Reducing Uncertainty With Fault-Seal Analysis: Kip Cerveny

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Reducing Uncertainty with Fault-Seal Analysis

Oil and gas reservoirs in faulted siliciclastic formations are difficult to exploit. By
integrating seismic data, detailed core information, and wellbore and production
data, geoscientists can now model fault behavior and incorporate the results into
reservoir fluid-flow simulators. This integrated process improves prediction of fault
behavior, and reduces the uncertainty and risk associated with complex traps.

Kip Cerveny A fault can be a transmitter of or barrier to fluid Recent developments in fault-seal prediction
BP Alaska flow and pressure communication. Categorizing have focused on two separate but interrelated
Anchorage, Alaska, USA fault behavior within these extremes is aspects of faulting: fault architecture and fault-
important for hydrocarbon drilling, exploration rock properties. The fault architecture refers to
Russell Davies and development. Modern fault-seal analysis the fault shape, size, orientation and inter-
Rock Deformation Research (RDR) USA Inc. methods utilize seismic data, structural connectivity. It also refers to the distribution of
Dallas, Texas, USA
and microstructural information from high- the overall fault displacement into multiple
resolution core analysis, and wellbore and subfaults. Horizontal fault length may range
Graham Dudley
Richard Fox production data to predict fault behavior and to from millimeters, in the case of microfaults, to
BP reduce uncertainty and risk in faulted silici- hundreds of kilometers. For example, the San
Aberdeen, Scotland clastic reservoir exploitation. Andreas fault in California, USA, is more than
Sealing faults may be a primary control on 800 miles [1,290 km] long. Detailed studies in
Peter Kaufman the trap in many hydrocarbon reservoirs, but outcrops and in the subsurface have shown that
Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA they may also transform a relatively large and longer faults usually comprise interconnected
continuous hydrocarbon reservoir into compart- shorter faults. The fault clusters form a fault-
Rob Knipe ments that then behave as a collection of smaller damage zone or an interconnected halo of faults
Rock Deformation Research Ltd reservoirs. Each compartment may have its own at a range of scales that may have a large
University of Leeds
pressure and fluid characteristics, hampering cumulative impact on reservoir behavior. The
Leeds, England
efficient and effective field development and displacement of the major and minor fault
Bob Krantz subsequent hydrocarbon recovery. segments within the reservoir juxtaposes the
ConocoPhillips Faults that do not form a seal may prevent oil reservoir across the fault against dissimilar
Houston, Texas and gas from accumulating as hydrocarbons form lithologies, which may impact the fluid flow.
and migrate through structures in the sub- The rock properties that develop within the
For help in preparation of this article, thanks to Karen Dawe, surface. Open and permeable faults within an fault zones affect a fault’s ability to seal. These
Geological Association of Canada, St. John's, Newfoundland,
Canada; Jayne Harnett, RDR, Leeds, England; and David established reservoir may also cause serious lost- properties are affected by the local facies,
McCormick, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA. circulation problems during drilling operations. reservoir-fluid types and saturations, pressure
FMI (Fullbore Formation MicroImager), MDT (Modular
Formation Dynamics Tester), OBMI (Oil-Base MicroImager),
The loss of drilling mud can be expensive and differentials across faults, fault-zone architec-
Petrel and RFT (Repeat Formation Tester) are marks dangerous, and can result in the abandonment of tures, burial and fault histories, and
of Schlumberger.
wells. Whether detrimental or beneficial, faults juxtaposition of the lithologies across faults.1 In
and their behavior need to be understood by addition, pressure and phase changes during
geologists and engineers to successfully explore reservoir development compound the complexity
and extract hydrocarbon reserves. of analyzing fault-seal behavior.2

38 Oilfield Review
Modern methods in fault-seal analysis studies from Hibernia, Newfoundland, Canada, 1. Facies designations represent the overall characteristics
improve the prediction of fault behavior in the and Prudhoe Bay, Alaska, USA, demonstrate how of a rock unit that reflect its origin and differentiate the
unit from others around it. Mineralogy and sedimentary
subsurface and reduce the uncertainty in a better understanding of fault sealing improves source, fossil content, sedimentary structures and
exploiting faulted siliciclastic reservoirs. This clastic reservoir simulation and development, texture distinguish one facies from another.
article summarizes methods of fault-seal thereby reducing uncertainty and risk. 2. Davies RK and Handschy JW: “Introduction to AAPG
Bulletin Thematic Issue on Fault Seals,” American Asso-
prediction and the associated uncertainties. A ciation of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin 87, no. 3 (March
brief introduction to basic fault theory helps Basic Fault Mechanics, Architecture 2003): 377–380.
Yielding G, Øverland JA and Byberg G: “Characterization
define the fundamental causes, types and and Properties of Fault Zones for Reservoir Modeling: An Example from
characteristics of faults before presenting a When rocks or rock layers are subjected to the Gullfaks Field, Northern North Sea,” American
Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin 83, no. 6
more detailed characterization of the process of tectonic stress, they bend, break, or do both. In (June 1999): 925–951.
fault-seal behavior and prediction. Also dis- its simplest form, a fault is a planar break, or Jev BI, Kaars-Sijpesteijn CH, Peters MPAM, Watts NL
cussed are oilfield technologies that are used to failure surface, in rock across which there is and Wilkie JT: “Akaso Field, Nigeria: Use of Integrated
3-D Seismic, Fault Slicing, Clay Smearing and RFT Pressure
measure and predict fault characteristics. Case observable displacement, or slip. Contraction Data on Fault Trapping and Dynamic Leakage,” American
Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin 77, no. 8
(August 1993): 1389–1404.

Winter 2004/2005 39
Normal-Faulting Stress Regime and extension induce shear failure in rocks. The
direction of the principal stresses dictates the
orientation of the failure plane, or fault. The
strength of the rock controls the magnitude of
the shear stress necessary to break the rock.
Although oversimplified, the Andersonian
σ3 theory of faulting, developed by geologist
E.M. Anderson in 1951, is still widely used as a
basis to describe the fundamentals of fault
orientation in failure.3 Anderson described the
Reverse-Faulting Stress Regime three basic fault types—normal, reverse and
wrench, or strike-slip—relative to the maximum
regional stress orientations. This theory assumes
that one of the principal stresses—σ1, σ2 or σ3
in order from greatest to least magnitude—or
σ2 the lithostatic load, is always vertical, and that
σ1 the others are orthogonal and horizontal. The
theory predicts that faults will form as two con-
Wrench-Faulting Stress Regime jugate planes with the following three
relationships between fault orientation and
σ2 principal stresses:
• faults form at ± 30° to the σ1 direction
σ3 • faults form at ± 60° to the σ3 direction
σ1 • the line formed by the intersection of
conjugate fault planes will be parallel to σ2.
These relationships are significant because if
> Relating fault types to stress orientation. The Andersonian theory explains the three main fault types geologists know the principal stress directions,
relative to the principal stress orientation. These include the normal-fault style, in which σ1, the they can predict fault orientations. If the
largest in-situ stress, is vertical (top); the reverse-fault type, in which σ1 is horizontal, and σ3, the relative magnitudes of the principal stresses are
smallest in-situ stress, is vertical (middle); and the wrench, or strike-slip, fault type, in which both σ1 also known, geologists can predict fault types
and σ3 are horizontal (bottom).
(above left).
At the seismic map scale, however, faults are
rarely planar because of perturbations in the
stress field caused by heterogeneities and
anisotropy in the rocks. More commonly, faults
are composed of separate segments with distinct
tips defined by lines of zero displacement. The
linkages may occur as hard links where the
faults tips connect, or soft links where the fault-
tip geometry is influenced by an adjacent fault
that lacks a physical connection.4 The displace-
ment of the stratigraphy across a fault varies in
a systematic pattern from zero displacement at
the fault tips to a maximum near the fault
center. Anomalies in the systematic distribution
in throw reflect the complexities in the lithology
and adjacent fault segments.5 Fault complexities
preclude a simple interpretation of the fault
Clay content, % orientation, geometry and architecture.
0 km 1.0
A fundamental step in evaluating fault
5 15 25 35 45 55 65 0 miles 0.6 behavior and sealing properties is mapping the
faults and constructing fault-plane throw and
> Interpreting faults from seismic data and modeling using software tools. Complex fault architecture juxtaposition maps at the seismic scale (left).6
in exploration and development scenarios can be made more understandable with the use of
The limits of seismic resolution, however, intro-
powerful mapping and imaging software such as the Petrel workflow tools application. In this
example, color-coded stratigraphic intervals in the hanging wall and footwall are juxtaposed against duce uncertainty in the throw mapped across
the modeled fault surfaces in three dimensions. the fault and do not allow the mapping

40 Oilfield Review
of faults whose throw is less than the seismic
resolution. The total mapped throw across a
seismic-scale fault may also include the summed tones
Clays s
throws of numerous faults that are too small to e s h a le
Impusr tones, d
sand lithifie
be detected individually at the seismic scale. s 100 Poorly li thifie
Clean tones, silt t % Partly
onten thified
The volume of closely spaced fault segments is sands Clay c 40% Well
known as the fault-damage zone.
The mapped throw across a seismic-scale %
tio n
fault displaces the rock layers on a single fault grega
or on a collection of multiple faults, each of n e
zon -rich
grega (clayoplastic) conte
which is below the seismic resolution. The offset Disag hydr Clay
tion zonermediate
influences the fault sealing and properties of the 10 grega (inte content) -
% Disag Protoclasite

clay Lith
fault rocks within the fault zone. A sealing fault zone-poor) cata -rich) sta ificati
(clay -
Protoclasite (clay te on
may result, for example, if a fault intersecting

cata rmediate
different lithologies places permeable, reservoir- 50 - (inte content) clasi
% Protoclasites clay Cata-rich)
quality rocks against less permeable rock, such cata -poor) (cla y
(cla y te
as shale. This is known as a juxtaposition seal. Catarmediat)e
A fault seal may also form if the reservoir is (in content
90 te -
% clasi clay
Cata-poor) catay-rich)
still juxtaposed against itself—where the (clay
- (cla
throw is less than the reservoir thickness—or Ultraclasite te
cata rmediat)

C eri
(inte conten

la e
against another reservoir. This occurs because

y- s


the rock within the fault zone may develop catay-poor)

P am t-r

h eo
fr ul es
yl w c
fa ri


lo k
lower permeability.

si or
li k

Q ho rm ult

lit efo ) fa ries
ua lo a -
Different fault rocks develop under different hif

(d nd se

rt gie tio
ba ck

z- s n

deformation conditions, and their sealing

on B
properties are related to the conditions of A
deformation and lithologic factors, such as clay A
content.7 Faults that cut porous sandstones with
low clay content—less than 15%—may develop sandstone
low-permeability seals from porosity reduction la s B C
C at
associated with the mechanical crushing of the
1 mm
quartz grains. These are called cataclastic or
deformation bands. Disaggregation bands can also
develop in clean sandstones, but without the asso-
ciated reduction in porosity and grain crushing.
Faults in impure sandstones form
cm in.
phyllosilicate-framework fault rocks (PFFR), cm

with higher clay contents—from 15 to 40%—that > Fault-rock classification relating clay content, fragmentation and lithification. The original host rocks
reduce the porosity and permeability by com- include clean sandstones with less than 15% clay, impure sandstones with 15 to 40% clay, and
pacting and mixing the clay particles and quartz claystones and shales with greater than 40% clay. Fragmentation and lithification progress throughout
a fault’s history and produce one of the three types of fault rocks from each host as shown in the
grains. Clay smear occurs along faults that cut lower portion of the diagram. Photographs at bottom illustrate different forms of fault rocks, including
rocks with greater than 40% clay. The clay layers (A) disaggregated and cemented (left), (B) phyllosilicate-smear framework (center) and (C) clay-smear
or shales are dragged and deformed along the fault rocks (right).
fault plane, forming a low-permeability barrier to
fluid flow. Cementation may also occur along a
fault plane, forming nearly impermeable barriers
to flow. These cemented zones, however, are 3. Anderson EM: The Dynamics of Faulting and Dyke is the full distance across which a bed is separated on
Formation with Applications to Britain. Edinburgh, each side of a fault and defined as:
rarely continuous unless they are associated with Scotland: Oliver and Boyd (1951): 206. displacement = throw/sine (fault-plane dip).
a regional change, such as an increase in temper- For more on failure-plane orientation: http://www. 6. Knipe RJ: “Juxtaposition and Seal Diagrams to Help (accessed January 15, 2005). Analyze Fault Seals in Hydrocarbon Reservoirs,”
ature above 90°C [194°F] at which the rate of American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin 81,
4. Walsh JJ and Watterson J: “Geometric and Kinematic
quartz precipitation increases (above right).8 Coherence and Scale Effects in Normal Fault Systems,” no. 2 (February 1997): 187–195.
The most common faults found in oil and gas in Roberts AM, Yielding G and Freeman B (eds): The 7. Davies and Handschy, reference 2.
Geometry of Normal Faults, Geological Society of London, 8. Fisher QJ and Knipe RJ: “Fault Sealing Processes in Sili-
fields are normal faults, and most have some Special Publication 56. Bath, England: The Geological ciclastic Sediments,” in Jones G, Fisher QJ and Knipe RJ
component of oblique movement. Complex, Society Publishing House (1991): 193–203. (eds): Faulting, Fault Sealing and Fluid Flow in Hydrocarbon
5. The throw of a fault is the generalized elevation difference Reservoirs: Geological Society Special Publication 147.
three-dimensional (3D) fault geometries stem of the same bed on the opposing sides of the fault, or the Bath, England: The Geological Society Publishing House
from the nucleation, growth and linking of vertical component of displacement. Fault displacement (1998): 117–134.

Winter 2004/2005 41
faults, and give rise to damage zones. An under- the study of damage zones in outcrops has The damage-zone geometry can also be
standing of fault-damage zones is crucial in become crucial in modeling fault seals and in defined along the strike of a fault, or faults, as
modeling fault behavior and its impact on predicting how they affect subsurface fluid flow. three distinct zones (below left). The first zone
reservoir performance. The damage zone is the volume of deformed is called the tip-damage zone and is associated
rocks around a major fault that has resulted with the stress concentration at the tip of the
Fault-Zone Architecture Characteristics from the initiation, propagation, interaction and main fault segment, where the displacement
An appreciation of fault-damage zone complex- buildup of slip along small faults between fault goes to zero. The second zone is called the link-
ity can be obtained through careful study of blocks.9 The deformed volume radiating away ing-damage zone, and refers to the volume
faults in outcrops. Surface exposures allow from a main fault segment can be divided into affected by the interaction between two subpar-
geoscientists to observe fault architecture in inner and outer damage zones. The inner dam- allel, noncoplanar fault segments. The
detail and in a 3D spatial context and scale age zone typically consists of intensely deformed wall-damage zone, the third zone, is located
not afforded by subsurface investigation. fault rocks that are difficult to map discretely, along the fault surface and is a result of damage
Importantly, much of what determines fault- while the outer zone has a high density of small- from continued fault slip or from damage by pre-
sealing properties occurs at subseismic scales throw faults that often maintain an orientation viously abandoned fault tips as fault propagation
and within the fault-damage zone. Consequently, similar to the principal fault segment. continued through time.10 Secondary, subseismic-
scale faults, natural fractures and cementation
may occur in all three zones.
Tip-damage zone
Intensive investigation of fault exposures,
like the Moab fault in southeast Utah, USA, has
allowed geoscientists to characterize fault-
Wall-damage damage zones and make analogies to major
faults in the subsurface. The Moab fault has
been extensively studied by geoscientists,
Linking-damage including scientists from Schlumberger-Doll
Research (SDR), Ridgefield, Connecticut, USA,
and Rock Deformation Research (RDR) Ltd,
Leeds, England. 11 Located in the northeast

damage zone

> High-precision mapping of the Moab fault-

damage zone. Global positioning systems (GPS)
and rover units, which determine exact survey
Inner damage zone
locations, were used to record discrete features
and position them with high precision.
> Fault-zone classifications. A 3D conceptual diagram illustrates the inner and outer damage volumes Secondary structural elements, such as faults
associated with faults. The map view overlay of the fault propagation through the host rocks and fractures, were tagged with key geologic
indicates three distinct zones, which are the tip-damage zone (red), the linking-damage zone (light attributes to capture the complexity and scale of
blue) and the wall-damage zone (green). Fault tip lines are shown in black. the fault damage.

42 Oilfield Review


Utah USA

Hanging Detailed mapping

wall area


Vantage point of
upper photo


0 m 100
0 ft 328

> The Bartlett Wash study area, Moab, Utah, USA. A photographic cross section along the Moab fault allows illuminating views
of the complex fault-zone architecture within the detailed mapping area (top). An aerial view (bottom) from the footwall to the
hanging wall shows another perspective of the sharp contact formed by the Moab fault.

portion of the Paradox basin, the Moab fault is a the throw along the main fault segment is 690 ft model to use as an analog for subsurface
normal fault approximately 28 miles [45 km] [210 m]. The older, Jurassic-age Slick Rock fault interpretation to facilitate visualization
long with a northwest to southeast strike. The member of the Entrada sandstone is well through innovative techniques, such as virtual
fault comprises several linked segments. The exposed on the footwall and exhibits a dense
9. Kim Y-S, Peacock DCP and Sanderson DJ: “Fault-Damage
longest segment has a throw of 3,150 ft [960 m] network of small-throw faults within a narrow Zones,” Journal of Structural Geology 26 (2004): 503–517.
to the south, as observed from surface displace- zone adjacent to the main fault segment. 10. Kim et al, reference 9.
ment and erosion of Pennsylvanian to Cretaceous The geoscientists employed a sophisticated 11. Kaufman PS, McAllister E and Smallshire R: “Collection
and Visualization of 3D Digital Geologic Data Sets:
sedimentary rocks.12 The Moab fault was active mapping technique, using a high-precision, differ- An Example from the Moab Fault Zone, UT,” presented
from at least the Triassic period until at least the ential global positioning system (GPS) and rover at the American Association of Petroleum Geologists
Annual Meeting, New Orleans, April 16–19, 2000.
mid-Cretaceous period. The canyon landscape units to map discrete features to within 0.8 in.
McAllister E, Smallshire R, Knipe R and Kaufman P:
surrounding Moab is ideal for mapping the fault [2 cm] (previous page, right). Data coordinates “Geometry of Fault-Damage Zones from High Resolution
exposure in three dimensions (above). were tagged with key geologic attributes at many Mapping of the Moab Fault Zone, UT,” presented at the
American Association of Petroleum Geologists Annual
SDR and RDR scientists set out to capture stations to capture the complexity and scale of Meeting, New Orleans, April 16–19, 2000.
detailed outcrop data along a segment of the the fault-damage zone. The positions and geome- 12. “Quantification of Fault-Related Diagenetic Variation
of Reservoir Properties at Outcrop,” http://www.fault-
Moab fault-damage zone at Bartlett Wash as an tries of major and secondary structural elements, (accessed
analog to similar structures expected but not such as faults and natural fractures, were also January 15, 2005).
imaged in the subsurface. Within the study area, recorded. Scientists created a digital geologic

Winter 2004/2005 43
field trips, and to use the fault population
distribution as an input to flow models (right).
Although the static geometry and fault-rock
properties are the principal controls on cross-
fault flow in the subsurface, fault reactivation is
another phenomenon that influences the flow
properties along the fault. Changes in tectonic
stress regimes over geological time, for example,
may reactivate a fault, opening pathways that
did not exist previously, and allowing hydrocar-
bons to leak. On a reservoir-production time
scale, changes in pore-pressure regimes as a
result of current production or injection in and
around fault systems can initiate fault reactiva-
tion and cause loss of seal.
Local pressure increases near or within the
fault plane resulting from injection decrease the
effective normal stress, which may cause the
fault to reactivate.13 Also, pressure changes in
the rocks surrounding faults, for example from
depleting a reservoir, alter the in-situ stresses
acting on fault planes and, depending on fault
alignment relative to the principal stresses, may
lead to reactivation and subsequent seal failure.
This behavior has been documented in such
areas as the North Sea, the Gulf of Mexico and Approximate
0 m 25 2 N
the Bight basin, Australia.14
These pressure changes have major implica- 0 ft 82

tions in production, enhanced oil recovery (EOR) > Mapping the Moab fault zone. More than 70,000 structural features were mapped at the Bartlett
and pressure maintenance, and in subsurface gas Wash site to populate an analog model of the fault-damage zone (top). The density of small faults
storage, including carbon dioxide [CO2] storage within the damage zone of the main segment of the Moab fault decreases as distance from the
for the reduction of greenhouse-gas emissions.15 main fault increases. Red fault traces are within the inner damage zone, while yellow features are
within the outer damage zone (bottom). Powerful software tools allow geologists to use innovative
The reactivation of reservoir-bounding faults
techniques like virtual field trips, capturing the knowledge and experiences of team members
compromises fault-sealing mechanisms, shears at the site.
well casings, and causes compaction and subsi-
dence. The integration of fault-rock strength
properties, the fault geometry and in-situ stress the maximum petroleum-column height (Ht) or fault for small hydrocarbon columns. The hydro-
conditions provides valuable input for modeling sealing capacity of the fault rock that prevents carbons may migrate at a slow rate, but hydraulic
and assessing the reactivation risk.16 The in-situ hydrocarbon migration across the fault. The capil- resistant sealing provides an effective seal over
stress orientations are interpreted with borehole lary pressure of hydrocarbons under hydrostatic geological time. At the base of the hydraulic-
imaging devices, like the FMI Fullbore Formation conditions against a fault seal increases upward resistance zone, P c is equal to P t . Relative
MicroImager or OBMI Oil-Base MicroImager from zero at the free-water level (FWL), which permeability to hydrocarbon at this elevation is
tools, and from the acquisition of pore pressure is at the base of the hydrocarbon column. A zero, but increases above this point in a transition
data, using sampling tools such as the MDT capillary or membrane seal prevents hydrocarbon zone from membrane sealing up to geologically
Modular Formation Dynamics Tester or the migration across the fault for a hydrocarbon significant leakage because of an increase in the
RFT Repeat Formation Tester devices. column height measured from the FWL to where relative permeability. Geologists consider
Pc equals Pt. Membrane sealing occurs because of hydraulic-resistance seal failure significant
The Roles of Pressure and the surface tension between water and hydrocar- once the leakage rate exceeds the hydrocarbon-
Timing in Fault Sealing bon, so the effective permeability to hydrocarbon charge rate, at which point hydrocarbons
An important concept in estimating the sealing is zero when Pc is less than Pt (next page, top). stop accumulating.
capacity of faults relates to the threshold A hydrocarbon column with Pc greater than Water-pressure differences in the reservoir
pressure (Pt). In water-wet rocks, Pt is the lowest Pt of the fault rock will migrate slowly across the across a fault or in fault fill influence the height
capillary pressure (Pc) at which hydrocarbons fault. The flow is retarded by the hydraulic resis- of the resulting hydrocarbon column. Higher
form a continuous path through the largest inter- tant sealing of the fault rock. Hydraulic resistant water pressure in the aquifer outside the trap,
connected pore throats in the fault rock.17 Knowing sealing occurs when the relative permeability to for example, leads to water flow into the
the Pt of different fault rocks, generated under hydrocarbon is low because of the water-wet reservoir if the hydrocarbon saturation in the
different conditions, allows geoscientists to calculate fault rock and low pressure potential across the fault zone is less than the irreducible water

44 Oilfield Review
saturation, Swirr. These conditions improve the S wirr
Pc Hydrocarbon
fault-seal potential and increase hydrocarbon- pressure
seal failure
column height. Lower pressures in the aquifer
outside the trap and in the fault fill at irre- Hydrostatic
ducible water saturation will lead to decreased pressure Hydraulic

Log capillary pressure

hydrocarbon-column heights in the trap. These seal
interrelationships between fluids, pressures and Pt

rock properties are important controls for Pc = Pt
predicting fault behavior and sealing capabilities.
Fault architecture, throw distributions, Ht
lithologies, fault-rock distributions and proper- seal
ties all impact the flow properties of faults. Fault Free-water level Pe
history, however, is equally important when
considering the sealing potential of fault traps in
exploration and production. The burial history, 1 0
Pressure Fractional
deformation timing and hydrocarbon-charge mercury [Hg] saturation
history influence fault-rock properties and their > Capillary pressure diagram. The pressure-depth plot (left) shows the
impact on fault-seal capacity. capillary pressure, Pc, as the difference between the pressures of water and
Successful reservoir-development strategies hydrocarbon with depth. The hydrocarbon has a steeper pressure gradient
must incorporate the faulting and burial history than the water, so the capillary pressure increases above the
free-water level (FWL) where the capillary pressure is zero. The plot on the
to more accurately predict the fault-seal risk.
right shows a typical mercury-injection capillary pressure curve as
For example, separate tectonic events create measured in the laboratory. The entry pressure, Pe, is the pressure at which
new faults and reactivate existing faults. the hydrocarbons first enter the sample. A hydrocarbon-column height, Ht,
Fractures may propagate, potentially changing can be trapped below the threshold capillary pressure, Pt, and seals by
membrane sealing. Trap geometries may allow hydrocarbon columns to
the reservoir permeability characteristics. exceed this height. The hydrocarbon flow across the seal above Ht is
Fault-rock properties also change with burial possible at a rate dependent on the relative permeability of the seal.
and uplift. Permeability across faults and in
surrounding rocks generally decreases with 1
burial depth (below right). Increases in temper-
ature boost the rate of quartz precipitation,
Basin A - quartz-cementation
which can significantly reduce the transmissibil- influence at depth > 3 km
ity across a fault. Basin B - moderate cataclasis
Basin C - strong cataclasis
13. Hsieh PA and Bredehoeft JD: “A Reservoir Analysis of
Maximum burial depth, km

the Denver Earthquakes: A Case of Induced Seismicity,”

Journal of Geophysical Research 86 (1981): 903–920.
14. Wiprut D and Zoback MD: “Fault Reactivation and Fluid
Flow Along a Previously Dormant Normal Fault in the 3
Northern North Sea,” Geology 28, no. 7 (2001): 595–598.
Zoback MD and Zinke JC: “Production-Induced
Normal Faulting in the Valhall and Ekofisk Oil Fields,”
PAG_2002.pdf (accessed January 15, 2005).
“Wetland Subsidence, Fault Reactivation, and 4
Hydrocarbon Production in the U.S. Gulf Coast Region,”
USGS Fact Sheet FS-091-01,
fs/fs091-01/ (accessed January 15, 2005).
Hillis RR and Reynolds SD: “In Situ Stress Field, Fault
Reactivation and Seal Integrity in the Bight Basin,” 5
rb2003_2.pdf (accessed January 15, 2005). 0.0001 0.001 0.01 0.1
15. Bennaceur K, Gupta N, Monea M, Ramakrishnan TS, Average permeability, mD
Randen T, Sakurai S and Whittaker S: “CO2 Capture and > Permeability reduction in a cataclastic fault zone with increased burial
Storage—A Solution Within,” Oilfield Review 16, no. 3
(Autumn 2004): 44–61. depth in three different basin examples. Permeability reductions occur in
Hawkes CD, McLellan PJ, Zimmer U and Bachu S: cataclastic fault zones primarily because of mechanical grain crushing and
“Geomechanical Factors Affecting Geological Storage of increased quartz cementation at greater depths. In basins having a high
CO2 in Depleted Oil and Gas Reservoirs,” paper 2004–258, mean-effective-stress, strong cataclasis in fault zones (blue) would occur,
presented at the Canadian Petroleum Society 55th resulting in lower permeabilities at greater burial depths. In basins having
Annual Technical Meeting, Calgary, June 8–10, 2004. lower mean-effective-stresses, moderate cataclasis in faults zones (red)
16. Jones RM and Hillis RR: “An Integrated, Quantitative would result, making permeability in those fault zones higher. In basins
Approach to Assessing Fault-Seal Risk,” American
Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin 87, no. 3
where quartz-cementation occurs in fault zones (green), fault-zone
(March 2003): 507–524. permeabilities would be higher at shallower burial depths but become very
17. Brown A: “Capillary Effects on Fault-Fill Sealing,” impermeable below 3 km [9,840 ft] of depth because of increased quartz
American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin cementation. Other factors, such as geologic history and host-rock
87, no. 3 (March 2003): 381–395. lithology, play a significant role in determining which processes dictate
fault-zone permeability.

Winter 2004/2005 45
Fault-activity maps that color-code the architecture, fault-rock properties and pressure hanging wall and footwall offset across the fault
geological timing of structural development help data. An important tool for evaluating the flow and lithology interpreted from well logs to
asset teams quantify the risk of developing a potential across a fault is a strike view, or map of identify the stratigraphic changes between the
prospect or of taking subsequent development the fault plane with the hanging wall and foot- seismic horizons. Sophisticated mapping tools
steps, such as initiating an EOR process. wall intersections superimposed on the modeled allow the development of Allan diagrams as
Knowledge of the geologic history and its fault surface. 18 Allan diagrams use this tech- 3D models. (left) These models require signifi-
impact is also important when predicting fault- nique to show possible fluid-migration pathways, cant amounts of data and can be time-consuming
sealing properties. leak points or sealing areas across the fault, to develop, although new software tools, such as
and have also helped explain the location of the Petrel workflow tools application, have
Fault-Seal Analysis Methods hydrocarbon/water contacts in various fields reduced the processing time significantly.
Successful fault-seal analysis methods integrate worldwide. Allan diagrams typically use the An alternative to the complicated evaluation
fundamental information on the fault-zone seismically interpreted horizons to define the of the distribution of the stratigraphy across the
fault plane, as used in Allan diagrams, is a
simplified juxtaposition triangle diagram, which
a b enables a quick initial examination and predic-
tion of fault-seal capacity. This technique images
Potential leak
a b the hanging wall and juxtapositions for varying
throws and allows an evaluation of the juxta-

posed stratigraphic intervals for a given throw

(below left). These diagrams simplify the analy-
sis of juxtaposition for a single fault plane. The
Vertical projection plane
effects of multiple small-throw faults may also
c d
be quickly evaluated using these diagrams. The
juxtaposition is simply evaluated at the smaller
c d throws for each fault.
> Allan diagram. Based on seismic data and wellbore information, Allan In the initial analysis, triangle diagrams
diagrams demonstrate the juxtaposition relationships across a fault plane. show the juxtaposition of the stratigraphy across
These diagrams are often used to identify potential petroleum leak points the fault. Reservoirs juxtaposed against low-
(red) along the fault strike. permeability rocks such as shales are expected
to seal, whereas reservoir-to-reservoir juxtaposi-
tions across the fault are more likely to leak.
Juxtaposition diagrams may also be used to eval-
uate the fault rocks present and their associated
properties that develop within the fault zone.
Triangle Diagram
Throw, m For instance, the distribution of clay smears
0 50 100 150 200
from clay-rich layers in the fault zone can be
Sand determined and their effects on the seal quanti-
fied. Also, critical throws can be assessed when
Shale higher permeability cataclastic faults may repre-
sent a crossfault flow risk. This occurs where
Block two permeable siliciclastic reservoirs are juxta-

Sand Diagram
A posed across the fault—one in the hanging wall
A (HW) and one in the footwall (FW) (next page).
Sa Sand
Shale A Several methods have been developed to
estimate the distribution of fault rocks within a
Sand fault zone. Two of the most commonly applied
methods are shale-gouge ratio (SGR) and clay
smear.19 Researchers at RDR have also recently
introduced a modified SGR, or effective shale-
gouge ratio (ESGR), that permits a greater
control on the architecture and distribution of
> Analyzing juxtaposition. A juxtaposition triangle diagram (left) allows simple and quick evaluation the fault rocks along the fault surface during
of stratigraphic juxtaposition scenarios, for example when a reservoir, Sand A, is juxtaposed against the analysis.
an impermeable shale that provides a seal. Another scenario might identify a sand-against-sand The SGR method estimates the percentage of
placement that fails to provide an adequate seal for hydrocarbon trapping. Lithology is shown on
clay from the host lithology mixed within the
the left; the horizontal axis shows the amount of throw; and the diagonal, dashed arrows show the
juxtaposition scenario at a specified throw and layer. The block diagram (right) is presented to show fault zone. The algorithm calculates the net clay
a 3D representation. within the lithology that is displaced past each

46 Oilfield Review
Plug Permeability
Phyllosilicate mD Host-

% Rock
0 20 40 60 80 0 10 100 1,000 Lithology

Fault throw, m

A 0 25 50 75 100 125 150

A The leaky zone has been sealed

3,540 by a potential phyllosilicate smear
of Reservoir Unit C

Footwall (FW) reservoir lithology


C Reservoir against
C younger stratigraphy
in hanging wall
Core depth, m




Reservoir against A
older stratigraphy

Hanging wall (HW) reservoir lithology

F in footwall

No B
data C
G Fault-Rock/Seal Type

Cataclastic seals (sand on sand) D

0 0.5 1.0 0 10 20 30 40 50 Cataclastic seals (sand on sand
Sand Plug Porosity, % past other lithologies)
Net/ Cataclastic seals (high-permeability sand on
Gross high-permeability sand past other lithologies) E
Host-Rock Lithology
Cataclastic on phyllosilicate framework
High-permeability smear seals (impure sands in FW or HW) F
sandstone High potential for cataclastic on phyllosilicate
framework smear (impure sand past other lithologies) G
Impure sandstone Cement seal (cemented in FW or HW)
Phyllosilicate-rich High potential for cement seal (cemented
(including shale) section past other lithologies)
Cemented sandstone Phyllosilicate smear (phyllosilicate-rich units
or shale in FW or HW)
High potential for phyllosilicate smear
(phyllosilicate-rich units past other lithologies)

> Integration of fault-rock data with juxtaposition triangle diagrams. Incorporating stratigraphic information, log data and core
data (left) with juxtaposition information (right) provides fault-rock types and distribution for a range of fault throws. In this
normal-fault example, the diagram identifies a smear from impure sandstone from Zone C that forms a seal across from the
high-permeability sandstone reservoir in Zone E.

point in the fault by taking the sum of the layer Multiple shale layers tend to combine to produce be an oversimplification. From outcrop and
thickness times the clay percentage divided by a continuous smear, enhancing fault sealing. exhumed fault studies, geoscientists find that
the fault throw. This calculation is derived The basic method for modeling the fault-rock shale smears are not distributed evenly within
across a modeled fault surface with a calculated distributions involves calculating the throw fault zones; they may be interrupted, creating
throw distribution and clay-percentage estimates distribution on a gridded fault surface from the multiple gaps, which reduce the sealing effect
from well logs. The ESGR uses a weighted SGR horizon intersections on the fault, infilling the over geologic time scales. One study of the
that allows a nonuniform distribution of the detailed stratigraphy with the estimated thick- Calabacillas normal fault in New Mexico, USA,
clays within the section dragged past each point nesses and clay contents, and contouring the
18. Allan US: “Model for Hydrocarbon Migration and
on the fault surface to model a more complex derived fault-seal properties onto the fault Entrapment Within Faulted Structures,” American
fault-zone process. surface. Contours of capillary pressure measured Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin 73, no. 7
(July 1989): 803–811.
Outcrop studies of fault zones have also along the fault provide a calibration to the
19. Yielding G, Freeman B and Needham DT: “Quantitative
revealed that clay smearing is a common fault- sealing capacity for the estimated fault-rock Fault Seal Prediction,” American Association of
zone process in which clay is smeared along the properties. These pressure data are often Petroleum Geologists Bulletin 81, no. 6 (June 1997):
fault zone from a local shale bed. The thickness acquired in open hole using formation-sampling Bretan P, Yielding G and Jones H: “Using Calibrated
of the clay smear along the fault increases with tools, such as the MDT or RFT devices. Shale Gouge Ratio to Estimate Hydrocarbon Column
Heights,” American Association of Petroleum Geologists
the thickness of the source shale bed and While the calculation of fault-seal potential Bulletin 87, no. 3 (March 2003): 397–413.
decreases with distance from the source shale. across a fault seems straightforward, it may Yielding et al, reference 2.

Winter 2004/2005 47
found that clay smears tend to be continuous for
a distance of two to six times the clay source-bed Compartments
thickness, but then thin significantly away from B-16 16 P B-16 2
Fault trend B-16 4
the base of the clay source-bed on the footwall.20 N-S NW-SE
Moreover, smears are frequently breached W-dip NE-dip E B-16 17
by small-throw faults. Consequently, smear- E-dip SW-dip T S
estimation and seal-calibration techniques can
overestimate fault-seal potential, especially near Bonavista I C
platform Na
the base of a clay source-bed. J ut
F ilu

The contours of capillary pressure and fault- A sf
K N D au

re fa
L B lt
rock property estimates over a fault surface are M

M ur
undercalibrated using the methods described. A P
more accurate analysis should include the Q G
calibration of fault-rock properties estimated V R
from core measurements. Measured threshold T S N
pressure and permeability across small faults in X
core help predict the sealing capacity and flow Y Z
properties of the estimated fault-rock distribu-
tion. Fault rocks in core also define the range of 0 km 2 DD CANADA St. John’s
fault-rock types, created by processes such as 0 miles 1.2 Hibernia
cataclasis or grain crushing, and allow evalua-
tion of the impact of the geologic history and > Hibernia structural map and the location of two USA

fault timing. cored wells, the B-16 2 well and the B-16 4 well
in Blocks Q and R, respectively.
Fault-rock databases from specific basins are
key to the calibration of the fault-rock sealing
potential. Fault-rock data are a crucial input to
successful reservoir simulations, which also rely
on field data, including seismic surveys, well logs, Since first production in 1997, geologists and the host-rock permeability. Fault rocks contain-
core logs and studies, and field pressure-data. engineers with the Hibernia Management and ing an intermediate amount of clay—15 to
These data are also important in reducing the Development Company knew that the two main 40%—are classified as phyllosilicate-framework
risk in an exploration setting, where there may Hibernia reservoirs were compartmentalized by fault rocks, and they exhibited even lower
be significantly less data available. faults. An estimated 30 fault blocks were identi- permeabilities than their low-clay counterparts.
fied from observed variations in fluid-contact The high clay-content rocks, characterized by
Increased Knowledge, Reduced Uncertainty heights and in pressures. As development of the greater than 40% clay, formed clay smears.
Faults in core provide not only a calibration field continued, there were indications that the These fault rocks typically have permeabilities
to fault-rock properties such as porosity, field might be even more compartmentalized of less than 0.001 mD, equivalent to the host-
permeability and threshold pressures, but also than originally thought. 22 However, the asset rock properties. The analysis of the fault rocks
fault distribution and density at a scale below team was uncertain about the degree to which in core showed that the fault-rock types are
that of seismic resolution. Recent advances in the faults were diminishing individual well capable of significantly reducing the permeabil-
seismic interpretation methods, such as production and injection performance. ity across the faults in Hibernia field.
automatic fault-picking and attribute-mapping Fullbore cores were taken from the lower To evaluate the sealing potential of the faults
software, help geophysicists interpret large seis- reservoir in the hanging-wall section in two wells, compartmentalizing the reservoir, the fault-rock
mic volumes in less time and in greater detail the B-16 2 in Block Q and the B-16 4 in Block R, types and properties are integrated with the
than manual methods. However, much of the to characterize the deformation and the fault- fault-rock distribution estimates from the juxta-
fault detail still exists at a scale below the seis- zone architecture (above). The cores were position diagrams. These diagrams show that
mic resolution, so detection of these small faults examined for geologic structures, and samples where the fault throw is less than the individual
must rely on high-resolution borehole-imaging were collected for analysis of microstructural and layer thickness and the reservoir is juxtaposed
tools and the detailed study of fullbore cores. petrophysical properties. The fault rocks were against itself, the sealing properties are dictated
The highly compartmentalized Hibernia classified according to clay content. by the cataclastic fault-rock properties.
field in the Jeanne d’Arc basin offshore Fault rocks with less than 15% clay exhibited Conversely, where the fault throw exceeds the
Newfoundland, Canada, demonstrates the both disaggregation bands, which are localized individual layer thickness, juxtaposition sealing
importance of detailed core examinations.21 The zones of particulate flow with little grain of reservoir against nonreservoir rock is the
Hibernia field is situated in a sedimentary basin fracturing, and deformation bands with cata- principal seal.
within the greater Jeanne d’Arc basin that has clastic seams with variable amounts of grain-size A juxtaposition triangle diagram of the
undergone multiple rifting events associated reduction due to mechanical crushing of the Hibernia formation at Well B-16 2 demonstrates
with the breakup of the supercontinent Pangea grains. Despite the lack of clay, these fault rocks the predicted fault-rock distributions and their
and the formation of the Atlantic Ocean from have an average permeability of 0.06 mD, which interpreted effects on the fluid flow (next page).
the late Triassic to the early Cretaceous period. is almost five orders of magnitude lower than

48 Oilfield Review
Fault throw, m
0 100 200

Sand in FW and HW
Sand against sand past other lithologies
Layer 1 Impure sand in FW and HW
Impure sand against impure sand
past other lithologies
Shale-rich in FW and HW
Shale-rich against shale-rich past
other lithologies

Layer 2

Medial shale

Upper Note: At 75-m throw, Layer 2

sandstone sandstone juxtaposed against

Shale Upper Layer 3 basal sandstone

Layer 3

Fault throw, m
0 100 200

Sandstone Fault-Seal Types (using clay-smear factor 3.0)

Sand in FW and HW
Sand against sand past other lithologies
Layer 1 Phyllosilicate- Impure sand in FW and HW
framework Impure sand against impure sand
Lithofacies (volume-shale derived) fault rocks past other lithologies
Sandstone-dominated (PFFR) High potential for PFFR
(shale-rich in FW and HW )
Mixed heterolithic
Phyllosilicate- Phyllosilicate-rich fault rocks (clay smears)
Shale/mudstone dominated rich High potential for phyllosilicate-rich
(clay smears)
Layer 2

Medial shale

Upper Note: Reduction in window

sandstone size due to smear potential of

Shale intervening impure sandstones

Basal and medial shale
Layer 3




> Juxtaposition (top) and fault-seal (bottom) diagrams for Hibernia Well B-16 2. The juxtaposition diagram identifies a sand-against-sand juxtaposition at a
75-m [246-ft] throw. In this scenario, a Layer 2 sandstone in the hanging wall (HW) is dragged past other lithologies—impure sandstones and a medial
shale—in the footwall (FW) and is juxtaposed against the basal sandstone in the upper Layer 3 interval. This represents a possible leak area. However,
when clay smearing is taken into account, the predicted potential leak area is reduced significantly.

20. Doughty PT: “Clay Smear Seals and Fault Sealing 21. Porter JR, McAllister E, Fisher QJ, Knipe RJ, Condliffe 22. Gormley JR, Andrews RJ, Baskin DK and Stokes R:
Potential of an Exhumed Growth Fault, Rio Grande Rift, DM, Kay MA, Stylianides G and Sinclair IK: “Impact of “An Integrated Study of Reservoir Compartmentalization
New Mexico,” American Association of Petroleum Fault-Damage Zones on Reservoir Performance in the in the Hibernia Formation, Hibernia Field,” Abstracts,
Geologists Bulletin 87, no. 3 (March 2003): 427–444. Hibernia Oilfield (Jeanne d’Arc Basin, Newfoundland): Vol 26. Geological Association of Canada, Mineralogical
An Analysis of Structural, Petrophysical and Dynamic Association of Canada Annual Meeting, St. John’s,
Well Test Data,” special paper 43 in Hiscott R and Newfoundland (2001): 52–53.
Pulham A (eds): Petroleum Resources and Reservoirs of
the Grand Banks, Eastern Canadian Margin. St. John’s,
Newfoundland, Canada: Geological Association of
Canada (2004): 129–142.

Winter 2004/2005 49
1,600,000 140,000 location of losses. Wellbore data and production
Total drilled footage history-matching were also used to gain a more
1,400,000 120,000
Total lost circulation thorough understanding of fault, fluid and reser-
1,200,000 voir behavior. Although this analysis helped

Total lost circulation, bbl

Total drilled footage, ft 1,000,000 explain 80% of the lost-circulation problems,
80,000 it showed that a more detailed exploration of
fault-rock properties across the Prudhoe Bay field
600,000 was warranted.
40,000 Analysis of the fault distributions and fault-
rock properties from thousands of feet of core
200,000 20,000 from 14 wells provided the necessary calibration
to evaluate fault behavior. Open vuggy fractures
0 0
1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 in the core identified conductive zones that
Year could pose potential drilling hazards. Full-field
> Increase in lost-circulation problems in Prudhoe Bay field. Even as total and local-stress modeling, integrated with
drilled footage (blue) declined during the last two decades, lost-circulation the tectonic history, showed a preferential
problems (red) became more serious and costly. As smaller fault blocks
were drilled using horizontal wells, more faults were crossed than during orientation of conductive faults parallel to the
early development drilling. It was observed that the increased horizontal maximum in-situ stress direction. An integrated
footage drilled in the late 1990s directly correlated to mud losses, identifying database of fault styles and architecture,
faults as the predominant source of drilling problems. fault-rock properties, and lost-circulation data
facilitated the study of fault-damage zones and
the analysis of fault sealing.
This diagram shows that for throws less than fault blocks and through more faults. As a result, The database properties calibrated to
30 m [98 ft], fault rocks are predominantly cata- lost-circulation problems have increased juxtaposition and fault-rock distributions from
clasites or zones of grain crushing. On the other dramatically, even as total drilled footage has clay-content of individual faults helped reduce
hand, where throws are greater than 30 m, the decreased in recent years (above). the risk of drilling development wells in Prudhoe
lower permeability, clay-rich, phyllosilicate-rich Problems reached critical levels in 1998, Bay field. Predrill well planning now incorporates
fault rocks are present. These results show that when 66 out of 120 wells and sidetracks experi- the data from the database to avoid hazardous
fault rocks in the Hibernia field have the poten- enced lost-circulation problems, costing over drilling areas (next page, bottom).
tial to degrade the performance of both US$10 million. Trouble-time costs added 50% to In the year following this integrated fault-
production and injection wells. 100% to well costs. In some cases, loss rates characterization project, 65 wells and sidetracks
When combined with production history- exceeded 1,000 bbl/hr [159 m 3 /hr], raising were drilled. The number of problematic wells,
matching models, which yield nonunique serious safety concerns and risking the loss of those losing more than 100 bbl [16 m 3 ] of
solutions from many possible geologic scenarios, wells. BP and ConocoPhillips, then Arco Alaska, drilling fluid, dropped from 32 to 16% of the total
the fault-seal analysis calibrated to the fault considered several options to address the wells. Lost-circulation zones were anticipated
data from core bolstered the interpretation of fault-related lost-circulation problems. The and accounted for, reducing trouble-time and
how faults affect fluid flow in the field. This led Prudhoe Bay asset team could choose not to drill decreasing drilling costs by US$2 to 5 million
to the drilling of the injector well B-16 21, which risky targets, reducing development options and during that year. Only two wells had significant
was positioned to avoid dangerous fault-damage recoverable reserves, or could employ expensive problems. A more thorough knowledge of faults
zones. The new injector well improved reservoir drilling contingencies that may have mitigated in Prudhoe Bay field reduced drilling risk,
sweep and provided additional pressure support the problem, but at the expense of understanding improved well planning and increased asset
for nearby producing wells. its cause. team confidence in further development. The
The Prudhoe Bay partner companies, along significant reduction in drilling risk has opened
Fault-Seal Analysis Aids Drilling with RDR, decided to investigate the cause of up more drillable targets that were once
Open, conductive fault systems may be as chal- these lost-circulation problems—faults that act deemed too risky, while potentially increasing
lenging as sealing faults in field development, as conduits for drilling mud. In Prudhoe Bay field, recoverable reserves.
especially where they pose a serious drilling more than 5,400 faults have been interpreted by
hazard. Since development drilling began in seismic surveys. The faults range in strike length Complex Problem, Simple Answer
1970, the highly faulted Prudhoe Bay field, from 500 to 15,000 ft [152 to 4,570 m] with throws Faults and their influences on fluid flow within
Alaska, USA, has produced more than 10 billion from 20 to 200 ft [6 to 60 m] (next page, top). reservoirs are complex. Technological advance-
barrels [1.6 billion m3] of oil. Throughout the First, the existing seismic data were reprocessed ments have improved our ability to measure
field’s history, lost-circulation problems have to improve the fault interpretation. The mapped these influences, both directly and indirectly.
been commonplace and directly related to the faults were then added to a database, which Well-testing techniques, production history-
number of faults crossed while drilling wells. included fault parameters such as orientation matching and the injection of tracers, for
With substantial remaining recoverable and length. Along with geologic data, drilling data example, help assess whether reservoir compart-
reserves, continued development by BP and for all wells in the field were compiled, including ments exist, and if they do, whether they are in
ConocoPhillips requires drilling into smaller lost-circulation volumes and rates, and the communication or are isolated. Wellbore

50 Oilfield Review
Prudhoe Bay Fault Map measurements and sampling tools also are used
to evaluate reservoir rocks, fluids and pressures
to determine compartmentalization. Recently,
engineers have successfully identified fluid
compositional variances related to compartmen-
talization using the Schlumberger MDT device.23
The evaluation, calibration and prediction of the
faults that compartmentalize reservoirs require
0 km 8 a systematic analysis that should include inte-
0 miles 5 grating datasets from properties measured in
conventional core, to subsurface well and
production data, seismic interpretation and
outcrop and subsurface analogs.
Prudhoe Bay
Alaska Poorly resolved subsurface fault complexities
may be incorporated into reservoir fluid-
flow simulators using the results from detailed
outcrop analog studies. In simulators, the effects
of faults are represented as effective trans-
missibility factors across defined traverses.
> Fault map of Prudhoe Bay field. The structural complexity of Prudhoe Bay field is demonstrated by Fault-related transmissibility depends on the
a fault map that shows extensive faulting throughout much of the field. number of faults, the thickness of the associated
damage zones and the fault properties, such as
fault-rock permeability and pressure thresholds.
Plan View Incorporating the fault-rock properties from
databases has improved history-matching and
fluid-flow modeling across faults.24 These results

still contain risk and uncertainty. In fault-seal


analysis, there will always be uncertainties

relating to the internal architecture of faults,
Example of the host-rock properties, the definition of
previous well plan
Plan for
stratigraphic units from seismic surveys,
losses capillary pressure effects and how far to project
the model given the limited amount of well data.
Fault-rock property databases provide the range
and magnitude of the uncertainty that can be
incorporated into risk modeling using Monte
Crossfault at high Carlo techniques, for example.
Kickoff point shale-gouge ratio In fault-seal analysis, the complexity of faults
must be captured and modeled, but the answer
> Improved well planning. With improved knowledge of fault behavior in must be simple enough to be used effectively in
Prudhoe Bay field, high-loss areas (pink) can now be avoided or planned reservoir simulations to reduce uncertainty
for while drilling to reach the target. Specific information, such as shale-
gouge ratio along individual faults, allows the asset team to identify the when exploring and developing enigmatic,
optimal points at which to cross faults to minimize mud losses and reduce faulted siliciclastic reservoirs. —MGG
drilling costs.

23. Mullins OC, Hashem M, Elshahawi H, Fujisawa G, of Formation Fluid Samples: Case Studies,” paper SPE
Dong C, Betancourt S and Terabayashi T: “Hydrocarbon 90932, presented at the SPE Annual Technical Conference
Compositional Analysis In Situ in Openhole Wireline and Exhibition, Houston, September 26–29, 2004.
Logging,” Transactions of the SPWLA 45th Annual Betancourt S, Fujisawa G, Mullins O, Carnegie A,
Logging Symposium, Noordwijk, The Netherlands, Dong C, Kurkjian A, Eriksen KO, Haggag M, Jaramillo AR
June 6–9, 2004, paper FFF. and Terabayashi H: “Analyzing Hydrocarbons in the
Fujisawa G, Betancourt SS, Mullins OC, Torgerson T, Borehole,” Oilfield Review 15, no. 3 (Autumn 2003): 54–61.
O’Keefe M, Terabayashi T, Dong C and Eriksen KO: 24. Knai TA and Knipe RJ: “The Impact of Faults on Fluid
“Large Hydrocarbon Compositional Gradient Revealed by Flow in the Heidrun Field,” in Jones G, Fisher QJ and
In-Situ Optical Spectroscopy,” paper SPE 89704, presented Knipe RJ (eds): Faulting, Fault Sealing and Fluid Flow in
at the SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, Hydrocarbon Reservoirs: Geological Society Special
Houston, September 26–29, 2004. Publication 147. Bath, England: The Geological Society
Elshahawi H, Hashem M, Mullins OC, Fujisawa G, Dong C, Publishing House (1998): 269–282.
Betancourt S and Hegeman P: “In-Situ Characterization

Winter 2004/2005 51

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