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English for Cabin Crew ❙ Practice test ❙ Photocopiable ©

Background knowledge
English for cabin crew is a material that
specially designed for cabin crew student. The
implementation of this lesson is to give you an
additional knowledge that is important for your
career on the field.
For your information, the first airline
were actually mail planes with a few extra spaces
for passengers. The only crew were the pilots.
Eventually, some early airlines added ‘cabin boys’
to their flights. These crew members, who were
usually young men, were mainly on board to load
luggage and help people get around the plane.
This practice test is divided into five sections: Fluency,
Comprehension, Interactions, Structure, and Vocabulary. This test
is designed to help students assess how strong they are in each of the
skills areas
The Fluency Section
The fluency section gives you practice in describing pictures,
and choosing what is the right situation based on the picture. The
situation as you can see in the picture on your worksheet, is based on
the real situation that you will face it on the airplane. The aim of this
lesson is to make you as cabin crew student to be more understand
about what is happening on the plane and deciding the best expression
that can be used for that situation (Speaking Skill). Here are some
examples of polite expressions that can be used for those situations:
Excuse me Sir/ pardon me Sir, May I help to carry
your luggage to the cabin deck?

Do you need medical attention? / may I give you a

hand, Sir?
Photo A
Dear passenger/your attention, Please fasten your
seat belts before take off!
Comprehension section
The Comprehension section uses audio listening to test
student’ listening skill and understanding. There are two audio
recordings provided to you. The first audio is for questions
number 13-16. the second audio is for questions number 17-20.
While you listening to the audio, look at the 3 possible answers,
and choose the best answer for each statement/questions.
The Interactions, Structure and Vocabulary sections

In the interactions section, you have to choose the best

response, when your passenger probably asking a question to you or
give you a statement. Then you have to answer that question with the
right responses. The aim of this section is to guide you to be a
professional cabin crew, by learning how to interact with passenger.
While, in the Structure and Vocabulary sections, you have to
choose the best word to complete each sentence. The aim of this
section is to enrich your vocabulary, that will be very useful for your
job on the field.
My opinion about the material..
For me, English for Cabin Crew material from
Oxford University Press is very useful for cabin crew
student. Because it provides the real examples, not
only a theory. Cabin Crew students are need the real
subject that they can applied directly to their job on the
field. So the real example is the best way to have a
practice with. The material is also interesting, because
of the picture, and the audio recording, not only a text
Thank you

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