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Anatomy and physiology of the cornea

Derek W. DelMonte, MD, Terry Kim, MD

The importance of the cornea to the ocular structure and visual system is often overlooked
because of the cornea’s unassuming transparent nature. The cornea lacks the neurobiological
sophistication of the retina and the dynamic movement of the lens; yet, without its clarity, the
eye would not be able to perform its necessary functions. The complexity of structure and function
necessary to maintain such elegant simplicity is the wonder that draws us to one of the most
important components of our visual system.
Financial Disclosure: Neither author has a financial or proprietary interest in any material or
method mentioned.
J Cataract Refract Surg 2011; 37:588–598 Q 2011 ASCRS and ESCRS

Editor’s Note: In this issue, we begin a series of review arti- ANATOMY OF THE CORNEA
cles that will provide a framework for understanding what In the average adult, the horizontal diameter of the
we do and do not know about corneal biomechanics and cornea is 11.5 to 12.0 mm1 and about 1.0 mm larger
methods to evaluate this important topic. The article in than the vertical diameter. It is approximately
this issue provides a basic understanding of corneal anat- 0.5 mm thick at the center and gradually increases in
omy and physiology. Subsequent articles, which will be thickness toward the periphery. The shape of the cor-
published during 2011, will review the status of the corneal nea is prolatedflatter in the periphery and steeper
endothelium after refractive surgery and provide an intro- centrallydwhich creates an aspheric optical system.
duction to our understanding of corneal biomechanics and Corneal shape and curvature are governed by the
the means by which we measure corneal biomechanical intrinsic biomechanical structure and extrinsic envi-
properties, including topography, tomography, and wave- ronment. Anterior corneal stromal rigidity appears to
front analysis. be particularly important in maintaining the corneal
curvature.2 Organizational differences in the collagen
The cornea is a transparent avascular connective tis- bundles of the anterior stroma may contribute to
sue that acts as the primary infectious and structural a tighter cohesive strength in this area and may also
barrier of the eye. Together with the overlying tear explain why the anterior curvature resists change to
film, it also provides a proper anterior refractive sur- stromal hydration much more than the posterior
face for the eye. Its clarity is the result of many factors stroma, which tends to more easily develop folds.
including the structural anatomy and physiology of its Stromal hydration also appears to affect the cornea’s
cellular components. In this article, we describe the response to strain and shear forces.3
intricate and delicate balance of cellular components The human cornea consists of 5 recognized layers, 3
and factors that create the most important refractive cellular (epithelium, stroma, endothelium) and 2 inter-
component of our ocular system. face (Bowman membrane, Descemet membrane)
(Figure 1).

Submitted: June 29, 2010. Epithelium

Final revision submitted: October 27, 2010.
Accepted: October 29, 2010.
The epithelial surface of the cornea creates the first
barrier to the outside environment and is an integral
From the Department of Ophthalmology, Duke University Eye Center, part of the tear film–cornea interface that is critical to
Duke University Medical Center, Durham, North Carolina, USA. the refractive power of the eye. It is a stratified, non-
Corresponding author: Terry Kim, MD, Duke University School of keratinizing squamous layer characterized by extreme
Medicine, Cornea and External Disease Service, Refractive Surgery uniformity from limbus to limbus.
Service, Duke University Eye Center, 2351 Erwin Road, Duke Embryologically, the corneal epithelium is derived
University Eye Center, DUMC 3802, Durham, North Carolina from surface ectoderm between 5 and 6 weeks of ges-
27710-3802, USA. E-mail: tation. It is composed of nonkeratinized, stratified

588 Q 2011 ASCRS and ESCRS 0886-3350/$ - see front matter

Published by Elsevier Inc. doi:10.1016/j.jcrs.2010.12.037

Figure 1. Light micrograph of normal endothelium (original magni- Figure 2. Cross-sectional view of the corneal epithelial cell layer.
fication 100). Note the single-cell endothelial layer with a Descemet Reprinted with permission of Ophthalmology.4 Copyright 2008
membrane of uniform thickness (epithelial surface at top of figure). Elsevier.
Reprinted with permission of Ophthalmology.4 Copyright 2008

squamous epithelium that is 4 to 6 cell layers thick surface area of contact and adherence between the
(40 mm to 50 mm).4 As mentioned earlier, the epithe- tear film’s mucinous layer and the cell membrane
lium is covered with a tear film, which is optically (Figure 2). As discussed earlier, this is critical for
important in smoothing out microirregularities of the a smooth and clear optical system.
anterior epithelial surface. The air–tear film interface, These surface cells maintain tight junctional com-
together with the underlying cornea, provides two plexes between their neighbors, which prohibit tears
thirds of the total refractive power of the eye. from entering the intercellular spaces. This can be
The corneal epithelium and overlying tear film have demonstrated clinically by observing a healthy epithe-
a symbiotic relationship both anatomically and physi- lial surface’s ability to repel dyes such as fluorescein
ologically. The mucinous layer of the tear film, which and rose bengal. This barrier also prevents toxins
is in direct contact with the corneal epithelium, is pro- and microbes from entering deeper corneal layers.
duced by the conjunctival goblet cells and interacts Beneath the superficial cell layer and just anterior to
closely with the corneal epithelial cell glycocalyx to al- the deepest basal layer of the epithelium are the supra-
low hydrophilic spreading of the tear film with each basal or wing cells. This layer is 2 to 3 cells deep and
eyelid blink. It has been suggested that the epithelium consists of cells that are less flat than the overlying su-
itself may contribute to this mucinous layer, but this is perficial cells but possess similar tight lateral intercel-
unproven.5 Loss of the glycocalyx from injury or dis- lular junctions.
ease results in loss of tear-film stability and subsequent The deepest cellular layer of the corneal epithelium
breakdown of the ocular optical system. The tear film is the basal layer, which comprises a single cell layer of
is the primary protector of the corneal surface from columnar epithelium approximately 20 mm tall. Be-
microbial invasion, as well as from chemical, toxic, sides the stem cells and transient amplifying cells,
and foreign-body damage. The tear film also supplies basal cells are the only corneal epithelial cells capable
immunological and growth factors that are critical for of mitosis.8 They are the source of wing and superficial
epithelial health, proliferation, and repair.6 cells and possess lateral intercellular junctions charac-
Corneal epithelial cells have an average lifespan of 7 terized by gap junctions and zonulae adherens. The
to 10 days7 and routinely undergo orderly involution, basal cells are attached to the underlying basement
apoptosis (programmed cell death), and desquama- membrane by a hemidesmosomal system. This strong
tion. This process results in complete turnover of the attachment is what prevents the epithelium from sep-
corneal epithelial layer every week as deeper cells re- arating from the underlying corneal layers. Abnormal-
place the desquamating superficial cells in an orderly, ities in this bonding system may result clinically in
apically directed fashion. The most superficial corneal recurrent corneal erosion syndromes or nonhealing
epithelial cells form a mean of 2 to 3 layers of flat po- epithelial defects. Epithelial stem cells, which serve
lygonal cells. These cells have extensive apical micro- as an important source of new corneal epithelium,
villi and microplicae, which in turn are covered by have been localized to the limbal basal epithelium.
a fine, closely apposed, charged glycocalyceal layer.4 As the cells migrate to the central cornea, they differen-
This layer’s apical membrane projections increase the tiate into transient amplifying cells (cells capable of



Figure 3. Hypothetical scheme of limbal stem cell niche. Reprinted Figure 4. Bowman scarring seen after herpes simplex keratitis. Note
with permission of Cell Research.9 Copyright 2007 Macmillan Pub- the abrupt termination of Bowman membrane. Reprinted with per-
lishers Ltd. mission of Cornea.6 Copyright 2005 Elsevier.

multiple but limited cellular division) and basal cells stroma, and the collagen fibrils may change direction
(Figure 3).9 to run circumferentially as they approach the limbus.12
The epithelial basement membrane, approximately This highly organized network reduces forward light
0.05 mm thick, comprises type IV collagen and laminin scatter and contributes to the transparency and
secreted by the basal cells. If damaged, fibronectin mechanical strength of the cornea.
levels increase and the process of healing can take up An additional feature of the stroma is that the ultra-
to 6 weeks. During this time, the epithelial bond to structure within the organization of the lamella ap-
the underlying, newly laid basement membrane tends pears to vary based on the depth within the stroma.
to be unstable and weak. Deeper layers are more strictly organized than super-
ficial layers, and this difference accounts for the
Bowman Layer greater ease of surgical dissection in a particular plane
as one approaches the posterior depths of the corneal
Bowman layer (or Bowman membrane) lies just an-
stroma. This variation in stromal organization also
terior to the stroma and is not a true membrane but
accounts for the differences in response to corneal
rather the acellular condensate of the most anterior
edema, as mentioned previously. Descemet folds are
portion of the stroma. This smooth layer is approxi-
the result of asymmetric swelling of the posterior
mately 15 mm thick and helps the cornea maintain its
stroma imposed by the structurally more rigid anterior
shape. When disrupted, it will not regenerate and
cornea and structural restriction imposed by the lim-
can form a scar (Figure 4).
bus.13 Stromal swelling is therefore directed posteri-
orly and results in relative flattening of the posterior
Stroma surface, which can push Descemet membrane into
The corneal stroma provides the bulk of the struc- multiple folds that become visible as striae.
tural framework of the cornea and comprises roughly Stromal collagen fibrils are composed of type I colla-
80% to 85% of its thickness. Embryologically, it is the gen in a heterodimeric complex with type V collagen
result of a second wave of neural crest migration that to obtain their unique and narrow diameter.14 These
occurs in the seventh week of gestation, after establish- complexes are surrounded by specialized proteogly-
ment of the primitive endothelium. The stroma differs cans, consisting of keratan sulfate or chondroitin
from other collagenous structures in its transparency, sulfate/dermatan sulfate side chains, which help reg-
which is the result of precise organization of the stro- ulate hydration and structural properties.
mal fibers and extracellular matrix (ECM).10,11 The col- Keratocytes are the major cell type of the stroma and
lagen fibers are arranged in parallel bundles called are involved in maintaining the ECM environment
fibrils, and these fibrils are packed in parallel arranged (Figure 5). They are able to synthesize collagen
layers or lamellae. The stroma of the human eye con- molecules and glycosaminoglycans while also creating
tains 200 to 250 distinct lamella, each layer arranged matrix metalloproteases (MMPs)dall crucial in main-
at right angles relative to fibers in adjacent lamellae.11 taining stromal homeostasis. Most of these keratocytes
The peripheral stroma is thicker than the central reside in the anterior stroma and contain corneal



Figure 5. Transmission electron micros-

copy of the human corneal stroma. A:
Keratocyte localized between stromal la-
mellae. B: Higher magnification view
showing a keratocyte in relation to colla-
gen fibers coursing in various directions.
Reprinted with permission of Cornea.6
Copyright 2005 Elsevier.

“crystallins,” representing 25% to 30% of soluble pro- microscopy, but Descemet membrane produced after
tein in the cells. These crystallins appear to be respon- birth is unbanded and has an amorphous ultrastruc-
sible for reducing backscatter of light from the tural texture. Descemet can accumulate up to 10 mm
keratocytes and maintaining corneal transparency.15 in thickness with age (Figure 6).

Descemet Membrane Endothelium

Beginning in utero at the 8-week stage, endothelial The endothelial layer of the cornea maintains cor-
cells continuously secrete Descemet membrane. The neal clarity by ensuring it remains in a relatively
anterior 3 mm secreted prior to birth has a distinctive deturgesced state. The intact human endothelium is
banded appearance when viewed by electron a monolayer, which appears as a honeycomb-like
mosaic when viewed from the posterior side (Figure 7).
In early embryogenesis, the posterior cornea is lined
with a neural crest-derived monolayer of orderly ar-
ranged cuboidal cells.16 Over time, these cells flatten
and become tightly adherent to one another. Immedi-
ately anterior to the flattened layer is a discontinuous
homogeneous acellular layer, which in time becomes
Descemet membrane.17 At birth, the endothelial
monolayer is approximately 10 mm thick and consists
of a uniform thickness layer of cells that spans the en-
tire posterior corneal surface and fuses with the cells of
the trabecular meshwork.17 Similarly, Descemet mem-
brane becomes continuous and uniform, fusing
peripherally with the trabecular beams.17 The fusion
site, known as Schwalbe line, is a gonioscopic land-
mark that defines the end of Descemet membrane
and the start of the trabecular meshwork.
The individual cells continue to flatten over time
and stabilize at approximately 4 mm in thickness in
adulthood. Adjacent cells share extensive lateral inter-
digitations and possess gap and tight junctions along
their lateral borders. The lateral membranes contain
Figure 6. Micrograph illustrating Descemet membrane (DM) located a high density of NaC, KC-ATPase pump sites.18
between the posterior aspect of the corneal stroma (S) and the under- The basal surface of the endothelium contains numer-
lying endothelium (EN). The anterior “banded” region (A) is se- ous hemidesmosomes that promote adhesion to
creted by the endothelial cells during fetal development and is
more highly organized than the posterior “amorphous region” (P), Descemet membrane.
which is secreted after birth. Reprinted with permission of Principles Endothelial cell density and topography continue
and Practice of Ophthalmology.13 Copyright 2008 Elsevier. to change throughout life. From the second to eighth



Figure 7. Specular photomicrograph of normal endothelium. Note Figure 8. Major corneal loading forces in the steady state. Reprinted
the dark well-defined cell borders, the regular hexagonal array, with permission of Ophthalmology.4 Copyright 2008 Elsevier.
and the uniform cell size. Reprinted with permission of Cornea.6
Copyright 2005 Elsevier.

decades of life, the cell density declines from 3000 (ie, Fuchs endothelial dystrophy), but the remaining
to 4000 cells/mm2 to around 2600 cells/mm2, and cells have the capacity to “stretch” and take over
the percentage of hexagonal cells declines from ap- the space of the degenerated endothelial cells. As this
proximately 75% to approximately 60%.19 The central process occurs, the remaining cells grow in size (poly-
endothelial cell density decreases at an average rate of megathism) and lose their hexagonal shape (pleomor-
0.6% per year in normal corneas.20 phism) (Figure 9).
As mentioned, the stroma is maintained in a rela-
tively deturgesced state (78% water content) by the ac- Blood Supply of the Cornea
tivity of the endothelial cells.21 This dehydration is
mediated by a pump–leak process as fluid egresses Although the normal human cornea is avascular, it
from the corneal stroma down the osmotic gradient relies on components of the blood to remain healthy.
from a relatively hypo-osmotic stroma toward a rela- These components are supplied by tiny vessels at the
tively hypertonic aqueous humor. This passive bulk outermost edge of the cornea as well as components
fluid movement requires no energy but is fueled by supplied by end branches of the facial and ophthalmic
the energy-requiring processes of transporting ions arteries via the aqueous humor and tear film.
to generate the osmotic gradient. The 2 most important
ion transport systems are the membrane-bound NaC Nerve Supply of the Cornea
and KC-ATPase sites and the intracellular carbonic The cornea is one of the most heavily innervated and
anhydrase pathway. Activity in both these pathways most sensitive tissues in the body. Corneal nerves and
produces a net flux of ions from the stroma to the aque-
ous humor. The barrier portion of the endothelium is
unique in that it is permeable to some degree, permit-
ting the ion flux necessary to establish the osmotic
gradient (Figure 8).17
Endothelial cells have no mitotic activity in vivo;
however, humans are born with a significant reserve.
Cell density is approximately 3500 cells/mm2 at birth,
but this number decreases gradually throughout life at
approximately 0.6% per year. It has been observed that
eyes with endothelial cell counts below 500 cells/mm2
may be at risk for the development of corneal edema.
Endothelial cell morphology (size and shape) also ap-
pears to correlate with pump function. An increase in
cell size (polymegathism) and an increase in variation
of cell shape (pleomorphism) correlate to reduced abil-
Figure 9. Specular photomicrograph of Fuchs dystrophy. Note dark
ity of the endothelial cells to deturgesce the cornea.22 areas that represent guttae adjacent to areas of enlarged endothelial
The number of endothelial cells decreases with age, cells. (Spacing of grid 0.1 mm) Reprinted with permission of Oph-
trauma, inflammation, and other disease processes thalmology.4 Copyright 2008 Elsevier.



sensation are derived from the nasociliary branch of within hours. These cells take on a more fibroblast-like
the first (ophthalmic) division of the trigeminal nerve. appearance and behavior as they become activated.27
In the superficial cornea, the nerves enter the stroma The keratocytes within the area of injury undergo
radially in thick trunks forming plexiform arrange- apoptosis, peaking 4 hours after the initial insult.28
ments, which eventually perforate Bowman mem- Apoptosis appears to modulate the wound-healing
brane to provide a rich plexus beneath the basal response by influencing the activation of adjacent
epithelial layer.23 The cornea also contains autonomic keratocytes.
sympathetic nerve fibers. Within 1 to 2 weeks of the initial insult, myofibro-
blasts with contractile properties enter the injured
CORNEAL RESPONSES TO INJURY area and become involved in the stromal remodeling.
Epithelial Injury These cells use increased expression of MMPs, which
are a family of proteolytic enzymes responsible for
When any portion of an epithelial cell is disrupted, ECM remodeling, cell–matrix interaction, inflamma-
the entire cell is usually lost, leaving a defect in the ep- tory cell recruitment, and cytokine activation.29 In
ithelial layer. The most common form of injury to the the cornea, MMPs are thought to be very important
epithelium is mechanical, but thermal and chemical in- in the complex reorganization of collagen in the stro-
juries are also possible. When a mechanical force cre- mal wound.14 This theory is supported by research
ates a break in the epithelial barrier, cells at the edge looking at complex laser in situ keratomileusis
of the abrasion begin to cover the defect within min- wounds that has found increased levels of MMPs, par-
utes by a combination of cell migration and cell ticularly in areas of significant wound trauma with
spreading. This process is preceded by almost immedi- interface fibrosis.30 It has been proposed that
ate preparatory cellular changes of an anatomical, overexpression of these MMPs, along with activated
physiological, and biochemical nature, including the inflammatory cytokines, may be responsible for loss
creation of cell membrane extensions, disappearance of specific type IV collagen isoforms in the epithelial
of hemidesmosome adhesions from the basal cells, basement membrane, leading to scarring or haze.
and increase in mitochondrial energy production. The interaction between these cytokines, MMPs, and
This early nonmitotic wound coverage phase can other mediators, rather than the mere presence or ab-
proceed at the remarkable rate of 60 to 80 mm per sence of these proteins, often plays a decisive role in
hour.24 Studies have shown that the migrating sheet regulating the complex remodeling process during
of epithelial cells is attached most firmly to the under- corneal wound healing.31 This process can take
lying substrate at the leading margin, possibly sug- months or even years to complete; the end result some-
gesting that the leading cells are “pulling” the times reduces corneal clarity long after primary
epithelial sheet as it migrates.25 The ECM protein fi- wound healing has occurred.
bronectin is thought to be a key element in the media-
tion of cell-to-substrate adhesion and cell migration.
By 24 to 30 hours after injury, mitosis begins to re- Endothelial Injury
store the epithelial cell population. Only the basal cells, Aside from full-thickness penetrating injuries, endo-
transient amplifying cells, and limbal stem cells par- thelial injury primarily results from rapid focal distor-
take in this reconstitutive mitosis.8 tion of the cellular layer. This disruption is similar to
the injuries seen from excessive corneal bending in
Stromal Injury large-incision surgeries such as extracapsular cataract
The separation of the stroma from the other cellular extraction and/or from endothelial trauma caused
layers of the cornea by the Bowman layer and Desce- by high fluid turbulence during cataract surgery. Clin-
met membrane is necessary for the normal homeosta- ically, these injuries are seen as “snail-track” lesions or
sis of the cornea, and the disruption of this strict serpentine gray lines on the endothelium.
organization is associated with activation of the stro- As discussed earlier, endothelial cells do not appear
mal wound-healing process. Stromal wound healing to undergo mitosis in vivo, which means the damaged
consists of 3 stages: repair, regeneration, and remodel- cells are rapidly replaced by enlargement of the sur-
ing.14 Similar to the wound-healing process in skin rounding cells and their centripetal migration into
wounds, stromal wound healing has been shown to in- the injured region. The process of resurfacing the in-
volve a complex interplay of cytokines, growth factors, jured area is completed in 3 stages that can take several
and chemokines; however, an important distinction is weeks. The first stage is characterized by the establish-
the absence of a vascular component to the healing.26 ment of initial coverage of the wound by migration of
The activation and migration of stromal keratocytes adjacent endothelial cells, which forms a temporary
are the first responses to a stromal injury and can occur incomplete barrier with reduced pump sites and



incompletely formed tight junctions. In the second to the corneal epithelium with minimal long-term
stage, the barrier (ie, tight junctions) and subsequently complications.
the number and quality of pump sites return to normal
levels, the endothelial cells form irregular polygons, Bowman Layer and Stroma
the corneal thickness typically returns to normal, and Corneal refractive surgery, similar to intraocular
transparency is restored. The third stage involves re- surgery, requires close attention to corneal anatomy
modeling of the endothelial cells to form more regular and physiology. Corneal haze and progressive ectasia
hexagons, which can continue for several months.17 are stromal complications of corneal refractive surgery
With more severe trauma, as a result of keratoconus, that must be considered and addressed by surgeons
and as a possible complication of incisional anterior who perform refractive procedures. For example,
segment surgery, the underlying Descemet membrane many people have found that corneal haze, which
may be torn or ruptured. If this occurs, migrating en- was a significant complication after photorefractive
dothelial cells are required to produce new Descemet keratectomy, was seen less frequently after the intro-
membrane. As seen with acute corneal hydrops, focal duction of flap-based surgeries that spared Bowman
corneal edema may be seen early, which resolves layer. Corneal haze appears to be related to increased
when the break is repaired. initiation of cytokine messaging cascades and in-
One must consider other stressors in endothelial in- creased activity of stromal keratocytes when this bar-
jury as surface trauma is less problematic here than rier is breached, resulting in altered stromal healing
with the more superficial corneal layers. The endothe- patterns, as discussed above.36 Reports have docu-
lium has a restricted response to stress. Mild stress mented irregularities in basement membrane configu-
may result in changes in cell size and shape, whereas ration, the presence of vacuoles in and around
greater stress may result in cell loss as well as irrevers- keratocytes, and disorganization in the lamellar struc-
ible alterations in the endothelial cytoskeleton.32 Sour- ture of the corneal stroma, all related to the activated
ces of stress may be metabolic (from hypoxia or keratocytes.13,36 The incidence of visually significant
hyperglycemia) or toxic (from drugs or their preserva- haze has decreased with continued advances in laser
tives) or caused by alterations in pH or osmolarity. For technology, such as smaller spot sizes and larger abla-
example, contact lenses cause a hypoxic stress of vary- tion zones, as well as advances in postoperative man-
ing degrees to the endothelium.33 Over time, this may agement, such as new steroid regimens and the use of
result in alteration of the morphology, microanatomy, mitomycin-C.37
and possibly the function of the endothelium.22 Hy- The increasing demand for a 20/20 uncorrected vi-
perglycemia is another common metabolic stress that sual outcome after cataract surgery is driving more
may produce changes in the endothelium. Compared cataract surgeons to use incisional astigmatic keratoto-
with the corneal endothelium in age-matched controls, my to correct existing astigmatism at the time of pha-
the corneal endothelium in patients with type 1 and coemulsification. Although these treatments are not
type 2 diabetes has a lower mean cell density and new to the world of refractive surgery, they are having
greater pleomorphism and polymegathism.34 a resurgence outside the traditional use by subspe-
cialty trained refractive surgeons. These procedures
SURGERY AND THE CORNEA rely on the biomechanical structure of the cornea, mak-
ing it imperative that surgeons know the effects of in-
Since the first phacoemulsification surgery performed
cision length, depth, and axis. Early work by Bates38
by Kelman in the 1960s,35 intraocular surgery has ad-
and later Lans39 identified 4 major rules governing in-
vanced rapidly. With this has come the need to ensure
cisional corneal outcomes: (1) deeper incisions into the
corneal health and clarity during the intraoperative
stroma provide a greater effect; (2) wound healing
and postoperative course. Nothing is worse than per-
and scarring of the incisions induce further effect; (3)
forming surgery to improve visual potential only to
arcuate incisions result in flattening in the axis of the in-
be foiled by decreased corneal clarity due to prevent-
cision; and (4) radial incisions result in central flatten-
able corneal injury. For this reason, ophthalmic sur-
ing and peripheral corneal steepening.13 Since that
geons should be aware of the potential causes of
time, corneal incisional refractive surgery has been
corneal injury and know how to treat the injury should
very successful but comes with its own set of complica-
it occur.
tions, including decreased corneal stability, risk for in-
fectious keratitis, and over- or undercorrection.
Epithelial injury during intraocular surgery is not Descemet Membrane and Endothelium
rare but is generally mechanical and can be treated Descemet membrane injury and detachment is an
in the same manner as any other mechanical injury uncommon but serious complication of anterior



segment surgery that has the potential to lead to signif- cataracts through a small incision, but it can damage
icant endothelial cell loss in some cases.40 It is esti- other ocular structures, particularly the delicate cor-
mated that Descemet detachment occurs in 0.5% of neal endothelium. During early phacoemulsification
cataract surgeries; although most injuries remain small surgery, the level of corneal endothelial cell loss was
and localized to the wound, some can extend to the high and many patients developed corneal failure. Nu-
visual axis, resulting in significant morbidity.41 It merous studies found that the level of ultrasound
must be remembered that healing of Descemet breaks power used during surgery was directly proportional
requires endothelial cell migration and deposition of to the endothelial cell loss, often attributed to direct
a new basement membrane, a process that is much eas- mechanical trauma from the sonic wave as well as
ier if the edges remain in close proximity. For this rea- thermal injury.53,54 With the development of better
son, many surgeons place air or gas bubbles in the ways to protect the cornea through OVDs and
anterior chamber of the eye to hold the loose mem- methods to modulate and decrease the phaco energy,
brane tags against the posterior cornea as the healing the rate of pseudophakic bullous keratopathy has de-
process takes place or, in larger detachments, use creased dramatically. By delivering smaller pulses or
a 10-0 nylon suture to reappose the detachment bursts of energy in variable patterns, the phaco effi-
mechanically.42,43 ciency can be maximized while the total amount of
One of the most serious complications after intraoc- phaco energy, phaco time, and phaco-generated heat
ular surgery is corneal edema, which was noted within the eye is decreased, thus minimizing endothe-
frequently during the early years of phacoemulsifica- lial trauma.55
tion surgery and is largely due to endothelial damage Elevated levels of oxygen-free radical species have
at the time of surgery. In several studies, 44–46 the cen- been identified in the eyes of patients who recently
tral endothelial cell loss after phacoemulsification had phacoemulsification surgery.56 These free radicals
ranges from 4% to 25%. Many factors likely affect the are thought to be the result of ultrasound oscillations
corneal endothelium during a phacoemulsification that induce acoustic cavitations, leading to dissocia-
procedure and these can be divided into 4 groups: tion of water vapor.57 Several recent studies propose
(1) direct mechanical trauma to the endothelium that these free radicals are a significant source of endo-
from the incision and inadvertent touch of the endo- thelial damage after cataract extraction by inducing
thelium by lens fragments, instruments, or intraocular the apoptosis cascade.58
lenses during the procedure; (2) ultrasound energy Fluidics also play an important role in corneal health
affecting the endothelium directly or (3) via the gener- during intraocular surgery.59 It is critical to minimize
ation of hydroxyl radicals; and (4) the biochemical and the mechanical trauma from the turbulent flow of irri-
mechanical effects of the irrigating solution (nature, gating solutions in a confined space as well as to
volume, turbulence).47,48 maintain the delicate biochemical composition of the
Direct trauma to the endothelium is a risk when in- anterior chamber during the procedure.
struments or other objects are placed in the confined With all the ophthalmic solutions, medications, and
space of the anterior chamber. Care must be taken to other agents currently used during routine phaco-
avoid touching the delicate endothelial cells inadver- emulsification cataract surgery, it is important to
tently, as even minor trauma can result in significant know the pH and osmotic tolerance range of the hu-
cell death. This is supported by studies reporting man corneal endothelium. Studies show that the cor-
that dense nuclear fragments floating in the anterior neal endothelium has a pH tolerance between 6.8
chamber with high turbulence are a risk for endothe- and 8.2, which is similar to that of the natural aqueous
lial trauma.49,50 For this reason, Osher51 and others humor bicarbonate buffer system.60 During cataract
suggest a “slow motion” phacoemulsification tech- surgery, the osmolality of the anterior chamber can
nique that may minimize this trauma. easily vary because of the variety of drugs and solu-
One major advance in intraocular surgery is oph- tions used in irrigation or injection of the eye. This var-
thalmic viscosurgical devices (OVDs) (composed of iation can cause the endothelial cells to become
hydroxypropyl methylcellulose, chondroitin sulfate, swollen, degenerated, apoptotic, or even necrotic. If
or sodium hyaluronate). These devices significantly all the essential ions are present, corneal endothelial
protect the endothelium against intraoperative cells tolerate a wide range of osmolalities from 250 to
trauma.52 Different OVDs have different physical 350 mOsmoles.61 Therefore, both the pH and osmolal-
properties (eg, rheology, shear rate, and osmotic ity of the intraocular solution are critical in maintain-
strength) and may provide different levels of endothe- ing the health of the corneal endothelium.
lial protection from mechanical and ultrasonic insults. It is important to monitor the composition of not
The ultrasonic energy delivered to the eye during only the phacoemulsification irrigating solution, but
phacoemulsification is important for removing also the many other fluids used intraocularly during



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