Vedas On Poverty Alleviation PDF

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Social Responsibilities

Rig Ved 10. 155

अलमीम् सू

Selfish Uncharitable Attitudes

अरािय काणे िवकटे िगिर गछ सदावे !
िशिरिबठय स विभ तोिभ$%वा चातयामिस !! ऋ10.155.1
Banish the attitudes to be miserly and selfish, of not being
disposed to give money in charity, and not sharing the bounties
in your life with others. Being blind to suffering & deprivation
brings misery upon society. The resulting deluge of famines
and social misery drowns every one.

Simple living
2. च(ो इत*(ामुतः सवा- .ूणया/पीया/पी !
अरा1यं 34णपते तीणशृ6गोदृष8िह !! ऋ10.155.2
The life style of not sharing with others around us, is destroyer
of all creative activities before their inception. Strong social
leadership should work to destroy such insensitive tendencies.

Leadership to set example

3. अदो य:ा; <लवते िसधो पारे अपू;षम् !
तदा रभव दुहण - ो तेन गछ परतरम् !! ऋ10.155.3
Such unguided people are like an aimlessly floating piece of
wood in the river of the society.
It becomes the duty of elders in society to provide guidance to
such people by setting an example to motivate people to
participate in public welfare services.

Punish Antisocial Elements

4. य? @ाचीज-गतोरो मBडू रधिणकीः!
हता इEय शFवः सवG बुHदुदयाशवः!!ऋ
याशवः ऋ 10.155.4
When abominable situations, potentially violent, forces of
poverty caused by selfishness in society get to be known, they
require to be crushed very strongly by positive social forces.

Decentralized Cow based system

परीमे गामनेषत IयिJमKषत !
देव$े वLत Mवः क इमाँ आ दधष-ित ित !! ऋ 10.155.5
When society takes steps to rehabilitate cows in individual
local households it enables them to grow their own. ( animal
Husbandry is the best poverty alleviation strategy.)

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