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Job Search Script for Phrasal Verb Activity

1A Sue: Hello, I’m calling for Sam Chang. I’m Sue Alhambri from XYZ
Corporation. We’ve looked over your CV and would like to meet you in
1B Sam: This is Sam. I’m sorry. I couldn’t hear you. My cell phone is not
working well. Did you say you’re calling from XQT Corporation? And I didn’t
catch your name. I’ve handed out my CV to so many companies that it’s
confusing. Could you do the introduction over?

2A Sue: No, I said XYZ Corporation. I’m Sue Alhambri from XYZ Corporation.
We’d like to meet you to talk about our job openings with you….
2B Sam: Oh, Sue, it’s great to hear from you. I looked up information about
your company online and was so impressed that I wrote down reasons why I’d
like to be an XYZ team member….

3A Sue: Oh, this connection really is bad. Did you say that you looked up
information about us online? What did you write down?
3B Sam: I said I found out that your company is just what I’m looking for. I
wrote down five reasons why I’d like to be on an XYZ team.

4A Sue: That’s terrific. We’d like to talk with you in person. First, let’s set up an
appointment. How about this Tuesday afternoon at 1pm? You can hand in a
copy of your references when you come.
4B Sam: I’m sorry what did you say I should hand in?

5A Sue: I said we need a copy of your references when you come. Your work
experience seems to add up well to fill out our list of group members. Since
we’re making up teams for a new business project this week, we’d like to finish
up the new employee application forms soon. Next week, the team needs to
write up the business plan which includes looking up a lot of information about
the new product line and potential markets.
5B Sam: I’d be glad to drop off the papers tomorrow morning and I am available
for an interview on Tuesday afternoon at 1 o’clock. Where should I come to turn
in those references?

6A Sue: Our offices are located in the plaza at 126 North Main Street in Newark,
right across from the Formula One Racetrack. The interview will be at the same
location, just look up my office on the building directory. My name is Sue
Alhambri A-L-H-A-M-B-R-I. See you then. Thanks, Sam. Have a good day!

6B Sam: Well, Sue, I’ll look forward to meeting you on Tuesday! Thanks for
calling. Bye!
Group 1
Instructions: Answer the questions from Sue’s half of
the conversation.
1A Sue: Look over
What? ________________________
2A Sue: Talk about
What? ________________________
3A Sue: Looked up
What? ________________________
Where? ________________________
4A Sue: Set up
What? ________________________
When? ________________________
4A Sue: Hand in
What? ________________________
5A Sue: Fill out
What? ________________________
5A Sue: Make up
When? ________________________
5A Sue: Finish up
What? ________________________
5A Sue: Write up
What? ________________________
Group 2
Instructions: Listen to half of the conversation and
take notes to tell your partner.
1B Sam: Hand out
What? ________________________
To whom? ________________________
1B Sam: Do over
What? ________________________
2B Sam: Look up
What? ________________________
Where? ________________________
2B Sam: Write down
What? ________________________
3B Sam: Look for
What? ________________________
3B Sam: Write down
How many? ________________________
5B Sam: Drop off
What? ________________________
When? ________________________
Combining Notes
Instructions: With your partner, fill in the missing words from the phone call.

1A Sue: Hello, I’m calling for Sam Chang. I’m Sue Alhambri from XYZ
Corporation. We’ve (1)__________________ your CV and would like to meet
you in person….

1B Sam: This is Sam. I’m sorry. I couldn’t hear you. My cell phone is not
working well. Did you say you’re calling from XQT Corporation? And I didn’t
catch your name. I’ve (2)__________________my CV to so many companies
that it’s confusing. Could you (3)_______ the introduction ____________?

2A Sue: No, I said XYZ Corporation. I’m Sue Alhambri from XYZ Corporation.
We’d like to meet you to (4)_____________________ our job openings with

2B Sam: Oh, Sue, it’s great to hear from you. I (5) __________________
information about your company online and was so impressed that I
(6)__________________reasons why I’d like to be an XYZ team member.

3A Sue: Oh, this connection really is bad. Did you say that you looked up
information about us online? What did you (7) __________________?

3B Sam: I said I found out that your company is just what I’m (8)
__________________. I wrote down five reasons why I’d like to be on an XYZ

4A Sue: That’s terrific. We’d like to talk with you in person. First, let’s (9)
_______________ an appointment. How about this Tuesday afternoon at 1pm?
You can (10) __________________a copy of your references when you come.

4B Sam: I’m sorry. What did you say I should hand in?

5A Sue: I said we need a copy of your references when you come. Your work
experience seems to add up well to fill out our list of group members. Since
we’re making up teams for a new business project this week, we’d like to (11)
__________________the new employee application forms soon. Next week,
the team needs to (12) __________________the business plan which includes
looking up a lot of information about the new product line and potential markets.

5B Sam: I’d be glad to (13) __________________the papers tomorrow morning

and I am available for an interview on Tuesday afternoon at 1 o’clock. Where
should I come to (14) __________________those references?

6A Sue: Our offices are located in the plaza at 126 North Main Street in Newark,
right across from the Formula One Racetrack. The interview will be at the same
location, just (15) __________________my office on the building directory. My
name is Sue Alhambri A-L-H-A-M-B-R-I. See you then. Thanks, Sam. Have a
good day!

6B Sam: Well, Sue, I’ll look forward to meeting you on Tuesday! Thanks for
calling. Bye!

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