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Acuña, Renz Mari A. 01/31/18


UPS Global Operations with the DIAD

1. List the various ways that DIAD improves customer service.

Good customer service relates to the service an organization provides before,

during and after a purchase. Improving customer service skills can lead to greater
customer satisfaction and a more enjoyable experience for them. Although it can take
extra resources, time and money, it will lead to customer satisfaction which can generate
positive word-of-mouth for the business, keep customers happy and encourage them to
purchase from the business again. Good customer service can help a business grow and
prosper which what DIAD exactly achieved.

DIAD or Delivery Information Acquisition Device has made various ways to

improve its customer service like scanning the package and all information related to the
package is readily available, its immediate information and response really helped. Also,
they have the ability to efficiently track customer package on the spot using Technology
(GPRS/CDMA) which makes them very reliable. DIAD also has on-time deliveries that
customers would very much appreciate because most of them hate waiting and the ability
of reduction of data entry error. Bluetooth electric network are in local areas to connect
the person driving a vehicle to the truck. DIAD’s screen was made more colorful and
much tougher than normal screen.

2. Write out the steps a package takes from pick-up by a UPS driver to delivery including
the role of DIAD, the UPS Data Center, and the UPS Package Center.

 First, a customer gives the package to the UPS employee and collects the information
which includes the content of the package and the address where it should be delivered.
 Second, the following information will be encoded to the main database system, in order
to create a “smart label” that will be attached to the package for shipment.
 Third, package will be picked up from the UPS Package Center and by using the DIAD,
the driver will know where he will deliver the package.
 Fourth, once the package is picked up and delivered by the driver, the package is scanned
to show all the information that was sent up to the UPS Data Center. Customers will be
able to track their package with the information provided on their package.
 Lastly, the DIAD system gets updated whenever a package is scanned through the center.
3. What role does wireless communication play in the UPS systems? List the different types
of wireless connectivity and describe their function.

 A built-in GPRS and CDMA cell phone, an acoustical modem to facilitate dial-up access
if necessary.s
 802.11b wireless local area network connectivity to enable transmission of real-time data
using any available wireless technology to a UPS center.
 "Bluetooth wireless personal area network and an infrared (IrDA) port to communicate
with peripheral devices such as customer PCs/printers.
 GPS connectivity that for the first time allowed drivers with detailed directions for
pickups of packages, and for central UPS systems to identify precisely where the trucks
and their packages were located.
 ODS (On-Demand Services) that enables communication with the driver throughout the

4. Why doesn’t UPS use much more powerful and smaller smartphones like the iPhone or
The DIAD units are much stronger than consumer smartphones, like iPhone and
Android, and can withstand heavy fall incidents, rain and intermittent submersions and
other incidents. DIAD is intended to use for this special application to gather and process
package which needs to deliver data. Whereas iPhone or Androids are open source
software that are not in lieu for such a robust technology. Many features of the DIAD are
available on smartphones, like scanning bar codes or using multiple cellular carriers, but
smartphones cannot stand on heavy rainstorm or a blizzard weather condition.

5. Why is the DIAD V better than the DIAD IV?

 Smaller unit, which can be one-hand, operated

 Less weight
 Faster response time
 Screen has a higher resolution, easy and accurate for customers who sign shipping bills
and the screen is backlit for night use
 Greater wireless flexibility and able to choose the optimal local carrier.

6. How does UPS’s investment in IT help it achieve the strategic business objectives
described in Chapter 1?

UPS’s investments in IT help them achieve the strategic business objective by:
 Increasing customer satisfaction
 Improving quality and speed of packages
 Developing of new products, services and business models – by having
diversification and culture change, UPS made an upgrade in order to meet
customer satisfaction which makes their service more technological, efficient and
real time service.
 Having a competitive advantage – continuous improvement, high level of
efficiency and quality by optimizing customer values. Responding to customer
 Aiming to make profits at the same time make market campaigns to convene any
shortcomings. Financial security will allow calculating and monitoring the
efficiency and effectiveness of the marketing department by meeting the
stakeholders and keeping a good image.
 The enhanced operational efficiency – UPS continuously improves efficiency in
order to maximize their profit. Improve performance and increase revenue as their
business solution. Information system and technology is one of the important
tools of a manager to achieve high level of efficiency and productivity in the
business operations.

Acuña, Renz Mari A. 01/31/18


Google Data Center Efficiency Best Practices

1. What is PUE, and why is it an important place to start when considering how to reduce
data center power consumption? What value of PUE should data center managers strive

Power usage efficiency (PUE) is a form of measuring how efficient a data center
is in using energy. PUE can be determined by a ratio of amount of power entering the data
center by the amount of power used to run the computer equipment (PUE = Total Facility
Energy/IT Equipment Energy). PUE provides the tool to measure how effective a data
center is in utilizing energy to cool its computers equipment. Data center managers strive
for a PEU of 1.0. As the PUE increases over 1.0 the less efficient the data center is in
using energy to cool its computer equipment which could be very costly for the company
since its overhead cost will rise. According to Kevin Dolder, PE senior data center
manager of Google, a typical data center in 2006 used a PUE of 2.0. For a data center is
extremely important to reduce the data center power consumption because it will reduce
overhead cost which could be significant for a company that is looking to lower operation

2. Describe the five methods recommended by Google for reducing power consumption.
 Measure PUE (power usage effectiveness) - Google incorporates the measurements of
PUE to its Building Management System so the management could have easy access
of how efficient were the data centers in using energy.
 Management of Airflow – It can be managed by identifying the hot spots of data
center and delivering a cool air flow to those spots. Google use the Computational
Fluid Dynamic (CFD) analysis to identify where the hot spots are and how to deliver
the cool air flow to those spots.
 Adjust the Thermostat – According to Erik Teetzel the technical program manager for
Google, data center operators believe the temperature should be kept cold so the
computer equipment can run efficient
 Utilize free cooling – Google recommends utilizing free cooling in which exterior air
and water is used to cool data centers instead of a mechanical cooling system. When
the exterior temperature drops, a modulating valve opens and allows the exterior cold
water to overpass the existing chiller and flow through the cooling system; thus, using
less power.
 Optimize power distribution – Google recommends to use optimize power
distribution which consists of minimizing the conversion stages of AC to DC which
requires a lot of electric power. Google recommends to eliminate as much of those
conversion stages so less electric power is use; consequently, saving the thousands of
dollars in overhead cost.

3. How much of the world’s global greenhouse gases are the result of computing? List
several factors that will tend to retard or accelerate data center power consumption both
globally and in the United States.

Erik Teetzel states that the Information and Communication Technology sector is
responsible for about two percent of global greenhouse emission and of the two percent
the data centers are responsible for about fifteen percent. While the large internet data
centers use five percent of the two percent. The growth of computing and stream of music
and videos will accelerate power consumptions since there will be required for more data
centers to be built to meet the demand. According to the Google article a recent research
found that demand of power for data centers grew by fifty-six percent worldwide and
thirty-six percent in the United States. Companies are trying several methods to reduce
energy consumption. One method is to place data centers in regions with low temperature
so they can utilize free cooling. As well using virtualization which consists of servers
performing multiple tasks so fewer servers are used.

4. Where do you suspect that data-center power consumption will be greatest: developing
and emerging economies or already developed economies? Why?
The power consumption will be greater in developing and emerging economies
since the merging of new companies may not have the resource to purchase the latest
technology available to help them reduce power consumption. The new technology will
help them reduce the consumption of energy; however, it may be very costly for a starting
company. On the other hand, on already developed economies the companies are already
establish and have more resources to purchase the new technology that lowers energy

5. Imagine that a company has developed an advanced technology that allows it to reduce
its data-center requirements by an unprecedented amount, and creates a competitive
advantage for the company in the data-center market. Why should it share that technol-
ogy with other data-center firms? If this firm does not share its techniques, the rest of the
industry will continue to operate less efficient centers, and increase global emissions of
greenhouse gases above what they would otherwise be.

A company which has developed a technology that allows it to reduce global

emissions of greenhouse gasses may want to share the information with other companies.
Since sharing the information will make the company look good with its shareholders;
hence, representing itself as a responsible company that cares about reducing the gas
emission effect. This move may increase patronage from its customers since customers
may perceive the company as a responsible company.

6. Should the government or an industry association regulate the carbon emissions of the
data center industry as they do the airline industry? Or the automobile industry? Or is it
sufficient to rely on the competitive market place to drive down energy consumption in
data centers?
The government should regulate the carbon emission of the data centers since this
will force them to meet the requirements set by the government. Relying on competitive
market to drive down energy consumption may not be enough because some companies
may not be willing to make the effort to do it on their own. Since the companies may
assume that the cost of remodeling their data centers to reduce energy consumption may
overweight the cost of the saved energy

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