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No, 2414
H. No, 4536

"~pulrIit off4!! '!JiHp'Ptn~ll

,-~,,"~'~<'''- '; '.,," ,- ,,- "-,

, 'c#ttifro c#l'!'liniJa,
. ,

" " ~~tonlt ~gular~ellllirin "

Begun and held in Metro Manila, on Monday, the twenty-eighth day

of July, two thousand fourteen .

[REpUBLIC ACT No. 10654. J

Be it enacted by the Senate and House oj Representatives oj the

Philippines in Congress, assembled:

SECTION 1. Section 2 of Republic Act No. 8550, otherwise

known,'as,,"The ~hilippine Fisheries Code of 1998", is hereby
amended, as follows:, "

, "SEC. 2. Declarati~nof Policy, - It is hereby declared

the policy of the State: '

(a) x, x x

x x x

(c) To- ensure the rational

and sustainable development,
~'·-·',r-' ,-~ ,~' ~ ,-oj ~ .--"•• ~,', • :
manageniimtimd conservation of the fishery: and
adjacent high seas, consistent with the primordial
objective of mallifj,irifng:iI !loUhd ecological balance,
protecting and e,nhancing the quality of the
environment. ,ThEl.P.hilippines shall pursue its
cooperate with other states and iriternational
bodies, in ordet:,toJlOl1$ervil.~,d n:t!ll\:age threat$ned
aquatic speCies, straddling and highly migra~ory
fish stocks and other living marine resources,;
x x x
(f) To adopt the precautionary principle' ana: ma,iage
fishery and aquatic resources, in' a maI\ner
consistent with the concept of an ecosystem-based
approach to fisheries nianagement and integrated
coastal area management in specific natural fishery
mana,!l'e,ment. areas, appropriately sUPllprted by
reseatch; te:chirical serVices and gUidaitcepro~ded
by the State; and - I , "

,- "~ , -' , ,
-~.::-~ '.-:',r}:.""- ',.:,t,.: '.
': -~" :,,-,~,":,,'::\<,;:.":~~';-,' ;,"1' ,;,:: .
SEC. 2;, Section 3 Of the same Act is hereby: a'mended; as
follows: '" " , ;:", ,,' '","", ',\
-, ;. , .;:-, -(,\' " .

, ." "sEt 'i;plicati~n of its Provi8ion~. - "!l'he

provisions of this Code shall be enforced in: 1
,~ _~) a1!Philippine waters incllidfug ofhet \v,a:t~i-s~ver
,,', wlikh,the PhiIippineshass'6vin'EligrltY,.j.rid .'
jurisdiction, and the couiltry's 200-nautfciifD)ile'" , '
Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) and, c6,lltineJital
"-rBh~lf;.,;, _,,1"-:: ,::" . ,\".. "1-;:> -<:,,<,~\";:., :~"'-~:'"
,".'-' - 0
(h) all aquatic and fishery resources whetherin1a~d,
, coastal or offshore fishing areas, including, llut
not limited to, fishponds, fish pens/cages; !

(c) all lands devoted to aquaculture, or businesses

and activities relating to fishery, whether private
or public lands; and c . c, .

(d) all Philippine flagged fishing vessels operating

in areas governed by a Regional Fisheries
Management Organization (RFMO); in the high
seas, or in waters of other coastal states,"

SEC. 3. Section 4 of the same Act is hereby amended, as

"SEC. 4. Definition of Terms. - As used in this
Code, the following terms and phrases shall mean as

(1) x x x

x x x
(12) Community Service - meanS any service or
actiVity that is performed for the benefit of the
community or its institutions in lieu of payment
of fine imposed as administrative or criminal

(13) Conservation and Management Measures -

means measures to conserve and manage living
marine resources that are adopted and applied
consistently with the relevant rules of
international law including those reflected in
conventions, RFMO resolutions and laws of other
coastal states where Philippine flagged vessels

(14) x-x x

(15). xx x·

(16) _x J( X
E ;<

(17) 'x x. x

(18) Distant Water Fishing - means fishing in the

",high seas or inw.aters of other states..
'---,,' ,,f,'" J'-'-
(H}) , x x x
(20) . ,x xx

(22) x x x
,; .. "; ',- 'co, ; . ~"

(23) x x x
(24) .' .x:x'x

-: !-
" - ,<;'
(25)' x x x
(26) x x x
(27) x x x

f :
; ;.
I·' -

(29) ; x xx ,j ;'
i '

-:,' . \-
,; (

(30) x 'x x
. -"r',

.(32): x . X,x:· , . . .,
l' q
-- ",

(33) ,.- ,x x .x;"

,,' ~ __ • , ~ ~. r,
., .

(35) Fisheries Observer - refers to a person d~y

authorized by the Philippine government Ior
under Ii Regional Observer Program.oLlihe
RFMO,to collect scientific, technical or fishing-
related data, and other information· that maY:be
required by the government or the RFMO and!
or in compliance to a conservation and
management measure.
. .,"

(36) x x x
. (37) Fishing Vessel/Gear Licens{!·- refers to a
permit to 'operate 'specific types of fishing
vessel/gear for specific duration in areas
beyond municipal waters for demersal or
pelagic fishery resources.

(38) x x x

(39) x x x

(40) x x x

(41) x x x

(42) x x x

(43) x x x

(44) Fishing Gear - refers to any instrument or

device and its accessories utilized in taking
:.. fish and other fishery species.

(a) Active Fishing Gear - is a fishing device

characterized by the pursuit of the target
species by towing,~ pushing the gears,
surroundiilg, covering, dredging, and
scariilg', the . target species to
impoundments; such as, but not limited
to, trawls purse seines,- DaIiish seines,
paaling and drift gill net.

(b) Passive Fishing Gear - is characterized

by the absence of pursuit of the target
species; such as, but not limited to, hook
and line, fishpots, traps and gill nets set
across the path ofthe fish.

(45) Fishing Light Attractor - refers to a fishing

' ...." aid which employs lights using, ·among others,
mercitry:vapor, high' pressure 'sodium vapor,
. " .'standard:tungsten;. tungsten halogen,
. fluorescent or light-emitting diode, that are
attached ·to .. a' structure ·above water or
suspended underwater to attract both fish and
members of their, food chain to sPllomc areas
• /~~~~Elr to ,harv~s; t~~,IIl>!.{: / ,,': .
(46)' x': x Xi•.. .; .~'.". ,,'de ...• :.,;f ",'
(47) x x x

(48) x x x
(49) x x x
'. )-

(50) x x x

(51) x x x

(52) x x x
(53) x x x
,,- - " . ".' i: .' -: . . :'~7' -" ., ,:, " ,'-i,. - ' -, .,' ; ~'-'
. (54) Harvest Control Rules.-' refers to actions or s~t
of actions to be·taken toachieve'a medium or
long term target reference point while avoidir)g
. reaching or br~aching a lirilitreferimce point:
" ]-,:\'~ii~:~:C-_-;:;"_"'~~'i~J- !,;-, '-;,'_';:,.:":'~~_'_" ,
(55) Illegal,'Fishing, ·.:meanidishilfg activities
conUtlCted bY.. Philippi'ne:fishing vesse~s
operatingJilLviolation of,Philippine law~,
'., ... ,' Regional Fisheries Management Orgaruzation
resolutions. and lllws of other coastal states. !

(56) .x x x

(57)· . x x x " , -:" - - " , ..

~ .
. . J: '.' '. - '\ ~ - _,,-

(58). .' x'X x;· '., ',.: •.

(59) x x x
.• i • . 'J ';-,- >, ,.; _. -0 .:" .". "- • • ,i-i~; -,..' " '.] •
'; (60Y·Marine Pr~tectedArl'a~me;ms'a:defiried are'a
"",'aLthe 'sea ·estl!blished:lmd ··set aside by
; ..... -administrative regulation{or 8hybther effective
'means in o~der til conserVe 8.nd protect apart qf
or .the entiieenclosed environm<mtthrough the

; " establishment of manllgement guidelines. It is

c.onsidered: a· generic: term,.that· includes all
' . ,.i"
'. v·decla;red'areas. governed ,by· specific rules or
" guid!JIin!Jil' ~n order. to' protect. and manage
.:" activities within the enclosed area.
" ' ' < ~- <

(61) x x x

(62).' X' x x
;" ~'- , ' ,;
(63)" x x
(64) T x' x X· ..... .

(65) x x x

(66) x x x

(67) . 'XleX

(68) x x x

(69) x x x

(70) x x x

(71) ,x x -X.-

(72) xxx
_,'0 '

(73) Port State Measures - refers to the requirements

established or interventions undertaken by port
. states, W hicha. Philippip.e flagged Dr foreign
fishing vessel must comply with as a condition
for the use afports within the port state.

(74)' xxx
(75) x x x

(76) Referenc~' Poi'n't~ '~'llle':~~'be~chmark values

often based on indicllt<;>r.s such as fishery stock
size' or' the level of fishIng 'that serves as
standard to compar~.~stimates of a fishery stock
_siz!' and fishlng mortality over' time depen~g
-" ,-, on'the bfoldgicalchin'acteriatics "fthe species.
-"i Reference pomts can mark: (a);9. liinit'or Ii level
, ,- that8ho-gld'be~ avoided;' (b):a'tC!~get~' .which
should, be" achieVed' and- mlrlntilmEid; or (c) a
trigger that signals the need to take prescrib!ld
actions. f'I,.- . . ,-

(77) Regional Fisheries Management -Organizaiibn

(RFMO)- me!lns a multi-lateral organization
.with responsibility to coordinate niilIillgeni"ht
and establish conservation and managemeht
measures for highly migratory fish'stocks. fish
stocks that straddle national fisheries
management boundaries and other high seilS
species. '
"?', "

(78) xxx ··i.

(79) xxx "

(80) xxx •

(81) x x x .. ;"
(82) Serious Violation ~ means any of the following
violations o!the provisions ofthls Code: -

(a) Fishing .without a valid licens:e.

,,', - "autliorizationor'permi~;-' -"-':,-' " !,
., . ,r,:'J ;':ff ~".-.-, -'\," ·:Y~".~:·:-;:i':,,~Jr-:'·J'

" , (b) Fiswng witlimifreportilig the catch or

":',, :n{~~ep"o~#~,~~e:7,at~~;::-,:

(c) Fishing in a closed area or during: a clo~ed


(d) Fishing of prohibited species;

,';. ,c.' ~'-Fd--l~'''~'!,-_ :-f.. , < -_/.,~~ ,'~'1'" ~:;\':-I'::'c .- ('f',
" (f) Falsifying, concealing or tampering with
,vessel markings" identity or registration
to conceal vessel identity' or lack of
-: .'; ~,'- :>' ~', >, " -
(g) ·Concealing,tampering or disposing of
evidence ,relating to an investigation of
a violation; ,

(h) issa-ulting',--resisting" intimidating,

harassing, seriously interfering with, or
unduly obstructing or delaying a
, fisheriesi,l'Iv' enforcer,authorized
inspector or observer or other duly
, authorized government officer;
_ .) :'i. " " '_. _ _
(i), Inteptionally, tampering with or disabling
the vessel inomt6ring 'system; and
,'. 'I;,:. : ",,- ":"- -;H ~,,-

(j) Committing multiple violations which

, taken, together constitJite a serious
disregard of this Code.'')t,

(83) Superlight - also called magic light, refers to a

type of light using halogen or metal halide bulb
which may be located above thii sea surface or
submerged in the water, It consists of a ballast,
regulator, electric cable and s06ket. The source
of energy comes from a generator, battery or
dynamo, coupled with the main engine.

(84), x x x

(85) Transhipment - refers to the transfer of all or

any fish or fishery product from one fishing
, v:essel to another.
(86)"·; x ,ii.' x '
r , ~ /

(87) Unregulated Ff,shing - refers to fishing activities

condu~t"d by: '

(a) Vessels wIthout nationality but operated

by Filipino and/or Filipino corporation;
, (b)Philippme 'flagged :fisbing vessels operating
inareasinanaged~by RFMOi.-to which the
, , ,Philippines is not a party to; or

(c) Philippine flagged fishing vessels operating

in areas or 'fish: stockslwliere 'there are :no
".,," 0,
" ", :;,applicable' conservation and' inanagem~nt
measures. ;J(:- >;!',-,;.' -.' '

(88) Unreponted Fishing-refers tMishing actiVities

" ,:"whiclj.'ha~enot
,'" < • _."" ':'
"r .- " ..",- ..,> '.
.or 'have. been
y', _'",.
0 t '< '
.,~ -' ",

, ,,'misreportedto tlieDeplil'tmeilt,ii),coutravention
• -'~f n~tioxi~l)a~8,a;],dr~iu'l~tio~s of tpe
Philippines;, or,undertaken'in" 'the, area; of
competence of a relevant RFMO which have Q.ot
:, b~e'ri'
- '!.J'.
repo~t~dfor liliy-e'bjj'~fikii,jrliported,
1.'- ,.~'.:v -,-_"<;,-!
"'{o."",, • '0_
lin ~.-_"" I

contravention of the reporting procedures of that

organization and' furth",r' elaborated hy
reguliitrons tii"b'epromu1ga'ted' by the
Department." ,>",' " ,,' ,,', ,''',' , " ' , '
';.<: l~.i~:---"">'~.'''~~I·,';:·'':'->:-~' ,:.. ,,.,,_ ',;,,- ,~,
SEC; 4'. Section 6 of the same'Actis hereby amended, as
follows, " , "~"',i":' ':, i,,, :.. "',' .. "" "

'-I''''''~-'''''-_'~-'I-: ,";'. :-:--,", 'f)"'.,'." ,-;" ___ ',-

" "SEC. 6. Fee. q",d Qt[!.er ,k'is[!.ery Cn,ctrge•. - Tre
rentals for fishpond'areas covered by the Fishpond Lea;se
Agreement (FLA) or other tenurial instrument /;Ind liceJ,We
fees for Commercial Fishing Vessel Licenses (eFVL)
shall be set aUev:elsthat reflectresow;ce rent !\~cru4>g
from the ,'utilization'ol resoUrces and shall be deterrilin~d
by the Department: Provided, That th~;O~piirt;';eiitshf1
also prescribe fees and other fishery charges and issue'i , . ", . .': J . _!

the corresponding license or permit for fishing ge~r,

fishing acctissories" and other fisheryactiVitlesb"eyond the
municipal waters, Provided, further;"''ril'lltthk licen~e
fees of fishery ,activity in, municipal watere shall be
deter~~~d bYth~ •
Local G~v~~~~~{uirlts(tGUs)


consultation with th~ F ARMCs.The FARMCs may also,

recommend the appropriate license fees that will be '

"-, ' -'" i_

SEC. 5. Section 7 onhe Act is hereby amended, as follows:

, "l

"SEC. 7. Access to Fishery Resources. - The·

'Department shall issue such number of licenses and
permits for the conduct of fishery activities subject to
harvest control rules and reference points as determined
by scientific studies or best available evidence. Preference
shall be given to resource users in the local ccimmunities
adjacent or nearest to the muriiCipal waters." ,

SEC. 6. Section 8 ofthe Act is hereby amended, as follows:

• "SEc.8. ,Harvest Control Rules41'T),d Reference

Points. - The Secretary may establish r,~ference points
and harvest control rules in a fishery management area
or foi a fishery: Provided, however,Th4t in mUIncipal
waters and fishery management areas, rui~ waters under
the jurisdiction of special agencies, Harveiot Control Rules
and Reference P~ints· m'ay beestabli~hed' upon the
concurrence and approval or recommendation 'of such
special agellcy and the concerned LGU iii consultation'
with the FARMC for conservation or ecological purposes."

SEC, 7, Section 14 of the Act, is ,hereby amended, I1S follows:

"SEC, 14, Monitoring, Control and Surveillance

(MCS) ofFishing in all Philippine Waters andPhLlippirie
Flagged Distant Water Fishing Vessels. -A monitoring,'
control and surveillance system shall be established by
the Department in coordination with LGUs,FARMCs,
the private sector and other agencies cOllcerned to emillie
. ·i ' .

that the fisheries and aquatic resources in Philip~~ne

waters are
judiciously and wisely utilized and managed,
on a sustainable basis and conserved for the benefit Jnd '
enjoyment exclusively of Filipino citizens. The MCS
system shall 'encompass all'Philippine :flagged fishing
vessels regardless of fishing area and final destination of
catch.!'.. . ',,;,. "H-"'\' ,- ,oj, ,

'-8.',;-,;,.,"1: ~':;:J..j",;~\ --,,-i'~,'~'.!";J \~.O.,,·) ',:\"-A '1",(.:>,.,:.1::. ,.i·'

. ./:lEe. 8. f?ection 30 of th'i' s!pUe,Act is hereJ>y ,an1I'J;l,~ed, as
follows: -.. ,,', '"" _',,; . ". nL'::. ~ '-:.;)\i) J
. . '.'i' - -,'}_.~ .'·:_-·,'.~I{"--'" ,'".-,-,.' . ,'" "" ,",_ ~ __"! '-. >",:
'''i:,!·SEO.3Q.l;lenew~IDfC.(Jrnmerciallfi8hing V~~8el ,"
License. - The c()lllll!l;lrqia\ fi~hing vesselliqeJls~lIhan be '
renewed every three (3) years.

The owner/operator of a fishing vessel has a period of

sixty (60) days prior to th,feXpiraticincifthelicense \vitbk
, whichto'renew'the satne."c i'd"' ... • ".,,' ..., <, ',;,',,,, "" ~/ i
SllQ. 9., Section)11 of the same ,Act is lt~:!,"~by aIg,ended; as
_follo~s: _ ,,-;.;.1' ~':'.::.O.-;- :,1 1;'/ '_':(·-";"'.'.'!-I"·>'- .\'.':'~_,-:~s"}~".J-:~~~:;,,o. ~' .." / /'.:
". '.',-.~i';->~.,~ _::.~ ,:-~-,\;.- ':_"; :r;' E.'X,::-'; f~;>J::.:f;;i~~r~r " '
, ': "SE!O. a~; TransferotOwner8hip'7T4.ei!w.ner(op~,a,to" '
of a registered p~/:ting ye~8~hhali notify,tP-ll P~Pf\rtm.ent ','
in w,r#!Ag qfJ1PY iAteAtiQ1l to..tJ.:al!~f.e~ ,the.p,Wl:t~t;!'!mp .o~"
the vessel, withil). ten, (:1.Q) ,days befo:!,"eJts ,.iptAln;4e,cj.,tr~fer . '
to an:other pe~son. 'Failure of the owner to do so shall not
extlli!iiiish anY-existing oj; penrung'sandti6rior liability
with respect to said fishing vessel. .,

SEC., \1,0. Section32,()fthesam.eAct ill h'i.~~byam.en~eidi'

as follows;,-::,,:,g .c, '. ':\!-, ,:; -~,' ~ ~,!:"'!:-i~~:',;f :~.J 'k>~' '\'-'"l " ,~ ,~~,'::T:\ 't':~;;,:!,~Y1\c- _',-i'"
'_ ,',

,,,,S~~.j3~~' ~i;i~~~wdte:\;:s~;~;;~~~~;~:;;::;',~f~' '

Philipp; r",gisj;ry,mllY "epglilge, iJ;l" distant ,Wllter,;fi9hing~ i ' "
as defined in this Code: Provided, That they complY with';

the safety, manning and other requirements of the

Philippine Coast Guard, Maritime Industry Authority and
other agencies concerned: Provided, however, That they
secure a fishing permit, gear license and other clear'lIlces
from the Department: PrQvided, f\!-rther, That the fish
caught by such vessels shall be considered as caught)n
Philippine waters and therefore not subject to aU import
duties and taxes only when the same is landed in duly _
designated fish landings and fish ports in the Philippines:
Provided, furthermore, That landing ports established
by canneries, seafood processors and all fish landing sites
established prior to the effectivity of this Code shall be
considered authorized landing sites: Provided, finally,
That fishworkers on board Philippine registered fishing
vessels conducting fishing activities beyond the Philippine
Exclusive Economic Zone are not considered as overseas
Filipino workers. ';,,1'"

Distant water fishing vessels shall comply with the

monitoring, control and surveillance requirements,
conservation and management measures; and fishing
access'conditiims of the Department, the RFMO, or other
coastal states." -

SEC. 11. Section 33 of the same Act is hereby amended.

as follows: " '" -

"SEC. 33. Importation, Construction of New Fishing

Vessels and Gears and _Conversion of. Other Yessels. ;-
Prior to the importation or the construction of new fishing
vessels or gears; or the conversion into a fishing vessel,
the approval/clearance ofthe Department must first be
obtained in order to manage fishing capacity."

SEC. 12. -Section 38 of the same Act is hereby amended,


as follows: .

"SEC. 3S.Rep o:torial Requirements. -:-E~Ch .

commercial. fishing vessel shall keep a daily record offish"
catchruid spoilage,landmgpoirits,arid quantityand value ".
offish caught; arid off.loaded for transhipmlmt,'srue ahw l u,
or other disposaL Detailed W'orination 'shall-be ,dUly' ,;
certifiiidby the vessel's captain: and ttans\nitted to BFAR' '
within the period prescribed inth" implenieii.tirig-r~es :
and regUlationS promulgated by the bepartment.Faillji-e .
to comply shall result to administrative. and perlal •.
sanctions." -',-

SEC. 13. Section 42 ofthe Actis hereby deleted andreplaced

with a neyv Section 42, to read asfollows.:,.· ', ... "'\'
'. ':,
"SEC. 42. Port State Measures. - The Departmept
is authorized to adopt port state Jlleasures that must 6e
compljed with byJ<?reignflshipgvessels .•1'hesll Jlle~sur~s
shall. in.clude:pri9rnoti.4~atio!lof!port·eIlctJ:oy;use bf .... ',.
desig~at~d pprts; restrictions 01). porte~try' and lan!Utig""
or tr';'nshipment 'of, fish;!re"t~iQtions ,on·~uppli,es,.aJd, •• '.•
services; catch and other documentation requiJ;ewent~; , ,
port inspections; and other related measures. '
'~i/i-';'- <.<.~,'-: ..• "'}': ~::,,:r: 1""
Trans.hipment by Philippine Flagged Fishing Vesself' ','
shall be regulated by the Depsrtment in a manner
consisten'twitli 'the' PhUippines''''conU:iJ.itltient ·t&· '
convention8"aridinte:mationaIagre~;n:ents;" ,;"'" '.", """ ;,'" "

. ,. SEC. 14. Section44,ofthe @aJlle Act i~ herebY,amerld,ed,

asfollows:,,;,.,, ,', " ...•".;,.•,'.., ".;, ",i.'.,," "",o' ,.,,:,
.oj .. _ ~-': :.'~.- , __ ;""I~ ,,;';-, :'.' "-"':"\'-'i
"SEC. 44. Use of Supertight or Fishing Lighf
Attractor. ,-,The number 'andcandle..iight ,power ,at

inten~ity of superlight and fishiJJg lightattractor used in

commercial fishing ,vessels shall ,he , regulated by the
Department: Provided, That the use of superlight is
banned within municipal waters and hays. Th~ use of
fishing light attractor in municipal waters shall he
regulated by the local goverl)IDeI),t units.~'" ' , '
0., ')"~11!.¥1:_;,'-'-.l'"~~'?),"-~,i_ ~-:;', t; -~-,-l "/,-,,,-+.,>,) ': _
$EC. lq,Section 62 "fthe same Actis he,re,by amended,
as follow'~:,,"', ' ' ' , "; ",' , "" ""
" ,'-
- .' • .::\ j

" ,"SEC. 62. Trade:Reiat~dll1,ea,su~es. ;'",Standards

for weights, volume, quality and ptller II).~asurements for
ail fisherytr~;;sa~tio;;'s'~ndt~~d~ ~haiI be set by the
Dep,;rym';nt:" , ,', ','" ' "" '

All fish and fishery products for'~xp~rt, iniport and

domestic consumption shall meet the ,quality grades/
stand~ds ~;;'dl"bejfug~;'d info;nia:tior\;:~q~enients as
dete~m~edbhhe D~partm~~t,,"
_. '- ; .-- .•
," '.
' '_'. ',.'" ',' " __ 0

" I~ ,,0 _.,., ,_~_ f, '. -1i~'i _

The LGU concerned shall, by appropriate, ordinance,
penali~~fra~d,:,}~~t p~acti~~s ~nd {,$wM~~;session or
use ofinstrum:ent~fw'eights~nd ;,;e~;ur';s.

The D"partment may prescribe, trade-r<;>lated

measures to reduCe or eliminate trade in fish and fishery
products deriveq, from illegal,unregulated an,d =!"ported
(IUU)fishing." ' " , , , '

SEC. 16. Section 65 of the same Act is hereby amended,

as follows: " ,,

- ~'SEC,\ 65, Functions of the Bur:,eau ,of.Fisheries

" ,

and Aquati,c ~esources. - As, a line bureall, the BFAR

shall have the follOWing functions:

(a) prepare and impleinent a ComprehenSive National

Fisheries Ihdustry Development Plan;'
.' l., "

, l ':;

(r) formulate and implement,rules and regilla'ticins'" '

for the conservation and management of straddling
. ' fish'stdcks; highlY' Inig;a:t6tf:fi~b 'stbck~arid
threatened living marine resources such' ,~s '
sharks, rays and ludong, inter alia, in tr,e
Phili~pke 1i:;';ci1usiv~'Edon'6infc Zone,territorial
'se~;'a:r<lliip'ei~gic)a'Aa Ihterna.lW!i£e>ts; i~il'
"codrdih~tii;ri ':~itii." LGUd"anii' ini~gi:~'tedl
municipal/city Fisheries and Aquatic Res60i6~s' :"
Management Councils;
. ".; :·':-.,·-.-"if"f~·-'J;'~"_'-;-·; '-,'-'«": ;, "~

(s)tfam: d~signate arlddepmyfuiheries'bb.Jervers'l:n '

, Pliilipplrte" flagg~dfi:shJ.rtg.Je~sei~1!'nga'geifk ",
"< ,'_J._ -, .• , . :'; --' <l~' ,~.-:. ~.,! ' _ -
,- ••

commercial fishing in: Plillippme waters or illiita:p:t .'

water fishing to ensure compliance with
_F_'__ r • .c,"-i·~.T-- _',7.,,, 7--;,,<,;-.1.r~<,.r, ~··t'- ,;,<:,-!,_ -'J ,~,
conseiVatiori,ahdmaliagement meaiiiJresa:doptiid
byliFMOS iiridb~ih~'bellartmen't;"] ", "
..-.,'1 ;, ,_, f-:~':·;}'::~:,:)-,":i:-"O-;j>.· .';:;,~, ;-."':, '..;

_ (t) implement boarding and inspection protocols upqn

"PhIlippine flagged fishing vessels:in' order ,to'
'. pro'iriote observa:nce to'internatiorial trea~y
,obliga'tioIls" tlIl"'food'8afety~'i t6 'cUrb iiMga~,'
unreported and unregulated fishing, and to c6ihp!y
willi conservation and management measures; .

(u) adopt an appropriate monitoring, control,""

surveillance and traceability system for municipal
. cortcurtence Oftlie local goveriiriientuhlts;' " ,
..• (_,,;~~;, .. 1£\' '_:-I;r-J~-;-'- <-I.-,- .. y. j \ ,'-

(v) adopt and implement a national plan of action to


manage fishing -capacity, implement the

internationaL code of cOIlduc~ for responsible
fisherie~, a";d declar~ fishery management areas
as over-exploited in coordinationwith the LGUs
_,andFAR,MCs; "< _

(w) require performance bond~ anp. impose and collect

reasonable fees and charges for laboratory services,
inspection, deploymentoffisheries observers, and
catch documentation and validation,. taking into
-account the balance required between recovering
the costs of services rendered and the socioeconomic
impact of their imposition, upon prior consultation
with stakeholders; -

(x) hear and

. decide
. administrative
. .- cases
- - before it;

determine the appropriateJevels
of administrative
," ·r-· .
and other sanctions, particularly for_ serious
violations, that deprive offend~rs _of economic
benefits from their violations o(the laws, rules

(z) initiate the criminal prosecution, of offenses

committed in violation of this Code regardless of
, ,their situs; and .
'. ,,:
(aa) perform such other related functions which, shaJJ
promote the development, conservation,
management, protection and utilization of fisheries
_and,aq~~ticre~oury~s.1' ": <

SEC, 17, Chapter VI of Republic Act No, 8550 is hereby

repealed and replaced with a new .chapter VI to read as follows:
.. 18

'. -To t ~.:. -'<.i~i- ;1_ -;''',''-. j', },""!l"! -..~.', ,;' :l'·r

, ,SEC: 86. 'Unauthorized; F'iiJhinig.-''(a) Itahan. be

unlawful for any person to capture or'gath~ro~ to'cause
the capture or gathering offish, fry or fingerlings of any
. fishery species "or
fisheryprbduc'tihvithbut license Or
,permit'fromtheDepartmentorLGU.,,'> ,,"

, Except hi cases specified under this 'Code, it sh~ll

also be uiilaWful for any cominerci.u fishi!l.g vessel to fish
inmuriicipal waterS:' ,c.. , "', ,:: " '" ", .,,:.',- d.'"

The discovery of any person hi posiiessi6ri of a: fishing

gear or operating a fishing vessel in a fishing area where
he has no license or perniit 'shalliionstitute jJrima facie a
presumption that the person is engaged in unauthorized
, fishing: PrOVided, That fishing for diilly food sustenanbe
, or for leisure which is'not for cCinimerc!al; occupation ~r
livelihood purposeEi Jriay'be iillowed.'" "-, ,.C', , , "

Upon a summary finding of admiliisfr.ltive 'liability,

the boat captain and the three (3) highest officers of the
, commerCial fishing vessel and the ovViler6l;'operator who
,violatethie proVisiohshall be'penitliz~d With: cbooscatiop
of catch and gear, and an administriltive fine 'offive (5) ,

times the value of the catch or the amount indicated below,

whiiibeverjs'high~r~''';' ":" "'''''\'--''',,.;t ,,"','" " j '

,'(1) Fifty'thou'Bahdpssos (p50,OOO;OO) toOne hUndred

thousand pesos (plOO,OOO.OOnoYjsmaU:scale
commercial flshing;'
.. _~" .;. ,,,>." /2-,1,'":"-; ";; '1:: • 1 I,-j -:~ - .' __ ,
, " (2) ,One hundred fifty.thousand pesos (p150;OOO.OO) '"
to Five hundred thousand pesos (p500,OOO.OO) fot

medium-scale commercial fisrung; and 0

(3) One million pesos (pl,OOO,OOQ.OO) toFive million

" •pesos (p5,OOO,OOO.OO) for large-scale commercial
iisrung. .', ,~,
Upon conviction by a court oflaw, thl' boat captain
and the three (3) highest officers of the commercial fisrung
vessel shall suffer the penalty of imprisonment ofsix (6)
months and confiscation of catch and gear and twice the
amount ofthe administrative fine ..,
_,,_ c,',.:;:' ,

(b) It. shall

be uni~wful for any p~rson
-' -, '. - ,., .', ',,' ,.. , . ' -.; - -
not listed,'-in
"," -, ' ! ~,'

the registryof,lllUnicipal fishe,rfolk .to engage in,any

commercial fisrung activity in ;":llllicipal waters.

Upon~ ~~inary ~.fug of ailinini~irativ~

- -".' 'c f-""
, - _), ,~- ,I _,~.,-, _
the offender ofthis
- ,.'
shall,-,be puirished withan'
- -.~.",',


administrative eqUivalent to twice tli" value of catch

or Fiveth~t1sand pesos (p5,OOO.OO), whlcb'ever is hlgher, '
,,-,-,--,~,,---"',.--, ,.---.~", -:~,',-.,"
and confiscation of the catch 'and fishing-gear: Provided,
That if the offenderfaiIs to pay the fule~'Jie shall render
",' .' , "", .,l
, '" , ';- ,'"lito', - ..'., '

SEC. :87 . Engaging in Unauthor,zed Fisheries

'." ," i -, - - , . . -". • - , - < " - ~, -," -

Activities.- It shall be unlawful for any person to exploit, '

occupy, pr';duce;b~eed o~ cu1t';';~ flsh,fry or fiI{geriin:gs
of ariyfish~ry species fishery p~oducts or c~nsti:;'ct "
0"'_' ,_""., " - ,', -"le," , . - . , ' .
, " : >: " '. ,',
and operate 'fish corra:ls,fish °traps, fish pens arid fish
cages or fishponds without a license, lease or permit: 0

The discov~ryM any person

-;' ,-i'-),'_:, ,". -,'-;
in any of the
" "-;-,,
; - ,-~,,'
above actlvltle8 w1thout a lease, license or perm1t shall
',; /10<,-:,,,'
< ";':1..'1
_', • ' t " " , ' ',",'._'i' -,,',C' .. _., .... ,
constltute apnma rae,e presumption that the person 18 '
engaged in liilauthoriZtid fish;,'ri~s~clivttY. ' 0, ..
'f: .' 1

Upon a summary finding of administrative liability,

the offender shall be penalized with an administrative
fine of FiVe hundred thousarld'pesos (p500,OOO.OO)tOQne
millionpeaos (pl,OOO,OOO.OO);the ilismantlirii or renio\;-al
of the structure at the expense of the offender; the
rehabilitation of the area affected by the activity and
confiScatiriitofstocks ...,..... . c.' .' ....,'}" ..... :•• : . ' •
. ~,'

Upon conviction by a court iifliiw, the offender sh:aIl

suffer the 'penalty of iniprisbniIient of six (6) monthsra
fine equivalent to twice the aniount of the adriiinistrative
fine, the dismantling or removal of the structure at the
expen~~'6f tI1eofferider,'th~ t~h~bilitJii~ri:of the iuJea'
affected byth~~cti'viiy iuia C'6nflscatibrtofstocks. .
, ,," c :; :,','-.' ',r: -" -'~: ;".'; ~" -:""'\'

SEC. 88. Failure to Secure .FishiTJ,g Permit Prior to

Eng"agi~g 'l~pist(intWdt~~~FM:;t~Ji ~)(a)lt'~~ be
unlawfUl fo~'anyperson to flsh'inthe hlgh ~~as, in the
,c, ,,',"--_ ~d;-I-" .. ';'O.
_."<.--.~-;'.,--,.,_~'~:.:,,-,,,_" >f~~,;:,:_"'c".t,,:"

.'~-"!. ~
arqhipelagiqwaferii, alld .ExClusiye ' "
' ! } ' ) ' , , - , ; .. ,,'oJ "\" -," '~'~'_["''''~-'''-~''-:-''_:_nJ<~~-fr'~''

Econojnic Zonesof()th~r states usil?-g

, . . ,. ,>,-;'.'"~r-.-'J,-·_,;:I"
Ii Philippine tulgged .,'.
•• ",-.-, '-'''''~''-'",!>~A'<''-'r'>_\''';'~''''

vessel without
_,-c.;" ,,/.- _",
afishiiig permit~olU '
;-, - _ ··'c,·.<_r!7_1-,_ r!:"-'", ",
~ ~ ,,'~

the Departnientimdiiutn6cizaiioiifrom the Goiiital,~ta:~, .

, ' .'·'-J-crAijl'[.~, :;:'f'1..'

Tl?-~ <¥sc?:ve~of anY 'p~r~~~ in 'pg~!,~s~t~!1·of ~,(ishiIjg

gear or operating a fishing vessel in the abovementioned
arEla~~~}~~~~* aW~_~g:p';r~~rfi;~~,t~~b,~~~~~We&~'9f, '

;~:~i;:i~~;~::~~:';{~~~J;~:1:~:Crf~w~mi1~~t .
tbis-pro~~j~i~'~~'/; ,.~, ~,_':',~,-~ --":~~~.",: -,,'< 1 :-.;' ~.~ :,., ,~/'- -, -~-,-./ ,"

. ~
qe un,!1i}'VM.fot:<:!w·
• ',)0 > "_,,,c -
<. T'
O}vIJe~.o~ pPfl~at!lr,
_ .':. .. 'f, '" ",
h.' ,;< 1 "--:.'
an!I. ~'.'\ ,~,1 ':"~ l-' _ - . ' . ,

th~ tl!j;~,e~q~ P[~'!,\~ p:t;f:is~riJ/ ~f ": ~9J?'wte~~~.~o/.!ffi~.x~~~el .

to• commit .acts that ar~ in contraventlon of, the tel'l)lS
- ''"<:!. ""-," ,Hi ~·I<J~'~"-'d>' ~ I';'t~,"-<;<f..-,.'

and conditions st~te.d il). ~~~,:{isPll:'1 pe~mit Of lll~y bft In

promulgated by the Department.
Upon a summary finding of administrative liability,
the owner, pperator, and the three (3) highest officers of
the commercial fishing yessel who violate this section, ,
shall be punished with confiscation ofihe catch and gear
and an, administrative fine equivalent to five (5) times,
the val).le oUhe catch or theamoimt indicated below,
whichever is higher: " "

(1) Two million pe'sos (p2,OOO,OOO.OO) to Nine million

• pesos (p9,OOO,OOO.OO) for small-scale commercial

(2) TE)n millionpesos,(plO,OOO,OQO.OO) to Fifteen

million pesos (p15,OOQ,OOO.00) for medium-scale
commercial fishing; and

(3) Sixteen million pesos (p16,OOO,00Q.OO) to Twenty

million pesos (p20,000,000,OO),for large-scale
commercial fishing ves~ersle~"~than 'seven
hundred fifty (750) gross tons, and Twenty-five
million pesos (p25,OOO,000.00) to F';rty-five
, pesos (p45,000;OOO,OO)for hirge'~~ale commercial
, fiShing vesselS s"vim hundred fifty" (750) gross tolls
, <,'.
of more: r

__ .," ''',i

, Upon conviction by a court oflaw,the three (3) highest

officers of the commercial fishing vessel shall suffer the
penalty of imprisonment of six (6) months and a fine
equivalent to twice the 'amount ofthe adminiStrative fille,
, and coiIfi8c~ti6nof catch andg';ar:' .' ,',,". ,

SEC. 89. Unreported Fishing. - It shall be unlawful

for any person to engage l~ unreported fishing to fail or
to comply with the reportorial ;~qhlreinents'iri Sedtion
38 of this' Code. ,',", ," co''" ,','

Upon a summary finding of administrative liability,

the owner or operator of the mtimcipal or commercial
fishing vessel'andthe three (3) highest officers of the .,
commerciru fishing vessel who commit unrepor.ted fishiD.g .',
.within waters of national jurisdiction shall be punish~d
by an administrativ~ f~e equivalent t~ the v~ue ~ft~e
catch or the amount mdicated below, whichever Ishighe),:

(1) Five thousand pesos (p5,OOO.00) for municipal

... fishing: Provided, That if the offender fails to pay
the fine, he shall render community service; .

(2) One hUndred thousand pesos (PlOO,()OO.OO) for

. all'l
'-sm . , 'al fi Shin g;"",,,~(:~,-,"
-scaecommerCl ;I

(3) Two hundred thousand pesos (p200,OOO.00) for

, , medium -scaIe commercial fishing; i10d '.. ' .

(4) Ifiv:e hlUl,dr,~cl #).o].lsand pesos (p5PO,OOO.00) for

. I~ge-scale commercilll fishing, "".' , .
, i,' -. :", <, . -, ' , " :,.,:,:",,", _
> "', '. ~ '.- "" ';'. • !

. In cas.e of 1,IDX~port~4 fishing <;om,mitt~cl in waters

. beyoil(:in~tionaljU;;i~di~tio~, ~h~()Vf~~i. ~.(l~r,ator, and thJ
three (3) highest officers oithe commerci81fi~hingVeSBei
shall be penaliz~d ~ith an administrative fine equivalent
. to five (5) times. the.: value of the catch 'or the amount
indicated belowiwhicheveris high(:)r:' - '< . ' ,.-;, -.

. ,~ ."""-"i;~'-:;':' l",:- ,-,,;··,,;,·\v./·,--_,

(1) T\yo ;D!j]li9n_pe~os (l'2,O(),O,90(),00)~Q !-l'!nl' lllillj.o~

pesos (p9,OOO,OOO.00) for small-scale commercial
fishing; . ,..." ' , . , . .' I


(2) Ten million pesos ,(P~O,OQO,OOO.OO) to ,Fifteen'

~iWo~ ~~~()~(p15,009: 000.00) fo; ~ecli,um-s~~~
commercial fishing; and ""

(3) Sixteen million pesos (p16,OOO,OOO.00) to Twenty:


million pesos (p20,000,OOO,00) for large-scale

commercial fishing vessels less than seven
hundred fifty (750) gross tons,and Twenty-five
million pesos (P25,QQO,QQQ.OO) ,to Forty-five
million pesos (p45,000,OOO.OO) for large-scale
comm~rcial fishing vessels sev,en hundred fifty
(750) gross tons or more .•",' . , , ,', " ",

Upon conviction by a court oflaw, the three (3) highest

officers of the commercial fishing vessel shalt suffer the
penalty of imprisonment of six (6) months, and a fine
equivalent to twice the amount of the administrative fine,
and confiscation of catch and gear.

, SEC. 90. ,Unregulated FisMng. - It s,hall be unlawful

for any person to engage in unregulated fishing in wllters
within and beyond nationaljurisdiction.~

Upon a summary finding of administrative liability,

the owner, operator, of the municipaLorcommercial
fishing vessel and the thre~ (3) highest dficers ofthe
commercial fishing vessel who commit unregulated jjsbing
within,waters of national jurisdiction shall be punished
by confiscation of catch and gear and an administrative
fine equivalent to the value of the 'catch or amount
indicated p,elow, whichev!,r is higher:
, ~;

(1) Five thousand pesos (p5,000.OQ» for municipal

fishing: Provided, That if the o:('fenderfaiIs to pay
the fine, he shall render community service;

(2) One hundr~d t1wusand pesos (P100,OOO.OO) for

, , small-scale commercial fishing; ,,' ", :

(3) Two hundred thousand pe~ps (p200,000.OO) for


medium'scale commercialflshing; and'

<, .' " ": ;:.;-

(4) Five hundred thousandpesos(p500;000.00) for

, ", large-scale commercial fishing.

In case 6funreg'lliatedfishing"ciimmitted in waters

• "" I
beyond natiorialjurisdiction, thifbWnetiop,n:'ator, and ~he
three (3) highest officers of the commercial fishing ves$el
shall be penlilized -with cblifiscation of catch and ge~r,
and an adw.iiristrativefine 'equivalent to five (5) times
the value of the catch or'the amount indicated below,
whiche'\l-eris'higher:' "", ,'. " ",','." , ;','i' , .. <',.:' j

(1) Two million pesos (p2,000,000.00) to Nine milliim

, ' " pesos (p9,000,000.00)for small-scale comiiu3rciW
. fishing;'--'-'", '\', :\l·J~;,,·,:·· \""'-" :!"~1"";~:1

(2) Ten million pesos (plO,OOO,OOO.OO) to Fifteen

imillionpesos (p15,OOO,000;00) formediiiill-scaie
,'; ,'commercialflshing;ahd ; , " C".;' ",
- ,'-, . ".' .

(3) SiXteenmillioripesos (p16,000;000.OO) to Twenty" '

- . , . - • - I
"," millioJi''pesos (p20,OOO,000.00) 'forlaJ:ge'-'sca!e .
"'co'mmercial' fishing' ve's~elsIes8 than"'8e'ye~ ,
, 'hundredfifty (750)grosstohs,"and Twerity--five ' " ,
million pesos (P25,OOO,000.OO)'to 'Forty:five ','
million pesos (p45,000,000.00) for large-scale
";' commercial fishirig vessels' seven hUridred fffty
" ,"(750) grOss tdns ormore;J,r,:;"":,,,,,,, ,;, :::. '.,', ,
.• ' j ,~-.;.>-~('_-lf' r':' < -'; ;,': • __' " ; ' '-,- : ;~1;-;-' '.; j '",1 ~ -~' I-\,~. ,:-.;', I

Upon convictic.>n py a court oflaw, the three (3) highest

officers of the ilbmmerCial
. _. " .
fisliing' ve8~el shim sUffeithil'
, . ' '. - ,
penalty of imprisonmerttofiBilf(6jmorithS" ana "a fine
equivalent to twice the amount of the administrative fines;
confiscationofcatch:iindgear;:"',,,, "'c,," '~',' ':

SEC. 91. Poaching in Philippine Waters. - It shall be

unlawful for any foreign person, corporation or entity to
fish or operate any fishing vessel in Philippine waters.

The entry of any foreign fishing vessel in Philippine'

, waters shall constitute aprima facie presumption that
the vesselis emgaged in fishing in Philippine waters. '
~ ".' ,

Upon a summary finding of administrative liability,

any foreign person, corporation or entityin violation of
this section shall be punished by an administrative fine
of Six hundred thousand US dollars (US$600,OOO.00) to
One million US dollars (US$1,OOO,OOO.00) or its equivalent
in Philippine currency;

Upon conviction by a court oflaw, the offender shall

be punished with a fine of One milliort two hundred
thousand US dollars (US$1,200,OOO.00),or its equivalent
in Philippine currency, 'and confiscation of catch, fishing
equipment and fishing vessel.
,~. :

If the offender i.caught within interpal waters, an '

additional penalty of imprisonment of six (6) months and '
one (1) day to two (2) years and two (2) months shall be '
imposed. Ifapprehended for the second time within internal
waters, the offender shall be punished with imprisonment
of three (3) years and a fine of Two million four hundred
thousand US dollars (US $2,400,000,00) or its equivalent
in Philippine currency: Provided, That no foreign person
shall be:deportedwithout the payment,ofthe imposed
judicial and/or administrative fines and service of
sentence, if any.
, '.'"

SEC. '92. 'Fishing Through 'Explosives, NOlxioiJ,s "or

Poisonous Substance, orElectricity. -'- (a) Itshitll be

unlawful for any person to catch, take or gather or ca~se

to be caught, taken'or gathered fish or any fishery speqies
in Philippine waters with the use qfexplosives, 'nol<ieus
or poisonous substance such as sodium cyanide, which
will kill;' stupefy;,disabkor',rend~r,unconsciouS fish, or
fishery'speciee: Provided"rr'hat theDepartment;inibj~ct '
to su~h safeguardsa,nd conditions'deemed necessai:Y:fd' '
with the endorsement from the concerned LGUs, lIIay
allow,.for iesearch,'educat,ional Or scientific purposes o~,
the use ofpoisoIious,Or noxious substances to:catch, tl\ke'
or gather fish or fishery species: Prouided,/iirther,T4at
the use ofpbisonotisor noxidus substances to eradic;;'te,
predators and pests in fishpohdsin' accordance',with
accepted scientific practices and without causing adve~se :, '
envli'onmental impact in neighboring waters and grounds
shalrnot b'fconstrtie'd as' ille~1iI fishing, ,,', : CO,,," "!, "
- :.. j_-)' ~ 'J ~ . -}._!,"., - ,. ,';"";,: -.,' ~-'7 ":;' '" Ii
The discqvery'of dynamite,: other ,explosives ,afld
, chemical compounds which cohtai):lcombustible'elemi\nts"
or noxious ol;poisonbus 8uDstances,or eqUipment or device ,"
for electrofishinim ~ fishlngvessel or in the p08sessi~n
of any: fisherfolk,"operatoz.;,A'isliing:lbOat,iofficiaLnf '
: fishwo;ker sha~ co~stitutea:pri;na faci~ pr,eBu.mPt~?n'
, that any ofthesedeVlces was used for ,fishing m Vlolati~n '
of this Code.' "'", ,'/: ,'" ;;< Xc;> "',i.,,,,,,,,,,,,, ",,'"''''':?;''' I",'
. ::{"1~':, "':;} j ;
, ,

The discovery in any fisbing vessel of fish caught pr "

killed with.the,use of explosiv'es;noltlouBoipbisonous,
substances, or by electricitY shMI constitute'aptima fac~e ' .' '
presUmption that the fisherfolk, oper~toi, boat official br ' '
,fishworkeris fishing with tlteusethereo:t?'w '" !' l '",
,< ,: .-;<,,,·~!.h· ,;,.;,-
Upon a summary finding of administrative liabilitr,
, any pers.'?,nJqund liable forthEll\q~",al !If!.e!\f explC1,s~ve~"
noxious or poison~Jis substances shall be punished with
- - ' < .-. :". - ." -, v 1 • - -,.~ '.'

confiscation of catch including those not caught illegally

ifco-mingled with those caught illegally, gear, explosives
and noxious or poisonous substances; or electrofishing
devices' and - paraphernalia' and ·geai';-.-and ·im
administrative fine equivalent to five (5) times the value
of the catch or the amouilt 'of fine indIcated below
.whichever is higher:

(1) Thirty thousaild pesos (p30,OOO.OO) for municipal


(2) Three hundred thousand pesos (p300,OOO.OO) for

small-scale commercial fishing;' . ,.'

(3) One'milliori five hundred thousand pesos

(pl,500,000.00) for medium 'scale' commercial
fishing; and
,- ~l;;-
(4) Three million pesos (p3,OOO,OOO.00) for large scale
commercial fishing. ~_

Upon conviction by a, court of l';w, ,the offender

shall be punis,hed. with imprisonm~nt'fr0m fiv", (5) to
ten (10) years,. confiscation, of. catch, 'Ihcluding .those
not caught illegally if <lo-ming-le-d,with those caught
illegally, gear, explosives and noxious or poisonous
substances~ - or'
-eiectrbfishing" devices' and
paraphernalia; gear, and iLfine equivalent to twice the
amount of the 'administrative fine, .without prejudice
to the·filing of.separate. crim4>al cases._when._the 'n8e
of the same .r~sultto physic,al injury or loss of hU)llan

Th~a.'ctti~luse_ofelectrofishirig (tevic~s foi illegal

fishini~h~ri b'e' p{,;rlshed ~ithhnp~i;orunkrii; ofkbi (6)
months and a fine of Five thousand pesos (p5;OOO.OO).

(b) It -shall 'b~ .ti.nia~ful fo~ any person to possess

explosives, and noxious or poisonous substances for illegal
28 -

fisWng. : ," ';:

Upon a summaryJinding of adminisj;rat;iv~ lial>iliiy,

the offender,s,hall b~ punished withco~cation of catch; ,
gear, aJldaP adminj,strative,fine;equival,ent ,to -fiV!l (5) ,
times the,:value oftlJ,e catch or the amount indicated pelow .
whichever is higher: , ,,',,' Or, ,', ','A,' ""c",' ' ""'j

(1) Ten thou~and pesos (p10,,uniciPIlI

Wng" , . " '.',' ,'.....
",."_ '" ,,',. :I
, I
(2) One h]l1ldre<J. tl;lousand pe,sos (1;'100,000.00) fill'
small-Bcalecommercialfishing; :" .-:'"

(3) FiYI) hundred, thousand pesos (p500;000.00) for

, ,,' medium scale commercial fishing; and '

'·P.'o:"_,'- _'., .• ; - ",'. !

Violation of this provision shan be pU:nished with

imprisonment £rom: si£(6) months to two (2) years; and'a
fine eqmvalent to't~icethe 'amo'lllit ofthiiadmfuistratiVe
fule and'coiifi;"clilidnofciltcli'llrid giiar.c':,,,, ii,";' '
.. -~ -:-~":'! ;:t:·"~~,j"'~-~_7"'::".o ,-.';).1' -'~, .:::.' .\;",~ ':';-:, ';i'
- . -, . ,,-,,", _".'1).1'(' t:,. ';;;" 'r,:,'_(. _-~~:,,",•.," -J'~l":"~)-. ->11. ;;.;
;~f. ~'-,--~;.~c._. T

SEC. 93., . '. -.

Use -'-pf• .If'ineM~sb-1Yet.
. ' -- - _. " ,
",rt sh~pe
. - ,,'
uiJ,lawNl .'
. ',,'. . <., ~." .' •• , I,

to eI)gage in fishinS- u~iI\gJlet~ with ll1es4,,~,J,llal)l,lt 1<l>!lf .'

that whkpmay be'determin~dby,the rDepart~e~f "
Provided,That the prohibition on theuse'(jffine' mesh"
net snalfri6t 'app1ito the 'gatheru{g,df£r;jfrglas~i~el~; i
elvers; tabios, and alamang and other species that by
~h~ir~,!:~~~, ~~,~,?c~ib~~alJ;~a~f ~~t';f~, ~s f~~1l-~ifi<;~'
m the implementing rules and regu,lations b~, thll '
~ep, ~,'-~,~~,~:,~t,:;t~;,",>::':<";.:,~~,;~,',"<-"-~_'-,;,--,'" ',,:~':' " 1-.' ,,-'-,-;-\5 ·:.(_~;,l ";;"'!';:;", 'i','" i " '".F .':

• _ ._0 - - -c . . ' -. ", ,,':" ;'-~ ~"';'J:'~e';:J'~;_:.~i\'-'


The discovery of a fine mesh

.. j ; I"
._ - ';
in a fishingf :",vessJI
_, ~T :.~, I!
) ," ." 'f.' . ; :. •• > '. ;

, '< . "'.', ( . •~, ',.--


shall constitute aprima facie presumption that the person

or fishing vessel is engaged in fishing with the use of fine
mesh net.

Upon a summary finding ofadministrative liability,

the Department shall penalize the owner, operator, captain
or master fisherman in case of commercial fishing vessel,
or the municipal fisherfolk, with confiscation of the catch
and fishing gear, and an administrative fine equivalent
to three (3) times the value of the catch or the value
indicated below, whichever is higher:

(1) Twenty thousand pesos (p20,OOO.OO) fur municipal

fishing: Provided, That if the municipal fisherfolk
fails to pay the fine, he shall render community

(2) Fifty thousand pesos (p50,OOO.OO) fur small-scale

commercial fishing;

(3) One hundred thousand pesos (PI00,OOO.OO) for

medium-scale commercial fishing;
_1 '

(4) Two hundred thousand pesos (p200,OOO.OO) for

, _ ,c c. _ _

large-scale commercial fishing.

Upon conviction by a court of law, ,the captain or

master fisherman in case of commercial fishing vessel,
or the municipal fisherfolk, shall be punished by
, . _ - , • 7 . , -. < - ' ~

imprispmnent of six (6) ,months to two (2) years and a

fine equival~nt to twice the administrative fine, and
confiscation of catch and gear.

SEC. 94. Fishing in Overexploited' Fishery

Management Areas. - It shall be unlavv:ful for any person

to fish in fishery management areas declared as

overexploited. ' ' ....

Upon a summary finding of administrative liabjJity,

the offender shall be punished with confiscation of c~tch
and fishing gears, lmd an administrative firie equivalent .
to the value indicated below:, ' ..." , ", ' .. q"

(1) Three (3) times the value of catch or' Tw~nty

.' thousand pesos (p20,000.00), whichever is higper,
for municipal fishing: Provided, That ifithe
offender fails to pay the fine, he shall rerjder
'.communityservice; 1"-

(2) Five (5) times the value of catch or One hundred

thousand pesos (P100,000.00), whichever is
higher, for small-scale commercial fishing;
~ . -.' !'-

(3) Five (5) times the value of catch or Three hun&ed


thousand pesos (P300,000.00), whicheve~ is

, 'higher,for medium'scale
commercial fishing;'
< ~ -, ,,-

(4) Five (5) times the value of catch or Five hundred

tho';sand ~esos' (P500; 006:00),' whicheve~ is
higher, for large~8calec(Jlhmeh)ial fishing.

•Uponconvictlon by coUrt the offender B~~ll

a onaw,
~' ~ i -
be punished by imp:dso~ent of six (6) months' and one
.. , • .' - " ,-", ' -' : " .""- 'j" -. '-'

, 1_ .'" -,' '" - ,<.' ,. ", , ," 'I'

(1) day to sii (6) years arid fine of Five hundied thousand
pesos (p500,000.OO) to .Fiv~ million pesos (p5,oOO,6oo:00),::
confiscation of the catch arid flsh:iD. g eqiiiphlerii used, .ajld .
cancellation offishingpermit'or license. ,," :: ..• ,< .. , i,-,
_ - , , , , ' -,' \ ,- -, ,~ "),,
SEC. 95. Use of Active Gear in Miuiicipal Waters,
Bays and Oth~r'FY.8h:erYMan&.geme~tAreas. ':':'itc,;iJi~1l

be unlawful to engage in fismng in municipal waters and

in all bays as well as other fishery management areas
using active fismng gears as defined in this Code .

. . Upon a summaryfindmg of administrative liability,

the.owner; operator; boat captain and master fisherman
6f the vessel; 6rthe'chief executive officer'in a corporation, .
or the: nianagingpartner in a partnership 'shall be
punisned with confiscation of the catch and fismng'gears,
and a fine tlITee (3) times' the value of the catch or the
value indicated beloW; whicheveris higher::' :': .)"'.,

. (1) Twenty tholL\!and pesos (l'20,OOO.OO) for mU1)icipal .

i , """',' \ _ , -" ,,_ _ __

fismng:.Pro\,id~d, .That if. the .. :o~fenderfails to .

pay the fine, he shall render community service;

'. (2) Fifty tllPusand ]lesos (l'50,OOO,og) for. small-scale

,;{ .. ;, r', ':'''.:, .r., . ,,';

(3), P!le h.]Ulc!r'1.d ,tho"'~!ln<ipesg~ ~~OO,QOO.OO). for.

medium-scale commercial fis~g; and

c ' ., ••••• , ] : . , ','-, " _ r ;~, " . "'\ -', ~~"_ - - ,- .

Upon coriVi~ti~n liya cOUrt oflaV;;the~fferidershall

be punished withilJIprisonment of two (2) years tqsix (6)
,- ",·,.,1O{J",_',-", ,-,>
<,~,):-,--,,'-,:-t-,'J"""''''';~''''~_< '
arid fine equivalent
,.,--._~, __ '""
to twice•the admiiri.Strative
.\F"~'·-'''P --
, "<,"',--,;','l,
"'lJ.~·-+,' _-_\~-~-"-,,,

collflscationillJ.d forfeitUre offisliirig' gearand catch, .

" - ~'\;;: f, '>~" .. ''-<_\ :., • -'. ; • :"{r' ':) ~ _ ',"'-"-_ -',>.2-.'; . ,c .".-,{~t.._ ',) 1~' ." (j ~'':.: :,' ',-'-; >'

, SEC. 96; Eanon 'Cor'ai Exploitaiiori ana Expiri6tion.

..: I t'slia'uhii'UllliiwfUl r£ot;~nyi;efSoilor'dorPr6i'iitioii to
gather~ -po~'sess:'; ~b~hlerbia:Uy tia~spbl't;~selr 6i-'-export
ordiriruj;;seliii~preaous'atidpr~Ciiius cbrals;whethetraw
or ill' processed 'f,l'rrii, except' for' scie'il£ilic ,,). ,,,'esearch
inlI'p6ses. Itiinall',,1s'6'be unlawful for arty person;
corpo~ation or e!1tity tQ cQmmit any activity that da$age '

,,' ):;',..,Y, .. j~; ", <. :,'1,(1 ~,,~' :'. -".~~-:)'t:«:/;·",,:;:~ 'l-!.- -!... ;~ 0" "'.
Upon a summary finding of administrative liability,
,:th~ I)wne~/ope'l'l:!to,ll of,thefislri,ngvesaeJls, ,boat captain,
mll-ster: ,fisherm,lI-n;,.:and,,·r,ecr,uiteri'.or, organiz~r'.of ,; - • - !

fi8hwPrker~ shall,be ,pUnished with an admitrist.rativ~ fine'

eqUivalent to;'eight (8) times the 'llll~He:of"the'c~rals'
,gatherecl"posse,ssed,commerciallyti:arisported; so*;or
exported,pr, the, amount of Five hWldred ,thous,mdp,esos '
(p500,OOO,OO):to !j,'en million pesos (p.10,OOO,OOOjOO),'
whichever is higher, and forfeitUre of the subject corals,
The 'cifferidef lillali 'als":'ifa'y' coiiipeii!i~tidil 'fdr! the
restorati6h'6fth~'darii'agkd do~alsreefs/', ;,i' " ; ,
',i,!'-,;'~ :::(-I-:iJ,:;",CiL·.'.~·\~;,::~~t~·.~!:'.'·-l"" r~"r~ .1',:,,' i

Upon conviction, by a court oflaw, the boat cap~ain,

master fishermaii,o'iift'd.r1:e'cruiter'O'r J&~~anrz'ef of
fishworkers, shall be punished by iDii))'isoIi'Dlentfrom: ten
(10) years to twenty (20) years and a fine equivalerlt to
, twi~e fh:il'.l.furiiliisftiitive '£irie'aiid forfeit;n!e'btil{~'subj~ct
corals. _. :.(i,L! - "~'...:c -~: 'Le-.. :;', 7~-:'" .:.." '-:;~ly:'; - ..,::,-~ '~.~m;:i - ., ;-- :
, '

. - ,:,' ,,., n ,-... ". F',' ~ ,~- -" f.. . k,,"" >,t co,:~ , '-', c ~ 'F' "",.J, j '(..,.:" - -: ~ -,. - i ~_ .
Theoffehde~ s~~~~~ h,~req~~~'t~~,atthe:7o~t of
restoratiop. of the damaged coral reeisbased'on avlill~ble
studi~s apd a~ dete~mined by the Department, , '
- ;: '. ;' ";: :r, ~ ",',fif-;-; ::7,' !,>,; LI (I.t (; Cl" )' I~, 't~} ,':! t,,~,. :', \' ;'~.i;,_,lj n; :. ;'d">- .'" ,,' -1

to ,'.',fish",o~.l!\eth9.d .thll-t4es~roy~ ,C~fI:!I re~~s,
,. '~", ---"!', •. ),,,,\,,,,1--',,,,1,,,;"".'-"',"" '~.' . , ' ",_.,,,.,.
¥"" 1>~~ '-."1-,".,-."",, ...

,sea~~,~w,sc~e~~l>!Ip'A~t~~?f:islbE!r~aa~,ip.JlljJ~Jl!lPit\l~S' .
may,ll~ (l,eter~in:~4.p'y; t:\t~De.l,'~r~~f'~t';;¥1.!1i?;'l,!\i: ," d ' •..
. any,ofi~~yarilj,~ioI).,and ~uc:h
,J.,,, . • ' .... _., ... ,._" '_'_,.!
.... '_ ....
""'~~)'-"""":""'~r'~ ~_f"

tha,t,~e,CJ,~J' 4i:vllI~' pt~er,/?):1ySis!!!, grJ!\~gli-IIW~!},I!,a,ct~ t,Oy.

pound the coral reefs and other .'.\
" : _ '..... ,
• I"
to entrap,
. , ' t, ,
< , _',., "
l' " ,._~".!,

or catch fish and other fishery species are also prohibited.

Upon a summary finding of admi¢strative liability,

the owner, operator, boat captain, master fisherman, and
recruiter or organizer of fishworkers who Violate this
provision shall suffer the penalty of an adiiiinistrative
fine equivale'nt to five (5) times the value of the fish caught
or Two ri1illion pesos (p2,OOO,OOO.OO), whicheveris higher,
and confiscation of catch and gear. The fishworkers who
serve as pounders shall be penalized with a fine of Twenty
thousand pesos (p20,OOO.OO) or cbmmunity service in
case of failure to pay the fine.

Upon conviction by a court oflaw, the boat captain,

master fisherman';, and recruiter or organizer of
fishworkers' shall be punished with imprisoDment of two
(2) years to ten (10) years and a fin~ eqclvalent to twice
the amount oftha administrative fine .. ! . .

(b) Except in'casesallowed by law, it~hall be unlawful

for any person, natural or juridical, to gather, possess,
commercially transport, sell or export coral sand, coral
fragments, coral rocks, silica, and any other substances
which make up any marme·habitat. ;. .to. 0

Upon Ii sUmmary findi'ng of administrative liability;

the persorr or corporation who Violates this provision shall
be pUnished with an administrative fine of Five million
pesos (p5,OOO,OOO.OO) Or five (5) times the value of the'
coral rocks, sand, or silica gathered, tpossessed, .
commercially transported, sold, or exported, whichever
is higher, and confiscation of the substance. ,',

Upon conviction by a court oflaw, the offender shall

suffer the penalty of imprisonment from two (2) years to

ten (10) years linda fine equivalent totwic'; ~the .

administrative fine, confiscation of catch or sUbsta*ces
andeqiripmentorgear\is~d:· " " ' f , . '. ;-..
.. ' " Hi - i
. '"

. SEC. 98. DZega,Z u.sel)fSfl,pr3,rliglJ,ts gr!!'i.s/!4ng ~igh.t .

Attractor..,... It shall be unlawful,to engageiIlfi~):1,ing.witb.."
the use of superlight inmUJlicip,aJw~t~rs, 'grtg J!.s!J,with ",..'
fishing light atf;ractor using candleljght power orin W11l'ity, ,,'
beyond ·the. standards by .t4e.,Depa,~tm~n~,. in'. .
consultatign with. the LqUs.for.fislJing ~nJnwrlcjpal
waters, or in violation pf-the rules promulgated by ~he .'
Department for fishing with the' Use' of.~uperligh,~ or .
fishing light attractor outside municipal waters.
. - ,- .. , ".
Upon a summary finding of administrative liabmty, .
the offeride~ shall be punished by a finl>pfTwenty thousr,d .
pesos (P20,OOO.00) pe.r superlight or fishing ,light
attractor, and confiscatjon
of catch, sllPl;l.dight
. odi:spjng
light attractor and gears: Provided, That if the offender
is a municipalfisherfolk,. ,he "may .reniier,community.
serviceinlieuoffine'" :.,' ",,' j.,/, ,:.',':.,<, , ...• ',c'

Upon conVic.ti~n·by a cp;";t oflaw"the,Qffender sllaJl ',"

be punished with imprisonment :\'rom six (6)month~ to ..,....
two (2) years and a fine of Forty thousand pe10s
(p40,OOO.OO) persuperlightpr fi§mng light,attl1actpr,/¥,d '
confiscationof catch, superllght orfis4ing light attJ:ac~pr '.
and,That if th", pffE~ndel;',js a, municipal' .
fisherfolk, he may. render. community service in li.e,\ oC ."
fineor.;imprisonment. :~-- '> ',!;.
: •• -\"~:;,~'i' ;,'
-;";,:.,. -,_,

. ;<':-';~-';;-'-:"'."'-;"'.Y-~~ . -~f-'''--,(-:·".:;)_c .. :J'_'J;{','~,~<"'

SEC. 99. Con,ver!Jion. of Man-gro,ves ..·;.,-,lt· shallll;Je) ,
unlawful for any person to convert mangroves iito
fishpondsorforanyother,purpose.· "" :'-C': i "I', ..
. ---" ,,'-,'. _)~·,"i",I__ \'.:·- .1,:';'/:1"';" '~:' ','
Upon a summary finding of administrative liability,
the offender shaJI be penalized with a fine equivalent to
the ecological value 'of a hectare of mangrove based on
available studies or administrative fine of Ten million
pesos (p1O,60o,OOO,OO) per hectare, whichever is higher:
Provided, That if the iirea requires rehabilitation or
restoration as deterntined by the Department,the offender
shall also be required to restore or pay for the restoration
of the damaged area, '
. -,-.'

Upon conviction by a court of law, the offender shall

pay a base fine of Eighty thousand pesos (p80,000.00), a
'fine eqilivalent to the administrative penalties; and shall
suffer the penalty of imprisonment of six (6) months arid
one (1) day to twelve (12) years: Provided,That if the
area requires rehabilitation or restoration as determined
by the court, the offender shall also be required to restore
or pay for the restoration ofthe damage. The offender
shall be liable for enVll:onlnental daIriages computed at
Five hundredthous~ndpesos (p500,OOO.00) pel-Hectare'
per year until the' area is-re·stored. ~ ~".,< '

SEC. 100. Fishing During Closed Season. - It shall

be unlawful to fish during closed season.

Upon a shlrimary firiding of admiru.str~tive liability, .

the ~ffender shill bepUmshed with cori.fiscati~n·ofCatch "
and gear and an adlliini~t~ative nne of: •

(1) Three times the value of the

• -,,' i ' , '' (', ~ ,
c' . ,'. ,
or Twenty <" .' l
'., thouSand
, . , , ' ',:;
pesos (p20,OOO.OO)
. ,

, whichever is higher: Provided, That if the

, off~n:d~~fail8tOp~y the ~e, co;':;m;rity s~rvice
shall be rendered;

(2) Five times the value of the catch or. Onll hundred
thousand pesos (plOO,OOO.,QO),..whichever,is .
. . higher for .small-scale commercialJishing;'''.

'. (3) Five times the value of catch. 01' Threelh1Ul\lred •

, . thousand .pesos:(P3.00,OOQ.OO), :whichev.Jj:'; is .
. .', higher for medium-scale commercial fishing;:!llld,
- , ;, - ,. :
t-., ,.
L ,," ~ ? -...··i l.' .., ;'.,
(4) Five times the value of catch Or Five ,h1Uldred
thousand pesos (P500,OOO.OO), whichever is
higher for large·scale commercial fishing.
.-; ,,' " ,

Upon convictionby a court onaw, the offender stall,.·

be punished 'with imprisonment of,silc(6) months .and '.
one (1) day to six (6) years, confiscation of catch and, gear, .

and fine:twice the amount of the administrative 'and

• -

fine I

cancellation of license or permit; " ,,"

~~c., i91. Fi~hi~g i; ¥drin,e,p,:ot~qt;dAr~,a~,>fA~~ery', ,

Reserves, RefUge an.d $an~tuaries.; It shall be Unlawful. '.
to &h in mrufue p~ot~~t~d~ea~, fish~~r~s~n.e~, ~,e¥y:~e.·· ,
or fish sanctuaries as declared by the Department or,the
LGUs. , , '", "'1· -, "." ,."
, ,- -. ,,- . "'1 " "'"',,.,.'
" •..'.,....
'!' • •

-', ;c ,;,' • /. _ -:. '" JJ.,: E'_'

Upon a summary finclln:gof admW~tr~ti~eli~bility,

the Offender shall bepu:i:rished with.confiscation.ofi 'catch
.- . . ". ,\" , , ,.. , . \.. • '-', ' ..
",,, .., - <, .. ' - • ~{. ",'. - ~,

___ .. , . " \, ,'- -",'
fine of _
.. 1 " ,
..__ ,_-, __ _.J.,,~,

the catch or the amount indicated

, . '!. " ,-' ','
, ,", '.' '. -:.
• ,,',:! _
is ~- Ie" " "

higher: i

.~\' ,:,~,.'.> - ,~- ,.l·~~, ~'~tr; '":;,, " ".-jl_;'

(l)Tv(entythousand p,esqs (P20,OOQ.OQ) for munictpal
.. ' .fishirig:Provided; Tbiitll the i:>fferideHails to pay
c __ . . • ' ", .', , .;~." . • ) ~ -., ,\., , - ~ '. '

; the £ilie', coD:1munity ser~cesh1ill1iHelid~red;

f ,t 7,1" ' •• ~", c' ,"~.• " ,t, .. - [0, r, ,' .. .- ,.:>'";" 'j ~~~h ~ ':;<~)~ ;~r'~ ':~<'

(2) Two hundred thousand pesOs (p200,OOO.OO) .for

small-scale commercial fishing;

(3) Six hundredthousand pesos (p600,000.00) for

,medium -s.cale commer9i,al fi§hing; and
" f\,,':!,,-t:";~<"§'"~' ·)~o··-~~", " - ,::>,',,r" • ,
(4) One m:ilJionpesos (p1,000,OOO.00) for large-scale
. 'commei-ci;J fishing. ,': '..- " ,
:: ~n-;L .:3 ,:,~?+'_ .- -", - -,:~" ,"', -," ').,
, Upon conviction b'y a court otIa'w','violation'ilf'this
prdVision~hall be pumsliei:iby'inipl-isdrunent bftwo(2)
years to six (6) years and a fine twicethilllInou';:fofthe
administrative fine, confiscation of catch and gear, and
ca~~ell~t,i~~~~¥ciis~ +~.~.imit.:" .;:, , ',' ," "":
, " " ," - _,:'iF ", " 'I - " ~,i' ., .,,: 1" -' •~ -., , • _~ n', '" -{~ " -.{'; , > '; ,

1Q2: F'is,h'ing'or
, , SEC.,
Tdllingof Rare, Threatened!-.or '7'''''i<,r-'~'\'''!';i 'l-",''''",.;:,~,

Eridangerea Spectes. ::: (a)It'shali be 1!ruawful to fish or

". -" ,""_,'c \- «: ",,', ,-,~ '» ,.],::I'! ":";' L~ ~ ','L: :c:: ': ,1.,' "'<; ';'" •
take,catch, 'gather; sell, purchase, possess, transport,
export, forward or ship out aq";~tlc'spe~ies 'li~t~d' in
I of the Convention on the International
",; "."--,,,,'-.'!-, >P:.:'- "_1";"_-, ' '_··l, ;,"ii,;; -,.--
Trade !I_-';~;"-i

in E]n,dangeredS-l'~cies ofVVWRI~~:,- ;Fauna (9~S), 8f-\l

. or'those categorized 'bytli" International UriJ.tin for
:,~, ,'_C'_'<~.<_'
-'Y',-,j; _, ::--_-,.' --:,,; ''.:
~c';" ,,~:: -"V~",,; ~I;':" -;~. -,;,~

Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN)

',. .-;~-~ '-";j - ~,', "L"' J'-1~~:< .
as threatened and determined by the Department as such.
,,:-', -1 '-: '" -;', -: , - ) . f . ,_ ",' ;,'

, ,Up;m a summary finding of administrative liabiJity,

th~ Dep';,tni'~,nt,~h@p~~'!4~!l,th~ ~ft:~~d~;,~ith-,~£me
equivalent to five times (5) times the value ofilie species
or ;Five lmn.dred th,ous.and
pesos,.(p,500,OOO.OO) to Five
.. .. " " . - . ' .. --
~.);:'---'-'' -~--~'-." ~

millioIlpesos(p5,OQO,OOO.OO), )righer,and

"_ "_ _" _. __" ~ .. " • , . ' __ • _ _ _ ,_ _ _,-, 0 ~_

forfei~ur" of the .sl'eci\,~", " . , : '"., '" ,'.

'\u.::-. ,Jr. - .,"-;:", -'. ',c''-,', .'~:,' -~;_ ,,",;::. c,-·,·"~'-,

,Upon cOllviction by a coqrt pflaw:, t)leQffender.shall

be p~shedby im:p~;so~e;'t oft";el~e (12)year;,~nd .
one (1) day to twenty (20) years and a fine equivalent to
twice .the.. .admnistr~tiv.e
.J.,., , ,'_' ___fi1:>e, fprfeiture"of
~._",___• _.",_spe~ies and
the ~.~ ,~. "A

the CanC!l~litiOJ!- of fishing permit... ' . , '",

(b) It shall be unlawful to fish, take, catch, gather, sell,


puh,hase,possess, transport;export;forward'orcshlp out

aquatic lipecieslist~'d iD. CITES:Appeiidi~e8I1 and'III if
scientific assessments show that population of the s~ecies
I-"f' ;,j; ,"',' "'-, ,,; 'n, 'I :-., _J, _,"" cl -, -', ,~~I"._.:,.j , ,~~ .!
fii"tIle\vild'cannoi; re'n'i..jit
• ',- '.,. . , " ' , '" < ,. ';'"

'v;iable: i:ina~i'pfesB,n.e
,; ,,_c" .-j;;{
, i
collection and trade: Provided, That the takirig or fishing
'. ~f~p.El~!l ~I1e~je,si~ow-th,e,}yi.!~l9~,SC!ElpM!< rll~!,¥:qhi or
',' con~eo/a¥\ll;ll1)~\l,e&lw(.~iJn ulti!P:e,?,!~ )V,~tA£Q1ll!l).e~9.ial

." br:e:k~7~e:~~~~~~~~~~~;i~~':~~~~ty,,'
the Department shall penalize the offender with ~ fine thre\l (3) times the value o;fJhe sP eci/3s or
'Tht~~:h~dt~d ~iid\is~iid''e~~~'(i>s6o~066':bO'tt
,~.-"!r!":;" ',-,-',),1","'171, Tkee
!~t,~ !p,-}-,,.,, r~.F'i"t-::.,'-'f-·"·~"'~~S"~'~"~"-'"
iitillionpesos (p3,OOO;OOO.OO), whichever is higner;a:iid
~~f~~~~\lr~:~{~~~f~:~~~:~':;.:' ~~ ;;~,;~7~. "'~ : '~ ~:.,-, -;: ,:;:::~~:r', ~i'_~';~~'~';' ._, .
" ',upriri ~;;ri~~ti;;ii'b;' a'cqliri 6fr~Vi;th~~f'f~kd~ntill ,
'b~ ~;;;U,~h~d1,1 fu'itri~~riiri';~t'gifi'v~'(5) r6~igli'H8Mks'
"'ailiLk fihe'~~hlv'lilii~l1fu,tiii~ihej)
! i:: ___ <_-','_;-'f·".:~'
" "·'·()~""-"""~"'i:'!'~;·a~;, .c',:.~t·.,.("
, forfeitureofthEj'species: ';' " ,,' ",-"' ,,' ; ' } ' ,
"-., ;~;d·-:hf-_~·f~~-;;-~;'~l::-:·-;rT_'~:~ "'~":';~: --:" j.--:;!I.l.~:' ,,~~:..,;~;>;~~:; ",'--\"!'",..i'f':' _) , '

(c) It shall be unlawful to gather, take, possess,

" trailspirt: or export; forwil'rd6f shlp'orit"ciipti~e-bred
'. specles'tliath8.V'e be~il:tritn8Pliirite1rtiltheWild:n'''k
i.-,:J)h "i-iJ~£"·; .,.~,L ~,:, ;:.:: .;,,':~ ~ ,'~j~: L-:.;: - 0.':1f.l~l.,{·t~tl,'L (~};:,.;'i.!,:,;.t:;;' ~<'
, ,(tJpoiiii'~\.ulS:fu,n.y'fiAdirigofil(!irl.iri1§iriiti';:'Hiiibi!lity,'
theofferiae'r sb'.rnM'penallz~dviith ~fuie'~qUiviilei\:t to '
three (3)times the value of the specie~'oiTm~~'hunil:,:e'd
thousand pesos (p300,OOO.OO) to Three million p~sos
(p3,OOO, (JOn:OU)i \"hlche'ver 'ishlgnei'/iiiia'forfe'i'tuteof
the' SpeCi~E{.·r t£\' j·'1'j.j,f .",(c''.~ ~1.;' A~-::" I~J ".~!';;'lj:~·~~' .:', :>,f-::,,{!t~J,··~>j;{ '-"

d ,~<1';'dp;!8,n'lt- ;,~-:1- (fit :h~i'~-:;'{ \' }~:):..; ':~r_~ ',,>; l~-"-:i~ l(Lh:~! -j' t~~'-'r '(;'
" . ''''Ui>oni:o~'viciJ.oii'iiy ii cofut oflav;.ithe&ffe-riil€i'shall ' '.
be punished by imprisonirierlf6ffi';''';'(5)'t6EligKt'(8) ye1U"~' .'
a fine ~quivalent to three (3) times thE) va1u~ ?fthe sp~~ies
, ; ;~:_i ,.,:1 h~";; ;J:;·;.,f·' '.I:~ .:,-: -,)j:J!. r" d~ c,t ~1':J :!" -:,;:.;: ';--1 ., f'~' t

or Three million pesos (P3,OOO,OOO.OO), whichever is

higher, and forfeiture of the species.

Should the violation be committed by a vessel manned

by more than two (2) persons, the captain, master, and
two highest ranking officers of the vessel involved in the
fishing or taking of such protected marine life shall be
presumed to have committed the prohibited act.

SEC. 103. Capture of Sabalo and Other Bre.eders/

Spawners. - It shall be unlawful for any person to catch,
gather, capture or possess mature milkfish or sabalo and
other breeders or spawners of othel: fishery species as
may be determined by the Department: Provided, That
catching of sabalo and other breeders/spawners for local
breeding purposes
or scientific or research
. .' ,-
be allowed subject to guidelines that shall be promulgated
by the Department.

Upon a summary finding of administrative liability,

an offender sha/lhe punisl1ed with a fine.equiyalent to
five (5) times the value of the sabalo, other breeders,or
spawners gathered or captured, or Five hundred thousand
pesos (p500,OOO.Op), whichever is higher, an!! forfeiture
of catch and gear .

.Upon conviction by a court oflaw, the offender shall

be punished by impri,sonment of six (6) months an<i one
(1) day to eight (8) years and a fine equivalent to twice
the amount ofthe administrative fine, forfeiture of catch
and fishing equipment used, and suspension or revocation
of licerise. '

SEC. 104. Exportation of Breeders, Spawners, Eggs

or Fry. - Exportation of breeders, spawners, eggs or fry

as prohibited in this Code shall be punished undet this

Act: Provided, That the export of hatchery-bred or captive-
. . ,
bred breeder, spawner, egg or fry, may be allowed stjbJect
to the regulations to be promulgated by the Departljlent.

Failure on the part of the shipping or forwarding

company from whose possession the breeders, spawners,
eggs, or fry are discovered or seized to fullycoQPerate in
the investigation
conducted by concerned government
' I
authorities on the matter shall create a presUmption! that
there is corurivance or conspiracy between the company
and the shipper to Violate the provisions of this section.
- ,f

Upon a summary finding of administrative liability,

the offender shall be punished with an administrative
fine equivalent to three (3) times the value of the' breeders,
spawners, eggs, or frY exported or Ollshuridred thou$arid
pesos (plOO,OOO.OO) to Five hundred thousand 'pbsos
(P500,000.00), whi~hever is higher, confiscatioh of
breeders,:spawners, eggs or frY, suspension or revocation
of license for commercial fishing arid/OJ! registration as
;;.' - , ,:

Upon conviction by a court oflaw; the offender spall

be punished by imprisonment of eight (8) years to; ten
(10) years, confiscation of breeders, spawners, eggs or
fry, 'Ii fine equivalent to twice the 'amount of !the
administrative fine, revocation of the fishing license, imd/
or suspension or revocation "fregistration as exporter.

SEc. .105. Importation or Exportation of Fish or

Fishery Species. - Any importation or exportation of fish,
or fishery species in violation of this Code shaU be
unlawful. : co

Failure on the part of the shipping or. forwarding

company froni whose possesSion' the fish or fishery species
importEid or exported are discovereif otselied to fully
cooperate in the investigation c;n:d{;ct~d' by'concerned
. . ,.,-
a.'l:t):t,,#1(ies,shall cre'!te
""""',."-,_'·j"A' ,'c __
a pres),lIIl,ption
,.cI3-",,\l! \ '
there is conniv;ance,or conspiracy.between
_ ',.> _ , .J- c. " \ ' 'r '.
." ' . " ,
'".- " _ .' < .'_,-"., ' . "_

company an.d the shipper to perpetrate the aforementioned


. UpQnasummary
,- " ,c· - __ . c
firidiri gof;'d~inis£rative
ie._ -, '-c-'
,,<, - .-, ' . ".
'. - ,~". _ -,,~,

the offender shall be punished with aniidininistrative

fine of five (5) tiple!, th~ yalueoOllespecies or Three
hundred thousand peso~ (pallo,QoQ.OO) t~ Fiv;~hundred
thousand pesos (p500,OOO.OO)"whicheveris hlgher, and
forfeiture and/or destruction of the species.
;; -. ' ,,~.,

Upon conviction by a' court aflaw, the" offender shall

be purushed with' eight (8) years of imprisonment and
fine of twice the 'admiriistrative'fine,'forfeiture and/or
destruction of the species: Provided, 'That offenders shall
be banned' ffom being members or stockholders of
companies c,ri;rdn:tly engaged infisher;e~ coMpanies or
.to be created in the futUi-';; the~Uid~hries'foi whlch shall
be promulgated by the Department.
." "_:::" ·_;.t-,~_'"·~-<·" :'~',_:- 'I,,:r

- --\" ,'" .'-. ,>-, -',' ",t • ,-- -.' > - '-;-,~ ".- -
Upo:ti it iiummary fiiiding of adnlinistrative liability, '
- _ __
l._;-,.<",:;,_ "'~_-'-O-"-
-, "",_ , .. ",;. '/i~~,"N_ C',- -'-', .'_'~~'" '

the offender ~lihll be punishea w,ith'confiscationOf catch

arid fi~ii{hg"g~ii~:' i;eVOc!;.tiori'of llc~;;-s;l' lind '.in
adinhii~t:f'itive 'fin:e of: " ,5' .'," " ',,1" 'j'"",

(1) Three times the value of the catch or Twenty


, thousand pesos (p20,OOO.OO) for municipal fishing,

.\Yhichever is higher: .l't01!ided,. .T,hat iff the
; .,.qf£~n<je~fai!" t,!p,aytlletll!e, cpmmymity s~~yice
-!-'-'~f"~,~~,~r~4~}'e~i-,L __ 't."", ,'L -/}, .,','" ,i" .-,:,.,~.~,
,,~. ~'" i" .,,', 'J ,'" ~
, i ' ..• ' ., .,' "'- $ " '. ; I -

(2) Five times tlie valtiifoftlle'catcn Dlie hUridred

- •

or , •• >

"'. tholliili.ii.<lpesos (pl00;OOO.OO)viihlc!i6vei'iShigher

"-;--~.fOrBniall'scale ciJniinercialfisWn,gF","C'" i."''>'"
.." ,
(3) Five times the value ofthe catch or One milfion
'. - pe~os (?1,9,QP,Ooq.gO)fwhi.o4"y",r!s,l}i;g\le! for
_mediwn-scalecqmmercial fishing;
,_, - ~',-, ','; " ~-.: :-,:., ::0";", _." '_'l -"
and •
.'! _~;."

(4) Fivetitne~ 'the vallie oi'theca't'cj{or'Fiv~ hlnlion'

.. " •SpeeDS' (p5,otiO,Ooo:OO);'whicliever fa hlg!ier!Jor
. darge-scale commercial' fishing .•...• :C'.':," ',' .'

Upon conviction by a court oflaw, the offender shall

be punishEld with impris0nDlent ()f six (6) mO)'lths \lnd
one m day ..tQ ~ix (6)y~arsand .'il J~nEltwic!,.phe .
.administrative fine, confiscation of catch and fishing gear,
.and·r,~~~q~tiq~Qili~e.~~s;.·':,'\_ -. :,,~,~>'., 1 ::t_:'. ~",:, ;rJ~: ",,"'1"" 1 ~::

',- . ' : ',': ,;!~t~·:'''.;:!'-i,·.'': k,(;'J,~':',:",,\·,),,;:,·,;~~j";:, .

Upon a summary finditig of administrative lialiility,
the. offender. shall b.e p1llli<lheci w~th,fine
. . .. '_l~,:- ,~.. ,:",", ' , ' :
",<~"-.,,, ,'Ie.,),";>
'.< " . , •.',
hundred ,'~' ~,
tho1,lS~d l?~~R~. (,P,~O,q'RqR·?g),tp:r}r~,,l}~d1:~~ tJ.!:~~f'E\~d ; I
peso~. Q'§()O,OOQ,oq) "and .all ,ad~t,i~.llal, fin", ptli'j,t:te~n
. ~"., "'~~A"''''' '"' ,,,_,~,.·_.'~'·F>,,~.,.,,.-~.I'-~,,.{,1 '<:"~""\')r-",1
thousand pesos (p15,OOO.OO) per day until the violatIOn
. ceas~~,~H1i~~~.f!:'l-eR :~1"~iP;~'~l JH~ ~r;>:o,~~1J8'l;p.f"c.~J'~e ~':ld
desist,order, C~9~1,lr.~. Qr 9Uspellsion of,thjl d,~'(e,lopmelit, ..
, , vd."h·_,"~_\>->;·, l,:'" ':'_'!"'_~' :"""l",_'~~ -.f; ";·<·.l).·",n-'i>'}"{;"':~l;~·..{,, " , < •

. constructip~l or faqility,. ()r, cessatiqn.of opsra1;,i.olls,
. , ",_/,(.~:,.,_,<! .. !,) j"~'.,,,-b".-:.,;--,·.,).,.J'.! ,')"";,,.,':'1'
or ' ,

disconnection, of water supply. The. ordet' Play beissued

. ,," c,'!{'-'c; ...;.,/ ',j ~-; ,: ...,iL~'

ex parte pending resolution of the case. ,.

" 'I' .. 1; ;' ,
: i

Upon conviction by Ii court oflaw, the offender shall

be punished,with imprisonment of six (6) years and one
(1) day to twehte(12).years and a fine twice the amount of
the administrative fine and an additional fine of Fifteen
thousand pesos (P15,OOQ,OO) per day, until the viol!'tion
ceases and the fines are paid, the imposition of cease and
desist order, closUre 'or suspension, of the,development,
constrUction' or facility"or cessation 'of bperations,or
disconnection of water supply. The' order issued
ex parte pending resolution of the case. ' , ' ,

SEC, 108, 'Fail~reto (}omplywith ¥i~i;;'u-m, Safety

Standards. - The owner and captain of a commercial
fishing ves~el.epgaged in fishing w1!o, upon, demand by
proper authorities" fails to ,exhil;>it or show proof ,of
" • - -- "'----- • • • , - -, -.,,' -" ,< • ' ,--

compliance with the safety standards provided in this

Code shall be liable administratively and criminally.

Upon apprehension, the fishing vessel shall be escorted

to the nearestport or landing point and prevented from
continuing with the fishing activity. " ,,' .' ,C "

Upon a summary finding of administrative liability,' ,

the offender ilhall be punished with an administrative
fine of One hundred thousand pesos (p100,OOO,OO) and
suspension or-cancellation of permit, 'Or license 'and '.
impoundment of the vessel until the safety standard has
been complied with.
_f' "

Upon conviction by a court oflaw; the offender shall

suffer the penalties of imprisonment 'from one (1) month
and one '(1)day'to six (6) months and a fine of twice the
amount 'of, the :administrative fine, c, suspension nr
cancellation ofpermit or license and impoundment of the '
vessel until the safety standard has been complied with.
SEC. 109. Failure to Submit a Yearly Report on All
Fishponds,.Fish Pens and Fish Cages.- It shal).be
unlawful for. owners and operators offishponds, fishpens
. and fish cages to fail to submit ari annual report tq the
Department pursuant to Section 57 "fthis Code.· :,.-

.- , Upon summary finding of admhustrative liability; .'.

the owner of the fishpond, fishpen or, fish cage shall be
imposed a fine of.Five thousand pesos (p5,000.00) ,per.
unreported hectare. In case the' fishpond is covereil ,by
FLA, nonsubmission of a report for two (2) consecutive
years shall r~8uld() its cancellation> , . '
1 -j"._.

Upon coilv:lctfOli by acourt oflaw, theoffimder shall .

be pUnished withtwfce the amount ofilie adnlinisti:ative
Me. c.' ' .." , : . ".'.' '
, ,

SEC. 110. Gathering and Marketing of Shell FiShes

or Other Aquatic.Species.·~ It shall be unlawfulfor any'
person .to gather,. take,."sen" transfer •. ;posse'ss,
commercially transport, export, forward or. ship out ~ny
sexually mature shell fish or other aquatic spec;'es , .
identified by the Department, or below. the minimum size,
or aboveAhe .maximum .quantities "presCribed for"the
species. Qthet p·arameters.for.the protection of heaVily.
traded aquatic .species may 'be' promulgated by ·t,he ...
Department:; ,; ,,' , ' , . 'i. ";

Upon a summary finding of administrative liability,

the penalty of an 'administrative fine equivalent to the _
value or the. species or Fifty. thousand pesos (p50,000.OO) •
. whichever..js; higher;. and confiscation.·,of. the'. same,
cancellation of permit or license shall be imposed upon .
the offender.. to' ' i ,.; .. ,' . .-;

" > ,,-,', _.

Upon conviction by a colirt oflaw, the offender shall
be pwiished by imprisonmimt from one (1) month and
one (1) day to six (6) months and fine equivalent to twice '
the amount of the administrative fine, and cancellation
of the permit or license. ,.'

SEC. 111. Obstruction to Navigation or Flow or Ebb

of Tide in any Stream, River, Lake or Bay. - It shall be
unlawful for artyperson'to cause obstruCtion to navigation
or flow or ebb o{tide:

Upon a siiniiniiry finding iif'iidritinlsttativeliability, '

the bfi:end~i shallh" puIiished ~ith afme &t'TwohJridred
thousandpesos\p200;OOO".OO)and thl,dismdntliiig of the
obstructiori;fish' corrals/traps: fish p~risor flshcages at
the expens~ or'th~"offender: ., ' ~-, "/,-

Upon doriVic'tion hy ~ coUrt "flaw, the off~nder shall

be puIiisl1ed. wlthiillprlsonmentf'i,om one (1)iiionth and
one (1) day to six (6) nfontIl" ,mil. fineoftwic~ tIle "irioimt
of the a,dministrative fine, confiscation of stocks and
disri:t:antlliigofthe oostruCtion, fisl1coriEilS!trap i.; fish
pens or fish~agesat tl1~ expinise ofth~ vlolator. ','
. ','-f~'..'._ "_" -''''::'J,;; ,,'f ~" . -",,~_,'_.' -'C-;'.: i.'

SEC. 1i2.Noricompliance with ()oodAquaculture

Practices. - Fishery operstions'i!ivolVmg the' bril'eding
and farming of fish and other fishery species shall comply
with'goba aquaccltwe practices and the iul.dellnes for
envii-6niii~i:itaily:s6uhd' d~sign iind:ope'rati'On L"fo\,'the
• .' --' .,y "-~""" _ . '_ _ ,~." .; '-'_'"
-,-,,,; h_ ." .",,_.

sustainable development of the aquacUlture industry

whichshhllbe'promclgated bitheDepilririient. f •• "

Upon a summary finding of administrative liability,

the offend"rwh6 commitsany'vlolation tifth" ~ules and
regulations, or'provisionsthereof, ~h;m be p\iiiished with'

an administrative fine ofTen thousand pesos (PlO,OOO.OO)

to One ,hundred ~housan,d pesos (P100,~QO.OO) per day
until the vi,ol!ltion ceases and the fines ~e paid.
;, . ': ; " '. ,',(," '1-. :! '"
Upon conviction by a court oflaw, tile offep.der s)1all
be punished with imprisonment of three (3) years :and
fine of twice the amounf of the administrative Me.
: " " : j 1':'_, .~,;1 ..'·"~' .,' ".-,'~-~.::.' r' '''.-.':','., ;",' ,',: "
SEC. 113,.9omm.ercia! Fishing, 'Ve,sse! ,Operators
Employing rJ~iic~~~ed Fishe;folk, -Fi~hwork~;
o~ Crew.
I " ~.

- (a) The owner or operator of a commercial fishing ve~sel

employipguWic~n.:'~dfisher!?v< o~ ,fi,~f~?'7~'7r~! cfew
shall, upon a summary,findipg of admj.nistr!ltiveJiability,
be fined, Fp~ th~}-}sa~d:p,eso~' (I.'4,<!P~:OO) e~~~ oM
unlicensed fisherfolk or fishworker or crew and suspension
orr~~~~~ti~n~flic~ns~'f'o~ c~m~er'cialfislifu~." ,,', • ,c- -, " " , '. I',.'

, (b) It shsl,llikewise be unla.wful for J;'hilipp41e flagged

fishing v~ss~Js e;"ga,ge'd h;:distiui,t wat,;~&hlngto~mploy
unlice~se~ fi~herfo~ ~r fi~h~~~krr or,<:re~:',;' " i ' '
"', . ~."" '\- '-~ ... _. ',' ".: ""._,~ 'C"'.i-,.'.'-;:. ~-<:,'" :'~ "
, ,rhs oW)ler and, 9perator
,'J. ''''.<
of the dis,t'1-nt",ate:\'
•. , -~_.
'_ " "";-_""f"l,
~ "J'~'_J

vessel" upon 1" S)lm!'la~y finding qf, a,dJ!l,illistr'

-, • > '. ' . ) .".j ,.-". ',.' '" -'",".,;,., .;'r ,,-,'., ".. " ~" I "

liability, shall be fined Forty thousand pesos (p40,OOO.pO)

Jor ea~h~!p~je~'?-~'lHis,h~7f?lk, fishw?rk~r o~ cr~w and
, ' ' - I .... ·'·.,··,..-~'.: .~""r:.'·"";'·· 1','-/
'f ""';'

·~":;:~""·'•• --;f:~_. ·>:~'·;:i,~:'.'"",.··" '~("'" /·-'f,,1,,"1.}.:, ."~';'.

, ,The ,o,wp.~r;~d,ope;~~q~p(t~ecol;rlp}~r"iaLfi~W~g , '
,. vessel"Qr distant water fishirig
; ' : ' ,: " v '
vessel shallll.pon con,viction .
;,.'-;: -. . "]"',,. ,-.-.~J. ~,! . . ,'.I,.···,;,'i';;~~I""'~·;'·I'

by a cou,rp qFa'Y' ~~ fi)i~4w,i~l.':t~i~!39~~~~.o;tot'?:t,ofN,:e"

, administrative fi,ne and suspension Qr cancellation, of
'license.' ,c""""" ,', """",""'" ;","'., " ) " " " " : " ' "

'>~ ;·'··:::'~:~"(;:~·>;!:·'··';"".:~';;f·;'·~.·"~l::~('('ii,),·;;Z~'.,J';:·~'.;·'J'
SEC.114. Obstruction -,.
./, ., , ' . ..",,:
' .. , , (''- ' t ' 'q ,,"
.~',.". '-,~. '.'~''''''r'' 'Il.'

It shall be ,unlawful
, ,.
for any person
1 "', . ' , :"."
to o\:>struct any'_.defiried,
." .,', " • h ' . . .',
OJ, i,_:_. \~. ,
migra~iOfi path of an,(dromous. catadromous and other
migratory species.

Upon a summary finding of administrative liability•

. the offender shall be punished with an administrative
fine of One hundred fifty thousand pesos (p150,OOO.OO) to'
Five hundre<i thousandpesos (p500,OOO.OO), dismantling
ofthi>,obsfructi~n at theexpe~se oftM offender;a~d th~
suspension orrevocatlon ofthe'perrrtit or lic~nse.

Upon conViCtion by a coUrt oflaw, the offender shall

be punished with imprisonment of seven '(1) years to
twelve (12) years and fine of twice the amount of the
administriitivefine; dismaiJ.tlirig of Hi"obstr;"Ction at the
exp;"is~ofthe'; and. tli" suspension or revocation
of the permit orlicilllse.·

SEC. 115. Obstruction to Fishery Law Enforcement

Officer. ~The fisbingvessel own",r, master or operator or
any othel:persori 'acting on behalf of any fishing vessel
who assaUlts, "resists, intihridates,"har'asses, seriously
interferes with, or unduly obstructs or delays a fishery
law enforcement officer, authorized inspector or observer,
the deputized fishwarden of the LGU, or any lawfully.
boarding government officers, in the exercise of their
duties shall be perializedunder thisC6de;Any·person
who does not allow any authorized officer or an observer
to exercise any of the legal duties shall he deemed to be .
obstructing that officer or person.

Upon a summary finding of administrative liability;

the shall be punished with cancellationofliceme
or permit and an admillistrative fine of One lriillioit pesos
waters or Twomiilionpesos (p2,OOO,OOO.OO) for fishing
vessels operating beyond fhilippine waters...

Upon conviction by a court of law, the offender shaIl

be punished withirilprisonmentirQm six (6) montl).$ to
two (2) YE)ars: arid ,a:firie twice:ihe ,amount· of.the.
administrative fine and.cancellation oflic<)nse,or P'lrprit.. '
-~,':! ".. ;, ,.:/" "J r:: <: t;l1~<,,1_~,~L~~I~:~.,() ~.: .,;.-,811. !fJ~ >'/') 'gN"",?" '~'<!"i! \-~~ , '
SEc •. 116.. Nonco/1tpliance wiJli- 'Fisheries
, ,> "," - i",' ., x
,Opserper ,
< _'. : >' I "~-, ",-_.- .', _~"-.' ,".;", ;: "t-~· '-,~:,'- ! '

Coverage. - (a) J t .haJI bel,Ullawful fl'r,~h,j!ip~in~dist\lllt .

water fiBhing vessel to sail withc,ut 'afish~ries ob,ierver '
on board
.'''''' .as,required
'.. . - .
, - by ,RFMO
- . ' _.
. -." . .'",. lind
-; ,

map.a~e.Ql~~~~e~stA"~~.-::. \- ,·;--,,;\-.~,,-;,i :;\"'~-I /,.!;'." " ,i·-' '_,r . {

',,,'; , -p;)., -'. • '" . _I'."" -:, " 'J-',"»'.,,r ';,j:' - ;. "',,:;;'-
., . ,,(b),It shall, b~ tiplawfrtl fQ~ commercial, fishing"
, • '" , ,-', ! ". Y, " __ • ,,_ , ' , ',' " " '- ,. "1 -, - ~.

vessels to sail witj1qut a fisheries obsE)ryer in complian,ce, ,,"

with thi~Code~d'th~ rcl~~ ~d ~eg;,Iatio~ pr~;;,J.g~t;d,·
. .., ' , '''"",., r ".
by the Department. --1

UpQn 11 summary finding of administ~!I,tive Li!lbility, .

anoff~nd~r shall be punished with,a,fine ofJi'ive hundred ",.
thousand PeSoS (p500,OOO.OO) andforfeitw-e ofth~,catGh,
andgear~-.,,:;~ ,I. ,;<!"':;',;;" ., -'._I'·~·! '. _ '.J; \' I' .-,.>~, " .1:-

,-.rl }'.-, <"... j."~ ,,>,,~:-" - , ."j: ·-f.".- .. ':f,~)-d·r~_

Upon conViGtion byil cQurt oflaw,Jhe offender sItaIl

, be puuishe'd with imprisonment9f one (1) montnand one. ,.,
(1) day to six (6) mOilthsa.nd f~e oftvviqe the,a,mountof ,",.
the administrativefine,;confisc~tion,"oCc.atch .a:nd
suspension or p/incella,tion oflicen~e;<, ',' ,.. ',.~ ''''

SEC. 117. Noncompliance with Port State Measufes.

'-: No for~ign fishing veS'sel.shaIliJ.e ,aUoweq !1ntry: with~ut '
providing aUeaet twenty:four (l!4)-!:tQur prior n9tic~. ~ep..,
. Ii foreign fishing yessel is gr!lllted en.try, failur!lJo.PfQride .,<.' , "
a catch report. shaIl;be ,deemed
.'<..,." .' unIa";;ful:
" It 'shalllikewis~
_ . '," , ~

be unIa,wf1ll {or any. person t9 Uri! to. qomply;with:other ,.:.',.


rules>on port state measures promulgated by the

Department in coordination with port state authorities.
- ,_ :' ., " ;, f '_ (-':

Failure to comply with the 24-hourJleriod may result

in denial of permission to enter or use of port facilities
and the vessel may be subject to onboard inspection and! ,: ,~- - ,<,. ",,/ '-.:;) J ,'>

" - -., ", r'" - ,

SEC·. 118.'Fdilu're 'to Comply with Rules' ahd
Regutations on Coiisi/rvdtionand Mahagemeft.t Measures.
- It shaIibe uhla.vM fOYanypersonto 'failto'comply
with cons~r\ia£idiia:n:diil:illlage'nlenfn;eas'ure'iiiulopted
iri rUles 'andre~ul;;:tionsto be prorilhlgatedby the
Departnient"p'li'rsuiliit to international: conventions,
- RFMO're'solutions'i,'nd laws6f coastiil'stiites where
Philippine vessels fish.

Upon'"suIiimarjr finding of administrative liability,

, violitI6h ofthe rUle~iiiidregwati'oni{pronibIgated by the ,
Departnieritshall be'pi.rnishedwitnconfis~atlori of diitch
and s'0.spensioii or' canc'\Uiiticin dflicimse permit dnd ' or
, ariaifniiirisfrdtive fifleofiwice'tlie'va:lue~ftne cat;ch·or
the amount indicated below whichever is higher:

(1) Twenty thousand pesos (p20,OOO.OO) for municipal

, . ,] fishing or 'community service :in case bf failure to
'pay-ihe,fine; " ,)., . .c, , " "".,.

(2) One million pesos (p1,OOO,OOO:OO) :r~r ~;;'all~seale

" ,commercial fishing;
",-_, :',_-'/~;'.~'_;~~~--' _"';-"~';:-';'-":c

(3) Two million;fivehundred'thoti~a:Iidpesos

(p2,500,OOO.OO), for medium-scale commercial
_ ~."-';fishing; and :t, r", I'; ~ '1 'J - ;"!.- . ; -: ~;;./ .-:,
-< ':: i_ :)

(4) Five million pesos (p5,OOO,OOO.OO), for large-scale

commercial fishing.

, Upon conviction by a court oflaw, the offender shall

be punished withimprisorunent ,
of six, (6) months I ail4
fine twice the amount of the administrative fine, and
confiscation of the catch and suspension' or cancellation
oflicense.-:"; ".! • I , . ',' ':'. . ~:. ~ f" l:l ,I" :: --',"" :-:', '! : ~ Jf' ('" ,.' \"-:,,
, , : " ..;.. ~'~;i--ih;,·~'!:!··,":"· '[j :;'i«J,-r~{~· .y:, t",.). ;,;,~,p,~, i·· ... ~,.-1j~~- ..~f~,j: .,t,:.{;,.;:;- '..'/'
, SEC.U9. Noncompliance with Ve8sel)'1r!IJ.HQ,~i,IJg,
Measures. - No municipal, commercial or distant water
fishing ves,sel,~h~ en~age in,fishipg;,acHvity ;w:it~out
complying ;r(it)l ,the"ve~s~l; m,onitofing, J;Ile~!,ure,s "
prp,mulgaj:ed,by,the pep~tmenti,n coOJ;din~t~on ~ith:the
WUs:/to11ide4, :rh~t[~,~ iyes~,~I~,Qpe,r'l:tW,g}n .f¥J.iP1i~~ ""
waters, oIlly the"catcher vessel ,sh'lll i be covered
, '\ -;-.: ,_ '/' J - .,'
"'.' -
""'" "i '. •.• ? <. ,.:,

, '
. I
be unlawful to intention8.lly
'.~ ":1 '~""'_' '; - " '-\"'.~<",
c" -".

tamper with, switch off or, disable theyessel monitoring

8Ystem.~'·- '," k· ," \- ''- :,,,:,;, : " . : ] ' " ""',~.h "I

, Upon a SUD;lInaryfin~~, ~f,~d,]J1j3'j~1;r~t~y~,liabil1ty~

, the fishingy"sseI9wner, m'lster or any other person acting
on b~h~if',~(~B~y~~s~19~~~:;~ha~,,~~,ii~"i~h~~o;~th, "
, confisQ(ltioI), 9fc~tch, ~uspeW'~ol). 0FI':,!,o~atioI). ofth~ ,
license and~an administrative,fule equiv~ent to: twr~e, .
the ~>li~~ ~f th~ ,c~t~h"~l'the a;':;~Unt
,,0 "
-,<':or,'-;' ,': ";-=' t· ,
, ' ,. . . . . . . , " j-" .• ,.,'
'.' - , , ' '- • :.:,c,~,·
whichever is higher:
",< n; :":J,-n :;,_, ~~' '<:'. '::;- c;., >,,-~~ :,;,:~, -,-:i> dJ~, _,' .1 ,~'
, ~-", ,~ ~' :5_, C,', -

(1) Ten thousand pesos (PlO,OQ(WO)fQ~!Ilunici~al

fishing or community service in case'offaiIur~ to '
pay the fine; ,
':';'-:;:!'_·-·-·':'"e'-.'S.:'~'),:"j·/· ""',_ J,:.i, ( 1_,,:-'
• " , _ c ,

(2) Two hundred fifty thous~hd:l>'e1i6~(p256,oiJo.OO)

:', ,fo~ sn;tall-scale.commercialfi,shipg;
· " " ___ >-''' .. " ." ~"' .. ",~.~,_,_

:r'!"i-!'>_/"~;?fj{··!~l::~·j"'-l·: :'.:~l,;i:·_~ ;'~_;f:l~(p; }/,.' ~" J

(3) Five hundred thousand pesos (p500,O,OQ.OO) for
medium-scale commercial fishing; and !
,.'; '.. ' . :')"!;; :J;~ , "{r',(",,\ ~,,, ",« i :'. ~ '(; ,:: ,5U i>. w.l: '-' - ~'. ': i; -
;;:·,.:~~.;1 t·_~_, t'.,,;\·'!
(4) Two'inillion five' hundred thousand pesos
(P2,500,OOO.OO) for large-scale comm'srcial
'fishing::,';' . "1

In case of violation committed in waters beyond

national j.Wiscliction, ;the administrative line shall be
eq*v"len~tp, ;five time~ theyal]1e,of the, catch Or twice
the amount incli9atedabove,,> whichever
,- < "'< -, .- ' , - ,
is higher.
, . - , -' - - .-"

-' - ',',!, ,;- ,'--, -·,<-c ':--: ,-,": ' ',,-,! .~ ri <- -,';'.',,_-e ';,1;'
Upon 9onviction bya coUrt oflaw, tjie maste" or !lny
oth~r p~rs~n: ~~tfug onbeh#of theve~~~lowri~~ sb.;;U be
puill~hed with ;:';;:;'~i~b;m,erit iif~ii (6)liiii;{ti:tg'to' tw~; (2)
years and fine twiceth~am~tint dfthe~dn'thnstrative
fine, confiscation of catch and suspension or revocation of
---~ ' . , '" - ", ",>.' '-" '" '- • , '-'" -
the license.' '" '

, SEC. 120~, c~';;st~~cting,jmp~rting orC;n,verting ,

Fishi';;iVe~;~ls ~r Gears With;~tPe;mit'fr~m"the
Department. - It shall be unlawful for any per;o'; to'
constructor import fishing vessels or gears or to convert
otheI' ';'~s~els int()#;rk.g ,~e~seis with()~t.perlllit:from
the Departm,ent,... I' ,- ,', ," ,

., ,>- . -(, ., "'--' /-,' , -

Upon a summary finding of.. administrative
- . liability,
- .. ,"". ',- ,"-

the offender shall be imposed the penalty of an

administr'ltive;fine ,of:" ' _,-,_
,'\" -,
. ,; . <' ),- ~. '

(1) Fifty thousan<J, pesos (PpO,OOO.OO) for small-scale

, . c~1l1D1e~ciar fi~hln:g; --' '" ' . , • ,'.

-(3) Two million five hundred thoiis'a'ud pesos

(P2,500,OOO.OO) for large-scale commercial
'".' 'fi'hin'"
g. '", .e,C"" " . . .: : ; , ' ' ' ' ... ; ',J" "
, . -' ":," - ,. .

, Upon con0.ction by a court oflaw, the offenderlshall

, !' . < ,-

suffer the penalty qf imprisonment from, one, (1) lI\onth

and one (1) day to six (6) months and fine of twice the
amount of the administrative fine.

"SEC;121. Use'ofUnlicensed Gear. ,...-Anypersoriwho

use" a' fishing gear
~r m..thOd'for 'cominlircial 'fi~hing
without licensJ' from:thebeplirtnl~rit'8!i.ii:iI:'iip~h a '
,summary:. i ,- ,
-, _
, , ' .'_' ','" '.
• _ ,,' -,'
be fined if'rom
-. 'i ,. - I ' ~

Two hUndred thousand pesos (p200,OOO.OO)' " -to- , ,Five

""'"-0." _ ',"-.-"" ,.j;,} :~,\>~~J_1>,-_",-,·.'·~~t".

I ~,I ,'.
' A'
."~, _ .' - . "
per gear depending .
j, < • •

oll't!>.,: seriousne,ssoH~e '10I~,~?~.'. ,,'.,'~,' ':',' /,., ,' •.

, ' • .- -, '" -. " , •• ,_ _ •• _ ;,' ~ . ; ' -, _ • '. ~. -; '".\ ': "F

Upon conVlctlOn by a court oflaw, the offender shall

be imposed the penalty of fine from FoUr Iiuil.~fed "
thousand pesos (P400,OOO.OO) to One lllilliot;l pesos
(pi;iid6,ooo:oO) deperidin:g
the~eriotisri;~s' of the
" ,'.' ' , '
on . " ,
, SEfd.122/Falsifying, Cond~ating iff Tampering with '
Vessel Markings, 1diiritity or R~ifistraiion>:' Itshall be "
unlawful for any person to falsify, conceal vessel identity"
or lack of registration or tamper with the vessel markipgs,
identit~ otre'gistration:' ,;, "" .' ,·"o"!, ". " :;"
>~ ' : i ' -.; -.,'~; ":-". ~_':' ''c;,., ~

Upon a summary finding of administra.tive liability; .

the offender shall be imposed the penalty of confiscation
of CEltch ,uid 'illlspehs16nbrcaricellition oflicense ~rid an
administrative fine of: ,,,, "." J ' " ". '

, h)i'~rl:'th~u~"~~J liesp~ (pio,600~60)fo/~Ufiicipiil

. " ,l <' ,:, ,..~ : .... ;' ',t-, '_.",".; • _'.':, ; 1". . : : l ,,' - • -'. i
fishing or commumty serVIce ill case offailure to
-,,~:J~~~,~~:~~;.[' .t. ,-.\;-. : )1_ . ',' !! :'1 ,_> cl:\: '
... , . " '-,. _~ ''''~,': ,_.' '-'0 -~ 'd 1 :1,-. ' ~;: _. " !
(2),One hliridriid thousand'pesos (p100,OOO.OO)for
small-scale commercial fishing; ':

(3) One million pesos (pl,OOO,OOO.OO) for medium-

scille commercial fishing; and " '" '

(4) Five million pesos (p5,OOO,OOO,OO) for large-scale

, commercial fishing. 'J .; ,c. 'j_"

_ ... ,,_,'. _ ") " _", ;_" . ' '<, _~- i'_._, c,' ,,'- - "_. " : .-! " . ' , ,,)- _
In case ofViolatl6n by distant water'fishing vessels,
the adfuhris'tr"U';'e fiD'e ~biilJ be twice'the 'amb'uhtindicated

Upon conviction by a court oflaw, the offender shall

suffer tIl", pe;'alty of hnpr;;o~~~j;fr~~ t~Q (2);ears to
six (6)~ear~ i'tP<i afi~eequivaJ.~ntt6 tY\'iceth~ ~;"6~t of
the administra'tiv:efi;;e, ~b'nfis~~tio;;'~f cat~ha;;d
suspe~sion c~;;cell';~~'; ~f]{~~~se.-:-'+~'"~~~ ,-, ,

SEC. 123. ,Conre(J,ling,Tampering or Disposing of

Evidence iielatingto "fz';In~~;iigait9'n ~f a jliolati~n.;:-
" '. - _. - , " "r',
_ • ,.':
It .' _ - .".,' ~ (' • _ ••• < L', _' ',i._

shall, be unlawful for any pers()n to conceal, tamper or

dispo~~rviden~e relatjpgto ";'in;e~tig!lti.,;~ pf ~Yi,qi;ii~n.
, '

Upo~ ~ '~ummaiy finding of administr;tively liability,

the ';#!lnd,,~~,,~u;:'i~h~dw~~.4' sU~Ee~si~n',or
canceh~ti~nofii~ense'~ndan ~dIIlhrist~a:1;ive
£me 'of;'',-'..
.2.,' - " - _ < ~

(1) Ten thousand pesos (plO,OOO.OO) for muci~l~al

fishing or community service in case offailure to
""'pa:Vtne'fme;::":" ,": ,,', ", ,''', c' ,'", ',' '. '"
'. - -~

(2) One hundred thousand pesos (pl00,OOO.OO) for

, " ,small-scale coimliergial ashing; ':,' '. '- ,,):

(3)' O~~ ~illi~~ ~~soscPi,Qoo,o6o..o0)fo;" ,tr;!ldiUln-

scale conimercialfishing;'and '-' " . ,

(4) Five niillion pesos (p5,OOO,OOO.()O) for larg~-scale '

. c6m'n\.ercial fi~hing; " , '" .

In case of violation by distant Wt;lter fishhlg ves$els,

the admiIristrative fine shall be twice the amount indicrted
above. :
"'_~' ',' t. d,' _ ;",'.: '··_f!.~.~~:' ,',' . - \ ,- :<0,~-!",-, .,: "
. . '; ", ';,'.,';',{- ,<f" ••-\ I' ;, '

. Upon conviction by a court oflinv',the bffendershall

~e ~p~,s,~!l~~,.l!~llJ+L~ l\~~llP~!l:~JlP.t.f58Jll-!i,y:~~5) ~jar.s
to . t?,~.~,!~~ ,Y~~~S,~1},~ j~~e: ?,~.~fY9Je,nt 1(,9(k~~fe,;,t,l1:~, j'

administrative fine, and suspension or cancellation o~th~, ',',

license. i

·SEc.l24~·NohcJn;piiaii~e willi the'RequtrementJ for

:" _'}~ " I ,,' _<,.". ,,-,.,,).,_r
.. , , \ b < , k " ' I ' ,,"' • '.' '- ".~. .
the Introduction off'-'S',,","
Foreignor'Exotic:Aquatic Speci~•. "'-'
, ,-\f"" ",-" - .... ~
:._.,,,1.,,,,__ ,"!J. '",',".>.c''''"'- .
It shlill be unIirwful to,import, intrOduce;'o]' breen, 'foreign
- "".'~ <". ~
--;-'r."d-,,,-,, '-r"'" ',','- .?"',.' "J" -",~" '
or exotic aquatic speCies 'without the 'coriduct' of risk
analysis and prior'a~pi6'1iiiI'i:;{'ihe' Depofrl:iriEint:' , ."",.
• - - " - • • I : • - "_ _ I ~
Upolla iJumnulry fuidiIigofiidritWstJ'atlve liabmty:;'
.the 0l'fe~de~ ~~an¥e£ii?i~h,ed ~i~?afin~ '6f~o,'h~#~d'
thousandpeso's (P200,OOO:OO) to Sixmillion"pe;~os
(p6,o06,6b6.'oojl\'iid'(\onfi§~ati6h Ii'itil. all~Widli6ilb~ih~'
foreign ,or exotic species. shoUld the, species become
invasive iiii:d 'f~siiit't6'pre'datiiln Of riiithT~i{q~aticbi9t.a,·
loss ofincoine dl'damage to the'habitat,'thk'irft'enderslf1.p
'>.>'7->_·'~I_'r", .~ \ ,,\f I,~-'.,. r
bear the' costs of cont!linment; e-radicatlon and/dt '
restoration. . ' !
- :J}_i."·'-":'f-;J~\?;:,_:\_l'·;:I-~'~L",~ ')'f~ • ."\~ ';';:,,' !

- :.: ~ _~-_,. "':!!.';, ,-j.:', :..-: i -"~ r~L ,t L-"{ -,,'.: - i;;', _.\ - -;: ":_:'~'.I ~'! ~., - ,", .':;: -,,'! .

Upon conviction by a court oflaw the"o.ff!l,,,der-'--'r
shall - ," ""-I","

suffer the penalty of imprisonment of six (6) years to (12)

years.',ahdlfine :from Four ;hundredltliousan,d ·.pe~os,
(p400,OOO.OO) to
, ,
TwelvEi'millionpesos (p12,OOO,OOO.OO), ,

confiscation of foreign or exotic species and the costs 'for

contidi1in~rif~!k~~~~it~(~#/~~~~~~~~e¥~~~#ti':~:;::~~~:: ~{:~:~-';~:-.f ,-.~.
, 125, ..Gomplywith"St",ndard;,dr"d
" __ ",.·_.,,,.L.l.Y~,,"_,,,,~_,,>,,,,,,-,, "'i ,"/ ""_"'.''''.''._'~_''~'4.

Trade-Rel?ted Measures. - It shall p"e"unllll'l'f).ll for any


person to fail to comply with standards for weights,

volume, quality and other requirements for iill fishery
transactions ani!. trade and trade-related measures '
prescribed by the Departm'mt. ' ..
',-; ,
Upon a summary finding of administrative liability,
the offender shall be punished with an administrative
fine of Fifty thousand pesos (p50,OOO.OO) to Two million
pesos (p2,OOO,OOO.OO);depending on the seriousness, .
extent and volume of trade associated with the violation,
confiscation of the shipment or fishery products 'and
suspension or revocation of registration or license.'

Upon conviction by a court oflaw, the offender shall

suffer the penalty of imprisonment from six (6) months
to two (2) years and a fine from One hundred thousand
pesos (plOO,OOO.OO) to Four million pesos "(p4,OOO,OOO.OO) .
depending on the seriousness, extent and volun18 of trade
associated with the violation, confiscation of the shipment
or fishery products·and suspension or· revocation ·of
registration or license:·

SEC. 126. Possessing, Dealing in or J)i,sposi1}g Illegally

Caught or Take1}:Fish.,.,-It shall he unlawful toship,.
commercially traI)Sport, offer for sale, sell, import, export,
or have custody, control, or possession of, o.r to deal in or
in any manner dispose of any fish or species caught, taken
or retain,ed in violation ofthis Code.

The discovery of any fish. or species caught with the

use of ~xplosive~. or noxious or poisonous substances shall ,..
constitllteaprimg, facie pres)lIl1ptiqn that the posse$sor,
seller, fish dealer,transporter,importer,·or exporter
thereof has knowledge that the fish or species was caught
or taken in violation of this Code. . .r
Upon a summary findillg of administrativ~ liability,
the offender shall, be punished with an !ldm,inistra~ive
fine of Fifty thousand pesos (p50,OOO.()O) to Two hw;uj"ed ,
thousand pesos (p200,OOO.OO) or five «(;) times the v~lue
of fish or species, whichever is higher, and confiscation of
the same,", .L . ' ," ,,' '

Upon conviction by a cpurtoflaw,.the offender shall

suffer the pen~lty ofimpris~I!IIlent from sjx (6) ~onths
to two (2) years,: and fine pf eight (8) times the valu~ of ,
the species 9r from One hundred thollsandpesos
(P100,OOO.QO) to ,Fiv!',hundred' thousand. pe,~os
(p500,OOO.OO), whichever is higher and confiscatioI). of
the fish or fishery products and suspension, or revocation
of registration or license .•

SEC. 127. Cfnauthorized Disclosure ,of Sens,itive

Technical Information . ." D_at~ from the yessel monitoring
, system or vessel monitoring'~~asure ~nd othe>:related , ,
data arising therefrom sh~ll_be considere~ as se.nsidy~"
, .,
technical information. Any-unauthorized disclo!!ure, of s\rid '
data including all other data referred to in Section 155
in this Code, ,by
·anY'persoil shall,beperialized"with'
imprisohment' of slX(6) mimths and dne"day:to"six (6) ,,'
years, removal from' office and forfeiture of all retirement •
, benefits, where' appli'cable:,' , ' ,": . , " " , I

SEC. 128. Other Violations. - In addition to -the '

prohibitions in this Code, the• Department, in consultation
with the LGUs, lo'cal FARMCs and NFARMC, shallisiltie '
fishery administr'ative o'rdersor regul~tions for,the' ,
conserVatiail; preservation, 'management and sUstainaJile "
devel6pm~nt offisheries and aquatic resoUrces> :.'. : • '
_'-:it:?', .' J,.;<c-,,!~_'-<'<_ 0. :-j-.~;' ':,.',:" """ r',"i,',-, .,~,J:"J,
Violation of administrative orders or regUlatio*s'

promulgated by the Department or any provision thereof

shall subject the offender tQ a fine of One hundred .
thousand pesos' (PlOO,OOO.OO) to Five ..million pe'soB
·.(P5,OOO,OOO.00), depending on the socioeconomic impact
and seriousness of the violation, volume and value of the
fisheries product, damage to the environment due to th~ ,
violation; and the habituality of the offerider.'. '

SEC. '129:''Escalation Clause.' -"The fines herein

prescribed shall be increased by atleast ten percent (10%)
every three (3) years to compensate for iriflation and to
maintain the deterrent function of such fines."

~, SEC. J8.·A ·new.Chapter .VII on 'administrative

adjudication is hereby inserted after Chapter VI of Republic Act
No. 8550,toreadasfollows: ,',. " ",.i,.., ".,

,. "CHAPTER VII . '. ' .

-l-' ,'. ' _ "J;' '._ " : ' -


SEC. 130. Administrative Adjudication. - The

Department is. hereby·, impose the
administrative fines and penalties pJ;ovided in t!ris Code .

.' Foithis purpose, theJ)epartme,nt sh'all, Qrganize and

,designate the .composition of the Adj)ldication Committee,
which 'shajLbecomposed of the. ·bureau"director as.
chairperson al).d fOur (4)othennembersto be, designated,
by tb,e,SecretarY•. :J,'he Adjudjcation;COJp.mittee sha]l be
supported by.s~ficient number:of staff to,el).able iUQ
perform #smandatl'., .' ! , .... , .• ". .... " ,"' . " " ' " 'i

The Committee shall. prom1.!lga,te';r·ules; and.·

regulations for the conduct of administrative adjudication
" .. , .

and the dispositjon of confiscated catch" ge~s, e.quipJ;Pent

and other paraphernalia. It shall also issue subpoelUJ,duces
tecum and qd testificandum in administrativ<\ case~ l)efOJ:e ,
it. , , -:'/ .~_. . '"'' ""'.:::, "', "i - -, ,_ 'J',,~ ,'-. ,J,;! ~ 1 '

SEG. "131",,,COmT!tIlIJ,Cemenh. ()f-,$ummary"

Administrative Action. .., 'I'h~ Departm,ent shall,. ~~it8
own instance or upon verified complaint by any person,
institute administrlltive proceedings,against any person
who violates any order, rule or regulation issued by ,the
Department, pursuant tq this Code. ,

SEC. 132. Power to Issue Cease and Desist Orders

and tO,Summarily Evict Without the Necessity ofJudieial . '

Order: - ,The :Departni,ent, shall, supjllct;tQ"t4e"

requirements of administrative due PJ:ocE1ss,issue, ce~se
and desist order!s upon violator!s and to summarily eject,
without the necessity of judicial order~ the holder ofFLA,
other tenurial instrument, permit or license from areas
of the, public,9.p;rnaincovered bYlluch:FLA, '~enm:ial
instrument, permit or license. '

SEC. 133; Authority of the Director of the BFARi or

, the Duly.Authoriziid Representative to Issue Notice' of
Violation and Order Confiscation. - In all cases of
violations oJ;'this Code or other fishei3T laws; 'rules and
regulations, •the 'Director 'of the' BFARior-the' 'dtily ,., ,
authorized reptesentative;may issue,"notice ofviola'tion"
and order the cortfiscationof any fish,'fishery'Specieslor.L'
aquatic resoUi'ce~'illegally caught, taken oFgathered,ap.d " (
all e'quipmt.nt;'paraphernaliaiind gea:rs iii:fav6rofthe,-
Departroent, academiciIistitutionsorLGUsand todispo8e "
of the same in accordance with pertinent laws, rules,
regulations llndpolicie's on the niatter: "" J,"'" '" ,

SEC: 1341 Prohibition On the Issuance of Temporary

Restraining 'Orders, Preliminary Injunctions; and
Preliminat;j Mandatory Injunctions. i... Noinjunctidn or
restraining order from the Municipal'Trial Courts ,and
Regional Trial Courts shaUlie against the Department
, and BFAR upon the,exparte motion or'petition filed,by
any peisoil or, entity ,in the exercise by the Department'
and BFAR of its' regulatory functions in support of the
implementatiori'oftlriS Code."" :;", >, .',
3<': __ ' J_- ,1-: ,-.,~,,'> ,-'_ --."..... ;'-' ;'i~';_-

. SEC,.135. Ac~o,mpqnying ,AdministrativeBanctions

for Serious, Viola,tions.,:-c, The Adjudication,C"mmittee
may impose:th~f9UoW,ip.g additionalsanctions"to the
administrative penalties imposed for serious violatioIll':

(l)cOJ:lfiscationgffishing gear; ,"

(2). impoundment of fishing

. - -
-- ',',

(3) temporary suspension or permanent revocation

of license or permit;

(4) temporary or permanent ban froni the avaihnent

of applicable duty and tax rebates;

(5) inclusion in the IUU fishing vessel list;

(6) denial of entry' and other port services;

(7) blacklisting; and, ,

(8) increase':'}n' the'amount' of fines but 'not to

exceed five (5) timils the value of the catch: In
',case of repeated violations within a five-year
pe~iod" the amount of fine may be increased up
to eight (8) times the value of the catch.
During the, pendency of ,the adminiatrative.ok ,the
criminal case, the Depiu;tment may impOl\l1d, th,e vessel!
conveyance, g~ar and other pB;raphernalla ~se!1.iil the.', '
Com:miBsio~oftheQffense.·\"J 'f "_'~-.: "(},:,(! \'"i.h·~l '1';;

"In· appjying ,these, accompanY,'ing' ,sanctiPlisi'_ the:"

Department shall take intp account th/laerious,ne:sBof '
the yiolation a~ defined in Para~aph tli! of !?ectiorj. 4 Qf •
this Code; the habituality or repetition ofviolation; m~r \ "
of commission of the offense, severity of the impa¢t on
the fisIi~ry resources and hlibitat, soCio'ecoriilJnid irilpact;
, casas of conceaIn1entor d~structibri ofe~deil~e,eluding
arrestl resisting lawful' orders,aIid'other'arialO'~6us
- circuni8tances.·'!':';"~ -~~' ~- ;,<:,·-;;,·,:,':·":.~",,,'.::)'''''~-::i --.'l"~4',.'~"·:,, :'~,-
f. '

The overall level of sancti;ns' and :accompaJing

sanctions shall be calculated in a manner thdt is
proportionate, effecti~e aild dissuasivet6deprivei the
offender of the economic benefits derived frc;>m the serious
. "- .

. -,;'

SEC. 136. Lien Upon Personal and Immovable

Properties, ofViolators.,'-',Fines, and penalijes impQsed'
pursuant to this Codeshlill constitute a'lien 'uponlthe
personal and immovable properties of the violator. I
',' <,

SEC.137. Community Service. -In case the offender

is a municipal,fisherfolk or, haj! nQ p.I:operty' oVer,which
the Department m~y impose the fhtes and penalties
prescribed for the offense, community,,
may,I be
_- -
rendered in lieu of the fine. The Department s~a:ll
promulgate the rules and regulations for ,this ptU'p,ose,
taking,intoaCCOl\l1tthatthe,seryice,aho,uld be rendeked
in accordance with needs ofthecommunity;where ~he
offense is committed anli computed based on the fine and
. -' ~

the prevailing minimum wage in the community, among


'" (SEC;; ~3.8; Citi;zen'sBuits: - ]'or the PW"Posesof .

enforcing the provisioIlsO' qf this Coder and its
iniplem:e1).tingrules and regul...tions, ,anY citizen. may·
..file an appropriate civil,criminal OJ; administrative .
action in the proper courtslbodies against:

(a) Any person who violates or fails to comply with

the provisions of this Code and its iniplementing
...rules and rllgulations;'' ( ' , ..

(b) ,The Department or other inipleinen~ agencies

with respect to orders, rules and regul...tions •
issued inconsistent with this Act; and
" ',.'

(c) ,.Any.public officer who. willfully· orr grossly

neglectsthe performance of a duty specifically
en.joined-bY this Code and its iniplementing rules
and regulations; or abuses authoritY'in the
performance of duty; or, in any manner
.. iniproperly performsaufles lind"r this Code and
its implementing rules: and' regulations:
. Provided, however;, That no. suit filed
'. until after fifteen (15) days notice has been given
. the public officer arid the alleged offender and
no appropriateactibnhas been taken thereon.

SEC. l3g,Strategic LaU!s"ui~ Against.}Jublic

Participation (SLAP!» i~ the Eni~rc~me;'t ojthis Act. -
A legaLaction filed to, harass, 'leX, exert,und,ue pressure,
or stifle ;'~yiegal ~e~~';"~e that ~ny pe;s~';, instituti~n,
, - -, - ,. . , . -, ,- - '" - ~ ~. - <.,

or the government has taken or may take in tI).e

enforcement of this Code shall be treated as a Strategic
Lawsuit Against Public Participation (SLAPP). ; ,

The hearing on the defense of a SLAPP sha,ll be

sunimilryin'natuie~the affirmative defense'ilfa SI,APP
shan be 'resolVMwithin thirty (30);,days',!\fter the
summary hearmg.' If the CbWOt d!smisgesthe actioxi, the
coiu't may hwarctdamagesra:ttoi:neY's'fee~, alj.d,co~ts of
suit under a counterclaim, if such,has,beenfiled:iThe
dismissal shall be with prejudice.' ,

, If the coUrt' rejects thi! defenaeof a SLAPPI the

evidence adduced during the sUminiiryhearingsh~ be
treated as evidence of the parties on the merits of the
case> Theaction'shallproceed inaccordan,ce: with the
, Rules of Court. ' :-J:,,,, >',"', :,:", , ; ", :";"",:';--,,,", C " , I
'~-','rl, j:-'.~!-·,<.~·t-';f:'(. ',,'-:"Y"~'!('~'~">~-{~J;', <;,,;;1
The Rules of Procedure for Environmental Cases ~hall
govern the procedure in civil;crimilial, andspecia1 civil
actions involving the enforcement or violations of :this
Code including actions treated as~a SLAvPas,provided
in this,sectiOli,',.,j "'"
<":', v'" _'" _ i '1 " fl '- <.: .,.. '1 _ i

':, SEC: 140."'li'isheries National: Administrdtive

R~gi~t~r: ""Th.eAdjudic~ti~n So.mmitte.e shall e~ter ~ a
Flshenes NatlOnalAdministrative RegISter, which s~all
be publicly available, alldecisidiIs; resolutions or orders
involving'violations of this' Code,paitiCularly seribus
violations committed by Philippine.flagged vessels o~ by
Philippine nationals and cases on poaching or involVing
foreign~#~:'fiicludi:ni the ~eD.aJ.ti~s i¥I>o~ed:" (:", I,"
, '- ~\, (: 1, ,,-:.<y': ;\\,\.~'.:" " t ",1 ~:,,~\;l:-'£'~\'';'\ ""'!"'(,"l' ',~;~'~

SEct HI.' section 10l1'"fthe Code is Iiere15y feiilurillered as

Section 141 ariaii hew Secti'oiI142 is nerelly liisertea' ~fleHo
read, 8S follows: '_;., fl,' . -_.' ,J '1."J ~ '': :")~'-l ~ .': ';'-' J{ - '1:;
--- ';".,- ; ,', (.J ',,1,: '.';; I.' ... ;~(.: !-'!!-"L._'~: ," ,;;

"SEC.142. Fisheries Management Fund. -A Fisheries


Management Fund is hereby established_to enhance the

budget for: the conservation, preservation, protection,
, "management; development aIidregulation of the fishery
--and'lrquatic resources;;research and'development and
capabnttyhuilding oftha Various stakeholder"including
, proVision foJ! scholarships; supplementary livelihood for
poverty alleViation; and improvement of productiVity and
processes oL,the v'ario,us stakeholders. It shall be
'" " administered, by the" Bureau of Fisheries and Aquaric
Resources' as: a, special account in any government
financialinstitution. '
> ,';).' :,'"

. It shall be funded from administrative fines and

penalties imposed under this Code, fibm the proceeds of
the sale offorfeited fish, fishing gears, paraphernalia and
fishing'vessels, and contributions in the' form of
endowments,'grants and donations to'the fund, which
shall'be exempted from donor and other taxes, charges or
fees imposed by the government., -') ,

The Fund shall be exclusively utilized as follows:

", (a) fifteen percent (15%) forthe purchase, upgrade

" , and maintenance of vessels, :communication
and other equipment used for the monitoring,
',cO control and surveillance of Philippine waters

" and distant water fishing;

',' -' (" - ~ -' "; >.
(b) five percent (5%) for the payment of litigation
i 'expenses, 'cost of conveyanceof witnesses and
, ," other costs due to'cases filed by or against the
Republic of the Philippines in interriational
courts arising from the implementation of this
Code or where apprehending'party or parties
become respondents 'or defendants in any

"~", .-'} , ' " , : 1.• '

,.I' (C) twenty-five PElrcent(25%) fur tl1e opE)tating~osts'

.... ",.::.,''> andicap,abity, blinding., of. tl1e:·Nl!'A~MC>.
',.' ",.dJFARl\Ws illld CIMFARMGB~ndpay,mlmtfor.,
,i,:,,; the ctJst ~£ie1i.abili,tation:medichlexPeJses for.' '
• • . , - I
. :,: ,"". h ,~in}ur,y;";or" indemnity ,fQ:r",de,ath'-'qf;law .
. f,· 1, enforcement officers; iricluding'dephtized
". ',' volunteers, distributed as folloV'{s; five Jercent
. ., • , (5%) to the NFARMO, ;five p~rcent(5%)to all
lFARMCs, five percent (5%) to all OIMFARMCs,
. and ten percent (10%) to C/MFARMCs for the
. ,. ,"", <apprehellsion and successful prosecution of a
" . '~:,. ~"'-: :'J ,fishe:iies'o£fens~; '5.C'~,,\:; 'L" ',-;:::r. 113} 'P~·-·'. !.)"-':,, '1'-

, ,c',' " (d;'~~~ ;;r~~~'(~~;:fo~ ~h~ COntinUed~p~;~g'

'ofIaboratory facilities and equipment; .'1, '.
.':(.\',,:,.,' . "':' :,' ·"I"!:;.';'- :--,~",~, .. ",,\,:,-: i"'>i-A'~

(e) five percent (5%).for the 'research, and

development activities of the NFRDI;

(f) five percent (5%) for the capability development

',. '.'.,,: of~FAR'persoDnel,deputizedlaw..enfor~ment
.. ' ·c~, "c''; agencies and volunteers; an.d.stakehold~rs;
,I ",

',n, (g) ten percent (10%) for. scholarship grants for

chil~enoffisherfolks anMishw6rkers in fish
catch, aquaculture, fishing andfishproce$sing;
-,',)("1.,, ;,_" 'J,.':',:',~'{>~_ ~:.J;-'.;-"-,,-.>_,,,.~;:.-.:,/ <,'

.~, (h) fifteen percent (15%) for livelihood proil'rams

.. , '. ",for. production enhancement and poYerty
. "-::'\. :' ~"-:' ,'aIle~.tion; $~({x-j-~! :" .. ·.k lJ _ ,;-'
-- <1.;. :f:,::::h;;!,n-i.; \'r;~,:;'i'::'·;:\';.:"1-,'\;"i1,«·~,\,:':-'1- "'<,' \

";' "(i) fifteen percent(15%) for assistance to fish~rmen

, .. ;, ;. in the form of shared·facilities.'~

,. SEC:__
20. Renumbering
o(the Remdinini Chapters and
, - . , ' i -__ ,·~ ',~,{_-.,.'>:> ,'.~~'--\' _~.,,~-:._:;;--

Sections ofRqpu,blidActN6:8fj50. ~ S"ctii:llls1()9 to ;1,33 of Republic,:

Act No. 8550' ~~e her~bf reJuriibe~';;ct'~~'s~~i!i:;~s' i43't;' 167'
.accorillngly. Chapters VIr, VIII and IX of the same Act are hereby
renumbered as Chapter VIII, IX al1d X, resPe9tively....." . . !.
·,,-,X,~'-,-_;,~~~:~:~:-·~{.,;,::::~-:-·' " ->:~r:'~:;~:_ o~,_>', :'~'"'1;. (." ~ <: ;~_._
SEd.2J:.~1!'1?1'!flJe,.ting Rules a,.4f!le$'f1qtions, - The
. Department of Agriculture, in consult<'l.tionw:ith 90ncerned
government agencies and stakeholders, shall promulgate the
implementing rules and regulations of this Act, within six (6)
months from the effectivity of this Act. .

SEC. 22. Separability Clause. - If any portion of this Act is

declared unconsti/;utionillor llvalid, the portions or provisions
, which are not affected shall continue to be in full force and effect.

SEC. 23. Repealing Clause. -All laws, decrees, executive

, orders and rules and regulations or parts thereof which are
inconsistent with this Act are hereby repealed or modified
- -<>, -,~, -" .• ~-, ' • \ '
<" _"',,,;,'_' ,'., ~ _;::e, ;.'1. ·/·_,,-,c_~,,"'t "-i-,<' '<i',
SEC. '24. EffectilJi!Y. ,..:. TlJi,s Act~1;J.aU take effect fifteen
i'''_''_:.':,'''j(:~~ J"" '/i .;",_~,! '''.'''''!. "':.: '.,- -".
(15) days after Its complet~,~.u.!?hca,tlOn~l1 at, least Jwo (2)
newspapers of general circuia'tion. ' . .."

Approved, , \ \ \

k// V'
Speaker oj the House
of Representatives

• .,',~ .~·J)_~-.'f ,,~
. Y,q-"','l-" "-'_0" >,
·th" House' of Representatives on December 1,2014;':. .

·i:~~·~':;~I·J ·
.. ' ~t::Ia/·ll!erai~~) .' . Se~:tdryoithi S~nJt~
·House ofRepresentatives··" .•" ".,;,:' 'i' "'.'
" ::.' ,', '\', '" . '.. " . ' " ,.,. ..... i c" ""
"App'roved:" "


" , '. President of the 'fhilippines ,. ,." I

,',.- -. \-'
- ,) ~ ". ~ - ._' .!' •

lapsed into law on FEB 2 7 2015 '- .

Withoutth~ signatol'aof the Pfesidenr. ~
, In accordance, W,ifh;Art@e VI,Section'! '.
27 (1) oftheConsfltufiofr:' " 1
' ' ' , ,,!., ; - , :

",' , , .'

1-~ .'

.: ,~'·~~~~~~;:i-f~,~,-,X~\: '-'l:
".--,-~-~.~,.~,~.!:1- .

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