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Why IT does not matter

Matthew Lawler

13 Feb 2018 Matthew Lawler 1

What is in this presentation for
• Do you want to know where your industry is
• How will you skill up to face the coming

from 'Does IT matter?' by Nicholas Carr 2

Does IT Matter? book report

• Love the quotes by Carly and Ballmer.

• This was published in 2004, now 8 years old.
• This book provides the economics for cloud

from 'Does IT matter?' by Nicholas Carr 3

What does IT mean?
We will separate the I from the T.
• This is a fuzzy term.
• Information ->
• Basis of Business Advantage
• Technology ->
• All of the means used to store, process and
transport information in digital form.

from 'Does IT matter?' by Nicholas Carr 4

• Technological Transforms
• Laying Tracks
• An Almost Perfect Commodity
• Vanishing Advantage
• The Universal Strategy Solvent
• Managing the Money Pit
• A Dream of Wonderful Machines

from 'Does IT matter?' by Nicholas Carr 5

Technological Transforms
(the rise of a new business infrastructure)
• More Capital Expenditure is now spent on IT
than all other types of Capital Expenditure
• IT 'delivers tremendous strategic value'
• But does it really?

from 'Does IT matter?' by Nicholas Carr 6

What is the basis of competitive
Real meaning of strategic
• That is, what makes a business resource strategic?
• Not ubiquity, but scarcity.
– You gain an edge over rivals only if you have something they
cannot have.
– Distinctiveness determines a company's profitability.
• Do all investments increase returns?
– Investments in scarce resources will increase returns.
– Investments in commodity resources will not increase returns.
• By the laws of competition, any increase in productivity of a
commodity resource will be competed away.
• That is, all the benefits will flow to the customers, not to a

from 'Does IT matter?' by Nicholas Carr 7

• Technological Transforms
• Laying Tracks
• An Almost Perfect Commodity
• Vanishing Advantage
• The Universal Strategy Solvent
• Managing the Money Pit
• A Dream of Wonderful Machines

from 'Does IT matter?' by Nicholas Carr 8

Laying Tracks
(the nature and evolution of infrastructural technologies)
• Rainhill, England, 1829
• Investors had spent 500,000 pounds on 32
miles of track.
• Current average speed was 10 mph.
• They wanted faster trains.
• So, they organized a trail with a £500 prize.
• Rocket was able to reach 30 mph.
• And the rest is history.

from 'Does IT matter?' by Nicholas Carr 9

How to tell Infrastructural from
Proprietary Technology
Who gets the benefits
• Proprietary Technology can be owned by a single
• The value accrues to a single firm.
• Infrastructural Technology has the most value when
• This is called the Network effect.
• That is, the value of a product increases whenever a
new member joins.
• The line can blur, especially during industry start up.
• Eg Railway lines, track gauges, couplings, etc.
• Eg Electric motors, wiring up, grid creation

from 'Does IT matter?' by Nicholas Carr 10

What are examples of
Infrastructural Industries?

• Railway, Telegraph, Telephone, Electricity

• What are the impacts of Infrastructural
• The railway reduced transport costs
• This led to Department stores, and the death
of the local goods store.
• It also led to large scale factories, and the
death of small factory.
from 'Does IT matter?' by Nicholas Carr 11
Infrastructure Buildout phase
These are all short, and intense

from 'Does IT matter?' by Nicholas Carr 12

After the buildout phase, what
Prices crash, as usage becomes universal.

• It is obvious why customers like common

• What forces suppliers to follow common
• It is a case of being a small fish in a big pond,
rather than a big fish in a shrinking pond.
• Or, they face total exclusion from the market.

from 'Does IT matter?' by Nicholas Carr 13

• Technological Transforms
• Laying Tracks
• An Almost Perfect Commodity
• Vanishing Advantage
• The Universal Strategy Solvent
• Managing the Money Pit
• A Dream of Wonderful Machines

from 'Does IT matter?' by Nicholas Carr 14

An Almost Perfect Commodity
(the fate of computer hardware and software)
• Is IT an infrastructure technology?
• What is Overshooting?
• This is the process of by which the performance of a
technology product exceeds the requirements of most
• This opens the door for cheaper alternatives.
• It also explains Open Source, and cloud computing.
• For example, Older OS -> Windows -> Linux -> JVM
• Or Windows Outlook -> Thunderbird -> Google Mail
• See Clayton Christensen “The Innovator’s Dilemma”

from 'Does IT matter?' by Nicholas Carr 15

There's something special about
There’s nothing special about software
• The economies of scale in Software are extreme.
• There are very high fixed costs to create software.
• There are very low incremental costs to distribute
• Once built, it is done.
• 'Customers cannot find 5% difference between SAP,
Peoplesoft, and Oracle' 1998
• As a non-physical good, software does not suffer decay.
• Therefore, the only hope for replacement income is

from 'Does IT matter?' by Nicholas Carr 16

IT will never be mature
We drink from the fountain of youth, or do we?
• 'A second distinguishing feature of the
development of the computer industry, after
the decline in price, is the unprecedented
speed with which diminishing returns set in’
• See Robert Gordon, “Does the New Economy
Measure up to the Great Inventions of the

from 'Does IT matter?' by Nicholas Carr 17

• Technological Transforms
• Laying Tracks
• An Almost Perfect Commodity
• Vanishing Advantage
• The Universal Strategy Solvent
• Managing the Money Pit
• A Dream of Wonderful Machines

from 'Does IT matter?' by Nicholas Carr 18

Vanishing Advantage
(IT’s changing role in business)
• Two researchers looked at 370 US Companies during 1980s.
• They discovered that
• 1. IT had contributed to total output.
• 2. IT investments had a high rate of return from capital.
• 3. Little evidence of an impact of IT on supra-normal profit.
• That is, the companies IT investments maintained
competitive parity, but they did not get competitive
• Instead, customers gained the benefits.
• See Hitt and Brynjolfsson “ Productivity, Business
Profitability and Consumer Surplus”

from 'Does IT matter?' by Nicholas Carr 19

Sometimes, killer apps happen
(but the effect does not last forever)
• In 1962, American Airlines (AA) rolled out Sabre
reservations system.
• Sabre
• 1. Reduced reservations time to a few minutes
• 2. Reduced error rates from 8% to 1%
• 3. Cost $30 million
• 4. Provided 25% ROI (return on investment)
• What happened?
• The rest of the industry played catch up, while AA
had an advantage for a decade.
from 'Does IT matter?' by Nicholas Carr 20
Standards are critical
• In early 1970s, grocery chains were developing
their own machine readable codes.
• Then they formed a consortium to agree on
• They chose the IBM Universal Product Code
• All chains moved to the new standard, which is
still with us today.
• Other examples: Internet, FTP, etc.

from 'Does IT matter?' by Nicholas Carr 21

There are always tears before bedtime
• Or why must bubbles burst?
• A series of stages occur:
• Period -> Focus
• Installation -> Mainly on building technology.
• Turning point -> Stock market bubble burst,
after major investments.
• Deployment -> Mainly on institutions and
• See Carlota Perez “Technological Revolutions and
Financial Capital“

from 'Does IT matter?' by Nicholas Carr 22

• Technological Transforms
• Laying Tracks
• An Almost Perfect Commodity
• Vanishing Advantage
• The Universal Strategy Solvent
• Managing the Money Pit
• A Dream of Wonderful Machines

from 'Does IT matter?' by Nicholas Carr 23

The Universal Strategy Solvent
(the IT infrastructure’s corrosive effect on traditional
• ‘Technological change is a great equalizer, eroding
the competitive advantage of even well
entrenched firms and propelling others to
forefront’ Michael Porter, Harvard
• Time to fulfill customer order by region in days

• See Mark Cotteleer, “Empirical Study following

Enterprise IT Implementation” Harvard
from 'Does IT matter?' by Nicholas Carr 24
Strategy and the Internet
• The internet
• 1. bolsters buyer bargaining power
• 2. reduces barriers to entry for competitors, as sales force
not needed
• 3. creates new substitutes for products
• 4. intensifies competition, as harder to maintain
proprietary barriers
• 5. expands geographic markets, bringing more competition
• All of these things will 'make it more difficult for companies
to capture these benefits as profits’
• See Michael Porter “Strategy and the Internet”

from 'Does IT matter?' by Nicholas Carr 25

Firms and the Internet
Will they get smaller or bigger?
• 'The significant questions would appear to be why the allocation of
resources within a company is not done directly by the price
mechanism of an open market’
• Ronald Coase, Nobel laureate
• A company will do activities internally if internal cost < market cost
+ transaction cost.
• So what happens when a new infrastructure such as telephones
which reduced communications costs?
• In this case, telephones reduced both internal and market costs.
• The net result of cost reductions from telephones, railways, etc led
to the creation of very large firms.
• So what impact will the Internet have on firm size?
• Still not clear, but it is not the nirvana that some imagine.

from 'Does IT matter?' by Nicholas Carr 26

• Technological Transforms
• Laying Tracks
• An Almost Perfect Commodity
• Vanishing Advantage
• The Universal Strategy Solvent
• Managing the Money Pit
• A Dream of Wonderful Machines

from 'Does IT matter?' by Nicholas Carr 27

Managing the Money Pit
(new imperatives for IT investment and management)
• What happens when a utility fails?
• In California in 2000, misguided regulations
led to an electricity shortage, and blackouts.
• Companies lost more than $100 million, and
threatened to leave the state.
• When a resource becomes essential to
competition, but inconsequential to strategy,
the risks it creates become more important
than the advantages it provides.
from 'Does IT matter?' by Nicholas Carr 28
4 Rules
What a CIO should focus on
• 1. Spend less (reduce risk, and exploit
commodity prices)
• 2. Follow, don't lead
• 3. Innovate when risks are low
• 4. Focus more on vulnerabilities than

from 'Does IT matter?' by Nicholas Carr 29

Follow, don't lead
Performance not related to IT spending per employee

• See Alinean “IT Spending Efficiency”

from 'Does IT matter?' by Nicholas Carr 30

• Technological Transforms
• Laying Tracks
• An Almost Perfect Commodity
• Vanishing Advantage
• The Universal Strategy Solvent
• Managing the Money Pit
• A Dream of Wonderful Machines

from 'Does IT matter?' by Nicholas Carr 31

A Dream of Wonderful Machines
(the misreading of technological change)
• What would rather do without?
• Your computer or your toilet?
• Your internet or your lightbulbs?
• What is most essential?
• Are we really in a 3rd industrial revolution, or is
it still the 2nd industrial revolution?

from 'Does IT matter?' by Nicholas Carr 32

What happened to the new economy?
There is ‘No correlation’ between IT investment and

• The IT sector is 8% of economy, and had 36% of total

productivity growth.
• The Sales sector is 24% of economy, and had 40% of total
productivity growth. (Sales = Retail, wholesale, brokerage)
• So, from 1993 to 2000, 32% of economy produced 76% of
the productivity growth. The rest of the economy had little
• Would this productivity growth continue in a recession?
• Yes. It would lead to lower prices, so it may not be pleasant.
• See McKinsey Whatever happened to the new economy?

from 'Does IT matter?' by Nicholas Carr 33

Death of the CIO
• Or Whatever happened to the Chief Electricity
• What special business knowledge does a CIO
• Nothing.
• If you want to be a CIO, look in the rear vision
mirror for the CFO or COO.
• And what about the IT department?
from 'Does IT matter?' by Nicholas Carr 34
Death of the layman
• Laymen were building electrical engines who
did not understand Faraday’s or Maxwell’s
• What happened? Engineers studied the maths
and took control.
• Why? The engines built by Laymen exploded
and people were electrocuted, and the
Laymen were sued.
• Any parallels today?
from 'Does IT matter?' by Nicholas Carr 35
Is it important to know these
Is it important to be able to prove programs? (also
productivity and parallelism)
• Computation Theory using models of computation
– Turing machine
– Lambda calculus
– Combinatory logic
– mu-recursive functions
• Theory of set, model, recursion and proof
• And …
– Type theory
– Category theory (Monads, Functors, morphisms, etc)
– Automata theory
– Number theory
– Graph theory
– Computational geometry
– Quantum computing theory

from 'Does IT matter?' by Nicholas Carr 36

Whither Data Warehousing?
That is, is there a long term future here?
• Why must data be copied? Can’t persistent databases be built?
– A persistent data structure is a data structure that always preserves
the previous version of itself when it is modified.
– Structures that are not persistent are called ephemeral.
– 'Purely Functional Data Structures' by Chris Okasaki explains how.
• Can scalable databases be built? Is data parallelizable?
– Commutativity analysis is a technique for automatically parallelizing
– Commutativity analysis analyzes a program to discover when functions
commute - i.e. generate the same result regardless of the order in
which they execute.
– A commutative function means => a + b = b + a.
– If all of the functions required to perform a given computation
commute, the compiler can automatically generate parallel code.
– This is the mathematical idea behind mapReduce.

from 'Does IT matter?' by Nicholas Carr 37

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