Yazeedrana ICT Task

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Laboratory of ICT (Information and Communication Technology)

Candidate Name: Yazeedrana Pancasakti

School code : Candidate Number:


Paper Test December 10, 2015

90 minutes
Candidates answer on the Question Paper. Or answer booklet given
No additional materials are required.


Write your Centre number, candidate number and name on all the work you hand in.
Write in dark blue or black pen in your answer booklet
Do not use staples, paper clips, highlighters, and glue or correction fluid.
You may use a pencil for any diagrams, graphs or rough working.

Answer all questions.

The number of marks is given in the same rank due to MC test.

The businesses described in this paper are entirely fictitious.

For Examiner use only

This document consists of 12 printed pages, including this page.


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Questions Group 1, 2 and 3

The ICT design engineer and manager for West Java Railways (WJR) have different networks to manage including
Local Area Networks (LANs) and Wide Area Networks (WANs). In order that staff at different stations can
communicate, WJR makes use of a Virtual Private Network (VPN). When the networks were set up consideration had
to be given to the ways that computers would communicate with the servers.
WJR has a website which provides information that customers might find useful when planning a journey.
Customers can also use this website to book tickets.

Group 1
(a) State one benefit and one drawback of each of the following communication methods.

Fibre Optic Cable, benefits and drawback

1. Benefits of Fibre optic cable compare to copper cable and wireless are:
a. Difficult to repair breaks and damage
b. Can be easily broken/snapped and expensive to install
c. Lower bandwidth and difficult to increase it
d. Very difficult to intercept data being transmitted

2. Drawbacks of it compare to copper cable and wireless are:

a. Easier to increase bandwidth
b. Difficult to repair breaks or damage
c. Lower bandwidth and difficult to increase it
d. Very secure

Copper cable and wireless, benefits and drawbacks

3. Benefits of wireless connection are

a. New protocols can increase data transmissions rates
b. Easier to intercept, low level of security
c. Limited access range
d. Low cost installation

4. Drawback of wireless connection are

a. Easier to intercept, low level of security
b. Unlimited access range
c. High cost installation
d. Easy to add a new system

5. Benefits of copper cable connection are:

a. Easy to add a new system/node/device to network
b. Easier to intercept data
c. Limited access range and limited number of users to each access point
d. All ready as a legacy do to old installation

6. Drawbacks

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a. Easy to add a new system/node/device to network
b. Easier to intercept data
c. Limited accsess range and limited number of users to each access point
d. All ready as a legacy do to old installation
(b) Describe the actions that take place when a data packet is sent through each of the following.

7. A firewall
a. Scans packet for forbidden keywords and permit if allowed list
b. Read data on line
c. Read IP address of sender system
d. Blocks/does not send transmission/data to other ports

8. A switch
a. Read domain sender and Permits if not forbidden
b. Read IP address of sender system and then send the packets directly to this
c. Read data on line
d. Block all forbidden data

(c) Explain why WJR uses a VPN for staff communication

9. VPN (Virtual Private Network) is used for due to:
a. Read IP address of sender system and then send the packets directly to this
b. Through the internet and not via physical network using encryption algorithm
c. Used data packets transmission
d. Low cost

Group 2
(a) List four pieces of information that a customer would expect to have to input in order to book a train ticket, explaining
why each one is needed.

10. In order to book a train ticket, explaining why each one is needed, four pieces of information that a customer
would expect to have to input, the following:
a. Departure point to show where the train is to be boarded
Destination point to show which trains are available
Date of travel to show when the journey is to be made
Time of travel to show which train to catch
b. Provides secure data transfer for data transmission
Sends encrypted data for secure transmission
Provides confidentiality for authentication
Uses TCP/IP protocol for more sure
c. Reads packet sender’s IP address for switch the information to the destination
Permits if on allowed list to access journey data
Reads domain of sender to get appropriate location based
Permits if not forbidden to transceiver of data
d. Through the internet/not a physical network for more secure data
Uses tunnelling from one LAN to another/VPN client makes tunnel to server
Uses public communication links for low cost
Packets are encapsulated within packets of native transmission network

(b) Two benefits and two drawbacks of online booking to the customer and the company.
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11. For customer
a. Benefits:
 No need to travel/queue/go to booking kiosk, office or agent for tickets to make advance
 Tickets can be obtained quicker than using ticket office
 Cannot ask detailed questions un like human
 Can compare process at leisure
b. Benefits
 Cannot ask detailed questions un like human
 Can compare process at leisure
 Can cost less as there is no need to travel to ticket office, kiosk or agent
 On-line might have special offers as agent/office/company costs are lower

c. Benefits:
 System might be down- unlike a timetable book – so cannot make a booking at that time/have
to wait which can be inconvenient
 Need a credit card to make bookings/collect tickets at departure point
 Can cost less as there is no need to travel to ticket office, kiosk or agent
 On-line might have special offers as agent/office/company costs are lower

d. Benefits:
 No need to travel/queue/go to booking kiosk, office or agent for tickets to make advance
 Tickets can be obtained quicker than using ticket office
 Can cost less as there is no need to travel to ticket office, kiosk or agent
 On-line might have special offers as agent/office/company costs are lower

12. For company

a. Benefits
 Less personal touch
 Expensive to employ programmers/purchase hardware/set up and maintain
 Better customer satisfaction due to e.g. faster service
 Can hold more information than a human

b. Benefits
 Requires less office staff so overheads are reduced e.g. smaller booking offices
 Can be quickly updated with latest offers/news
 Vulnerable to hacking so is vulnerable to fraud
 No opportunity to sell extras to customers e.g. seat reservations/travel insurance

c. Benefits
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 Must be kept up to date to provide the correct information
 Can hold more information than a human
 Less personal touch
 No opportunity to sell extras
d. Benefits
 Vulnerable to hacking so is vulnerable to fraud
 No opportunity to sell extras to customers e.g. seat reservations/travel insurance
 Less personal touch
 No opportunity to sell extras

13. Describe, in detail, one of the methods which WJR could use on their website to ensure customer data is kept
a. Use of full duplex transceiver
b. Using email without encryption
c. Use of HTTPS mode in URL to ensure that data transmitted is encrypted
d. Using web based algorithm

14. WJR wants to improve their services and need to carry out some market research.
Describe three ways in which computers can be used to help gather data for market research.

a. (1) direct observation; (2) questioner; (3) passed data analysis, document collection as a requirement
b. (1) analysis; (2) document collection; (3) questioner
c. (1) filling form; (2) waiting customer complain (3) internal form discussion;
d. (1) personal interviewing; (2) telephone interviewing and; (3) web interviewing, all assisted by computer


Questions 15, 16, ....., 21

The government in specific country is concerned about the digital divide amongst its peoples. They are introducing a
program of education for all people and want to encourage the more widespread use of computers. They want to
provide online application systems for government-issued personal documents. They also want to manage income
tax online.

15. Explain what is meant by the ‘digital divide’.

a. The gap between those who have access to ICT and those who do not
b. The gap between the government desired and the peoples need
c. The gap between the desired and the real outcome
d. The gap between the employer and the employment

16. Due to digital divide, it affects the population in 3 ways: the following
a. the have (rich), the have not and low income
b. inability, unable to obtain ICT skills
c. low income, age and disability
d. access to health and market information.
17. Describe the benefits and drawbacks of using computers for teaching and learning.
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a. Benefits:
i. Better for student with disabilities
ii. No social intolerance with a trainer
iii. Trainers could go off task
i. No social interaction with a trainer
ii. Student can structure theri own learning
iii. Cheaper than regular updates of text books

b. Benefits:
i. Student can structure their own learning
ii. Can be used on a laptop anywhere
iii. No need to be in class room
Draw backs:
i. Expensive to create and maintain
ii. System is unable to answer all questions from students
iii. Trainers could go off task
c. Benefits:
i. Student can structure their own learning
ii. Can be used on a laptop anywhere
iii. No need to be in class room
Draw backs:
i. Expensive to create and maintain
ii. Questions can progressively become harder depending on test results
iii. Trainers could go off
d. Benefits:
i. Expensive to create and maintain
ii. Student can structure their own learning
iii. Questions can progressively become harder depending on test results
Draw backs:
iv. Expensive to create and maintain
v. Questions can progressively become harder depending on test results
vi. Trainers could go off

18. ICT System can be used to monitor student progress, the following (choose the best rank answer):
a. Program generates individual test using question bank
Student complete multiple choice test
Using marks on paper, on computer screen
b. Student could hack into school system and obtain the answer test
Report generated and printed
Student could send viruses etc; to others
c. Student could cyber-bully others
Student could deface the school websites
Marks totalled
d. Students could pass on student’s details to others
Email addresses harvested used to sell to third parties
Report generated and printed

19. The government have two advantages of on-line personal applications as follows:
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a. Avoid stealing document from post or company databases
Avoid phishing to acquire user name, IDs, password
b. Skimming of credit card
Spyware to steal
c. People can have better access to forms when and where they wish
Less chance of bribery and corruption
d. Tickets intercepted from online booking
Expensive cost

20. Incomes, allowance/capital allowances and expenses are three items that must be entered, for:
a. Completing on-line tax form requirement
b. Reconciliation with bank
c. Name, address and phone number register
d. Personal details

21. There are two ways how to pay the personal tax bill online, by using:
a. Money transfer, using EFT (electronic funds transfer), Credit Card and third party final transaction service
b. Using debit card, cash money and bank note
c. Use three third party financial transaction
d. Visit the tax payment both in three different areas

Logic Circuit, Boolean algebra, Programming Technique and Turtle Graphic

Turtle Graphics
22. On the drawing two piece of lines, instructions LOGO for Turtle graphic are:
b. FD5, PENUP, FD6, PENDOWN, FD4, LT90 4
c. FD5, PENUP, FD6, PENDOWN, FD4, LT90 5 6

23. On the Drawing shape right site, instructions LOGO for Turtle graphic are:
a. LT90, REPEAT 6 [FD4, RT60], FD4
b. RT90, REPEAT 6 [FD4, RT60]
REPEAT 4[FD4, LT90] 4
c. RT30, REPEAT 6 [FD4, LT60] 4
d. LT90, REPEAT 6 [FD4, RT60] 4 4
FD4 Finish

Boolean Algebra
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24. Denary number (decimal number) of 543.25 can be written as:
a. 5 x 103 + 4 x 102 + 3 x 101 + 0.25 x 10-1
b. 5 x 102 + 4 x 101 + 3 x 100 + 0.25 x 10-1
c. 5 x 103 + 4 x 102 + 3 x 101 + 2 x 10-1 + 0.5 x 10-2
d. 5 x 102 + 4 x 101 + 3 x 100 + 2 x 10-1 + 5 x 10-2

25. 654.14 can be written as 6 x 10a + 5 x 10b + 4 x 10c + 1 X 10q + 4 X 10p. Then the value of a, b, c, q and p are:
a. a = 5, b =4, c = 3, q = -1 and p = -2
b. a = 5, b =4, c = 3, q = 0 and p = -2
c. a = 5, b =4, c = 3, q = 1 and p = -2
d. a = 2, b =1, c = 0, q = -1 and p = -2

26. Binary number based on value 2, they are 0 and 1 i.e. on and off electric signals. The conversion of denary
number 54 into binary number is:
a. 110100 b. 110110 c. 101110 d. 111101

27. Denary number of 43.125 can be written in binary number as:

a. 101011.1 b. 100111.011 c. 101011.01 d; 100000.01

28. Binary number 100111.1 convert into denary number are:

a. 39 b. 38.5 c. 39.5 d. 72.125

29. Binary number 100011.01 can be written as 1 x 2p + 1 x 2q + 1 x 2s + 1 x 2s. Then the value of p, q, r and s are:
a. 5, 2, 1 and -1 b. 5, 0, 0, -2 c. 5, 1, 0 and -2 d. 5, 2, 1 and -2

Logic circuits

30. Complete the truth table according to the circuit below!

OR X 0 0 0
B AN 0 0 1
P D 0 1 0

In the row 7 combinations are: Row 7 1 1 0

a. 1 1 0 1 1
b. 1 1 1 1 0
c. 1 1 0 0 0
d. 1 1 0 0 1

31. If A = 0, B = 1 and C = 1 then

a. P = 0 and X = 0
b. P = 1 and X = 0
c. P= 0 and X = 0
d. P = 0 and X = 1

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32. The formula of X is:
a. X = (A+B) C b. X = (A+B) C c. X = (A+B)C d. X = (A+B) C

33. Look at the logic circuit diagram on this picture.



The formula in point D is

a. D = AB b. D = AB + C c. D=A+B d. D = CE

34. Then the formula in point E is:

a. E = (B + C) b. E = (B+C)C = BC c. E = (B + C) d. E = (B + C)

35. Output alarm X can be written as:

a. X = AB + BC = (A + C)B
b. X = AB + (B + C)
c. X = AB + (B + C)
d. X = AB + BC = B(A + C)

36. An alarm, Y, sends a signal (Y=1) when certain fault conditions in a chemical control process are detected. The
inputs are:

Input Binary Value Conditions

1 Acidity > 5
0 Acidity <=5
1 Temperature >=120°C
0 Temperature < 120°C
1 Stirrer bar ON
0 Stirrer Bar OFF

The alarm, Y, return a value of 1 if:

Either (i) temperature >= 120° Celcius AND stirrer bar is OFF
Or (ii) acidity >5 AND temperature <120°C

Drawing of the logic circuit for the above system is used these logic gates, here in the shaded area, see next

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The state of Boolean Function of Y or Y = f(A,T,S) is:

a. Y= AT+TS b. Y = AT + TS c. Y = T(A + S) d. Y = T(A + S)

37. If we complete the truth table of this alarm system, then row 6 combinations are:

a. 1 0 1 1 1 1 b. 1 1 1 1 0 1 c. 101101 d. 101101

A T S p q Y
0 0 0
0 0 1
0 1 0
0 1 1
1 0 0
1 0 1
1 1 0
1 1 1

Carefully study the following Flow Chart, for Question 38, 39 and 40, see page 11
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Count = 1 ; Total = 0 ; neg =0 ;


Temp Y
Total =Total + Temp
>=20° ?
Count + 1

Temp Y
neg = neg + 1
<=0° ?

Count = Count + 1

Y Count<=

Total, neg Stop

(i): Number = 7, Temp = -5, 0, 5, -4, 0, 10, -2

(ii): Number = 6, Temp = 21, 30, 20, 19, 21, 15

38. From Trace table (i): Number = 7, Temp = -5, 0, 5, -4, 0, 10, -2, after we get to complete then the output are:
a. -2, 5 b. 4, 5 c. 0, 5 d. 0, 0

Number Count Temp Total Neg Output

1 0 0
7 2 -5 1

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39. And Trace table (ii): Number = 6, Temp = 21, 30, 20, 19, 21, 15 after we get to complete then the Output is::
a. 0, 5 b. 15, 0 c. -2, 5 d. 92, 0 e. 10, 0

Number Count Temp Total Neg Output

1 0 0
6 2 21 21

40. From this Flowchart, there is no any output if the Temperature range of the following:
a. (Temp) >=20° b. 0°>=(Temp)>=20° c. (Temp)<=0° d. Temp = 0° e. Temp = 20o

B. ESSAY [20]

1. An algorithm is to be created to calculate the pay for the workers in a Telco’s services.
The name of each worker is input with the number of hours worked that week. Workers are paid in Rupiah
and cents, a Rupiah being local currency.
100 cents = 1 rupiah
Each worker is paid 28.5 rupiah per hour. If a worker earns more than 800 Rupiah in a week they must pay
20% of anything over 80 Rupiah in tax. Their pay is then reduced by that amount.
a. Produce the algorithms in FC (Flow Chart) or;
b. Produce PC (Pseudo Code),
for the software which will output for each worker:
 Their name;
 Their pay for the week;
 The tax they must pay;
 The algorithm will continue to calculate the pay of workers until the value 'xxx' is input as the
worker's name.
The number of workers should be output at the end of the algorithm.


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Bandung, 12 March 2015.
Up date: 16/11-2015
Created by: Nurain SILALAHI

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