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CCSFT fey | oir 2018 Qungis sled Qurg sBled. (SSLC STD) mqunPiasixr Geren Cond: 3 weal] Ato aii uaekeads : 900 artemis ufloAeiods hpacie flejaqace severe: S04 verry Be om sin Gates Opn Agog 1 Patek ceege deomcuere sie aeciND. Bee cere pins ano cocnsonas Cararoarg, inser Cyn agra pecamepopretste cee umiggit Garcia epmnb @apunG QQUSH. axial ueg FlisimeNa gs cmapecseratiLretC® eee Sidon tagutcbpppiatemap nn Sena i M Lionas om nraegab nie Aicet mane deaktess nna of Ounuat:Octdn ace SEnegeu ufei aerwnar Gps usappler eos) Gam (pee bee? ieanbgster Bape Bhar Sige CoaeOb. Coup weoptyb chars argc wugsic mag. Sin amar gig anew. don gpncr gory eames sing stra ure pri Singers aempOanginy ceetan (Question Bookie Number) . 1. Gada Semen Ai B, © woqno ©) rapes cen ate Comers nr aya 9 es afar ms mg Gain Onigi hice Anas @lgeer Canina popies Sup Aero ckan nr Ge CuaSigs op ae a Sete reb mrss BOO ap areca atte sc coetoge cee OO. carping 9 5 Stal wi fo ad ce oe Jo ol Go fead woeg) aeene Be se Sen, re nn mom, eng cee 98 Sk ice pig, Sage aneechsens aes Sore Memopes eg atom fore @) cau ncn hares sofone og Son ote 200 a jtee ons Ose hp vision fortor mag Biptedan ios Set ete che da ehendartpat bape ope arn Gato qngiadir Amsdt_2 dane corpora senaneeiuiertis Aeris GD, wt 1 @) © m var By CadiGary ceirncde G.C.D, spgi> LCM) aftnen Opn 1 204g. Gur e.= Bag. Gur T, . dadug@ure. ¢ Siig Gun IM, GifigGurse < BiQue Qunas. 1V. BedigQune > 605g Qure2. wit @ H © m my WwW 120. Ip,q.ra,terein AP, then the value of p—4a +6484! Ie aw m2 os ro pa. F8, bedhinen aL Of Ort Gunns (AP) Gere, p—Aq+r~ 45+ t=? wis @ 2 . os mo «€ 39 cesrr [Nwen over 128, The G.CD. and LOM, of 9,160, 295 is 18, 450 B _ 450, 15, © 90,225 @) 225, 160 90, 150, 225 us coscfln 6. Gun eu inpp'S Gur. (15,460 B) 450, 15 © 9,225 Dy 225, 150 125, Which ofthe following statement is false in a Parallelogram? (A) The opposite sidea are paraltot B) Tho opposite angles and sides aro equal ‘The diagonals are equsl @) The diagonals bisoct each other St QaaraTEhe og sain mi? (A) eit Lertad Genomurgd B) sAOyBi Gmetad opp uated eoorgs © poet dischia Sontaenh swan, DO) yooh insc grepdurep Ag ookason cosrr 40 126, “Reciprocal of O38 we ®t o» por aa neirea 0-) pookg decurg 127, Which one of the following statements is false? ay" Anoag hn ein dvi ron ers, gett vtria .0- 1 0 ofan shy we tober nate {C) Among the comnmon multiples of given numbers, the least is the L.C.M. @) Toe product of en two numbers sequal to the produet oftheir © CD. and LOM. Aiysrapsa appsstéic soneer MODMEE? (a) Gavtiang aorashce Ging GAs asOufny res esGeuaster BIGLG ung eri asi e ep cuteater 630 Guna enki ici eenepn ver aan ome -O? (© duis cra Dung w.segnae adh wes aatiaseeniés 8490 28 misao Ge conectts dupinnods oaipar B0Gu Gare wim SAR Oe ydusibic Gugsaivegres noone 2 a cCSFT [Turn over 128 Which State Government has launches Granny class projet? (A) Andhea Pradesh ®) Danni Kerala © PO Criarae 129 The Union Minist:y of hesith and family welfare and ICMR launched AMZ on ‘November-28-2017.What does LHMI stands for? WAT cs sptonsionNocagonen tutte (©) Inia Fath Manage nates (©) Indion Heart and Mind Care Intellect © atta Mastonaee tae Sennbel aio COs BegID G5nBes mmnieRD BOLT paul Z6 exe ICM nar Bemba LIM sive ga.seay, MI oin-ey case wfiagar A DShe 8s B65 Seabed Cuardicw Ogn tec ©) B86 Cae Pom ve 501 ocrenann Ogncasid ©) WiBwerer@pu w2erd eoererpar ay DP) BiBuGssS09 Gorigwiowiye Umolipsis Oem sain cosrr a € 130, Which commission sete up international food standard? 7 coer Aneto Comin e © a Food and Agricultural Commission World Health Commission 181. cio Qungtindr ai ACULL Bode RrbES OBRss Gancresid GUIGLG smnssLULL wAeqer ag? w @ o o Gan nay ani ioerG.cyen aay ‘eondy pid Cavamccnns genp allan aoe xanga Slay PABUsTE@Dd 131; Supply is conetant in Short period WAP Very short period (© Longyeriod ) Very long period oii flnenina Gish amet AY gett: avoid @) Bsiggdu sie’ © feimenoin ©) Bofein eros 4 cosrT {Turn over 192. Match the following ® ® © @ mo VF © o Governor Chief Minister Legislative Council Legislative Assembly @ % 2 fc Bi id 8 Coins: @ ® © @ “ ® © o cesrr seni peauist Croseras © 4 o Article 171 Article 170 Article 153 Article 163 agin p17

yng isa 46049, Bescn uminagse, 68nd DO) -sinunel edo, esr, age 150. Identify the odd person ont ofthe following. (8) Trisha Deb Vr ital Pew (©), Lily Chanv Poonam: (D) Jyothi Surelehe Venmam op GarGsatut Gaeraact OurgharpRumT GEASS 8) Bape cps @ prsdure ©) Saxton yor B) Gp aGren Gone € 55 cOsFT (Turn over 1D], Mentioa the floriculuure centre started recéntly under the Indo Israal joint agreement an, sageicusural projoct. a ‘Thovalai, Kanyakumari Diateiet WO Thal, Krishnagisi District © o ‘Anna Nogar, Chennai ‘Connoor, Niland District UEBd DEB Gated mG Coneesreon BE phi §p work emby oud mE Opmatocnn's g? . a, @ © © Sprevnon, sceoturgiof onan’ 89, daar ovens tb craps. Queso Sori Jo ena ss 152. The Planning Commission in India ie now known as Planing Counet or" NIT davon (© NITSen0¢ @)Bhoratiga Anyog Minds DAPurslee ik sWogde ghCuMg edanD aIRpsECLGADS!? “ ® © o ccsrr BLéOW 9 Gira ITT Anyoe) PR aeCqre (NIT Sanjog) ‘anefius yuri db 36 « 153, Who among the fullowing has been appointed as the Deputy Director General for programmes of the Worki Health Organisation? eo B) ‘Nisha Desai Biswal Dineshiwar Sharma, WP Soumya Swaminathan my Gautam Bowbawala 2.08 sarpey sucnfie yb gonercs Qungs Baskets (BCs) Deputy Director General) Audiacucesit A) flay Open Senaind B) Paisyest shoe © deensun sesndgrpcr ©) Comp Syueirat 154. Im order ty encoursge the powerloom sector and help small industrion’, and joint venture Jaunched by the ministry of powerloom and toxtles in 2017 i6 cao (@) | SAMPRADA, ) DOS (@ AARAKSHAN Wert saaTHI 20140 ak OSU GaxpsA wind ge’ sep. DasssH voy Aydgngo Bp seriand frees QocrCogsd ery ebacsOppinucs. acd a ® © o SAMPRADA post AARAKSHAN SAATHL 87 cCsRT ITarn over ‘ 185. The recently conducted indo-Maldives daint Military exercises was called as (eax 2017 er pKuivertn 2017 (©) INDRA 2017 (>) saMprent 2017 HBB pow Gupo ABs wneyiBey iscy a9 Smee iA adraings gephaciGApg? (A) Guounéaiy 2017 . @) wdegestin 2017 (©) @igen2017 .D) sachs 2017 156, India Jacke a strong backhaill to get a transition to 6G with in September 2017. Backhsul is network (8) _ Portal fr dita discrimination {ebev™ Connecting call sites to central exchange ©) Coupler for wireless data transmision (} Range finder fr eau consumers GaciLdut 2017-tesr Riiflur, S0-kg, Hereondnd ALOE Oaninenid ojmcioner aigourar ‘undspaio! (Backhau) Quaighsdlies, undp cous) Masregns Baran ove 8) pre updunisipgdn serene B ounuantys Porwiniyr easier pig Parordaen Geantesb cre (©) sivaisan pre Gagpbemetsizes Bees 1D) coniullgnitengdere OpGkaier’y ccsrT 58 « 187, Which Tamil Nadu State Highway arsong these was not upgradéd as National Highway in November 20177 ®) Tirupur- Odsschatram Siate Highway @) Solem —Tirwpathur— Vaniyanabadi State Highway (©) Kodaighat ~ Kodaikanal State Highway VW Chennai —Bnnore State Highway cK Bokeh piljerinis wpe wrBe Spee pesdut 20176 Ops pO Grrmoans Gabi Bpptr Bin? 1A)” Bgiiy— pcessepfino anf OpGeor=0 ©) Cea Bgiuigst— arertassumy ons GpOgereo (© Connon Baran seer fie Operas (D) * Qesisce— scape Op Degere0m 158, Where was the Fousth Wood Tamils Bemomic Conference held? A) Coimbatore (8) Kvalalumpur (© Singspuse Wr Duran prdsraug, "eeong silype Qurgemgns trpnO (A) * Grea © Aianingie € 59 ccsrr Turn over 189, Identify the defence equipment which was officially decommissioned on Decembor 17, 2017 by the Indian ir Foroo (A) PAOTLR Maritime Recomnaiseanes Anti Submarine Warfare Aireraft a -8 Attoce and Utility Helicopter (©) P-8 Orion Anti Submarine Warfare Airoraft (D) ” MisV5 Medium Lift Reconnaisearce Airratt DER Borers ve sinss 2017 yseQ qRDUE 17-8 pdr gerd Ane ormeti uC. eget ca (A) P-SILR Maritimo Roconnaisenace Anti Submarine Warfare Aireredt (B) Mis Attack end Utility Helicopter (© _ P.3 Orion Anti Submarine Warfare Aizoraft (D) | MEV Medium Lift Reconnaissance Airetaft 160. Identify the Playwvight who published he work “Dark horse and other plays” én October 207 Vad” com tanaen B) Gowri Lankesh (©) Arun Kolatkar (D) Mabesh Dattani 2017) cn o1KG_vislee Gost cseL “Dark horse and other plays" shp pa xbens Coed (8) Gael gropmomeice B) Qe ais ©) seis Garoxpnt ©) ueace pepre ccsrr 60 € 161, 1. Amnién provides'a fluid modiure for the embryo . 2, 'The Chorion and Allantois fuse to form placenta 8 Yoli sac provides a fusd medium for embryo (Choowe the correct: WW Land 2are wrong A tah © o Band 3 are right and 3 are right balurd Sinn om apergh apis GarGidog. 2 Caxitusrde aeocie minde Genoa gi gmt Goi Gann ins ong. 2." aaeee fio ee apengt agit Gorse, eye? A 12seq @ 120 © 2208 ©) 1,348 a ccsrr [Turn over 162. Which group of plants apecios are lower in number in the plant kingdow? () Fang: B) Pleridophgta (© Beyonhyiee yr ‘Gymnosperme B) CAC D) GdCamnsdeQuhibser 168. Which elas of algae used in the manufuctute of dypamite? (A) Chlorophycese © ga cheysopiysese (© Crypmphycone @) Pheopayoone spin qoerkser a. mal 2AURG AnceiPovumupdepe? A) Seryeet @) bagtmaA © 6A:0LnmLe Dy 2euGurccua 164. Which is an example for chemosynthetic huterotroph? WS Man @ Vieoum * (©) Nitrosomonas: (D) Beggiatos: Caf Sp hy ax9heg egbSr-O ag A wap ®) bes (OQ) enpcqtenGorentcs D} Queue. var cCSFT on 165. If the product of four consecutive terms in G.P ie 625. Find the frst term. wo @ 2 wr @) 38 96 Coates Oant afeater wOssGen aréE * piLIAlé Gums Osmo 625 eee pb e gLinut anos: @ 6 -@) 25 5 © & 166. Gain or loss porcont is always calculated on. WG cost price B) selling prie © gain D) lose Bem sbap ACL epciph esOurype apd Gad manda DADs? WO sudan ®) Spuaercise © Bans @) peu 167. A afindont goes’ to hie school from his house at 2 speed 2 kmi-sind returus at a speod of lenvhr, Ihe taker 5 hours in going and coming the distance between his houeo and achool ia A) Sim ®) 55 km er éhm @) 65km . 8G rand ager u isuhig Qeogm Gung nehag, SAS Couns Berd UsPSE gies 0 AGUS Cry wafitg 2 A6 CaumsGpnd Ordilym, Cogs meu udeflag Aacry ax Suan ees Qaim. eA ag gh sn ge sag @) 5508 © sas O) 65a « 3 ceser {Turn over 168, 109. If 2, 2x +2, 3e49 avoin GP, then IL, 22x +22, d8e+93 form mar. wh sor (©) aconstact eequence D) - Neither AP. nora GP. 5 Ber BBr43 aucuen pe Aupige Gprei ailrariclepuSar 11x, 22x +22, 98-429 aden pnt eiMenoneeng, AB Oy RLOS Asi calle 8) eq Gugigs Apri asflor ©) gq wnbiits Agni author O) SE ALORARLIaAmIYd ako Cushy Yomi axfeoee oxim> ‘The sum of thiee numbers ie 264 if the first oummber he twice the second and third number bbe onesthird of the fist, then the vecond sumber is (a) 48 win 54 oy 64 {pera aden Gp 264 pp cl Gym. seg cide Cond Gop a 4 epdmnary ode ape) ices ene op kis cas Queena ir wT? o 6 en oO ® 64 cesFT oa € 170, 11849 43% 4... 410% #885 then 2 ea? +68 +, 70 1150 Ww 00 ©) 985.985 Paeaee 10* = 385 ceftde 2° +47 +6" +... + 207-4 ofiCny @ 7 ® 50 © 10 (395 «986 171. Inthe ratio x% of y toy % of its fraction value is equals to B® x wr = st ge S yee Hogg 29% Dori Ou, clip een oping a B®» m1 & » o@ = y 17% Arun is now half as old as his father. Twelve years ago the fathers age was three times ne ald as Arun, Now the present age of his father’s age is ()_ 24yoare @) d6years WO 48 years, @) 5Oyears Said pO CLG anLp) ScQOLL phonpilér auPé UNBungE, LKraRrdnO ArOHES Cody shapes cupreng gale emogi Cuno cpm tiene Dosing. KECuEE BiogSar aug 26 aoe B) 36 gener © ABagsnOser ©) 50 .qyn@a « 65 ccsrr [Turn over 173. 12.4,8,0 arein AP, then 38,3. 9° are in a4, 176. @ AR wih or. © Amaniar (D)_ None ofthese 25,0 aeauer OG AOS Aperiane Ae visiwee eats 3°, 3%, 3° ySusees Gidip Ope teufiensc n seng, a AP. @ oP © AP wpgoGR. D) onrgjean Tf -1. as amparigafiow van gob freee ono [Turn over 184, The etic of he Comshintion roid ora Vie Prien Antic 53 Aric 330 (©) dni 360 WP etl 63 GUIS gi@ens pameut useS Ub apg srbuimarniny ACs GR Mgudlpg’? aw 38 356 © 360 @ 6 185, Consider the allowing sateen, chow the correct anawer from the oes given below, Assestion (A): The motion ofthe Barth rotate on its ais alle rtation easona(): Botton movement eases suacond AT (8) sone ie correct is incorrect (®) and (ane creck na (Fa the correct explanation of) (©) (A)and ane inceract (©) (AY aod faze correct it () a not the otc explanation aA) Aparna cmkduiaser giieture Qesan@ efturen Boma Ganpeatne Gear BSG rato Bese Garay Geis pp (Ay pS patenersgiCen siyiladancrauns spsiphAl aéndKSpmd, Sryamo(R): spepDP Quam sryenonag gen Ugasned 2 censng A (A) a Gib of ®) pag B) A wppo R) Ord o Gogh (R), (A) 2sou atumer aledsongs () Brepps® gieendo pop (D) (A) oppgu CR) ipe(ud of gy creras 8), (A cots alamen slardnindooy cCSFT 70 « 186, World Forest Day is celebrated on March 8 VOY March 21 (©) March 22, @) March 23 eon ard Sor Garein_m iiiQib prt ry? (A) ones @B) sorte 4 ©) omeze Donia zs 181, Entropronourship Development Programme (EDP) a aascited with (A) Bradenton of titecney @) “To make and prove womens potential Wer” Tobing out the sales of women (D) Eradication of poverty Gp poe, coer pgiianen PLL id (ODP) Opn nye ups (A). agppiistinmomn ppiupiaren shire B) Oudraster gone Region Get egays BL CO Cusrashir galleBnensnee: Desai sBeroni so ©) apanmn gPiupiera fie « na ccsFT [Turn over 488, Match the following : oy © @ Assam Aadhen Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Kernia ©. Sump ias @ ) @ @ 8) © @ cosrr 86 SrXpnin oper Megan Caper @ © o Gung Guréeend 1389. 190. In which one describes the covial snnditions of the Sangom Tamils? A) Btsuthogei @B) Pathupaita WP" Ponslaaram in Tokappiom ——D)_Siapadhitaran ce pay Shap gue sepgte aaa Badfipgy? (8) Lop grens 8) ugriunt.@ CO Gpréerudupsinnsier Gurgasicune (D) Aaciufsini ‘Match List I with Liat If snd select the corract answer using the cade given below the list List I List (a) Anultomalyads 1 Gulbarga @ Juma masiid 2. Bijapur © Galgumbor 8. - Sanskrit 4 (@) Jembavathi kelyanam Teloge ® 6% © @& - ia Bon 4 @ a. BR 4 1 wre 1 8 3 M2 4. 3 1 afl T e-Ler exes Iderents Gung) aMinenasis 8 Oncisstnur Outer OpnsiBoter Asn seo, Baan Gay ae evfeos T ceufiou IL @) aiceiporctupe 1 geuican W gOhoroeA 2 Spout © Garagious 3% mecaiggh (2) gnbuey edumen 4 Angus @ © o @ wis 2 4 Bs 2 4 Ft ©+ bo 2 8 m2 4 3B 2 B cose {Turn over 191. ‘The rulers of Bhopal Shajchan Begum and Seltane Johan Begam provided monstary ‘support forthe preeervation of tha ancient site Co) Saemthpie A setups (0) ney ot @) Sheds oat Gunes yeAlsiscenren sqrigamicn Gung, aigrean Ggapie Chad Bae avendy Aeengenp Getiia gyrennar samdng oun epson A) oerard sai 1B) segshargnd ( somsan aaron 1D) Qayimyreban BerersHd 192, Farid was the original name of WI Shersheh B) -oeahim Loti © Sikandar Lads @) Alauddin Ulpér a decioear Quest (8) Qagiager (B) Geanpid Cony, C) Asaf Qomg, D) erasrayfen ccsrT “ € 190, ind th name ofthe ruler who gave Pondicherry to rence (Fable han Lodi ®) Tovehin Soa WIT shorkhen Loa, (0) Tutmish yatta: Snes rearing aNpmidURst Une? (A) Usppré amin Goong B) Gods Cory () Gewiceren Bom, ©) Bassey 304, Shivaji got himself coronatd at Torna er Roicnch © Kalyan (D) Puranihar BourghSca yma’ 0 Spr pet Gupp Sonat (A) Gprtew © @) Grisni ©) aénnsis ©) viet 108. ‘The consteuction of Quis Minas was siarted by (4) TMuotnish (8) Aver Shab WT Queb-uil-din-Aibale (D) Firoz Shab epeeani ere Gary aC Guunent Lal seers Opa BA wet BH Baanbey B® gar (0) @iubergouk (D) GC yne og € : 6 ceser [tern over 196, Now Agricultnral Price Poliey was unrounsed in the year () 1988 2976 B © 3908 oF 1938 Bu Goin flak Qnrcrone Desai aint) 1984 B) 1976 (© 1990 1986 107. The birth of economics of education was announced by Marshal (B) Kael Mars WF Schutte (D), Keynes bail ubslu Gurgstesne egarabuart (A) cortege 8) smperrorsssor © esecee D) tees 198. National integration Day eolabrated in WT Noverber-19 (B) October 20 O° Inae-10 ©). August-12 GpPu pysmtund Send Geren aie pose? @) seburig @) icrmr-z0 ©) gSa-19 OO) ayecng 12 ccsrr 6 199, Match the following (@) dawahar Gram Samsidhi Yojane 11998 (8) Nations Social Acsistance Programme 2.1977 (6 Broplayment Asvoranoe Schema 8. 1995 (@ Tntageuted Rural Development Programme 4. 1998 o © © @ we og ‘1 4 writs 1 2 Oe 2.1 8 Ms 1 2 4 Gunship Ge) owpit one Comocmonns Bo 1 > 3998 ©) pecOrpeegaip piu 2 iT © Sammoniine sR aL 3. 1995 (Agro ggivhovoriy sured 81. 4 1999 oo © @ me 2 2 4 @*s 3 1 2 Oe 2 1 8 Ms roe 4 200. "The founder of sciatic eciations (8) Alfred Masha Pra Mars © IA Schumpeter ©) JM. Koynoe siiivd mehofens Ganiiebiasiet (A) ayn wren @) stevens (yaa ect (D) IN. Béew 7 ccsFT {Turn over CCSFT Register | Number 2018 GENERAL TAMIL WiTH GENERAL STUDIES. (SSLC STD) ‘Time Allowed : 8 Hours} - Read the followin (Maximum Marks: 200 intructions carefully hofore you begin to answor the questions IMPORTANT INSTRUCTIONS 1. se ppliczatwllbe uppin with Question Heoklo 15 sinus fey commence cf the examination. 2% Thin Question Bookst contains 200 givsions Prior (2 atercting Sa anener the candidaten ace equi to chock whether all the qucsicne are there aes andere thers are a Henk pages in ‘hs qusstion bonita ease any defect in the Queetion Papar is noticed Ie shail be reported to ‘he Iavigiator within first 10 minutes and get it ccplnced with a complete Question Booklet, Teany defect is woticed m the Question Booklet after the sommencement of examination i will ot be replaced ‘bnower all questions AML ueatios carry equl asks “You moet write your Pepste: Nuater in the apace provided onthe top righ sdf ie page. Donat ‘write aything elo ox te Quration Booklet. An anaes theet wl oe upp o you parse by te Roos Ligne sack the acess You will alo encode your Question Booklet Nuosber wth Bue a Black Ball zint pen n the space proved on the nde ofthe Answer Sheet. I you do oeade propery Or fel o encode the above Ibformation, aca wil taken as per conmlulo's olen, ach quetion comprise four seuponese (A), (B, (0) and (D). You ar to eleet ONLY ONE correct ‘eaponse and mark in your Answer Sheet. I eabe You fo that thee are me than ooe cored ‘espe, mark the response Which you consider the es, [a aay casa, choana ONLY ONE reefonde fot ach qaston. You fot rks will pond on he nuslber of ree rerponsee marked by yous Ue ‘Brower Sh In the Anewer Shoot there are four crdso @,@), @ and @ aeninst cach ystion, To maswer the ‘qstione you are to mark wih Blue or Black ins ell point gen ONLY. ONE cal of your chaice for ach quedton Select one vespnse foe cach guscton inthe Quecuon Booklet aed mes inthe Anawes ‘Sheet Ifyou marie more than eve anower for ane queation, he anor wil bo troaed 98 wrong.egs If ferany item, @ the comet anawer, you bave tomar a8 a 6000 You shoul nat remove o nur off any shect frm tha Question Bev, You are not swe to tke this Question Booklet aad the Anawer Sheet oot of the aminst Holl during the Uke of examization ation ia cine oP 5. « 10, ‘The shee! fore the last page ofthe Quastion Booklet, cua be ued for Rough Wore. LL, For Question No. 101 t 200 oll mattersand in cazes of doubt, the English Version fs inl. 12, Donottieksmark or marc the answers inthe Question Booklet. 19% Applicants have to write and shade the total number of anewer feds left blank on the boxes provided fat Sido 2 of OMR Anuwar Sheet. An extra time of 5 minvtes will be given to opecly the mumaber of answer fields eft blank 14, Pail te comply with any ofthe above inetructions will reedor you liphe to euch aston or penalty as ‘Ge Conimisnian may decide at their diséroticn «€

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