Mtss PD

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Multi-tiered System of

“We are ALL MTSS” - Dr. Carol DuClos

Definition: “A Multi-tiered System of Supports is
a framework for continuous improvement that is
systemic, prevention-focused, and data-informed,
providing a coherent continuum of supports
responsive to meet the needs of all learners.”

What is MTSS? Purpose:

-To build and implement a systemic set of student
-To gather data to make informed decisions
-To engage students in differentiated instruction
and intervention
-To monitor academic and social emotional
learning progress
-To meet Illinois state requirements
- a tutoring service

- a stand-alone program in a
school that is separate from
other educational initiatives.
MTSS is not...
- a pathway to speed up the
process of making a student
eligible for special education
Who is MTSS for?

- MTSS is potentially for ALL students and ALL teachers.

What is MTSS for?

- To clearly define the student challenge.
- To develop a plan that includes a way to monitor
progress and document outcomes.
- To think creatively and holistically about the student
- To come up with a solution that is based on a plan
delivered with integrity and documented results
Who might be a part of the MTSS team?
Anyone that interacts with the student during the day

or anyone who could provide support to the teacher.

This may include:

- Classroom Teacher
- Interventionist
- ELL Resource Teacher
- Special Education Teachers
- Speech, OT, PT
- School Psychologist
- Social Worker
- Principal
- Instructional Specialist
- Specials Teachers
- Reading Power
- Parent/ Guardian
Have you - Record in power school
reached out to
the parent?
- Bring this data to the MTSS
What happens before the process begins?
Teacher Responsibilities
Checklist of SOME of the action items when you start to problem solve:

❏ Look at date of birth - Is this student young/old compared to peers?

❏ Check attendance - Has your student missed multiple days of school or been
frequently tardy?
❏ Look at assessment scores- How does your student compare with peers in North
Chicago? National norms?What interventions did you try based on your experience
as an educator? What are the results?
❏ What is the challenging behavior the student demonstrates? What interventions did
you try based on your experience as an educator? What are the results?
❏ Problem solve with your PLC! Student Problem Solving Guide
❏ When appropriate touch base with other relevant staff members
What happens during the process?
Teacher Responsibilities MTSS Team Member Responsibilities

- Come to the meeting with - Help guide discussions about the student and
- data from the interventions you’ve possible interventions
- assessment scores - Help the teacher come up with a progress
- solution based mindset monitoring tool that will work best for them

- Participate in discussions about the - Offer advice and guidance during the process.
- What are the strengths and - Check up on how the interventions is going and
weaknesses you see provide support if needed
- Help brainstorm possible interventions
- Keep track of interventions on the - Communicate with other supports (speech, OT,
Parent Intervention Report Card and PT etc) to make observations or interventions
send home every few weeks
Case Study #1

Student background Concerns

● First grader ● Reading
● Male ● OT
● Monolingual classroom ● Social Emotional

MTSS Process October-March (total of 3 MTSS meetings)

MTSS Meeting Recommendations Outcomes

- Theraputty -17/39 sight words, 28/34 sounds, 100% on CAP

- Handwriting book letters

- Pencil grip -Spelling tests were at a 2/10 in November and are

- Vowel concentration 'i' 'o' now at a 7/10 in January because of Words Their Way

- Mom to volunteer in class -Works best 1 on 1 or in small groups

Case Study #2

Student Background Student Concerns

● Male ● Behavior
● 2nd grade ● Work Completion
● Monolingual Classroom ● Social Emotional
● Language
MTSS Process January- February 2017 (Total of 2 MTSS Meetings)
MTSS Recommendations
● Wait time when asking questions Outcome
● Warnings for transitions ● ACCESS scores were all 5s when took test in KG.
● Data collection on shutdowns ● Meeting with mom and day care worker regarding
● Check ACCESS scores for ELL
hygiene concerns and social emotional concerns.
● Work completion is getting better when letting him
● Must complete some work before
going to specials classes know he needs to complete before going to
● Changing clothes and cleaning at specials/ lunch/ recesses
Case Study #3

Student Background Student Concerns

● Male ● Behavior
● 2nd grade ● Academic
● Bilingual Classroom ● Focus

MTSS Process September 2016- March 2017 (Total of

MTSS Recommendations
● Letter recognition and sounds Outcome
● Classroom observations ● Made little to no progress
● Fidgets/OT support ● Referred for a case study (Domain) through
● Preferential seating Special Education
● Modified homework and assignments
● Reward incentives
● Repetition of directions/visual directives
● Homework logs
● Parent meetings
What happens after the process is over?
Just Kidding!
Teacher Role
- Continue with appropriate
- Progress monitor
- Contact MTSS team if there are
any later concerns

MTSS Team Role

- Be available to meet when
concerns are brought up
- Keep records
- Check in with the teachers and
What is the process for documenting data for a student to be
eligible to go through the MTSS process?

(progress monitoring)
Why does the MTSS process at times take more time for one
student than another? Is this because of the teacher’s
effectiveness in collecting data or does it depend on the
student's disability?
How do I get more support for interventions?
After you fill out the paperwork what is my job as the teacher?
How do I follow up so that I know the student gets help they
Is there a list of suggested interventions that we can use in
our class to collect data for MTSS meetings?
When does the team meet about “new” requests?

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