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* Copyright (c) 2006-2007 Erin Catto

* This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
* warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages
* arising from the use of this software.
* Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
* including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it
* freely, subject to the following restrictions:
* 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not
* claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software
* in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be
* appreciated but is not required.
* 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be
* misrepresented as being the original software.
* 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.

package Box2D.Collision.Shapes{

import Box2D.Common.Math.*;
import Box2D.Common.*;
import Box2D.Collision.Shapes.*;
import Box2D.Dynamics.*;
import Box2D.Collision.*;

import Box2D.Common.b2internal;
use namespace b2internal;

* A circle shape.
* @see b2CircleDef
public class b2CircleShape extends b2Shape
override public function Copy():b2Shape
var s:b2Shape = new b2CircleShape();
return s;

override public function Set(other:b2Shape):void

if (other is b2CircleShape)
var other2:b2CircleShape = other as b2CircleShape;

* @inheritDoc
public override function TestPoint(transform:b2Transform, p:b2Vec2) :
//b2Vec2 center = transform.position + b2Mul(transform.R, m_p);
var tMat:b2Mat22 = transform.R;
var dX:Number = transform.position.x + (tMat.col1.x * m_p.x +
tMat.col2.x * m_p.y);
var dY:Number = transform.position.y + (tMat.col1.y * m_p.x +
tMat.col2.y * m_p.y);
//b2Vec2 d = p - center;
dX = p.x - dX;
dY = p.y - dY;
//return b2Dot(d, d) <= m_radius * m_radius;
return (dX*dX + dY*dY) <= m_radius * m_radius;

* @inheritDoc
public override function RayCast(output:b2RayCastOutput,
input:b2RayCastInput, transform:b2Transform):Boolean
//b2Vec2 position = transform.position + b2Mul(transform.R, m_p);
var tMat:b2Mat22 = transform.R;
var positionX:Number = transform.position.x + (tMat.col1.x * m_p.x +
tMat.col2.x * m_p.y);
var positionY:Number = transform.position.y + (tMat.col1.y * m_p.x +
tMat.col2.y * m_p.y);

//b2Vec2 s = input.p1 - position;

var sX:Number = input.p1.x - positionX;
var sY:Number = input.p1.y - positionY;
//float32 b = b2Dot(s, s) - m_radius * m_radius;
var b:Number = (sX*sX + sY*sY) - m_radius * m_radius;

/*// Does the segment start inside the circle?

if (b < 0.0)
output.fraction = 0;
output.hit = e_startsInsideCollide;

// Solve quadratic equation.

//b2Vec2 r = input.p2 - input.p1;
var rX:Number = input.p2.x - input.p1.x;
var rY:Number = input.p2.y - input.p1.y;
//float32 c = b2Dot(s, r);
var c:Number = (sX*rX + sY*rY);
//float32 rr = b2Dot(r, r);
var rr:Number = (rX*rX + rY*rY);
var sigma:Number = c * c - rr * b;

// Check for negative discriminant and short segment.

if (sigma < 0.0 || rr < Number.MIN_VALUE)
return false;

// Find the point of intersection of the line with the circle.

var a:Number = -(c + Math.sqrt(sigma));

// Is the intersection point on the segment?

if (0.0 <= a && a <= input.maxFraction * rr)
a /= rr;
output.fraction = a;
// manual inline of: output.normal = s + a * r;
output.normal.x = sX + a * rX;
output.normal.y = sY + a * rY;
return true;

return false;

* @inheritDoc
public override function ComputeAABB(aabb:b2AABB, transform:b2Transform) :
//b2Vec2 p = transform.position + b2Mul(transform.R, m_p);
var tMat:b2Mat22 = transform.R;
var pX:Number = transform.position.x + (tMat.col1.x * m_p.x +
tMat.col2.x * m_p.y);
var pY:Number = transform.position.y + (tMat.col1.y * m_p.x +
tMat.col2.y * m_p.y);
aabb.lowerBound.Set(pX - m_radius, pY - m_radius);
aabb.upperBound.Set(pX + m_radius, pY + m_radius);

* @inheritDoc
public override function ComputeMass(massData:b2MassData, density:Number) :
massData.mass = density * b2Settings.b2_pi * m_radius * m_radius;;

// inertia about the local origin

//massData.I = massData.mass * (0.5 * m_radius * m_radius + b2Dot(m_p,
massData.I = massData.mass * (0.5 * m_radius * m_radius + (m_p.x*m_p.x
+ m_p.y*m_p.y));

* @inheritDoc
public override function ComputeSubmergedArea(
var p:b2Vec2 = b2Math.MulX(xf, m_p);
var l:Number = -(b2Math.Dot(normal, p) - offset);
if (l < -m_radius + Number.MIN_VALUE)
//Completely dry
return 0;
if (l > m_radius)
//Completely wet
return Math.PI * m_radius * m_radius;

var r2:Number = m_radius * m_radius;
var l2:Number = l * l;
var area:Number = r2 *( Math.asin(l / m_radius) + Math.PI / 2) + l *
Math.sqrt( r2 - l2 );
var com:Number = -2 / 3 * Math.pow(r2 - l2, 1.5) / area;

c.x = p.x + normal.x * com;

c.y = p.y + normal.y * com;

return area;

* Get the local position of this circle in its parent body.
public function GetLocalPosition() : b2Vec2{
return m_p;

* Set the local position of this circle in its parent body.
public function SetLocalPosition(position:b2Vec2):void {

* Get the radius of the circle
public function GetRadius():Number
return m_radius;

* Set the radius of the circle
public function SetRadius(radius:Number):void
m_radius = radius;

public function b2CircleShape(radius:Number = 0){

m_type = e_circleShape;
m_radius = radius;

// Local position in parent body

b2internal var m_p:b2Vec2 = new b2Vec2();


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