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finding food iron age

2 Stone ageThe Stone Age period was between 800,000 BC-2,500 BC. They wore animals skins. They lived in caves. They
looked like apes. They looked like apes because they had just evolved from them. They ate animals & berries.

3 toolsWeapons were made of flint. They had bow and arrows, hand axes & spears. Weapons were sharp. They used
weapons to kill animals.They used tools to get their food. They used hand axes too scape the meat out of the animal.

4 FOODThey ate mammoths ,fish ,bison,deer, plants and berries. The stone age people drank dirty , horrible water. They
hunted to get food also gathered berries. They cooked their food on a fire.

5 Clothes & homesThe stone age people wore animal skins(but no shoes)! They also wore jewellery made of animal bones
and animal teeth.The stone age people lived in caves and later in the stone age they built huts. Their huts were made of
natural materials. In side the caves everything was made of stone! They used sticks to make fire to keep warm.

6 StonehengeThe word Stonehenge comes from hedge which means a prehistoric monument consisting stone and wood
upright. Stonehenge was built more than 5,000 years ago! It was built in Wiltshire(in southern England). Each stone was 40
tons! We do know a bit about Stonehenge however we do not know how they were transported , how were they stood up and
how the top ones are lying down.
7 BRONZE AGEThe Bronze age was about BC. The Bronze age is the period after the Stone age. It was a time when metal
was discovered and when proper clothes were made. They used copper at first then the Beaker people came to show how to
make Bronze. That is why its called the Bronze age. They mined the tin and copper to make Bronze.

8 Homes and clothesBronze age homes were round and had a cone-shaped roof. Their home was made of natural materials'
also a little fire in the center to keep warmth.Bronze age clothes were made by making a cotton cloth and weaving through
the gaps. These clothes are better than the Stone age but not the same as ours.

9 Bronze age weapons Bronze axe head. Bronze bow and arrow Bronze sword
Bronze spears

10 Iron ageThe Iron Age was from 2,500 Bc -800 bc. The Iron age was called that because iron was invented. The Iron age
was after the Bronze age. The Iron they used was stronger than Bronze or stone. To protect them selves they made hill forts.
The Stone Age, the Bronze Age, and the Iron Age are three period of history identified by the
way people made tools and weapons. Different ancient civilizations developed at different
speeds. So you might have one group of early people using bronze tools, while another group
was still using stone tools. Those with better tools had a much easier time conquering other
groups of people. The material used to make tool and weapons most definitely had an
influence on daily life in ancient times.

Stone Age man did not have sharp claws or strong sharp teeth. He was not larger or stronger
than other animals. He could not run like a deer or an antelope. To survive, early man
invented and created stone and bone weapons and tools. With these tools, early man could
kill and trap those animals he needed for food. With stone axes and spears, he could defend
against those animals that thought he might be food. Since many of the tools he created were
made out of stone, this is called the Stone Age. The Stone Age is considered to have begun
about two million years ago, and ended sometime after the end of the last ice age about ten
thousand years ago.

The Bronze Age in ancient China started around 1700 BCE. This is when men learned how
to mine copper and tin to make bronze weapons. Bronze is a combination of 10% tin and 90%
copper. Bronze weapons are much stronger than stone weapons. The discovery of bronze
changed a great many things. For one thing, miners and craftsmen were needed to mine tin
and copper, to make bronze weapons. That meant farmers had to learn how to produce more
food than they needed because not everyone was farming. That meant weavers and potters
were needed to clothe the miners and craftsmen, and to provide pottery containers to the
farmers to use to store food. There were many new inventions once the Bronze Age began in
ancient China. Most people were still farmers, but labor was getting organized.

The Iron Age followed the Bronze Age. This was the period of time when people made tools
of iron. Iron tools were stronger than bronze tools. Weapons were more powerful. Iron
weapons began in the Middle East and in southeastern Europe around 1200 BCE. They did
not show up in China until around 600 BCE.

The Stone Age, the Bronze Age, and the Iron Age are called the three-age system. The years
assigned to each of these ages are ballparked, a guess - they are not accurate because
different civilizations developed at different speeds. But looking back through time, each
ancient civilization went though a Stone Age (stone tools and weapons), then a Bronze Age
(bronze tools and weapons), then an Iron Age (iron tools and weapons). Weapons appeared
in different civilizations at different times through invention, trade and conquest. Once better
weapons arrived, they made a big difference.
Each improvement in tools and weapons led to other improvements in each civilization,
improvements such as new inventions, better production of food, and new or improved goods.
These inventions depended upon the type of material discovered and then used. Thus, the
material used to make tool and weapons had a great influence on daily life in ancient times.


2 STONE AGE Old Stone Age Middle Stone Age New Stone Age
Flint was the rock most used for making tools but wood, bone, leather and vegetable fibres were also used. Men were hunter
gatherers and used these tools to find food around them.Middle Stone AgeSmaller and finer stone tools were made like arrow
and spear heads. These were used for hunting and fishing.New Stone AgeTools were still made from stone but different tools
were made for harvesting grain.

3 Pictures of Stone Age Tools

Stone-age axe headsYou can see axe-heads like this in Tavistock Museum. They were found near Bere-Alston.It shows how
long people have been living in this area.

4 BRONZE AGE Tools and weapons were made out of bronze instead of stone.
Bronze is hard and could make better tools and weapons like axes, daggers and ploughs. They even invented wheels!This
meant they could look after land and grow food to eat.

5 Picture of Bronze Age Weapons

Bronze age axe and spear heads

6 Iron Age Iron was used to make tools and weapons.

Iron is tougher than bronze and was used to make sharper objects like spears and swords, which were decorated.We know
this as they have been found in graves and bogs.They also made tools for farming like ploughs.

7 Picture of Iron Age Tools and Weapons

Replica iron age tools

"Could you survive in the Stone Age, Bronze Age and Iron Age?"— Presentation

1 Could you survive in the Stone Age, Bronze Age and Iron Age?
QuizCould you survive in the Stone Age, Bronze Age and Iron Age?by Jake W

2 Try to surviveAn evil villain has made a time machine and sent you back in time and now you are trapped in the Prehistoric
agesYou have to figure out how to stay alive and once you have done that you move to Bronze and then the Iron Age and
find your way back to your own time

3 SHELTERYou are a caveman in the Stone Age and you need to find shelter to survive the night. Where do you go?A
caveA carBuild a houseA cupboard

4 Correct! You need to find a cave

In the Stone Age they didn’t know how to build houses because they didn’t know what materials to use and they didn’t have
tools that we have now.The people lived in caves to protect themselves from the weather and from animals.At night it would
be very dark in the cave and there would be a fire.They made cave paintings to show stories because they couldn’t talk a
language yet.

5 FOODYou are still in the Stone Age and you’re getting hungry. Where do you find food?A bearSalty crackersCheese
6 Correct! You would hunt a bear.
They didn’t know how to make other types of food.Stone Age men would hunt, kill and eat animals. They would eat the meat
and even the eyeballs.They would use sharp stones and spears to peel the skin off the animal and use this as a coat.

7 WEAPONSYou are still in the Stone Age and you are hunting an animal to eat, what will you use?A gunA swordA spearA
metal axe

8 Correct! In the Stone Age you would use a spear.

A spear is made of wood with a sharp pointy bit at the top or a sharp rock at the top. This is because it was the only materials
they could find.

9 Congratulations!You have made it to the Bronze Age People learned how to mine copper and tin to make bronze. The
discovery of bronze was very important and changed a lot of things.

10 SHELTERYou are now in the Bronze Age and need to find somewhere to sleep for the night. Do you look
for?Underground mineA condoA round house with stone walls and a grass roof supported by sticksA treehouse

11 Correct!In the Bronze Age, the houses changed and were round with stone walls and a grass roof supported by
sticksThere may be other families living in the same house. Also People started building house close together, it was the
beginning of a little village.There was a fire in the centre of the house. The idea of the round house is too keep all of the heat
in and to keep the people warm.Sometimes there would also be animals inside the house, like horses, cows or sheep!It is
going to smelly at all times.

12 FOODYou’re getting hungry and need to eat. What food would you look for?StrawberriesPizzaChocolateFrench fries

13 Correct! You would eat strawberries.

In the Bronze Age, people started farming and can grow their food now.They started to drink milk from cows and have
porridge for the first time.People learned how to make clay pots to cook in.The wheel was invented which was very important.
Wagons were made, they were pulled by animals on the new roads.

14 WEAPONS In the Bronze Age, what weapons did they start to use?
Metal spearA fanA Nerf gunA cross bow

15 Correct!You would use a metal spear as a weapon. This would be made out of bronze which is stronger than stone or
wood.Bronze is made of copper and tin. They started to mine for the first time to get these metals.The people started to make
more things from bronze and metal like swords, knives, bowls and axes.

16 Congratulations!You have made it to the Iron Age Iron is now used more than bronze because it is stronger and easier to
make things with. The Iron Age finished around the time the Romans invaded England.

17 SHELTERAnother tribe is going to attack you, where do you go for safety?A hill fortUnder the bedBehind a treeIn a ant

18 Correct! Yes, you would stay in the hill fort for protection.
Hill forts have big ditches & a big wooden fenceThe land could also be used for farming
19 FOOD What would be your normal dinner in the Iron Age? Macaroni Cheese
Ice creamBeef stew and breadRice

20 Correct! Stew and bread is a common meal

People were finding new ways and things to cookThey had learned how to grind grains in special stones to make flour for
breadIron ploughs were used because they were stronger and easier to make

21 WEAPONSWhat type of weapon would you choose to fight with in a battle?Sword and shieldA lightsaberWater gunA

22 Correct!The main weapons used in the Iron Age were spears, shields and swordsIron weapons are much stronger than
bronze weapons

23 CONGRATULATIONS!You have survived through the Ages Welcome back to your own time. Things are much easier
these days!

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