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Phrasal verb: Make (for, into, out,

out with, out to be, up, up for, of,

en Phrasal Verbs noviembre 13, 2014 0

Make for
Definición 1: Mover hacía algo.
He already made for home when you arrived.
Make for those tables, they are coming to have

Definición 2: Contribuir, causar, liderar hacia algo.

Both teams are really good, so it makes for a good
football match.
This screwdriver will make for a great gift for my

Make into
Definición: Convertir una cosa en otra.
He made his old garage into an office.
Lots of practice will make you into a fluent English

Make out
Definición: Gestionar, manejar, tratar.
How did you make out on your math test?
How is he making out with his recent divorce?

Make out with

Definición: Phrasal verb de uso coloquial que significa besarse
y abrazarse (achucharse, etc…).
I have seen you making out with Jennifer in the
Baby, let´s make out!

Make out to be
Definición: Pretender, parecer.
He made himself out to be a great musician.
She made herself out to be a unforgetable date, but
she completely failed.

Make up
Definición 1: Maquillarse.
You need some make up if you want to be pretty.
The actors make themselves up before going on

Definición 2: Inventarse una historia.

He made a story about how he traveled for free!
None of this is true, your friend made the whole
story for nothing, she´s a liar.

Definición 3: Ser amigable (o llevarse bien) con alguien.

You should make up with my sister, if you want to
be her friend.
Ian and Marc made up and they are friends again.

Definición 4: Estar hecho de algo, componer algo.

My father is made up of old fashioned values.
The government was made up of all the regional

Definición 5: Preparar algo para alguien.

The bedroom is ready, I just have to make up the
bed for you.
Make yourself up, we´re leaving in ten minutes!

Make up for
Definición: Recompensar por algo, reemplazar..
She spent three weeks with her family to make up
her long time absence.
I ruined your cup of wine, but I hope this bottle of
red wine I bought you makes up for it.

Make of
Definición: Entender, encontrar una razón.
I don´t know what to make of her behaviour.
Can you make anything of the movie Interstellar? I
don´t get it at all.

Make Off
Definición: Tener prisa, escapar.
The thieves had to make off in their truck when the
police arrived.
They had to make off under the house when they
were found out by the FBI.

#1 – Come Across
= find something by accident
When I was cleaning my room, I came across my middle-
school diaries.
#2 – Come Along
= accompany someone when going somewhere
We’re going to get ice cream. Want to come along?
#3 – Come Back
= return
He’s still hoping his ex-girlfriend will come back to him, even
after all these years.
#4 – Come Off
= when something becomes separated or unstuck from
another thing
The paint is starting to come off the wall in the kitchen.
#5 – Come On!
The phrasal verb come on has multiple uses, but when used
as an exclamation, it can be encouragement for someone to
do something, or it can mean something like “Stop being
“I don’t want to dance. I’m no good at it; everyone will laugh at
“Oh, come on! Nobody here cares whether or not you can

#6 – Come Out
= appear or leave the inside of a place
It’s cloudy right now, but the sun should come out later.
My little brother is hiding under the covers and doesn’t want
to come out.

#7 – Come Over
= come to someone’s house
If you come over tomorrow after school, I’ll help you with your
#8 – Come Through
= produce or deliver a result
I thought my favorite basketball team would lose the game,
but the offense came through and scored 15 points in the
last five minutes.
#9 – Come Up
= appear. Often used for when a task/responsibility appears
unexpectedly, or when a topic appears in a discussion.
I’m sorry I missed your birthday party. Something came up at
the last minute, and I couldn’t go.
I thought someone would mention the policy change, but it
didn’t come up during the meeting.
#10 – Come Up With
= create or invent something
Every time I ask him to do something, he always comes up
with a list of excuses for why he can’t do it.

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