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Chelsea Standard
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VOL. 137, NO. 36 75¢ THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 2010

Networking events Weave the Web:

Make sure to click on www.

planned in Chelsea around the

clock for the most in-depth
coverage of Washtenaw
County. Our “Most Viewed”
to competing with major metro-
McMahon to address politan areas like Chicago.
story this week is “U-M foot-
ball: Can we just enjoy this
importance of new “I’ve often thought that victory?”
our competition is not our
gateway initiative local communities – we’re
By Sean Dalton actually competing against
Heritage Newspapers places like Chicago, Cleveland,
Indianapolis and Cincinnati,”
A speed networking event Pierce said. “Working with
will take place today from regional partnerships and col- Check out our video:
5:30 to 7:30 p.m. at the Chelsea laborations is a way to promote • Medical marijuana round-
Comfort Inn. The event caters to our entire area.” table discussion at Heritage
entrepreneurs, The speed net- Newspapers.
professionals working event will • Washtenaw County has
and specialists “It is a great way be followed up on high census survey participa-
in the commu- Sept. 15 by “The tion.
nity. to get to learn Dollars and Sense
owners from about the variety of Protecting
of businesses in Character,” a gate-
way community
Pinckney and
other areas will
the area.” event where par-
ticipants will have
Connect with Yahoo’s
converge on an opportunity to Hot Jobs:
Chelsea to meet BOB PIERCE share information Click on the “jobs” tab on
and learn about and resources with the home page of our Web
each other and each other before site or go directly to http://
the various businesses that
Ed McMahon of the Urban
operate in the region. Land Institute discusses the
The event will involve face importance of gateway com-
time with up to 17 businesses munities.
with four minutes devoted to McMahon is an expert on
each fast-paced interaction, creating and sustaining livable
during which participants will and prosperous communities,
pitch their own businesses but Pierce said.
also spread the word about busi- Pierce said the event is Join us on Twitter:
nesses they have learned about. another opportunity centered Become a Chelsea
“The speed networking proj- in Chelsea that is intended to Standard follower. Click on
ect is very similar to an event draw interest from business the Twitter tab on the home
that we held a couple of years owners and professionals from page of our Web site or go
ago,” Chelsea Area Chamber of both inside and outside of directly to
Commerce Director Bob Pierce Washtenaw County. ChelseaDexter.
said. “It’s a great way to get to “This is a unique opportunity
learn about the variety of busi- for people to tap into a great Photo by Krystle Dunham
nesses in the area, and in this deal of experience and exper- Students Samantha Gillman (left) and Elsa Ford work on an activity at Beach Middle School.
case it’s a very strong regional tise,” Pierce said. “McMahon is
event.” experienced in economic devel-
Pierce said the intent is to opment, tourism promotion,

Back to school
focus on bolstering the region and historic preservation.”
from a business and tourism The event will be held at 500 Join us on Facebook:
standpoint in a bid to shift Washington St. and will begin We already have 228 fans
thinking from competing with on Facebook. Click on the
other Michigan communities PLEASE SEE GATEWAY/3-A Facebook tab on the home
page of our Web site or
search for us on Facebook.

Planning Commission Beach Middle School

holds orientation for
revises master plan sixth grade students
By Krystle Dunham
Special Writer

By Daniel Lai percent of the land is owned by The Marketplace:

Heritage Newspapers the state,” he said. Students entering the sixth Local ads are just a hop
Some of the changes in the grade at Beach Middle School away at the
The Lyndon Township master plan include preserving may have an easier transition marketplace. While you are
with the help of the school’s there, you can check out all
Planning Commission will host the current lake residential the special supplements of
a public hearing to address any zone and creating two more new mentoring program.
Journal Register Co. newspa-
questions about its proposed zones –– traditional and lake Beach Middle School, located pers in Michigan.
township master plan at 7 p.m. conservation. at 445 Mayer Drive, held a sixth Click on “marketplace” on
Sept. 16 at the township hall. “The traditional lake resi- grade orientation for its stu- the home page of our Web
The master plan provides rec- dential zone applies to existing dents Aug. 31. site or go directly to www.
ommendations for protection of communities or plotted subdivi- The orientation introduced
rural character, farmland, and sions around the lakes,” Moore the students to the middle
natural resources; residential, said. school and gave the children
commercial, and industrial Under the old master plan, the opportunity to meet their Photo by Krystle Dunham
develop- land plots under 1.2 acres were eighth grade mentor that they Eighth grade mentor Michael Wheeler (left) plays a game with
will work with during the sixth grade student Brady Friss (far right) as sixth grade stu- Editorial Page 8
LYNDON TWP. ment; considered “non-conforming.”
school year. dents Joshua Wilkerson (middle left), Samantha Gillman, Cody
roads; and “The new plan basically takes
Principal Patrick Little Friday and Elsa Ford watch. Community Section C
public care of that,” he said.
facilities and services. The commission also revised said the new mentoring pro-
Calendar Page 3-C
“We’re excited about it. We’ve its sewer use policy. gram, which is called “Where
Everybody teach sixth grade through which students would be men-
been working on the master “Under the old plan, munici- eighth grade. The change has tors for the school year. Obituaries Page 10-A
plan for almost two years,” pal sewers were only to be used CHELSEA Belongs,”
is new this occurred due to the closing of “We were looking for a Sports Page 1-B
chairman Leon Moore said. for existing homes or homes Pierce Lake Elementary School diverse group,” Little said. “We
Moore said unlike previous with existing problems,” Moore year at the
middle school. The idea behind last year. Little said in order wanted them to all be able to
years, where the master plan said. for an eighth grade student to relate to the students.
was simply revised with new The new language allows for the program is to help elemen- Printed
tary school students make an become a mentor they had to “They all have good people
amendments, the commission sewers to protect lake quality in apply by filling out an appli- skills and that’s what we want- on
rewrote several sections. communities around the lakes easier transition to middle HOTLINE:
school with help from a mentor. cation and writing an essay ed.” recycled 475-1371
“This is our first major as long as it does not create on themselves that provided There were 44 students
rewrite in probably 15 years,” dense population around the Each sixth grade student will paper
receive a WEB mentor that they details on the school activities picked as mentors who were
he said. lakes. they are involved in and what trained for two days prior to
Moore said the goal of the A third change in the master will be able to go to for help and
support throughout the school extracurricular activities they orientation. Two mentors, a
commission was to preserve the plan addresses private roads. do outside of school. boy and a girl, will have eight
“rural recreation” aspect of the “The old plan did not allow year.
“We’re just trying to tackle From the group of students students to work with for the
township. for the creation of new private that applied, eighth grade math school year.
“We noticed how impor- roads,” Moore said. “The new the problem head on,” Little
said. teacher Brian Boos, eighth “At this age boys relate to
tant recreation is to Lyndon plan allows for new private grade English teacher Kathryn
Township, especially when 52 This is the first year that
PLEASE SEE REVISE/3-A Beach Middle School will now McCalla and Little determined PLEASE SEE SCHOOL/3-A

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