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15 February 2018
Dear Parents

Theme for 2018: VALUES

Note from the Principal….

I discussed Honesty in assembly this week. I would appreciate it if you could reiterate this important value
at home. How can a child display HONESTY…?
1. Do not steal. If he/she finds a school bag, stationery, lunch, uniforms etc. lying around, they must
return the item to the school office. Do not take anything that does not belong to you.
2. People who are HONEST have INTEGRITY.

Drop and Read

We encourage all learners to carry a book in their school bags to read every day.

A huge thank you to all parents who have paid their tuition fees. We appreciate your support and commitment
to your child’s education. Fees paid in full by the end of February will receive a 10% discount.
To all parents, please note that fees are paid on the FIRST of every month: (1 January until the 1 October)

SGB Elections
Date: 6 March 2018
Venue: School Hall
Time: 18h00 registration outside the Media Centre
Who may vote: If you are a biological parent of a learner at Sharonlea Primary or a Legal guardian
of a learner.

You may collect Nomination Forms from the school Office at return before the 6 March.

Please see overleaf for more information about the Characteristics and Capabilities of an

All learners may leave their textbooks at home. Teachers will keep a set of books in the classroom
for learners to work from. All textbooks must be kept in a safe place at home. We will do an audit at
the end of each term.

Please ensure that your child is dressed neatly in the correct school uniform. Too many Foundation
Phase learners are wearing the incorrect uniform.

Principal: Mrs CS Hercules

Service to others is the rent we pay for our place in heaven.

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