PET Test - Units 3,4

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T Test – Units 3 & 4 06/02/2018


1) Complete the following sentences with life events. (2 points|0.2 each)

1. My sister ____________ born January the 27th, 1997.

2. When you pass the driving exam you will get a ______________.
3. They are going _________. They have been dating for two years and he proposed
last weekend.
4. In Spain most children ___________ when they are 3 years old.
5. If you want to _____________ you need to go to university.
6. You need to earn your own money, so _____________ this summer.
7. I want to __________ and rent an apartment in Barcelona so I gain some
8. I don’t want to ______________. It is a great responsibility.
9. This year we will __________. It is our last year as students.
10. I will ____________ to get a degree in Science.

2) Which are the comparative and the superlative forms of the following adjectives? (2
points|0.2 each)

Adjective Comparative Superlative


3) Write five sentences using a comparative and five sentences using a superlative. (1
points|0.1 each)

1. ___________________________________________________________________.

2. ___________________________________________________________________.

3. ___________________________________________________________________.

4. ___________________________________________________________________.

5. ___________________________________________________________________.

6. ___________________________________________________________________.

7. ___________________________________________________________________.
P.E.T Test – Units 3 & 4 06/02/2018

8. ___________________________________________________________________.

9. ___________________________________________________________________.

10. ___________________________________________________________________.

4) Complete the table with the sports you have in the box. (1 points|0.1 each)

athletics – boxing – climbing – cycling – gymnastics

– ice hockey – ice skating – rugby– surfing – swimming




5) Complete the sentences with the past continuous form of the verbs. (1 points|0.1 each)

1. They _______________(laugh) at us.

2. I ___________(not play) football.

3. My friends ________________(not talk) about sports at that moment.

4. What _________________(he/do) when we arrived?

5. ______________(she/watch) the game?

6. _______________(you/call) Maria when I interrupted you?

7. Where_______________(she/go) after the party?

8. We _______________(not sing) that song.

9. The girls ____________(train) when the accident happened.

10. He opened the door while I _____________(have) a shower.

P.E.T Test – Units 3 & 4 06/02/2018


6) Read the sentences. Choose the correct meaning of the bold words. (1 points|0.2


1 We got a coach to the football match.

a) Noun: a type of bus
b) Noun: someone who teaches people a sport.
2 Does this dress fit you?
a) Verb: the right size
b) Adjective: healthy and strong.
3 Who won the tennis match?
a) Verb: be the same
b) Noun: a sports competition.
4 She points at the audience and kicks the ball to score a goal.
a) Noun: the score at the end of a game.
b) Verb: show where something is using your finger.
5 The baseball team has got a new trainer.
a) Noun: a sports shoe
b) Noun: a person who helps you prepare for a sporting event.

7) Reading (1 points|0.1 each)

8) Listening (1 points|0.1 each)

Q.1. Q.2. Q.3. Q.4. Q.5. Q.6. Q.7. Q.8. TOTAL

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