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University of Tennessee Libraries Diversity Committee

Diversity Climate Survey

Report to Participants
February 2002


In the fall of 2001, the UT Libraries' Diversity Committee conducted a survey of the Libraries'
employees to identify areas that should be included in goals for improving the diversity of the Libraries'
services, workforce, climate, and collections. The results will guide the University Libraries' Diversity
Committee in identifying important areas for programs, training and further discussion. The project will
develop benchmarks against which to measure the progress and success of the Libraries' diversity

A questionnaire was developed based on work done in both academic and public libraries. Items
were added to elicit information on known or perceived areas of concern in three major areas: the
policies and practices of the libraries, the attitudes and perceptions of the employees, and the interactions
among employees and with patrons of the libraries.

This report to participants is not an attempt to interpret the results of the survey. It simply presents
the cumulated responses. Our understanding of "what it means" will emerge as we jointly discuss these
sensitive and important issues.


All library employees – students, faculty, and staff – were given an opportunity to complete the
questionnaire between Oct. 16, 2001 and Oct. 31, 2001. Participation was completely anonymous and
voluntary. Respondents were provided with paper survey forms and pre-addressed return envelops. A
third party, the UT Office of Equity and Diversity, collected the responses to ensure the anonymity of all
participants. The data were entered into the Statistical Package for Social Scientists (SPSS) to generate
descriptive statistics. Comments were transcribed and subjected to TextSmart content analysis.

Demographic Data

Complete questionnaires were received from 122 people. There was good participation by all
segments of the libraries. Return rates were good, with librarians being the most likely to complete the
survey. See Appendix I for charts describing those who responded to the survey.

UT Libraries Diversity Climate Survey, February 2002 Page 1

Climate Inventory Questions

Employees were asked to answer 66 questions using a five-point scale:

1 = Strongly Disagree
2 = Disagree
3 = Neither Agree nor Disagree
4 = Agree
5 = Strongly Agree

The charts in Appendix II show the averages for each of the questions and are grouped into the major
three categories. Students chose the neutral response more often than others. Appendix IV contains the
cumulated responses for all questions.

Differences of Opinion Among Groups

It is interesting that there are no statistically significant differences by race, gender, or ethnicity.
In the case of race and ethnicity, this may be a function of the very small numbers of responses in those
categories. Differences do occur by type of position held in the libraries and by length of service with the
libraries. Those questions with significant differences are presented in Appendix III.


An unusually large number of participants chose to include comments. The survey posed four
questions and nearly 80% of the returns included some formal comments. Formal or informal comments
were included by 99 of 122 people. The comments were wide-ranging in scope. The general themes that
emerged from each question are presented below.

In general, do you think the policies and practices of the UL are fair? Why or why not?

Library policies are fair

Policies should be put into practice fairly
The UL should offer equal opportunities to all
Belief of unfair treatment or specific instances of frustration were reported
The UL should always hire the best-qualified candidate

What attitudes or perceptions should the Diversity Committee take into consideration when
planning programs and activities for UL staff?

Concern that everyone participate and be open-minded

Take into consideration that we live in a culturally and religiously conservative area
The holiday party controversy is uncomfortable for many on both sides of the issue
Suggestions for a variety of multicultural programming
A caution that there is limited time available and some are too busy to participate
The influence of Sept. 11, 2001 is seen in a few fearful comments

Please share your ideas for making the University Libraries welcoming and inviting

Use displays and innovative public programming to promote diverse collections

UT Libraries Diversity Climate Survey, February 2002 Page 2

Practice good public service – smile, be friendly, be approachable
Give and receive respect
Make it easier to use the UL (e.g. stacks confusing, services desks too high, lighting dim)
Add foreign language or universal symbol signs

Please give some suggestions for Diversity Committee training and programs

Speakers and programs on different ethnic and religious backgrounds

Training on how to help international students, the disabled, and special needs patrons
Distribute more information on UL policies
Create opportunities for staff social interaction
Create opportunities for serious staff discussions
Various suggestions for resolving the holiday party dilemma

Please feel free to add any other comments

Specific themes did not emerge from this open question. In general, people wish to be treated
fairly. Some respondents look to the Diversity Committee to provide help and assistance. Both
race and religion were identified by many as areas of concern.

UT Libraries Diversity Climate Survey, February 2002 Page 3

Demographic Data








Asian or
Pacific Caucasian Hispanic Other
UT Employees 6.6% 1.9% 90.3% 0.9% 0.3%
Tennessee 16.4% 1.0% 79.2% 2.2% 1.3%
Library Sample 6.6% 2.5% 87.6% 1.7% 1.7%

Library Position

Exempt staff 32%

Non-exempt Grad Student

staff 1%

Appendix I - Demographic Data Page1

Return Rates

200 80%

150 61.2% 60%

100 39.8% 40% Library
25.3% Percent
50 20%
49 123
30 49 39 154
0 0%
Faculty Staff (Exempt & SLA/GA

Country of Origin


Asia America
2% Middle East Caribbean 1%
3% 1%

Gender: Library and UT



Male Female
Library 28.7 71.3
UT 49.6 50.4

Appendix I - Demographic Data Page2

Age of Respondents

18-28 yrs
46-65 yrs 9%

29-45 yrs

Length of Service

16+ yrs 1mo. -1 yr.

26% 32%

2-15 yrs.

Other Demographic Items

80 73
60 54.9 50.8
45.1 49.2 Yes
35.2 No

Aware of UL


Familiar with

Familiar with

Member of an


diversity in





Appendix I - Demographic Data Page3

Inventory Response Averages


Practices & Policies


UL tries to help all employees realize their full potential 3.4

UL hiring and promotional process are fair 3.47
My chances are equal to those of other applicants 3.5
UL should do more to attract qualified under-represented applicants 3.39
UL policies do not conflict with my ethical or religious beliefs 3.89
UL shows tolerance for individuality 3.72
All UL units should include staff from a variety of ethnic backgrounds 3.53
Promotions at UL are not biased towards men 3.58
Promotional practices at UL encourage a diverse staff 3.79
My work is evaluated accurately by my supervisor 3.85
I feel supported in pursuing training and educational opportunities 3.5
Considering race when hiring is not showing preference 2.5
It is easy for staff to get time off for non-Christian holidays 3.44
Older job candidates face no discrimination 3.22
Discrimination is not a problem at UL 3.36
Diversity efforts would be helped by advertising positions to a wider audience 3.5
Promotions are not biased towards minority staff 3.55
People with disabilities are given appropriate accommodations 3.35
I have received adequate information about the UL's practices and policies.. 3.31
UL values diversity in its workforce 3.51

1 2 3 4 5
Disagree Agree

APPENDIX II Inventory Response Averages Page1

Attitudes & Perceptions

All UL employees are working up to their full potential. 2.25

My personal definition of diversity is like the Diversity Committee’s 3.47

I am comfortable working with people from other ethnic backgrounds 4.42

People prefer to associate with others who are like them. 3.43

Expression of religious beliefs is tolerated of employees in UL 3.46

At UL, diversity is not a different name for quotas. 3.46

UL is not a stressful place to work. 3.42

Diversity is not being forced on me. 3.93

If given the choice, I would prefer to work as part of a team 3.31

I would feel comfortable working with someone with HIV/AIDS. 3.7

Based on my own definition of diversity, UL is a pretty diverse 3.28

I would be comfortable working with people with different lifestyles. 4.16

Mangement does not regard me poorly because I have expressed my religious views 3.85

I would be comfortable with a supervisor from another ethnic background. 4.16

1 Disagree 2 3 4 Agree

APPENDIX II Inventory Response Averages Page2

Attitudes & Perceptions (cont.)

I can freely express my views and opinions at work. 3.51

Sexual orientation does not affect how I act toward him/her 4.32

My contributions to UL are valued by other staff. 3.72

I find it easy to learn from staff who are different from me. 4.25

I am treated with respect by those in upper-level positions. 3.75

Co-workers with disabilities don’t make my work more difficult. 3.96

Work experience should be valued as much as formal education 3.77

It is comfortable for gay, lesbian, or bisexual employees to talk about their partners
at UL

I am not bothered if a staff member is speaking a foreign language 3.6

Celebrating ethnic festivals is a good idea. 3.84

Diversity contributes to everyone’s success. 3.97

I enjoy talking with other staff about our diverse backgrounds 4.02

I personally feel welcomed, valued, and respected at UL. 3.67

1 2 3 4 5
Disagree Agree

APPENDIX II Inventory Response Averages Page3

Interactions with Staff & Patrons

People with limited English should be able to use the library 2.87
The mix of cultures, races, religions and lifestyles at UL makes my job interesting. 4.04
I am comfortable helping a disabled patron 3.84
Signs in foreign languages would provide a welcoming environment 3.62
Female staff members are sometimes treated differently by patrons. 3.12
The UL should admit all people 3.64
My department is appreciated within the UL 3.29
I think patrons feel more comfortable approaching similar staff members. 3.41
Older staff are valued and respected. 3.34
I have a good working relationship with my co-workers. 4.11
Employees in other departments understand my job 3.4
I have no problem providing materials that reflect a different ethical position 3.92
I would be interested in cross-training within UL. 3.52
All patrons get fair and courteous service. 3.27
We have not spent too much time and money on ADA requirements. 3.9
I have no difficulty assisting a person who speaks with an accent. 3.85
I have not experienced sexual harassment in the UL 3.86
1 2 3 4 5
Disagree Agree

APPENDIX II Inventory Response Averages Page4

Differences Among Groups


Differences by Length of Service

Percent who agree or strongly agree

Promotions are biased towards minorities

All UL employees are working up to their full potential.

I find it difficult to learn from staff that are different from me.

UL is a stressful place to work

All UL units should include staff from a variety of ethnic

16+ yrs
I would be comfortable with a supervisor from another ethnic 2-15 yrs
1 mo-1 yr
Discrimination is a problem at UL

At UL, diversity is a different name for quotas.

UL hiring and promotion processes are fair

Promotions are biased towards men.

My work is evaluated accurately by my supervisor

0 20 40 60 80 100

APPENDIX III Differences Among Groups Page 1

Differences by Position
Percent who agree or strongly agree

I feel supported in pursuing training and education

I get adequate information about practices/policies.

UL values diversity in its workforce

UL tries to help all employees realize their full potential

My personal definition of diversity is similar to the Diversity Com.


I would be interested in cross-training within the UL

Signs in foreign languages would provide a welcoming
environment for the Libraries' foreign patrons
Work experience should be valued as much as formal education

Policies put me in conflict with ethical or religious beliefs

My department is unappreciated within the UL organization

UL should admit only people with valid UT ID or borrower card

At UL, diversity is a different name for quotas.

Promotions are biased towards minorities

0 20 40 60 80 100

APPENDIX III Differences Among Groups Page 2

Preliminary Results


Fall 2001


A. Race/Ethnicity (check one): B. Position (check one):

0 African 32.2% 38 Student Library Assistant

6.6% 8 African American .8% 1 Graduate Student
0 American Indian or Alaskan Native 37.3% 44 Non-exempt Staff
2.5% 3 Asian or Pacific Islander 4.2% 5 Exempt Staff
87.6% 106 Caucasian 25.4% 30 Faculty
1.7% 2 Hispanic
1.7% 2 Other (Please describe.):

C. What is your country of origin?

93.4% 114 USA

2.5% 3 Middle East
1.6% 2 Asia
.8% 1 Latin America
.8% 1 Caribbean
.8% 1 Russia

D. What is your gender?

28.7% 35 Male
71.3% 87 Female

E. What is your age? Average 37 Years

F. How long have your worked at UL? Average 3 years

G. Do you have supervisory responsibilities?

54.9% 67 No
45.1% 55 Yes

H. Were you aware before this survey that UL has a Diversity Committee?
27% 33 No
73% 89 Yes

Are you familiar with the UL Diversity Committee’s definition of diversity?

49.2% 60 No
50.8% 62 Yes

J. Are you familiar with the diversity components of the Libraries’ current planning documents?
64.8% 79 No
35.2% 43 Yes

K. Do you consider yourself to be a member of an under-represented group?

79.8% 95 No
20.2% 24 Yes
If yes, please briefly explain why:

Unless otherwise noted, please check the column that best corresponds to your opinion.

PRACTICES & POLICIES strongly disagree neither agree strongly Average

disagree agree nor agree
1 2 3 4 5
1. UL tries to help all employees realize their full 5% 13.2% 30.6% 39.7% 11.6% 3.4
2. UL hiring and promotional processes are fair. 4.9% 14.8% 20.5% 48.4% 11.5% 3.47
3. My chances are equal to those of other 5.8% 12.4% 20.7% 48.4% 12.4% 3.5
applicants when I apply for positions at UL.
4. UL should do more to attract qualified .8% 10.7% 48.4% 29.5% 10.7% 3.39
applicants from under-represented groups.
5. Some UL policies and practices put me in 28.7% 46.7% 11.5% 11.5% 1.6% 2.11
conflict with my ethical or religious beliefs.
6. UL shows tolerance for individuality. 2.5% 9.1% 14% 62.8% 11.6% 3.72
7. All UL departments and branches should include 2.5% 7.5% 41.7% 30.8% 17.5% 3.53
staff from a variety of ethnic backgrounds.
8. Promotions at UL are biased towards male staff 17.5% 38.3% 32.5% 8.3 3.3% 2.42
9. Promotional practices at UL encourage a diverse 5% 14% 51.2% 27.3% 2.5% 3.79
10. My work is evaluated accurately by my 5.8% 3.3% 14.8% 60.3% 16.5% 3.85
11. I feel supported in pursuing training and 1.6% 8.2% 15% 54.1% 21.3% 3.5
educational opportunities at UL and UT.
12. Considering race when hiring for a job is the 9.1% 13.2% 15.7% 43% 19% 3.5
same as showing preference.
13. It is hard for staff to get time off for holidays 17.2% 23% 47.4% 9.8% 1.6% 2.79
important to non-Christian religions.
14. Older job candidates face discrimination in 5% 31.4% 47.9% 12.4% 3.3 2.78
hiring and/or promotion practices at UL.
15. Discrimination is a problem at UL. 7.4% 42.1% 33.9% 12.4% 4.1% 2.64
16. Diversity efforts would be helped by 9.1% 39.7% 43 8.3 3.5
advertising positions to a wider audience.
17. Promotions in UL are biased towards minority 13.2% 38% 41.3% 5.8% 1.7% 2.45
staff members.
18. People with disabilities are given appropriate 4.9% 9% 35.2% 47.5% 3.3% 3.35
accommodations in UL.
19. I have received adequate information about the 3.3% 24.2% 18.3% 46.7% 7.5% 3.31
UL's practices and policies.
20. UL values diversity in its workforce. 3.3% 7.4% 31.1 51.6% 6.6% 3.51

21. In general, do you think the policies and practices of the University Libraries are fair and equitable? Why or
why not?

ATTITUDES & PERCEPTIONS strongly disagre neither agree strongly Average
disagree e agree
1 2 3 4 5
22. All UL employees are working up to their full 23% 44.3% 19.7% 10.7% 2.5% 2.25
23. My personal definition of diversity is similar to .8% 6.7% 45.8% 38.3% 8.3% 3.47
the UL Diversity Committee’s definition.
24. I am comfortable working with people from .8% .8% 52.5% 45.9% 4.42
different ethnic backgrounds.
25. Most people prefer to associate with others who .8% 16.5% 28.1% 47.9% 6.6% 3.43
are similar to them.
26. Expression of religious beliefs is tolerated of 4.9% 11.5% 26.2% 47.5% 9.8% 3.46
employees in UL.
27. At UL, diversity is a different name for quotas. 14% 28.9% 46.3% 8.3% 2.5% 2.56
28. UL is a stressful place to work. 13.1% 45.9% 18% 16.4% 6.6% 2.57
29. I feel that diversity is being forced on me. 24.6% 52.5% 16.4% 4.9% 1.6% 2.07
30. If given the choice, I would prefer to work as part 5% 14.9% 34.7% 35.5% 9.9% 3.31
of a team rather than work alone.
31. I would feel comfortable working with someone 3.3% 13.9% 8.2% 59% 15.6% 3.7
known to have HIV/AIDS.
32. Based on my own definition of diversity, UL is a 6.7% 18.3% 21.7% 47.5% 5.8% 3.28
pretty diverse workplace.
33. I would be comfortable working with people who 3.3% 4.9% 64.8% 27% 4.16
have lifestyles different from mine.
34. Because I have expressed my religious views I am 20.5% 49.2% 26.2% 3.3% .8% 2.15
not well regarded by library management.
35. I would be comfortable with a supervisor from 1.6% 4.1% 70.5% 23.8% 4.16
another ethnic background.
36. I have heard comments from co-workers that I 17.2% 31.1% 10.7% 30.3% 10.7% 2.86
consider racist.
37. I can freely express my views and opinions at 5.7% 12.3% 18% 53.3% 10.7% 3.51
38. Someone’s sexual orientation does not affect how .8% .8% 2.5% 57.4% 38.5% 4.32
I act toward him/her at work.
39. My contributions to UL are valued by other staff. 4.1% 1.6% 23.8% 59% 11.5% 3.72
40. I find it difficult to learn from staff who are 33.6% 59% 6.6% .8% 1.75
different from me.
41. I am treated with respect by those in upper-level 4.1% 9% 16.4% 49.2% 21.3% 3.75
42. Co-workers with disabilities make my work more 29.5% 41.8% 24.6% 3.3% .8% 2.04
43. Work experience should be valued as much as 3.3% 7.4% 23% 41.8% 24.6% 3.77
formal education
44. It would be uncomfortable for gay, lesbian, or bisexual 17.2% 42.6% 18% 13.9% 8.2% 2.53
employees to talk about their partners at my worksite.
45. I am uncomfortable if a staff member is speaking a 18.2% 48.8% 11.6% 18.2% 3.3% 2.4
language I don’t understand.
46. Celebrating ethnic festivals among staff is a good 1.6% 3.3% 23% 54.1% 18% 3.84
47. Diversity contributes to everyone’s success. 1.6% 26.2% 45.9% 26.2% 3.97
48. I enjoy talking with other staff about our diverse 21.3% 55.7% 23% 4.02
49. I personally feel welcomed, valued, and respected 5.7% 7.4% 15.6% 56.6% 14.8% 3.67
at UL.

50. What specific attitudes or perceptions do you think the Diversity Committee should take into consideration when
planning programs and activities for library staff?

INTERACTION WITH STAFF & PATRONS strongly disagree neither agree strongly Average
disagree agree nor agree
1 2 3 4 5
51. People who use the library should be 7.4% 26.4% 24% 32.2% 9.9% 3.11
functionally literate in English.
52. The mix of cultures, races, religions and .8% 14.8% 63.1% 21.3% 4.04
lifestyles at UL makes my job interesting.
53. I am uncomfortable helping a patron who has a 23.8% 54.1% 8.2% 10.7% 3.3% 2.16
54. Signs in foreign languages would provide a 3.3% 6.6% 27% 50.8% 12.3% 3.62
welcoming environment for the Libraries’ foreign
55. I have noticed that female staff members are 4.9% 30.3% 24.6% 27.9% 12.3% 3.12
sometimes treated differently by patrons.
56. The UL should admit only people with valid 26.4% 44.6% 6.6% 14% 8.3% 2.33
UT ID cards or UL Borrower cards.
57. My department is unappreciated within the UL 13.9% 32.8% 29.5% 16.4% 7.4% 2.7
58. I think patrons feel more comfortable 1.6% 13.9% 29.5% 51.6% 3.3% 3.41
approaching staff members with similar cultural or
racial backgrounds.
59. Older staff are valued and respected. 4.1% 13.2% 31.4% 47.1% 4.1% 3.34
60. I have a good working relationship with my co- 1.6% 7.4% 68% 23% 4.11
61. Employees in other departments are clueless as .8% 25.4 % 21.3% 37.7% 14.8% 3.4
to what I do in my job.
62. I have difficulty providing patrons with 21.3% 50.8% 26.2% 1.6% 2.08
materials that reflect a different ethical position
from my own.
63. I would be interested in cross-training within 4.1% 9% 31.1% 42.6% 13.1% 3.52
64. All patrons get fair and courteous service. 4.1% 19% 28.9% 41.3% 6.6% 3.27
65. Too much time and money have been spent on 23.8% 48.4% 23.8% 2.5% 1.6% 2.1
making changes to meet the American with
Disabilities Act requirements.
66. I find it difficult assisting a person who speaks 22.1% 54.1% 10.7% 13.1% 2.15
with an accent.
67. I have experienced sexual harassment in the 29.5 47.5% 9.8% 5.7% 7.4% 2.14

68. Please share your ideas for making the University Libraries welcoming and inviting places for users and staff

69. Please give some suggestions for Diversity Committee programs and training.

Feel free to add any other comments.

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