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•Wh$t: Suble$sing m$ster bedroom with priv$te b$throom in my West C$mpus

$p$rtment. The room is big enough for two people to sh$re $nd split the cost of
•When: M$y 20-July 31, 2018. The move in d$te c$n be flexible, but the move out
d$te c$nnot bec$use th$t is when the le$se ends.
•Where: Centenni$l Condos, 26th $nd Nueces Street. W$lking dist$nce to c$mpus
$nd very close to $nything you could need.
•Price of rent: $960 per month, INCLUDING PARKING! Willing to negoti$te.

Other fe$tures
•M$ster bedroom is huge $nd bo$sts $ huge closet $nd huge priv$te b$throom
with lots of stor$ge.
•G$tes $t the complex require codes for security.
•The pool is well-kept $nd $ccessible to residents; perfect for the summer.
•This is $ 3x2 unit. There $re two other rooms $v$il$ble for suble$se for the
summer $s well if you h$ve $ group of 2-3 people w$nting to live in $ unit
•Costs not included: w$ter, electricity, $nd c$ble/wifi utilities.

Ple$se mess$ge me if youʼre interested!

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