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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE, February 14, 2018


I am deeply disappointed by this decision, which I believe is profoundly unfair

both to me and the listeners who are been such a part of On Point. I am very
proud of my sixteen years at WBUR, contributing to the national dialogue in a way
that is especially important today. I am also proud of the extraordinary team who
worked with me on the program and made it what it was.

Some have been with the program from the beginning, and others have gone on
to great careers in media beyond the show. I’m proud of those who thrived with
us. I’m sorry to those who found the show’s pace and me just too much. I’ve felt
a terrible urgency about our country’s direction, and that urgency played out –
maybe too stridently sometimes – in our workplace. We strove for excellence in
really challenging times and sometimes colleagues’ feelings were hurt along the
way. I regret that.

WBUR and BU stated that the sole basis for this decision was my management of
our team. I believe that WBUR and Boston University failed in their responsibility
to effectively address these issues when they arose when they could have been
more easily resolved.

When these issues arose, there were suggestions of inappropriate behavior that
were completely antithetical to my personal values and my respect for the people
with whom I worked. In their decision, WBUR and BU concluded there was no
basis for any action based on the review of those issues.

I have learned a great deal about myself over the past couple months, and there
are things I would do differently in the future.

But my interaction with our team was always well-intended and driven by my
commitment to great radio and tackling tough issues.
Many listeners and guests have reached out to me to express their support, and I
can’t express how much that has meant to me. I am fortunate to love what I do,
and I look forward to rejoining the national dialogue in whatever way I can.


The independent investigation concluded that Tom did not engage in any form of
sexual harassment, contrary to the initial media coverage of this matter. Boston
University’s decision was based solely on issues with Tom’s management of the
team, which the university failed to address in a timely and professional manner
that would have resolved these issues.

Given the University’s failure to appropriately address these management issues

at the time, it is fundamentally unfair that Boston University would take such a
drastic action against an employee solely based on his management interaction
with his team. The workplace issues raised could clearly be addressed without
this drastic action.

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