Lesson Plan Fluid Mechanics

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School of Engineering and Management

Bengaluru, www.kssem.edu.in
Lesson Plan for the Subject Automobile Engineering
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Programme: BE in Mechanical Engineering
Date of Approval:
Attribute Course
Course: Fluid Mechanics teaching Aid/ Course Code: 15ME655 Type: Sem: 4
resource Core
Sl. No.of Scheduled Delivered Blooms
No. Contents Hours
on on
1 Black board and Cm, Kn,
Introduction, Properties of fluids-mass
chalk, An,
density, weight density, specific volume, Animations, PPT 1 1 22.1.18
specific gravity, viscosity, surface tension,
capillarity, vapour pressure,
2 Black board and Ap
Numerical Problems. 1 1 25.1.18
3 Kn, Cm
Compressibility and bulk modulus. Concept
of continuum, types of fluids etc, pressure at 1 1 25.1.18

MODULE a point in the static mass of fluid

4 Black board and Cm
Numerical Problems. 1 1 27.1.18
5 Ap
Variation of pressure, Pascal’s law,
Absolute, gauge, atmospheric and vacuum
pressures pressure measurement by simple, 1 1 29.1.18
differential manometers and mechanical

6 Black board and Ap

Numerical Problems 1 1 1.2.18
7 Total pressure and center of pressure for Kn, Cm
horizontal plane, vertical plane surface and
1 1 1.2.18
inclined plane surface submerged in static
8 Black board and Kn, Cm

Fluid Statics
Numerical Problems 1 1 2.2.18
9 Buoyancy, center of buoyancy, meta center Kn,
and meta centric height its application in 1 1 5.2.18
shipping, stability of floating bodies.
9 Black board and Kn,
Numerical Problems 1 1 8.2.18
10 Black board and Kn, Cm
Numerical Problems 1 1 8.2.18
11 Cm
Types of Flow-steady, unsteady, uniform,
non-uniform, laminar, turbulent, one, two
1 1 9.2.18
and three dimensional, compressible,
incompressible, rotational, irrotational
12 Stream lines, path lines, streak lines, velocity Cm
Fluid Kinematics

components, convective and local acceleration, 1 2 12.2.18

velocity potential
13 MODULE Black board and Cm
2 Numerical Problems 1 2 15.2.18
14 Stream function, continuity equation in
Kn, Cm
Cartesian co-ordinates. Rotation, vorticity and 1 2 15.2.18

15 Laplace equation in velocity potential and

Poisson equation in stream function, flow net,

16 Black board and

Numerical Problems 17.2.18
17 Momentum equation, Impacts of jets- force Kn, Cm,
1 2 19.2.18 Ap
on fixed and moving vanes, flat and curved.
18 Black board and Cm, Ap
Numerical Problems 1 2 22.2.18
19 Euler’s equation, Integration of Euler’s An,

Fluid Dynamics
1 2 22.2.18
equation to obtain Bernoulli’s equation,
20 Bernoulli’s theorem, Application of Kn,Cm
Bernoulli’s theorem such as venture meter,
1 2 23.2.18
orifice meter, rectangular and triangular
notch, pitot tube, orifices etc., related
21 Black board and
Numerical Problems 1.3.18
22 Black board and
Numerical Problems 1.3.18
23 Reynolds Number, Entrance flow and Cm
Developed flow, Navier Stokes Equation
1 3 2.3.18
Laminar and turbulent flow

(no derivation), Laminar flow between

parallel plates, Poiseuille equation
24 Velocity profile, Couette flow, Fully Cm
developed laminar flow in circular pipes, 1 3 3.3.18
Hagen - Poiseuille equation
25 Black board and Cm
3 Numerical Problems 1 3 5.3.18
26 Black board and Ap
Numerical Problems 1 3 8.3.18
27 Black board and
Numerical Problems 8.3.18
28 Loss of Pressure Head due to Fluid Friction, Kn, Cm

pipe flow

1 4 9.3.18

tion in

Darcy Weisbach formula,

29 Major and minor losses in pipes, Commercial Cm
1 4 12.3.18
pipe, Colebrook equation, Moody equation/
diagram Pipes in series, parallel, equivalent
30 Black board and
Numerical Problems 15.3.18
31 Simple pipe design problems 1 4 15.3.18 Cm

32 Black board and

Numerical Problems
33 Development of boundary layer, Prandtl’s Kn, Cm

Flow over
boundary layer equations, Blasius solution,
1 5 16.3.18
laminar layer over a flat plate, boundary
layer separation and its control.
34 Types of drag, Co-efficient of drag and lift, Kn, Cm
Basic concept of Lift

streamline body and bluff body, flow around

1 5 19.3.18
circular bodies and air foils, Lift and drag on
and Drag

air foil,
35 Black board and Kn
MODULE Numerical Problems 1 5 22.3.18
36 Black board and Kn, Cm
Numerical Problems 1 5 22.3.18
37 Need for dimensional analysis, Dimensions Kn, Cm
Dimensional analysis

and units, Dimensional Homogeneity and 1 5 23.3.18

dimensionless ratios,
38 methods of dimensional analysis, 1 5 24.3.18 Cm
39 Black board and Cm
Numerical Problems 1 5 23.2.18
40 Black board and Cm, Ap,
Numerical Problems 1 5 23.2.18
chalk, An
41 Introduction, thermodynamic relations of Cm,

1 6 2.4.18
perfect gases, internal energy and enthalpy

42 MODULE Speed of sound, pressure field due to a Cm.

5 1 6 5.4.18
moving source
43 Kn, Cm,
Basic Equations for one dimensional flow, 1 6 5.4.18
44 Stagnation and sonic Properties, normal and
1 6 6.4.18
oblique shocks.
45 Black board and
Numerical Problems 9.4.18

Necessity, limitations, philosophy behind
1 6 12.4.18

to CFD
CFD, applications

Applications of CFD 1 6 12.4.18

Course Learning Outcomes:

Bloom’s Taxonomy
After completing the course, the students will be able to,
Kn: Knowledge
1. Define and explain the properties of fluid. Cm: Comprehension
2. Determine the variation of pressure of fluid at rest Ap: Application
3. Explain and apply the concepts and equations of fluid kinematics and dynamics for fluid flow problems An: Analysis
4. Explain the concept of boundary layer and calculate the drag force for flow over common geometries Sy: Synthesis
5. Apply dimensional analysis for fluid flow problems Ev: Evaluation
6. Explain the concept of compressible flow and define static and stagnation properties

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