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Venezuela Mobile Market 2018-2022

The Mobile market is constantly changing, due to a combination of effects from the development of
new technologies, new smartphones and increasing competition with social apps. At the same time,
the regulatory environment continues to evolve to reflect changing realities. The Venezuela Mobile
Market report will discuss all these issues affecting Venezuela. Moreover, the report also analyses
the Venezuelan smartphone market and provides forecasts for the most important mobile indicators
from 2018 until 2022.

1. Executive summary
2. Country overview
3. Competitor landscape
4. Regulatory environment
5. Mobile internet
5.1 M2M
6. The smartphone market
7. Points for actions

List of Graphs
 Number of subscribers vs. Teledensity in Venezuela (quarterly) 2009-2017
 Competitive landscape in Venezuela (quarterly) (Market share of mobile operators) in 2017
 Competitive landscape in Venezuela (quarterly) (Market share of mobile operators) in 2014,
2016, 2017
 Net gain/loss of market share by mobile operator in Venezuela 2015 Vs. 2017
 Prepaid vs. Post-paid in Venezuela (quarterly) 2009-2017
 Penetration of mobile internet customers in Venezuela (quarterly) 2009-2017
 Number of mobile broadband customers in Venezuela (quarterly) 2014-2017
 M2M lines vs growth rate in Venezuela (quarterly) 2016-2017
 Number of smartphones in Venezuela 2015-2017
 Number of subscribers forecasts in Venezuela 2018-2022
 Teledensity forecasts in Venezuela 2018-2022
 Prepaid vs. Post-paid forecasts in Venezuela 2018-2022
 Mobile broadband subscribers forecasts in Venezuela 2018-2022
 M2M lines forecasts in Venezuela 2018-2022
 Number of smartphones forecasts in Venezuela 2018-2022

List of Tables
 Teledensity in Venezuela Vs. selected Caribbean countries (2017)
 Teledensity in Venezuela Vs. selected countries (2017)
 Number of subscribers forecasts in Venezuela 2018-2022
 Teledensity forecasts in Venezuela 2018-2022
 Prepaid vs. Post-paid forecasts in Venezuela 2018-2022
 Mobile broadband subscribers forecasts in Venezuela 2018-2022
 M2M lines forecasts in Venezuela 2018-2022
 Number of smartphones forecasts in Venezuela 2018-2022
Venezuela Mobile Market 2018-2022

Report Details
Why this report is unique, and a must-read for the Telecom industry as a whole?
Venezuela Mobile Market 2018-2022 is valuable resource necessary for examining the mobile and
smartphone market in Venezuela. It provides analysis of the key issues in the Venezuelan mobile
market, while monitoring the critical developments based on both primary and secondary sources. It
also provides high-level for various indicators such as forecasts of teledensity, subscribers, number of
smartphones, etc. The report covers the following key aspects:

 What are the current key developments in the mobile and smartphones markets?
 Coverage of the recent developments, such as M&As activities, changes in market shares
 Provision of latest telecom related statistics.
 Annual forecast of number of smartphones.

Why should you read this report?

 The statistical section covers the most important mobile indicators.

 A view of the key developments in both mobile operator and smartphone markets.

Who should buy this report?

 Mobile network operators

 Smartphone manufacturers
 Contractors and infrastructure providers
 Financial institutions
 Industry consultants, researchers and analysts
 Government bodies

Why our analyses are robust and authoritative?

 We constantly consult major industry stakeholders and incorporate their views in our analysis.
 We employ both quantitative and qualitative methods to derive robust analysis.
 All our forecasts are supported by our proprietary econometric and excel based models.
 We are independent and present our views.
Venezuela Mobile Market 2018-2022

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here to access all the country reports
Venezuela Mobile Market 2018-2022

Any questions related to this report please contact:

Andre Ricardo

Research Manager

20-22 Wenlock Road, N1 7GU

London, United Kingdom

+44 (0) 203 221 2182

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