Steer File Activation Procedure To Customer

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Steer file activation procedure in B6:

1. Upload the BSC package from the software management window.

2. Open a terminal window and go to the path:
/alcatel/var/share/cma/download/<bss name>
3. send me all the uploaded package from this path “12 files”.
4. I will generate a “steer” file to make the required modification and I will send it to
you + another script called “GENBUILD”.
5. In the same path mentioned before, copy the “steer” file and the “GENBUILD”
6. Also under the same Unix directory, rename the steer file you received by mail to
the name (STEERDLS.01A) by the command:
mv <steer file name> STEERDLS.01A
ls –la (to check it has been renamed).
Change the mode of the file to 777 for both the steer and the genbuild
7. Then execute the following command:
GENBUILD <master “M” file name>
8. Two new master files will be generated in this directory (new M & L master files)
+ OMC_READ.TXT + a new steerfile.
9. Delete the old versions of the master files (M & L master files) + GENBUILD file
+ OEF_READ.TXT + old steer file + (the file <steer file name>.log if created)
and keep the newly generated files by the command:
rm <old M> <old L> GENBUILD OEF_READ.TXT STEERDLS.01A <steer file
10. From the software management window select download.
11. A popup window will appear asking if you want to download the new package
click ok.
12. When the bsc state in the software management becomes “Pre-downloaded”,
perform an sw audit to check the running, and backup versions.
13. Activate the downloaded package from software management too.
14. An automatic hardware audit will start, then another radio audit, wait until it
finishes, and check the activation report.
15. Perform an sw audit to check the running, and backup versions.
16. Accept the new package.
17. Perform a final upload to the DLS and send it to me to check that the modification
has been applied and successful.

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