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Chocolate is a typically sweet, usually brown, food preparation of Theobroma cacao seeds, roasted
and ground, often flavored, as with vanilla. It is made in the form of a liquid, paste, or in a block, or
used as a flavoring ingredient in other foods. Cacao has been cultivated by many cultures for at least
three millennia in Mesoamerica. The earliest evidence of use traces to
the Mokaya(Mexico and Guatemala), with evidence of chocolate beverages dating back to 1900 BC.
In fact, the majority of Mesoamerican people made chocolate beverages, including
the Maya and Aztecs, who made it into a beverage known as xocolātl ,a Nahuatl word meaning
"bitter water". The seeds of the cacao tree have an intense bitter taste and must be fermented to
develop the flavor.


Chocolate most commonly comes in dark, milk, and

white varieties, with cocoa solids contributing to the
brown color.

Chocolate liquor, cocoa

Main ingredients
butterfor white chocolate

After fermentation, the beans are dried, cleaned, and roasted. The shell is removed to produce cacao
nibs, which are then ground to cocoa mass, pure chocolate in rough form. Because the cocoa mass is
usually liquefied before being molded with or without other ingredients, it is called chocolate liquor.
The liquor also may be processed into two components: cocoa solids and cocoa butter.
Unsweetened baking chocolate (bitter chocolate) contains primarily cocoa solids and cocoa butter in
varying proportions. Much of the chocolate consumed today is in the form of sweet chocolate, a
combination of cocoa solids, cocoa butter or other fat, and sugar. Milk chocolate is sweet chocolate
that additionally contains milk powder or condensed milk. White chocolate contains cocoa butter,
sugar, and milk, but no cocoa solids.

Paul Gavarni Woman Chocolate Vendor (1855-57)

Cocoa solids are a source of flavonoids and alkaloids, such as theobromine,

phenethylamine and caffeine.

Chocolate has become one of the most popular food types and flavors in the world, and a vast
number of foodstuffs involving chocolate have been created. Gifts of chocolate molded into different
shapes have become traditional on certain holidays. Chocolate is also used in cold and hot beverages
such as chocolate milk and hot chocolate.

Although cocoa originated in the Americas, today Western Africa produces almost two-thirds of the
world's cocoa, with Ivory Coast growing almost half of it.

The word "chocolate" entered the English language from Spanish. How the word came into Spanish
is less certain, and there are competing explanations. Perhaps the most cited explanation is that
"chocolate" comes from Nahuatl, the language of the Aztecs, from the word chocolātl, which many
sources say derived from xocolātl combining , sour or bitter, and , water or drink. The word
"chocolate" does not occur in central Mexican colonial sources, making this an unlikely derivation.
Another derivation comes from the Yucatec Mayan word chokol meaning hot, and the
Nahuatl meaning water. The Nahuatl term, chocolate, meaning "beaten drink", may derive from the
word for the frothing stick, chicoli.

Mesoamerican usage

Late Classic, Maya ('Codex' style), The Princeton Vase, A.D. 670–750,Princeton University Art
Museum, detail of a female figure pouring chocolate

A Maya lord forbids an individual from touching a container of chocolate.

Chocolate has been prepared as a drink for nearly all of its history. For example, one vessel found at
an Olmec archaeological site on the Gulf Coast of Veracruz, Mexico, dates chocolate's preparation
by pre-Olmec peoples as early as 1750 BC. On the Pacific coast of Chiapas, Mexico,
a Mokaya archaeological site provides evidence of cacao beverages dating even earlier, to 1900 BC.
The residues and the kind of vessel in which they were found indicate the initial use of cacao was not
simply as a beverage, but the white pulp around the cacao beans was likely used as a source of
fermentable sugars for an alcoholic drink.
Aztec. Man Carrying a Cacao Pod, 1440–1521. Volcanic stone, traces of red pigment. Brooklyn

An early Classic-period (460–480 AD) Mayan tomb from the site in Rio Azul had vessels with
the Maya glyph for cacao on them with residue of a chocolate drink, suggests the Maya were
drinking chocolate around 400 AD. Documents in Maya hieroglyphs stated chocolate was used for
ceremonial purposes, in addition to everyday life. The Maya grew cacao trees in their backyards, and
used the cacao seeds the trees produced to make a frothy, bitter drink.

By the 15th century, the Aztecs gained control of a large part of Mesoamerica and adopted cacao into
their culture. They associated chocolate with Quetzalcoatl, who, according to one legend, was cast
away by the other gods for sharing chocolate with humans, and identified its extrication from the pod
with the removal of the human heart in sacrifice. In contrast to the Maya, who liked their chocolate
warm, the Aztecs drank it cold, seasoning it with a broad variety of additives, including the petals of
the Cymbopetalumpenduliflorum tree, chile pepper, allspice,vanilla, and honey.

The Aztecs were not able to grow cacao themselves, as their home in the Mexican highlands was
unsuitable for it, so chocolate was a luxury imported into the empire. Those who lived in areas ruled
by the Aztecs were required to offer cacao seeds in payment of the tax they deemed "tribute". Cocoa
beans were often used as currency. For example, the Aztecs used a system in which one turkey cost
100 cacao beans and one fresh avocado was worth three beans.
European adaptation
Chocolate soon became a fashionable drink of the nobility after the discovery of the Americas. The
morning chocolate byPietro Longhi; Venice, 1775–1780

Until the 16th century, no European had ever heard of the popular drink from the Central and South
American peoples. Christopher Columbus and his son Ferdinand encountered the cacao bean on
Columbus's fourth mission to the Americas on 15 August 1502, when he and his crew seized a large
native canoe that proved to contain cacao beans among other goods for trade.
Spanish conquistador Hernán Cortés may have been the first European to encounter it, as the frothy
drink was part of the after-dinner routine of Montezuma. Jose de Acosta, a Spanish Jesuit missionary
who lived in Peru and then Mexico in the later 16th century, wrote of its growing influence on the

Loathsome to such as are not acquainted with it, having a scum or froth that is very unpleasant taste.
Yet it is a drink very much esteemed among the Indians, where with the feast noble men who pass
through their country. The Spaniards, both men and women that are accustomed to the country are
very greedy of this Chocolate. They say they make diverse sorts of it, some hot, some cold, and some
temperate, and put therein much of that "chili"; yea, they make paste thereof, the which they say is
good for the stomach and against the catarrh.
"Traités nouveaux &curieux du café du thé et du chocolate", by Philippe Sylvestre Dufour, 1685

While Columbus had taken cacao beans with him back to Spain, chocolate made no impact until
Spanish friars introduced it to the Spanish court. After the Spanish conquest of the Aztecs, chocolate
was imported to Europe. There, it quickly became a court favorite. It was still served as a beverage,
but the Spanish added sugar, as well as honey, to counteract the natural bitterness. Vanilla was also a
popular additive, with pepper and other spices sometimes used to give the illusion of a more potent
vanilla flavor. Unfortunately, these spices had the tendency to unsettle the European constitution;
the Encyclopédie states, "The pleasant scent and sublime taste it imparts to chocolate have made it
highly recommended; but a long experience having shown that it could potentially upset one's
stomach," which is why chocolate without vanilla was sometimes referred to as "healthy
chocolate." By 1602, chocolate had made its way from Spain to Austria. By 1662, the bishop of
Rome had declared that religious fasts were not broken by consuming chocolate drinks. Within about
a hundred years, chocolate established a foothold throughout Europe.
Silver chocolate pot with hinged finial to insert a molinetor swizzle stick, London 1714–15 (Victoria
and Albert Museum)

The new craze for chocolate brought with it a thriving slave market, as between the early 1600s and
late 1800s, the laborious and slow processing of the cacao bean was manual. Cacao plantations
spread, as the English, Dutch, and French colonized and planted. With the depletion of
Mesoamerican workers, largely to disease, cacao production was often the work of poor wage
labourers and African slaves. Wind-powered and horse-drawn mills were used to speed production,
augmenting human labour. Heating the working areas of the table-mill, an innovation that emerged
in France in 1732, also assisted in extraction.

New processes that sped the production of chocolate emerged early in the Industrial Revolution. In
1815, Dutch chemist Conrad van Houten introduced alkaline salts to chocolate, which reduced its
bitterness. A few years thereafter, in 1828, he created a press to remove about half the natural fat
(cocoa butter or cacao butter) from chocolate liquor, which made chocolate both cheaper to produce
and more consistent in quality. This innovation introduced the modern era of chocolate. Known as
"Dutch cocoa", this machine-pressed chocolate was instrumental in the transformation of chocolate
to its solid form when, in 1847, Joseph Fry learned to make chocolate mouldable by adding back
melted cacao butter. Milk had sometimes been used as an addition to chocolate beverages since the
mid-17th century, but in 1875 Daniel Peter invented milk chocolate by mixing a powdered
milk developed by Henri Nestlé with the liquor. In 1879, the texture and taste of chocolate was
further improved when Rudolphe Lindt invented the conching machine.

Besides Nestlé, a number of notable chocolate companies had their start in the late 19th and early
20th centuries. Cadbury was manufacturing boxed chocolates in England by 1868. In 1893, Milton S.
Hersheypurchased chocolate processing equipment at the World's Columbian Exposition in Chicago,
and soon began the career of Hershey's chocolates with chocolate-coated caramels.

Main article: Types of chocolate

Chocolate is commonly used as a coating for various fruits such ascherries and/or fillings, such as
Disk of chocolate (about 4cm in diameter), as sold in Central America, for making hot cocoa. Note
that the chocolate pictured here is soft, can easily be crumbled by hand, and already has sugar added.

Several types of chocolate can be distinguished. Pure, unsweetened chocolate contains primarily
cocoa solids and cocoa butter in varying proportions. Much of the chocolate consumed today is in
the form of sweet chocolate, combining chocolate with sugar. Milk chocolate is sweet chocolate that
additionally contains milk powder or condensed milk. In the U.K. and Ireland, milk chocolate must
contain a minimum of 20% total dry cocoa solids; in the rest of the European Union, the minimum is
25%. "White chocolate" contains cocoa butter, sugar, and milk, but no cocoa solids. Chocolate
contains alkaloids such as theobromine and phenethylamine, which may have physiological effects
in humans, but the presence of theobromine renders it toxic to some animals, such as dogs and cats.
Dark chocolate has been promoted for unproven health benefits.

White chocolate, although similar in texture to that of milk and dark chocolate, does not contain any
cocoa solids. Because of this, many countries do not consider white chocolate as chocolate at all.
Although white chocolate was first introduced by Hebert Candies in 1955,Mars, Incorporated, was
the first to produce it in the United States. Because it does not contain any cocoa solids, white
chocolate does not contain any theobromine, so it can be consumed by animals.

Dark chocolate is produced by adding fat and sugar to the cacao mixture. The U.S. Food and Drug
Administration calls this "sweet chocolate", and requires a 15% concentration of chocolate liquor.
European rules specify a minimum of 35% cocoa solids. Semisweet chocolate is a dark chocolate
with low sugar content. Bittersweet chocolate is chocolate liquor to which some sugar (typically a
third), more cocoa butter, vanilla, and sometimes lecithin have been added. It has less sugar and
more liquor than semisweet chocolate, but the two are interchangeable in baking.

Unsweetened chocolate is pure chocolate liquor, also known as bitter or baking chocolate. It is
unadulterated chocolate: the pure, ground, roasted chocolate beans impart a strong, deep chocolate
flavour. Raw chocolate, often referred to as raw cacao, is always dark and a minimum of 75% cacao.
Chocolate may have whitish spots on the dark chocolate part, called chocolate bloom; it is an
indication that sugar and/or fat has separated due to poor storage. It is not toxic.

Children in cocoa production and Cocoa production in Ivory Coast

Chocolate is created from the cocoa bean. A cacao tree with fruit pods in various stages of ripening.

Roughly two-thirds of the entire world's cocoa is produced in West Africa, with 43% sourced
from Ivory Coast where child labour is a common practice to obtain the product. According to
the World Cocoa Foundation, some 50 million people around the world depend on cocoa as a source
of livelihood. In the UK, most chocolatiers purchase their chocolate from them, to melt, meld and
package to their own design. According to the WCF's 2012 report, the Ivory Coast is the largest
producer of cocoa in the world.

Production costs can be decreased by reducing cocoa solids content or by substituting cocoa butter
with another fat. Cocoa growers object to allowing the resulting food to be called "chocolate", due to
the risk of lower demand for their crops. The sequencing in 2010 of the genome of the cacao tree
may allow yields to be improved.

The two main jobs associated with creating chocolate candy are chocolate makers and chocolates.
Chocolate makers use harvested cacao beans and other ingredients to produce couverture
chocolate (covering). Chocolatiers use the finished couverture to make chocolate candies
(bars, truffles, etc.).
Cacao varieties

Toasted cacao beans at a chocolate workshop at the La ChonitaHaciendain Tabasco. Chocolate is

made from cocoa beans, the dried and partially fermented seeds of the cacao tree (Theobroma
cacao), a small (4– to 8-m-tall (15– to 26-ft-tall) evergreen tree native to the deep tropical region of
the Americas. Recent genetic studies suggest the most common genotype of the plant originated in
the Amazon basin and was gradually transported by humans throughout South and Central America.
Early forms of another genotype have also been found in what is now Venezuela. The scientific
name, Theobroma, means "food of the deities". The fruit, called a cacao pod, is ovoid, 15–30 cm (or
6–12 in) long and 8–10 cm (3–4 in) wide, ripening yellow to orange, and weighing about 500 g (1 lb)
when ripe.

Cacao trees are small, understory trees that need rich, well-drained soils. They naturally grow within
20° of either side of the equator because they need about 2000 mm of rainfall a year, and
temperatures in the range of 21 to 32 °C. Cacao trees cannot tolerate a temperature lower than 15 °C
(59 °F).

The three main varieties of cacao beans used in chocolate are criollo, forastero, and trinitario.


Representing only 5% of all cocoa beans grown, criollo is the rarest and most expensive cocoa on the
market, and is native to Central America, the Caribbean islands and the northern tier of South
American states. The genetic purity of cocoas sold today as criollo is disputed, as most populations
have been exposed to the genetic influence of other varieties.

Criollos are particularly difficult to grow, as they are vulnerable to a variety of environmental threats
and produce low yields of cocoa per tree. The flavor of criollo is described as delicate yet complex,
low in classic chocolate flavor, but rich in "secondary" notes of long duration.

The most commonly grown bean is forastero, a large group of wild and cultivated cacaos, most likely
native to the Amazon basin. The African cocoa crop is entirely of the forastero variety. They are
significantly hardier and of higher yield than criollo. The source of most chocolate marketed,
forasterococoas are typically strong in classic "chocolate" flavor but have a short duration and are
unsupported by secondary flavors, producing "quite bland" chocolate.

Trinitario is a natural hybrid of criollo and forastero. Trinitario originated in Trinidad after an
introduction of forastero to the local criollo crop. Nearly all cacao produced over the past five
decades is of the forastero or lower-grade trinitario varieties.

Video of cacao beans being ground and mixed with other ingredients to make chocolate at
a Mayordomo store in Oaxaca

Cacao pods are harvested by cutting them from the tree using a machete, or by knocking them off the
tree using a stick. The beans with their surrounding pulp are removed from the pods and placed in
piles or bins, allowing access to micro-organisms so fermentation of thepectin-containing material
can begin. Yeasts produce ethanol, lactic acid bacteria produce lactic acid, and acetic acid
bacteria produceacetic acid. The fermentation process, which takes up to seven days, also produces
several flavor precursors, eventually resulting in the familiar chocolate taste.

It is important to harvest the pods when they are fully ripe, because if the pod is unripe, the beans
will have a low cocoa butter content, or sugars in the white pulp will be insufficient for fermentation,
resulting in a weak flavor. After fermentation, the beans must be quickly dried to prevent mold
growth. Climate and weather permitting, this is done by spreading the beans out in the sun from five
to seven days.

The dried beans are then transported to a chocolate manufacturing facility. The beans are cleaned
(removing twigs, stones, and other debris), roasted, and graded. Next, the shell of each bean is
removed to extract the nib. Finally, the nibs are ground and liquefied, resulting in pure chocolate in
fluid form: chocolate liquor. The liquor can be further processed into two components: cocoa solids
and cocoa butter.
Types of chocolate

Chocolate liquor is blended with the cocoa butter in varying quantities to make different types of
chocolate or couvertures. The basic blends of ingredients for the various types of chocolate (in order
of highest quantity of cocoa liquor first), are:

Fountain chocolate is made with high levels of cocoa butter, allowing it to flow gently over
a chocolate fountain to serve as dessert fondue.

 Dark chocolate: sugar, cocoa butter, cocoa liquor, and (sometimes) vanilla

 Milk chocolate: sugar, cocoa butter, cocoa liquor, milk or milk powder, and vanilla

 White chocolate: sugar, cocoa butter, milk or milk powder, and vanilla

Usually, an emulsifying agent, such as soy lecithin, is added, though a few manufacturers prefer to
exclude this ingredient for purity reasons and to remain GMO-free, sometimes at the cost of a
perfectly smooth texture. Some manufacturers are now using PGPR, an artificial emulsifier derived
from castor oil that allows them to reduce the amount of cocoa butter while maintaining the
same mouthfeel.

The texture is also heavily influenced by processing, specifically conching (see below). The more
expensive chocolate tends to be processed longer and thus have a smoother texture and mouth feel,
regardless of whether emulsifying agents are added.

Different manufacturers develop their own "signature" blends based on the above formulas, but
varying proportions of the different constituents are used. The finest, plain dark chocolate
couvertures contain at least 70% cocoa (both solids and butter), whereas milk chocolate usually
contains up to 50%. High-quality white chocolate couvertures contain only about 35% cocoa butter.
Producers of high-quality, small-batch chocolate argue that mass production produces bad-quality
chocolate. Some mass-produced chocolate contains much less cocoa (as low as 7% in many cases),
and fats other than cocoa butter. Vegetable oils and artificial vanilla flavor are often used in cheaper
chocolate to mask poorly fermented and/or roasted beans.

In 2007, the Chocolate Manufacturers Association in the United States, whose members
include Hershey, Nestlé, and Archer Daniels Midland, lobbied the Food and Drug
Administration (FDA) to change the legal definition of chocolate to let them substitute partially
hydrogenated vegetable oils for cocoa butter, in addition to using artificial sweeteners and milk
substitutes. Currently, the FDA does not allow a product to be referred to as "chocolate" if the
product contains any of these ingredients.

Chocolate mélange mixing raw ingredients

The penultimate process is called conching. A conche is a container filled with metal beads, which
act as grinders. The refined and blended chocolate mass is kept in a liquid state by frictional heat.
Chocolate prior to conching has an uneven and gritty texture. The conching process produces cocoa
and sugar particles smaller than the tongue can detect, hence the smooth feel in the mouth. The
length of the conching process determines the final smoothness and quality of the chocolate. High-
quality chocolate is conched for about 72 hours, and lesser grades about four to six hours. After the
process is complete, the chocolate mass is stored in tanks heated to about 45–50 °C (113–122 °F)
until final processing.


The final process is called tempering. Uncontrolled crystallization of cocoa butter typically results in
crystals of varying size, some or all large enough to be clearly seen with the naked eye. This causes
the surface of the chocolate to appear mottled and matte and causes the chocolate to crumble rather
than snap when broken. The uniform sheen and crisp bite of properly processed chocolate are the
result of consistently small cocoa butter crystals produced by the tempering process.
The fats in cocoa butter can crystallize in six different forms (polymorphous crystallization). The
primary purpose of tempering is to assure that only the best form is present. The six different crystal
forms have different properties.

Crystal Melting temp. Notes

I 17 °C (63 °F) Soft, crumbly, melts too easily

II 21 °C (70 F) Soft, crumbly, melts too easily

III 26 °C (79 °F) Firm, poor snap, melts too easily

IV 28 °C (82 °F) Firm, good snap, melts too easily

V 34 °C (93 °F) Glossy, firm, best snap, melts near body temperature (37 °C)

VI 36 °C (97 °F) Hard, takes weeks to form

Molten chocolate and a piece of a chocolate bar

As a solid piece of chocolate, the cocoa butter fat particles are in a crystalline rigid structure that
gives the chocolate its solid appearance. Once heated, the crystals of the polymorphic cocoa butter
are able to break apart from the rigid structure and allow the chocolate to obtain a more fluid
consistency as the temperature increases – the melting process. When the heat is removed, the cocoa
butter crystals become rigid again and come closer together, allowing the chocolate to solidify.

The temperature in which the crystals obtain enough energy to break apart from their rigid
conformation would depend on the milk fat content in the chocolate and the shape of the fat
molecules, as well as the form of the cocoa butter fat. Chocolate with a higher fat content will melt at
a lower temperature.

Making chocolate considered "good" is about forming as many type V crystals as possible. This
provides the best appearance and texture and creates the most stable crystals, so the texture and
appearance will not degrade over time. To accomplish this, the temperature is carefully manipulated
during the crystallization.

Generally, the chocolate is first heated to 45 °C to melt all six forms of crystals. Next, the chocolate
is cooled to about 27 °C, which will allow crystal types IV and V to form. At this temperature, the
chocolate is agitated to create many small crystal "seeds" which will serve as nuclei to create small
crystals in the chocolate. The chocolate is then heated to about 31 °C to eliminate any type IV
crystals, leaving just type V. After this point, any excessive heating of the chocolate will destroy the
temper and this process will have to be repeated. However, other methods of chocolate tempering are
used. The most common variant is introducing already tempered, solid "seed" chocolate. The temper
of chocolate can be measured with a chocolate temper meter to ensure accuracy and consistency. A
sample cup is filled with the chocolate and placed in the unit which then displays or prints the

Two classic ways of manually tempering chocolate are:

 Working the molten chocolate on a heat-absorbing surface, such as a stone slab, until thickening
indicates the presence of sufficient crystal "seeds"; the chocolate is then gently warmed to
working temperature.

 Stirring solid chocolate into molten chocolate to "inoculate" the liquid chocolate with crystals
(this method uses the already formed crystals of the solid chocolate to "seed" the molten

Chocolate tempering machines (or temperers) with computer controls can be used for producing
consistently tempered chocolate, particularly for large volume applications.

Packaged chocolate in the Ghirardelli Chocolate Company is stored in controlled conditions.

Chocolate is very sensitive to temperature and humidity. Ideal storage temperatures are between 15
and 17 °C (59 and 63 °F), with a relative humidity of less than 50%. Various types of "blooming"
effects can occur if chocolate is stored or served improperly. Fat bloom is caused by storage
temperature fluctuating or exceeding 24 °C, while sugar bloom is caused by temperature below
15 °C or excess humidity. To distinguish between different types of bloom, one can rub the surface
of the chocolate lightly, and if the bloom disappears, it is fat bloom. One can get rid of bloom by
retempering the chocolate or using it for any use that requires melting the chocolate.

Chocolate is generally stored away from other foods, as it can absorb different aromas. Ideally,
chocolates are packed or wrapped, and placed in proper storage with the correct humidity and
temperature. Additionally, chocolate is frequently stored in a dark place or protected from light by
wrapping paper.

If refrigerated or frozen without containment, chocolate can absorb enough moisture to cause a
whitish discoloration, the result of fat or sugar crystals rising to the surface. Moving chocolate from
one temperature extreme to another, such as from a refrigerator on a hot day, can result in an oily
texture. Although visually unappealing, chocolate suffering from bloom is perfectly safe for
Nutrition and research

Candies, milk chocolate

Nutritional value per 100 g (3.5 oz)

Energy 2,240 kJ (540 kcal)

Carbohydrates 59.4

Sugars 51.5

Dietary fiber 3.4 g

Fat 29.7

Protein 7.6


Vitamin A 195 IU

Thiamine (B1) (9%)

0.1 mg

Riboflavin (B2) (25%)

0.3 mg

Niacin (B3) (3%)

0.4 mg

Vitamin B6 (0%)
0.0 mg

Folate (B9) (3%)

11 μg
Vitamin B12 (29%)
0.7 μg

Choline (9%)
46.1 mg

Vitamin C (0%)
0 mg

Vitamin E (3%)
0.5 mg

Vitamin K (5%)
5.7 μg


Calcium (19%)
189 mg

Iron (18%)
2.4 mg

Magnesium (18%)
63 mg

Manganese (24%)
0.5 mg

Phosphorus (30%)
208 mg

Potassium (8%)
372 mg

Sodium (5%)
79 mg

Zinc (24%)
2.3 mg
Other constituents

Water 1.5 g

Caffeine 20 mg

Cholesterol 23 mg

theobromine 205 mg

μg = micrograms • mg = milligrams
IU = International units
Percentages are roughly approximated
usingUS recommendations for adults.
Source: USDA Nutrient Database


A 100-gram serving of milk chocolate supplies 540 calories. It is 59% carbohydrates (52% as sugar
and 3% as dietary fiber), 30% fat and 8% protein (table). Approximately 65% of the fat in milk
chocolate is saturated, composed mainly of palmitic acid and stearic acid, while the
predominant unsaturated fat is oleic acid (table, see USDA reference for full report).

In 100 gram amounts, milk chocolate is an excellent source (> 19% of the Daily Value, DV)
of riboflavin, vitamin B12 and the dietary minerals, manganese, phosphorus and zinc (table).
Chocolate is a good source (10-19% DV) of calcium, magnesium and iron(table).

Health effects of chocolate and Theobromine poisoning

Chocolate and cocoa are under preliminary research to determine if consumption affects the risk of
certain cardiovascular diseasesor cognitive abilities.

Chocolate may be a factor for heartburn in some people because one of its constituents, theobromine,
may affect the oesophageal sphincter muscle, hence permitting stomach acidic contents to enter into
the oesophagus. Theobromine is also toxic to some animals unable to metabolize it (see theobromine

Unconstrained consumption of large quantities of any energy-rich food, such as chocolate, without a
corresponding increase in activity to expend the associated calories, can increase the risk of weight
gain and possibly obesity. Raw chocolate is high in cocoa butter, a fat which is removed during
chocolate refining, then added back in varying proportions during the manufacturing process.
Manufacturers may add other fats, sugars, and milk as well, all of which increase the caloric content
of chocolate.

Chocolate and cocoa contain moderate to high amounts of oxalate, which may increase risk
for kidney stones. During cultivation and production, chocolate may absorb lead from the
environment, but the total amounts typically eaten are less than the tolerable daily limit for lead
consumption, according to the World Health Organization.

A few studies have documented allergic reactions from chocolate in children.


Chocolate with various fillings.

Some manufacturers provide the percentage of chocolate in a finished chocolate confection as a label
quoting percentage of "cocoa" or "cacao". It should be noted that this refers to the combined
percentage of both cocoa solids and cocoa butter in the bar, not just the percentage of cocoa
solids.[71] The Belgian AMBAO certification mark indicates that no non-cocoa vegetable fats have
been used in making the chocolate.

Chocolates that are organicor fair trade certified carry labels accordingly.

In the United States, some large chocolate manufacturers lobbied the federal government to permit
confections containing cheaper hydrogenated vegetable oil in place of cocoa butter to be sold as
"chocolate". In June 2007, as a response to consumer concern after the proposed change, the FDA
reiterated "Cacao fat, as one of the signature characteristics of the product, will remain a principal
component of standardized chocolate."
List of bean-to-bar chocolate manufacturers

Chocolate manufacturers produce a range of products from chocolate bars to fudge. Large
manufacturers of chocolate products include Cadbury (the world's largest confectionery
manufacturer), Guylian, The Hershey Company, Lindt &Sprüngli, Mars,
Incorporated, Milka,Neuhaus and Suchard.

Guylian is best known for its chocolate Sea Shells; Cadbury for its Dairy Milk and Creme Egg. The
Hershey Company, the largest chocolate manufacturer in North America, produces the Hershey
Bar and Hershey's Kisses. Mars Incorporated, a large privately owned U.S. corporation,
produces Mars Bar, Milky Way, M&M's, Twix, and Snickers. Lindt is known for its truffle balls and
Gold Easter Bunnies.

Food conglomerates Nestlé SA and Kraft Foods both have chocolate brands. Nestlé
acquired Rowntree's in 1988 and now markets chocolates under their own brand,
including Smarties and Kit Kat; Kraft Foods through its 1990 acquisition of Jacobs Suchard, now
owns Milka and Suchard. In February 2010, Kraft also acquired British-based Cadbury. Fry's,
Trebor Basset, the fair-trade brand Green & Black's, also belongs to the group.

The chocolate industry

The chocolate industry, a steadily growing, $50 billion-a-year worldwide business centered on the
sale and consumption of chocolate, is prevalent throughout most of the world. Europe accounts for
45% of the world's chocolate revenue and the US $20 billion. Big Chocolate is the grouping of major
international chocolate companies in Europe and the U.S. The U.S. companies, such as Mars and
Hershey’s alone, generate $13 billion a year in chocolate sales and account for two-thirds of U.S.
production. Despite the expanding reach of the chocolate industry internationally, cocoa farmers and
labourers in the Ivory Coast are unaware of the uses of the beans. The high cost of chocolate in
the Ivory Coast also means that it is inaccessible to the majority of the population, who are unaware
of what it tastes like.

In 2009, Salvation Army International Development (SAID) UK noted that 12,000 children have
been trafficked on cocoa farms in the Ivory Coast of Africa, where half of the world's chocolate is
made. SAID UK states that it is these child slaves who are likely to be working in "harsh and
abusive" conditions for the production of chocolate, and an increasing number of health-food and
anti-slavery organisations are now highlighting and campaigning against the use of trafficking in the
chocolate industry.

Popular culture
Religious and cultural links

Chocolatier preparing Easter eggs and rabbits

Chocolate coins

Chocolate is associated with festivals such as Easter, when moulded chocolate rabbits and eggs are
traditionally given in Christian communities, and Hanukkah, when chocolate coins are given in
Jewish communities. Chocolate hearts and chocolate in heart-shaped boxes are popular
on Valentine's Day and are often presented along with flowers and a greeting card. Chocolate is an
acceptable gift on other holidays and on occasions such as birthdays.

Many confectioners make holiday-specific chocolate candies. Chocolate Easter eggs or rabbits
and Santa Claus figures are two examples. Such confections can be solid, hollow, or filled with
sweets or fondant.
Books and film

Chocolate has been the center of several successful book and film adaptations. In 1964, Roald
Dahl published a children's novel titled Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. The novel centers on a
poor boy named Charlie Bucket who takes a tour through the greatest chocolate factory in the world,
owned by Willy Wonka. Two film adaptations of the novel were produced. The first was Willy
Wonka & the Chocolate Factory, a 1971 film which later became a cult classic, and spawned the real
world Willy Wonka Candy Company, which produces chocolate products to this day. Thirty-four
years later, a second film adaptation was produced, titled Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. The
2005 film was very well received by critics and was one of the highest grossing films that year,
earning over US$470,000,000 worldwide. Charlie and the Chocolate Factory was also recognized at
the 78th Academy Awards, where it was nominated for Best Costume Design for Gabriella Pesucci.

Like Water for Chocolate (Como agua para chocolate), a 1989 love story by novelist Laura
Esquivel, was adapted to film in 1992. The plot incorporates magical realism with Mexican cuisine,
and the title is a double entendre in its native language, referring both to a recipe for hot chocolate
and to an idiom that is a metaphor for sexual arousal. The film earned 11 Ariel Awards from
the Academia Mexicana de Artes y CienciasCinematográficas, including Best Picture.

Chocolate, a 1999 novel by Joanne Harris, tells the story of Vianne Rocher, a young mother, whose
confections change the lives of the townspeople. The 2000 film adaptation, Chocolat, also proved
successful, grossing over US$150,000,000 worldwide, and receiving Academy Award and Golden
Globe nominations for Best Picture, Best Actress, and Best Original Score.

Food Portal

Outline of chocolate

 Candida krusei

 Candy making

 Children in cocoa production

 Chocolate chip

 List of chocolate-covered foods

 List of chocolate beverages

 The chocolate game

 United States military chocolate

Mars Incorporation

Mars is an American global manufacturer of confectionery, pet food, and other food products and a
provider of animal care services, with US$33 billion in annual sales in 2015, and is ranked as the 6th
largest privately held company in the United States by Forbes. Headquartered in McLean,
unincorporated Fairfax County, Virginia, United States, the company is entirely owned by the Mars
family. Mars operates in six business segments around the world: Wm. Wrigley Jr. Company
(Chicago, Illinois), Chocolate (Hackettstown, New Jersey; to be integrated with Wm. Wrigley Jr.
Company and based in Chicago, Illinois from 2017), Petcare (Brussels, Belgium, Poncitlán and
Jalisco, Mexico), Food (Rancho Dominguez, California), Drinks (West Chester, Pennsylvania), and
Symbioscience (Germantown, Maryland), the company's life sciences division.

Mars is a company known for the confectionery items that it creates, such as Mars bars, Milky Way
bars, M&M's, Skittles, Snickers, and Twix. They also produce non-confectionery snacks, such as
Combos, and other foods, including Uncle Ben's Rice and pasta sauce brand Dolmio, as well as pet
foods, such as Pedigree and Whiskas brands.

Orbit gum is among the most popular brands, managed by the Mars subsidiary brand Wrigley.
During World War II, Wrigley was selling their eponymous gum only to soldiers, while Orbit was
sold to the public. Though abandoned shortly after the war, about 30 years later Orbit made a
comeback in America during the chewing gum craze.

Franklin Clarence Mars, whose mother taught him to hand dip candy, sold candy by age 19. He
started the Mars Candy Factory in 1911 with Ethel V. Mars, his second wife, in Tacoma,
Washington. This factory produced and sold fresh candy wholesale, but ultimately the venture failed
because there was a better established business, Brown & Haley, also operating in Tacoma. By 1920,
Mars had returned to his home state, Minnesota, where the earliest incarnation of the present day
Mars company was founded that year as Mar-O-Bar Co., in Minneapolis and later incorporated there
as Mars, Incorporated. Forrest Mars, Sr., son of Frank and his first wife, Veronica, was inspired by a
popular type of milkshake in 1923, to introduce the Milky Way bar, advertised as a "chocolate
malted milk in a candy bar", which became the best-selling candy bar. In 1929, Frank moved the
company to Bakersfield, California and started full production in a plant which still exists today. In
1930, Frank Mars created the Snickers Bar and first sold it in US markets. In 1932, Mars introduced
the 3 Musketeers bar. The same year, Forrest started Mars Limited in the United Kingdom and
launched the Mars bar.

Mars is still a family business owned by the Mars family. The company is famous for its secrecy. A
1993 Washington Post Magazine article was a rare raising of the veil, as the reporter was able to see
the "M"s being applied to the M&M's, something that "no out-sider had ever before been invited to
observe." In 1999, for example, the company did not acknowledge that Forrest Mars, Sr. had died or
that he had worked for the company.

The company published its Principles in Action communication in September 2011. This
communication outlines the history of Mars, its legacy as a business committed to its Five Principles,
and the company’s goal of putting its Principles into action to make a difference to people and the
planet through performance. Encompassing themes of Health and Nutrition, Supply Chain,
Operations, Products, and Working at Mars, the Principles in Action communication outlines Mars
Incorporated’s targets, progress, and ongoing challenges. It also describes its businesses, including
Petcare, Chocolate, Wrigley, Food, Drinks, Symbioscience.

Mars, Incorporated has developed a reputation across its leading markets to be an excellent training
ground for managers. In the United Kingdom, for instance, many CEOs of large companies learned
their trade at Mars, Inc., including former Mars executives Allan Leighton, the former appointed
CEO of the supermarket chain Asda and then the British postal service Royal Mail, and Justin King,
former CEO of the retailer Sainsbury's. Recently, the company caught on to that and re-branded their
employer brand "Mars — The Ultimate Business School".

In the United States, the company has 20 manufacturing facilities in Hackettstown, New Jersey;
Albany, Georgia; Burr Ridge, Illinois; Minneapolis, Minnesota; Chicago, Illinois; and Mattoon,
Illinois; Cleveland, Tennessee; Columbia, South Carolina; Columbus, Ohio; Elizabethtown,
Pennsylvania; Greenville, Mississippi; Greenville and Waco, Texas; Henderson and Reno, Nevada;
Fort Smith, Arkansas; Joplin, Missouri; Miami, Oklahoma; and Galena, Kansas. Their newest
facility is situated in Topeka, Kansas. Their Canadian facilities are located in Bolton and
Newmarket, Ontario.

Mars Food UK Limited

Mars Food UK Limited is the name of the British branch of Mars, Inc. The company is based in
Slough, UK. Mars brands manufactured for the UK market but not for the US include Tunes.

In 1932, Forrest Mars, Sr., opened what was then Mars (Europe) headquarters, and remains Mars
(UK) headquarters in Slough, Berkshire on the then-new Slough Trading Estate, after a disagreement
with his father, Franklin Clarence Mars. In this factory, he produced the first Mars bar, based on the
American Milky Way.

Many brands first created and sold in Britain were later introduced in the U.S., including Starburst
(original UK brand name Opal Fruits) and Skittles. The brands Twix, and Topic were UK based.

Milky Way in Europe and worldwide is known as the 3 Musketeers in America. Similarly, the
Snickers bar was previously marketed in Ireland and the United Kingdom as Marathon until 1990; in
the UK, France, Germany and the Netherlands, also until 1990; Galaxy in the Middle East is known
as Dove in America and worldwide; and Starburst was known in the UK and Ireland as Opal Fruits
until 1998. Chocolate and peanut M&M's were introduced in 1990.

Mars Drinks UK

Mars Drinks UK, the beverages division of Mars Limited, operates from Basingstoke in Hampshire
and specializes in office vending machines. Mars Drinks UK comprises the FLAVIA and KLIX
brands which offer branded drinks such as the Starburst Orange Drink, the Maltesers Hot Chocolate
and the Galaxy drinks.

Mars Drinks also produces coffee and the equipment used to make it. In 1982 FLAVIA was created
out of the high demand for coffee in the United Kingdom. Initially marketed as Dimension 3 until
1989, FLAVIA was introduced in France and Germany in 1986 and Japan in 1992 then brought to
the United States in 1996 and to Canada in 1997. Other products such as cappuccino were introduced
in 2002 and tea in 2004.

Type Private
Industry Food processing
Founded June 23, 1911; 106 years ago
Newark, New Jersey, United States
Founder Franklin Clarence Mars
Headquarters 6885 Elm Street
McLean, Virginia, United States
Area served Worldwide
Key people Victoria B. Mars
Grant F. Reid
(President and CEO)
Products Confectionery: Chocolate bars; gum; candy; mints; beverages; junk food;
pet food
Major brands in alphabetical order include: 3 Musketeers ·5 ·Big
Red ·Bounty ·Doublemint ·Dove/Galaxy ·Eclipse ·Extra ·Freedent ·Hubba
Bubba ·Juicy Fruit ·Life Savers ·M&M's ·Mars ·Milky
Way ·Orbit ·Pedigree ·Skittles ·Snickers ·Starburst ·Spearmint ·Twix ·Uncle
Ben's Rice ·Whiskas ·Winterfresh · food ·animal products
Services Candy Maker
Revenue US$35 billion (2017)
Owner Mars family
Number of 80,000 (2017)
Subsidiaries  Wrigley Company
 VCA Inc.


Recent history

Mars' purchase of Doane Petcare Company in June 2007 significantly increased Mars' position in the
U.S. dry pet food category. In addition to these businesses, Mars also operates a chain of premium
chocolate shops called Ethel M Chocolates. These shops are an outgrowth of the Ethel M premium
chocolate business that Forrest Mars started in Las Vegas in 1980, when he became bored with

On April 28, 2008, Mars, Incorporated, together with Berkshire Hathaway Incorporated, announced
the buyout of Wm. Wrigley Jr. Company, the world's largest chewing gum producer, for $23 billion
in an all-cash deal. The two companies together generate sales in excess of $30 billion.[31]
The company spent more than $1.8 million on lobbying during 2008, almost all of it at Patton Boggs,
where it has long been one of the largest lobbying clients. Mars also spent $10,000 at Skadden, Arps,
Slate, Meagher &Flom. In 2009, Mars also hired Ernst & Young to lobby on corporate and
international tax issues, including issues related to tax changes proposed by the Obama
administration. The company spent another $1,655,000 that year.

In 2014, Mars opened a new $270 million chocolate plant in Topeka, Kansas, the first new plant in
the USA in 35 years.

In 2017, the company announced a return to its roots, and opened a new office in Newark.

Mars Petcare

In February 2003, Mars acquired Aquarium Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (API, incorporated in 1964) and in
2007 it was renamed Mars Fishcare, Inc. The company manufactures and supplies home aquarium
and pond products. Mars Fishcare brands include: Aquarium Pharmaceuticals (API), RENA,
AQUARIAN, and PondCare.

In Australia, the division operates three sites that are located in Wodonga, Victoria (established in
1967 for manufacture of wet pet food); Bathurst, New South Wales (established in the 1980s for
manufacture of dry pet food); and Brisbane, Queensland (for manufacture of birdcare products).

In January 2017, Mars announced the USD$7.7 billion acquisition of Los Angeles-based animal
hospital chain VCA Inc.

Mars manufacters the 'Trill" birdseed range.


Mars factory in Veghel, Netherlands

The two factories in Slough were located on Liverpool Road and Dundee Road; the one on Liverpool
Road closed in 2007, with Twix production moving to the Netherlands and Starburst production
moving to the Czech Republic.

In 1963 a large factory was opened in Veghel in the Netherlands. This factory has currently the
biggest production volume of Mars factories and is even one of the biggest chocolate factories in the
world. Most confectionery products for Europe are produced in Slough and Veghel.

The major production plant for Mars confectionery products in Australia is in Ballarat, Victoria.

There is one factory outside of Hershey, Pennsylvania. It is located in Elizabethtown, Pennsylvania.

Consumer relations
Opposition to labeling of genetically engineered ingredients in California

Throughout 2012, Mars contributed $376,650 to a $46 million political campaign known as "The
Coalition Against The Costly Food Labeling Proposition, sponsored by Farmers and Food
Producers". This organization was set up to oppose "Proposition 37", demanding mandatory labeling
of foods containing genetically modified ingredients.

Removal of artificial ingredients to food portfolio

In February 2016, Mars stated that it would no longer be using artificial colors in each of its candy
products. The company announced that more than 50 of its products would be affected in
commitment effort to align with the changing preferences of consumers. The company along with
more than 12 others has recently pledged to remove colors of an artificial nature from its products.
While it has been said that the use of artificial colors in candy, and other products sold in the
marketplace do not pose a threat to human health outright, the use of natural ingredients has grown
substantially by the consumers that are purchasing in the marketplace. The company's CEO, Grant F.
Reid, stated that "eliminating all artificial colors from the food portfolio is a massive undertaking and
one that will take time and hard work to accomplish." The company wanted to assure consumers that
the fun and vibrancy that has remained a staple of the brand for years, will not be altered in terms of
colors or overall flavor. The company has anticipated that the new ingredient changes will take up to
5 years, with different formulations existing in various markets within that time frame, before the
process is perfected. The company was not the first to recently announce that it would be changing
the use of artificial flavors in its products. In 2015, food giant, General Mills proposed an initiative
that noted that all of the artificial ingredients it was using in its products would be dropped by 2017.
This meant a reformulation of many of the cereals, with alternatives that were more suitable to the
palates of humans. A key aspect in that proposed initiative was that the cereal, Trix, would no longer
have the blue and green colors forming a new iteration of the cereal.

In a press release on the removal of the food dyes, the company wrote that "replacing artificial colors
across all our products is a complex task. We expect it will take about five years to develop the full
range of alternatives that guarantee the integrity and great taste of the products you know and love,
and to go through the process of obtaining regulatory approval for all new ingredients in
development.” Mars has frequently used dyes and artificial colors in many of its products over the
years. Due to public outcry calling for change, and a petition that gained more than 217,000
signatures that was created by, the company wanted to bring about a significant change
to the way it was viewed by consumers. There have been two different arguments presented about
the use of artificial colors in foods. Many studies have shown that their use in food could be linked to
illnesses such as ADHD and cancer. There has seemed to be an issue with the use of red 40, yellow
3, yellow 5 and yellow 6 and how they bind to the DNA in humans. Other additives such as Blue 2
have been linked to the cause of brain tumors in rodents and in 1981, Green 3 was found to be a
direct link to bladder cancer. Given the fact that the company will be replacing the artificial dyes in
its products, the company has also said that consumers should prepare themselves for the transition
process in terms of special packaging and colors being used as to indicate that the changes have
taken place. It has been said that the company is not likely to stop using coloring entirely, but that the
use of artificial coloring will be going away. Instead Mars will use natural colors like turmeric in
From May 1, 2007, many Mars products made in the UK became unsuitable for vegetarians. The
company announced that it would be using whey made with animal rennet (material from a calf's
stomach lining, and a byproduct of veal), instead of using rennet made by microorganisms, in
products including Mars, Twix, Snickers, Maltesers, Bounty, Minstrels and Milky Way. The
response from many consumers, particularly the Vegetarian Society's request for UK vegetarians to
register their protests with Mars, generated extensive press and caused the company to abandon the
plans shortly thereafter. Mars switched to all-vegetarian sources in the UK.

In 2007, Mars came under criticism by People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) for
funding laboratory experiments on mice, rats, guinea pigs and rabbits which the group alleges are
inhumane and in violation of the company’s own policies prohibiting experiments on animals.

One study was conducted in collaboration with the Salk Institute regarding angiogenesis and spatial
memory in which mice were given an ad libitum diet that included epicatechin, plant-derived
flavonoid. One of the experiments involved groups of control and experimental animals, the latter of
which were housed individually in cages that included a running wheel for optional exercise for two
hours a day, the former —also housed individually— did not have access to a running wheel.
Another experiment was the classical spatial memory assay—the Morris water maze—where
experimenters had mice to swim in water mixed with white paint that concealed the water depth.
Several mice were given daily injections of various substances before being killed and dissected. The
study, which Mars contends was legally required in order for the company to make flavonoid-related
health claims, showed that the inclusion of epicatechin in the diet improved memory and
angiogenesis, and more so if coupled with exercise.

Mars has been criticized for buying cocoa beans from West African farmers who reportedly use
unpaid or poorly paid child laborers. In 2009, Mars announced that the company would work
towards only purchasing cocoa from suppliers who meet environmental, labor and production
standards. TransFair USA, an organization which certifies products as Fair Trade, applauded the
move and expressed hope that it would include a provision for fair wages for laborers and farmers. In
2010, Mars Inc. received the U.S. Secretary of State’s Award for Corporate Excellence. In April
2010, Mars launched the MyCocoaPaper initiative, which claims to provide economic opportunities
to women and families in Indonesia by making paper products out of cocoa bark and recycled office

In 2011, Mars and Fairtrade International announced an agreement to introduce the first Fairtrade
labeled Mars product and to work together to enable farmers to have sustainable livelihoods and
substantially increased productivity. The first Mars product to carry the Fairtrade mark will be
Maltesers, to appear in stores in 2012 in the UK and Ireland.

In September 2017, an investigation conducted by NGO Mighty Earth found that a large amount of
the cocoa used in chocolate produced by Mars and other major chocolate companies was grown
illegally in national parks and other protected areas in Ivory Coast and Ghana. The countries are the
world’s two largest cocoa producers. The report documents how in several national parks and other
protected areas, 90% or more of the land mass has been converted to cocoa. Less than four percent of
Ivory Coast remains densely forested, and the chocolate companies’ laissez-faire approach to
sourcing has driven extensive deforestation in Ghana as well. In Ivory Coast, deforestation has
pushed chimpanzees into just a few small pockets, and reduced the country’s elephant population
from several hundred thousand to about 200-400.
Many Mars products are household, famous-name brands. Some of these product lines are
manufactured by Mars; others are manufactured by The Wrigley Company.

Original products

A Bounty bar

Galaxy Minstrels

 3 Musketeers
 Arj
 Bounty
 Celebrations
 Cirku
 CocoaVia
 Combos
 Dolmio
 Dove
 Ebly
 Ethel M
 Fling
 Flyte
 Galaxy
 Galaxy Bubbles
 Galaxy Minstrels
 goodness knows
 Kudos

A Twix bar

 M-Azing
 M&M's
 Maltesers
 Marathon
 Mars
 Masterfoods
 Milky Way
 Minstrels
 Munch
 Promite
 Revels
 Seeds of Change
 Snickers
 Topic
 Tracker
 Treets
 Twix
 Uncle Ben's Rice

Products manufactured by The Wrigley Company

5 gum cobalt packaging

 5 (gum)
 Airwaves
 Alpine
 Altoids
 Big Red
 Bubble Tape
 Doublemint
 Eclipse
 Eclipse Ice
 Excel
 Extra
 Freedent
 Hubba Bubba
 Juicy Fruit
 Life Savers
 Lockets
 Orbit
 Ouch!
 Skittles
 Spearmint
 Starburst
 Surpass
 Tunes
 Wrigley's
 Winterfresh

Products for pet consumption

Pedigree dry dog food

 ADVANCE (Australia and New Zealand only)

 Aquarium Pharmaceuticals
 Buckeye Nutrition
 Cesar
 Chappi
 Dreamies
 Eukanuba
 Exelpet
 Frolic
 Good-o
 Greenies
 Iams
 James Wellbeloved
 Kit-e-kat
 My Dog
 Natura
 Nutro Products
 Pedigree
 Optimum
 Pill Pockets
 Royal Canin
 Schmackos
 Sheba
 Spillers
 Teasers
 Techni-Cal
 Whiskas
 Winergy
 Wisdom Panel MX Mixed Breed DNA Test

Discontinued product lines

 AquaDrops
 Bisc&
 Cookies &
 Pacers
 PB Max
 Royals
 Spangles
 Summit Cookie Bars
 Banjo Candy Bar
 Bliss Candy Bar
 Banfield, The Pet Hospital (managed by MMI company)
 VCA Inc. animal hospital chain
 BluePearl: Emergency & Specialty clinics.
 Abaxis: Veterinary laboratory.
 Sound: Veterinary Imagining.
 Wisdom Panel: Pet DNA testing.

Awards and honors

The company was named by Fortune magazine as one of the top 100 companies to work for in 2013,
citing the example that employees of the pet food division can take their dogs to work.

The company has made donations to Elizabethtown College, which includes a room sponsored by
them and a weekly executive lecture series.

Year Association Category Nominee(s) Result

2017 Diversity in Media Marketing Campaign of Maltesers - Dance Floor Nominated
Awards the Year (TV Advert)

Snickers is a brand name chocolate bar made by the American company Mars, Incorporated
previously known in the UK as 'Marathon' but changed in 1990. Consisting of nougat topped with
caramel and peanuts, enrobed in milk chocolate, Snickers has annual global sales of $2 billion.

In the United Kingdom, the Isle of Man, and Ireland, Snickers was sold under the brand name
Marathon until July 19, 1990. Snickers brand Marathon energy bars have since been sold in some

Product type Confectionery

Owner Mars, Incorporated
Introduced 1930
Markets Worldwide

In 1930 Mars introduced Snickers, named after the favorite horse of the Mars family. The Snickers
chocolate bar consists of nougat, peanuts, and caramel with a chocolate coating. The bar was
marketed under the name "Marathon" in the UK and Ireland until July 19, 1990, when Mars decided
to align the UK product with the global Snickers name (Mars had marketed and discontinued an
unrelated bar named Marathon in the United States during the 1970s). There are also several other
Snickers products such as Snickers mini, dark chocolate, ice cream bars, Snickers with almonds,
Snickers with hazelnuts, Snickers peanut butter bars, Snickers protein and Snickers with Extra

Snickers Duo

A replacement for the king size Snickers bar was launched in the UK in 2004 and designed to
conform to the September 2004 Food and Drink Federation (FDF) "Manifesto for Food and Health".
Part of the FDF manifesto was seven pledges of action to encourage the food and drink industry to be
more health conscious. Reducing portion size, clearer food labels, and reduction of the levels of fat,
sugar, and salt were among the FDF pledges. Mars Incorporated pledged to phase out their king-size
bars in 2005 and replace them with shareable bars. A Mars spokesman said: "Our king-size bars that
come in one portion will be changed so they are shareable or can be consumed on more than one
occasion. The name king-size will be phased out."

These were eventually replaced by the 'Duo', a double bar pack. Though this change to Duos reduced
the weight from 3.5 to 3.29 ounces (99 to 93 g), the price remained the same. The packaging has
step-by-step picture instructions of how to open a Duo into two bars, in four simple actions. As Mars
stated fulfillment of their promise, the Duo format was met with criticism by the National Obesity
Forum and National Consumer Council.

Australian recall

In December 2000, tens of thousands of Snickers and Mars Bars were removed from New South
Wales store shelves due to a series of threatening letters which resulted in fears that the chocolate
bars had been poisoned. Mars received letters from an unidentified individual indicating that they
planned to plant poisoned chocolate bars on store shelves. The last letter sent included a Snickers bar
contaminated with a substance which was later identified as rat poison. The letters claimed that there
were seven additional chocolate bars which had been tampered with and which were for sale to the
public. As a precautionary measure, Mars issued a massive recall. Mars said that there had been no
demand for money and complaints directed to an unidentified third party.

Caloric value
The USDA lists the caloric value of a 2-ounce (57 gram) Snickers bar as 280 kilocalories (1,200 kJ).
As of 2016, the United Kingdom bar has a weight of 48g, with 245 kcal, and the Canadian bar 52g
with 250 kcal. The four-pack bar in the United Kingdom has a weight of 41.7g, with 213kcal.

Bar weight
Over the years, the bar weight has decreased: Before 2009, in the UK a single Snickers bar had a
weight of 62.5g. This weight was subsequently reduced to 58g in 2009, and to 48g in 2013.

Products containing Snickers

Containing approximately 450 calories (1,900 J) per bar, deep fried chocolate bars (including
Snickers and Mars bars) became a specialty in fish and chips shops in Scotland in 1995, and in the
early 2000s, became popular at American state fairs.

In 2012, the British Food Commission highlighted celebrity chef Antony Worrall Thompson's
"Snickers pie", which contained five Snickers bars among other ingredients, suggesting it was one of
the unhealthiest desserts ever; one slice providing "over 1,250 calories (5,200 kJ) from sugar and fat
alone", more than half a day's requirement for an average adult. The pie had featured on his BBC
Saturday programme some two years earlier and the chef described it as an occasional treat only.

 1970 – 1973: Snickers Munch
 1990 – present: Snickers Ice Cream bar
 1996 – 2011: Snickers Ice Cream cone
 2001 – present: Snickers Cruncher bar (re branded Snickers Munch in some markets, still
sold as "Cruncher" in Italy, Germany, Romania, Egypt, Poland, Latvia, Austria, Slovakia,
Israel, Sweden, Bosnia, and Portugal)
 2002 – present: Snickers almond bar
 2002 – 2008: Cookies Snickers
 2004 – present: Snickers Marathon energy bars
 2006 – present: Snickers Duo
 2006 – 2009, 2014–present: Snickers X-treme (5 grams (0.18 oz) of protein per serving, lack
of nougat)
 2007 – 2010: Snickers Dark (dark chocolate)
 2008: Snickers Charged (limited edition, contains caffeine, taurine, and B vitamins). It is the
only Snickers bar to contain energy stimulants.
 2008 – present: Snickers The Lot (Crispy pieces in a thick cream, caramel, sprinkled with a
large amount of nuts, and covered in chocolate (Australia and New Zealand)
 2009: Snickers Fudge (limited edition)
 2010: Snickers Maximus, a limited edition with only caramel and peanut in the center
 2010: More Nuts, a limited edition featuring 10% higher nut content
 2010 – present: Snickers Almond
 2011: Snickers Peanut Butter. Discontinued and replaced by Snickers peanut butter Squared
 2011: Snickers Peanut Butter Squared. Added to replace Snickers Peanut Butter.
 2011: Snickers 3x Chocolate
 2012: Snickers 3x Nuts. Introduced in Australia.
 2013: Snickers 3x Caramel
 2013: More Nuts. same as 2010.
 2013: More Caramel. Re-release of Snickers Maximus.
 2014: More Choc. a limited edition with the nougat and caramel being chocolate-based
 2017: Snickers & Hazelnut.

Others include:

 Snickers Fun Size (small, bite-size bars popular for Halloween)

 Snickers Minis
 Snickers Flapjack
 Snickers Stik (25 grams (0.88 oz))
 Snickers Snack Size (42 grams (1.5 oz); also sold in packs with four or five 40 grams (1.4 oz)
 Snickers Trio (combined 112.5 grams (3.97 oz) bar with three 37.5 grams (1.32 oz) bars; also
sold as Snickers Super +1)
 Peanut Butter Squared
 Snickers Gold
 Snickers Cake
 Snickers Ice Cream (Snickers Ice Cream Bars, Snickers Minis Ice Cream Bars, Snickers Ice
Cream Cones, and Snickers Ice Cream Brownies)
 Snickers Nut N Butter Crunch
 Snickers Crazy Peanuts (limited edition, sold in Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland,
Germany, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway, Poland, Slovakia, and Slovenia)
 Snickers Hard (limited edition, sold in Armenia, Czech Republic, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland,
Ukraine, and Slovakia)
 Snickers 220 V (limited edition, contains guarana and L-carnitine, sold in 2007 in Ukraine,
Slovakia, and Poland)
 Frozen Snickers (otherwise known as a Frozen Mungler)
 Snickers Hazelnut (Ukraine, Australia, Poland, and South Korea; standard bar is 70 grams
(2.5 oz), Duo bar +15% is two 40.5-gram (1.43 oz) bars resulting in an 81-gram (2.9 oz)
combined bar)
 Snickers Hazelnut (limited edition, sold in Bulgaria and Czech Republic; standard bar is 49
grams (1.7 oz))
 Snickers White (limited edition, sold in Russia, Ukraine, Germany, Sweden, Denmark and
Finland; covered in white chocolate)
 Snickers with Sunflower Seed (limited edition, sold in Russia and Ukraine)
 Snickers 3 nuts (limited edition, sold in Russia; with peanuts, hazelnuts and almonds)
 Snickers Miniatures (in Celebrations)
 Snickers Maple (limited edition, sold in Canada only)
 Snickers with Green Shrek Filling (limited edition, sold as a tie-in with the movie Shrek the
 Snickers Adventure Bar (limited edition, sold as Indiana Jones promotion with chocolate,
nuts, spice, and coconut flavor)
 Snickers Rockin' Nut Road (limited edition, sold as Rocky Nut Road in Canada, contains
almonds, caramel, marshmallow flavored nougat, and dark chocolate)
 Snickers Chocolate Spread(with energizer)
 Snickers Superman (Ukraine; before 2009 it was 95 grams (3.4 oz), in 2009 it became 100
grams (3.5 oz), in 2010 it was split into two 50.5-gram (1.78 oz) bars resulting in a 101-gram
(3.6 oz) combined bar)

It's So Satisfying

In 1980, Snickers ran ads which featured a variety of everyday people discussing why they like
Snickers. The ads featured a jingle that said "It's so satisfying" and had the classic hand that would
open and close showing a handful of peanuts converting to a Snickers bar. "Packed with peanuts,
Snickers really satisfies" was shown in the commercials.

1984 Olympics

Mars paid $5 million to have Snickers and M&M's named the "official snack" of the 1984 Summer
Olympics, outraging nutritionists. Sports promotions in international games continued to be a
prominent marketing tool for Mars, that would keep Snickers as an international brand while also
selling local bars in some markets.

Not Going Anywhere For a While? (Hungry? Grab a Snickers!/Why Wait?)

Beginning in 1995, Snickers ran ads which featured someone making a self-inflicted mistake, with
the voice-over saying "Not going anywhere for a while? Grab a Snickers!" The tag line at the end of
each ad proclaimed, "Hungry? Why Wait?"

One such ad had a player for a fictional American football team showing off his new tattoo of the
team's logo on his back to his teammates. He then shows it to his head coach who, after
complimenting the tattoo, immediately tells him that he's been traded to Miami. The player then goes
to have his old team's logo replaced with the new team's logo.

Some of the ads were done in conjunction with the National Football League, with whom Snickers
had a sponsorship deal at the time. One ad featured a member of the grounds crew at Arrowhead
Stadium painting the field for an upcoming Kansas City Chiefs game in hot, late-summer weather.
After finishing one of the end zones, and visibly exhausted, one of the Chiefs players walks up to
him and says the field looks great, "but who are the Chefs?", showing that despite all the hard work
the painter accidentally omitted the "i" in Chiefs. Another had Marv Levy in the Buffalo Bills locker
room lecturing his team that "no one's going anywhere" until the Bills figure out how to actually win
a Super Bowl.
Snickers Feast

In 2007, Snickers launched a campaign which featured Henry the VIII and a Viking among others
who attend the "Snickers Feast". It consisted of various commercials of the gang and their adventures
on the feast.

Super Bowl XLI commercial

On February 4, 2007, during Super Bowl XLI, Snickers commercials aired which resulted in
complaints by gay and lesbian groups against the maker of the candy bar, Master foods USA of
Hackettstown, New Jersey, a division of Mars, Incorporated. The commercial showed a pair of auto
mechanics accidentally touching lips while sharing a Snickers bar. After quickly pulling away, one
mechanic says, "I think we just accidentally kissed.", and another mechanic exclaims, "Quick! Do
something manly!" and in three of the four versions, they do so mostly in the form of injury,
including tearing out chest hair, striking each other with a very large pipe wrench, and drinking
motor oil and windshield washer fluid. In the fourth version, however, a third mechanic shows up
and asks "Is there room for three in this Love Boat?"

Complaints were lodged against Masterfoods that the ads were homophobic. Human Rights
Campaign president Joe Solmonese is quoted as saying

"This type of jeering from professional sports figures at the sight of two men kissing fuels the kind of
anti-gay bullying that haunts countless gay and lesbian school children on playgrounds all across the

Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD) president Neil Giuliano said "That
Snickers, Mars and the NFL would promote and endorse this kind of prejudice is simply
inexcusable." Master foods has since pulled the ads and the website.

Mr. T

In 2006, Mr. T starred in a Snickers advert in the UK where he rides up in an army tank and shouts
abuse at a football player who appears to be faking an injury, threatening to introduce him to his
friend Pain. Another advert featured Mr. T launching bars at a swimmer who appeared to refuse to
get in a swimming pool because of the cold temperature of the water. In 2008, a European Snickers
commercial in which Mr. T uses a Jeep-mounted Minigun to fire Snickers bars at a speedwalker for
being a "disgrace to the man race" was pulled after complaints from a US pressure group that the
advertisement was homophobic. These adverts usually ended with Mr. T saying "Snickers: Get Some


In NASCAR racing, Snickers (and the rest of the Mars affiliated brands) sponsor Kyle Busch's #18
Toyota for Joe Gibbs Racing. Prior to that the brand served as a primary sponsor for Ricky Rudd's
#88 Robert Yates Racing Ford as well as an associate sponsor for the team's #38 car driven first by
Elliott Sadler and then by David Gilliland, and an associate sponsor for the MB2 Motorsports #36
Pontiac driven by Derrike Cope, Ernie Irvan, Ken Schrader, and others. In 1990, Bobby Hillin drove
for Stavola Brothers Racing in the #8 Snickers Buick, marking the candy's first appearance as a
sponsor; it had since been driven by Rick Wilson and Dick Trickle.
FIFA World Cup & UEFA Euro Sponsorship

Snickers was the Official Sponsor of the FIFA World Cup from 1990 until 1998 editions and the
UEFA European Championship from 1996 until 2000.

You're Not You When You're Hungry

In 2010, a new advertising campaign was launched, based around people turning into different
people (usually celebrities) when they're hungry (taking the new campaign's name "You're Not You
When You're Hungry" quite literally). In 2010, Betty White and Abe Vigoda appeared in the first
Snickers commercial in this campaign, playing American football. The commercial was ranked by
ADBOWL as the best advertisement of the year. This commercial was also briefly spoofed in an
episode of SportsNation on ESPN2 with Michelle Beadle playing the role instead of Betty White in
2011. Later that year, Snickers commercials featured singers Aretha Franklin and Liza Minnelli, and
comedians Richard Lewis and Roseanne Barr. A 2011 commercial featured actors Joe Pesci and Don

The tagline varied depending on the commercial's location or what variety the commercial is
showing. The UK version (featuring men in a changing room turning into Joan Collins and Stephanie
Beacham as a result of hunger) retains Mr. T's slogan. In Latin America, the slogan was the same as
in the UK version, except that men doing extreme sports turning into the Mexican singer Anahí as a
result of hunger.

In 2013, Robin Williams and Bobcat Goldthwait also appeared in a Snickers football commercial. In
March 2014, a commercial featuring Godzilla was released to promote the 2014 Godzilla film. In the
commercial, Godzilla is shown hanging out with humans on the beach, riding dirt bikes, and water
skiing; he only begins rampaging once he's hungry. After being fed a Snickers bar, he resumes
having fun with the humans.

In October 2014, Rowan Atkinson as Mr. Bean returned on television by appearing on several UK
Snickers commercials and cinema spots.

In February 2015, Snickers' Super Bowl XLIX commercial featured a parody of a scene from an
episode of The Brady Bunch entitled "Subject Was Noses." In the commercial, Carol and Mike try to
calm down a hungry and angry Danny Trejo. When the parents give Trejo a Snickers bar, he reverts
into Marcia before an irate Jan (played by Steve Buscemi) rants upstairs and walks away.[36]

In 2016, for Super Bowl 50, another Snickers commercial was made, featuring Willem Dafoe (as
Marilyn Monroe) and Eugene Levy, where "Marilyn" complains about filming the iconic "subway
grate" scene in The Seven Year Itch. After being given a Snickers, Marilyn goes ahead with the
scene, with Levy operating the fan below, commenting that the scene won't make the movie's final
cut, that nobody would want to see it.


Snickers has been an official sponsor of WWE's WrestleMania events, including WrestleMania 2000, 22, 32
and 33, while its Cruncher variant sponsored WrestleMania X-Seven, XIX, XX and 21. Since then, Snickers has
sponsored superstars such as Enzo Amore and Big Cass with their signature term, SAWFT, which is labelled at
the back of the chocolate bar.
Bibliography – add in chapter 5


Serving Size 1 unit (52.7g)Calories 250

Servings Per Container 1Calories from Fat 110

Amount/Serving %DV*

Total Fat 12g 18%

Sat. Fat 4.5g 23%
Trans Fat 0g
Cholest. 5mg 2%
Sodium 120mg 5%
Total Carb. 33g 11%
Dietary Fiber 1g 4%
Sugars 27g
Protein 4g

 Vitamin A *
 Vitamin C *
 Calcium 4%
 Iron 2%

* Contains less than 2% of the Daily Value of these nutrient(s).

Ingredients Declaration:



Mars, Incorporated

Policy on Allergen Labeling

At Mars, we take food allergies very seriously because they affect our consumers. We have an
extensive allergen management program which includes staff training, evaluating our ingredients and
validating our cleaning procedures.

In order to avoid an allergic reaction to food, we know you must avoid the allergen. To do so, you
count on the ingredient statements on food labels to be truthful and accurate. We want you to be able
to trust the information on our labels. At Mars, our goal is to provide safe, high quality food products
for our consumers. Therefore, we have developed strict rules about the labeling of allergens on our

For more information visit the Mars, Incorporated Policy on Allergen Labeling

Guideline Daily Amount [GDA] per 52.7g

 calories 250 13% DV

 total fat 12g 18% DV
 sat fat 4.5g 23% DV
 sugars 27g *
 sodium 120mg 5% DV

GDA's are based on a 2,000-calorie diet.

To learn more visit
Our Snickers:

1. Snickers Bar 2. Snickers 2 to Go

3. Snickers Miniature 4. Snickers Fun size

5. Snickers Almond 6. Snickers Egg

7. Snickers Egg Peanut Butter 8. Snickers Ice Cream Bars

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