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2010 AND 2017

Lucido, Melody T.

Top 5 issues in 2010

1. Education

EDITORIAL - Quality education is a focus

Updated March 23, 2010 - 12:00am
In the 60’s and 70’s decade, there were so many foreigners who studied here in
the Philippines but now there are only few because of the quality of education. The
chairman of the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) admitted that education in
the country was "deteriorated". He also states that the Philippines before have a high
quality of education but now that identity are disappeared. The education has been
neglected that’s why the quality of education is deteriorated. According to him, in
order to have a good quality education, the teacher must require a master’s degree and
it should be strictly enforced.

2. Unemployment

Working: Wages, work and rights, still denied

by Jose Cosido
October 8, 2010
President Aquino has been stationed for three months, but workers in the country
are facing a severe blow. This has resulted in the adoption of policies that have
existed during previous presidential elections. There is still the issue of
unemployment and livelihood that is causing tremendous difficulty, and the
continuing calls of workers for high wages. The NSO provide data about employment
rate. According to the statistics, the numbers of unemployment in the Philippines are
decreases 400,000 which recorded 2.7 million from 3.2 million in April. Based on
NSO's Labor Force Survey (LFS), the unemployment rate dropped to 6.9 percent in
July from 8 percent in April.

3. Foreign exchange

Continuous increment of peso against dollar

Published October 30, 2010 4:47pm
The two congressional governments propose to study the negative impact of the
economy on the continued strength of the peso against the dollar. In October 29,
2010, Friday the peso exchange closed against dollar which is P43.010-$1.

4. Drugs

Drug User
By: Atty. Remigio D. Saladero Jr.
October 6, 2010
There were so many people who use drugs in Philippines. Because of this, there
were so many families have been destroyed. This is the reason of having a republic
act 9165 or dangerous drugs law, the employees may undergo in drug test. In case of
Jeffrey Nacague vs. Sulpicio Lines, Inc. (G.R. No. 172589) that convicted by the
Supreme Court, the company receive a letter about crew and officials who use drugs
in ships of manila. The company ordered to have a random drug test in employees.
Jeffrey Nacague has a positive drug test. He is one of the officials in ship in Manila.
However, he denies it. To prove he goes to Chong Hus hospital and the result is
negative. But Jeffrey removed by the company, so he filed a case which is illegal
dismissal against the company. RA 9165 says that the drug test should do in hospital
and laboratory that accredited by the Department of Health (DOH). Second, drug test
must be in two processes, the first is screening test and the second one is confirmatory

5. Fare

Flagdown rate in taxi P40, in jeep 7.50!

Updated December 31, 2010 - 12:00am
Bad news for the passenger of jeep and taxi, the fare will be increase after
approving the petition filed for additional fares. In a decision issued by the Land
Transportation Franchising and Regulatory Board (LTFRB), P10.00 will increase in
flagdown rate for every taxi in Metro Manila and provinces. From P30 will be P40 for
the first 500 meters, and additional P2.50 to P3.50 at the next 300 meters. However,
Baguio's taxi fares are not included because they have their own petition filed.
Meanwhile, LTFRB has also approved a 50-cent increase of fare for jeepney
passenger in Metro Manila. So the Passenger fare of jeepney will be P7.50. But since
the price of gasoline and diesel rose, there was no reason to return 50 cents to the
Top 5 issues in 2017

1. Education

DepEd: K to 12 is for the triumph of Filipino learners

January 13, 2017
Education Secretary Leonor Briones affirmed that the K to 12 education program
is primarily geared to benefit Filipino learners and the country. Briones maintained
that the implementation of K to 12 is not propelled only on the advice of the
international community nor as required by the ASEAN, but because the Filipinos
should realize the rich advantage of the new curriculum in making the youth more
productive and competitive, not only overseas but more so in their country. The
program aims to provide sufficient time for mastery of concepts and skills, develop
life-long learners and prepare graduates for tertiary education, middle-level skills
development, employment, and entrepreneurship.

2. Unemployment

March 22, 2017

Solution of Unemployment
The government must not ignore the unemployment in the Philippines. The social
weather stations (SWS) survey shows the “Jobless Pinoys up by 3 million.”
Department of Labor and Employment (DoLE) demolishes the contracts of “endo”.

3. Foreign exchange

Peso strengthens further on remittances boost

Posted at Dec 28 2017 09:48 AM | Updated as of Dec 28 2017 04:48 PM
The peso strengthened further against the dollar on Thursday, on the back of a
seasonal peak in remittances from Filipinos overseas. The peso closed at 49.98 on
Thursday from Wednesday's close of P50.04, according to the Philippine Dealing
System. The peso could test the P49.77 level, but could go back to the P51 level by
the end of the first quarter next year, said Villacrusis. The Philippine Stock Exchange
Index was down 0.13 percent to 8,490.17 in early trading.

4. Drugs

March 4, 2017
DEPED employees, students and teachers have drug test
The department of Education (DEPED) says that the high school students,
teachers and all the employees must undergo to the drug test. But before this,
education secretary Leonor Briones states that the employees of DEPED must
undergo first in orientation-seminar about different aspects of drug testing.

5. Fare

The Fare will be P8!

Ni Angie dela Cruz (Pilipino Star Ngayon) | Updated February 7, 2017 - 12:00am
The minimum fare of jeepney passengers will be P8.00. The Land Transportation
Franchising and Regulatory Board (LTFRB) has approved a P1.00 provisional fare
increase petition for various transport groups for public utility jeep (PUJ) which led
by Allianced of Concerned Transport Oranization (ACTO).
Issues from 2010 to 2017
Every country has its own issue. The issues of year 2010 have a similarities and
differences in the year 2017. It can have a connection with each other. The Philippine issues for
the year 2010 and 2017 are about education, unemployment, foreign exchange, drugs and fare.
First issue was about education. In 2010, the chairman of the Commission on Higher
Education (CHED) admitted that education in the country was "deteriorated". He also states that
the Philippines before have a high quality of education but now that identity are disappeared.
While in the year of 2017, the K-12 program has already implemented. The k-12 program may
be the solution of deteriorated education in 2010. The new curriculum which is K-12 has good
benefits in students and country.

Second issue was about unemployment. In the year 2010 there’s still the issue of
unemployment and livelihood that is causing tremendous difficulty, and the continuing calls of
workers for high wages. Similarly to the year of 2017, there were so many jobless pinoy here in
the Philippines nonetheless. In October, 2010, the numbers of unemployment in the Philippines
are decreases 400,000 which recorded 2.7 million from 3.2 million in April. However, the social
weather stations (SWS) survey shows that jobless pinoys up by 3 million in the year 2017.

Third issue was about foreign exchange. In October 29, 2010, Friday the peso exchange
closed against dollar which is P43.010-$1. Meanwhile, the peso strengthened further against the
dollar on December 28, 2917 Thursday, on the back of a seasonal peak in remittances from
Filipinos overseas. The peso closed at 49.98 on Thursday from Wednesday's close of P50.04,
according to the Philippine Dealing System. The peso could test the P49.77 level, but could go
back to the P51 level by the end of the first quarter next year, said Villacrusis. The Philippine
Stock Exchange Index was down 0.13 percent to 8,490.17 in early trading.

Fourth issue was about drugs that’s why the drug test has been implemented. In 2010,
there was a man that has been accused of using drugs by the company. Republic act 9165 or
dangerous drugs law, the employees may undergo in drug test. It is quite similar and connected
in 2017 because the department of Education (DEPED) says that the high school students,
teachers and all the employees must undergo to the drug test.

The last issue was about passenger fare. In 2010, LTFRB approved a 50-cent increase of
fare for jeepney passenger in Metro Manila. So the Passenger fare of jeepney will be P7.50. But
since the price of gasoline and diesel rose, there was no reason to return 50 cents to the jeep.
However, when 2017 comes, the minimum fare of jeepney passengers became P8.00 because
The Land Transportation Franchising and Regulatory Board (LTFRB) has approved a P1.00
provisional fare increase petition for various transport groups for public utility jeep (PUJ) which
led by Allianced of Concerned Transport Oranization (ACTO).
All in all, the issues of 2010 to 2017 are quite connected to each other. Some of them are
similar but different too. I hope that the Philippines may have a good economic someday.

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