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Texto 01 – Prova 2015

Produção: Equipe Pedagógica Gran Cursos Online

TEXTO 01 – PROVA 2015


Text for questions from 32 to 34

1 Most of the recent scholarly works on the evolution of diplomacy highlight

the added complexity in which “states and other international actors
communicate, negotiate and otherwise interact” in the 21st century. Diplomacy
has to take into account “the crazy-quilt nature of modern interdependence”.
5 Decision-making on the international stage involves what has been depicted
as “two level games” or “double-edged diplomacy”. With accentuated
forms of globalization the scope of diplomacy as the “engine room” of
International Relations has moved beyond the traditional core concerns to
encompass a myriad set of issue areas. And the boundaries of participation
10 in diplomacy – and the very definition of diplomats – have broadened as well,
albeit in a still contested fashion. In a variety of ways, therefore, not only
its methods but also its objectives are far more expansive than ever before.
 Yet, while the theme of complexity radiates through the pages of this
book, changed circumstances and the stretching of form, scope, and
15 intensity do not only produce fragmentation but centralization in terms of
purposive acts. Amid the larger debates about the diversity of principals,
agents, and intermediaries, the space in modern diplomacy for leadership by
personalities at the apex of power has expanded. At odds with the counter-
image of horizontal breadth with an open-ended nature, the dynamic of
20 21st-century diplomacy remains highly vertically oriented and individual-centric.
 To showcase this phenomenon, however, is not to suggest ossification.
In terms of causation, the dependence on leaders is largely a reaction
to complexity. With the shift to multi-party, multi-channel, multi-issue
negotiations, with domestic as well as international interests and values in

Texto 01 – Prova 2015
Produção: Equipe Pedagógica Gran Cursos Online

25 play, leaders are often the only actors who can cut through the complex-
ity and make the necessary trade-offs to allow deadlocks to be broken. In
terms of communication and other modes of representation, bringing in
leaders differentiates and elevates issues from the bureaucratic arena.
 In terms of effect, the primacy of leaders reinforces elements of both
30 club and network diplomacy. In its most visible manifestation via summit
diplomacy, the image of club diplomacy explicitly differentiates the status and
role of insiders and outsiders and thus the hierarchical nature of diplomacy.
Although “large teams of representatives” are involved in this central form
of international practice, it is the “organized performances” of leaders that
35 possess the most salience. At the same time, though, the galvanizing or
catalytic dimension of leader-driven diplomacy provides new avenues and
legitimation for network diplomacy, with many decisions of summits being
outsourced to actors who did not participate at the summit but possess the
technical knowledge, institutional credibility, and resources to enhance results.
Andrew F. Cooper. The changing nature of diplomacy. In: Andrew F. Cooper and Jorge Heine. The Oxford
Handbook of Modern Diplomacy. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2013. p. 36 (adapted).

O pulo do gato
Pay attention to the source of the text. It may give you a clue about how to
answer the questions.


1st Paragraph

A maioria dos recentes trabalhos acadêmicos sobre a evolução da diploma-

cia destaca a complexidade com que “Estados e outros atores internacionais
se comunicam, negociam e interagem” no século XXI. A diplomacia deve levar
em conta “a natureza intrincada da independência moderna”. A tomada de deci-

Texto 01 – Prova 2015
Produção: Equipe Pedagógica Gran Cursos Online

são no cenário internacional envolve o que se definiu como um “jogo de dois

níveis” ou uma “diplomacia de dupla face”. Sob a configuração hegemônica da
globalização, a abrangência da diplomacia como o “motor” das Relações Inter-
nacionais ultrapassou os limites das preocupações tradicionais, abarcando uma
vasta gama de áreas temáticas. As fronteiras da participação na diplomacia – e
a própria definição de diplomata – também se estenderam, embora que de forma
contestável. De várias maneiras, não apenas seus métodos, mais também seus
objetivos estão mais expansivos do que nunca se viu.

2st Paragraph

• Yet: contudo, todavia, porém;

• Stretch: alargar, estender;
• Purposive: racional;
• Amid: em meio;
• Leadership: liderança;

3rd Paragraph

• With the shift to multi-party, multi-channel, multi-issue negotiations (…):

com a mudança para negociações multilaterais, por vários canais, sobre
várias questões (...)
• with domestic as well as international interests and values in play: com
interesses domésticos, internacionais e valores em jogo.
• leaders are often the only actors: líderes costumam ser os únicos atores.
• to allow deadlocks to be broken: para permitir que os impasses sejam supe-
• bringing in leaders differentiates and elevates issues from the bureaucratic
arena: contar com líderes diferencia os debates e os retira da arena buro-

Texto 01 – Prova 2015
Produção: Equipe Pedagógica Gran Cursos Online

4th Paragraph

• the primacy of leaders reinforces elements of both club and network diplo-
macy: a primazia dos líderes reforça os elementos da diplomacia de clube
e rede.
• Thus: portanto
• outsource: delegar
• summit: cúpula

 Obs.: outsource: terceirizar, encomendar, delegar serviços a terceiros, mandar

fazer fora.  1


QUESTÃO 32 In reference to the text, decide whether the following state-

ments are right (C) or wrong (E).

1. The hierarchical structure of the diplomatic services in the 21st century is re-
markably different from that prevalent in the previous centuries.

No segundo parágrafo:
• At odds with the counter-image of horizontal breadth with an open-ended
nature, the dynamic of 21st-century diplomacy remains highly vertically ori-
ented and individual-centric.
• (…) a dinâmica da diplomacia no século XXI permanece bem orientada
verticalmente e centralizada no indivíduo.

Fonte: Lando, Isa Mara. Vocabulando: vocabulário prático inglês-português: from ability to zest. – Ed. atual. e ampl. – São Paulo: Disal,

Texto 01 – Prova 2015
Produção: Equipe Pedagógica Gran Cursos Online

 Obs.: remarkably: notavelmente

2. In the first paragraph, the author presents the main ideas he collected from
“Most of the recent scholarly works” (R.1) on which his argument is built along
the text.

De fato, o autor apresenta suas ideias com base nos trabalhos acadêmicos
citados no parágrafo.

3. The text presents an opposition between club diplomacy and network diplo-
macy, which are different and irreconcilable ways of settling international con-

O texto não aborda formas irreconciliáveis de resolução de conflitos.

O pulo do gato
Palavras enfáticas podem indicar erro nas questões; por exemplo, irreconcilable.

4. Discussions about inclusiveness and diversity in diplomatic circles have led to

the expansion of the power of some countries.

O item extrapola informações do texto em “levar à expansão do poder dos

Texto 01 – Prova 2015
Produção: Equipe Pedagógica Gran Cursos Online


1. E
2. C
3. E
4. E

�Este material foi elaborado pela equipe pedagógica do Gran Cursos Online, de acordo com a
aula preparada e ministrada pelo professor Bandeira.


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