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1. General information:
 Company Name: …………………………………………………………………………
 Address of Head Office: …………………………………………………………………
 Telephone: …………………………. Fax: …………………………………………
 Email address: ……………………… Website: ……………………………………
 Date Established: ……………………………….
 Legal Status:
 Joint Stock Company (Public)  Partnership
 Joint Stock Company (closely held)  Simple Partnership
 Limited Liability Company  Establishment

 Paid-up Capital ……………………………….(please state currency)

 Major Founders/ Shareholders
……………………………………….. ……………………………………..
  ……………………………………….. ……………………………………..
……………………………………….. ……………………………………..
 Name of President: …………………………………Tel: …………….. Email address: …………………..
 Name of General Manager………………………....Tel: …………….. Email address: …………………..
Name of Head of Investments …………………….Tel: ……………Email address: ……………….

2. Please identify the countries which are targeted for investment by your
Please rank countries according to priority of your investments. Number (1) will refer to the top priority
 Saudi Arabia;
 Eastern Province  Western Province
 Central Province  Other areas (please specify): …………………...………….

 United Arab Emirates:

 Abu Dhabi  Sharja
 Dubai  Other Emirates (please specify): ……………………….….

 Kuwait  Sudan  India

 Bahrain  Egypt  Malaysia
 Qatar  Libya  Indonesia
 Oman  Tunis  European countries
 Yemen  Algeria  Canada
 Syria  Morocco  U.S.A.
 Libanon  Mauritania  Australia
 Jordan  Iran
 Other countries (please specify) …………………………………………………………

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3. Please identify the sectors/ activities in which your company invest at present
(please mark (X) inside the box)

 Real Estates-Commercial centers  Agricultural Projects & Land Reclamation

 Real Estates-Entertainments  Hospitals and Medical Centers
 Real Estates-Residential  Private Schools
 Real Estates-Office Buildings  Private Universities and Colleges
 Hotels / Resorts  Operations and Maintenance
 Manufacturing- FMCG  Retail Trading
 Manufacturing- Perfumes and Cosmetics  Restaurants and Food services
 Manufacturing- Poultry /Meat Processing  Tourism
 Manufacturing- Dairy Products  Information Technology and Internet
 Manufacturing- Other Food Products  Computers
 Manufacturing- Steel Products  Transportations
 Manufacturing- Aluminum Products  Fairs /Exhibitions and Conferences
 Manufacturing- Cement & Clinker  Building Materials
 Manufacturing- Plastics and PVC  Medical Supplies and Equipments
 Manufacturing- Electrical Appliances  Financial Investments
 Manufacturing- Petrochemical Products  Installment Companies
 Manufacturing- Furniture  Management Consulting & Training
 Manufacturing- Pharmaceutical Products  Automotives Spare parts
 Manufacturing- Textile and Garments  Media Activities
 Fleet/ Equipments Leasing  Press and Publishing
 Stock Brokerage/Portfolio Management  Jewelries and Precious metals
 Water and Electricity-utilities  Books and Stationeries

Other activities (please specify):

…...... ………………………………………………………………………………………………………

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. Please identify the sectors/ activities in which your company is seeking NEW
investments please mark (X) inside the box)

 Real Estates-Commercial centers  Agricultural Projects & Land Reclamation

 Real Estates-Entertainments  Hospitals and Medical Centers
 Real Estates-Residential  Private Schools
 Real Estates-Office Buildings  Private Universities and Colleges
 Hotels / Resorts  Operations and Maintenance
 Manufacturing- FMCG  Retail Trading
 Manufacturing- Perfumes and Cosmetics  Restaurants and Food services
 Manufacturing- Chicken /Meat Processing  Tourism
 Manufacturing- Dairy Products  Information Technology and Internet
 Manufacturing- Other Food Products  Computers
 Manufacturing- Steel Products  Transportations
 Manufacturing- Aluminum Products  Fairs /Exhibitions and Conferences
 Manufacturing- Cement & Clinker  Building Materials
 Manufacturing- Plastics and PVC  Medical Supplies and Equipments
 Manufacturing- Electrical Appliances  Financial Investments
 Manufacturing- Petrochemical Products  Installment Companies
 Manufacturing- Furniture  Management Consulting & Training
 Manufacturing- Pharmaceutical Products  Automotives Spare parts
 Manufacturing- Textile and Garments  Media Activities
 Fleet/ Equipments Leasing  Press and Publishing
 Stock Brokerage/Portfolio Management  Jewelries and Precious metals
 Water and Electricity-utilities  Books and Stationeries

Other activities (please specify):


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To facilitate our mission in identifying and selecting the project you are seeking, .5
please use the following space to briefly describe and elaborate on such project.
please attach further detailed information if neccessary)

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der to understand your current Investment Strategy, kindly provide us with the .6
wing information
you require a majority stake in any company/ project you invest in 6/1
 Yes
 No
e answer to question 6/1 is yes, what is the percentage that you normally acquire 6/2
 Simple majority
 Absolute Majority (more than 75%)
ase you require a majority stake, would you like to manage the project 6/3
 Yes
 No
……… In case you intend to have a minority stake, what will be the percentage 6/4
se you intend to have a minority stake, would you require to have a representation in the 6/5
rd of Directors
 Yes
 No
oximately, how much would you be willing to invest in each project/ company? 6/6
………………To: ……………………(please state currency)

What is the maximum amount of each investment as a percentage of your company’s capital/
y? ……………….%

What is the minimum Required Rate of Return that you would expect from each investment in:

n Filed Project: ………% Going Concern: ….…%

What are your rationale/motivations behind your investments in any project being a green filed
going concern:
 To achieve a periodical good return on investment
 Capital appreciation and possible realization of a capital gain
 To achieve a good periodical return and capital appreciation
 Realization of benefits and strategic goals (consolidating market
position …etc) (please elaborate further) .

how long do you normally maintain your investment in any particular project 6/10
From ……….years To:…..years

ou specify certain "Exit Mechanism conditions" from the project prior to your 6/11
 Yes
 No.

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hat other conditions that you would like to be considered in the project/company and
med necessary for your participation?
 Minimum return on investment …… %
 Minimum return on equity (ROE) …. %
 Minimum Pay Back Period ………...years
 Nature of finance ;
 Islamic Financing (sharia’a compliant)
 Traditional Financing

stment Preference/Priority .8
 Going Concern
 Green Filed Project

are the Risk Factors that you would like to avoid in any new investment? (please .9
y them starting with the most significant)
 Foreign exchange risk
 Nationalization and confiscation
 Economic Recession/stagnation risk
 Political Risks
 Management
 High taxes
 Availability of Raw Materials
 Others

you considering any mergers and acquisitions with other investors .10
 Yes
 No.

d you like our firm to assist you in securing the necessary financing /finding new .11
estors to participate with you in your existing and/or future projects
 Yes
 No.

uld you like our firm to assist you in selling any part of your existing investments .12
 Yes
 No.

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