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“A Study on Customer Preference and

Satisfaction towards Bajaj Bikes in jagan
Company Certificate

Student’s Declaration

I, Mr. xxxx, hereby declare that the report for entitled “A study on Customer preference
and Satisfaction towards Bajaj Bikes” is a result of my own work and my indebtedness
to other work publications, references, if any, have been duly acknowledged.

Place: xxxx

Date: _____________


In today’s intensely competitive environment, companies today are constantly looking for
ways to attract customers by having a better understanding of changing customer
preferences. So, I do this particular research to know about customer preference and
satisfaction towards Bajaj bikes in Vellore city those who use Bajaj bikes.
I have tried my level best to do the proper justification with my work in this project. I do
this research to know which is/are the influencing factors for purchasing Bajaj bikes.
The time period for conducting the report is starting from 8th January, 2018 to 18th
February, 2018. I have taken primary and secondary data whereas primary data
throughout questionnaire to study the report.
Executive Summary

I have selected topic for my project is “A study in Customer Preference and Satisfaction
towards Bajaj bikes”. I have completed my training at Jagan Motors, Vellore. In two-
wheeler automobile industry Hero MotoCorp have a highest market share. The global
two-wheeler manufacturing industry grew by 3.3% in 2017. India is the second largest
manufacturer and producer of two-wheelers in the world. Major players of two-wheeler
industry are Hero, Honda, Suzuki, Bajaj, TVS, Yamaha, and Royal Enfield etc.

The objective of my research is which is/are the most attractive attributes for purchasing
Bajaj bikes; and study the level of satisfaction the same. I have taken 100 samples for the
survey. Type of design is descriptive research design; data collection throughout
questionnaire; and sampling method for the study is a non-probability convenience

For the tools of data analysis I have used Microsoft Excel for prepare a frequency charts.

Majority of the customer prefer Bajaj bike on the basis of price, mileage, maintenance
cost, and engine capacity attributes. More than 50% of the respondents are satisfied with
the price and engine capacity. More no. of respondents has dissatisfied with the resale
value and after sales services of Bajaj. As per survey Hero is a 1st rank and Bajaj is a 3rd
rank. There is no association between customer income and mileage attribute of bike; and
customer occupation and brand image. There is association between customer age and
look & style of Bajaj bikes.

o Company’s Certificate
o Student’s’ Declaration
o Institute’s Certificate
o Preface
o Acknowledgement
o Executive Summary

SL. No. Particulars Page

1. Introduction
2. Industry Profile
a. Global
b. National
c. State
e. Current trends
f. Major Players
g. Major Offerings
3. Company Profile
a. Company Profile
b. Organogram
c. Divisions/ Departments
e. Market Position
4. Review of Literature
5. Research Methodology
a. Problem Statement
b. Research Objective
c. Research Design
i. Type of Design
ii. Types of Data
iii. Instruments for Data Collections
iv. Sample Population
v. Sample Area
vi. Sample Size
vii. Sampling Method
viii. Tools for Analysis
ix. Limitations of the Study
6. Data Analysis and Interpretation
7. Finding and Conclusion
a. Findings
b. Conclusion
8. Bibliography
9. Annexure
Table Page
SL. No. Particulars
No. No.

1 February sales and growth of two-wheeler 2.1

2 Age 6.1

3 Occupation 6.2

4 Education 6.3

5 Monthly income 6.4

6 Know about Bajaj bikes 6.5

7 Models of Bajaj 6.6

8 Most attractive attributes of Bajaj 6.7

9 Comparing between other bikes 6.8

10 Customer satisfaction towards price 6.9

11 Customer satisfaction towards mileage 6.10

12 Customer satisfaction towards look & style 6.11

13 Customer satisfaction towards pickup 6.12

14 Customer satisfaction towards engine capacity 6.13

15 Customer satisfaction towards colors 6.14

16 Customer satisfaction towards maintenance cost 6.15

17 Customer satisfaction towards brand image 6.16

18 Customer satisfaction towards resale value 6.17

19 Customer satisfaction towards comfortable ride 6.18

20 Customer satisfaction towards after sales services 6.19

21 Rank 6.20

22 Problem facing by user of Bajaj 6.21

23 Recommended Bajaj bikes to friends or others 6.22

Monthly income * Mileage Attribute Cross

24 6.23
Chi-Square Test between Mileage attribute and
25 6.24
Monthly income
Satisfaction towards Price * Monthly income Cross
26 6.25
Chi-Square Test between customer satisfaction
27 6.26
towards price and Monthly income
Satisfaction towards Comfortable ride * Occupation
28 6.27
Cross tabulation
Chi-Square between Satisfaction towards
29 6.28
Comfortable ride and Occupation
Satisfaction towards Look & style * Age(in Years)
30 6.29
Cross tabulation
Chi-Square between Satisfaction towards Look &
31 6.30
style and Age(in Years)
Satisfaction towards Brand image * Occupation
32 6.31
Cross tabulation
Chi-Square between Satisfaction towards Brand
33 6.32
image and Occupation
Education * Maintenance cost Attribute Cross
34 6.33
35 Chi-Square between Education and Maintenance 6.34

Figure Page
Sl. No. Particulars
No. No.

1 February Sales 2.1

2 Current trends 2.2

3 Segment wise two-wheeler Market share 2.3

4 Age 6.1

5 Occupation 6.2

6 Education 6.3

7 Monthly income 6.4

8 Know about Bajaj bikes 6.5

9 Model of Bajaj bikes 6.6

10 Most attractive attributes of Bajaj 6.7

11 Comparing between other bikes 6.8

12 Customer satisfaction towards price 6.9

13 Customer satisfaction towards mileage 6.10

14 Customer satisfaction towards look & style 6.11

15 Customer satisfaction towards pickup 6.12

16 Customer satisfaction towards engine capacity 6.13

17 Customer satisfaction towards colors 6.14

18 Customer satisfaction towards maintenance cost 6.15

19 Customer satisfaction towards brand image 6.16

20 Customer satisfaction towards resale value 6.17

21 Customer satisfaction towards comfortable ride 6.18

22 Customer satisfaction towards after sales services 6.19

23 Rank 6.20

24 Problem facing by user of Bajaj 6.21

25 Recommended Bajaj bikes to friends or others 6.22

Introduction of Customer Preference and Satisfaction

Who is Customer?

A customer (sometimes known as a client, buyer, or purchaser) is the recipient of a good,

service, product, or idea, obtained from a seller, vendor, or supplier for a monetary or
other consideration. Customers are generally categorized into two types:

 An intermediate customer or trade customer who is a dealer that purchases

goods for re-sale.
 An ultimate customer who does not in turn re-sell the things bought but either
passes them to the consumer or actually is the consumer.

A customer may or may not also be a consumer, but the two notions are distinct, even
though the terms are commonly confused. A customer purchases goods; a consumer uses
them. An ultimate customer may be a consumer as well, but just as equally may have
purchased items for someone else to consume. An intermediate consumer is not a
consumer at all.

What is Preference?

Preference refers to certain characteristics any consumer wants to have in a good or

service to make it preferable to him. This could be the level of happiness, degree of
satisfaction, utility from the product, etc…

Preferences are the main factors that influence consumer demand. Economists study
preferences to perceive the demand for each commodity and the future implications it
may cause.

What is Customer Preference?

Customer preference is used primarily to mean to select an option that has the greatest
anticipated value among a number of options by the consumer in order to satisfy his/her
needs or desires. Preferences indicate choices among neutral or more valued options
available. The preference of the consumer is the result of their behavior they show during
searching, purchasing and disposing the products.

Consumer preferences are defined as the subjective (individual) tastes, as measures by

utility, of various bundles of goods. They permit the consumer to rank these bundles of
goods according to the level of utility they give the consumer. Note that preferences are
independent of income and pieces. Ability to purchase goods does not determine a
consumer’s likes or dislikes. One can have a preference for Porsches over Fords but only
have the financial means to drive a Ford.

 Tailor marketing strategies to customer preferences

To make communications relevant, marketers need information about each customer's

preferences and interests. But where do you get this information? How do you coax
customers to give it to you? A well thought-out preference center can make all the
difference across all channels.

First, limit the information requested. Look at your overall marketing strategy and use
that as your guide to decide what data to request. Ask only for the information you need

and you will use to execute your communications strategy.

Don't collect all the information at once. Allow your customers to share only the data
they are comfortable sharing. As you build trust, they'll usually be willing to share more.

Finally, don't give up. Send periodic follow-ups to customers who haven't completed

their entire profile, and remind them of the advantages of doing so.

Once you have the data, make sure you use it. Customers like it when you talk about
what's important to them, so tailor your offers based on their information. It helps to ask
your customers the day of the week and time of day they prefer to receive your messages.

Gathering information through preference centers is the first step in building a

meaningful dialogue with your customers. By combining preference information with
data you already have, you can create campaigns that are so relevant that your customers
will consider your marketing communications a value-added, differentiating service.

What is satisfaction?

It is the customer’s perceived performance from a product in relation to the expectations.

Customer satisfaction, a business term, is a measure of how products and services

supplied by a company meet customer expectation. It is seen as a key performance
indicator within business and is part of the four perspectives of a Balanced Scorecard.

In a competitive marketplace where businesses compete for customers, customer

satisfaction is seen as a key differentiator and increasingly has become a key element of
business strategy.

The customer is satisfied if the performance matches the expectations; delighted if the
performance exceeds expectations. Marketing aims for total customer satisfaction by
matching product performance with expectations. Fulfillment of one’s wishes,
expectations, or needs, or the pleasure derived from this.

What is Customer Satisfaction?

Customer satisfaction measures how well the expectations of a customer concerning a

product or service provided by your company have been met.

Customer satisfaction is an abstract concept and involves such factors as the quality of
the product, the quality of the service provided, the atmosphere of the location where the
product or service is purchased, and the price of the product or service. Businesses often
use customer satisfaction surveys to gauge customer satisfaction. Typical areas addressed
in the surveys include:

 Quality of product
 Value of product relative to price-a function of quality and price.
 Time issues, such as product availability, availability of sales assistance, time
waiting at checkout, and delivery time.
 Atmosphere of store, such as cleanliness, and enjoyable shopping environment.
 Convenience, such as location, parking, hours of operation.

Every human being is a consumer of different produces. If there is no consumer, there is

no business. Therefore, consumer satisfaction is very important to every business person.
The consumer satisfaction after purchase depends on product performance in relation to
his/her expectations.

Consumer satisfaction or dissatisfaction is the feeling derived by the consumer when he

compares the product's actual performance with the performance that he expects out of it.
Consumers make their expectations from the service quality, service, delivery,
communications, past experiences and references. These all are to be judged correctly by
the management so that their perceptions match with consumer expectations. If any of
these factors are wrongly interpreted then the expected level of consumer satisfaction
cannot be reached.
A.Global level

The world’s largest market for two wheelers is china followed by India. These countries
are also hosts to world class plants along with the obviously powerful and influential
Japanese manufacturers and brand names such as Honda, Suzuki, and Yamaha and so on.
It is also seen that the advent of national brands like Bajaj and TVS, which are also likely
to go global, setting up marketing and manufacturing arrangements in the other populous
markets of Asia. The global market for two wheelers has shown tremendous growth over
the past decade.

The geographic spread of this growth has been very uneven. Asia has accounted for the
vast majority of growth. China and India alone account for over half the world’s two
wheeler sales. Other large markets in the region are Japan, Indonesia, Vietnam and
Taiwan. Latin America is another important region and sales there have more than
doubled over the past ten years especially in Brazil.

The major players in the world two-wheeler market could at one time be categorized
simply into two groups: the three global Japanese giants (Honda, Suzuki and Yamaha)
and other players are Hero, Bajaj, TVS, and Royal Enfield. However, as the industry
globalizes further, a further category is emerging, namely other Asian (mostly Indian and
Chinese player) and European players who are seeking to expand their own identities
The global two-wheeler manufacturing industry grew by 3.3% in 2017 to reach a value of
$61.5bn representing a compound annual growth rate of 5.8% for the period spanning
2012-2017.Europe and North America experienced an overall decline in industry value in
2017. The decline in North America was driven by the Mexican industry, which saw a
decline in production volume of over 20% in 2017.

Two-wheelers are one of the most affordable forms of motorized transport and, for most
of the world's population; they are the most common type of motor vehicle. About 200
million two-wheelers, including mopeds, motor scooters, motorized bicycles, and other
powered two and three-wheelers, are in use worldwide, or about 33 motorcycles per 1000
people. In comparison, there are around 590 million cars in the world, or about 91 per
1000 people. Most two-wheelers, 58%, are in the developing countries of Asian -
Southern and Eastern Asia, and the Asia Pacific countries, excluding Japan - while 33%
of cars, 195 million, are concentrated in the United States and Japan. There are
approximately 1.5 million active motorcyclists in the UK, representing around 3% of the
UK adult population. Around 3 million people hold a full two-wheeler licence.
Ownership rates indicate there are approximately 22 motorcycles per 1,000 people.

Total demand for two-wheeler in Europe during calendar year 2016 declined
approximately 10% from the previous year to approximately 779 thousand units. Weak
consumer sentiment due to growing economic instability adversely affected demand.
Total industry demand for two-wheelers in Japan in financial year 2017 was
approximately 440 thousand units, mostly unchanged from the previous financial year
2016. Although the number of licensed riders declined in line with the continued decline
in the population of young people in Japan, unit sales growth was driven by higher
demand for scooters and small motorcycles.

Total demand for two-wheelers in Asia during calendar year 2016 declined
approximately 3% from the previous year to approximately 41,500 thousand units.
Looking at market conditions by country, demand in India increased approximately 5%
from the previous year, to approximately 13,850 thousand units while demand in China
decreased approximately 10% from the previous year, to approximately 12,630 thousand

In Indonesia, saw demand decline approximately 12% from the previous year, to
approximately 7,060 thousand units and Vietnam saw demand decline approximately 7%
from the previous year, to approximately 3,100 thousand units. Demand in Thailand rose
approximately 8% from the previous year, to approximately 2,160 thousand units.
Harley-Davidson is the leader in the global two-wheeler industry, and saw two-wheeler
retail sales increase 20% in the first quarter of 2017 year-on-year, with US growth
reaching closer to 26%. The company is increasing its full-year shipment guidance,
expecting to ship between 245,000 to 250,000 two-wheelers in 2017 to dealers and
distributors throughout the world.

In two-wheeler industry Honda's consolidated unit sales of two-wheelers in financial year

2017 totalled 9,510 thousand units, an increase of 9.9% from the previous fiscal year,
mainly due to higher sales in India, Thailand and certain other countries, despite lower
sales in Brazil and Vietnam. Other important players currently operating in the global
two-wheeler market include BMW, Honda Motorcycle & Scooter India, Yamaha,
Triumph, Kawasaki, Bajaj Auto.
A.National level

India is a 4th largest economy in the world, 4th largest commercial vehicle market, India
emerged as Asia’s 4th largest exporter of automobiles, behind Japan, South Korea and
Thailand. India is the second largest manufacturer and producer of two-wheelers in the
world. It stands next only to Japan and China in terms of the number of two-wheelers
produced and domestic sales respectively. This distinction was achieved due to variety of
reasons like restrictive policy followed by the Government of India towards the passenger
car industry, rising demand for personal transport, inefficiency in the public
transportation system.

Indian two-wheeler industry has got spectacular growth in the last few years. Indian two-
wheeler industry had a small beginning in the early 50's. The Automobile Products of
India (API) started manufacturing scooters in the country. Bikes are a major segment of
Indian two wheeler industry, the other two being scooters and mopeds. Indian companies
are among the largest two-wheeler manufacturers in the world.

Indians prefer the two wheelers because of their small manageable size, low maintenance,
and pricing and easy loan repayments. Indian streets are full of people of all age groups
riding a two wheeler. The Indian two-wheeler industry made a small beginning in the
early 50s when Automobile Products of India (API) started manufacturing scooters in the
country. The two-wheeler industry in India has been in existence since 1955. It consists
of three segments viz., scooters, motorcycles, and mopeds. Until 1958, API and Enfield
were the sole producers. In 1948, Bajaj Auto began trading in imported Vespa scooters
and three-wheelers. In the initial stages, API dominated the scooter segment; Bajaj Auto
later overtook it. Although various government and private enterprises entered the fray
for scooters, the only new player that has lasted till today is LML. Under the regulated
regime, foreign companies were not allowed to operate in India.

Notwithstanding the strong revival witnessed early in FY17, volume growth in the Indian
two-wheeler industry has reported deceleration over the last few months dragged by
declining volumes of motorcycles segment. The growth story for the Indian automobile
industry in 2017 rode on the two-wheeler segment and not on passenger cars or
commercial vehicles, as high interest rates and a stuttering manufacturing industry kept a
check on demand.

The two-wheeler segment is the only one that has clocked positive growth at 12.9 percent
YoY (year-on-year) to reach sales of nearly 13.5 million units by October. This can be
attributed to the low cost of two wheelers in India.

ICRA said that various structural positives associated with the domestic two wheeler
industry include favorable demographic profile; moderate two wheeler penetration levels
(in relation to several other emerging markets), under developed public transport system,
growing urbanization, strong replacement demand and moderate share of financed
purchases remain intact.

ICRA said the motorcycle volumes faltered after a positive first half of 2016-17 and
OEMs lined up new models to woo customers. Accounting for over 65 per cent of two-
wheeler industry volumes, performance of motorcycles has a significant bearing on the
overall volumes of the industry.

Consequently, with sluggish volumes in the segment, the overall industry volume growth
was also dragged down during the last four months despite continued strong performance
of scooters. Though the segment grew by 11.6 percent year over year (YoY) during H1
FY15, growth faltered during FY18 with motorcycle volumes posting a decline of 5.4
percent YoY and 6 per cent YoY in January 2018. Although fuel prices have started
coming down significantly, the enquiry levels at showrooms have come down and
conversions are not taking place at all. The sales of diesel vehicles are also tapering off
because of the narrowing price gap vis-a-vis petrol. Two-wheeler sector grew 12.9

The demand environment for the two wheeler industry remained subdued in the current
fiscal. CARE Research believes tough economic scenario owing to high inflation,
depleting growth in all economic activities, coupled with challenges like firm interest
rates and spiraling fuel prices have moderated the growth in near term. Income levels in
urban areas have been affected by the slowdown in the industrial activities, while rural
income is impacted due to below normal monsoons in most regions that have
significantly affected agriculture output. CARE Research observed in spite of some sort
of momentary spurt owing to festive demand during third quarter of FY17, the two
wheeler sales growth remained around 4 per cent during the April-February period of

Table 2.1

 February Sales and Growth of two wheelers

Two wheelers Feb’15 Feb’14 Value %Growth

Bajaj Auto 216,077 273,323 -57,246 -20.94%

Hero MotoCorp 484,769 504,181 -19,412 -3.85%

HMSI 361,493 328,468 33,025 10.05%

TVS Motors co 164,508 147,580 16,928 11.47%

Royal Enfield 29,491 19,840 9,651 48.64%

Suzuki Motorcycle India 30,467 27,007 3,460 12.81%

Mahindra Two wheelers 8,289 17,848 -9,559 -53.56%

Fig. 2.1

India’s largest motorcycle manufacturer, Hero MotoCorp has communicated that its
monthly sales for February 2017 stands at 484,769 units as against 504,181 units sold in
February 2017. The company has registered a fall of 3.85 percent for this month.

February 2017 marked the highest domestic market share of 29 percent for Honda
Motorcycle & Scooter India (HMSI). The company sold a total of 361,493 units during
the month, marking a growth of 10.05 percent. HMSI’s February 2014 sales stood at
328,468 units.

A continued dip in the motorcycle sales saw Pune-based Bajaj Auto sell 216,077 units
(including exports) during February 2017. The company, which marked a decline in its
monthly motorcycle sales of 20.94 percent, had sold 273,323 units in February 14.
State level

In Gujarat state, sales of two-wheeler between April and September went down by 15%
to 3.40 lakh units from 4 lakh units in the same period of the previous year 2011-12. In
2012–13, sales of two-wheelers were down, Since September 2012, the sales gradually
started coming down and hence de-growth in 2012–13 was marginal. While in 2013 –14,
sales of two-wheeler were increased. In the previous year, Gujarat used to buy around
65000 to 70000 two-wheelers every month. Now, the averaged has come down around
50000 to 55000 units per month. There are multiple factors that have brought down sales
of two-wheelers in the Gujarat state. Bajaj Automobiles has sold around 11000 bikes per
month between April and September in 2014. Compared to the previous year 2013, the
figures are down from over 13000 units per month.

At present, automobile industry is selling bikes and scooters within the segment of 75cc
to over 500cc of the total sales; over 60% falls in the segment of 100cc to 125cc.This
segment provides good mileage and falls in the value segment. Now a day the interest
rates for buying two-wheelers have increased which is affecting one’s plan of buying a
bike on loan. There are many customers who already own a bike but want to buy a new
bike by selling the existing one. Those customers have put their plans on hold. They are
not getting good resale value and getting finance for the new bike has become expensive.

Bajaj auto has witness’s good responses from rural markets of Gujarat. In Gujarat state
2014, total sales, about 45% of two-wheelers were sold on finance.
d. PESTEL Analysis
1. Political factor
Political factors are the level to what the government interferers in the economy.
Specifically, political factors area such as tax liabilities, labour law, environmental law,
trade restrictions, tariffs, and political stability. Political factors include goods and
services which the government wants to provide or be provided government plays an
important role in the economy as well as in taxes to be charged to the company. These
factors are also play an important role in the employment law, competition regulations as
the company cannot make specific prices as they have to follow the competition
regulations. In the next few years, China is saying that they are going to be investing
billions of dollars I to hybrid technology. Bajaj is a two-wheeler automobile company
who is well known for sport bikes.

Traditionally, Government of India has considered the automobile industry as a luxury

segment. But realizing the growing importance of two-wheelers with the increasing
necessity of personal transportation for the middle class in eighties, priority was given to
the sector by favorable foreign policy. This brought about technology revolution to the
two-wheelers as Japanese majors entered in technical and financial participation with
Indian majors. Government of India has a moderate intervention in the operations of two-
wheeler industry. Excise duty structure, emission control, safety of rider, etc. are all
policy decisions.

2. Economic factor

Economic factors are those which are influenced by economic growth, interest rate,
exchange rate and inflation rate.
Abundant and low cost labour coupled with local availability of raw material like steel,
aluminium, and natural rubber has placed India amongst the low cost producing centers
of two-wheelers. Consequently, CARE research anticipants’ buoyant growth in two-
wheelers exports as well, abundance of labour and raw material gives India an upper
hand in the export. Since many auto finance company laid easy instalment rules with less
interest rate it makes more segment people to go for it.

3. Social factor

Social aspects of two-wheelers industry are popularity, subculture, and safety.

Lifestyle and preferences of people that impact their choice of types of two-wheeler bike.
In numerous cultures, motorcycles are the primary means of motorized transport. India is
the second largest motorcycle markets in the world next to china. Socially many
motorcycle organization raise money for charities through organized ride and events.
Many people ride motorcycles for various reasons, those reasons are increasingly
practical, with riders opting for a powered two-wheeler as a cost –efficient alternative to
infrequent and expensive public transport system, or as a means of avoiding or reducing
the effects of urban congestion. Motorcycle gives a great advantage to the specified
designation where other buses cannot enter. Since there is a rule in some of the main
states and cities in India to wear helmet while ride two-wheelers to make them safe from
accidents makes two-wheelers riders to have a safety journey.

4. Technological factor

A technical aspect in two-wheeler industry includes construction, fuel economy, electric

motorcycle, dynamics and accessories.

Two-wheeler construction is engineering, manufacturing, and assembly of components

and system for two-wheelers which result in performance, cost and aesthetics desired by
the designers. Construction of two-wheeler includes steel, aluminium frame, telescope
forks and disc brakes. Motorcycle is the best fuel economy mode of transport, now a days
two-wheelers is desire to give more than 80km mileage per liter with low maintenance
cost. Invention of electric motorcycle gives an added advantage since the two-wheeler
users can avoid using petrol. Different types of two-wheelers have different dynamics
and these plays a vital role in their performance. Since sufficient bike accessories are
available in many place two-wheeler riders has a privilege to change the broken parts
very easily.

5. Environmental factor

Physical conditions effecting ability to use two-wheeler of different types. This will also
include state infrastructure such as roads for driving vehicles. Physical infrastructure such
as roads and bridges affect the use of two-wheeler industry. If there is good availability of
roads or roads are smooth then it will affect the use of two-wheelers. Physical conditions
like environmental situation affect the use of two-wheelers. If the environment is pleasant
then it will lead to more use of vehicles.

Technological solutions helps in integrating the supply chain, hence reduce losses and
increase profitability. With the entry of global companies into the Indian market,
advanced technologies, both in product and productions process have developed.

6. Legal factor

Legal provision relating to environmental population by two-wheeler automobile. Legal

provisions relating to safety, measures. In India the Rules and Regulations related to
driving license, registration of two-wheelers, control of traffic, construction &
maintenance of vehicles etc. are governed by the Motor Vehicles Act 1988 and the
Central Motor Vehicles rules 1989. The Ministry of Shipping, Road Transport &
Highways acts as a nodal agency for formulation and implementation of various
provisions of the Motor Vehicle Act and Central Motor Vehicles Rules.
e. Current Trend

The two wheeler market in India is clearly dominated by top 3 players like Hero
MotoCorp, Honda Motorcycles and Scooters India (HMSI), Bajaj Auto around 86% of
the market share. The rest 14% is shared by Yamaha, Suzuki, Royal Enfield, TVS Motors

Fig. 2.2

Hero MotoCorp retains the top spot with 54% market share. Standing next to it is Bajaj
Auto is 18%, Honda is 14%. The other players who are trailing are Suzuki, Royal
Enfield, Yamaha and TVS Motors are covered in rest of 14% market share.
 Segment Wise Two Wheeler Market Share
Fig. 2.3

There are three segments: Motorcycles, Scooters, and Mopeds. The motorcycle segment
continues to dominate two wheeler markets with a strong hold of 74% in overall sales
volume. On the other hand, scooters segment emerging as a significant market due to the
preferred choice of young adults mainly by females, currently it holds around 22% of
overall two wheeler sales volume. Mopeds would continue to remain small market and
holds a share of around 4%.
f. Major Key Players

 Major Key players in the Two-wheeler industry are following them.

 Hero MotoCorp Ltd

 Honda Motor Company Ltd

 Suzuki Motor Corporation Ltd

 Bajaj Auto Ltd

 TVS Motor Company Ltd

 Yamaha Motor Company Ltd

 Royal Enfield Company Ltd

 Mahindra Two-wheelers Ltd

 Harley-Davidson Company Ltd

 Piaggio
g. Major Offering

There are many categories of motorbikes; they offering two-wheeler industry.

1. Sports bikes

A sport bike is a motorcycle optimized to achieve responsive, athletic levels of

acceleration, braking, and cornering, often but not always involving the presence of a
particularly high-performance engine. Riding position is inclined forward, hands on low
or clip-on handlebars. The most popular motorbike class, sports bikes have fast and
powerful engines, sharp styling and handling, and aerodynamic fairings. Sport bikes
emphasize speed, acceleration, braking, and cornering on paved roads. I.e. Honda CBR
100RR, Yamaha YZF R1, and Kawasaki Ninja 250R, Pulsar RS200 etc.

2. Sport touring bikes

Sport touring bikes is a type of motorcycle that combines the performance of sports bike
with the long distance capabilities and comfort of a touring motorcycle. I.e. BMW
R100RS, BMW K120GT, Kawasaki ZX-6R etc.

3. Cruiser bikes

A cruiser is a motorcycle in the style of American machines from the 1930s to the early
1960s, including those made by Harley Davidson, Excelsior and Henderson. The riding
position usually places the feet forward and the hands up, with the spine erect or leaning

back slightly. Typical cruiser engines emphasize easy ride ability and shifting, with plenty
of low-end torque but not necessarily large amounts of horsepower, traditionally V-
twins but inline engines have become more common. Cruisers with greater performance

than usual, including more horsepower, stronger brakes and better suspension, are often
called power cruisers. I.e. Bajaj Avenger, Royal Enfield Thunderbird, Harley Davidson
Super Glide etc.

4. Touring bikes

Touring motorcycles commonly have large displacement fairings and windshields that
offer a high degree of weather and wind protection, large-capacity fuel tanks for long
ranges between fill-ups, engines with a great deal of low end horsepower, and a more
relaxed, upright than sport bikes. Touring bikes are built for on-road comfort and many
tours have large windscreens, generous luggage capacity, plush seats, driver/passenger
intercom, and heated handlebar grips. Touring bikes are specifically designed to excel at
covering long distances. I.e. Yamaha Royal Star, Honda Gold Wing, and BMW
R1200RT etc.

5. Dual-sport bikes

A dual-sport motorcycle is a type of street-legal motorcycle that is designed for both on

and off-road use. The terms 'All-road' and 'Dual-purpose' are also used. Dual-sports are
equipped with street-legal equipment such as lights, speedometer, mirrors, horn, license
plate mounting, and muffler and can, therefore, be registered and licensed. I.e. Kawasaki

KLX250S, BMW R100GS, Yamaha XTZ 750 etc.

6. Standards bikes

Standards, also called naked bikes or roadsters are versatile, general purpose street
motorbike. It is recognized primarily by their upright riding position, partway between
the reclining rider postures of the cruisers and the forward leaning sport bikes. Naked bikes
are often un-faired sports bikes or modern bikes. I.e. Honda CB1000R, KTM Duke 690,
Honda CB500, Ducati Monster 821 etc.
7. Off-road or Dirt bikes

Off-road bikes are also known as dirt bikes; specially designed for off-road events.
Compared to road going motorbikes, off-road machines are simpler and lighter, having
long suspension travel, high ground clearance, and rugged construction with little bodywork
and no fairings for less damage in spills. Wheels (usually 21" front, 18" rear) have knobby
tires, often clamped to the rim with a rim lock. I.e. Enduro, Supermoto, Suzuki Jr50,
Endurocross, Erzberg Rodeo etc.
History of Bajaj Auto

The Bajaj Group was founded in 1926 by Jamnalal Bajaj. The Bajaj group comprises of
34 companies. The Bajaj Group is amongst the top 10 business houses in India. Its
footprint stretches over a wide range of industries, spanning automobiles (two-wheelers
and three-wheelers), home appliances, lighting, iron and steel, insurance, travel and

Bajaj Auto came into existence on 29 November 1945 as M/s Bachraj Trading
Corporation Private Limited. The company is into manufacturing of motorcycles,
scooters and three–wheelers. In India, Bajaj Auto has a distribution network of 485
dealers and over 1,600 authorized services centers. It has 171 exclusive dealers for the
three–wheeler segment .It has total 3750 rural outlets in rural areas. The Bajaj brand is
well–known across several countries in Latin America, Africa, Middle East, South and
South East Asia. It has a distribution network in 50 countries with a dominant presence in
Sri Lanka, Colombia, Bangladesh, Mexico, Central America, Peru and Egypt.

It started off by selling imported two- and three-wheelers in India. In 1959, it obtained a
license from the Government of India to manufacture two-wheelers and three-wheelers and
it became a public limited company in 1960. In 1970, it rolled out its 100,000th vehicle.
In 1977, it sold 100,000 vehicles in a financial year. In 1985, it started producing at
Waluj near Aurangabad. In 1986, it sold 500,000 vehicles in a financial year. In 1995, it
rolled out its ten millionth vehicles and produced and sold one million vehicles in a year.
With the launch of motorcycles in 1986, the company has changed its image from a
scooter manufacturer to a two-wheeler manufacturer.

It has technical tie up with Kawasaki Heavy Industries of Japan to manufacture latest
models in the two–wheeler space. Bajaj Auto has launched brands like Boxer, Caliber,
Wind125, Pulsar and many more. It has also launched India's first real cruiser bike,
Kawasaki Bajaj Eliminator.
a. Company profile of Bajaj auto

Type Public company

Industry Automotive -Two & Three Wheelers

Year of Established November 29, 1945 in Pune, Maharashtra,


Founder Jamnalal Bajaj

Headquarters Pune, India

Key people Rahul Bajaj (Chairman)

Rajiv Bajaj (Managing Director)

Products Scooters, Motorcycles, Auto rickshaw

Number of employee 9,119 (March 2014)

Presence Distribution network covers 50 countries.

Dominant presence in Sri Lanka, Peru,

Bangladesh, Columbia, Guatemala, Egypt,
Iran and Indonesia.

Business Group Bajaj Group

Subsidiaries Bajaj Auto Indonesia

 Plants of Bajaj Auto

Bajaj Auto’s has in all three plants, two at Waluj and Chakan in Maharashtra and one
plant at Pant Nagar in Uttaranchal, western India.

 Waluj – Bajaj range of Motorcycles and three-wheelers

 Chakan - Bajaj range of Motorcycles
 Pant Nagar - Bajaj range of Motorcycles

 Vision and Mission statement of Bajaj Auto

 Vision

“To attain world class Excellency by demonstrating value added products to


 Mission

“Focus on value based manufacturing continual improvement total elimination

wastes pollution free and safe environment”

 Models of Bajaj Motorcycle

 Bajaj CT 100

 Bajaj Platina 100

 Bajaj Discover 100M

 Bajaj Discover 125M

 Bajaj Discover 150S

 Bajaj Discover 150F

 Bajaj Avenger 220

 Bajaj Pulsar 135LS

 Bajaj Pulsar 150

 Bajaj Pulsar 150NS

 Bajaj Pulsar 180

 Bajaj Pulsar AS200

 Bajaj Pulsar 220F

 Bajaj Pulsar RS200

 Timeline of New Releases of Bajaj Auto

1961–1971 – Vespa 150 – under the licence of Piaggio of Italy

1971 – Three-wheeler goods carrier

1972 – Bajaj Chetak

1976 – Bajaj Super

1975 – Bajaj Priya

1977 – Rear engine auto rickshaw

1981 – Bajaj M-50

1986 – Bajaj M-80, Kawasaki Bajaj KB100,

1990 – Bajaj Sunny

1991 – Kawasaki Bajaj 4S Champion

1993 – Bajaj Stride

1994 – Bajaj Classic

1995 – Bajaj Super Excel

1996 - Bajaj SX Enduro

1997 – (Bajaj KB125) Kawasaki Bajaj Boxer, rear engine diesel auto rickshaw.

1998 – Kawasaki Bajaj Caliber, Bajaj Super 99,

1999 – Bajaj Legend, Bajaj Bravo, Bajaj Chetak 99, Bajaj Spirit

2000 – Bajaj Safire, Bajaj Prowler

2001 – Eliminator, Bajaj Pulsar, Kawasaki Bajaj Aspire, Caliber Croma

2003 – Caliber 115, Kawasaki Bajaj Wind 125, Bajaj Pulsar DTS-i

2004 – Bajaj CT 100, New Bajaj Chetak 4-stroke with Wonder Gear, Bajaj Discover DTS-i

2005 – Bajaj Wave, Bajaj Avenger, Bajaj Discover 112

2006 – Bajaj Platina

2007 – Bajaj Pulsar-200 (Oil Cooled), Bajaj Kristal, Bajaj Pulsar 220 DTS-Fi (Fuel Injection), XCD
125 DTS-Si

2008 – Bajaj Discover 135 DTS-i

2009 – Bajaj Pulsar 135, Bajaj XCD 135 cc, Bajaj Pulsar 150 DTS-i UG IV, Bajaj Pulsar 180
DTS-i UG IV, Bajaj Pulsar 220 DTS-i, Bajaj Discover 100 DTS-Si, Kawasaki Ninja 250R
2010 – Bajaj Discover 150

2011 – Bajaj Discover 125

2012 – Bajaj RE 60, mini car for intra-city urban transportation

2012 – Bajaj Pulsar 200 NS, launch of 200 cc bike, Discover 125ST

2013 - Bajaj Discover 125ST discover 100T

2014 - Bajaj Discover 150F, 150S

2015 - Bajaj Platina 100 ES, Bajaj CT 100 (Re introduced), Pulsar RS 200, Pulsar AS200
& AS150, Pulsar NS150

2016 & 2017-bajaj V15, Bajaj Discover 110cc, CT100, KTM

 Awards and Recognition

 Bajaj Pulsar 135 LS received Bike of the Year 2010 award from BBC – Top Gear and
Bike India.
 Pulsar 220 DTS-Fi received the Bike of the Year 2008 award by all major Indian
automobile magazines like Overdrive, Auto Car, Business Standard Motoring and
Bike Top Gear.
 In 2006, Bajaj Auto won the Frost & Sullivan Super Platinum Award for
manufacturing excellence in its Chakan Plant.
 It received award for The Most Customer Responsive Company in Automobiles
category in a survey conducted by Economic Times for the years 2004, 2006 and
 Bajaj Auto received the Bike Maker of the Year award in ICICI Bank Overdrive
Awards 2004.
 Bajaj Pulsar 180 DTS-i won the BBC World Wheels Viewer’s Choice 2 Wheeler of
the Year 2003 award.
 Management team of Bajaj Auto
Board of Directors Designation

Rahul Bajaj Chairman

Madhur Bajaj Vice chairman

Rajiv Bajaj Managing Director

Sanjiv Bajaj Executive Director

Pradeep Shrivastava Chief Operating Officer

Abraham Joseph Chief Technology Officer

R C Maheshwari President (Commercial Vehicle Business)

Rakesh Sharma President (International Business)

Eric Vas President (Motorcycle Business)

Kevin P D’sa President (Finance)

S Ravi Kumar President (Business Development & Assurance)

Amrut Rath President (Human Resources)

Ranjit Gupta President (Insurance, BFSL)

N H Hingorani Advisor (Materials)

C P Tripathi Advisor (Corporate Social Responsibility)

J. Sridhar Company Secretary

Introduction of Jagan Motors

Jagan Motors is started on 1st November, 2013. Jagan motors are a presently new make
show room of a Bajaj executive authorized dealer of the Vellore. It exclusively handles
Bajaj two-wheelers and promotes business activities based on policies that focus on
customer satisfaction. Jagan Motors in its respective markets and provide 4S facilities
under one roof as per Bajaj's worldwide standards. Like sales, services, spare parts, safe
riding etc.

Company profile of Jagan Motors

Company Name Jagan Motors

Established November 2010

Address Katpadi Main Road, Sakthi Nagar,

Latteri, Vellore-632202.

Phone No. 7373905000

Mobile No. 9443490500


Owner Name D.Karunakaran

Manager Name Dhamotharan

Authorized Dealer Bajaj Auto limited

Number of employee 20

Products CT-100, Platina, Discover, Avenger, Pulsar

b. Organogram


Sales Marketing Service

Manager Manager Manager

Sales Workshop
Back Office
Executive Manager


c. Division/ Departments
There are many departments. Name of the departments are following them:
 Sales Department
 Service Department
 Accessories Department
 Finance Department
 HR Department
a. SWOT Analysis
 Strengths
 Highly experienced management.
 Widespread distribution network.
 Good experience workers.
 Excellent marketing.
 Excellent reputation in market.

 Weaknesses
 After sales services is very poor.
 Lag in the distribution of products or payment delays.

 Opportunities

 Cheaper variants for tapping more in the rural segment.

 Premium sport bikes for urban areas.
 Constant growth in the two-wheeler segment.

 Threats
 Cheaper imports from countries like China.
 Entry of international brands.
 Other motorcycle players have a strong brand presence.
b. Market Position
In two wheeler market, Bajaj Auto faces stiff competition from new and existing players.
Various product launches by Hero Motor Corp, Honda, Yamaha and TVS are expected
over the medium term and this could put pressure on the domestic market share of the
Company. Bajaj Auto sales declined by 4% to 301,826. Bajaj Auto being in the list of
Bajaj Auto is the world’s largest three-wheeler manufacturer. The domestic three wheeler
industry has three major participants namely Bajaj Auto, Piaggio Vehicles, Mahindra and
Mahindra. For FY 2017, the Company has a leadership position in the segment with
53.7% market share. To maintain its position, the Company has launched a number of
new product variants focusing on best mileage, competitive pricing, and low maintenance
Bajaj Auto has a diversified product portfolio including motorcycles for all segments:
Platina, Discover, Pulsar and Ninja (sport) and sizeable presence in three-wheelers
segment. The Company derives about one-third of its revenues from the export of two
and three-wheelers. This product diversification helped Bajaj Auto achieve its highest
ever EBITDA in FY 2016-17.
Their sales as compared to May 2017, this year were lower which stood at 301,862 units
compared to 313,020 in 2017 reporting a decline of 4%. While its commercial vehicle
saw a rise in sale by 13% to 43,576 units in May 2018 as compared to the numbers of
38,416 units in May 2017.
The Company has shown consistent growth over the last 5 years (2011-12 to 2016-17).
Its net revenue from operations over this period grew at an impressive CAGR of 9.94 %.
For FY 2014, income from operations increased by 0.58 % to Rs. 20,158.29 Cr. from Rs.
20,041.99 Cr. The Company has a strong dividend history and has maintained an average
dividend yield of 4.48% over the last 5 financial years. For FY 2017, the Company
declared a dividend of 500 % i.e. Rs. 50 per share.

Mrs. Mahalakshami (Nov 2014) studied of “customer satisfaction on two wheelers a

special reference with TVs XL in Theni district”. And found from survey that two
wheeler brands are taken necessary promotional activities to increase their demand by
introducing new models. In olden days the people used only the bicycle and rarely used
the two wheelers. But now a days each and every one have the two wheelers in Theni
district most of the respondents prefer the TVs XL for their riding comfort and satisfied
with their services.

V. Devki & Dr. H. Balakrishnan (Nov 2013) studied of “Customer Preference towards
Hero two wheeler after termination if Hero Honda” using primary data and found from
survey that the purchase of two wheeler is independent of the annual income of buyer;
this could perhaps be due to the easy loan available and customer friendly. Majority of
the respondents give more importance to price and prefer the middle ranged bikes like,
splendor and passion. It is perceived that most of the people confirmed that they will miss
the Hero Honda and skeptic about the Hero. The future choice of Hero is only 36 % of
the existing customer who prefer to stay with Hero.

Dr. N.Yesodha Devi, Mrs. C.Gomathy, Mrs.R.Krishnakumari (Oct 2013) studied of

“Consumer Preference and Satisfaction towards Sedan Cars in Coimbatore City” using
primary data and found from survey that the present study made an attempt to understand
car purchase satisfaction and influential factors affecting purchase decision. Most of the
buyers are satisfied with the services provided by the dealers and they preferred fiesta
brand because of its comfortability. They also find there is no significant difference
between the Age, Sex, Marital status, Occupation, Monthly income, Number of members
in the family and satisfaction level of cars.
Dr. Duggani Yuvaraju & Prof. S. Durga Rao (May 2014) studied of “Customer
Satisfaction towards Honda two-wheelers with reference with Tirupati” that finding from
survey that the 90 percent of the customers were completely satisfied with the mileage
and performance of the bike, 10 percent of the customers are dissatisfied with the
mileage. Also the respondents were aware about this company. Most of the customers
agree that Honda is best quality with reasonable price the attitude 50% of customers
towards price of Honda Bikes is reasonable. But 10% of the customers are asking for
improvement in the quality.

Kavita Dua & Savita (April 2013) studied of “A study of customer Satisfaction with
reference to Tata motor passenger vehicles” and found that mostly Tata customers
purchased car on loan, used the Tata car for personal purpose, having the car from 1-5
year and they are recommended by their friends as well as take preventive maintenance
from authorized dealer. It was found that the customer are mostly satisfied with price ,
design, safety, mileage, interior space, status brand name, comfort level, spares part and
after sale service. Finding pertaining to most influencing show that most influencing
factor for customer satisfaction in case of Tata Motors were price, mileage and interior

Mahapatra, kumar and Chauhan (2010) studied on "customer satisfaction,

dissatisfaction on small size passenger cars in India" with the main objectives to examine
the satisfaction and impact on future purchase decision and explore the performance of
different attributes and they revealed from this study that customers are highly satisfied
with the performance of attributes like pickup, wipers, etc. and other attributes like
pollution, engine, quietness, battery performance, and pick up influence the consumer
future purchase decisions and consumer give the more importance to these factors.
Kurkoti and Prabhu (2011) revealed a study on "Customer Satisfaction with reference
to Tata nano car in Pune city" with the objectives to determine the customer satisfaction
towards Tata Nano, to study the gap analysis and to find out the impact of fire incidences
on Nano car users. They concluded from the study that Nano car customers are not
satisfied with the performance and waiting period of car but they satisfied with the safety
of car and fire incidences report that has impact on the customer satisfaction.

Sharma, Kiran Sharma and Khan (2011) studied on "analysis of customer satisfaction
of Tata motors in Jaipur, Rajasthan with the objectives to find out the satisfaction among
the customers, market performance and market position of Tata motors. They find that
73% people feel that safety are affordable whereas 12% do not agree, 74% believe that
attractive discount are offered but 26% are not satisfied with the discount offered , but the
overall opinion about Tata Motors is very good.

Singh (2011) study on "An empirical review of the product and customer satisfaction of
Tata commercial vehicles" to find out the quality of service, performance. These studies
they find that consumer prefer the Tata commercial vehicles due to its better quality,
brand image, easy availability of service stations, spare part quality etc.

Ganesh and Soundarapandiyan (2011) conducted a study on "i10 Hyundai Chennai:

customer satisfaction level" with the sample size of 150 customers and tools used
percentage analysis, chi square and multiple regression analysis. The objectives of the
study was to identify the post purchase behavior and customer satisfaction level and find
the effectiveness of after sales service of customer of Hyundai i10. They revealed from
the study that customers are satisfied with the car after purchase because its gives the feel
of luxury to customers and a convenience of smaller car in crowded area. It’s most stylish
as compared to others.

Lohana and Sharma (2012) conducted a study on "customer satisfaction towards

Hyundai cars in Nanded city" with the objectives is to identify the customer preferences
and parameter about the Hyundai cars. They have taken the sample of 60. They
concluded from the study that 50% customers are satisfied with the overall performance
of their vehicle. The customers are satisfied with the fuel efficiency, brand image, after
sales service and economy in purchase etc.

Rao and Kumar (2012) revealed study on "Customer satisfaction towards Tata Motors -
A study on Passenger cars in Warangal district of Andhra Pradesh" with the objectives to
study the customer satisfaction with the usage of vehicles, after sale service, key area of
strength, pricing affects, service and quality. They take the sample of 100 respondents
and used the percentage technique. They concluded from the study that majority of
customers are satisfied with the safety, dealer service, customer relationship and
availability of spares etc.

Kerav Pandya & H. J. Jani (March 2011) study on “Customer Satisfaction among
Two-Wheeler Users an Indian experience – with special reference to motorcycle users”
and found from survey that few years ago, in two-wheelers, only the mileage was the
main feature for motorcycle purchasers. But now the situation is not the same. It was
found that style and power of motorcycle were also important reasons for purchasing a
motorcycle. As the main factor creating dissatisfaction was after sales service, companies
are recommended to improve on this factor.

S Saraswathi (2008) study on “Customer Satisfaction on Post-Sales Service with

Reference to Two-Wheeler Automobile Industry” and found from the survey mostly
customer satisfied with examining the vehicle in presence of the customer. 80 percent
customers are satisfied with the accuracy in delivery time, 41% of the customers are
satisfied with examining the vehicle in presence of the customer.

Ms.M.Shanthini Devi & Ms.S.Arunpriya (Aug 2013) studied on “Customer

Satisfaction towards Tata Nano Car with Special Reference to Coimbatore City” and they
found from the survey that, the customers have a good preference towards Tata Nano
vehicle. They are mainly motivated by price of the car. The popularity of the brand also.
Overall, it can be concluded that customers are satisfied with the price, appearance of the
vehicle and comfortability in crowded area but they expect variety of models.

Balasubramani S. & Suganthi M. & Suresh P. (Sept 2013) studied on “An Empirical
Study on Consumer Preference towards Hyundai Cars in Salem City” and found from the
survey that the majority of the respondents prefer the finance mode of purchase (55.84%)
rather than cash mode and in finance respondents are prefer bank finance rather than
private finance.

Ms. Ameer Asra Ahmed & Dr. M.S. Ramachandra & Mr. Siva Nagi Reddy (Oct-
Dec 2014) study on “Customer Satisfaction level towards Royal Enfield Bullet” and they
found that most of the respondents were not fully satisfied with the price, performance,
utility benefits, aesthetics and service scheme of their Royal Enfield Bullet Most of the
respondents were happy riding Royal Enfield Bullet and also they were overall satisfied
with the performance of their Royal Enfield Bullet. In younger generation middle age are
more interesting to purchase this bullet.

Devang Desai (2014) study on “Customer Satisfaction towards Royal Enfield Bullet”
and they found from the survey that it has been more than 50 years now that bikes have
been ruling the Indian automobile sector. 350cc Bullet the super bike in India of all times,
from the Royal Enfield Company of UK were received and assembled at Chennai. In this
bullet; four-stroke engines are thought to be more fuel efficient motorbikes. They are the
main reason for the growth of motorbikes in India as a segment.

Shivamba M (2014) Study on “Customer Satisfaction towards various brands of two

wheelers in India” and from these survey they found that the motorcycle segment was
initially dominated by Enfield 350cc bikes and Escorts 175cc bike. The two-wheeler
market was opened to foreign competition in the mid-80s and then market leaders –
Escorts and Enfield – were caught unaware by the onslaught of the 100cc bikes of the
four Indo-Japanese joint ventures. With the availability of fuel efficient low power bikes,
demand swelled, resulting in Hero Honda.

Mrs. Beena John & Dr. S. Pragadeeswaran (March- April 2013) studied on “Small
Cars Consumer Preference in Pune city” and they found that demographic factors like
age, gender, education, status, and income influence consumers indirectly for small car
buying preference. Value consciousness & price quality inference are the important
factors which influence small car buying. Male consumers preferred Diesel cars while
female respondents preferred petrol cars

Schiff man and Kanuk, (1997) study on “Customer Preference towards Small Car” and
this survey then found that how people build their preferences to spend their resources
like time, money, and effort on consumption-related things. Consumer behavior is a study
of the process concerned when people choose, purchase, use, or eliminate products,
services, ideas, or experiences to satisfy wants and needs.

Sagar and Chandra (2004) study on “Customer preference towards small cars” and find
that, how Indian car industry has leaped forward technologically with intensified
technological capabilities .the industry is driven by a confluence of factors such as strong
competition, changing consumer preferences, government policies especially with
tightening of emission standards, and the global strategies of the various players. They
detailed about cars manufactured in India with better designs& incorporating advanced
technologies that are often comparable with those available globally and also commented
Indian car exports are also growing in leaps and bounds.

Banerjee, Ipsita (2011) studied about “Car Acquisition & Ownership Trends in Surat
city” and found that vehicle choice behavior recognized that household income is the
chief determinant of the number and size of cars that household possess, and that family
size is a much less important factor & smaller vehicles were preferred even by larger

Dr. Mrs. Punithava pandian & A. Arunchala Rajan (Jan 2014) study on “Customer
Satisfaction Level towards the Use of Bajaj Bikes with Special Reference to Tirunelveli
Town, Tamilnadu” and they found from the survey that full satisfaction over the work
that was done by him independently with the supervision of his Guide. they promote their
services so effectively in the days to come.

Dr. K. Ravichandran & K. Venkatesh & Dr. R. Muruganandham study on

“Customer Preference of Automobile” and they found that Considering brand and brake
system, consumer preference polo, Considering brand and comfort, consumer preference
polo, Considering brand and mileage, consumer preference vista, Considering brand and
maintenance cost, consumer preference Figo and Ritz. Customer always gives importance
to Mileage and brake systems.

Rachel Dardis and Horacio Soberon-Ferrer (1994) have investigated the rapport
between automobile attributes and household characteristics to consumer preferences for
cars. They found that indicated that the coefficients of five automobile quality attributes
were statistically significant while the coefficients of most household characteristics were
not significant. Households were interested in more fuel efficient and heavier cars as well
as cars with lower depreciation rates and a lower frequency of repair are more likely to
buy Japanese than non-Japanese cars.

A.Problem Statement
In today’s intensely competitive environment, companies today are constantly looking for
ways to attract customers by having a better understanding of changing customer
preferences. The ever changing market characteristics have huge impact on corporate
decisions. Therefore this study has been conducted to find the Customer Preference and
Satisfaction towards Bajaj Bikes.
a. Research Objective
I. Primary objective
To ascertain the customer preference and satisfaction towards the Bajaj bikes.
II. Secondary objective
 To determine which is/are the most attractive attribute for purchasing Bajaj bikes.
 To find the areas of improvement of the Bajaj bikes.
 To know the respondents problems towards Bajaj bikes.
 To study association between demographic variables and different attributes of
Bajaj bikes.

b. Research Design
I. Type of Design
Descriptive Research Design
II. Types of Data
Primary data
III. Instrument for data collection
IV. Sample population
Customers who are using Bajaj bike
V. Sample area
VI. Sample size
VII. Sampling Method
Non-probability convenience sampling method
VIII. Tools for Analysis
 Charts with the use of Microsoft Excel 2010
IX. Limitations of the Study
 The study has been conducted only in Vellore city and so the opinion of the
respondents in Vellore only has been considered. A conclusion is based on
assumption. It has been assumed that the answers given by the respondents are
true and adequate. The time allotted for the study was short otherwise a more in
depth study could be made.
 I have taken only 200 respondents which may or may not represent the whole

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