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The Community Development Professional 7.

Public utility development specialists;

Developing people abilities to create the kind of 8. Community development specialists with city
community in which they wish to live and work is departments of community development.
the objective of community development
9. Community development specialists with
education. The Professional's aim is to help citizens
business and industry.
find the ways and means to improve their social
and economic well-being and quality of living. He 10. Community development specialists with State
provides assistance that will help them make and Federal agencies such as the Farmers Home
decisions and take actions which will lead to the Administration, Soil Conservation Service, and
achievement of their goals. Forest Service, and such Departments as Housing
and Urban Development, Health, Education and
The primary objective of the community
Welfare, .Commerce, and Labor.
development professional is to help the
community more clearly define and achieve its 11. International community development work
goals. This is done by working directly with citizens with such agencies as AID, Ford Foundation,
and public officials on their concerns. It starts by Rockefeller Foundation, religionist or
development a climate whereby they can interact humanitarian groups.
and deal effectively with even the most
These are some of the' positions open for the
controversial issues. The process includes the
professionally trained community development
identification of community opportunities and
worker. The demand for workers with professional
problems, establishment of goals and priorities,
training in community development will most
fact collection and analysis, study of alternatives,
certainly continue to expand. Curriculums need to
selection of an agreed-upon course of action, and
be developed and programs Offered to meet this
implementation of this Action.
demand. Workshops and seminars can help meet
The demand for professionally trained the immediate needs, but for the long run, special
community development workers is expanding training programs and undergraduate and
rapidly. Typical positions include: graduate service courses and degree programs are
1. Extension community development agents or
specialists who serve city, county or multi-county Roles
The community development professional
2. Community development specialists in social performs many tasks in his efforts to help the
service agencies. community identify and achieve its goals. In
general, these relate to helping the people of the
3. University faculty who specialize in community
community learn how to work together, how to
development resident, instruction, research,
organize their efforts, and to put their concerns
and/or extension.
into a decision-making framework. This means
4. Resource Conservation and Development helping them participate and become more
project coordinators. effective in the democratic processes relating to
the development of their community. It means
5. Specialists in city, county, district, and State
helping the local citizens apply the community
planning and development offices.
development process to solve their problems and
6. Community development specialists affiliated realize their goals. The community development
with religions organizations or community professional suggests and helps develop new
development corporations. arrangements or institutions, where needed, for
achieving community goals. He helps the
community consider the costs and the benefits of
each alternative solution to a problem and to
analyze where the benefits will fall and who will
pay the costs. The community development
professional also helps the community avail-itself
of private and public resources as needed.

More specifically for Extension, the county and

area staff live in the community and work directly
with the local people. As such, they serve as
educators, organizers, motivators and facilitators.
They help create' awareness of issues by assisting
clientele groups to understand existing conditions
ant the possible need for change. The county and
area workers regularly organize and convene

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