لماذا شعر رازندل بالنعس ونسى حقائبه‬
It was so quiet in the forest and he was very tired that he soon fell into
a deep sleep under the shadow of the tree. ‫الجو كان هادي وانه كان متعب ثم شعر بالنعاس‬
‫تحت الشجر‬
17. “You look different today” said Flavia. How was Rassendyll
He looks more serious‫اكثر جديه‬
18-What did they do with Johann's mother who was watching
them ?
they tied her and locked her in the coal cellar beside the king and
told Josef to look after them. ‫عندما كانو يخبئون الملك شاهدتهم فقامو بحبسها مع‬
19- How did Sapt help Rassendyll to play his role as Rudolf the 5th
Sapt told Rassendyll about the history of the king's life: of his family
, likes. Interests, friends and servants. Besides how he should behave
in the palace. ‫سابت اخبر رازندل بتاريخ الملك وعائلته وما يحب وما يستمتع به واصدقائه بجانب انه علمه كيف‬
‫يتصرف فى القصر‬
20- What would happen if the king was not crowned?
If the king was not crowned at the coronation that day, Duke
Michael would be crowned king and he might imprison or kill the
21- What happened to Joesf in the lodge?
he was killed , his throat was cut while trying to save the king
23-Did Rassendyll kill the gate keeper? Why?
No , he didn’t because he was in the coronation and his daughter
opened the gate instead of him
24- Why were Black micheal’s men coming to the hunting
to burry Josef’s body
25- Why couldn’t the king be woken?‫لماذا لم يقدرو على افاقه الملك‬
Because his brother Duke Michael had sent him a bottle of wine and
after drinking it, the King fell asleep.
26-To what extent ‫ ألي مدى‬were Rudolf Rassendyll and the
King of Ruritania alike‫?يشبه الملك‬
He looked identical ‫يبدو متطابق‬to the king . They had the same nose , red hair,
The height and the same age‫نفس العمر‬
28-What mistake did |Fritz make when Colonel Sapt and Rassendyll
returnedto the palace?
he was happy when he saw Rassendyll. he thought that he was the real king
29-According to the hotel owner, why was Duke Michael popular
Michael always lived in Ruritania and he cared about the people so people
loved him but Rudolph had been aboard of his life‫م‬
‫مايكل دائما عايش فى روروتانيا وهو يعتنى بالناس لذلك الناس يحبوه ولكن رودلف دائما خارج البالد‬
30. Who should be the King of Ruritania? Why?‫من يجب ان يكون الملك ولماذا‬
Rudolf the fifth because he is older than Duke Michael and he
Had red hair.‫رودلف النه اكبر من مايكل والن عنده شعر احمر‬
1. “Where will be an ambassador” Comment.
Rudolph said these words to Rose when she spoke with him about
the new job with the ambassador.
2- “When would I have to start?” Comment
Rudolph Rassendyll said these words to Rose when she said to him
about the new job with the ambassador
3. “When are you going to do anything, Rudolf?” Comment.
Rose said these words to Rudolf Rassendyll at the palace in England
when she wanted him to work.
4" do you know our king?"
Johann said these words to Rudolph Rassendyll in the inn when
Johann stared at him in and Rudolph said to the ladies “gave him a
5"we all know Duke Michael."
The own of the inn (fat lady) said these words to Rudolph Rassendyll
in the inn when she told him that she wished The duke in throne
instead of his brother
6-Your hair tells your story
Colonel Sapt said these words to Rudolph Rassendyll when
he said you are Burlesdon
7-Fritz,who’s this”
The king said these words to Fritz when he saw Rassendyll in the
8-The duke asked me to give the bottle.
Josef said these words to the king when he gave him another bottle
9-" you look different today,"
Princess Flavia said these words to the Rudolph Rassendyll When
he rode in a carriage with her, and he looked more serious.
10- " that's not funny"
Roudolph Rassendyll said these words to Sapt in the lodge when he
put cold water on his face
11 “ you are made”
Rudolph Rassendyll said these words to Sapt when he said we will
back to Strelsau and he will be the king a little longer
1-Where did Rassendyll stay in Zenda?
in the in belong to the fat lady
2-Who was Antointte De muban?
She was an elegant woman she loved black Michael
3-Where did Rassendyll and Antonio go from |Paris?
they took the train to Dresdon and took another train to Rurritania
4-Who should be the king of Rurritania? Why?
Rudolph the fifth because he has the red hair
5-What did Colonel Sapt and Fritz work for? What did the look like?
they served the king in Rurritania. colonel sapt was short man he was
a solider but fritz was taller he was getleman
6- How was Black micheal shocked when he knew about the kings arrival?
he sent Marshal with a message saying that black Michael was ill he would
wait him in cathedral
7-The city of Strelsau consists of two different parts in everything”discuss”
the new part (the rich people) encourage Rudolph the fifth but the old
part(poor people) encourage Black Micheal
8-What did the message “Everything is all right” mean?
it meant that they took the king to the castle in Zenda
9-Why did Sapt put his ear on the ground?
to hear the sound of galloping of horses and how many enemies
10-Who were going to Zenda to the castle? how did Sapt Know?
Black Micheal and Max Holf . he put his ear on the ground
11-What did Sapt askfrom Fritz?
to stay in the palace and stopped any one wants to meet the king.
12-Why couldn’t Black Micheal tell the people that Rudolph wasn’t the
real king?
Because if he told them he would admit his crime
13-How did Black micheal know the real king was in the lodge?
sapt guessed ‫ خمن‬that the old lady must have made noise and they heard
her and found the king
14-Why couldn’t Black Micheal kill the real king after arresting him?
because he had to kill Rassendyll first
15-Who interrupted Rudolf’s conversation with the Princess and why?
Sapt because Rassendyll would tell Princess Flavia that he wasn’t the
real king
16-- Why was Rudolph happy to read that Detchard was injured when he
left Strelsau?
Because he knew how his arm was injured and he couldn’t tell the police.
17-princess Flavia got 2 letters Who sent them? what did they say?
the first letter was from Black Michael . He invited her to spend a day
at the castle of Zenda.But the second was from Antoinette She warned her to not stay
alone without any guard
18-What should Marshal do if no messenger came for 3 days.
He could declare himself as a duke of Strelsau and declare Flavia the queen of
Rurritania and kill Black Micheal
19Flavia received a letter from an unknown person “illustrate-
She received a letter from Antoinette She warned her to not stay alone
Without any guard
20. How did Rudolf finger injury helpful to him on his first day as a king?
He said he couldn't sign the papers that the Chancellor gave him because of his finger
injury.‫هو قال انه ال يستطيع ان يوقع اي ورقه النه مصاب‬
21. What did the King say the cause of the injury? ‫ماذا قال الملك عن سبب الجرح‬
He said that a dog had bitten him.‫ان هناك كلب عضه‬
22-. Who were the six men?‫ رجال‬6‫من هم ال‬
They were Duke Michael's men. They would do anything for him. Three of them were
Ruritanians, one is French, one is Belgian, and one is English.
‫كيف كانت خطه رازندل ليجعل نفسه محبوب‬
23How did Rassendyll plan to make himself popular?
He paid a visit to the Princess Flavia because people loved her.
‫غاضب كيف جعل رازندل بالك مايكل‬
24how did Sapt know that the king was prisoner at the castle?
because the three men from black Michael’s men went to the castle
25-Why did Antoinette de Muban tell Rassendyll the plan? ‫لماذا اخبرت انطوانيت رازندل‬
She was jealous because the Duke wanted to marry the Princess.
1-“Have your gun ready”
sapt said these words to Rassendyll when they were at the gate and
thought to kill the gatekeeper
2-“ I wander that the duke read the message”
Rassendyll said these words to Sapt when he talked about the message
That Black Micheal received
3-“ Where’s the king?”
Fritz said these words to Rassendyll and Sapt when he thought Rassendyll
was the real king
4“You’re the finest Elphberg of them all.” Comment.
Sapt said these words to Rudolf when Rassendyll agree to save the king
5--when will you be back?"
Princess Flavia said these words to Rudolph when he told her about hunting Michael
6-what do you mean”
Princess Flavia said these words to Rudolph when he told her that he
will meet her before die
7“ A safe exit to the border and fifty thousand English pounds.”.
Mr. Detchard said these words to Rudolf when Antoinette sent Rudolf
a letter asking him to meet her
1- I never have any money because I don’t get (pay – paid – begin)
2- he (relax – stressful – nervous) and smiled confidently.
3- noha invited me to her (party – wedding – winner) reception
4- he was (nervous – nearby – delete) before the plane journey.
5- How do you (dead – deal – delete)with your parents?
6- Manal (grit – greeted – grade) her mother with a loving kiss.
7- that was (definitely – define – defend) the best play . I’ve seen all
8- The caretaker of the school will tend the site, closing an access gate
and opening another (entrance – insurance- element) to the public at 4pm
each day.
9- He enjoys (getting – catching – working) out at the gym
10- Tony is a real (party animal – home bird – cosy bird) , he loves going
11- Dad (rent – send – let) a house to stay in .
12- Romio fell (in – on – at) love with Juielt.
13- Christopher clumbs was an (Italian – painter – an astronaut)
14- he became completely (lost hearing – dump – deaf) when he had
15- An accident and he didn’t hear
16- I felt (joyful – depressed – angry) when my mother gave me
17- a present
18- Charless Dickens (public – published – politics) Oliver Twist
19- Harry is a great cook but he also enjoys (eating out – going out
20- – going to the cinema)
21- the knight was holding a (an) (battle – sword – armour) and shield.
22- is Ahmed (catching – walking – playing) the dog or he is making
23- the bed?
24- Mona Zaki is a famous (actor – actress – acting)
25- Napoleon Bonaparte lost the (fight – army – battle) of watero in 1815
26- Beethoven became (complete – completely – complained) deaf in 1819
27- When you feel sad and upset because of different situations you are
(happy – depressed – optimistic)
28- the opposite of optimistic is (depressed – pessimistic – actor)
29- Christopher Columbus is a famous (inventor – explorer – actress)
30- Some people are fighting to gain (freedom – freeze – fridge)
31- Beethoven used to deep (feel – feeling – freedom)
32- The front door of the (mansion- farm - wardrobe) hard enough to be
heard through the entire building.
33- Three army helicopters flew to the (interior – social – lightening)
jungles of Jolo to pick up the freed captives ‫االسرى‬
34- All cracks ‫ الشقوق‬on both interior and (exterior- extra – freed) surface
must be filled
35- Your idea is very (interested – attractive – specious).
36- She has (plenty – plant – planning) of ideas.
37- An (alternative – attractive- attract) lady called me yesterday.
38- I put the old things and toys in the (attend – attic – upstairs)
39- My uncle lived in a big (castle –mansion – building)in a great manor
in Giza
40- He works in an office. He is a (bus driver – waiter – graphic
41- My uncle has a detached house in London with it has tall (door –
porch – chimney)
42- Ali is an engineer , he expressed about his concern about the state of
(staircase – stair down – ladder)
43- you can see steam (engines – status – pictures) museum.
44- I enjoy trying (twin – local – fight) dishes when I travel to Mexico.
45- they stayed in a five (stars – star – strange) hotel.
46- Do you like white water(raft – craft -crafting)
47- there’s a wide (range – ranger – craft)of water sports to choose.
48- A girl is riding a bike down the (couple – cobbled – coronation)
49- I love sunbathing on clean (sandy – sand – said) beaches.
50- you can take a part in cultural events with (traditional –modern –
tradition) costumes.
51- This job is great (chance – check – charge) for me.
52- Have you ever in (cruise – curse – cure ) ship?
53- Be sure that you’ve (picked – backed – packed) all your suitcases
before leaving the hotel.
54- we enjoy cliff (driving – diving drawing)
55- you can go jet (skiing – drawing – riding) in the red sea
56- The (bag-pipes _badly – baggy) is a Scottish musical instrument
which is played by forcing air out of a bag through pipes
57- I (voted – variety – lively )for the best tulip garden.
58- I got the chance to see many bands performing (lived – live – loved)
59- Christmas is one of the (fasten – festivals – canvas) of the Christian
60- After the (launch – lunch – laundry ) of the balloon festival, the sky
changed into a colourful (canvas – central – carless)
61- If the weather's (bad – good – false), we can go for a walk.
62- The (weather – arrangement – incredible) was good and sunny today.
63- they put (up – in out) decoration in his birthday.
64- in the festival people sang (tradition – traditional – terrific) song.
65- we (change – exchange – excellent)the gifts after christmas
66- The festival (lasted – latest – later) for 3 days .
67- if the (matter – weather – walkers)'s good, we can go for a walk".
68- Her head felt heavy and (rain – expensive- foggy) as she lay down
69- she spends the (winter – summer – spring) in Luxor every year
70- "your diet doesn't have to be( doubt – dull –duck) and boring"
71- It's (boiling – freezing – clouds) hot today. It's 35C.
72- It's (freezing – boiling – foggy) cold today. Let's stay in and rent a
73- It's (bitterly – boiling – heavy) hot! Why don’t we go to the beach?
74- Festivals are held (soar throat- throughout – thunder)the summer.
75- A (sunny – cloudy- rain) sky makes it exceptionally dark out this
76- Rhino are large animal with (horns – beak – feathers)
77- the dolphin has (wings – fins and flippers – feathers)
78- my (parrot – stork – monkey)has colourful wings
79the dogs are playful but they don’t (take out–take up –take off)too much
79- the zookeeper must clean (in – up – out) the cage
80- students must be (impolite – polite – patient) with their teachers
81- Noha and Hala (respected – represent – records) their teacher so
82- the Victorian house has (bay – buy – ball) window with a tall chimney
83- Beethoven started learning the piano at a very early (age – ages –
84- Julius Caesar (invaded – involve – in varity ) Britain in 55 B.C
85- America (gained – gain – lost) it independth in 1776
86- Beethoven began to (lost – lose – losing) his hearing and by 1819 he
was (complete – completely – complaining) deaf
87- my father (greets – great – graduate) me at the entrance
88- George Everest is the British (surveyor – survive – servant)
89- we (attach – attachment – attacked)tags to follow the sharks by
90- you need to clean (in – out – up) the cage everyday.
91- the dentist (look after – look forward – looked) people’s teeth
92- I have much (responsibility – responding – respect) to look after my
sister’s children
93- you are “(definitely – define – depressed) going to go, you cant wait.
94- Lake Bikel (hold – held – heard) about one- fifth of the water supply
95- Maria (walked – has walked – was walking – walks) by the river when
she heard a noise
96- Julia (is wearing – used to wear – wears – is going to wear) , but she
doesn’t wear them anymore
97- He left an hour ago and (hasn’t come – didn’t come – wasn’t coming –
isn’t coming) yet.
98- Tony hasn’t been to England (for – yet – since – when) 1997.
99- Hend never (drinks – drink – is drinking – drank) coffee in the
1-I watch TV everyday. (yet)


2-They last played tennis an hour ago. (for)


3-Be careful! she is touching the match (just)

100- 4-she usually gets up early (used to)
5-it is his habit to study well. (used to)
6-It doesn’t go to the park anymore (used to)
7-He is used to playing tennis. (not)
8-He is the best friend I have ever seen. (good)
9- I haven’t cooked the food since yesterday


10- I last played football 2 years ago


11- he started to play tennis since I was young. (When)


12- I have never played football before. (It's)


13-Ali went to Luxor and they are still there. (has)


14- Ali did his work two minutes ago. (just)


15- I have already done my home work. (yet)


16-She hasn’t found such a great job. ( this is)

17- I last played football when I was 7 (since)


18-I haven’t seen him for 2 years. (since)


24-She is clever at all times. (always )


25- We are going to go skating tomorrow. (When)

26-They have a picnic at the zoo . [ not ]


27-Last year My class began at 9:00 . [ This year ]


28-Kevin is sitting in the front raw . [ always ]


29-The man has some tea. [ not ]


30-I studied for two hours yesterday. [ Everyday]


31. I haven’t swum in the sea since I was in Alex. (I last)


32. I haven’t travelled abroad for six years. (It is)


33. I haven’t seen him for along time.



34-he goes to Alexandria every year. (2years ago)


35-they do their homework. (Yesterday)


36- What are you doing now? (every Friday)


37- he has break fast. (ago)


38- She is brushing her hair. (Usually)


39-I have arranged to get married next month. (getting)


40-she hasn’t done his homework. (still)

41- She drinks tea every weak Tuesday. (These days


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