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I study at “Ion Mincu”

Technological High

Translate into Romanian:

I am a hairstylist.
I will be a hairstylist.
I am going to be a hairstylist.
I would like to be a hairstylist.
I’m studying to become a hairstylist.
I work as a hairstylist.

Introduce yourself. Use the words from the exercise 1:

Hello, my name is ____________ _________________ . I am a j__________ s___________
I study at____________ in Vaslui. I am…………………years old and I’m in
the……………grade. I study to become h__________ s____________ .
1. Match the words with the right picture.
1.trolley a. i.
2. hair (blow) dryer clip b. j.
4. curlers, rollers
5. dying bowl c. k.
6. dying brush
7. wave tongs/curling d. l.
8. hair trimmer
9. flat iron m.
10. hood dryer e.
11. towel
12. styling brush n.
13. styling scissors f.
14. cape
15. hair pin o.
16. hair dryer brush g.
17. tail comb p.
18. hand mirror h.
19. afro comb



What activity is mentioned?

You work with styling scissors to make hair shorter. ______________
You need water to wet hair. __________________
You clean hair with water and liquid soap. ________________
You finish your hairdo. _________________
You apply various colours. _______________
You work with curlers to make hair wavy. ________________

What tools do you need for following activities?

perming – comb, ____________________________________________
colouring - _________________________________________________
styling - ___________________________________________________
cutting - ___________________________________________________
6. Other work at a hairdresser´s salon

7. What can we do with these tools?

Dying brush, hood dryer, curlers, tail comb, hair clips, hair pins, styling brush
Write sentences
I can wind the hair with curlers.
______________________________ _______________________________
______________________________ _______________________________
______________________________ _______________________________
8. Underline the correct word
You use curlers / hood dryer to dry your hair.
You wind hair with styling scissors / curlers.
You can cut hair with setting pins / styling scissors.
You colour hair with curlers / dying brush.
You check your hairdo in a mirror /a trolley.
You cover the customer´s shoulders with a cape / a tail comb.
You section the hair with a tail comb / hair clips.
You brush the hair with a towel /a styling brush.

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