A Brit Tries Carter Hall - Pipe Smokers Forum

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A Brit Tries Carter Hall

 Falconeer ·  May 18, 2010

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Active Member Member

May 18, 2010 #1

Hi All,

As a Brit reporting on a long standing American Classic, I do so with some trepidation! I'd read of this famous tobacco for ages on forums and always meant
to get round to trying it. I got the opportunity last week.

Firstly let me say it was nothing at all like I expected it. Burley can be a bland tobacco with at best a hint of nuttiness and can be a tongue biter. The British
Classic “Gold Block is such, especially as it now comes in ribbon cut rather than the original Negro-head cut.

Rich at 4Noggins describes Carter Hall as, “ slow burning tobacco, with no bite. Cross cut Burleys with a sprinkling of Virginia Flake, a pleasing, sweet taste
and aroma.” and I think he has it spot on.

When I opened the pack the fresh fruity citrus aroma with a hint of something like sherry came as the first surprise. I expected the tobacco to burn hot and
fierce like Borkum Riff – it didn't; in fact its behaviour was gentlemanly – it took a light well, smoked evenly to the last shred and was much more satisfying
than I expected from its “mild” rating.

It smoked well in a briar, its flavour came out more in a Meer, and it really zinged in a natural cob.

By the time I'd worked my way through the pack, I'd really fallen for it – I can see how some would choose to smoke nothing else. A perfect tobacco for any
company and a good all day smoke.

The American Classic has a new fan – I'll be getting a big drum of it to smoke on my decking over the summer,

Happy Smoking


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May 18, 2010 #2

I always enjoy others' impressions of the "classic" tobaccos Gerry and it was a delight to read your review of Carter Hall. It's surprisingly easy-smoking,
satisfying and the price sure can't be beat. It also blends magnificently, especially with other Middleton products.

The only negative thing I can say about Carter Hall is I wish I'd bought a tub instead of a pouch!


Mister Moo
Gone but not forgotten Staff member Member

May 18, 2010 #3

After some hair-splitting about Carter Hall vs. Prince Albert vs. Half & Half vs. Sir Walter Raleigh it always boils down to this: a $4.00 cob and a $2.00 pouch 

of drugstore 'baccy is a sweet combination on a hot summer day. Last bowl of Carter Hall I smoked made some guy turn around on the street and smile and
say, "Wow. That's nice. Reminded me of my grandpa." Awwww.

And, honestly, if I had to pick between a world without Carter Hall and cobs or a world without Samuel Gawith flakes ... well.... please. I'm not a complete
idiot. A nice briar and some FVF is WAYYYYYYY better. https://pipesmokersforum.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif

Active Member

May 18, 2010 #4

Not me, I'd take a cob and a pouch of OTC burley any day!

Member Member

May 18, 2010 #5

Actually I know this sounds strange seeing as how there is all kinds of cool samples coming from Mr Moo but I'm really looking foreword to the sample of
Carter Hall he's sending as I've never tried a burly yet.

Active Member

May 18, 2010 #6

BluesGuy said: 

Actually I know this sounds strange seeing as how there is all kinds of cool samples coming from Mr Moo but I'm really looking foreword to the sample of Carter Hall he's
sending as I've never tried a burly yet.

Smoke it in a briar, then a cob, you'll see!

Member Member

May 18, 2010 #7

Marc said: 

Smoke it in a briar, then a cob, you'll see!

Will do all seeing and knowing one. :wave:

Active Member

May 18, 2010 #8

BluesGuy said: 

Will do all seeing and knowing one. :wave:

Your welcome and I think you will enjoy trying Carter Hall and difference it makes smoking a burley in a cob, it'll be a fun smoke.

nobler son
Member Member

May 18, 2010 #9

Marc said: 

Smoke it in a briar, then a cob, you'll see! 

I have to agree. I usually get more flavor out of CH in a cob. 

By the way, Gerry, your fresh opinion of Carter Hall inspired me to go ahead and grab a tub. Excited to see the difference of smoking it from a sealed tub,
rather than the pouch.

Member Member

May 19, 2010 #10

I've only been smoking CH for a few weeks now but man do I fancy this gentlemanly smoke. I've tried it in briar, cob, and meerschaum. The cob was better
than the briar but the cob can't touch the meerschaum in my opinion. I found this OTC to have very subtle flavors that only come out in a virgin/lightly
smoked cob or a meerschaum. I haven't tried it in a well broken in cob that has been dedicated to CH so I can't comment on that.

I haven't dedicated any of my 5 cobs to a particular tobaccy but maybe I should.

But I for one am in love with this blend. It's good for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Very satisfying.

While I'm at it, and knowing that Marc will be reading this https://pipesmokersforum.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/smile.gif I would also like to
comment on the Middleton's Cherry Blend that I purchased a few days ago. The first pipe was in my meerschaum since it serves me so well with the CH. I
did NOT think the CB was any great shakes. I found it to be a bore. It had good taste notes, was smooth, but I just found it uninteresting. I'm smoking some
right now in a cob and it's an altogether experience for me. I'm really enjoying it. However CH is a much more appealing blend to me than the Cherry Blend.

Considering that briar, cob, and meerschaum are three different materials, all three burn and hold the tobacco at different temperatures one would assume.
I am assuming that the cob burns the CB at a higher temperature than the meerschaum and that is what is needed to bring out the flavor of this particular
blend (CB). Does this make sense or am I incorrect about this?

Active Member

May 19, 2010 #11

Perique said: 

I've only been smoking CH for a few weeks now but man do I fancy this gentlemanly smoke. I've tried it in briar, cob, and meerschaum. The cob was better than the briar but the
cob can't touch the meerschaum in my opinion. I found this OTC to have very subtle flavors that only come out in a virgin/lightly smoked cob or a meerschaum. I haven't tried it
in a well broken in cob that has been dedicated to CH so I can't comment on that.

I haven't dedicated any of my 5 cobs to a particular tobaccy but maybe I should.

But I for one am in love with this blend. It's good for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Very satisfying.
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Whil I' t it dk i th t M ill b di thi htt // i k f /f / bli / t l ti /d f lt/ il if I ld l lik t t th

Cherry Blend makes for a good change of pace smoke and like you I prefer it in a cob, although I do have a few dedicated Grabow's just for Cherry Blend
and it does taste very good in a well seasoned CB pipe. I still enjoy it more in a cob! Glad you're enjoying Carter Hall, great tobacco!


May 19, 2010 #12

Falconeer said: 

Hi All,

As a Brit reporting on a long standing American Classic, I do so with some trepidation! I'd read of this famous tobacco for ages on forums and always meant to get round to
trying it. I got the opportunity last week.

Firstly let me say it was nothing at all like I expected it. Burley can be a bland tobacco with at best a hint of nuttiness and can be a tongue biter. The British Classic “Gold Block is
such, especially as it now comes in ribbon cut rather than the original Negro-head cut.
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Ri h t 4N i d ib C t H ll “ l b i t b ith bit C tB l ith i kli f Vi i i Fl k l i tt t d ” dI


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