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Self-Reflection and Assessment

Please read the following statements carefully and record your response using following key.
There are NO right or wrong responses. Please respond according to how you behave or think
at present and NOT according to how you would like to behave or think in future.
1: Strongly Disagree, 2: Disagree, 3: Neutral, 4: Agree, 5: Strongly Agree
Page 1 _____________________

1. I defer judgment and do not jump in too quickly to resolve a problem 3

2. I understand my personal strengths and limitations 5

3. I admit to and learn from my errors 5

4. I bounce back from adversity 5

5. I maintain a good work-life balance and keep things in perspective 4

6. I remain calm under pressure or when things take an unexpected turn 5

Total 27
Total divided by 6 4.5
Section 2 ……………………..
1. I am willing to take hard decisions if the situations demand 4
2. I confidently to take calculated risks 4
3. I can tolerate ambiguity and uncertainty 3
4. I am true to my personal values and ethics 5

Total 16
Total divided by 4 4
Section 3 ………………………
1. I have energy, passion and enthusiasm for learning and teaching 5

2. I want to achieve the best outcome possible 5

3. I take responsibility for program activities and outcomes 4

4. I persevere when things are not working out as anticipated 3

5. I pitch in and undertake menial tasks when needed 5

Total 22
Total divided by 5 4.4
1: Strongly Disagree, 2: Disagree, 3: Neutral, 4: Agree, 5: Strongly Agree

Page 2__________________
Section 1………………..
1 influence people's behaviour and decisions in effective ways
I can 4
2. I understand how the different groups that make up my university/institute 2
operate and influence different situations

3. I can work with very senior people within and beyond my university/ institute 5
without being intimidated

4. I motivate others to achieve positive outcomes 4

5. I work constructively with people who are 'resistors' or are over-enthusiastic 4

6. I develop and use networks of colleagues to solve key workplace problems 5

7. I give and receive constructive feedback to/from work colleagues and others 3

Total 28
Total divided by 7 4
Section 2………………..
1. I empathise and work productively with students from a wide range of 4
2. I listen to different points of view before coming to a decision 5

3. I empathise and work productively with staff and other key players from a wide 4
range of backgrounds
4. I develop and contribute positively to team-based programs 5

5. I am transparent and honest in dealings with others 5

Total 18
Total divided by 7 2.57
1: Strongly Disagree, 2: Disagree, 3: Neutral, 4: Agree, 5: Strongly Agree

Page 3 ________________
Section 1……………………

1. I am good at diagnosing the underlying causes of a problem and taking 4

appropriate action to address it
2. I am good at recognising how seemingly unconnected activities are linked 3
3. I am good at recognising patterns in a complex situation 5
4. I am good at identifying from a mass of information the core issue or 4
opportunity in any situation
Total 16
Total divided by 4 4
Section 2 …………………………….
1. I can see and then act on an opportunity for a new direction 4
2. I trace out and assessing the likely consequences of alternative courses of action 4
3. I use previous experience to figure out what's going on when a current situation 5
takes an unexpected turn
4. I think creatively and laterally 5
5. I have a clear, justified and achievable direction in my area of responsibility 4
6. I can see the best way to respond to a perplexing situation 4
7. I always set and justify priorities for my daily work 4
Total 32
Total divided by 7 4.57
Section 3 …………………………….
1. I am generally able to adjust a plan of action in response to problems that are 4
identified during its implementation
2. I always make sense of and learn from experience 5
3. I am aware that there is never a fixed set of steps for solving workplace 4
problems I can tolerate the ambiguity
Total 13
Total divided by 3 4.33
1: Strongly Disagree, 2: Disagree, 3: Neutral, 4: Agree, 5: Strongly Agree

Page 4 ____________________
Section 1……………………….
1. I have a good understanding of how to develop an effective higher education 5
learning program
2. I have a high level of up-to-date knowledge of what engages university students 5
in productive learning
3. I have the understanding of how to design and conduct an evaluation of a higher 4
education learning program
4. I understand how to implement successfully a new higher education program 3

5. I am well aware of current developments in learning and teaching 4

6. I know how to identify and disseminate good learning and management practices 4
across the unit, department or the institute
Total 29
Total divided by 6 4.88
Section 2……………………
1. I understand the role of risk management in my work 4
2. I understand how universities operate 3
3. I have understanding of industrial relations issues and processes as they apply to 4
higher education
4. I am able to help my staff learn how to deliver necessary changes effectively 4
5. I have the ability to chair meetings effectively 4
6. I have sound administrative and resource management skills 5

Total 24
Total divided by 6 4
Section 3……………………..
1. I am able to manage my own ongoing professional learning and development 4
2. I am able to use IT effectively to communicate and perform key work functions 4
3. I am able to organise my work and manage time effectively 5
4. I am able to make effective presentations to a range of different groups 4
Total 21
Total divided by 4 5.25

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