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European Commission

DG CNECT - Communication
Networks, Content and
CIP-Pilot actions Technology
GA number: 297313

Newsletter 2 - March 2013

Improve energy management in school

VERYSchool is a result-oriented Project, co-funded by the
European Commission as ICT-PSP-CIP-Pilot actions. The core
activity is the development of the Energy Action Navigator
which acts upon a catalogue of Optimized Scenarios
developed within the project and integration of ICT’s mature
technologies such as Smart Meters, LED Lighting, Building Energy Management Systems, Virtual
Environment Simulation and Energy Action Management Software tools. The Energy Action
Navigator will be able to customise Energy Management in EU Schools by driving and linking
all actors of the school value chain under the guidelines and practices of ISO 50001 (energy
management systems) and IPMVP (measurement & verification) international standards.
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What's new in VERYSchool?

Several interesting actions have marked 2012 and the first
months of 2013 with ongoing technical activities to deliver the
first prototype version of the VERYSchool Navigator (VSN) by
the end of May 2013. Discover below the latest news and events
including technical updates, published deliverables, and
participation in meetings and events.

Technical updates
Requirements and project specifications
Milestone #1 “Specifications Complete”, matching the
objectives of WP2: ICT Roadmaps for EU Schools (design of
Energy Conservation Measures) has been achieved (May
2012), through the production of the public deliverables:D2.1:
Requirements and User Specifications, D2.2: Establishing an
Energy Management Program for Schools, D2.3: Measurement & Verification Planning for
Schools and D2.4: Technologies and their integration. The whole set of specifications
established the foundations for adapting the VSN concept to an effective Energy Management
Programme in the school context as well as the requirements for structuring the system
architecture and the performance of the applications for the appropriate Stakeholders and Users.
As a whole, the work done contributed to successful first project review.
Read online.
Initial Energy Audit of the Pilot Schools

The auditing results of the four Pilot Schools are the starting point of the project to
quantitatively evaluate, by comparison with the final conditions, the benefits the VERYSchool
project, through its VSN, introduces in terms of energy efficiency (saving) and carbon reduction.
EP tot: Overall indicators of the CO2 emitted
school [kWh/m3year] [kgCO2 /m3year]








The Pilot School energy audits have been published as project Deliverable D5.1 Energy Audit
results and they also contributed to successful first project review.
Read online.
The Smart Metering and Building
Energy Management System
Monitoring and Control strategies and energy efficiency
algorithms have been developed within the technology
provided by DOKI (project partner. Performances deal with real
operational conditions of lighting (traditional and LED lamps with
On/Off and dimming control), heating, cooling, ventilation, renewable energy, occupancy profiles
and user behaviour. Energy consumptions, devices status, physical variables and user settings
provide inputs for suggesting the optimized scenarios. Data collection from all Pilots will be
available from the beginning of September 2013.

The Catalogue of “optimized scenarios”

Energy and cost savings, and action management: these are
the main issues addressed by Optimized Scenarios. This
catalogue of best practices aims to improve the energy
consumption within a school environment, by providing several
actions, both technical and behavioral. Each OS includes technology selection,
recommendations, financial and environmental impacts for implementation into school buildings.
The Catalogue has been implemented with the VSN database (March 2013). Contents and
technical details are described in the public project Deliverable D3.1: School specific
Optimisation scenarios.
Read online.

The Virtual Environment calibrated

simulation models for the Pilot Schools”
The IES<VE> software package has been customized with four
models calibrated for the Pilot schools to provide components of
level decision support in energy saving oriented optimization
scenarios. Contents and technical details are described in the
public project Deliverable D3.1: School specific Optimisation scenarios.
Read online.
The VERYSchool Energy Action
Navigator (VSN)
The development of the VSN web application has started. The
database system architecture, set-rules for selecting the
optimized scenarios from the catalogue, KPIs (Key Performances
indicators) to show the effectiveness of the energy management programme, communication
infrastructure between the BEMS installed in the Pilot schools and the VSN, User friendly GUIs
(Graphical User Interfaces) are all under development. The first VSN prototype version will be
available by May 2013.

Two new project Deliverables published

VERYSchool project activities in the second review period are in progress to deliver the first VSN
prototype version, and two more project deliverables have been published.

Manual Energy Saving Actions

As Energy Actions are implemented and conducted by various
users in the school or school district based on the optimization
scenarios, the impact of these energy actions on the energy
performance of a school need to be constantly measured and
monitored. The engine of the VSN for Energy Action Management
is the Enerit software. The project Deliverable D3.2 Manual Energy Saving Actions describes in
detail, for schools and school districts: (a) how the optimization scenarios defined in the VSN will
be integrated with the Enerit software; (b) how the energy actions will be implemented by the
different users; (c) how all energy saving actions will be managed through the integration of the
VSN with the Enerit software in a user-friendly graphical interface; (d) how decision makers can
monitor the impact of the energy savings actions through the linking of smart meter data.
Read online.

The ICT business model for schools

Business models identifying how to support the linkage between
school stakeholders and ICT providers of VERYSchool products
and services are detailed in the project Deliverable D4.1 ICT
business models for schools. This public report analyzes the
current business models for energy efficiency measures, identifies
the financial barriers to develop a business model and, through targeted interviews with
stakeholders, aims to understand how schools currently finance their energy efficiency
improvements, and to outline how the financing options can change according to the model
Read online.
Awareness Campaigns and Communications
VERYSchool launches an on-line
A core activity of VERYSchool is to understand the current level of
confidence school managers and decision makers have with
regards to the Energy Management Program. Please, help us by
completing the on-line questionnaire.
GoTo the-line questionnaire.

VERYSchool on the web

The project website, as a tool for project communication ,
provides a public interface with the VERYSchool project. The site
is regularly updated with project news and events as well as with
items relating to energy efficiency and energy management
topical information.
Read online all News & Events.

Enerit participates in EU Presidency

International Press Corp
On Wednesday the 9th of January 2013, Enerit Ltd was invited
to participate in a showcase of 19 innovative Irish companies
arranged by Enterprise Ireland for the EU Presidency press visit
to Ireland. Enerit Ltd more specifically was invited to the
event to highlight to members of the European Press its innovative Enerit ISO 50001 software
and the software’s deployment within two leading edge EU Projects namely VERYSchool and
Read online.

VERYSchool: the answer to the ISO

50001 application in the school sector
The VERYSchool project and the ISO 50001 seminar in
Pleven: a joint seminar with the Bulgarian Institute for
Standardization and representatives of the Bulgarian Ministry of
Education. The topic was the ISO 50001 implementation in
public buildings from different sectors: public, business, educational.

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VERYSchool at the “Sustainable
Energy Week” in Modena
AESS organizes every year a National Event called Sustainable
Energy Week at its Bioecolab and Home Automation
Laboratory, with the aim of presenting an overview of best
practices from local, national and international sustainable
energy initiatives and green design. During the 2012 Sustainable Energy Week, from the 12nd to
the 16th November, a session was dedicated to present results from the VERYSchool project.
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See the online interviews.

Alfio Galatà - AESS Angelo Uggè - DO-KI Paola Laiolo - ISPE

VERYSchool meets the “Salone

dell'Orientamento ABCD” in Genoa
The Italian Ministry of Culture and Stakeholders meet School
(Genoa, 14 to 16 Nov. 2012), at the largest national event
devoted to education and training. As "touch-school" Edition, or
ABCD 2012, for 3 intense days, protagonists were 314
exhibitors, 500 events including conferences, workshops, workshops, meetings and training
programs and more than 43 thousand visitors, including teachers, professionals, students and
families, bringing a public success (+7.5% visitors compared to 2011. The stand of VERYSchool
project received a care interest especially among teachers and students.
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The VERYSchool “Community” into

BUILD UP, the European portal for
“energy efficiency in buildings”
On the 2009, the European Commission launched the BUILD
UP web portal as a tool for sharing information about reducing
the energy consumption of buildings. The site, offers a wide range of best practices and information
on legislation on energy saving and is regularly updated and improved by the users themselves.
On BUILD UP the VERYSchool Community, jointly with the School of the Future, presents new
research results and shining examples of how to reach the future high performance building level
for new and existing school buildings within the EU.
Read online.
The VERYSchool “Community” into
the Social Networks
The following discussions have been posted in Linkedin:
• Energy Management & ISO 50001: a goal for the VERYSchool project in the “ISO 50001 -
Energy Management Standard” group.
• Energy Management & ISO 50001 in the “ICT for ENERGY EFFICIENCY and SAVING” and
“ICT for Energy Efficient Communities” groups.
Read online.

and a Community in Facebook has been created.

Read online.

VERYSchool: a step towards Smart

Since 2009 the Municipality of Genoa has started a process to
turn the city into a smart city. In this framework it became
member of the Covenant of Mayors. This agreement is in line
with Kyoto Protocol and the EU 20-20-20 Strategy which aims at
reducing the CO2 emissions, increasing the use of renewable and improving the energy efficiency.
For this reason it adopted the SEAP – Sustainable Energy Action Plan - including 80 actions able
to reach these objectives. The Municipality of Genoa, together with other local public and private
institutions, created the “Genova Smart City” association involving about 80 local members which
is developing and carrying out initiatives to give a stronger impulse to this process. VERYSchool
project perfectly fits into this context and it gained even more importance if we consider that, at
National and EU level, improving energy efficiency of existing buildings represent a critical issue
and one of the biggest challenges we are facing in order to reach the 20-20-20 objectives.
Read online.

© Copyright 2012 VERYSCHOOL.EU - All rights reserved worldwide - Email:

GA number: 297313 for CIP-Pilot actions - The research leading to these results has received
funding from the European Commission under the ICT Policy Support Programme (ICT PSP) and
CIP (Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme)

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