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Child center meeting

The Work Steps in the Academic Meeting for the Individual Cases
This memo is sent to provide important information for our upcoming child- centered
meetings on October 29th, 2017. By this time you have gotten to know your students.
Completed DRA assessment and other informal assessments as needed , made some
observations on how students are adjusting in the classroom setting, and made contact with
Our child - centered meetings are set up to discuss students that you are noticing have
persistent issues, these would be your lowest 3 or 4 students in the classroom that are showing
lags in development , Academics and /or behaviour. The team will consist of an administrator,
social worker and teacher.Teachers will share student information from the teacher planning
/Reflection sheet and the team will discuss the student and decide on next steps to take.
* Please ensure that you have completed the following before bringing your students forward :
1- contacted parents / met with parents.
2- consulted with social worker/ checked history.
3- implemented support / strategies.
4- completed DRA and other assessments.
5- Recorded any behavioural concerns on Ren Web.
* Required documentationfor the meeting :
- teacher assessments, DRA.
- RENWEB reported.
- student work samples.
- a completed copy of the teacher planning for child centered meetings sheet.see attached.

 The first meeting will be held on Monday at the beginning of October

1- Before the first meeting, the schedules for following up the student
academically and behaviorally will be distributed to teachers so that such
schedules will be prepared by the teachers upon attending the first meeting.
Furthermore, the teachers will be able to determine nature of the problem
counter the student whether this problem is academic, behavioral or both.
2- The classroom teacher shall notify the parent about the student problem
(Academic / Behavioral) after the first meeting immediately and continue
following up with the social worker.
3- The classroom teacher shall submit an academic plan with the student through
clear steps, divided according to a timetable.
 The Second meeting will be held after the distribution of the first school
certificate in November
Note: the steps listed below shall be applied till the end of the month

4- During the meeting, the teacher shall provide an evaluation report about the
academic plan he applied with the student during the decided period to
improve the student's levels of achievement.
5- The social worker shall hold the first professional meeting in the presence of
the school principal, school deputy principal, classroom teacher and the
student's parent to prepare the academic contract (whether academic,
behavioral or both) basing upon the social worker's discretion.
6- The social worker shall follow up the student's case as follows:
1- If the student's problem is academic one, the following up shall be
a- The student first school certificate
b- Days of absence
c- The level of the student's interaction during the lesson, exercises and
the activities inside the classroom in regard to all the classroom
teacher's subjects.
d- The student's academic level with Arabic / Islamic Education teachers.
e- To find out whether the student has an academic contract from the
previous year.
2- If the student's problem is behavioral, the following up shall be through:
a- The social worker shall observe the student's behavior inside the
classroom twice a week and write down the observations in the
schedule designed for that purpose using (Ren Web).
b- The teacher shall write down his observations about the student's
behavior in the schedule designed for that purpose using (Ren Web).
c- In cooperation with the classroom teacher, the social worker shall
make a behavioral plan through the attached plans according to the
type of the behavioral problem.
 The Academic Meetings for discussing the students cases shall be continued
to be held on the first Monday of each month along with following up the
academic plan presented by the teacher and the behavioral presented by the
social worker.

 Important notes:
1- At the beginning of the academic year, all teachers shall read the students'
files who have academic contracts (academic / behavioral / both) available
with the social worker.
2- At the beginning of the academic year, all teachers shall read the files related
to the individual cases available with the social worker (especially, the health
cases thereof).
3- The social worker shall not interfere in the student's academic development
and shall not follow up contacting with parents as such matter is assigned to
the classroom teacher / the subject teacher (Arabic language - Islamic
4- There are forms prepared by the social worker to deal with different academic
and behavioral cases of the students. Please see such forms.
5- During the first academic meeting, if the teacher mentioned that there is a
need for making a behavioral assessment for the student by a psychologist,
the below mentioned shall be followed:
a- Preparing a report by the social worker about the student case.
b- Preparing a report by the classroom teacher about the student case.
c- Submitting reports to the academic stage principal to issue a decision for
meeting the parents and to prepare a letter for transferring the student
d- The school principal shall meet the parent, the teacher and the social
worker to discuss the student case and then the school principal shall take
the decision in regard to transferring the student to be evaluated in
Creative Children International School.

Canadian Bilingual School

Elementry counselor Office

Dr.Soha kotB
Ms. Walaa Nasr
Elementry counselor

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