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A017 Data Management


Module Description:
It is necessary to have procedures in place for saving and restoring the customers data stored in
the CNC.

The following cases have to be taken into consideration:

 Series machine production
 Exchange of the TCU
 Exchange of the PCU/Hard disk drive
 Exchange of the NCU/PLC
 Exchange of the system CF card

The back-up method used can differ between machines, depending upon the hardware configura-
tion in use.

This module describes the methods for saving data so that it can be restored in the event of any of
the above eventualities.

Module Objective:
Upon completion of this module the course participant will know how to:

 Create and restore archives.

 Create and restore a system image.
 Create and restore a Ghost image


Archives: TCU & PCU50

TGZ Backup Files

PCU50.5 XP Ghost-Images

PCU50.5 WIN 7 Ghost-Images

840D sl SINUMERIK Operate V4.45 Page 1 This document was produced for training purposes.
Siemens assumes no responsibility for its contents. A017

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Data Management A017

Data Management:


TGZ Backup

PCU50.5 XP:

PCU50.5 WIN 7:

Data Management:


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A017 Data Management

Archives TCU & PCU50 PLC hardware upgrade archive (SDB’s only) - Creates a
PLC archive for use when starting up series machines.
Series Start-up archives can be used to save NC, PLC, Drive (For testing the PLC periphery components)
and HMI data.
Archives are created for a variety of reasons: Read in series start-up - Archives are read-in with this option.

Create original status archive - Used to create an archive

 Series machine production that will return the machine to its delivery state.
 Exchange of the TCU
Read in original status archive - For reading in the original
 Exchange of the PCU status archive
 Exchange of the NCU/PLC
 Exchange of the system CF card Creating a Series Start-up Archive:

The method for creating archives is the same for both PCU50
To create a Series Start-up Archive locate the relevant area by
& TCU. However, when the data is stored locally it is to differ-
using the following key sequence.
ent destinations.
In the case of the TCU the archives are stored on the system
CF card.
With the PCU50 the data is stored on the hard disk drive.

Ensure that the option “Create series start-up” is selected and

The screen displayed has five choices: select “OK”.

Create series start-up - Archives of the four control compo-

nents (NC, PLC, Drives, HMI) can be created with this option

Compensation data
R parameters
Part Programs
Option data
Global and Local user data (GUD & LUD)

PLC data: This will create an archive suited to restoring the

PLC user program.

Drive data: This will create an archive containing data for the
Sinamics drives.

HMI data: This saves data that is stored on the HMI.

The list comprises of:-
Cycle storage
Control Components: Applications
The controller data is split into four components Version data
NC data:- The NC data consists of: User views
All machine and Setting data (except for drive machine data) Dictionaries
Tool & magazine data


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The four control components are available for selection. They Creating an NC archive
can be selected in any combination to create archives contain-
ing different data. The following example will create an NC archive including
compensation data.
The NC data can be selected with or without compensation
data. Use the cursor and select keys to select the necessary check
Compensation data is machine specific data such as lead boxes.
screw error compensation. This would not be included in an The comment area at the bottom of the screen offers the
archive used for series machine production. chance to add information about the archive.

The Drive data can be saved in two formats:

Archives containing drive data should be created using the ACX

format. ASCII format is for expert use only.

If the HMI component is chosen you can include “All” HMI data
or be selective of the data to include via the “Execute” option.

The destination of the archive has to be chosen, this can be

locally on the system CF card/hard disk drive or externally to a
USB device or networked PC.
It is suggested that an archive be kept locally on the controller.
Copies can be made externally for use in the event of a data


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A017 Data Management

A name must be entered for the archive.

An information box indicates that the archive was successfully


The archive will now be created and stored in the destination

specified earlier.

Restoring a Series Start-up Archive: Select the source from which the archive is to read in from.

To restore an archive the option ”Read in start-up archive”

needs to be selected


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Information about the selected archive is displayed. This in- The archive will be read in and a series of status boxes are
cludes any comments entered by the creator. displayed.
The software version of the system that the archive was cre-
ated on is also displayed.

A final status box will be displayed which confirms that the

archive was read in successfully.

Creating Original Status Archives

Original status archives are used to restore the machine to its

delivery state. (Part programs, tool data, work offsets etc will
not be present)

The HMI selection has two options:

The files of the HMI can be quite large. To prevent the inclu-
sion of any unnecessary files it is possible to select which HMI
The default selections are shown below. It has to be decided files are to be included.
by the machine builder which components are needed to re-
turn the machine to its original delivery state. All: This option will include all the HMI data


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A017 Data Management

Execute: With this option you can select which HMI files to
include in the archive.

When the “Execute” option is selected a list of components of

the HMI is displayed. The items that are greyed out are items
which have no data currently associated with them.

Allow the archiving process to complete:

The individual components are selected using the cursor/

select keys

Reading in Original Status Archives

To restore an original status archive, the option ”Read in origi-

nal status archive” needs to be selected.


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As only one Original Archive is allowed there isn’t a list select Status boxes will be displayed informing of the progress of the
from. Information about the archive contents is displayed. read-in procedure

If any overwrite questions arise, carefully read the message When the archive has been read in a status box is
before continuing with one of the responses below. displayed to confirm this.

All files will be overwritten, archive continues to read in .

No overwriting, archive continues to read in.

Skip overwriting the file in question, archive continues

to read in.

Cancel the archive read in procedure.

Overwrite the file in question, archive continues to read



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A017 Data Management

Creating Archives with Shortcut keys

A quick method of making a complete archive to a USB device

is by selecting 3 keys simultaneously.
The keys to be pressed are “CTRL” + “ALT” + “S”

Simultaneously select the following keys to produce the ar-


+ + The boxes will clear when the archive has been saved
A file with the .arc extension will be created and given a de-
Several dialogue boxes will be shown, these will clear when fault name which includes time and date information.
the archive has been created. It should be checked that the file exists on the USB/CF device
before commencing work.


TGZ backup files

Another method of creating a backup of the System CF card is

using the Emergency Boot System.
A USB service stick is required. This is a bootable stick which
contains Emergency Boot System software.
When plugged into interface X125 the system will boot from the
USB device into the Emergency Boot System menu.
From this menu it is possible to create/restore a backup file. Locate the “linuxbase.img” file and select “Open”

The backup file will be of the TGZ type.

TGZ files are ideal for creating a backup for use with series
machine production. This is because the licence details con-
tained on the destination CF card will be left intact.

Creating a USB service stick.

RCS Commander is used for creating a USB service stick.
The software is delivered in “zip” format and should be ex-
tracted to a suitable place on a computer.
When extracted, the file “linuxbase.img” can be found in the
following path:
Emergency Boot System 840Dsl Vxx\eboot_system

Run the RCS Commander software and select “Writing image

to CF card” found on the “NC Commissioning” menu.


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Select the drive letter of the USB stick (Ignore the reference to
the memory card)

The writing process will begin

Creating a CF card backup (TGZ file)

Starting the Emergency Boot System.

Switch off the controller and insert the bootable USB stick
into X125 of the NCU.
The following screen will be displayed:

The process can be repeated of required.

Insert the USB stick into X125 of the NCU and switch
on the NCU.
After successful boot up the Emergency Boot System will
be displayed.
Cursor to the “Backup NCU Software and Data” menu item
and select “Ok”


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A017 Data Management

A suitable filename should be entered. This should contain

information that helps identify the file to other users. The TGZ
extension is mandatory.

A number of backup choices are available, select the menu

item “Backup Complete CF card to USB memory stick”

The backup procedure will begin.

On completion, press any soft-key.

The original screen will be displayed.

The USB stick should be removed and the system rebooted.
Check that the file exists on the USB stick, the file should be
stored in a safe place, and be accessible to service personnel.


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Restoring a CF card backup (TGZ)

The restoring of the TGZ file is also achieved from the Emer-
gency Boot System menu.

The backup TGZ file needs to be present on the USB Service


Insert the USB service stick

The status of the procedure is displayed, allow this to continue.

On completion, press any of the soft-keys.

Power the controller off/on.

Standard NC machine data will have been loaded, it will be
necessary to load an archive containing the most up to date


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A017 Data Management

PCU 50.5 XP: Ghost Images

Hard Disk Partitions:
The PCU50 operates with a Solid State Disk (SSD) which con-
tains the operating system (Windows®), Sinimerik basic In order to enable the separation of the software packages, the
software, Sinumerik 840D sl Operate software, archives, user hard disk of the PCU 50.5 WIN XP is sub-divided into four
files etc. NTFS partitions, each with different functionality.
The (SSD) is divided into four partitions (C, D, E, F)
The method used to back-up the SSD drive is Norton Ghost®.
Norton Ghost is present on all replacement SSD drives to facili- Description of Partitions:
tate creating and restoring a Ghost image.
The procedure produces a “Ghost image”. The size of the Partition C Emergency: Active primary partition
Ghost image will depend on the individual application but is in (Service/tools menu)
excess of 1GB.
The image can be saved externally to a USB device, provided Partition D TMP: Extended partition
that there is sufficient space or via network. (Local images, install, update)
It is also possible to create local Ghost images of partitions C,
E & F to partition D. Partition E System: Primary partition
Prior to creating a Ghost image it is recommended that the (Windows® operating system)
archiving procedure is followed and that the files are saved to
the PCU. Partition F USER: Primary partition

(HMI, Shopmill/turn, Step7, OEM)

PCU50.5 :
Service switch to "E" to boot the PCU 50.5 from the
USB service system.

Creating a USB service stick

PCU 50.5 start up in service mode

Start the PCU.

During the boot up, there is a time interval for pressing key “3“ when the HM Base Version
information appears on the lower right of the background screen.


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Plug a USB memory with at least 8 GB into a PCU USB port.

Launch Ghost32.exe in directory E:\Tools

Select Ghost: Local → Disk → From Image. As the source, select D:\Eboot\eboot.gho and
as the destination select the USB memory store (recognizable by its storage capacity).

After successfully transferring eboot.gho to the USB memory store, the service system for
the PCU is ready to use.

Using the same procedure, create a service system on a PG/PC. For this, you need the Fille Ghost32.exe and eboot.gho
on a PG/PC

Booting from the USB service system

Set the service switch to "E", if you wish to boot the PCU 50.5 from the USB service system.

Creating Ghost Images The ServiceCenter will now be started. This runs from
Ram disk and takes a short while to load.
First insert the USB (At least 16GB) device into the rear USB
The Ghost image is created via the ServiceCenter of the

Power on the controller


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The Ghost image now needs to be given a name. Be sure to A summary will be displaced showing details of the Ghost im-
select “Enter” to confirm the image name. age.

Restoring Ghost Images

Images are also restored using the Service Menu.

The process will begin, this may take some time depending
upon the size of the Ghost image


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Select the Ghost image to be restored. A summary will be displaced showing details of the Ghost

The restore process will begin, details such as time elapsed The computer (PCU50) name can be changed if required.
and time remaining are shown. If the PCU is connected to a factory network a specific name
may have to be entered.

Select “OK” to reboot the system.


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A017 Data Management

PCU 50.5 WIN 7: Ghost Images

The PCU50 operates with a Solid State Disk (SSD) which con-
tains the operating system (Windows®), Sinimerik basic Partitionen
software, Sinumerik 840D sl Operate software, archives, user C: SYSTEM (incl. EMERGENCY)
files etc.
The (SSD) is divided into four partitions D: USER (incl. TMP
D: USER (incl. TMP)
The method used to back-up the SSD drive is Norton Ghost®.
Norton Ghost is present on all replacement SSD drives to facili-
tate creating and restoring a Ghost image. Service-Mode
The procedure produces a “Ghost image”. The size of the Bei PCU–Hochlauf Zifferntaste „3“ an der Bedientafel
Ghost image will depend on the individual application but is in oder
excess of 5GB. über Service-Schalterstellung „3“ aktivierbar
The image can be saved externally to a USB device, provided USB-Boot
that there is sufficient space or via network. über Service-Schalterstellung „E“
It is also possible to create local Ghost images.
Prior to creating a Ghost image it is recommended that the
archiving procedure is followed and that the files are saved to
the PCU.

Creating a USB service stick for PCU 50.5 WIN 7 Ghost

Service switch to „3“ and turn on the PCU.

„Show desktop“ and

startGhost32 with:


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Select Ghost: Local → Disk → From Image. As source, select D:\Eboot\eboot.gho, as the destination select the USB memory
store (recognizable by its storage capacity).

After successfully transferring eboot.gho to the USB memory store, the service system for
the PCU is ready to use.

Using the same procedure, create a service system on a PG/PC. For this, you need the file Ghost32.exe and eboot.gho on a PG/

Creating Ghost Images The ServiceCenter will now be started. This runs from Ram
disk and takes a short while to load.
First insert the USB (At least 16GB) device into the rear USB
The Ghost image is created via the ServiceCenter of the

Service switch to “E” and Power on the controller.

Select disk backup with mouse or


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Select drive S: (USB Boot stick).

Start restoring Ghost with „Backup“

„File name“ now needs to be given a name.


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Restoring Ghost Images With „Select source“, select a ghost file.

Images are also restored using the Service Menu.

Select Disk Restore with mouse or


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Select drive S: (USB Boot stick), and mark Ghost File (*gho) .

Read Ghost File with „Restore“.


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A017: END


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A017 END Datenverwaltung


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