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New American nside Out Sue Kay Vaughan Jones Pero Cace Meera TUS) ena Clag i Sev ee 1 Airport Introductions Air travel Nationalities age 4 2 People Favorite things obs Personal details page 10 3 Family Family Lifestyle page 36 4 Different Men & women Likes & istkes| page 22 Review A page 28 5 Days Daaly rout Going out page 32 6 Living Habits Special days page 38 7 Ocean Watersports page 44 8 Alone Feetings Experiences page 50 Review B page 56 Cay © Invroducing yoursaf and saying where you are fom © Exchanging names and numbers © Lemiying objets © © Prrettin (0) Form fling © Favorite things © Discussing ages. @ os © Qvestions to find out personal details ® O Punctuation 2) Persia description © Families © Liestyle Anerdote: Your favorite relative © Sentences about your family, @® O Punctuation). Description ofa family © Differences between men snd women © Likes and dstibes © Ashort personal message ® O Poretuation (0, Email toa new friend ages 28,29: Grammar / Vocabulary © Daily routines @ The weekend © Apertect weekend @D © Sequencing: then, sper (thr) Description ofa perfect day © Habits and frequency © special days Anecdote: Your favorite festwal/ party @D O Poragraph organization. Description ofa festival @ Water sports © Asimple nareative @D O Time expressions. Teling 9 story © Feelings © Arwticod person Aneedote: Your last summer © © Description ofa vacation Pages 30, 31: Reading & Listening. Writ Ce @ Meeting on plane © Going though customs @ Airline telephone numbers 1 Exchanging contact details Useful phrases: Asking for clarification © brad Pit’ favorite things © Inthe world today @ The percentage of women in ‘certain jobs inthe USA, Useful phrases: Greetings and fntocuctions @ Meet the Cotisters © Wroiswe © Wife Exchange Sophie's fvoritereative Useful phrases: Advice @ He or siez @ How aremen and women different? (© Jock and Layla’ kes and distikes @ About me Useful phrases: Expressing opinions 1 Pronunciation review @ seven pertect daily moments (© Interview with three people © Ms Dynamite’s perfect weekend Useful phrases: Ordering and paying Little and Lange @ Tre top three word festivals Conor’s favorit festival Useful phrases: Asking about opening and closing times Thro interviews about watersports Q 1s always warm on the inside @ Shark attack! ‘Useful phrases: Talking about the ‘weather @ Alone at soa @ Ioterview about Debra Veal @ Laura’ last summer vacation @ want tobe alone ‘Useful phrases: Complaints and suggestions Pages 56, 57: Grammar Vocabulary { Pronunciation review ‘Pages 58,59: Reading & Listening. Wsiting (a memorable day) & Speaking, + Song: Dow't Worry, Re Happy @rammar, Qocabulary, & ronuncation @ simple present affirmative. Nouns, ala, sities © Countries. Nationalities. Languages. ‘Common objects. Numbers 0-10 Focus on: instructions (1) © Sounds of the alphabet © Possessive determiners. besimple present © Favorite things. Numbers 1-999, Jobs Focus on: countries and nationalites @ sian @ Posse sh Simple present firma forms Otamiy Fost on nmers © 3 person endings I a! @ Simple present. Objet pronouns © hej do ite + ng Focus on: instructions (2), @ ing sound ‘web profile) & Speaking + Song: She's Got You @ Simple present: daily routine Teling the time {© Days ofthe week. Verb phrases: have and go Focus on: haze @ Long vowel sounds: i) 1 @ Simple present with adverbs of Arequency. Prepositions of time © Vero phrases: ake and do (Ordinal numbers, Months. Dats. Focus on: $0 © Ordinal numbers © Simple post: regular and ireyular afiemative forms © Watersports. Time expressions ae. ‘Time linkers Focus on: mae and do @ evendings @ Simple past: affirmative, negative and {question forms © Feelings. Adjectives Focus on: the weather © Vowel sounds: iregular simple past forms i» _@- Workbook. Fach unit ofthe Workbook contains «one-page section which develops praca writing kills. DE Roly Os Oa ad CT nod CLV TSG ua {9 Hotel @ Hotes, ms, and funiture Forthe vacation of ltime the tere ar omelny hase © Where you want to live @ Your home in the stars. @ Rooms and furniture, Prepositions: oe (D0 Deciptonclyour Una phnme Pblee witha oil tome and Ioeality hotel room Focus on: prepositions of place (1) © Wonds with sent” eters 10 Food © aig nai © fat well enjoy your fod, and @ Countable and uncountable nouns eating @ Fevrts foods lose weight ow much «2 / ow any 2 pas ens © Two people taking about diets Fos and rinks Por Anecdote: Your last great dinner @ Natalie's grat dinner Focus on: prepositions of place (2) @uvencat Useful phrases: Buying a sandwich @ Vowel sounds: same spelling, @ O Aninvitaton ae 11 Looks © Fomly similares @ Amantatking about hisclothes _ @ Present progresive i , el © People’s clothes @ Mz. Average and his clothes © Physical description, Clothes. [2 DO taingsncoes, «TW pnts cing ppt Pal are tare | Description of person arriving atthe Oscars Focus on ge t Useful phrases Buying thes © Consonant sounds: 12 Money © Money @ ssveiaryncom © Comparative and superlative Possessions © How much you pay for things @ The most valuable things adjectives les Abn © taal paver Oise pape: © Money: Big numbers © O Summary of © calling lost property office Focus on ke sraphic data Useful phrases: Descrbing objec @ Schwa Review C ages 64,85: Grammar! Vocabulary / Pronunciation review pose 84 Pages 86 87 Reading & Listening, Writing (racaionemaiD& Speaking * Song: Salling | 13 Talent © How you do things (@ A radio show: Hidden Talents © am for ability. Adverbs of manne. Abilities © Dance © Joaquin Cortés: life in dance Frequency expressions Character is © Gancer © ow do propleraiyseyout © Cerra ©D © Correcting capital leters Useful phrases: Making excuses Focus on: be and spelling. Description of a @ Stress patterns with can talented peron “ww © TW shows © Diesen TV shows @ Future fore: want te woul ie, | Television © Future plans and intentions __@ The Big Brother Show ‘op to, (be) going to frame Ancedot: Your favorite TV show Interview with the winner of TV shows ns The Big Bother Sow Focus on: What .? and He ..2 | page 96 © O tining wort: bu, { Iranse. Completing a form, giving @ Julie's favorite TV show @ semence stress reese Useful phrases Suggestions and offers | ae Oe ee ee {experiences © 014 fends @ Adventure World Travel cor simple past? Cle Anecet An old sdool end Cameron between wockd © Pas perp @ ominsatsaz schoo frends Focus on verbs + prepositions { a text from notes: @ Tom's oldest friend @ Vowel sounds: irregular past ‘Useful phrases: In a restaurant participles. 16 Drive © Driving to work © Driving to work © Questions with prepositions, 5 Travel © Tove @ Interview about Heinz Stacke Tense review Tene ‘Anecdote: Yourlastintoresting drive @® Carl's interesting drive © Prepositions of movement. page 106 Places in a city / the countryside © How you get to work/school Useful phrases: Directions ae { repositions of movement D O sing actives Text onganization, Description of @ Vow! sounds a 9 a joumey i Review D Pages 112, 113: Grammar/ Vocabulary / Pronunciation review page 112 Pages 114, 15: Reading & Listening. Writing (email oan old fiend) & Speaking * Song: Gt Here Pairwork: Student A page 116 + Pairwork: Student B page 121 * Grammar Extra page 126 + Audioseript page 134 = { Phonetic symbols page 182 + Irregular verbs page 143 Airport Grammar be: simple present affirmative. Nouns. o/an. this/these Vocabulary Countries. Nationalities. Languages. Common objects. Numbers 0-10 Useful phrases Asking for clarification Listening 1 @ 1.02 Read and listen to the conversation, Answer the questions. a) What's his name? _b) What's her name? Mike: Hi. Tm Mike, What's your name? lena: Oh, hello. I'm Elena. Mike: Nice to meet you. Listen and repeat. 2 @ 1.03 Read and listen to the conversation. Answer the questions. a) Where's she from?) Where's he from? Mike: Are you American? lena: No, Im not. I'm Brazilian. I'm from Rio de Janeiro. Mike: Oh, Tlove Rio. Tes my favorite city. Flena: Where are you from? Mike: Ym from New York. Listen and repeat. Speaking Introduce yourself to people inthe class. Wi Tm Rosa (rmaon, ) {Nee to meet you (|, oe be tm lam You'te You are He's Hels She's She is It’s itis We're We are Theyre They are Is he Spanish? Yes, he is Vocabulary 1 @ 1.06 Listen and repeat the country and nationality words. Underline the stressed syllables. Country Nationality Language Tm from Tmo 1 speak Brazil Brazilian (1) Portugu Germany German 2) German Italy Italian, o=* Russia Russian © Australia Australian, = Spain Spanish @_ China Chinese == Japan Japanese @_ 2 @ 105 Listen and number (1-6) the languages as you hear them, Italian!) Russian|_| English! Spanish 7 Chinese|_| Japanese 3 Complete the language words in the table in Exercise 1. Underline the stressed syllables. © 1.06 Listen, check, and repeat. 4 Say a country. Your partner says the nationality and the language. Z4 _s Grammar 1. Complete the questions and answers for the pictures (a) a) [she Chinese? Yes, he s } b) Are____Spanish? Yes, they \ 3 itJapanese? Yes, 4) __ Russian? Yes, ©) American? Yes o) British? Yes, © 1.07 Listen, check, and repeat. » Airport Vocabulary & Listening 1 © 1.08 Listen and repeat the words (1-10). 2 tesies 3-2 book 7 a toothbrush 6 an MP3 player 4 an ongnizer '5 a call phone 9 an ape ‘an umbels 10 a came 2 @ 1.09 Read and listen to the conversations. Which is Mike's bag? Which is Elena’s bag? 1 2 Customs: OK. What's in your bag, si? Customs: What's in your bag, ma'am? Mike: Oh, a camera, a toothbrush, Elena: An umbrella, an organizer, a magazine a book Customs: And what's ths, sir? Customs: And what's this? Mike: It’s an MP3 player. Elena: It’s a cell phone. Customs: Hm. And what are these? Customs: And what are these? Mike: They're tickets Elena: They/re tissues. 3 Work with a partner, Practice the conversations. Grammar Nouns 1 Complete the table. Singular hat this? _ Singular Phucal tsa book. / ‘a magazine (1) magazines es an unbrel @) apples Consonant sound @) organizers =a (a pen) @ toothbrushes Vowel sound (2, 3, 9 0) = an (an apple) © 1.20 Listen, check, and repeat Plural What are these? 2. Look at the pictures (a-f). Write questions and answers with this/it and theselthey. green eects 4) Whal’s this? I's a book WReees abook pens keys coins abag, watches @1n isten, check, and repeat. Pronunciation The alphabet 1 @ 1.12 Listen and repeat the vowels A, E, 1, O, U. Sounds Letters Bie ANSE. 2 0119 Listen and repeat the consonants and vowels. iv BCDEGPTVZ i LRN SH 3. @ 1.16 Listen and write the order in which you hear these groups of vowels. jal 1 nefited a) AEIOU ataour CI = a ») AIORU 9 1UAOE gBiAuo Vocabulary Numbers. 1 (1.15 Listen and repeat the numbers. 0 = zero /oh Listening & Speaking 212-634-5789 = to one two 1 Complete the conversation with the information in the box. six thre four - - Five seven eight nine 21-434-1701 It’s Oliveira. O-L- Elena: Goodbye, Mike. Mike: Um, can T see you in Rio? Elena: Yes. Call me, Mike: OK. What's your last name? Elena: (1) Mike: What's your telephone number? Elena: (2) Mike: What's your email address? Flena: (3) Mike: OK. Bye, Elena, See you. © 1.17 Listen, check, and repeat. Work with a partner. Practice the conversation. 2 Ask three people the questions in Exercise 1. Useful phrases 1 | | ’ 3 4 L @ 1.18 Read, listen, and complete the conversation with say, spell, or repeat. Student: How do you (1) say “Francia” in English? Teacher: “France.” ‘Student: How do you (2) _it? Teacher: F-R-A-N-C-E. Student: Ah, yes. “France.” How do you (3) _ Teacher: “Italy.” “Italia” in English? Student: How do you (4) _it? Teacher: IT-A-L-¥. Student: Oh, yes. “Italy.” English is easy. How do you (5) __ “Alemania”? Teacher: "Germany." Student: Excuse me? Teacher: “Germany.” Student: How do you (6) _ it? Teacher: G-E-RM-A-N-Y. Student: Can you (7) that, please? Teacher: G-E-R-M-A-N-Y. Student: OK, thanks. @ 1.19 Listen and repeat the useful phrases, a) How do you say “Francia” in English?) Can you repeat that, please? b) How do you spell it? ©) OK, thanks. ©) Excuse me? © 1.20 Listen and repeat the words. English a) pizza b) coffee ©) cake d) hotel ©) bank 9) Mbrary | Your language Translate the words into your language. ‘Work with a partner. Write a similar conversation with words from Exercise 3, Practice the conversation. Vocabulary Extra Common nouns 1 Match the pictures with the words. Singular Plural 1) abag — — books acell phone = _ fais children, keys magazine __ ‘an MP3 player __ Oa people aticket = a tissues (| atoothbrush __ an umbrella __ abe, watches 2 Complete the singular or plural forms in Exercise 1. 3. Work with a partner. Cover the words and look at the pictures. Ask and answer questions. (theyre keys ae | (hav tis?) -) Dy ey (tesa bas.) (at are these? SS EC ees Mynane Focus on instructions (1) 1. Match the pictures withthe phrases. 3] Listen to the conversation J Look at the board ] Read the text. T Wook witha partne. ] Wiite your name ona piece of paper. Ties nana 2 Complete the instructions with verbs from Exercise 1 Read the article. a £ | Airport a » ° 4) __ tothe song, ©) in groups of tne. ) the answers to the questions, at the picture on page 9. the answer on a piece of paper. People Grammar Possessive determiners. be: simple present Vocabulary Favorite things. Numbers 17-999. Jobs Useful phrases Greetings and introductions Vocabulary 1 Complete the table about Brad Pitt’s favorite things. Use the headings in the box. Actor Animal Drink Movie Food. Singer Sports Writer Brad Pitt’s favorite things a) Actor: Dianne Wiest b) ___: Jimi Hendrix, Bob Marley ©) ___: Planet of the Apes, Saturday Night Fever d) + Cormac McCarthy ©) __: pina ) __: beer, coffee 9) + ageing, tennis h) ___ dogs @ 1.21 Listen and check. 2. Use the headings in Exercise 1 and make lists with the things in the box. cats Christina Aguilera cola. Dan Brown Gweyneth-Pattrow horses LK. Rowling Johnny Depp Louis Armstrong Mission Impossible pasta soceer Star Wars steak swimming tea Actor | Singer | Movie | Writer | Food | Drink | Sports | Animal “Gwyneth Paltrow | Add your favorite things to the lists above. Speaking [Ask your partner about his or her favorite things. Use Who ...? for people or What ...? for things. Who's your ( What's your fee \S Grammar Subject Possessive 1 Complete the sentences with a possessive determiner. Pronoun determiner 4) 'm an actor. My favorite singers are Jimi Hendrix and Bol Maley 1 my b) He's from Springfield, in the USA. son's name is Batt. -” a She's from Los Angeles. movies include Tomb Raider and Mr. & Mrs. Smith. 2 “ ©) She's from Los Angel movies include Tomb Raider and Mr. & Mrs, Smit ie fur ) We're married, __names are Bill and Hillary it its ©) They're Spanish. last name is Tglesias. Ce as © 1.22 Listen and check. 2 Work with a partner. Who are the people in Exercise 12 Vocabulary Numbers 1 @ 1.23 Listen and repeat the numbers. 11 = eleven 12 = twelve 2 © 1.26 Listen and circle the numbers you hear. Repeat the numbers 13 = thirteen a)(13)/30 b) 14/40 c) 15/30 d) 16/60 ©) 17/70 f) 18/80) 19/90 14 = fourteen 15 = fifteen 3. Write the numbers in numerals. 16 = sicteen 5 bea a) seven 7 ©) forty-seven @) one hundred and ten aoc b) twenty-eight d) sixty-five §)two hundred and forty-five 19 = nineteen © 1.25 Listen and repeat. = 4 Work with a partner. Use the numbers in Exercise 3 to complete the information. “0 ed In the world a) 28% of people are under 15 years old. me ») to of people are betwen 15 and 64 year od acne today ene ea 80 = eahty Q - people ae over 65 90 = ninety 4) tof people lve incites. 100 = ore ured OF people are born every 60 seconds. 200 ~ two hundred people die every 60 seconds 1.26 Listen and check. Speaking 1. Match an age from the box with a person in the pictures below. Discuss with a partner 46 58 19 729 41 5 64 33 29 2. Waite the ages in words. 4) She's nineteon. b> He's @ 1.27 Listen and check your ideas. Vocabulary | | 1 Match the jobs with the pictures. adentist adoctor ahairdresser a police officer a secretary a taxi driver nurses sales clerks Write sentences. a) He'sa police ofice. 6) He’sa hairdresser. c) They're sale clerks. © 1.28 Listen, check, and repeat. 2 Work with a partner. Look at the information about the percentage of women in different jobs in the USA. Match each job with one of the percentages in the bor. | The percentage of women in a) dentists 23% 5 hi] bos these jobs Ethan ) secretaries A) hairdressers 4) sales clerks h) taxi drivers iigghe USA . )_ police officers © 1.29 Listen and check your ideas. Are the percentages similar in your country? Pronunciation 1. Complete the table with jobs from the box. actor artist college professor decter English teacher singer student writer A: an vowel sounds B: a.with consonant sounds «an actor a doctor 2 @ 1.30 Listen, check, and repeat. | be Affirmative Negative Tm Tm not You're You aren't He's He isn't She's She isn't Its isn't We're We aren't They/te They aren't (aren't = ae not isn't = is not) ‘Are you married? Yes, 1am. No, I'm not. Grammar 11 Work with a partner. Make true sentences with the correct affirmative or negative forms of be. a) George Bush is from Texas. He isnt from California. b) Domenico Dolce and Stefano Gabbana __ Spanish. They _ Italian. ©) Isabel Allende an artist. She _a writer, 4) The White House in New York. It___ in Washington, DC. ¢) The Petronas Towers __ in Kuala Lumpur. They ___ in Hong Kong, ) TAP___a Portuguese airline. It___a Brazilian airline, © 1.31 Listen and check. 2 Complete the questions and answers. a) Are you a college student? Yes, Lam. No, I'm not, b) Are you 217 Yes,__. No,__ ©) Is your mother a taxi driver? ==> te 4) your father over 65 years old? _ ss 9 jour favorite drink cola? ‘ 8) your grandparents from here? © 1.32 Listen, check, and repeat. 3. Work with a partner. Ask and answer the questions in Exercise 2. + Een Writing & Speaking 1. Write the questions in the correct order. Use contractions where possible. a) What / lastname / your / is ? What your last name? > What's your last name? b) How / you / old / are ? ©) What / email address / is / your ? 4) What / your /is / first name ? ©) What / cell phone number / is / your ? ) What / your / home telephone number / is? 8) Where / from / you / are ? hh) What / your / is / job ? © 1.33 Listen, check, and repeat. 2. Work with a partner. Match the information in the Dateline Profile with the questions in Exercise 1 1 Rachel - d) What's your fist name? 2 Green -> a) What's your last name? 99.0.0. 0.0 1 First name: Rachel 2) Last name: Green 3) Country: USA 4 Age: 32 5 Job: Waitress 6 Email address: 7 Home telephone number: 212-726-6572 & Cell phone number: 212-544-5235 Useful phrases 1 Read and complete the conversations with the words and phrases in the box. Fine Goodbye Good morning Howrareyou I'm fine Nice to meet you Kathy: Hello, Mrs. Weinstein. Andy: Hil How are you? Vrs. W: Good afternoon, Kathy. Beth: (3) __, thanks. How are you? Kathy: (1) How are you today? Andy: Good. Vrs. W: (2)____, thank you. How are you? Beth: Sorry ~ I'm ina hurry! Kathy: I'm good. Andy: Oh, OK. Bye. Beth: See you. David: (4) __. Tm David Grant. Vendor: That's $1 please, ma'am. Erica: Nice to meet you, David, I'm Erica. Woman: Thank you. David: (5) ___, Erica. Vendor: Youte welcome. Erica: And this is Frank, my assistant. Woman: (6) ___. David: Hello, Frank. Nice to meet you. Vendor: Goodbye. © 1.34 Listen and check 2 Complete the table of useful phrases with the headings in the box. Saying Saying goodbye Introducing people Greeting people | 1 Saying helo | 2 3 ‘ Hello, How are you? ThisisFrank. | Bye Hit Tim fine, thank you Nice to meet you. | See you. Good morning. Fine, thanks. How are you? | Gone Good afternoon. | I'm good. | © 1.35 Listen, check, and repeat the useful phrases. 3. Practice the conversations in Exercise 1 with a partner. Vocabulary Extra Jobs 1. Match the pictures with the jobs. 10 anactor a dentist a docto: a haintresser 2 police officer a sales clerk a secretary asinger a taxi driver a waite a writer 2 Work with a partner. Cover the words and look at the pictures. Ask and answer questions. Pe (( What does he do? aoe Z He's a taxi driver WX 3. Think about your family and friends. Write their jobs in English. Focus on countries and nationalities 1 Complete the table. Underline the stressed syllables. Flag a= Ea t Country Brazil oO chile © @ Nationality (1) Brazitian Chinese — Italian Oe. Language Portuguese 8 Flag Country Australia a2)__ Spain the UK* the USA, Nationality 10) _ Russian ay British a7) Language ay (13) as) (16) as) ‘Note: The United Kingdom (the UK) = Fngland Scotland, Wales, an Norther Irland. Great Britain = England, Scotland ad Wales, down three other countries you know, with their nationality and language. How do you say them in English? Add them to the table. People a « Family Grammar Possessive ‘s/s’. Simple present: affirmative forms Vocabulary Family Useful phrases Advice Reading 1 1.36 Read the description of the Collister families. Name each person in the picture. Meet the Colli¢ters Peter Collister and John Col are identical twin brothers. Pater is martied to Pauline, and John is married to Pam. Pauline and Pam are sisters. Peter and Pauline have one daughter and one son. Britney is nine and doe is six. John and Pam have two sons and one daughter. Tom is nine. Jack is six. Kitty is four. 2 Do you know any twin brothers or sisters? Tell your partner about them. Vocabulary - 1 Complete the information about the Collister families with names from the box. Britney Joe John Kitty Pam Pawtine Peter Tom Family relationship 1a) husband and wife b) father and son ©) mother and daughter 4) sister and brother {6} uncle and nephew ) aunt and niece g) cousin and cousin h)_ brotherindlaw and sister-in-law 2 #137 Listen, check, and repeat. Example Peter and Pauline John and Tom Pam and Britney and and Joe "__and Britney or Joe, and Jack and Pam a John is my father Pam is my mother. Thave two brothers named Tom and Jack. Who am P? Int Kitty Possessive ‘s/s’ His fathers name is Peter. (father is singular) Her brothers’ names are Tom and Jack, (Grothers is plural) Reading 1 Read the descriptions of members of the Collister families. Identify the people. ») o @ ° John is her Pauline is his wife John and Pamare Joe is their husband. Peter | Pamishissisterin- our parents. Peter _ nephew. Britney isher brotherin- | law. He has one niece. is our uncle, and —_is their niece. Taw, She has three Pauline is our aunt, | They have two children. sons and one daughter. Who is she? Who is he? Who are we? Who are they? © 1.38 Listen and check. work 5B: page 121 3 Draw your family tee. Tell your partner about people in your family. (This fs my father. His name is Emesto. He's 49 He's from Bogota. He's a doctor \ Z4 Grammar 1. Who says it? Match the sentences with the names. a) My wife's name is Pauline. — Pam b)_My sister's name is Pam. John and Pam 9) My sister’s name is Britney. Peter 4) My husband's name is John Pauline ©) My brothers’ names are Tom and Jack Joe f) Qurnephew’s name is Joe Kitty © 1.39 Listen and check. 2 ELECTS RAW owe, Writing Write five sentences about names in your family. | My mother's name is Patricia. 2 My cousins’ names are José, Caio, and Adriana ‘Compare your sentences with your partner. Reading 1 @ 1.40 Read about a TV show called Wife Exchange. Underline Maggie or Courtney. a) Maggie / Courtney is Andy's wife b) Maggie / Courtney lives with Paul's family for two weeks in Wife Exchange. ©) Maggie / Courtney eats dinner with her family in the kitchen. | 8) Mics Counncycire ota bed ery | 6) Maggie) Coutney Paul wie 3) Mage Crum ves Andy’ ly foro wok in We xn 8) Maggie / Courtney eats dinner with her family in front of the TV. 1h). Maggie's / Courtney's children watch TV in their rooms. In this TV show, two wives exchange homes and families for two weeks. | ‘Then they talk about their experiences. ern || They have four cilren, a dog, thre cats, anda rabbit. Paul, They have two children: Ben and Krista, The pets lve inthe house. [¥] Pau and Courtney work on weston. Wh The Sanity eats dinner together i the kitchen. [+] The children watch TY and DVDS in their rooms. (_] | [ieee eieegterere ere | + aul by owes or is wife] = Andy and Maggie smote in the house. [_] +The cilren go to bed ea. | = The children go to bed very late. [_] + They eat dinner on the couch infront ofthe TV,[_] | B= They go out together on weekends [_] +The cleaner does the housework. ‘s2ee) I a i =e | || Maggie is a stay-at-home mom. She's married to Andy. COUFtMeY is a manager in a company. She's married to | 2 @ 1.41 Listen to Courtney speaking about Maggie's family, and Maggie speaking about Courtney's family. Check (/) the things they think are good, and put a cross (X) next to the things they think are bad. 3. Compare your answers with a partner. Do you agree with Courtney and Maggie? ‘Simple present: affirmative forms YOU eth or They He She works. it Grammar 1 Write the he, she, if forms of these verbs. a) have has) do © live ) buy b) go 4) eat f) play 1) watch © 1.42 Listen, check, and repeat. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in Exercise 1. a) My parents lize in a big apartment b) My mother __ to bed early. ©) My father flowers for my mother. d) 1____one sister and one brother. ©) My brother _ games on his computer. 6) Mysister___TV in her room. g) We____ dinner together in the kitchen. hh) The cleaner __ the housework © 1.43 Listen, check, and repeat. Write three sentences about your own family. Pronunciation 1 O16 ten to the chants. Circle the ending sound /s/, /2/, or /tz/. Ac/sl fel feel Be/sl fal fal Ce Fal hd She eats. She knows. She dances He drinks. He plays He boxes: She talks. She goes. She teaches. He thinks. He stays He watches. 2 Listen and practice the chants. Speaking: anecdote 1 © 1.45 Listen to Sophie talking about her favorite relative. Underline the correct information. a) My favorite relative is my cousin / brother / uncle. b). His name is Samuel / Daniel / Matthew. ©) He's 24 / 34 / 44 years old d)_ He lives in New York / London / Los Angeles ©) He's married / single. f) He has two cats. Their names are Romeo and Juliet / Fred and Ginger / Champagne and Caviar. 8) He'sa photographer / lawyer / teacher. 1h) He works for Star magazine / People magazine / In Touch magazine. ‘Think about your favorite relative. Write similar sentences about him orher, ‘Tell your partner about your favorite relative. (My favorite relative is.) Ge ae Useful phrases 1. Complete the useful phrases in a~d with the verbs in the box. be Call Brive Have Sm worry Drive carefully. Don't __ late Don't __! He's 0K. ‘good time, Take care. _me. © 1.46 Listen, check, and repeat the useful phrases. 2. Read the conversation. Cross out Don't where necessary. Lauren: Bye, Mom. Bye, Dad. Dad: (1) Don't drive carefully. Lauren: (2) Don't worry, Dad. Mom: (3) Don’t have a good time in New York. Lauren: Thanks, Mom. Dad: (4) Don't forget your cell phone. Lauren: OK. My cell phone's in my bag. Mom: (5) Don't call us. (6) Don’t take care. Lauren: OK. Bye. See yout © 1.47 Listen, check, and repeat. ‘Work in groups of three. Practice the conversation, Vocabulary Extra Family 1. Look at the family tree. Use the words in the box to complete the sentences. aunt brother brother-in-law cousin daughter father granddaughter grandson husband mother nephew niece sister sister-in-law son uncle wife Who is Tom? a) Tom is Ryan and Amy's father. b) Tom is Hannah’s ©) Tomis lan and Jane's __ 4) Tom is Jack's _- ©) Tom is Karen's 8) Tom is Sarah's ) Tom is Emma's hh) Tom is Robert’s —__ 4) Tom is Peter and Ann’s___ Who is Hannah? j) Hannahis Sarah's mother 1k) Hannah is Tom's 1) Hannah is fan and Jane's sm) Hannah is Emma's n) Hannah is Karen's 0) Hannah is Ryan and Amy's p) Hannah is Jack's Hannah is Robert's 1) Hannah is Peter and Ann's Secrets ee eee Wyantsesue and neeceetee inning I am ... Use as many family ; meas possible. | am Alicia's brother. Fam Focus on numbers 1 Write the numbers. 2. Dictate any three numbers from 1 to 999 to your partner. 7 Se ZS eo 27 [+] Gs ») (oa) 19 = 376 Fe i eo 5a so = 16 68. Fifty-four 7 764 seven hundred and thirty-six = 805 nine hundred and eighty-aine 9. 9 Different Grammar Simple present. Obiect pronouns Vocabulary like / dont like + ing | Useful phrases Expressing opinions | Reading 1 Look at the picture, and read and complete the article, Use He or She according to your own ideas. NAN WOMAN ( oanans rerusuic, nam } LS [Ie wR OBJECTIVE: Go to Gap and buy a pair of jeans MAN Time: 6 minutes Spends: $70 WOMAN Time: 3 hours 26 minutes Spends: $1,800 ‘SHOPPING A man and a woman go shopping to buy a pair of jeans. (2) He goes to the mall, goes to Gap, and buys one pair of jeans. (2) spends $70. It takes six minutes (2) gees to the mall, goes to thirty-four stores, and buys three pairs of shoes, a lipstick, two tops, perfume, and a bas. (4) orders a new couch, (5) doesnt buy a pair of jeans. (6) spends $1,800. It takes three haurs and twenty-six minutes, EATING OUT A man and a woman go to a restaurant. (7) orders sata. (8) doesnt order a dessert (8) orders steak and fries and a chocolate dessert. (20) eats his fries and his chocolate dessert TRAVELING A man and a woman go on vacation together. (21) takes a large suitcase, a small suitcase, and a purse (12) tates a pair of sunglasses and a cell phone. © 1.48 Listen and check. ‘Think about your own experience. a) Check (Y) the situations in the text that you think are trie, b) Puta cross (X) next to the situations that you think are false. Compare with a partner. lie How are men and women different? Simple present I You work We don't work They Do you work? Yes, 1 do. No, I dont. He She It works. doeswt work. Does he work? Yes, he does. No, he doesn’t. Reading & Listening 1 Look at the words in the box. Are men and women’s opinions on these topics generally the same or different? 8) Thave four pis of shoes. Two es forthe week. Two pis forthe wacked. My wife has forty pis of Maybe fy! hy? 7 ae oN Freicemoen meiecvairas meen ‘ | ©) Every weekend, my husband | oes to a bar and watches | on Metin umber 3in | Fis ie, Number 1 is__ Number 2 ie Beet. and umber 3 is me! | © 1.49 Listen and check your answers. 3. Underline the affirmative or negative form to make true sentences. a) Ihave / don't have forty pairs of shoes. 1b) My friends and I go / don’t go to a bar every weekend, ©) My father watches / doesn’t watch sports on TV. d) My mother has / doesn’t have a blue car, ©) Idrive / don't drive. Compare your sentences with a partner, Grammar 1 Complete the questions and answers. a) Do you like shopping? Yes, Ido ») Does your father do the housework? Yes, he does ). Doyou think about chocolate all the time? Yes, 4) ___ your mother work on weekends? ©) you and your frends chat online? your friends go out a lot? No, I don't No, he doesn't No, © 1.50 Listen, check, and repeat. 2. Work with a partner. Ask and answer the questions in Exercise 1 3. Write true sentences about you from the prompts. Use affirmative or negative forms. a) work / ina restaurant ©) play / tennis ©) like / fying I don't workin a restaurant. b) sing / in the shower 4) speak / Spanish 1) drink / beer 4 Ask your partner questions using the prompts in Exercise 3. Write the answers. %s (Do you work in a restaurant? No, I don't. She doesn't work in 4 restaurant. + CCRC os Vocabulary & Listening 1 Complete the key with words and phrases from the box. | dontiike don'tmind hate ike dove aly ke ¥ oe © er TQ)loveit. 1(2)__it, 1@)__it 1 __it, 16)__it, 16__it 1.51 Listen, check, and repeat. 2 Read about Jack and Layla. ‘Jack Loves water, rally Layla loves spending likes being outside, and really likes sports and staying in shape. He hates cities and he est tke loud music. money. She hates doing housework and she doesnt Ike cooking, She tikes dancing and she doesnt mind loud music. ‘She hates sports. 3. Look at the activities in the box. Put J if you think Jack likes it. Put L if you think Layla likes it. clubbing cating out in restaurants going to rock concerts going to the gym playing soccer running shopping swimming (© 3.52 Listen and check your answers. Are you similar to Jack or Layla? Speaking 1 Complete the table to show the spelling of the ing form. Most verbs Verbs ending ine | Verbs ending in vowel + consonant read reading dance > dancing | swim > swimming study (1) smoke > (3) shop > (5) ‘cook > (2)__ drive > (4) run > (6) 2 Ask your partner questions. Use the verbs in Exercise 1. (» you like reading?) (Yes, 1 do. / 183 0K. / No, I dont 29 REISSUE ae 7 Stee wpe ze Pronunciation 1. Complete the chants with flying, tatking, or thinking. A B c Running, walking, Eating, drinking, Selling, buying, Listening, Sleeping, Sailing, 2 @ 1.53 Listen, check, and repeat. Grammar Pronouns 1. Complete the sentences with him, ler, it, or them. Subject Object 4) Idon’t like the Beatles. Do you like then? gene b) [don't like Justin Timberlake, Do you like _? pe | don tke Mariah Catey Do you ike? shar 4) I don't like Kanye West. Do you like tit ©) I don't like the Pussyeat Dolls. Do you like __? we us 4) I don't like rock music. Do you like __? they them 1 1.56 Listen, check, and repeat. 2. Write some sentences about people or things you don’t like. | don't like classical music. | don't like doing the dishes. Read your sentences and ask for your partner's opinion. ee) ime peer nS Reading & Writing 1 Read and complete the message with an object pronoun from the box. == ak on Py Vg Contact Cathy Add to friends Send message Forward to friend Cathy About (1) me My name's Cathy, and that’s (2) __ in the picture. Ym 21, Tm a Scorpio, and Tm single. work fora big company. It’s a good job, but 1 dant tike (3) 1 prefer being outside Thave one brother. Hes 23. I love (4) __, but were very different. He has a girlfriend, She's beautiful, but my parents don't tke (5) We tive at home with our parents. We have a sister, but she doesnt live with (6) ___. She's married and she has two children. We see (7) ___ on weekends. Tisten to all kinds of music, but my favorite fs Jazz T play the saxophone, but I don't play (8) very well Yim not very sporty but I like dancing. Ihave a lot oF ‘good friends, and I go out with (8) every weekend What about (10) __? © 1.55 Listen and check. 2. Write a similar message about you. About me My name's Analisa. That's me in the picture. In Useful phrases 1 @ 1.56 Read and listen to the conversations. Underline the adjectives you hear. Boh a) Ann: What do you think of Beyoncé? ) Bob: I think she's areat / OK / terrible. What about you? ‘Ann: T agree. I really like her. ) Cathys What do you think of Jude La? | Debra: I think he's grea / OK / tebe, What about you? Cathy: think e's great / OK / tere, but {prefer Leonardo biCapro ©) Fran: What do you think of the Rolking Stones? Greg: I think theyre great / OK / terrible, What about you? Fran; I don't agree, I think they're great / 0K / terrible, What do you think of David Beckham? Who? David Beckham. He's a soccer player. T don't know. What do you think of him? Harry: 1 think he's great / OK / terrible. 2 Complete the table withthe useful phrases from the conversations. Whetdeyorthini-ob Beran? Ithink he’s great. Think le’s OK. Iprefer Leonardo DiCaprio. [think they're tebe | What about you? Ilon't know. | Giving an opinion Asking for an opi What do vou tink of Beyoncé? (© 1.57 Listen, check, and repeat the useful phrases 3. Circle the adjectives that are true for you in Exercise 1. Practice the conversations with a partner 4 Wiite alist of your favorite actors, singers, bands, and writers. [Ask your partner's opinion about the people on your list. Vocabulary Extra Common verbs 11 Match the pictures with the verbs ‘Then complete the verb phrases. 5) buy a pair of shoes drink drive eat play smoke speak __ spend __ think watch work 2° Work with a partner. Cover the words and look at the pictures. Ask and answer questions. What fs umber 12) Se Py (seek spenish =e Focus on instructions (2) ‘Complete the instructions with the verbs in the box. Cheek Circle Complete Cross out Match Underline 1. Check the correct sentence. 2 __ the object pronouns. 3 ___ the subject pronouns. 4 ___ the subject and object pronouns. 5 ___ thelist. the incorrect sentence, Spanish a cigarette a pair of shoes a ina big city $50 4) He love we. b> He loves me. H o We love them and they love us. me you hina her it ms theme Different about chocolate a C tty Uy t sa for a big company fries Pout ad ae loves Que. hin her you 4) | love her. bY Heweshe. | Review A | Grammar 4 Underline the correct answer. > b) My father’s / fathers’ name is Ron. 1 Complete the table. ©) Her son’s / sons’ wife is Chinese. d) My cousin's / cousins’ names are Jo and Sara. ©) Their parent's / parents’ names are Sam and Di, f) My brother's / brothers’ girlfriend is a doctor. Subject | Verb be Question 1 am itm Am1...? 5 Write questions. Contraction You a) you / work Do you work? He/She/It b) Your mother / like shopping. We | ©) Youand yous family / eat together every day | You @) You / havea Japanese car They ©) your father / speak a nother language f) you and your friends / go out every nigh: 2 Complete the conversation with this or these. Answer the questions. a) Yes, Ido. ‘Compare your answers with a partner. 6 Complete the sentences with him, her them, or it a) Halle Bery is Officer: Open your bag, please, sir. aie Treally Man: Yes, sure. me is ee acters ja san HPS payer. Ge Office: And what ae (2) 2 Seibel ‘Man: They're tickets. like. Officer: Tides? And whats (3) &) The RedHot Chit Man: — It’s a cell phone. Peppers are great, Officer: Ah, yes. What's (4)__? Tove __ res Ae re | ©) ojo singer tt Ton he Dee a ete: 9 My thers ko my end ove sng ne ete a Check (V) the sentences that are true for you. Officer: What are (6)__? Compare your answers with a partner. an” thee ts Tae wk Ofce: Fi Thank yo, sk 77 Find the isake Cad cat tesco eeegeten ‘1.58 Listen and check. cues 1 a) leshettalan? 3° Complete the table. 1b) She-is-Htatian? 2 a) What's this? Subject pronoun: Possessive determiner b) What's these? _ Beles ponmun _| Fomeieecees 3. 3) te yon'e family fom Mexico? iS | ae 2) Isyour family from Merico? oa lo 42) They ites japanese food @. her 'b). They like Japanese food. it 6). 5 a) He work ina store. : — our ‘b) He works ina store, they <= 6 a) Doyou lives in Miami? b) Da you live in Miami? : Vocabulary 1 Write the language of each country. a) fmm Russia Russian ») KER Brasil ©) EE Spain @) MI Germany ©) MM Chine 6 EE tay 8) @] Japan h) BS the usa Write the telephone numbers as you say them. a) 01779 4962 533 oh one seven seven nine, {four obt six two, five three three b) 540-294-0056 ©) 020 1663 4156 d) 410-239-8108 ‘Complete the questions with the words in the box. | eetor drink movie food singer sport a) Who's your favorite actor? Tom Cruise 'b) What's your faverite__? The Matrix ©). Who's your favorite? Madonna €) What's your favorite? Milk ©) What's your favorite? Pizza. {) Who's your favorite ? Dan Brown. 2) What's your favorite? Tennis Answer the questions with your own favorites. ‘Take turns asking and answering the questions with a partner. Write the answers in full. a) 9x5=fortyfive ©) 25+24425= by) 4+ 210-2: 9 18-3= g) 11 x6= 4) 100 Write vowels (a, ei, 0, ») to complete the names of jobs. a). doctor b) h__rdr_ss_r 6 Complete the sentences with the words in the box. don't like don‘tmind hate tke love | really like | 7 © © ® @ Or love hate a) 1 like pasta b) 1©___Johnny Depp. 9 160. steak. 4) 1@___ swimming. ©) 1%@___ basketball. ) 18% cats Check (¥) the sentences that are true for you. ‘Compare your answers with a partner. 7 Look at the family tree and complete the sentences with the words in the box. aunt cousin husband nephew niece sisterinJaw uncle Paula hit ‘Adam James Tom a) Timi Paulas husband. b) Adam is Laura’s ©). Tony is James's d) Tom is Phil's __ ©) Emily s Paula's ) Kayis Phils. ) Paula is Laura’s Pronunciation 1. Look at some words from Units 1-4. Say the words and add them to the table. assistant Brasit Chinese computer cousin granddaughter heitdresser dentist husband Japan Portugal umbrella [eon Bra a:Oo p: Ooo | assistant hairdresser | 2 Underline the stressed syllable in each word. © 1.59 Listen, check, and repeat. EL ~ Reading & Listening 1 1.60 Read the text and answer the questions. a) Whois the profile of? b) Whois the writer of the profi ©) What does Shelby like? d) What doesn’t Shelby like? Profile of ... Shelby Cameron Sender: Kate Comeron This is Shelby. She's my best fiend, and she's also imy sister! She's fantastic, and she's single. OK, what ‘an [tell you about Shelby? Well, she's thirty-one years old and she lives in Atlanta, Georgia. She's a nurse, and she works at night, so she doesnt have lot of time to meet new people. She likes going ‘ut to e3: (her favorite food is Chinese), cooking reading, Ustening to jazz, and traveling. She speaks French, Spanish, and English. She loves basketball ~ its her favorite sport. She watches basketball every weekend, She doesnt tke shopping or loud music. She doesn't smoke I Shelby works hard but she also likes relaxing. She's a 0d friend and a great sister. a) Kate is Shelby’s cousin. False b)_ Shelby isn’t married, ©) Shelby is a waitress ) Shelby meets a lot of new people. ©) Shelby speaks three languages. £)Shelby’s sister doesn’t think Shelby works hard. a © 1.61 Listen to a conversation between Shelby and Kate. Which man does Shelby call? Listen again and complete the information about the three men. spanese | Profile | Name: Ben Adams Age: 34 | City: Nashville ob: doctor | Likes: reading, unning, swimming Doesn't like: | Telephone: 615-059-3125 Profile Name: James Greene ‘Age: 35 cit Jot Likes Doesn't like: boring people, loud music Telephone: __ a > Writing & Speaking 1 Match the punctuation features (a-e) with their names in the box. ‘an apostrophe a capital letter a comma aiperiod a question mark a). b, 9? & oA Complete the sentences with the names in Exercise 1 a) You usea question mark at the end of a question. b) You use at the end of a sentence. ©) You use to start a sentence and when you write names, d) You use to separate items in a list fe) You use for contractions or for possession Write questions with the question words in the box. Remember to start your questions with a capital letter and to use a question mark at the end of your questions. what what's where who's a) your / name? What's your name? b) you / live 9) your / job )_ languages / speak e) things / you / like 1) your / favorite singer 8) your / favorite food 4 Ask your partner the questions in Exercise 3. Complete the form with your partner’s information. Where do you tive?) {tn Buenos Airs. ) 5. Write about your partner, using the information in their profile in Exercise 4. ‘Then exchange texts with your partner. Check your partner’s punctuation, This is my friend, Marco Lupiano. He lives in Buenos Aires She's Got You Days Grammar Simple present: daily routine. Telling the time Vocabulary Days of the week. Verb phrases: have and go Useful phrases Ordering and paying Reading 1. @ 1.63 Listen and repeat the times. Then answer the questions. 6.00pm. 6:30am, 745am, 11:00 pm. 120 pm. a) Which times are before noon? b) Which times are after noon? 2 Read and complete the article with the times in Exercise 1. perfect ny OTL According to ? m Vodplck pens, Get UP at toms breakfast Do exercise « these ae the Ren i, foe reas. 1s of BA5 Am. Ys have a6 | prec tear A oN ntti routine activities. c ‘meal. - mae | Aes Have dinner at Go to bed st Work from so am, Have tuncat (TMs 6) ear boy {o monte your bala (@)—— Dor YOU HB weak of eer eh in the morning. After eat a big lunch, A ns pes body OUT OF see, so. | noon i ets red. tarvch i erect. = dot wath Vt needs time to digest before you go to bed, midnight! eo @ 1.64 Listen and check. 3. Check (V) if you agree with the times and explanations in the article, Put a cioss (X) if you don’t agree. Compare with a partner. 32 on Days Grammar The time 1 Match the times below with the times in the article on page 32. What time 2 a) nine o'clock in the morning 9:00am, six thirty inthe morning = b)_ six o'dockin the evening 6) a quarter to eight in the morning ® 6) eleven o'lock at night, 1) a quarter after eight inthe moming Tespree aco © 1.65 Listen, check, and repeat. © esa quarter after twelve, 2 What time is if? Write two ways of telling the time. @Q IW two thirty-five. / I's toentyfive to thre. es twelve thirty Irs / It’s a quarter after seven. Its a quarter to one. / Ws a quarter to four am, = midnight It’s four fifty-five. / 3:00 p.m. = noon Ws nine forty. / @ 1.66 Listen, check, and repeat, > Ramo 4 Ask your partner about what time they do routine activities. Use the verb phrases in the article on page 32. (nat time do you get up?) (# a quarter to sven, if and do the exercises. Pronunciation 1 @ 1.67 Listen and repeat the long vowel sounds and examples. three evening, 2 1.68 Listen and practice the sentences. a) Don't eat three meals in the evening, b)_ Stop work early: it’s your birthday and you're thirty! ©) Don't call before four in the morning, Vocabulary 1. Complete the days of the week with the shortened forms in the box. Fri Mon Sat Sun Thu Tue Wed (1)___day 2) Monday (3)__sday _(4)__nesday (@__tsday (6) __day 7) _urday 2 @ 1.69 Listen, check, and repeat. What day is it today? Listening | 1 In your opinion, when do Tanya, Pete, and Mary do each of the activities below? a). Waite Sat if you think it’s on Saturday night | b) Write Sun if you think i’s on Sunday morning. 3 Fr cots cee Pete go to work listen to the radio ‘90 home have breakfast go to bed stay in have dinner watch TV go on the internet go shopping Mary @ 1.70 Listen and check your ideas. 2 Check (V) the activities that you do on weeken« Compare with a partner. Which day do you do them? Vocabulary & Speaking 1 Complete the verb phrases with have or go. | = } on the internet 2 good time a) out b) breakfast shopping dinner to bed luneh to work © 1.71 Listen, check, and repeat. 2 How is your weekend ro} 1 different from your weekday routine? Write notes. On weekends (Sat-Sun) On weekdays (Mon-Fri? I got up late. 1 get up early Tread the newspaper. | don't read the newspaper. | have lunch at home. | have lunch at work. ‘Tell your partner about your weekend and weekday routines. 1. Look at Ms, Dynamite’s perfect weekend. Complete the text with the correct information. Ms. Dynamite’s perfect weekend Peete and Caer Cee ec Pa (On Saturday night, she watches a (1) OVO or ges out with her friends. She goes to her favorite (2)__, the Blue Elephant, and has Thai food. She goes dancing at a (3) ___ named Attica. She drinks (4) __ and she wears Armani or Dolce & Gabbana, (On Sunday morning, she has eggs for (5) __. She reads the newspaper or a (6) __. Later, she watches soap operas ‘on (7) ___ or listens to CDs. On Sunday, she wears (@) © 1.72 Listen and check. 2 Change the information in Exercise 1 to make it a perfect weekend for you. Saturday night Sunday morning DVD: A movie with George Clooney _—-—Breakfast: Black coffee Restaurant: La Luna Caprese 1. Write a paragraph about your perfect weekend. Use the information from Exercise 2 above. On Saturday night, | watch a DVD or | go ont with .. 2. Read about your partner's perfect weekend. Are you the same or different? Days 35 _ eet Useful phrases 1 @ 1.73 Read and listen to the conversations (a-d) and match them with the pictures (1-4), How much to the airport? b) How much is a bottle of $40. ‘champagne? $402! ... $20. D: $150, mafam, Ok, 0K ~ $30. Can I get two beets, please? OK. Can T have a receipt, please? | ©) E Could I have two tickets, please? 4) G: Could 1 get the check, please? F: How old are you, sir? sv Becuse me! ... Could T get E21 the check, please... THE CHECK! F: Could 1 see your 10? He The check, sit? E Sure G_ Yes, thank you. 2 Complete the useful phrases from the conversations in Exercise 1. a) How much to the airport? b) a receipt, please? ! ° a bottle of champagne? 4) __two beers, please? ©) __two tickets, please? ) the check, please? 1.74 Listen, check, and repeat. 3° Work with a partner. Write a short conversation for each of these situations. a) You want to order a bottle of wine b) You want to buy three tickets to an R-rated movie. ©) You want to take a taxi to the train station Practice the conversations. Vocabulary Extra Daily routine 1. Match the pictures with the verb phrases, 10) exercise finish work getup go home 0 on the internet 0 shopping go tobed 0 to work have breakfast have dinner have lunch [listen to music [read the newspaper (5) wake up 2 Check (V) the things in Exercise 1 that you do. Add three more things that you do in your daily routine, 3 When do you do these things? Morning After wake up Evening Night Focus on have 1 Complete the table with the phrases in the box. havea BMW have dessert Some uses of have Examples a) fave = eat or drink bb) ave = do an activity ©) have havea party (4) own oF possess d) expressions with have | have a nice day 2. Write your own example sentences for each use of have. hevedinner havea game of tennis, have adrink havea sandwich (1) have dinner (2) have three children have a Rolex watch havea small house (5) o. havea good time _ have lunch a5 Grammar Simple present with adverbs of frequency. Prepositions of time Vocabulary Verb phrases: make and do. Ordinal numbers. Months. Dates Useful phrases Asking about opening and closing times, Reading 1. Look at the pictures and read the sentences. Guess which person the sentences describe. Underline He for Asashoryu or She for Jodie Kidd a) He/ She lives in the countryside. b) He/She doesn’t have breakfast. ©) He/She listens to reggae in the morning. a) He/She drinks a lot of water ¢) He/She trains for two hours every moming. f) He/She has meat, fish, and vegetables for lunch. 3) He / She does the housework at three o'clock in the afternoon, h) He/She drives a Maserati. i) He/She loves roast dinners and chocolate. © 1.75 Read the article. Check your answers about Jodie Kidd and Asashoryu. LITTLE and | LARGE Jodie Kidd is a famous intemational model and a Maserati racing driver, She doesn't lke cities, She lives in the countryside with her horses, dogs, cats, and chickens. She hardly ever goes to the gym, but she really likes sports, especially polo and gotf. She alse goes horseback riding every day. She doesn't smoke and she doesnt usually drink alcohol. But she loves roast dinners and chocolate. She often visits her parents in their home in Barbados. Asashoryu weighs 140 kilograms and is a grand champion of sumo westling. He lives at the Takasago “stable” in Tokyo with thirty other wrestlers. “I always wake up before 7:00 a.m., make my bed, and listen to reggae. 1 never have breskfact. I train for two hours. Then T take a shower, After training, 1 always drink a lot of water. For lunch I have meat, fish, and vegetables. In the aftemoon T sometimes take a nap or sometimes go for a walk. At three o'clock in the afternoon we do the housework. In the evening I usually go out for Chinese for sushi. I'm always home at 12:30 pam.” 2 Work with a partner. Make questions from the sentences in Exercise 1. Ciele, do you tive inthe countryside?) (__ No, dont Write about your partner's answers. Cibele doesn't live in the countryside. Adverbs of frequency Adverbs go before main vers. She hardly ever goes out He doesa’t usualy drink Do you ever walk to work? Adverbs go after be. {Tm always at home. He's never late. Ordinal numbers 1 w first 28 a second 3 third 4 = fourth 5 fifth 6° = sith 7% w seventh 8% = eighth 9 = ninth 10% = tenth Vocabulary 1 Complete the verb phrases with make or do. (ay) homeware a lot of noise the housework dinner = 2) the shopping +) ang telephone cats the laundry the beds, the dishes the decsions ® 1.76 Listen, check, and repeat. 2 Athome, who does or makes the things in Exercise 1? Make sentences and compare with your partner. My sister does her homework. My brother makes alot of noise Grammar 1. Complete the chart withthe adverbs of frequency highlighted in the article on page 38 a) %)___edafien 4)___—_e)hardly ever |f)___ 100% 0% 2. Add an adverb of frequency to make the sentences true for you. a) wake up before 7:00 a.m. I hanly ever awake up before 7:00 dam b) take a nap in the afternoon. ©). [visit my relatives on weekends. d)_ mat home in the evening, ©) drink alcohol when T go out. 1) Tmlate for work. 3 Find out your partner's answers. Ask questions with Do you ever ..? or Are you ever w.? Do you ever wake up before 7:00 am? ‘ ammar Extra 6 Pronunciation 1 @ 1.77 Listen and repeat the ordinal words. 2 @ 1.78 Check (V) the group of ordinal numbers you hear. axe OD mme OD by 284 6h 78 menos yaane” Ol) saaae Do 4) 108 128208 [] 10% 208 126 [] Vocabulary 1 Complete the months with a CAPITAL letter. ‘Summer Fall Winter March une eptember _ecomber _pril uly —stober —anuary —y _ugust _ovember i i © 1.79 Listen, check, and repeat, Underline the stressed syllables. ‘Are the seasons the same months in your country? 2 Complete the table. How to say dates vi January 1 (1) feruary frst ana February 14 @ s/f @ May first 10/31 October 31 a 12/25 ye December twenty-fifth © 1.20 Listen, check, and repeat. 3. Work with a partner. Discuss the questions. a) Which dates in the table are important in your country? b) What other dates are important in your country? ©) What happens on these dates? Grammar Prepositions of time 1 Complete the phrases with in, om, or at. in 8) Something you never do om Sundays. the moring/attenoon/ b) Something you always do the mornings. evening ©) Something you usually do___ 800 a.m. ‘the spring/summer/ something 7 ay fallAveter 4) Something you always do December 3. | January/February, ete. ©) Something you sometimes do Saturday nights. | = 1). Something you usuily do____ the summer | Sunday/Monday, ee. © 1.81 Listen, check, and repeat. Friday night / Sunde nmin ee 2 Write true sentences about the ideas in Exercise 1. May 1 / June 22, ete. I never get up before 10:00 a.m. on Sundays. z | always drink coffee in the mornings. gt / fe aelock 7 | usually have breakfast at 8:00 an. 2:5 pam, ete. ‘Compare your sentences with a partner. Reading & Listening 1 @ 1.82 Read and match the festival information (a-c) with the pictures (1-3). The top three world festivals a) The Oktoberfest takes piace in Munich, Germany. It starts (on the third Saturday in September and runs for two weeks. There are parades and people wear traditional clothes. Seven milion visitors drink nine million liters of beer! b) San Fermin takes place in Pamplona, Spain. it starts at noon on July 6 and runs for one week. There's a bull-run every morning and parties al night. There are fireworks in the park and dancing in the streets. People k sangria and have a great time, Q (Al takes place in February or March in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. It starts on a Saturday and ends on “Tuesday (Mardi Gras). It goes on for four days. There's loud ‘music, drumming, and dancing. People wear colorful costumes ‘and 70,000 people watch parades in the Sambadrome. 2 Which festival do these sentences describe? a). People wear colorful costumes. Rio Carnival ). People drink sangria ©) There are fireworks in the park 4) Ittakes place in February or March, €) People wear traditional clothes. 8) Itruns for two weeks. 3. @ 1.83 Listen to a man and a woman talking about one of the festivals in Exercise 1 and answer the questions 1). Which festival is it? 'b) Does the woman like it? Why? / Why not? ©) Does the man like it? Why? / Why not? Which festival would you like to go to? Tell your partner. Speaking: anecdote 1 @ 1.84 Listen to Conor talking about his favorite festival. Underline the correct formation. Whats the name of your favorite When is it? In March / In July ¢) How long does it run? For a week / For four days d) What happens atthe festival? A parade and dancing / People give presents, ©) What do people wear? Green clothes / Colorful costumes. £) What do you drink? Wine / Beer. 8) What kind of music do you listen to? Traditional / Samba. val? Saint Patrick’s Day / Halloween. 2 You're going to tell your partner about your favorite festival or party + Ask yourself the questions in Exercise 1 + Think about zat to say and how to say it. * Tell your partner about your favorite festival or party at (_ ty favorite festvatis.. a D4 Useful phrases 1 @ 1.85 Read and listen tothe conversations (a-e) and mateh them with pictures (1-3). a) Customers Hellot Clerk: Sorry, we're closed, Customer: What time do you open? Clerk: We open at mine o'clock. Customer: Oh, Bob, we don't have any milk, and the grocery store is closed. The 7-11 is open Oh, what time does it open? Seven o'clock, ‘And what time does it close? Eleven oflock. ‘Ah yes, Seven-eleven! ©) Clerk: Good morning. Bling Jewelry. Customer: Oh, hello. What time do you close? Clerk: We close at $:30, ma'am. | Customers And what about on Sunday? Clerk: Tm sorry, we're closed on Sunday. Customer: Oh, no ~ I work until six every day except Sunday. 2 Write the useful phrases correctly with the words (in parentheses), a) What time you open? (do) What time do you open? b). We open nine o'clock. (at) ©). What time it open? (does) d) What time it close? (does) ©) What time you close? (do) 1) We close 5:30. (at) 8g) We're closed Sunday. (on) 1 1.86 Listen, check, and repeat the useful phrase 3. Work with a partner. Practice the conversations in Exercise 1. 4 Work with a partner. Ask about opening and closing times in your city. Use the ideas in the box. [ te aroery store the post office theschool your bank your favorite bar What time does the school (ieee ae) Wine o'clock, (Enis saat) wat time does it close? Living Vocabulary Extra a Times of the year and dates 1. Match the pictures with eae (3) fan “ Cee summer eee a 2 Write the words or numbers. ne = 2 = twenty-second Te oe a gases 3. Complete the months of ___ = sixteenth = the yee | sevententy | A= eee eo |e... os har elias = 198 pik ay Apr Oca a0" = __ = twentieth thistith May Nov___ ss June Dec 4 Complete the days of the week. Sundry M__ Ta__ W___ T__ F___ Sa__ Focus on go 1. Complete the table with the phrases in the box. goforawalk gohorseback riding go onthe internet go shopping getebed go to work Some uses of go Examples a) goto +aplace {g0toSpain gotoschool gotothe gym (1) goto bed @) 8) go+ ing = do an activity goswimming go dancing (3)___ @) 6) g0-+forasnoun=doan activity | gofora drink go fordinner gofora drive (6) 4) verb phrases with go go out every Saturday night goon vacation (6) 2 Write your own example sentences for each use of go. | Ocean Grammar Simple past: reqular and irregular affirmative forms Vocabulary Water sports. Time expressions. ago. Time linkers Useful phrases Talking about the weather Vocabulary & Listening 1 @ 2.01 Listen and repeat the names of the different water sports. a) windsurfing b)_ scuba diving ©) Kitesurfing d) fishing e) surfing 1) sailing 8) swimming 2 @ 202 Listen to two interviews about water sports. Circle the time expressions you hear in each interview. =z sei : 4 Pam < ! merece = ey aaa | ° went windsurfing b) last week / last summer , Eeeesiet ae eee 1 3 Complete the table to show two ways of saying the same thing. on, in, and last ago 1a) last week a week ago b) onSaturday = days ago ©) last August = ____monthis) ago d) in2002, = _ years ago 2 in ten years ago ) on__ three days ago 4 Which water sports do you like? Ask your partner. Grammar Simple past 1. Rewrite two questions from the interview on page 44. be 2) ever / you / go / Do / swimming ? Tas went 3) the last ie/ was / When / went / you / swimming ? ae a a 6 2.03 Listen, check, and repeat Spe mas werk 2 Ask your partner mote questions about past activities, Use words and phrases inthe = = box or your own ideas They Fe ——— dancing shopping skiing to the beach to the theater windsurfing Do ( Wher the last ti you ever go was the last time ts windsurfing? NL you went windsurfing? ceemene SG Z Reading 1. @ 2.06 Read the article. What does the title mean (a or 6)? a). Jack O'Neill always stays inside. b) You are always warm in a wetsuit. onvent_ It’s always warm on the inside ‘Asa young man, Jack ONeill worked fora big company, but he always went to the beach in his fre time. He loved surfing, but the California ocean was cold. Jack wanted to find a way to stay warm in the water, and he started to make protective clothing for cold water, or "wetsuits In 192, he stopped working for the company and opened the first Surf Shop. He sold surfboards and wetsuits. Jack demonstrated his wetsuits at boat exhibitions. He took his three young children with him, They wore wetsuits and sat in a bath of ice. When people asked, "What's a wetsuit?” Jack pointed to his children. (O'Neill s a family-run company, There are seven children, and they all work for the company. Jack lost his eye in a surfing accident, but he still surfs today. 2 Complete the sentences about the article. a) Jack O'Neil always went to the beach it his fie b) He surfed _. (Where?) ©) He started to make wetsuits (Why?) 4) He opened his first Surf Shop _. (When?) ©) Attboat exhibitions, his children wore wetsuits and sat 1) Helosthis eye __. (How?) 1. (When?) (Where?) Simple past Regular (work) 1 worked You worked He worked She worked worked We worked They worked Iregular oo) had tad nad tad vad vad vad There fs a lst of iregular verbs on page 143. Grammar 1. Label boxes A and B Regular verbs or Irregular verbs. A B call-called like ~ liked can=could drive- drove play played — stop - stopped | fall fell make ~made study studied watch watched. put- put sit-sat 2. Match the phrases to make rules about forming regular past forms. 1). Most regular verbs (wate) — add d (liked) )_ Verbs ending in (like) add a consonant + ed (stopped) 6) Verbs ending in consonant + y (study) add ed (watched) 4) Verbs ending in vowel + consonant (stop) _ delete y and add ie (studied) Write the past forms for these regular verbs: ask, chat, finish, smile, start, try. 3. Complete the verbs with the irregular past forms in the box. broke came caught did gave heard held read said sent sold spoke thought told took tore went wore a) go-went do-did send —sent b) hold-___sell-___tell-__ ©) think-____catch-___hear~_ ) take~___break~____speak~__ ©) tear come ‘wear—___ ) read-___ say-____give~ ® 2.05 Listen, check, and repeat. 4. Pactce saying the past forms of the verbs in Exercise 3. Circle the past form wiih the different sound in each group. «went did set © 2.06 Listen, check, and repeat. + [LISTE cee pees + EERE oe, Pronunciation 1. Say the present and past forms of the verbs in the box. Which verbs have an extra syllable in the past form? Complete the table. | use—used want-wanted work - worked A: No extra syllables Extra syllable o70 O 700 ask asked point — pointed 2 © 207 Listen, check, and repeat. Reading & Vocabulary 1 @ 2.08 Read the story about Hollywood actor Richard E, Grant. Are the following sentences true or false? a) Gront lived in Mozambique. False '). Grant went fishing with his family 6). There wasa dolphin near the boat 4) Grant ell in the water 6) Grant's father became a hero. 4) Grant enjoyed the film Jars. Shark attack! When he was eight, Hollywood actor Richard E. Grant went on vacation to Mozambique with his parents and his younger —9y brother. (Of@ay. they went fishing in a small motor boat on an enormous lagoon called San Martina [After a |hOUF, the motor stopped, and they couldn't start it again. They shouted, but no one heard them. Siiddéhily) something moved in the water near the boat. [At frst, they thought it was a dolphin. But then they realized it was a big, gray shark. It started 10 knocking the boat. The boat rocked from side to side, and they nearly fell into the water. They were terrified. Grant's father tried to push the shark away, and his ‘mother held him and his brother. They thought they were going to die. 1 [Evenfdall) people in a fishing boat heard them and ‘00k them home. Everyone in the town heard about their story and talked about it. Grant's father became a local hero. Two GF Une WEBKS|LatBf; a local fisherman caught the shark and put it in the main square. Everyone came to 2 see the monster, and took pictures of it. Many years later, when Grant saw the film Jaws, he relived the terrible experience. 2 Use the ‘highlighted’ time linkers from the story about Richard E. Grant to complete another story below. ‘A man and woman went on vacation to the Indian Ocean. (1) One day, they went on a boat with twenty other people and went scuba diving. The boat stopped in the middle of the ocean, and everyone went diving, (2), everyone returned to the boat, and the boat went back to the port But the man and woman didn't return to the boat. When they finished diving, there was no boat. (3) ‘they shouted, but no one heard them. They waited and waited for the boat to return, but (4) they realized they were alone. (5), something moved near them under the water. @). a fisherman found their camera. © 2,09 Listen and check. 3. In your opinion, what happened to the man and the woman? Useful phrases 1 @ 2.10 Read and listen to the conversations (a-c). Match the conversations with ] ‘a sport in the box. | r fishing running sailing skiing swimming windsurfing Hello. Hi, how are you? Good. How's the weather? It’s sunny and very windy. Oh, that’s a shame. No it's great. I want to go windsurfing. Hows the weather at home? Its cloudy, it’s raining, and it’s cold. Oh, sory. Dad? Hi, honey. How are you doing? Not very good. Why? It’s sunny and warm. There isn’t any snow. Dad: An, Kelly: Hows the weather at home? Dad: I’ snowing kelly: Oh, no! Hello. Hello, Did you catch any fish? No, = Where are you? Tm not sure ... It's very foggy. Useful phrases How's the (1) roather? Its @__. I's @)__. Wes (4) _ Its 6) ___. Ws (6) ___. Ws __- © 2.11 Listen, check, and repeat. 3° Work with a partner. Practice the conversations in Exercise 1 Vocabulary Extra Sports 1 Match the pictures with the sports. cycling fishing horseback riding. kite surfing running scuba diving, surfing Sy Claws aap windsurfing. 2 Work with a partner. Cover the ‘words and look at the pictures. Ask and answer questions. Paces What sport is { number 1? | Zz rl = ‘y Focus on make and do 1 Complete the table with the words in the box. adecision anoise dinner exercise my homework the dishes make and do Examples a) make coffee amistake my bed a telephone call (1) diner (2)___ b) do the shopping the housework the laundry (4) 2 Write six of your own example sentences for these expressions with make and do. @ 6 Alone Simple past: affirmative, negative, and question forms Feelings. Adjectives Complaints and suggestions 1 @ 2,22 Listen and repeat the adjectives in the box. Check (7) the words you know. angry bored embarrassed excited scared happy nervous sad worried 2 Work with a partner. Look at the pictures (a-f). Find one or more adjectives in the box in Exercise 1 to describe the person's feelings in each picture. Use your di if necessary. 1 How do you feel in the different situati 1s described in the box? ina fast car ina nightclub ina plane now when you see a baby when you see a spider when you sing karaoke _ when you speak English when you take an exam | 2 Ask your partner. How do you feel when you take an exam?) {Really nervous.) (Me, too. ) SS —. ssa Alone

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