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Washington Inc. vs.  Distilleria Washington Inc. is engaged in the manufacture Sec. 1. Persons engaged or licensed to engage in the manufacture, bottling,
The Honorable and vending of gin products. or selling of soda water, mineral or aerated waters, cider, milk, cream or
Court of Appeals  La Tondena Distillers Inc. (founders of Ginebra San other lawful beverages in bottles, boxes, casks, kegs, or barrels, and other
and La Tondena Miguel) is engaged in the same business. similar containers, or in the manufacture, compressing or selling of gases
Distillers Inc. such as oxygen, acetylene, nitrogen, carbon dioxide, ammonia, hydrogen,
HOW THE CASE STARTED chloride, helium, sulphur dioxide, butane, propane, freon, methyl chloride
 Distilleria Washington, being engaged in the same or similar gases contained in steel cylinders, tanks, flasks, accumulators or
business as LTDI, used the bottles of LTDI in the sale of similar containers, with their names or the names of their principals or
their “Gin Seven” products products, or other marks of ownership stamped or marked thereon, may
 LTDI then filed a case for recovery of its white flint bottles register with the Philippine Patent Office a description of the names or
bearing the mark of “La Tondena Inc.” or “Ginebra San marks, and the purpose for which the containers so marked are used by
Miguel.” The white flint bottles amounted to 18,157 them, under the same conditions, rules, and regulations, made applicable
pieces. by law or regulation to the issuance of trademarks.
 LTDI averred that Washington was using the Sec. 2. It shall be unlawful for any person, without the written consent
bottles for its own "Gin Seven" products without of the manufacturer, bottler, or seller, who has successfully registered
the consent of LDTI in violation of Republic Act the marks of ownership in accordance with the provisions of the next
623. preceding section, to fill such bottles, boxes, kegs, barrels, steel cylinders,
 However, Washington countered saying that tanks, flasks, accumulators, or other similar containers so marked or
Republic Act 623 pertains only to “soda water, stamped, for the purpose of sale, or to sell, dispose of, buy or traffic in, or
mineral water, ciders, milks, cream, and other wantonly destroy the same, whether filled or not to use the same for
lawful beverages, therefore not applicable in this drinking vessels or glasses or drain pipes, foundation pipes, for any other
case. purpose than that registered by the manufacturer, bottler or seller. Any
violation of this section shall be punished by a fine of not more than one
RULINGS OF THE LOWER COURTS thousand pesos or imprisonment of not more than one year or both.
 The Trial Court ruled that a buyer of liquor only needs to
pay once for him to obtain the ownership of the liquor and YES. THE SEIZED BOTTLES SHOULD BE POSSESSED BY LDTI
its container. The Trial Court dismissed the complaint.  It is to be pointed out that a trademark refers to a word, name,
Accordingly, it ordered LTDI to return the seized bottles. symbol, emblem, sign or device or any combination thereof
 The Court of Appeals reversed the decision of the RTC. It adopted and used by a merchant to identify, and distinguish from
ruled that LTDI is the owner of the bottles since it is others, his goods of commerce. It is basically an intellectual
registered in its name and therefore authorized to retain creation that is susceptible to ownership and, consistently
possession of the bottles. therewith, gives rise to its own elements of jus posidendi, jus
utendi, jus fruendi, jus disponendi, and jus abutendi, along with
HENCE THIS PETITION the applicable jus lex, comprising that ownership. The
 Washington claims that he is the lawful owner of the incorporeal right, however, is distinct from the property in
personal properties. the material object subject to it. Ownership in one does not
 Washington also claims that Republic Act 623 does not necessarily vest ownership in the other. (Bottles exclusive from
apply to this case. the incorporeal right in using the bottle)
 (Not in the case) Applying Paragraph 2 of Article 428 of the New
ISSUE: Civil Code, LTDI than has a right of action against the holder and
WON the seized bottles should remain in the possession of LDTI. possessor of the thing (bottles) in order to recover it.

WHEREFORE, the decision of the appellate court is MODIFIED by ordering LTDI to pay
petitioner just compensation for the seized bottles.

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