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Anci. Hydr. Civi: main fture of grtest civiz ws tat tey had gron up in rvr valys.

Te Nile vley in Egt had ben hom 2 agri setlemnt as erly 5500 BC,
bt da grwth of Egpt as a civiz begn ard 3100BC. 3300-2500, Meso civiz ws alng Tig nd Eup rvrs. Inds in 2600 nd Hwang 1700 in Chna. Min rson
4 civiz ws due 2 aces 2 relibl wtr sorc nd soil enrch by flodng prdcing enugh fod so som ppl engag in othr activi. Meso civiz ws crted aftr trding
btw Tigr and Eup rvr citis; becam a self run city; Uruk frst litrt socity, al jond 2 irrigt 2 rvrs for agri allwng popu grwth. Catle indus, wheat, bar
Egpt crtd frm Nile bt diff bcus irrig sys ws mor intricate, rotat legume wit ceral whih stp salt bltup; nil rvr alwed esy travl amng civilz creting 2
kingdm and unitd in 3000. Known to lift wtr by Anandiya; plogs, knife. Weaving instd, pottry, carving, painting economy increae Indus civi diff,
much unknwn, discvrd in ‘20s, harapan writng nt deciphrd, lrger dan egyp/meso: estd. In Singdhu rvr, mohenja and Harappa main cities. Devlped
lots of indstri such as metal, silvr, gold, copper. Wel dev. piplin sys & comon shalow wells, bathing pols & drnge system. Chines Locl chefdom
wer prmy frms of socity in China until 3rd BC orgnz into lings. Ritul sites wre signifcnt nd thse who had aces to ritual had pwr , shrns wer dedictd
to spc lineg with hop 4 god hrvst, gift-jade carvng/potery. Lots of metlic instru plough, axes, sickles, knif; wel planed irrig sys were constd, good
knolege in diverson strctu. Violenc comon in yelow rvr rsltng in politic chng bt not in cultrl. S/lkn histry hydlic civiz was nt grwn in rvr but irrig
sys consis of chain of manmd tnks, civiz grwn 4 thosand yrs till capitl movd to wet zon, irrig sys ws a sutnabl wtr-soil-flra/fu-humn ecosys,manly
bsed on small tnksWewa in Rajarata and Ruhuna, nd anicuts in Mayarata (i.e. mainly the wet zone). mst impt ftr ws continul imprv of tnk sys by
adng new tnks in diff era witout abnding prvous sys, acrdngly tnks as Parakamsamu rsvoir ws bilt ltr combing existng tnks by dvidng whle rsvr
into few zons. Diff b/w irrig; Hmns spnt mstly hntng nd fod gathring beigns; rais crp nd anmls 9-10000 yrs ago only; strtd in Iraq, Syra. Irig sys
dev can b eval consd each civiz as abov incl dev tech. Irrig is any frm of wtr sply 2 lnd 2 grw crp. Man irrig fncons r wtr colecon frm ctchmnt,wtr
storig in tnks, wter relas, wtr convy nd wtr us. Thfr, irrg sys dev tech shld be imprv in thos 5 func. Der wer diff capcilties in ancint & prsnt on
indentifica of hydrologicl boundries, site selection, const. of spillway,..sluices biso cotuwa, ..prtection wrks rip rap, undrstndng da pressure & forcs
& mesure 2 withstnd dem 4 suitabilty of strct., selecon of suitble matrils & knwldge on wtr lvl gauging (diya keta pahana). Use of dress stone nd
locking techno (tongue & groov methd). --In ancnt wtr colecon don manly by rain, now tech to convy wtr frm lon dist; due 2 dis diff 2 have notbl
diff; in ancnt smal ctchmnt was usd 2 colec wtr nd strd in vilag tnks; was isoled nd ltr dev. conectng ech tnk in liner,brnch,radial typ. No god prac
to mitgte flod, as such consi self-sufi nd wtr los withn sys not consi seros issu; hnce, dring wter cnvyng lng dist, whle sys ws fed by wtr frm start-
end. In prsnt whol sys desgn 2 convy wtr 4 lng dist with min wtr los, henc wtr convyng channels r vry strght nd mad of wtr profng mtrls conc nd
geomem. Ancnt irri; chek basn,furow irri,strip irri,basn irri. Mdrn;Sprinklr,drip,pot--Resons for transi: incrsed popu in regionl basis, ltd.
Resources to share, incrsed social & polictical conflicts, inbalance in distri and democry, income variation, collapsing rural economy and degrading
living std, Soln through WRD.- feature of a major irrigation scheme in S/L- Frest Reservatin; Which is establsed in u/s of ctchmnt ara nd is
vry helpfl 2 mantn da wtr lvl of da resvr 4 long tim, esp drout; can prtct u/s frm soil ero, prvnting tank siltation. Dam; main strctre of tnk nd man
obj. is 2 stor the u/s wtr untl it delvr thrgh strms; 2 main fncts arnged, shud be stble in diff lvls of op. nd miniz wtr loss. Spillway mst imp. prt of
da dam nd whih is estb. 2 prvnt damg frm ovrtopng da dam, area reservd to drain exces wtr to maintan wtr lvl below desgn wtr lvl of dam, to fulfil
this capcity of spilwy shal b desgned 2 da trgted strm. Drainage Cannel Da canel sys 2 drin exces wtr frm spilwy withot pasng thrugh strams; also
usd 2 ctrl da wtr lvl durng const. or renova. Anicut place dat wtr of tnk isued 2 da frmers as agred in farm meting. Stream stram sys alwys convy
wtr in tnk 2 pady fields at the d/s. Ned in irrg schem: prvde esential service of irrg nd drnage, imprv lvll of service 2 frmers, incre lvl of agri
prodc. A-1.water strge/ diverson/ distrib, 2,3-const.&maintng(Irrig infra; draing infra)4-eff. and effi mgt of humn nd physicl resourc. B.1-pln da
cultvatin season: prvd agri inpts (wtr,seds, agrochmicls,farm laburs) :wtr dlivry mthods: irrg sys maint: trnsfr mdorn agritech : acesiblty 2 frm
implemnts: crp insrance: transpot ,storing nd marktng facility,:Env sfeguard nd consrvion. C needs mgt. of wtr nd lnd : req. high std srvice 2
prvide agri inpts: shd hv effi, effv srvice lvls, frmer behave;quali nd quanti of prodcion, crop mgt. prct., resrs utlizaton,law nd regus, Needs forPA:
A, to meaure, eval/ases-quality of servce: effi nd prdctvity of irrg sys: sustainty of irrg sys B,2 tak decisn 2:mange da sys: mak or chnge polices)
Parties invl in PA/who need? Wtr users-frmrs: servce prvidrs-officrs who mang da schm by prvdng inpts : gov regu bodies, funding
agnces/donors: reshers. What’s PA? Systematic obsv, doc und intrptrion of actvi rlted 2 irrgted agri wit da obj. of cont. imprvs: an actvty dat
suprts planig nd implt prces in da schem : ultmtly to achiv effi nd effect use of resorc by prvdng relvnt fedbak to schme mgt at all lvls. MGT
heirary : A strtegc lvl mking nationl eco pln by mintris nd line orgs in agri sectr, B tactical lvl implmtn nationl eco plns at reginal lvl C
Opertional lvl implmnts field lvl oper.2 met goals in NEP. Prdctvty of irrig schme=1.Natnol gol 2. Msure opertnl perfomc of wtr use, lnd use,nd
irrg prc—PA : Prdvtcity in Lnd, Wtr, Othr agri inpts. Info Req for PM, mngers ned continus info about: daily&wekly opernl decisons, Seasnal
Eval, Anual dev plan. PIs: r indictrs slectd wit da crteria agnst expted obj. of a PA prog functionality it msures da prfermce by anlyzng da recrded
nd colectd data nd infrm us P lvl of da schm. Domain/Asesmt Bndries: DOSAI (Oprtionl, Acc , intervntion, sustainlty , diagnstic. It shod
cover tempral nd spatial dta 4 da concrnd study to assess 1 of da abv catgry using PI. da Reslts of asesm. facilitate 2 propse corectiv mesure to
scheme mangers 4 upgrding da systm effi, prductvty nd lift benficr living std. Operational,: da domain undr da service delivries 4 land,wtr nd crp
mgt. cosist of many fators nd req. carful selec.of PI,Eg: Wtr use effi, Adequcy of wtr to met CWR, reliability of wtr delvry: Accntbility: in ordr 2
msure lvl of service of all srvce prvders nd thir commitnt som PII r avilvl. Qltative msrumnts r tkn 2 asses da lvl of satisfac of benifries. Ned clos
montring 2 msure da adpted intrvnton 2 incrse prdctivty, Eg. Pyment of wtr tarif, invstmnt 4 maintnce, timly atendng 2 da wrk. Interventio 4
incrsng da prdtivty nd mantang da sust. of irrg. sys der mus b strategi plns to implmnt and wich governs wit: 1- Planing intrvntion (PI) policy 2:
Strctral intv (SI) Desgn concpts , 3- Mgt intv. (MI) – strategic plans. Sustainability: Msruing qualitive nd quantive perf. lvl reflct how da sys is
prfrmed effc nd effi meting spcific obj. Eg: Mntaing da infra acrdng 2 orginl desgn: dlverng wtr acrdng to da prep lnd & aceptd wtr delvry
schedule: prdcing outpts angst inpts abov or equl to da targts. Diagnostic, inordr 2 examin deficience in da prdcton process or dev. procs som
indictrs hav been dev nd finl reslts of assesm. Reflct da prblamatic ares in schme, Eg: Cnal convy effi, Soil fertility, deterition of irigation infra.
Designg PAP: Wat crit to be used?Wat PI to b used?Wat data nd info req?By whom,wher,when will data b collctd?What is da req.form of outpt?
Rationale of Select PIs: it rflcts da integrton of activit, throu 1- intrc. bw wtr institu 2- bw frmrs org. and gov wtr inst. nd gov. Main
Area/Key Aspct 2 b covrd indicators : Opernal perfo.: Agri Produ: Agri Eco nd fincing: Socio-Eco: Env I&D PIs: ICID-Practicl Gudlin 4
‘Irri& Drain Perfo Assemnt’ dey r: Wtr delivry nd utilization :as abv. Essential Areas in PAP: 1st Service Dlvery (wtr use effiy, Irri prac, Land
Producty) 2nd ( Agri Eco& financing, Agri produ, Systm Susteace) PIs: Sector- Domain- Indicators- 1. Servce Delvry- a. Wtr use effi.- i. Delvry.
Perfm. Ratio ii.Irrig duty b. O&M-i. Total MOM cost /unit area ii. Maintnce budgt implmention effic . 2 Agri Prodc- a. Agri Producvity-Yeild
b.Land Pdrvity-Croping Intsity c.Wtr Prdvty- Wtr use effi 3. Agri Eco& Fin- a.Resouce utiliza-Resorce utilza b.Farmr status-Profit 4.Systm
sustenance-Institunl Dev.- a.Benifcry invlvmnt b. govt. invlvmnt. Reservoir Operartion: stdy of avilable wtr rsourcs 2 met da demnd (cutivaton,
pwr genr. wtr suply). Initly wtr req. 4 a area compted considering da crops dat r propsed 2 b grwn nd also cropng intsty. Then the resrvor. wtr req
4 crp. grwth is assessed, comp perfrmd for 1 compl cycl. In OS, identify CA: Crop: Crop ptrn: Crop Intsity. What is intensity?-self OS used for:
i.det. smlest capcty of resvr dat wud b req. ii.4 da cultvtion of largest req. irrigble area iii. 4 a predetmned crping ptrn intsty. – also to forcst the
perfmce of culti undr a resrv in a req. seasn. If wtr nt enough, diversion req. Use of Contnty Eqn. inflow-outflow=balance. (Inflw-
(Loses+Dmd+Spilg)=(Strgendmonth- Strgstrtmonth). 1.Inflw-i.yeild frm ctchmnt ii.diversions iii. Retrn/draing flow from u/s. 2. Dmd- irrig/pwr req
3.Losses- evapo. Frm wtr surface & sepge frm resv 4. Spilg-amt of inflw dat drains out frm spillway. Inflw(Yield)- Totl qty. wtr expctd frm da
resv. in a given time (yr). 75%. Demand (IR). Dept on: i.qty req. 4 cultivaton ii. Considrt.of canl sizes iii. Effi of convy and app;- 60%. Loses-
Eva&Seep-0.5% Minimum Storage limit, to ensure water availability for env sustainlity. Residual storage: at least in 1 month reaches to the
strage at max draw down lvll. Grter than the storage at maximum drawndown level is MOL Max. storage Limit : Optimizing the cost and
environment sustainability. Once spillage should happen in month to fill us stratification. Seqnce of OS: 1-detrmne avalblity of CA 2- assume
initial strage, 3Asume reservoir capcity, starts for Maha with tria nd error- residal strage in any mnth as clos to intial strage nd the spillage ocur at
least in 1 mnth. 4- if it shows filure, repet 3 wit incrs initil strg [incrs limted 2 cumlative yield upto nov]. 5- if 4 is fail: reduce maha extent . 6-if still
fail, as altrntive for 4 and 5, RO should start erlier date of comencmnt for cultivation. Water Qulty: Causes (Air P.: Atm. Emi, indus &atmobil-
main elemnt S&NO(Urbanz.: Incrsd dmdn on swage sys& dometi ww -Trash, bio wste) (Defores:Soil ero, suspend mater incrs turbdity)
(Reservior Strages: evap may incrs conc. Of DS, reduc O2 lvl) (Destr of wetlands: rmoves naturl filtrs capble of storing nd degrding polutants ex:
Phos & heavy metals) (Mining and Indus dev. generat toxic wast and moves to rvers -Toxic Chemicals). (Agri chem: regulr & ovruse of ferti,
insect, pesti)(Por Irrig practice: Nutrints nd salts leachng into dep soil lyers). Wtrqlty tsting Salinity : effect infilt & soil wtr avilibity 4 plants,
detrmed by TDS in wtr, msure in mg/l or By EC at 25C water mesure (ds/m). Sodicity (Sodium Hazard): dpnds on conc. of Na ion (NA+) ,
relative to Ca & Mg. msured by SAR=(Na)/Sqr(ca+Mg) expressed in mmol/l, damge soil strcre and reduce crop yield. Cation and Anion: (+)&(-
) charged ions, irrg water High concentration , which are Cd, Pb,Se, NH3, and chlride, nitrite, phospte, nitrate. Trace elemnts: necesry for healthy
growth, they’re:zinc, copper, Mg, Iron,and bron, excess cuse toxicity, special instrument needs. Acidity and Alkalinity: msure of H+, ph=7
neutral, affect Soil quality SS Materials: cause soil erosion nd msured by Turbidity mtr. Effect of WQ? Plant Factors (Salinity: reduc wtr
availbity, Osmoic effect-drought,Symp: Tip, defoliation.) Toxicity: Yild reducon, from high conc of Na, C & Br, Misc: High lvl of Fe, Co3, cause
cosmetic problms (stains)) Soil Factors (Permability issues : High Na leads to braking the clay prticles, clog soil void space, reduce degre of
aeration, redcing the soil capcity to transmit wtr: difcult to suply suffi wtr to plnts: incrzed soil strength, crusting of seed beds, water logging ,
diseases, weeds, nutrition etc.) Water Re use: use of reclaimed wtr 4 a beneficial purpse wich recvred 4rm domestic& industril wwtp tretd to std
lvl level. contin mor N and P than drinkg wtr. Adv: incrse wtr qnty, reduc use of frsh wtr, gw wtr.: incrs wtr qlty: redcton in amt of nutrient
entring fresh wtr bodies.Concerns of Reuse-High suspnd tss(may clog irrg sys,reduce drainage)-Free chlorine(can demg plnts @high
conc>5mg/l) -high/low ph(indicator of phytotoxic ions)-High bicarbinate(>120mg/l) & carbont levl(>15mg/l)-(clog sprinklers,while lime
deposte,incrse soil ph, decrs permeablity) -heavy metal(Cd,Cu,Mb,Ni,Zn)-(indicate high indus input bt stngly bound to biosolid,rarely threat.
Mangmnt of WQissue: 1.Salinity issue (Draing, leching, crop tolernce, cultral practce, chanig metod of irrig, land dev, chging/blnding wtr
suplies), infiltraion (soil&water amedment ,blending water,cultiva &deep tillage,organic residues,irrig mangnt) toxicity(leaching,crop
slection,cultural practice,blending water supplies),misce.Impact of Agri Prac WQ:Agric hemi>Regulr/overuse of fertilizer, insecticides,
pesticide>produce runoff containg nutrnts&t oxic chemical lower WQ. Poor irrg prac>nutrient&salt leacing to deep soil layer>pollute GW lower
WQ.SriLanka-usual source of water not safe,access to safe water is diffult,high prevlence of diseas,rural commuty undr severe mentl strss,extra
expenditure, social stigma due to deseases.Irrig strcts: Conveyance: Invrted syphon: road crossing:bench flumes-a narrow gorge: drops/chutes-
inclned passage down wich tings can pass: aqueducts Regulate:sluice, turnouts- to reg. flo pasing thru a strct : 2 ctrl elv. Of u/s canal surface
eg;head regulatr (turnout, chekdrops,dividers ctrl inlets, head regultrs, gated regltrs) : stilling basin: baffle wall Mesure Parshall flumes: weirs: open
flo metrs- des strcturs r at reser outlt, canal head works & turnouts. Spillway: moring glory, labrynth, piano key, natual, oggy ; transition- vertical,
horizontal components of historical village tankTank – is da hert of villg, tus, repared nd wel maintned continuosly. They look after the
surrounding vegetation, which has many uses. It makes the inflow clear, reduces the evaporation, minimizes seepage and creates favorable env 4
fishs. People not only harvest fish 4rm tnk but also gather various kinds of food plants. Thus, the tank is a MP system. Ignorance of the tank
incres severity of the drought. Gasgommana (Upstream tree belt) – da upstrm lnd abv tnk bed, accomodt wtr only whn spilling; lrg trees
kumbuk, nabada,maila, damba nd climbrskaila, elipaththa, katukeliya, kalawel, bokalawel. Acts as wind barier redcing evapo; it gets closer to the
bund from either side where roots of large trees make water cages creating breeding and living places for some fish species. This strip of
tree demarcates the territory between human and wild animals. Perahana (sediment filter)– da meadow devlp. undr gasgo.. nd fltrs da sedmnt frm
upstrm chena lands. Iswetiya(soil ridge)- upstrm soil rige const. eithr sid of tnk bun 2 prvnt erded soi entrng da tnk frm upper land slops.
Godawala (wtr hole) -manmde wtr hol 2 trp sedimt nd it provds wtr to wild anmls;strtgy to evad man-animl conflct. Kuluwewa (wild tank) - sml
tnk cnstrtd abv relatvly larg resrv ony 2 trp sedmnt nd nt 4 irri;prvds wtr fr catle nd wld anmls. Kattakaduwa (downstream reservation or the
intrcptr)- resrvd nd belw da tnk bnd. It consis of 3 micro-climtic env; wtr hole;wetlnd; and dry uplnd,thus,divrse vege is dvlpd; prvnts entrng salts
nd feric ions into da pady field. The wter hole refered 2 as ‘yathuruwala’ wich minimzs bnd sepage by raisng da grnd tbl. Vilgrs plnt vetakeya along
da toe of bund to stregthn bund stability; apers 2 b vilag grdn, ppl utliz vege for fuel wood,medicine, timber, fencing materials, house hold and
farm implements, food, fruits, vegetables etc. Specifically they harvest row materials from this vegetation for cottage industries. Tisbambe (hamlet
bufr) – Frtle lnd strip arnd da stlmnt nd dsn’t blng to anybdy;tre such as mee, mango, cocnut r grwn in sctred maner. Kiul ela (drnage) -old natrl
strm utilizd as comon drange; tree as karanda, mee,mat grass,ikiri,vetakeya nd few rare smal fish are fund in wtr hols; it temovs salts and iron
pollted wtr and imprv draning condt of pddy tract. As frm abv, it shows tat lu pttrn is incprted with propr irrig sys. While describing the
importance of all above components in a village tank, the tank, paddy areas, forest areas, scrubs, streams and build up areas should be according to
the above structure. Otherwise, above components are not functioning properly. As an example, if the gasgommana is not at the upstream belt of
the tank, it can’t control the evaporation. Then during the dry zoon tank water will loss very soon. Also, other components and land use pattern
also combined well each other according to the above descriptions.

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