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photo: Mieke Vullings

photo: Mieke Vullings .

El Mirador de Sanchinarro
Calle Princesa de Éboli 21
28050 Madrid

. This 22 level building, called Mirador, is located in Sanchinarro, a

residential suburb on the north east edge of Madrid surrounded by
highways and with views towards the Guadarrama Mountains.
The most impressive element of the building is the incredible gap
of it shape, which acts as a frame for the distant landscape. The
large communal plaza and lookout at 40 m above the ground is
meant to be used by the neighborhood as a meeting area and
playground. The Mirador contains a wide variety of compact
housing types, in total 156 units. The architects created a
distinctive silhouette by grouping nine blocks. The articulation of
these blocks is apparent in the exterior palette, equal parts
stone, concrete and tile. The strips of red indicate the corridors.
The way the nine blocks are stacked and glued together, they
make up a new towering impressive 'superblock' (MVRDV).
Blanca Lleó asociados from Madrid were responsible for directing
the works.

Project is not public!

Completion 4-2005
. Floor area/size 25393 m²
photo: Mieke Vullings
Architect Blanca Lleó asociados
. Architect MVRDV Opening hours
. Technical engineer Apartec Colegiados S.L.
. Project manager Blanca Lleó asociados
. Contractor Dragados y Consytucciones
. Services engineer JG & asociados
. Structural engineer NB35
. Client EMV del Ayuntamiento de Madrid
Contributed by Mieke

How to get there
Arrival by car Take the M-40 road in the direction of Hortaleza
suburb, and follow the exit to Sanchinarro suburb. When you
reach that district you will see the building in the skyline.
Arrival by bus Routes 173, 174 departing from Plaza de Castilla
Bus / Metro Station 3
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photo: Puerta America Hotel . photo: Puerta America Hotel

Puerta America Hotel

Avenida de América 41
28002 Madrid

. "Nineteen of the world's best architects create the hotel of the

future in Madrid" according to the hotel's own website. As
president of the Silken Hotel Group (a business venture by the
companies Escampa and the Hotel Group Urvasco S.A) explained:
“the Hotel Puerta America is a dream come true. A project where
acclaimed architects and designers have conveyed their dreams photo: Puerta America Hotel
to us. It is a homage to the world of architecture, design and to
the freedom”. Each of the hotel's 12 floors bears the imprint of a
different design talent. Each floor measures 1300 m2 and the only
constraint was that each had to contain 28 rooms and two junior
suites. The external structure was developed by SGA Studio and
is a fairly standard rectangular tower block. John Pawson did the
common areas, while Jean Nouvel designed the cladding on the
facade and the 12th floor with 12 luxurious suites (as an
exception on the 28-room-rule). For the others ... go see by

Project is public!
Completion 5-2005
Main designer, Interior Jean Nouvel
. architect, Architect
. Interior architect Arata Isozaki Opening hours
. Interior architect Christian Liaigre
. Interior architect David Chipperfield Architects
. Interior architect Foster & Partners
. Interior architect Harriet Bourne & Jonathan Bell
. Interior architect Javier Mariscal
. Interior architect John Pawson
. Interior architect Kathryn Findlay
. Interior architect Marc Newson
. Interior architect Plasma Studio
. Interior architect Richard Gluckman
. Interior architect Teresa Sapey
How to get there
. Interior architect Victorio & Luchino
. Interior architect Zaha Hadid
. Lighting designer Jason Bruges
. Landscape designer Harriet Bourne & Jonathan Bell
. Lighting designer Arnold Chan
. Client Silken Hotel Group
Contributed by MI_MOA
. 4
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photo: Emilio P. Doitza . photo: Emilio P. Doitza

Eco Boulevard
Bulevar de la naturaleza 1
28031 Madrid

. This is a series of sustainable public spaces, a meeting point for

those who live in the area of Vallecas, a suburb of Madrid. It is on
a 500 x 50 m road, a pilot experience for the climatic adaptation
of outdoor spaces, awarded in 2004 at the Eco-Boulevard
competition organized by the Residential Innovation management
office within the Municipal Housing Corporation of Madrid and
funded by the European Union (LIFE programme). The tree of air
is a light structure that is self-sufficient and can be dismantled.
It consumes only what it can produce through photovoltaic solar
energy collection systems. Selling this energy to the power
network generates a superavit on the annual balance sheet and
this is reinvested in the maintenance of the structure. “Three
Pavilions, or air-trees, work as supports, open to multiple
activities chosen by the users. Installed in the non-city as
temporary prostheses, they will be used only until the inactivity
and climatic adaptation problem is corrected.”

Project is public!
Completion 2005
. Floor area/size 314 m²
photo: Emilio P. Doitza
Architect Ecosistema Urbano Arquitectos
. Client Municipal Housing Corporation Opening hours
. Madrid (EMVS)
Contributed by MI_MOA

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photo: FAM . photo: FAM

Atocha Monument
Avenida Ciudad de Barcelona
28012 Madrid

photo: FAM

. This is a monumental tribute to the victims of the terrorist

attacks on March 11th, 2004. It consists out of 2 parts, intimately
related: the glass cupola and the room underneath it. From this
room, visitors can watch the inside of the cupola, where
messages are visible, printed on the glass. These messages were
written in the successive days after the bombing. The 11 m high
glass cupola is formed by 2 different layers: transparent
colourless glass blocks and an ETFE membrane. The blocks are
glued together with acrylic glue that hardens when exposed to
ultraviolet light. The glue is still transparent, but the ETFE foil
contains a 97% transparency, subject to change, according to the
pressure within the room. The messages will be seen through the
glass skin during the day, and appear different during the night.
The room is accessed directly from the main lobby of the station
of Atocha. The blue coloured space is like “an empty space, in
silence, with the light as a protagonist”.

Project is public!
Completion 3-2007
Architect FAM
. Client City of Madrid
. Opening hours
Contributed by Naomi 24/7 in public space.

How to get there
Avenida Ciudad de Barcelona right at the crossing at Atocha.
Accessible from underground, from inside the Atocha train
station, or above ground. 7
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photo: Carlos Dias .

photo: Thomas Bögl


Museo Nacional Reina Sofia

Calle Santa Isabel 52
28012 madrid

. One of the three major museum extensions taking place in Madrid

the last couple of years. For sure this one is the most expressive
one. Very spacious set up with a interesting inner courtyard. The
roof combines all the different parts to one building which
cleverly connects it to the existing building structure

Project is public!
Completion 2005
. Floor area/size 23800 m²
Main designer, Architect Jean Nouvel
. Interior architect Vidal y Asociados arquitectos
. Client Museo Nacional Centro de Arte
. Reina Sofia + Ministry of Culture
Contributed by Thomas_Boegl

photo: Carlos Dias

Opening hours
mo.- sat. 10.00 - 21.00. sun. 10.00 - 14.30. tue. closed.

How to get there
metro Atocha. 10
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photo: Sergio Padura . photo: Paul Riddle

Carabanchel Social Housing

Calle Tubas
28044 Madrid

. Foreign Office Architects gave bamboo a leading role in their

latest housing scheme in Spain. There were two main reasons for
doing so: it's eco-friendly and it's comfortingly cosy. Bamboo
louvres mounted on folding frames cover the façades of the
building in Madrid's Carabanchel public housing development in
the city's southern suburbs. The basic parallelogram block
contains units of different shapes and sizes which, thanks to their
tube-like interior, all have a dual east-west orientation as well as
access to a private garden on the eastern side. The louvres not
only provide the necessary protection from the blazing summer photo: Paul Riddle
sun, but also enhance security and, because they are completely
under the control of each unit's occupants, they also highlight the
latter's spatial independence.

Project is not public!

Completion 2007
Architect Foreign Office Architects
. Client GMU
Contributed by Gonzalo_Herrero_Delicado
Opening hours

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photo: Estudio BD .

photo: Roland Halbe


Plaza de la Luna
Plaza Santa Maria Soledad Torres Acosta)
28004 Madrid

. This is a renovated square in the historical centre. A large

central space, a perfect setting for urban life; a multi functional,
indeterminate and free. Steps accommodate and apply
geometrical order to the trees and architectural elements such as
ramps, stairs and ventilation towers, made out of naturally rusted
corten steel, either punched or stamped with a floral motif. In
the lowest point of the square a water fountain that doubles as a
game for children provides a refreshing counter point and at the
other end in the highest point of the square, a child’s play area
was placed close to an area where seniors can exercise in the
shade. The vegetation was doubled, large chestnut trees greatly
changed the overall appearance. New lighting was installed that
provided a higher level of illumination under the arcades making
them safer at night and more adequate for all kinds of activities.
Granite paving with different contrasted colours allows for a
clear lecture of the topography.

Project is public!
Completion 8-2007
Architect Brut Deluxe
photo: Miguel de Guzman
. Client City Council of Madrid
. Opening hours
Contributed by Brut_Deluxe

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photo: Carlos Dias . photo: Carlos Dias

Caixa Forum Madrid

Paseo del Prado 36
28014 Madrid

. Caixa Forum Madrid is a cultural centre, offering two floors of

exhibition space, a restaurant, an auditorium and an excellent
bookshop. The structure is a conversion of a former power station
and is located in the cultural heart of Madrid, near some of
Spain's most important museums. The visual image of the Forum
is determined by the two façades facing the Paseo del Prado. One
photo: goa
of these is covered by green plants, creating a vertical garden.
The other façade consists of a Cor-ten steel addition, built on top
of the existing brick complex.

Project is public!
Completion 2-2008
. Floor area/size 1720 m²
Architect, Urban planner Herzog and De Meuron
. Client 'La Caixa' Foundation
Contributed by goa

Opening hours
Every day from 10.00 - 20.00.

How to get there
Located near Atocha metro station. 17
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photo: Javier Vázquez Moreno .

Madrid Public Housing

Calle del Patrimonio de la Humanidad 2
28054 Madrid

. This project in Spain consists of public housing with 141 two-,

three- and four-bedroom units, designed by Thom Mayne and
built by the EMT in the PAU of Carabanchel, Madrid. It is located
near other recent housing projects by Isozaki, Alejandro Zaera,
Sancho and Madridejos and others. The structure consists of an
horizontal and a vertical element, built perpendicular to each
other to create an L-shaped housing block with a view of the
surrounding landscape.

Project is not public!

Completion 2006
Architect Thom Mayne
. Client Empresa Municipal de Vivienda
Contributed by javivazquez

photo: Javier Vázquez Moreno

Opening hours

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photo: Amparo Garrido . photo: Amparo Garrido

12 towers in Vallecas
Av. del Mayorazgo
28031 Madrid

. As opposed to the great operations of the periphery, we

recovered the scale and the density of the historical center. How
many vestibules you cross in 10 minutes walking by the PAU of
Ensanche de Vallecas, as opposed to which you cross in the same
time in the historical center of Madrid?. Perhaps 5 as opposed to
50. A block, halfway between the periphery and the historical
city. We are interested on the fragmentation and the
compactness, two terms in principle opposed but compatible. A
compact project formed by different fragments: a closed block
that is diluted in small towers. A project that is looking for its
position as it changes of level, the fragmentation of the ground
floor, to the compactness of the plants first and second,
dissolving in independent pieces in the superior plants. We
engage in a dialog between two systems, the group and the
individual thing. Between the collective and massive system of
the first plants, and the towers: almost single houses.

Project is not public!

Completion 2008
Main designer, Architect nodo 17 Arquitectos
photo: Amparo Garrido
. Architect Bunch, arquitectura y proyectos
. Contractor Fercaber Opening hours
. The project is officially not public, but the gates to the courtyard
Contributed by Nodo17 are open quite often.

How to get there
The location is between the Av. del Mayorazgo; Av. del Ensanche
de Vallecas; Av. De la Gavia and Calle de Peñaranda de
Bracamonte (Ensanche de Vallecas) 20
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photo: Marco de Trizio .

Puerta de Europa
Plaza de Castilla
28046 Madrid

. These two office towers flank the Paseo de la Castellana,

Madrid's most important boulevard. The location of a subway
interchange made the placement of the two towers near the
street impossible. Their bold design is in part a response to the
need for the footprints of the towers to be set back from the
interchange while at the same time bringing the towers together
as a single compositional whole. The towers lean towards each
other and over the plazas, ensuring their visibility from up and
photo: Manuel González Olaechea y Franco
down the Paseo and creating a portal which, being at the
Northern end of the business district of Madrid, has been called a
metaphorical gateway to Europe. The façade of each tower is a
composition of a major grid -clad in stainless steel conforming to
their structure-, a minor grid of red mullions, and a third grid
comprising the light grey mullions of the curtain wall (text from
website architect).

Public access unknown!

Completion 1995
Main designer, Architect Philip Johnson
. Architect John Burgee
Contributed by Marco_De_Trizio Opening hours

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photo: José F. García Martín .

photo: José F. García Martín


Villaverde Social Housing

Calle del Berrocal
28021 Madrid

. This project is located in a new development area in the

Villaverde district of southern Madrid. Comprised of 176 one-,
two-, and three-bedroom apartments, it responds to an overall
masterplan for the site which requested a single U-shaped block
of eight storeys high and which has the appearance of a pitched
roof. Within the confines of this brief, the design attempted to
manipulate these architectural restrictions so as to abstract the
normative idea of an apartment block. So whereas other
neighbouring buildings adopt a symmetrical, double-pitched
silhouette, here the traditional relationships of wall and roof are photo: José F. García Martín
abstracted into a low, single pitch for the bulk of the block, and a
small secondary pitch at the building´s front edge. The materials
chosen are earthy-pink concrete for the façade panels and
slate-blue concrete for the courtyard portico. A dense band of
landscaping is located in between, to reach the effect of a rich
panel of colours radiating outwards.

Project is not public!

Completion 12-2005
. Floor area/size 11698 m²
Architect David Chipperfield Architects
. Associate architect José María Fernández Isla Opening hours
. Associate architect Manuel Santolaya Heredero
. Client Empressa Municipal de la Vivienda
Contributed by Jose_Garcia

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photo: David Baugh . photo: David Baugh

Carabanchel Housing
Avenida de la Peseta

photo: David Baugh

. This scheme for 102 units by Dosmasuno Architects, has two

distinct sides. It comprises of two blocks (forming an 'L-shape'),
occupying two sides of a rectangular site on the Avenida de la
Peseta, following two of the site's boundaries. The southern block
is the shortest. On the outer face, the elevations are formed by
white polyester coated panels of expanded metal, spanning
vertically from floor to ceiling. Some panels are fixed, whilst
others slide to one side or the other. Thus the occupiers of the
apartments are capable of creating random variations in the
elevation. On the inner face of the scheme, large boxes are
cantilevered off the sides of the elevation to provide
accommodation beyond the building line. These spaces are
arranged in an apparently casual, un-ordered fashion. Whilst the
accommodation hugs the sides of the site, virtually the whole of
the ground floor is given over to parking. However this has been
roofed over to provide a useful amenity for the occupants.

Project is not public!

Completion 2008
Architect Dosmasuno Arquitectos
. Services engineer JG asociados
. Structural engineer Jose Luis de Miguel Opening hours
. Client EMV
Contributed by davidb

How to get there
Nearest Metro station is 'La Peseta' (Line 11). 29
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photo: Marco De Trizio . photo: Marco De Trizio

Spanish National Statistics Institute

Paseo de la Castellana 183
28071 Madrid

. The Spanish National Statistics Institute is located in Paseo de la

Castellana, Madrid, near Plaza de Castilla. It was recently
renewed by architect César Ruíz-Larrea. The original structure
was built in 1973, but what is now only visibile is the fresh new
façade, composed of hundreds of coloured panels, which
represent the statistics itself. This curious façade is called
'Diafragma Decafónico de Dígitos' and is an artwork by sculptor
Pepe Cruz Novillo. It is a transcription system that transforms
colours into numbers (0-9). The equivalents for the colours and
numbers are: 1 Red, 2 Orange, 3 Green, 4 Rose, 5 Yellow, 6 Dark
Green, 7 Violet, 8 Blue, 9 Light Blue and 0 Brown. The 001 panel
line for example symbolizes the Spanish area in square
kilometres: 504.645. The 002 is Spain's population: 44.108.523,
and so on.

Public access unknown!

Completion 2008
Artist Pepe Cruz Novillo
photo: Marco De Trizio
Contributed by Marco_De_Trizio
Opening hours

How to get there
Metro: Plaza de Castilla. 32
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photo: Ángel Baltanás

photo: Ángel Baltanás .

4 towers in Parla
Avenida de la Estrella 12-14
28983 Madrid
Avenida de las estrellas

. The rendering of a common strategy it lifts us to a saving of the

costs of performing derivative of the repetition in sequence and
mass-production,at the same time that offers us the chance of a
dialogue between the two blocks which contain the housings,
they lay in a lot of socles shape from the concrete walls of closing
ground floor throughout the removed band ventilation of them.
The volumes of the housings are pierced with a set of cluster photo: Ángel Baltanás
windows in holes with meant plastical claim, making quiver the
crumbling of prefabricated panels of concrete.

Project is public!
Completion 1-2007
Architect Ruíz-Larrea & Associates
Contributed by Ray007

Opening hours

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photo: Alberto M. Sánchez .

photo: Carlos Dias


Calle de Isabel Clara Eugenia
28050 Madrid

. Edificio Celosia means Lattice building. This social housing

project is an alternative solution to the closed block. The
proposal aspires to be a construction system rather than a unique
building. The block, in the form of lattice, mixes 30 constructed
boxes and 30 empty spaces. Those empty spaces are for
intermediate neighbourhood life. The volumes contain homes of
photo: Alberto M. Sánchez
1, 2 and 3 bedrooms and the vertical courtyards are common
spaces open to crossed perspectives in all directions. The birds,
wind and the sun cut through the building. The mold building
system tests the effectiveness and quality of a faster and more
sustainable construction. (text from website Blanca Lleo)

Project is not public!

Completion 2008
. Floor area/size 18000 m²
Main designer, Architect MVRDV
. Architect Blanca Lleó asociados
. Client Ayuntamiento de Madrid and EVMS
Contributed by MI_MOA
Opening hours

How to get there
Metro ML 1 to Álvarez de Villaami 37
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photo: Somos Arquitectos

photo: Somos Arquitectos .

Vallecas 51 Social Housing

Avenida del Ensanche de Vallecas 45-51
28051 Madrid

. This social housing project in Madrid has an original façade design

with polycarbonate panels in three hues of green. In fact, it is
one of the first residential projects which features plastic
materials as a skin. The programme, including 123 social housing photo: Somos Arquitectos
apartments, is called to be one of the new urban icons on the
outskirts of Madrid.

Project is not public!

Completion 9-2009
. Floor area/size 1125 m²
Architect, Interior Somos Arquitectos
. architect, Landscape
. Client EMVS (Empresa Municipal de la
. Vivienda y el Suelo)
Contributed by ESTUDIOSOMOS

Opening hours
When entering the gates, make either ask the guard or walk with
an inhabitant.

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