OBN208111 IManager N2000 BMS System Monitor ISSUE1.00

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OBN110202 iManager
N2000 BMS System Monitor


HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reserved


 N2000 Administrator Guide

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Upon completion of this course, you will
be able to:
 Query and monitor the server
status with System Monitor.

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Introduction to System Monitor

 The N2000 provides the System Monitor for graphical, remote

monitoring and maintenance of the system.

 System monitoring

 Start/shut down the N2000,start/stop a process, query process

details, set the process start mode, set the monitoring conditions.

 System maintenance

 Query processes and databases locally or remotely, check the

status of the processes, query memory occupancy, hard disk
occupancy. if the threshold is exceeded, the System Monitor
generates an alarm.

 Expand the database space.

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Logging In to the N2000 System Monitor

Double click on the desktop to display the Login dialog box

 Set the IP address and server name of the

N2000 server
 Enter the user name and password
 Click Login to log in to the N2000 server

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Monitoring the N2000 Server Status

 Query the process details

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Monitoring the N2000 Server Status

 Query the database details

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Monitoring the N2000 Server Status

 Query the system resources

 Query the hard disks

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Monitoring the N2000 Server Status

 Query the install components

 Query the operation logs

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Setting Monitoring Parameters

 To set monitoring parameters, including the refresh interval and

alarm threshold.
 Select System > Monitor Setting

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N2000 Processes Management

 Setting the Start Mode

 Auto start, Manual start, Forbidden Start.

 To set the start mode: select the desired process, right click, and then
select Start Mode
 Starting a Process

To start a stopped or abnormal service process on the N2000.

 Select a process, right click, and then select Start Process.
 Stopping a Process

To stop an unnecessary process so as to promote the server performance.

 Select a process, right click, and then select Stop Process.

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N2000 Processes Management

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Expanding the Database Space
 Click the Database tab, select the database record to be expanded,
right click and select Expand.

 Note: You can expand database space for four times at most.

HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reserved Page 13

Stop/start N2000 Server

 Stop N2000 Server

 On the system monitor, select System > Stop Server.

 This operation enables you to stop all monitored processes on the
N2000 server ,but does not shut down the system monitor client.
 Start N2000 Server

 On the system monitor, select System > Start Server.

 The system then starts all monitored processes.

Stop the N2000 server with caution!

This operation may disconnect the server from the clients
before the clients store the data.

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Shutting Down the N2000

 This operation enables you to stop all processes so as to shut down the
 Shutting down the N2000 will shut down the system monitor client.

 Procedure

 On the system monitor, select System > Shutdown System.

 In the confirmation dialog box that appears, click OK.
 All processes on the N2000 stop in 30 seconds, and the system
informs the online clients to exit the server.

Perform this operation with caution! After the N2000 is

shut down, you need to manually restart it on the server.

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Starting the N2000 Manually
 Before doing this operation, make sure that the operating system starts
and runs well, the database starts and runs well.
 To start the N2000 on the Windows

 Log in as the administrator.

 In the default N2000 install path (defaulting as C:\n2000\server\bin),
run the start file startn2000.exe.
 To start the N2000 on the Solaris
 Log in as the root user.
 Run the commands
− #. /n2kuser/.profile
− #cd /opt/n2000/server/bin
− #startn2000.sh

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 Grasp how to monitor and
maintain the N2000 server by

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