51talk Level

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Welcome to our class. I am very pleased about your initiative to learn.

L1 Can manage very short, isolated, mainly pre-packaged utterances, if anything Can
respond appropriately to instructions
and questions if they are translated into Chinese Can use the following very
inconsistently, if at all:
�Be� verbs Simple Present Present Continuous Tense Yes-No Questions
with Do

L2 Can search for expressions and articulate less familiar words independently,
albeit with much pausing Can use some
of the following to some degree, but not all: �Be� verbs Simple Present
Present Continuous Tense
Yes-No Questions with Do

L3 Can make simple but complete statements on personal details and very familiar
topics Can use most of the following accurately and consistently,
if not all: �Be� verbs Simple Present Present Continuous Tense Yes-
No Questions with Do

L4 Can relate basic information on familiar matters using simple terms Can make
himself understood using some simple structures correctly
some of the time Can use one or two of the following to some degree: Regular
Verbs�Simple Past Tense
Irregular Verbs�Simple Past Tense Simple Future Tense Comparatives

L5 Can relate basic information on familiar matters using simple terms Can make
himself understood using some simple structures correctly,
but may systematically make basic mistakes Can use more than two of the following
to some degree, but not all:
Regular Verbs�Simple Past Tense Irregular Verbs�Simple Past Tense Simple
Future Tense Comparatives

L6 Can relate basic information on familiar matters using simple terms Can make
himself understood using some simple
structures correctly,
but may systematically make basic mistakes Can use most of the following
accurately and consistently, if not all:
Regular Verbs�Simple Past Tense Irregular Verbs�Simple Past Tense Simple
Future Tense Comparatives
L7 Can relate comprehensibly the main points he/she wants to make some of the time
Can use a general vocabulary repertoire associated with more predictable situations
Can use one or two of the following to some degree: Present Perfect Tense
Past Continuous Tense Should/ have to/ ought to Verbal�Gerund
Verbal�Infinitive Verbal�Participle
L8 Can relate comprehensibly the main points he/she wants to make most of the time
Can use a general vocabulary repertoire associated with more predictable situations
Can use more than two of the following consistently to some degree, but not all:
Present Perfect Tense Past Continuous Tense Should/ have to/ ought to
Verbal�Gerund Verbal�Infinitive Verbal�Participle
L9 Can consistently relate comprehensibly the main points he/she wants to make Can
link simple elements into a connected sequence to discuss familiar subjects within
his/her field of interest Can use a general vocabulary repertoire associated with
more predictable situations. Can use most of the following accurately and
consistently, if not all: Present Perfect Tense Past Continuous Tense
Should/ have to/ ought to Verbal�Gerund Verbal�Infinitive
L10 Can express points of view at length with effort Can interact on some subjects
related to his/her field of interest Can use one or two of the following
consistently to some degree: Future Continuous Tense Present Perfect Tense
Modals of Obligation Used to Conditionals Conjunctions
L11 Can express points of view at length with minimal strain Can interact on a fair
range of subjects related to his/her field of interest Can use more than two of the
following consistently to some degree, but not all: Future Continuous Tense
Present Perfect Tense Modals of Obligation Used to Conditionals
L12 Can express points of view at length without noticeable strain Can interact on
a wide range of subjects related to his/her field of interest Can correct his/her
communication errors independently Can use all of the following accurately and
consistently: Future Continuous Tense Present Perfect Tense Modals of
Obligation Used to Conditionals Conjunctions

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