Golden Bridge Finance Group: Nomads Cafe User Guide

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Creative Finance Group

Golden Bridge Finance Group

Nomads Cafe User Guide

English Version 1.0

[31 December, 2008]

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Nomads Cafe
User Guide

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Copyright in this document is vested in GOLDEN BRIDGE. The contents of the document (wholly or in part) must
not be reproduced, distributed used or disclosed without the prior written permission of GOLDEN BRIDGE.


Copyright © 2008 GOLDEN BRIDGE. All Rights Reserved.

Copyright in this document is vested in GOLDEN BRIDGE. The contents of the docent (wholly or in part) must not be
reproduced, distributed used or disclosed without the prior written permission of GOLDEN BRIDGE.

Restricted Rights Legend

This software and documentation is subject to and made available only pursuant to the terms of the GOLDEN BRIDGE
License Agreement and may be used only in accordance with the terms of that agreement. It is against the law to copy
the software except as specifically allowed in the agreement. This document may not, in whole or in part, be copied
photocopied, reproduced, translated, or reduced to any electronics medium or machine readable form without prior
consent, in writing, from GOLDEN BRIDGE.

Information in this document is subject to change without notice and does not represent a commitment on the part of
GOLDEN BRIDGE. The software and documentation are provided “AS-IS” without warranty of and kind including
without limitation, any warranty of merchantbility or fitness for a particular. Future, GOLEN BRIDGE does not warrant,
guarantee, or make any representations regarding the use, or the results of the use, of the software or written
marterial in terms of correctness, accuracy, reliability, or otherwise.

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1. General information........................................................................................................................6
1.1 System requirements ............................................................................................................... 6
1.2 Accessing the portal ................................................................................................................. 6
1.3 Authorization of users access ................................................................................................... 7
1.4 First time users ........................................................................................................................ 7
1.5 Nomads Cafe User Rules .......................................................................................................... 7
1.6 Key features ............................................................................................................................. 8
1.7 Document Security ................................................................................................................... 9
1.8 ID/Password Security Rules ...................................................................................................... 9
1.9 What can the intranet portal do for you? ............................................................................... 10
2. Nomads Cafe Home ......................................................................................................................11
2.1 Home page layout .................................................................................................................. 11
2.2 Site Navigation Panel ............................................................................................................. 11
2.3 Member List ........................................................................................................................... 13
2.4 Viewing News & Task Alerts ................................................................................................... 14
2.5 Viewing panel ........................................................................................................................ 14
2.5.1 Item information ............................................................................................................ 14
2.5.2 Functions & Tools ........................................................................................................... 15
2.5.3 Authors Functions .......................................................................................................... 15
3. Internal News & Market News ...................................................................................................... 16
3.1 Layout & Navigation ............................................................................................................... 16
3.2 Viewing News items ............................................................................................................... 16
3.3 News item information: ......................................................................................................... 17
3.4 News item functions: ............................................................................................................. 17
3.5 Composing News items .......................................................................................................... 17
4. My News (Projects) .......................................................................................................................20
4.1 Navigation.............................................................................................................................. 20

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4.1.1 Project tabs .................................................................................................................... 20

4.1.2 Client.............................................................................................................................. 21
4.1.3 Community..................................................................................................................... 21
4.1.4 Donation ........................................................................................................................ 22
4.1.5 Temporary...................................................................................................................... 22
4.1.6 Quiz................................................................................................................................ 23
4.2 Project Registration................................................................................................................ 24
4.3 Client Registration.................................................................................................................. 25
5. Communication.............................................................................................................................26
5.1 Conference ............................................................................................................................ 26
5.1.1 Calendar ......................................................................................................................... 26
5.1.2 List ................................................................................................................................. 27
5.1.3 Bookmark ....................................................................................................................... 27
5.1.4 Relation .......................................................................................................................... 27
5.1.5 Conference item information ......................................................................................... 28
5.1.6 Conference & Discussion Functions ................................................................................ 28
5.1.7 Composing a Conference ................................................................................................ 33
5.2 Approvals ............................................................................................................................... 35
5.2.1 Viewing Approval documents ......................................................................................... 35
5.2.2 Composing an Approval document ................................................................................. 35
5.2.3 Processing & Managing Approval documents ................................................................. 37
5.3 Nomads Cafe Email ................................................................................................................ 39
5.3.1 Viewing & Managing Emails............................................................................................ 40
5.3.2 Composing an Email ....................................................................................................... 41
5.3.3 Additional Functions ....................................................................................................... 43
5.4 Short Message Service (SMS) ................................................................................................. 44
5.4.1 Sending an SMS: ............................................................................................................. 44
6. Technology.................................................................................................................................... 45
7. Technical-Support .........................................................................................................................46

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1.1 System requirements
A secured Internet connection and Internet Explorer Web-browser is required to access
Nomads Cafe Intranet.

Nomads Cafe is compatible with Internet Explorer for Windows only.

Internet Explorer for Mac is unfortunately incompatible with Nomads Cafe.

Mozilla Firefox and Apple Safari are also incompatible.

1.2 Accessing the portal

Intranet can be accessed by clicking the Nomads Cafe link at the top right corner of the
Golden Bridge website ( or

Incorrect login details will yield the following message windows:

If you encounter problems with login, you can contact:

- (황원경) Hwang Won Kyong (82) 2-3779-3366

- (정상훈) Raymond Jeong (82) 2-3779-3124

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1.3 Authorization of users access

i. Granting of access to prospective users is authorized by Shareholders, Executives, and
authorized employees through the Intranet’s approval process.

ii. Authorized connection and access to Nomads Cafe by outsiders (i.e. non-members or
non-GoldenBridge-employees) can only be granted by approval from GoldenBridge

iii. Only users who have been approved and given the right to access will be able to access
the Nomads Cafe intranet portal.

iv. Users right of access will be suspended immediately upon termination of their
employment contact.

1.4 First time users

If you are a first time user, login and change the password by:
① Clicking Edit Profile in the side panel then,
② Click the Password tab to change the password.
③ Please be sure to input your personal information into the Profile.
③ ②

1.5 Nomads Cafe User Rules

a. All users after registering as a member of Nomads Cafe must input their personal
information in their user profile.

b.Users are required to log-in upon commencement of their day at work. User log-in times
are recorded and displayed next to the users name in the member list [see section 2.1
Home page layout].
- The standard login time is 9:00 am Korea time.
- Logging in before this time will display login times in blue [ ].
- Logging in after this time will display login times in red [ ].

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c. All users will have read and confirmed any new task bulletin posting such as a new News
Article, Conference or Approval document, within 1 business day.

d.All users who are selected as authorized members of a conference should, as standard
practice, post their replies or discussion comments within 24 hours.

e. All discussion posts must specify a Title, Written Contents, Project, Member, Replier,
Reply time, and the Customer.

f. In accordance with the company committee’s and policies, all users must open a
conference to start preliminary discussions and reviews about a matter, before
submitting approval requests.

1.6 Key features

a. Users can use the Nomads Cafe applications and functions: Information boards,
Conference, Approval, Emails, SMS, Memo (messenger), and Discuss, to collaborate…

b. The Information (Internal and Market News) board allows users to make a news
announcement to the entire organization or the announcement can be made specific to a
certain division or organizational group.

c. The Conference application is the common collaboration tool for users to mutually
address various tasks and business matters.

d. Conference members are able to post comments viewable to all authorized members of
the conference using the Discuss function. The creator of a discussion post is able to
restrict members who are able to view his/her post, and is also able to attach
agreement/rejection buttons within the post for readers to cast their verdicts on a
particular discussion.

e. The Approval application is the formal document for preparing and submitting approval
requests. However before an approval request is made, the matter should be sufficiently
discussed by conference so that questions and answers can be made, as well as
cooperative agreements.

f. Emails are commonly used for communication with external customers. Recipients of
emails must be registered into the Nomads Cafe client database for an email to be sent.
Also, any emails received from clients who are not registered on the database will go to
the Spam folder. Regular checking of a users spam email folder is therefore highly

g. The SMS application will transmit messages to Mobile Phones. Client registration is also
necessary for sending SMS’s to external customers.

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h. Memo (the chatting/messenger application) is for the exchange of simple messages

between members. Messages sent/received whilst offline will be delivered when a user
logs on to Nomads Cafe.

i. Conference members are able to post comments viewable to all authorized members of
the conference using the Discuss function. The creator of a discussion post is able to
restrict members who are able to view his/her post, and is also able to attach
agreement/rejection buttons within the post for readers to cast their verdicts on a
particular discussion.

j. Technology is used to accumulate and organize all important knowledge to be made

available to all users.

k. Nomads Cafe has a Search tool allowing users to search by Title, Author, Member,
Contents, Discuss, Discussant, or Project.

1.7 Document Security

a. All documents and material posted on Nomads Cafe will become the property of the company.

b.Leaking of knowledge and other information stored on Nomads Cafe is strictly prohibited. As a
result, where a user has indirectly leaked information will be held responsible. In the event of
an employee leaving the company for whatever reason, the above conditions will still apply.

c. It is within the Company’s right and power to monitor bulletin postings (e.g. News, Conference
or Approval documents) for security and operational measures.

d.Documents and other material deleted by users from Nomads Cafe will still be stored on the
server and can be searched by the company.

1.8 ID/Password Security Rules

a. Users are responsible for the security of their ID/Password and should not be disclosed to
anyone. Passwords should be changed every 6 months, and where the user has not changed
his/her password after 6 months, the system will force the user to change their password.
b.Passwords should be in alpha-numeric form (i.e. both letters and numbers should be used) and
6-13 characters long. Also, 4 characters of a users ID is not permitted repeat itself, nor is a
sequence of alphabets (i.e. abcd) permitted to be used.
c. Passwords and other major data are encoded when stored on the server.

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1.9 What can the intranet portal do for you?

Nomads Cafe is an Enterprise Information Portal (EIP), also otherwise known as an Enterprise
Resource Portal (ERP). These terms are synonymous with the term Intranet.

The intranet portal is designed to maximize your productivity by using a single platform for all
your communicative and collaborative needs.

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2. N O M A D S C A F E H O M E
This section [2. Nomads Cafe Home] covers all the labeled components in the below image of the
Nomads Cafe Home page.

2.1 Home page layout

Scrolling Message/Announcements

Navigation News & Tasks
Panel Alerts

List Viewing panel

Notify Error to IT

2.2 Site Navigation Panel

Click to Go to Back to
Nomads Cafe Home

- The left-hand column includes the Site Navigation Panel (top), and the Member List(bottom)
will always be visible to the user from any page within the intranet.
- Placing the mouse cursor over Information, Communication, or Technology will show a sub
menu also as shown.

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Edit my profile
Member Directory

(Goes to Login page)

Member directory:
Click to View All Member Information (search all employee contacts).

Edit my profile: (tabs)

Intro & Personal: Edits personal information
Scholarship: Input and edit any Scholarships awarded and Academic Prizes
Career: Input and edit users Career history
Education: Input and edit users Academic History
Projects: Input and edit any (internal or external) projects you are engaged in
License: Input licenses and qualifications attained
Payment: View previous annual salary & record of personal income & expenditure
Company: View users company-related information e.g. funds and stock holdings
Vacation: Apply for leave (not functional at the time this is written)
Password: Change password

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Information search: (dropdown menu)

Title: Search by title of a conference item
Author: Search by author of conference item
Member: Search for member using a directory view
Contents: Not functional at the time this manual was written
Discuss: Search results produce a list of discussions for the member searched
Discussant: Search by discussant for a discussion
Project: Search by project title for projects

2.3 Member List

Only members that are connected to your Group division are listed in the members list.
Members’ are sorted by job position, and their log-on time , Online and Offline
status is displayed.

This box will

appear by placing
the mouse over a
member’s name.

A chatting The SMS application The members full

application called will appear in a pop- profile will appear in
Memo will appear up window when a pop-up window
in a pop-up window SMS is clicked. when View Info is
when Memo is clicked.

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2.4 Viewing News & Task Alerts

a. All News & Project Task items that have not yet been viewed by the user will appear in the
alert boxes divided into “News” and “Tasks”.
b. When an alert item from either box is clicked, the alert will disappear and the contents of
that item will be displayed beneath in the viewing panel (replacing the Statistics that is
displayed in the Home page default view).
c. Approval documents awaiting a decision to be made by you will also appear under Task
alerts, but will disappear only after it has been processed. In other words, an approval
document that has already been viewed but still awaiting your decision will stay visible in
the Task alerts box until the approve/reject decision has been processed.
d. For a glossary of viewing panel components and functions, refer to the sections below
2.5.1 Item information; 2.5.2 Functions & Tools; and 2.5.3 Authors functions.
To use the functions within the viewing panel, refer to section 5.1.6 Conference &
Discussion Functions for detailed instructions.

2.5 Viewing panel

2.5.1 Item information
Subject: Item’s Title and Project name
Member: Name(s) of member(s) who are the recipient(s) of the item
Author Name of the person who created the item
Customer: Name(s) of non-employee recipient(s) of the item
Reg Date: When the item was created
Place: Where the item was created
Reply: Replies regarding the item are to be made to this person
File: Link to download attached files

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2.5.2 Functions & Tools

Relation: Users tool to bundle & bookmark separate but related conference items.
Point: Assigns a (satisfaction-dissatisfactions) point to a conference document.
View: View points given to the conference document.
Bookmark: Add this item to Bookmarks.
History: Displays log of when the items previous edits/modifications were made.
Forward item to another member by Email/Conference, Approval, SMS,
or Memo/Chatting.
New: Create new item, i.e. the “Input” function.
View member: Displays the log showing members who have viewed the item.
Discuss: To add a comment to the items discussion board.

2.5.3 Authors Functions

Change project: To change the project assigned to the item.
Change member: To change members who are able to view the item.
Modify: To edit the item.
Add another item of which you are the author resulting in displaying
both the current, and the integrated item together.
View point: View the total points members have given the conference document.
Delete: Deletes the item and its discussions.

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3 . IN T E R N A L N E W S & M A R K E T N E W S
3.1 Layout & Navigation
Internal News sorted by organizational level

Market News sorted by market (country)

3.2 Viewing News items

Click an item from the list to view full article in viewing panel.

Unread articles: Titles displayed in ‘Bold’ typeface

Read articles: Titles displayed in ‘Normal’ typeface

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3.3 News item information:

Subject Title of the news article [Title of project assigned to this article]
Member Recipients of the news
Author Creator of the article
Customer Non-employee recipients
RegDate Registration (Posting) Date
Place The country where the article was posted
Reply The person to whom replies should be addressed to
File Link to download files attached to the article
Discuss Discussion board for member comments relating to the article

3.4 News item functions:

[For information and instructions for use of these functions, please refer to section 5.1.6
Conference & Discussion Functions]

3.5 Composing News items

1. Click either “Input” (Navigation panel) or “New Entry” at the top left hand corner.

2. Enter title of the article in Subject.

3. To assign a Project, click to load list of projects. Using tabs, find

and click the desired Project name. If required, a new project can be created by
clicking . [Please refer to section 4.2 Project Registration]

4. Enter the Place – your location/country.

5. Upload Attachments if any.

Click and file upload window will pop-up.

Click to select a file and click . To upload more files, simply repeat the
and procedure. To delete an Attachment, first select the file to be deleted (e.g.
“Error LoadXML.doc”) and then click .

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6. Select Repliers - members who you wish to reply to the article.

Select the reply deadline – date and time by which you wish to receive the reply.

7. Select the Board where you want to post the article using the dropdown menu.

Select Internal for Internal News, or the Country for Market News.

8. Choose Recipients of the News:

a. Select Collaboration for selecting groups as

recipients; or select Individual for selecting members one-by-one as recipients.
[Note: For news items, Collaboration will usually be desired as the announcement
is often made to a group of people rather than individuals.]

GoldenBridge(K) GoldenBridge(K)Asset and GoldenBridge(K)Advisory is selected

using Collaboration, and Jakap Koo(구자갑), Kim Do Hyung(김도형), SWKim(김시우)
is chosen using Individual mode.
[Note: GB can be selected if the news is intended for all members.]

b. Make sure Approval box is unchecked. For more information see 5.2 Approvals.

c. The Scheduling and Repeat checkbox are not available under Collaboration mode,
and only available in the Individual mode.

d. Selecting the Deliberation checkbox will request recipients of the article to give an
opinion by selecting Agreement or Reject in the Discuss function.

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e. Written documents can be saved before they are sent out by clicking the
Temporary checkbox. To view saved documents, go to Information-My News page
and click Temporary tab on the top-right hand side of the page.

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4.1 Navigation

See below section 4.1.1 4.1.2 4.1.3 4.1.4 4.1.5 4.1.6

4.1.1 Project tabs

Clicking the project tab will show the default view with the Project tab, My Projects Tab, and
Step automatically selected.

My Projects Displays all projects of which you are an approved member.

All Projects Displays all projects registered on Nomads Cafe.
Project Registration* For creating (registering) new projects onto Nomads Cafe.

Classification system:
Registrate Problems, Propose Solutions, Contract Services, Explore
Object, Negotiate Conditions, Contract Products
Products Bonds, Shares, Beneficiaries, Contracts, Derivatives, or Depositaries.
Transaction Necessary or Voluntary transaction.
Services Trade, Brokerage, Advisory, Discretionary, Admin, or Trust.

- When a project is created, it is given 4 sets of classifications – one from each of the four sets
listed above.
- The purpose of applying classifications is to better organize and manage projects, and to
facilitate faster retrieval (searches) of projects by users.

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- The step classification is particularly useful for the approval process to familiarize project
members with the intended outcome of the project. Projects are also categorized by the
nature of the product and transaction, and the resulting type of service offered.

4.1.2 Client

Clicking the Client tab goes to the client (non-employee) directory with an embedded search
function. Clients can be searched by Name, Company, Mobile, Phone and Email. Column
sorting (e.g. A-Z, newest-oldest etc.) is also available for Name, Company and Registration

To add a Client to the database, refer to section 4.3 Client Registration.

4.1.3 Community
The Community window below appears when the Community tab is clicked.

Drag & drop

names into
box. Pop-up window to
choose the
position for that
name “admin” will
appear. Choose
and Save.

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This is a function that is not used often in recent times due to recent changes in
organizational structure. However, communities (teams) can be created but will require the
Chairman’s approval to be formally created within the Organization and Nomads Cafe.

4.1.4 Donation
To make a donation to one of GoldenBridge’s charity fund, click the Donation tab, select the
charity fund and enter the amount you wish to donate in KRW.

4.1.5 Temporary

Temporary documents are saved input documents, which are saved by clicking the
Temporary tick box and then Save.

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These documents can be recovered from clicking the Temporary tab in Information-My
News section of the intranet.

Click the document title to recover and continue writing the document, or click to delete
a saved document.

4.1.6 Quiz
Clicking the Quiz tab goes to the intranet’s quiz and survey application.
Users can either take part in quizzes or surveys, or create them.

- To take part in a quiz or survey simply select from the list.

- To create a new quiz or survey, follow the steps below:
i. Click New Entry.

ii. Select Quiz (or Enquete for survey)

a. Select Objectivity if you wish to create a set of answer choices for participants
to choose from.

b. Select Subjectivity If you would like participants to freely input their own

iii. Choose the Duration of the quiz

iv. Enter the quiz/survey Question

v. If Subjectivity is selected, proceed to step vi.

If Objectivity is selected, the answer choices must be entered using the following steps:

a. For Enquete:
Enter the answer choices into the Example field and click Add.
To delete an answer choice, select an answer choice from the box and click Del.

b. For Quiz:
Enter the answer choices into the Example field and click Add.
Then select the correct answer choice from the box, and click Select Answer.
To delete an answer choice, select an answer choice from the box and click Del.

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vi. Select the members you wish to partake in the Enquete or Quiz.
Click Organization to select a group, or Member to select members individually

vii. Finally, click Save.

4.2 Project Registration

To create a new project, click the Project Registration tab or click button in the Input
window, and follow the directions below:

a. Give the project a name.

b. Select non-employee clients of the project (if new clients/customers need to be created
– refer to section 4.3 Client Registration).

c. Select the dealer and broker of the project.

[Note: Input of both dealer and broker is not mandatory for registering a project.]

d. Select client-dealer’s Product and Transaction type.

[For non-financial transactions or projects, Contracts is recommended for product type]

e. Select the client-team’s Service offered type.

f. Select the Step (the purpose or nature) of the project.

g. Select Opening to determine which members are able to see the project.

- Select All to display the project in all members project list.

- Select Participator to display the project to members who are directly involved with
the project, i.e. the selected Chief, Senior, Junior, and Reference project members.

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- Select Team to display the project to all members of the selected team.

h. Enter the Period –duration of project.

i. Input the names of project Chief, Senior, Junior, and Reference members.
[Inputting the project Chief, Senior, and Junior is mandatory.]

j. If applicable, please enter the profit details of the transaction.

[Projects can be registered without entering profit information.]

k. Click the button at the top right corner when finished.

4.3 Client Registration

If non-members or any other non-employees is to receive email, or be involved a project,
they must registered into the Client Database.
1. To register a new client into the database, use the Input function and find the recipient
section on the right hand side and click :

2. Enter the customer’s (client’s) personal and company information.

3. Ensure that Customers is selected for “Large Category”.
4. Click Save when finished.

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5 . C O M M U N I CA T I O N
5.1 Conference
There are four modes (tabs) for viewing conference items. Calendar view, List view,
Bookmarked conferences, and Relation conference items.

5.1.1 Calendar

- Shown in monthly view only.

- The day on which the conference item was created or received will be listed on that day
(e.g. on the 3/12/08, a conference titled “nomaz mail…” was created).
- When a title from the calendar is clicked, the full conference is displayed in the viewing
panel underneath.
- The calendar will list up to three conference items only. Clicking the date, or placing the
mouse pointer over the date will open a list of conference items for that date as
shown below.

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Personal schedule input:

- In the conference calendar, clicking the alarm clock symbol ( ) displays an input
window (shown below) allowing the user to input their personal schedule.
- To create an event, follow the instructions given below:

1. Set Start date & time;

Set End date & time.
2. Select additional members.
3. Select the Project.
4. Input title/description.

5. Click Save to finish

5.1.2 List
- All conference items and news items for the current month is shown in list view, from
Newest to Oldest.
- Conference and news items shown in bold signals that the item has not yet been read.

5.1.3 Bookmark
- Clicking the bookmark tab opens a list of Bookmarked conference items.

- Click the conference title to view the conference in the viewing panel.
- For instructions on how to bookmark a conference item, please refer to Conference
functions below.

5.1.4 Relation
- Clicking the Relation tab opens a list of conferences that have been made related.

[For instructions on how to relate two or more conference documents with each
other, refer to 5.1.6 Conference & Discussion Functions below]

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5.1.5 Conference item information

Approval names of members are those who are required to approve

Approval [APP]
the conference.
Reference names are members who are only expected to read the
Reference [REF]

Author Displays the name of the member who created the conference.

Displays the Title of the conference and details of the project shown
Subject in the following format:
Title (Project Title, [Services, Transaction, Products])

Displays the names of any external parties who have been included in
the conference.

Shows any files that have been attached to the conference. Attached
files are to be clicked for download.

Place Displays the country from which the conference was created.

Displays the name of the member who should be contacted should a

reader wish to write a reply with regards to the conference. The reply
details is given in the following format:
Name, (the Date until which replies are accepted)

5.1.6 Conference & Discussion Functions

* denotes that the function is available to the conference author only.

· Bookmark
Bookmark function allows a user to return to previously viewed conference items.

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To view the Bookmark list, using the Site Navigation Panel go to Communication-
Conference and click the Bookmark tab above the Calendar.

To bookmark a conference (or a news item), click to add the conference to

your Bookmark list and a confirmation message will appear:

To delete a bookmark, clicking in a bookmarked conference will delete the

bookmark and the following confirmation message will appear:

· Change Member*
Allows the conference author to edit the members that are able to view the
conference. To change conference members, click and an Edit Member
window will appear:

Members added 1. Select:

will appear here APP (Approval),
REF (Reference), or
BCC (Blind Carbon Copy).

2. Find the team of the 3. Click the member

member to be added. to be added.

To add members, follow the three steps captioned above.

To delete members, click the name from the black box.

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· Change Project*
To change the project assigned the conference document you have created, click
and select the new project using the dropdown menu. Click Save to

· Delete*
Only the author of the conference is authorized to delete the conference with all
posted discussions. Simply click and the following message to confirm will

· Discuss
To post a comment on the discussion board (below the conference) click
and the following window will appear:

A discussion posting supports a maximum of 2000 bytes only, which is 2000 English
characters or 1000 Korean characters.
To post an anonymous discussion comment, tick the anonymity checkbox.
For a public discussion open to all project members, OPEN should be selected by
For a private discussion viewable only to a ‘closed’ group of members, select CLOSE
and choose the members who you would like to see your discussion.
For directions on attaching files, refer to section 3.5 Composing News items (part

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Nomads Cafe User Guide Page 31

· Forward
Click and a small menu will appear to select the method of forwarding.

Forwarding a conference by Conference/Email or Approval will open the contents

of conference in the input window.
Forwarding by SMS or Chatting will open the SMS/Memo application with the
conference members automatically selected as the recipients.

· History
Click to display the log of all previous changes made to the conference.

· Integration*
A useful tool for an author of a conference to combine several conferences
together so that a member can view other important related conferences below
the initial conference a member is viewing.

When is clicked, a list of conferences of which you are the author will

Select the conference(s) you wish to integrate with the current conference using
the tick-boxes down the right hand side, and click to confirm.

· Modify*
Clicking reloads the conference item into the Input application for editing.

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· New
Clicking simply loads the Input application.

· Point
A conference member can give any conference article or discussion/comment
posting a point to indicate they are satisfied [1], unbiased [0], or dissatisfied [-1]
with the comment:

To give a conference or discussion a point, click and select using the

dropdown menu and click Save to submit the selected point.

To display all the points submitted by users to a conference of discussion,

click .

· Relation
Similar to the Integrate function, this tool allows the user to combine different but
related conference items into user-created categories. Categories can be thought
of as folders containing conferences. When is clicked, the following will

Select the relation group and click Assignment to confirm. Alternatively, click
to create a new Relation Group, or click after selecting a Group to delete.
Ticking Share allows the user to invite other members to view Relation Groups and
its contents.

These Relation-categories can be found under the Relation tab above the
conference calendar. Furthermore, conferences that have other related
conferences, will list titles on the bottom on the conference initially viewed. The
related conferences can be opened by clicking the titles listed.

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· View member
Clicking displays a log of all members who have read the conference item.

5.1.7 Composing a Conference

1. Click in the Site Navigation panel.

2. Enter the Title of the conference.

3. If a form is required, click and a selection window will appear. Click a form to
obtain a preview, and to confirm selection or cancel.

4. Click to load the list of projects.

Click the Project title to assign the project to the conference.
[Note: The default view shows projects of which you are an approved member. To
select other projects, use tabs.]

A new project can be created by clicking .

[For instructions, refer to section 4.2 Project Registration]

5. Enter the Place – your location/country.

6. Upload Attachments if any.

7. Select Repliers - members who you wish to reply to the conference.

Select the reply deadline – date and time by which you wish to receive the reply.

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8. Leave Board unselected for all conferences i.e. .

If you want the conference to be a news item than select the bulletin board where
you wish to post the article.
[Also refer to section 3.5 Composing News items]

9. Choose Conference members:

a. Select Collaboration for selecting groups as recipients; or select Individual

for selecting members one-by-one as recipients. Both groups and individual
selections can be made for any input document.

b. Make sure Approval box is unchecked. [For more information, see section
5.2 Approvals]

10. The Scheduling and Repeat checkbox are not available under collaboration mode,
and only available in the individual mode.

11. Clicking the Deliberation tick-box will request recipients of the article to give an
opinion by selecting Agreement or Reject in the Discuss function.

The red-shaded are in the above image shows the added deliberation function
embedded in the Discussion function. Click the desired verdict from the shaded area
and click Save.

12. Documents can be saved by clicking the Temporary tick-box to return to the
document at some future time. To view saved conference documents, go to
Information-My News page and click Temporary tab on the top-right hand side of the

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5.2 Approvals
5.2.1 Viewing Approval documents

As above, use the Site Navigation Panel to access the approval application which is
sectioned by 3 tabs: Progress, Deposit, and Temporary.

A. B. C.

A. Progress tab is selected under the default view as

shown in the above image. This page displays all the approval documents of which
you are associated with.

B. Deposit page contains all approval documents that

you have created and submitted, or that has been processed (approved/rejected) by
you are listed under the Deposit tab. To review any processed approval documents,
simply click the desired document from the list.

C. Temporary lists all saved approval documents which

can be saved by clicking the Temporary tick-box in the Input window whilst ensuring
that the Approval tick-box has been ticked. All approval documents that have been
created and saved by you is stored and listed under this tab. To continue working on
a saved (Temporary) approval document, click the desired document from the list
and the Input window containing the saved contents will load.

5.2.2 Composin g an Approval document

Composing a new Approval document uses the Input function with these steps:

1. Click in the Site Navigation panel.

2. Enter the Title of the Approval document.

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3. If a form is required (such as requesting an approval for your leave of absence),

click and a selection window will pop-up. Click a form to obtain a preview,
and click to confirm or cancel.

4. To assign a Project, click to load list of projects then click the desired project.

The default view shows “My Projects” of which you are an authorized member. To
find other projects, use tabs.

A new project can be created by clicking [Please refer to section 4.2 Project

5. Enter the Place – your location/country.

6. Upload Attachments if any.

7. Select the Approval deadline – date and time by which you wish members to
submit their approvals.

8. Leave Board unselected for all approval documents i.e. [Please

refer to section 3.5 Composing News items for more information about “Board”

9. Choose Approval members:

a. Select Collaboration for selecting groups as recipients; or select Individual for

selecting members one-by-one as recipients. Both groups and individual
selections can be made for any input document.

b.Make sure the Approval tick-box is checked.

[Note: The Scheduling and Repeat tick-box will not be available under
collaboration mode, and only available in the individual mode].

10. The Deliberation tick-box should be left un-ticked for approval documents.

11. Approval documents can be saved by clicking the Temporary tick-box to modify or
finish the document at some future time. To view saved approval documents, click

[Note: It is conventional practice that 3 members give their approval for an

approval request to be sanctioned]

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5.2.3 Processing & Managing Approval documents




a. Wait for Decision:

All approval documents waiting for your approval are listed here. Clicking a
document listed in this section will open the following window.

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Nomads Cafe User Guide Page 38

To approve an approval document, click and a window prompting for

your password (as used for your login) will appear to successfully confirm the

To change members involved in the approval

document click and the ChangeLine
window will appear.
For instructions on changing members, refer to “Change Members” in section
5.1.6 Conference & Discussion Functions.

b. Reference Document in the pipeline:

All approval documents created by you and awaiting for approval by other members
are listed here. All members (including Approval, Reference and BCC members) can
check the current status of an approval by clicking on an approval document listed
in this section.

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Above is an example of an approval document in the pipeline which displays all

details and decisions submitted by members. In the above example, only one out of
the two persons selected for approval, have given their approval, and the other one
has not yet submitted his/her decision.
The date and times given underneath the members names are the times at which
the approval was given, or the time at which a member has viewed the approval

c. Completed Document: Once the approval document has been processed (both
approved and rejected) by all approval members, the document will automatically
be moved and listed under the Completed Document section display whether the
approval has been Approved or Rejected.
For Rejected approval documents, there are two functions available to the creator
of the approval document: Modify, and Re-Initiate.
Click to modify a rejected approval document using the Input application.
Click to reinstate a previously rejected approval request.

5.3 Nomads Cafe Email

Using the Site Navigation panel to access the Nomads Cafe email application opens
the above display, showing the Spam folder as the default view.

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Nomads Cafe User Guide Page 40

5.3.1 Viewing & Managing Emails

To view the email at the top of the list, clicking anywhere within the area shaded in
red will open the email in the Viewing panel below. This clickable area applies
throughout the email application.

Any emails received from senders who are not registered as a client in the Nomads
Cafe Client database will send emails to the spam folder.

Select the Mail-box (folder) you wish to view.

1. Tick individual mails that is to be moved

To move emails to
2. Select destination Mail-box
selected Mail-boxes
3. Click button to confirm.

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To create personal Email boxes (or folders), click and follow the steps

1. When is clicked, the

“Mail Box Management” window
will pop-up.

2. Select MailBox at the top of the list,

and the “Add MailBox” box will
appear and Click “Add”.

3. Give the new Mail-box (folder) a

name and click Add to create Mail-

4. The newly created Mail Box will

appear at below the Default and
SPAM Mail-boxes.

5.3.2 Composin g an Email

Writing emails are done using the Input application with these notable conditions:
- All non-employee recipients must be registered as a client; and
- All emails must have a project assigned to them.

To compose a new email, perform the following steps:

1. Click in the Site Navigation panel.

2. Enter the Title of the Email.

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3. If a Form is required click and a selection window will pop-up. Click a

form to obtain a preview, and click to confirm or cancel.

4. To assign a Project, click to load a list of registered projects and click the
desired one. To create a new project, refer to section 4.2 Project Registration.

5. Upload Attachments if any.

6. Place, replier details, and Board will not require an input for emails.

7. Select the recipients by clicking To, CC or BCC before selecting the name:

a. Member recipients:
Select Collaboration for selecting member groups as recipients; or select
Individual for selecting members one-by-one.

b. Customer recipients:
Select Customers from the list by typing in the Customer’s name in the field.
The application will automatically search the client database and display the
results in a box appearing above the field as shown below.

If the customer is not in the database, then the recipient must be registered
into the database for the email to be sent successfully.

To register a customer (client) refer to the below section 4.3 Client


8. The Deliberation tick-box should be left un-ticked for all emails.

9. Emails can be saved by clicking the Temporary tick-box to modify or finish the
email at some future time.
To retrieve saved emails, go to Information-My News page and click the
Temporary tab on the top-right hand side of the page.

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5.3.3 Additional Functions

Save Member
Users can save a recipient group by selecting the recipients and then clicking .
Enter the group name and click to save the group.

Load Member
To load a saved group, click to open a list of groups. Selected the group by
clicking the group name and the recipients will automatically load. Groups can also
be deleted by clicking .

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5.4 Short Message Service (SMS)

View all sent View scheduled

messages messages

Address Book

Input up to
10 numbers

5.4.1 Sending an SMS:

To Korean Mobiles: (mobile number)
To Foreign Mobiles: (00700) (+Country Code) (mobile number)

For Scheduled Sending:

① Select Date;
② Select Time;
③ Click Scheduled Sending to Confirm.

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6 . T E CH N O L O G Y
The Technology portal contains downloadable resources, from Regulatory information, to Forms
and graphic files of company logos.

Select Open to make this resource

open to all members
Select Close to restrict this resource Select the folder where you
to selected individuals or groups. want to save this item

Click New Entry to compose a new

Technology item (Input Knowledge)

Resources are
organized by
classic folder

Click Down Mem to display a log of

members who have downloaded the file.

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7 . T E C H N I C A L -S U P P O R T
For additional technical support, you can either:

① Memo the System Operator who should be a member listed on your member list on the left
side of the portal, by placing the mouse pointer over the name “System/admin” to display the
pop-up box, and clicking Memo; or

② By clicking the button below the member list.

1. Enter the Title;

2. Select the Project;
3. Describe the error here; and
4. Save to send.

Creative Finance Group

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