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Guide To Pet Allergies

Table of Contents
Who we are 1
Contact Us 1
Introducing Allergy 4
Allergies in Dogs and Cats 4
Causes of Allergies 6
Common Allergy Symptoms in 6
Types of Allergies 7
Food 7
Contact Allergies 7
Airborne Allergies 7
Other Animals 8
People 8
Insects 9
General Symptoms of Allergies 10
Allergy Symptoms in Pets 11
Substances that Can Be Allergen to 11
Diagnosis and Treatment of Food Allergies 13
Who should be allergy tested 13
Easy Allergy Solution 14
Same Treatment; Same Allergies 14
Blood Tests 14
Intradermal Testing 15
Saliva Testing 16
Natural Cures for Pet’s Allergies 19
Acidophilus 19
Evening Primrose Oil 21
Coconut oil 22
Omega-3 Fats 23
Nettles 24
Licorice Root 25
Summary 26

Who we are
Bosco Knows is committed to providing our customers and their pets with the highest quality pet treats and
supplies. Our pets are family and we believe they deserve the same care and concern we would show for any
other family members.

The foods and treats we feed our pets and the products they come into contact with all have an impact on
our pets health and well being so our goal is to make sure pets are getting healthy foods and treats and safe
pet products by:

• Providing educational resources that help pet owners care for their pets and make decisions about pet
health and wellness
• Providing safe and healthy pet supplies including treats, foods, toys and many other products.

Contact Us Email:


Introducing Allergies
The term allergy refers to the overreaction of the immune system to a substance it deems harmful to your
body. These substances or allergens can be dust, mites, pollens, foods and many other substances. Your pets
immune system may either react severely as in suffocation and wheezing, or it could respond with puffy eyes
and sneezing or other reactions, etc. These types of sensitivities are commonly caused by different kinds of
chemicals that we ingest, inhale or touch. Allergies can be periodic and get worse during some specific
seasons, like pollen allergies in Spring, or they can be longer lasting in some cases. Allergies that are common
may include mold, dust or having foods such as chicken, beef, soy, wheat etc. If your pet is allergic to some-
thing and comes into contact with it, the immune system of their body will produce a chemical called
histamine to act against it. The problem of allergies appears to be spreading widely and is negatively impact-
ing the lives of both humans and animals.

Allergies in Dogs and Cats

As in humans, allergies are also found in dogs and cats, when their immune system reacts to some type of
allergen. The substance that brings on allergies is called an ‘antigen'. The word antigen is rarely used as
compared to the term ‘allergen.' Both terms are a little bit different.
Allergies are categorized into three specific groups that will help you to find the particular substance that your
dog and cat are allergic to.

Dietary Allergies (Grains, wheat, flavors, chemicals to preserve food, mites)

Respiratory (colognes, small particles in the rugs, smoke)

Skin related (detergents, fleas, dust mites, or fabric)

Facts about Dog and Cat Allergies
• Fleas are the most common cause of allergies in cats and dogs.
• 66 out of 100 dogs experience allergies caused by dairy, wheat, and beef.
• 50% of dogs who are suffering from allergies have an ear infection, which could be considered with the
sympoms of allergies.
• 90% of food allergies in cats are due to fish, beef, and dairy.
• The most common and general cause of skin disease in cats and dogs are allergies.

Dogs Who Are Most at Risk

According to various research and studies done on dogs, Terriers, Setters and Retrievers are the breeds who
are most predisposed to develop allergies. According to a recent study of 30,000 dogs, the following are
amongst the most likely to develop allergies: Golden Retrievers, Labrador Retrievers, English Setters, Boston
Terriers, Irish Setters, Cairn Terriers, Sealyham Terriers, Fox Terriers, Scottish Terriers, Wheaton Terriers and
West Highland White Terriers. Adding to this, Boxers, Bulldogs, Cocker Spaniels, Dalmatians, Dachshunds,
Miniature Schnauzers, Lhasa Apso, and Pugs are predisposed to allergies.

Cats Who Are Most At Risk

Cats that are younger in age seem to be more likely to suffer from allergies, whereas older cats are less likely.
The reason behind this could be that the white blood cells in senior cats are less efficient at releasing and
storing histamine, so the allergic reactions start declining as cats get older. Despite this, cats are likely to have
allergies, but there is no study or research which shows a particular breed of cats that is more predisposed to

Causes of Allergies
If a cat or dog suffers from allergies, its immune
system becomes extremely sensitive to every day
substances and starts to identify them as harmful.
Though these allergens or substances are commonly
present in the atmosphere and are not harmful to most,
some cats and dogs can react to the hypersensitivity.
They can show different symptoms because their
bodies are trying to get rid of the substance.
The primary cause of allergy symptoms is when the
white blood cell body detects allergens and the
immune system releases histamine. The capillaries
become wider because of the histamine which causes
leakage of fluid from the blood vessels, and the part of
the body affected becomes puffy, swollen, itchy or hot.
To stop the allergic symptoms, we use antihistamines
which will block histamine or white blood cells.

Common Allergy Symptoms in Pets

The most common allergy among pets is flea bites. They can result in hot spots, loss of hair, itchy skin or
irritation on the skin which is mostly caused by flea saliva. To keep your pet safe from hot spots and skin
allergies, you have to protect it from fleas. Other common allergies seen in pets include wheat, dairy, yeast,
pork, chicken, rice, corn, and soybeans which are classified as food allergies

Types of Allergies
First, it’s important to determine the cause of your pet’s allergies so you can take action to get them some
relief. Following are types of allergies which may help you to find what is causing your dogs or cats symptoms.

Food If your pet starts to show symptoms of allergies, the first cause that comes to your mind will be food,
but this is the least likely of all. True food allergies are seldom found in dogs and cats, only around 15% of pets
are affected by this type of allergy.
Foods that contain protein are usually the problem for dogs and cats. Soy, wheat or corns are excellent sourc-
es of protein but can also cause allergies. Scratching and itching problems are also caused by feeding wheat
gluten in some cases. If your pet is itching, try to eliminate soy at a minimum.
Try to switch foods with alternative grain content or some different kinds of protein sources. To evaluate the
changes, you need to test the pet food at least 4 to 6 weeks. If food seems to be problematic, change it slowly
over time.

Contact Allergies Contact allergies are a type of allergy that is caused by a substance that comes
into contact with your pets skin, such as detergent or chemicals, etc.The main cause of contact allergies can
be a flea collar, which leads to your pet scratching and rubbing all the time near the area of contact. Once you
determine the cause of contact allegies, it’s just a matter of keeping your pet away from the allergen.

Airborne Allergies: Airborne allergies are caused by environmental factors that are inhaled by
your pet. Examples would be seasonal allergies to whatever is presently blooming: flower, plants, trees, etc.
Other commons causes can be dust, pollen, mold spores, smoke and many others.

Other Animals Yes, cats and dogs may also be allergic to each other. Long haired and male cats are
more likely to have allergies than shorthaired and female cats. Protein is found in the cats saliva so when cats
lick themselves, the saliva gets dry and peels off from the hair, then spreads around.

Just like cats, dogs can be an allergen to cats. Dogs can be the source of pollen if they spend more time
outside the home, the pollen will stick to their hair. When the dog shakes its body, it quickly gets spread
all over the house, which can be a problem for other pets.

People Sadly, your pet may even be allergic to you or a member of your family. Humans produce allergens
just like cats and dogs. Our skin has allergens which peel off during the day and night such as dandruff. A
person who works in an allergy testing lab demonstrated that 40% of dog and cat allergy cases show that they
have an allergy to a human.

Dogs and cats with a human allergy cannot be quickly diagnosed, and it is horrible for a pet owner to find that
he is the reason for his pets allergies. Dogs and cats with an allergy to humans are likely to scratch their skin
all the time. In addition, the dog or cat can exhibit increasing skin issues.

Insects In summers, as the temperature rises to 80 degrees F; more and more bugs can be found in the
environment. When the level of humidity reaches 80%, fleas and other insects begin to pop up. If they bite, their
saliva is injected into the skin which can cause of itching and irritation.
If you detect insect bites on the belly of your pet, it may have been bitten by ants or stung by wasps. Pain and
inflammation can be seeen in pets due to bites and stings. When you touch the site of a sting by a honey bee
the area will be hot, and redness can also be seen in that area.

General Symptoms of Allergies
The signs of allergies in humans are often related to the respiratory system, but the symptoms of allergies in
cats and dogs can be different, as they often appear in the shape of skin issues such as inflammation or skin
irritation. Although respiratory signs of allergies in dogs and cats are not as common, they do happen.

Cats and dogs also show other symptoms of allergies. The symptoms that top the list could be scratching,
itching, skin infection, ear infections, surface bumps, etc. Areas that are most affected by the itching are feet,
space in between the toes, eyes, ears, armpits, and surroundings of the anus.

These irritations can cause dogs and cats to shake their heads, rub their face, scratch their bellies and chew
at their feet. Because of food allergies, many cats and dogs scratch and pull their hair out of the skin in
response to itching. Pets can hurt themselves by scratching; it helps the rapid growth of yeast on the dam-
aged part of the skin, which causes injury and more itching.

Cats and dog who are suffering from allergies may also have complications with their ears but it is more
frequently found in dogs. The ear canals become inflamed and itchy because of bacteria and yeast. Signs of
ear related problems include scratching near the ears, hair loss close to ears and head shaking. The pet
shakes its head due to the infection and irritation caused by the allergies or possibly an infection. The pet may
also not allow his owner to touch the affected area. This is often accompanied by a foul odor from the ears.

Given the fact that symptoms and

signs of allergies in cats and dogs
can vary depending on the type of
allergy, it’s important to carefully
examine your pet. The graphic below
can help you try to determine what
types of allergies your pet may be
dealing with.

Allergy Symptoms in Pets
Symptoms of allergies in cats and dogs can be mild to severe; it depends on the type of allergen and
your pets particular reaction to it.

08 sneezing, and
Inflamed throat Scratching and
causing snoring itchy skin.

Runny and
07 Paws swelling/
chewing paws Itchy eyes. 03

Itchy tail or back

(usually be seen
in flea allergen).

06 Vomiting 04


Substances that Can Be Allergens to Pets
Environment and climate play a key role for your pets if they are suffering from seasonal allergies, for instance,
in Los Angeles, the weather usually remains hot year round and can be more problematicl for your
dog. On the other hand, in New Jersey, allergies become severe in spring and can end in the winter
In addition to location based allergens, there are also things which can be the reason for year-round allergies
in pets. Older dogs and cats can be more affected by the allergens below.

Grass, tree
House dust
and weed Mold particles

Smoke Rubber Plastic

Diagnosis and Treatment of Food Allergies
There are many labs which can be helpful in diagnosing allergies. Some common tests to diagnose the
problems include what’s called a Serum IgE which can detect elevated levels of IgE antibodies that occur
when your pet comes into contact with allergens.

It’s important to note that dogs and cats are more likely to react to stings and bites and this needs
to be looked at immediately. If an insect bites the face of pet, it may cause swelling and can cause
difficulty in breathing and vision. If your pet seems to have a breathing problem, bring him to the
vet immediately.

Mosquito bites can also be problematic in pets because they cause the same itching and irritation that
humans experience. Pets can scratch at these areas and end up with an infection. It’s also important to
note that mosquitos carry Heartworm, West Nile Virus, Eastern Equine Encephalitis and Systemic Lupus
If you own a pet, it’s best to eliminate sources of standing water around your property such as bird baths,
seepage from septic tanks etc.

Who should be allergy tested Allergy testing can be done for all pets who are suffering
from allergies more than three to four months out of the year, or show no response to the remedies or tradition-
al treatments that you are doing at home. Because of the costs and time needed for doing a skin test, most of
the allergy cases are treated with the blend of antihistamines and fatty acids. Unfortunately, many more cats
and dogs are struggling with allergies that haven’t been properly diagnosed.

A veterinarian can take numerous steps to combat severe allergy problems. Some vets are hesitant to
recommend allergy testing because of the cost and time involved but there are many ways to determine the
source of your pets allergies which we will discuss below.

Easy Allergy Solution
A practical and easy way to combat allergies in dogs and cats is avoidance, which will help you the most. If
your dog or cat has a dust allergy and cannot breathe clearly, you should try to vacuum the pet’s bed
instantly and then wash and dry for better results. If the pet is allergic to pollen, you can try keeping
windows closed, and the other thing which will be helpful for pets is to keep them away from fresh flowers.
Allergies can also be reduced by more frequent bathing for cats and dogs; it will aid you in removing aller-
gens from the coat and skin of the pet, although it might not be the most enjoyable experience as yourdog
or cat may not like baths.

Same Treatment; Same Allergies

In most cases the method of diagnosing and treating allergies is similar. The veterinarian will first usually
look for the most common allergy culprits. If the allergy in your pet gets started in spring, it is likely to be
happening due to seasonal factors or fleas. If the apparent treatment does not successfully alleviate symp-
toms, then a vet can take skin tests to further investigate. You have to keep in mind that, before going to a
drug store to buy Claritin or Benadryl, you must CHECK WITH YOUR VET. Cats and dogs can take antihista-
mines just like humans, but the dosage may vary. The dosage for kittens and puppies will also vary.

Blood Tests Radioallergosorbent test (RAST) and Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) are
the most common blood tests for testing allergies. This type of blood test determines the type of allergy
present in cats and dogs such as trees, flea saliva, grasses, dogs, cats, molds, human and vice versa. To
help patients, formulations of desensitization shots are also made.
Most practitioners believe the ELISA test is more accurate but both are known to produce false positives
which mean they could tell you your pet has an allergy to something it really doesn’t.
In addition, these tests will take one to two weeks which is quite a long time if your pet is suffering.

Intradermal Testing
the gold standard test for allergies is intradermal testing of the skin. After your pet is given a mild sedative,
a particular area of the body is shaved down to the skin. This area is usually under the armpit. Afterward, a
series of small injections are made into the skin. Positive reactions to the various injections can be seen
quite quickly and any allergies will be noted for treatment.

Once it has been determined what is causing your pets allergies; a vaccine can be developed to address
your pets specific allergies.

Although blood tests for diagnosing allergies are available, due to lower accuracy rates, they are not as
highly recommended as intradermal testing. Intradermal testing can indicate the exact nature of allergies
in cats and dogs and provide a faster path to resolving the issues.

This procedure could be as short as 30 minutes or as long as 2 hours, it depends on how much time your
pet takes to sedate. Results will not be accurate if the dog or cat is frightened or excited so the sedation is
an important part of the process. Testing should be done in a peaceful environment. Food consumption
must be stopped 8-12 hours prior to sedation because some pets can become nauseated by the sedative.

Saliva Testing
A newer method for hypersensitivity to food is saliva testing. The Nutriscan test is a patented process that
tests for the 24 most commonly ingested foods by dogs and cats and provides specific results related to
your pet’s food sensitivities.
The only laboratory which provides this saliva testing service is in California by Dr. Jean Dodds who is a
world renowned veterinarian and the one who developed this testing process.

Nutriscan testing can be done at home using a saliva collection kit that will be sent to you. Once the
kit is shipped back it will typically take 2-3 weeks to get results. Some pet insurance companies cover
diagnostic tests like Nutriscan, so check with your insurer if interested in this type of testing.

Over 17,000 canines and 750 cats have been tested using Nutriscan as of the spring of 2017. Nutriscan
reports that two double-blind clinical trials have been conducted in the USA and Europe, and the results
validated the Nutriscan test and affirmed its clinical utility.

All Natural Pet Treats
One of the biggest joys of having a pet is giving them
treats. Whether treats are given during training, or you
just like indulging your pets, it’s a big part of your pet’s
life. Sadly, many pet treats are produced with junk that
can lead to diabetes, obesity and other health prob-
lems for your loving pets. Bosco Knows is all about
keeping your pets healthy and happy so we decided to
find a way to sell treats that pets love but that also help
keep them healthy. Many of our treats are Wheat, Soy
and Corn free so we reduce the risk of your pet experi-
encing any symptoms due to these common allergens.
Our treats also contain real fruit and vegetables. Pets
simply love them!
Our high-quality pet treats are all natural and delicious.
Our treats are 100% USA made so you can feel confi-
dent about what you are feeding to your pets. We use
all natural ingredients and absolutely no artificial
preservatives. With Bosco Knows, you can count on
healthy, tasty treats in flavors your pets will just love.
The consistency and variety of BOSCO KNOWS will
satisfy pets of all personalities, types and sizes. Our
brand will be a source of fun and memorable time with
your amazing pets. If you would like to buy our all natu-
ral treats for your pets , it’s as easy as clicking on and placing an order. Your pets
will thank you!
Check out our other high quality pet supplies as well!

• Cheddar Cheese and Bacon Chewies

• Peanut Butter and Blueberry Bones
• Chicken and Sweet Potato with Glucosamine
• Oatmeal, Cinnamon and Honey Chewies
• Peanut Butter and Carob Chip Chewies
• Pumpkin Chewies
• Cheese and Bacon with Quinoa
• Pumpkin and Ginger with Probiotics
• Crunchy Salmon with Coconut Oil and Parsley Cat Treats
• Peanut Butter Chewie Bones
• Pet Remedy Natural De-Stress and Calming Plug-in Diffuser: an exclusive remedy for your pets with all herbal essentials
in it. It helps to reduce anxiety and stress on your pet and will undoubtedly provide great help in calming your pet.

Essential Oils Pet Diffuser: try the incredible benefits of a blend of essential oils for your pets. It’s a kind of
aromatherapy which will help to harmonize and balance both physical and emotional body of animals.

Pet Angel Pet De-Tangling Brush: The kind and gentle way to leave your pets coat tangle-free and shiny. Ideal
for use while bathing or washing or at any time you want to pamper your pet. The specially developed antibac-
terial additives make this brush ultra-hygienic.

Bark Control Training Collar for Small & Medium Dogs: it is an amazing device which aids you to train your
loving pet using vibration and sounds technology speedily. Our product promises to train your pet in a safe
humble manner through a vibration and beeping sound series.

BowWow Snickerdoodle Treats (8 0z)-Paws Barkery: freshly baked and tasty Snickerdoodles are specially
made for your dogs so that they can enjoy the taste and aroma of freshly baked cookies. These cookies are
prepared with wholesome essential ingredients without adding any artificial flavors or preservatives. It is soy
and corn free, a little amount of honey is used as a source of natural preservative.

Pet Remedy Natural De-Stressing and Calming Spray: is the only natural solution to stress & anxiety in all
household pets. Pet Remedy starts working almost immediately and lasts longer than other calming products.

Natural Cures for Pet’s Allergies
If you Google pet allergies, around 20 million results
will appear because pet allergies are increasing day by
day. It can very complicated and frustrating to resolve
your pets allergy. You spend more and more time to
diagnose the primary cause of the allergy and work
hard with your pets veterinarian. Allergies may appear
in the form of itchy ears, feet, skin or problems in
digestive system such as diarrhea, etc., while there are
any number of medicines available to treat allergy
symptoms, it is worth taking a look at the natural cures
or treatments that bring your pet relief. In this book, we
will discuss how you can use the things present in your
kitchen to help your dog and cats allergies.

The first step to fighting allergies is to notice your dog

and cat with an allergic response. In most of the cases
of allergies, symptoms appear before it grows to a
systematic reaction; it allows the pet owner an oppor-
tunity to provide immediate treatment at home. In the
case of seasonal allergies, you can try to use home
remedies rather than using medicines or visiting the
vet. There are many natural ways by which your pet
may get some relief. Before making any changes, try to
discuss these remedies with your vet.

Acidophilus is a kind of bacteria which is

proven to be helpful for balancing the immune system
of the pets body, you can easily find acidophilus in food
form. Acidophilus is generally known as probiotics
which keeps the digestion process active and healthy.

To produce some vitamins and digest food, the digestive system produces useful bacteria, so it is vital to keep
on eating foods which produce good bacteria and maintain a healthy balance in the gut. Just like a human,
usage of antibiotics or changes in the diet can upset the stomach balance of your pet, causing diarrhea and
excess gas. Use of acidophilus can help your dog or cats immune system return to a balanced state. It may be
best to use this if your dog is going through a food allergy or has tried some new brand of food which may not
suit it. You must search for those probiotics which are especially made for dogs and cats.

Live yogurt (plain with no added sugar or sweeteners) is enriched with probiotic bacteria. However, pets should not be
given other dairy products except live yogurt which is actually beneficial for dogs and cats. Yogurts with added sweeten-
ers and fruits should not be given to pets.

High doses of probiotic will be most useful, as they have to survive in an acidic stomach. According to
researchers, your pet has to take in millions of probiotic bacteria.

Another benefit of Acidophilus is that infections in the urinary area and yeast infections can easily be helped
by using it. It also reduces the problem of smelly stools and foul gas. Adding to this, bad breath caused by
intestinal problems can be significantly improved by the use of probiotics.

Evening Primrose Oil
Evening primrose oil is an anti-itch and anti-inflammatory product which contains an abundant amount of
omega-6 fatty acid; it is also called linoleic acid. Our pets bodies needs essential fatty acids to regulate and
control some activities such as heart function and utilization of insulin.

You can apply this oil to treat itchy and dry skin of your pet. To boost the immune system and reduce allergies,
you need to give this fatty oil to your pet by mouth.

Furthermore, dogs and cats that are suffering from aches due to inflammation and painful joints caused by
swelling are encouraged to use evening primrose oil which will reduce the pain and swelling. Fatty oil is also
productive and useful for atopy treatment; this is an allergy to inhaled molds and pollens. Dogs and cats that
are victimized by atopy will show symptoms like itchy ears ear, nose, legs, paws, face, etc. Evening primrose
oil would be useful for puppies and kittens with dull and dry hair coats, and dry peeling skin. Since cats do not
produce linoleic acid; it may be beneficial for them to combat skin and coat issues and complications. It can
be useful for balancing hormonal changes which cause allergy problems in pets’ bodies. Cold water fish oil
and Evening Primrose Oil make an amazing combination which is productive and useful for arthritis and atopy.

You can easily find Evening primrose oil in multiple of products for your best friend. You can find a wide range
of shampoos containing evening primrose oil for your pets at online stores or local pet stores.

Evening Primrose oil is enriched with gamma linolenic acid which is helpful for dogs and cats. Gamma linole-
nic acid is also refers to as GLA, which should be included to the diet of cats and dogs as their bodies do not
produce this on its own.

Coconut oil
Nowadays, coconut oil is tremendously popular.
Anyone can use it as a health supplement to moistur-
ize their skin. There are many more that use coconut oil
as a medicine because of its antifungal, antibacterial
and antiviral qualities. This oil contains fatty acids,
which are essential for your dogs and cats.

Coconut oil consists of MCFAs which help in balancing the thyroid, increase pet’s weight and help your dog and cat to
become active and energetic. According to the president of the “Coconut Research Centre,” coconut oil produces a high
level of vitality and energy, raises metabolism, and helps your dog and cat battle illness. Also, the oil lessens the allergic
reactions, recovers the balance of digestive system and improves pet’s coat and skin. Dr. Bruce Fife, Coconut Therapy for
Pets’ author, declares that use of coconut oil for cats and dogs is extremely secure and safe. Many types of research and
studies demonstrated that coconut oil could be fed to cats and dogs with no problems. Following are the most important
health benefits of coconut oil

It reduces doggy odor and helps keep your pets fur glossy and sleek.
It helps your pet reduce allergy symptoms and grow healthier skin.
Aids to reduce eczema, itchy skin, flea allergies, etc.
Aids with fungal and yeast infections, more specifically for parasitic fungus.
It helps in healing cuts and is used to cure hot spots, stings and bites, dry hair and skin.
Because of its antibacterial, anti-fungal and antiviral properties, it provides protection from disease and
infections, which is most beneficial for pets.
It balances and regulates insulin and will be helpful to control and prevent diabetes.
Develops regular thyroid function, helps in making your cats and dogs’ bone stronger.
Reduces redness and provide arthritis comfort. Assists with good brain and nervous system function and
protects from dementia, plus it improves and enhances oral health.

Caution: in spite of the usefulness of coconut oil, if your pet is suffering from health issues, you should take them to the vet
before including coconut oil in their diet.

Omega-3 Fats
The benefits of fish oil are known far and wide for cats and dogs. Fish oil improves overall health, painful joints,
coat, immune system and heart diseases.
Supplements of fish oil consist of dual essential fatty acids: DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) and EPH (eicos-
apentaenoic acid). Both are omega-3 fatty acids which your dog can produce in small quantity, whereas cats
have a limited capacity of producing omega-3. Fish such as sardines, salmon, mackerel, herring, black cod,
albacore tuna, and anchovies, produce these two fatty acids in rich amounts. Following are some of the most
important benefits of fish oil for cats and dogs.

EPA is an acid which works as an anti-inflammatory.

It will help your cats and dogs with any inflammation
such as kidney, heart, joints and skin, i.e., arthritis.
It assists in easing inflammation condition caused by
allergies; it decreases dandruff and itchy skin. It will
also be useful to reduce the occurrence of hot spots
on the body of your cat and dog.
Just like other health supplements, it helps to provide
a healthy and shiny coat, and decreases flaking.
DHA, the second fatty acid which is an excellent
source of omega-3 in fish oil, is extremely helpful for
the development of eyes and brains of kittens and
puppies. If omega-3 fatty acid is given to nursing and
pregnant pets, it can be greatly beneficial.
Some studies on cancer have shown that fish oil is
perfect for fighting against cancer diseases.
Although there are more studies needed on cancer,
many vets have started recommending it for pets with

Both DHA and EPA, are the most essential and vital elements of cell membranes in cats and dogs. These
particular omega-3 fatty acids work as indicators in cells to reduce the amount of inflammation. Minimizing
inflammation means less pain, swelling, and redness on the skin as well as joint pain.
Fish oil usually comes in liquid form or capsules for cats and dogs.

This herb is commonly known as countryside weed.
Nettle can be found in full range around the globe,
especially in South Africa, Europe, and Japan and as
far as the South American Andes Mountains. It is
easily recognizable and grows from June to Septem-
ber. The nettle plant is around 3 feet high.
Nettle is very nutritious; it has an extensive amount
of vitamins such as A, C, K, B complex, protein, as
well as minerals like phosphorus, calcium, magne-
sium, iron and potassium. It is an antibacterial,
antihistamine and astringent. As it is full of nutrients,
the tonic of this herb is outstanding for dogs and
cats. It gives nutrients to the entire body without
creating stress to the kidneys, digestive system, and
liver. Because of Nettles’ high iron properties, it is
beneficial for dogs and cats with anemia. It also
works as an energy booster for those dogs and cats
who are lethargic and weak due to constant fatigue.
This herb helps to balance the glands, liver, and
nervous system as well as nourish the body.

Dried herbs can safely be used to make a tonic which is

long lasting: just add the tonic to the pets’ food (½
tsp/lb.). Seasonal allergies can also be aided by this
natural herb as it is an antihistamine, which is very
much beneficial for dogs and cats. Nettles leaves’ daily
dosage can alleviate the symptoms of allergies in dogs
and cats.
Additionally, the leaves of nettles herb may also be
productive to use in a tea to be used as a coat and skin
rinse for cats and dogs. Skin allergies, eczema, and flea
bites can be reduced by the nourishing quality of this
herb. It can make the peeling skin of pets clear and
smooth, cleanse chronic skin diseases and stimulate
the blood.
Nettle herb can be used for environmental, seasonal,
and food allergies. If you use this natural herb, you
must keep in mind that this remedy will take time; at
least two to three months for long-lasting results. The
best way to use the nettle herb is in liquid form.
Caution: try to wear gloves while handling fresh leaves
of the herb as the leave can create a stinging sensation.

Licorice Root
Licorice Root has been used for years as a natural remedy for various physical problems. Because of its natu-
ral benefits, it is the safest herb for use with both dogs and cats. Licorice root is beneficial because of its
anti-microbial, anti-inflammatory and anti-arthritic properties.

Adding to this, as the root has extensive benefits; it can be helpful to dogs and cats in many ways. The pres-
ence of glycyrrhizin in the licorice herb enables it to work as a powerful anti-inflammatory
that helps to stimulate the adrenals. Use of licorice herb can help with Addison's
disease in dogs and cats. Licorice is an important herb that assists as a pain
reliever in many parts of the pets’ bodies.
The herb is useful if your cat and
dogs suffer from joint pain, arthri-
tis, skin prob- lems like atopic
dermatitis or eczema.
It is helpful in reduc- ing ulcers and
increasing cell growth which will help to
improve the digestive system. Lico-
rice herb is useful for dogs and cats to lessen
coughing and helps with stomach ulcers and alleviates discomfort caused by bron-
For many decades, this herb has been used to fight and prevent liver disease in dogs and cats. According to
many studies, licorice can help treat chronic hepatitis.
It also works as a liver detoxifier for liver disease treatments and boosts up the immune system of dogs and
cats. In most of the cases, the licorice herb is harmless and tasty for dogs and cats. It is a natural source by
which to combat inflammation in the body with no harm to the immune system. It is a great remedy to resolve
illness and disorders of the immune system. Though it is safe for dogs and cats, pets with a pre-existing
disease should first seek the opinion of a veterinarian before using this herb.

Licorice Root has been used for years as a natural remedy for various physical problems. Because of its natu-
ral benefits, it is the safest herb for use with both dogs and cats. Licorice root is beneficial because of its
anti-microbial, anti-inflammatory and anti-arthritic properties.

Adding to this, as the root has extensive benefits; it can be helpful to dogs and cats in many ways. The pres-
ence of glycyrrhizin in the licorice herb enables it to work as a powerful anti-inflammatory that helps to stimu-
late the adrenals. Use of licorice herb can help with Addison's disease in dogs and cats. Licorice is an import-
ant herb that assists as a pain reliever in many parts of the pets’ bodies. The herb is useful if your cat and dogs
suffer from joint pain, arthritis, skin problems like atopic dermatitis or eczema.
It is helpful in reducing ulcers and increasing cell growth which will help to improve the digestive system. Lico-
rice herb is useful for dogs and cats to lessen coughing and helps with stomach ulcers and alleviates discom-
fort caused by bronchitis.
For many decades, this herb has been used to fight and prevent liver disease in dogs and cats. According to
many studies, licorice can help treat chronic hepatitis.
It also works as a liver detoxifier for liver disease treatments and boosts up the immune system of dogs and
cats. In most of the cases, the licorice herb is harmless and tasty for dogs and cats. It is a natural source by
which to combat inflammation in the body with no harm to the immune system. It is a great remedy to resolve
illness and disorders of the immune system. Though it is safe for dogs and cats, pets with a pre-existing
disease should first seek the opinion of a veterinarian before using this herb.

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