Donkuru Bridge Repairs Work Est.

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ESTIMATED COST:-Rs.2.00 lakhs






Name of the work:-Repairs to the Bridge at Donkuru, Est.Cost:Rs.2.00 lakhs

The work "Repairs to the Bridge at Donkuru",Est.Cost.Rs.2.00 lakhs was administratively

sanctioned under CDR grant 2004-05 vide Progs.Rc.No.3099/04/D4 Dt.18.11.2004 of the Dist.Collector,SKLM.The work
entrusted to Sri.D.Janaki Rao,Convenor,VWC,Burjapadu on nomination basis at estimate rates.

During execution of work,certain deviations were observed and hence working estimate is prepared

1)Revetment is proposed for the earth filling on all the four sides from the savings amount.
2)Remaining provisions of original estimate are not altered.

Asst.Executive Engineer

Name of the Work:-Repairs to the Bridge at Donkuru

Est.Cost:Rs.2.00 lakhs

S.No Description of item Quantity Amount

in Rupees

1 Construction of Retaining wall&Approach Slab 1 No 66655.00

(As per sub estimate)

2 Construction of Toe wall 1 No 101104.00

(As per sub estimate)

3 Construction of Revetment 1 No 37222.00

(As per sub estimate)
TOTAL 204981.00

Limited to 2,00,000/-

Asst.Executive Engineer

8 Provision for unforeseen items,if any --------LS------------

Asst.Executive Engineer

Name of the work:-Repairs to the Bridge at Donkuru, Est.Cost.Rs.2.00 lakhs

S.No Description of item As per original estimate As per working estimate More Less
Quantity Rate Per Amount Quantity Rate Per Amount

1 Construction of Retaining wall&Approach Slab 1No 120000.00 1No 120000 1No 66655 1No 66655 0 53345

2 Construction of Toe wall 1No 80000.00 1No 80000 1No 101104 1No 101104 21104 0

3 Construction of Revetment 0No 0.00 1No 0 1No 37222 1No 37222 37222 0

TOTAL 200000 204981 58326 53345

Limt.2,00,000/- Limit.53345

Asst.Executive Engineer

Name of the Sub work:-Construction of Revetment for protection of Bridge at Donkuru


S.No Description of item Nos Measurements Quantity Rate Per Amount

Length Bredth Depth

1 Gravel packing for protection of abutments and to provide seating for revetment stones including cost and conveyance
of all materials and all labour charges etc.complete.

Burjapadu side(Left)---Triangle 1X0.5 5.65 7.5 0.10 2.12

Burjapadu side(Left)---Rectangl 1X1 5.75 (4.4+4.8)/2 0.10 2.65
Burjapadu side(Right)---Triangl 1X0.5 5.65 7.7 0.10 2.18
Burjapadu side(Right)---Rectang 1X1 5.02 5.8 0.10 2.91
Donkuru side(Left)---Triangle Po 1X0.5 5.60 7.6 0.10 2.13
Donkuru side(Left)---Rectangle 1X1 4.70 (5.3+5.1)/2 0.10 2.44
Donkuru side(Right)---Triangula 1X0.5 5.00 4.8 0.10 1.20
Donkuru side(Right)---Rectangl 1X1 5.10 5.4 0.10 2.75
18.38 188.49 1Cum 3464

2 Granite stone packing for revetment with concrete grouting using CC(1:2:4) with 6mm HBG Chips using
225mm size granite stone including cost and conveyance of all materials and all labour charges etc.

Burjapadu side(Left)---Triangle 1X0.5 5.65 7.5 0.225 4.77

Burjapadu side(Left)---Rectangl 1X1 5.75 (4.4+4.8)/2 0.225 5.95
Burjapadu side(Right)---Triangl 1X0.5 5.65 7.7 0.225 4.89
Burjapadu side(Right)---Rectang 1X1 5.02 5.8 0.225 6.55
Donkuru side(Left)---Triangle Po 1X0.5 5.60 7.6 0.225 4.79
Donkuru side(Left)---Rectangle 1X1 4.70 (5.3+5.1)/2 0.225 5.50
Donkuru side(Right)---Triangula 1X0.5 5.00 4.8 0.225 2.70
Donkuru side(Right)---Rectangl 1X1 5.10 5.4 0.225 6.20
41.35 808.54 1Cum 33433

3 CC (1:2:4) strip with 6mm chips to protect revetment including cost and conveyance of all
materials and all labour charges etc.complete.

Burjapadu side(Left) 1X1 5.550 0.11 0.06 0.04

Burjapadu side(Right) 1X1 5.450 0.115 0.04 0.03
Donkuru side(Right) 1X1 5.000 0.145 0.07 0.05
0.12 2108.18 1Cum 253

4 CC (1:2:4) strip with 20mm chips to protect revetment including cost and conveyance of all
materials and all labour charges etc.complete.

1X1 4.900 0.115 0.060 0.030 2395.70 1Cum 72

TOTAL 37222

Asst.Executive Engineer

Name of the Sub work:-Construction of Toe wall for protection of Bridge at Donkuru


S.No Description of item Nos Measurements Quantity Rate Per Amount

Length Bredth Depth

1 Earthwork excavation and depositing on bank with an initial lead of 10m and lift of 2m in loamy and clayey
soils in wet and slushy conditions including shoring,shuttering and bailing out of water including all
materials and all labour charges etc.complete FOR TOE WALLS

at Left side of Burjapadu end 1X1 5.00 (3.25+1.65)/2 1.60 19.60

at Right side of Burjapadu end 1X1 5.00 (2.4+1.30)/2 1.10 10.18
at Left side of Donkuru end 1X1 5.00 (2.9+1.30)/2 1.60 16.80
at Right side of Donkuru end 1X1 5.00 (2.75+1.65)/2 1.10 12.10

58.68 157.98 1Cum 9270

2 Earthwork excavation and depositing on bank with an initial lead of 10m and lift of 2m in loamy and clayey
soils in wet and slushy conditions including bailing out of water including all materials and all labour charges etc.
complete for Extention of Toe wall on left side of burjapadu end

1X1 3.15 1.20 1.20 4.54 147.58 1Cum 670

3 Cement Concrete(1:4:8) mix using 40mm HBG chips including

cost and conveyance of all materials and all labour charges
including machine mixing charges

at Left side of Burjapadu end 1X1 5.00 1.65 0.50 4.13

at Right side of Burjapadu end 1X1 5.00 1.30 0.50 3.25
at Left side of Donkuru end 1X1 5.00 1.30 1.00 6.50
at Right side of Donkuru end 1X1 5.00 1.65 0.50 4.13
Extention of Toe wall on left 1X1 3.15 1.20 0.45 1.70
side of burjapadu end
19.71 1701.60 1Cum 33539

4 Cement Concrete(1:3:6) mix using 40mm HBG chips including

cost and conveyance of all materials and all labour charges
including machine mixing charges

at Left side of Burjapadu end 1X1 5.00 (1.35+0.55)/2 1.30 6.18

at Right side of Burjapadu end 1X1 5.00 (1.00+0.5)/2 1.20 4.50
at Left side of Donkuru end 1X1 5.00 (1.00+0.5)/2 1.20 4.50
at Right side of Donkuru end 1X1 5.00 (1.35+0.5)/2 1.20 5.55
For connection to abutment&Toe walls 0.49
Extention of Toe wall on left 1X1 3.15 (1.0+0.55)/2 0.75 1.83
side of burjapadu end
23.05 2252.28 1Cum 51915

5 Plastering with CM(1:5) 12mm thick including all materials and all labour charges etc.complete for Toe Wall

Sides 2X4 5.00 ----- 0.50 20.00

Sides 2X4 ----- 0.50 0.50 2.00
Top 1X4 5.00 0.50 ----- 10.00
32.00 549.15 10Sqm 1757

6 Cement Concrete(1:2:4) mix using 20mm HBG chips including

cost and conveyance of all materials and all labour charges
including machine mixing charges for BELT ON OLD TOE WALLS

Burjapadu side(Left)-I 1X1 1.20 0.60 0.06 0.04

S.No Description of item Nos Measurements Quantity Rate Per Amount
Burjapadu side(Left)-II 1X1 1.00 0.60 0.08 0.05
Burjapadu side(Left)-III 1X1 2.50 0.65 0.10 0.16
Burjapadu side(Right)-I 1X1 1.85 0.55 0.10 0.10
Burjapadu side(Right)-II 1X1 6.95 0.50 0.07 0.24
Donkuru side(Left)-I 1X1 2.95 0.60 0.30 0.53
Donkuru side(Left)-II 1X1 4.00 0.30 0.08 0.10
Donkuru side(Right) 1X1 7.90 0.55 0.10 0.43
1.65 2395.70 1Cum 3953

TOTAL 101104

Asst.Executive Engineer

Name of the sub work:-Construction of Toe wall,Est.Cost.Rs.1,01,104/-

S.No Description of item As per original estimate As per working estimate More Less
Quantity Rate Per Amount Quantity Rate Per Amount

1 Earth work exacavation and depositing on the bank with an 63.00 49.92 1Cum 3145 58.68 157.98 1Cum 9270 6125 0
initial lead and lift in loamy and clayey soils as per SS-20B
by manual labour for foundations of Toe wall including
bailing out of water,shoring&Shuttering charges

2 Earth work exacavation and depositing on the bank with an 0.00 0.00 1Cum 0 4.54 147.58 1Cum 670 670 0
initial lead and lift in loamy and clayey soils as per SS-20B
by manual labour for foundations of Toe wall including
bailing out of water

3 Sand filling in foundations including watering and ramming 7.56 185.22 1Cum 1400 0 0.00 1Cum 0 0 1400
including cost and conveyance of all materials and all labour
charges etc.complete

4 Cement Concrete(1:4:8) mix using 40mm HBG chips 7.56 1442.57 1Cum 10906 19.71 1701.60 1Cum 33539 22633 0
including cost and conveyance of all materials and all labour
charges including machine mixing charges

5 Cement Concrete(1:3:6) mix using 40mm HBG metal 32.40 1597.01 1Cum 51743 23.05 2252.28 1Cum 51915 172 0
including cost and
conveyance of all materials and all labour charges including
machine mixing charges

6 Plastering with CM(1:5) 12mm thick including all materials 0 0.00 10Sqm 0 32.00 549.15 10Sqm 1757 1757 0
and all labour charges etc.complete

7 Cement Concrete(1:2:4) mix using 20mm HBG chips including 0.00 0.00 1Cum 0 1.65 2395.70 1Cum 3953 3953 0
cost and conveyance of all materials and all labour charges
including machine mixing charges for BELT ON OLD

8 Provision for unforeseen items etc 12806 0 0 12806

TOTAL 80000 101104 35310 14206

Asst.Executive Engineer

Name of the Sub work:-Construction of Retaining wall &Approach slab to protect the approaches of
the bridge at Donkuru


S.No Description of item Nos Measurements Quantity Rate Per Amount

Length Bredth Depth

Retaining Wall:-

1 Earth work exacavation and depositing on the bank with an initial

lead and lift in loamy and clayey soils as per SS-20B by manual
labour for foundations

For retaining wall 1X4 5.00 0.75 (0.4+1.0)/2 10.50

10.50Cum 55.74 1Cum 585

2 Cement Concrete(1:3:6) mix using 40mm HBG chips including

cost and conveyance of all materials and all labour charges
including machine mixing charges

For retaining wall 1X4 5.00 (0.75+0.45)/2 1.50 18.00

18.00Cum 2252.28 1Cum 40541

3 Plastering with CM(1:5) 12mm thick including all materials and all labour charges etc.complete for Rtn.Wall

Sides 2X4 5.00 ----- 0.45 18.00

Sides 2X4 ----- 0.45 0.45 1.62
Top 1X4 5.00 0.45 ----- 9.00
28.62 549.15 10Sqm 1572

Approach Slab:-

4 Cement Concrete(1:2:4) mix using 20mm HBG chips including

cost and conveyance of all materials and all labour charges
including machine mixing charges for Approach Slab.

For approach slab 1X2 5.00 5.00 0.20 10.00

10.00Cum 2395.70 1Cum 23957

TOTAL 66655

Asst.Executive Engineer

Name of the sub work:-Construction of Retaining wall&Approach slab,Est.Cost.Rs.66,655/-

S.No Description of item As per original estimate As per working estimate More Less
Quantity Rate Per Amount Quantity Rate Per Amount

1 Earth work exacavation and depositing on the bank with an 3.60 49.92 1Cum 180 10.50 55.74 1Cum 585 405 0
initial lead and lift in loamy and clayey soils as per SS-20B
by manual labour for foundations of Rtn. wall including
all labour charges etc.complete

2 Sand filling in foundations including watering and ramming 10.80 185.22 1Cum 2000 0 0.00 1Cum 0 0 2000
including cost and conveyance of all materials and all labour
charges etc.complete

3 Cement Concrete(1:4:8) mix using 40mm HBG chips 5.40 1442.57 1Cum 7790 0.00 0.00 1Cum 0 0 7790
including cost and conveyance of all materials and all labour
charges including machine mixing charges

4 Cement Concrete(1:3:6) mix using 40mm HBG metal 52.65 1597.01 1Cum 84083 18.00 2252.28 1Cum 40541 0 43542
including cost and
conveyance of all materials and all labour charges including
machine mixing charges

5 Plastering with CM(1:5) 12mm thick including all materials 0 0.00 10Sqm 0 28.62 549.15 10Sqm 1572 1572 0
and all labour charges etc.complete

6 Picking the existing B.T surface and removal of chips 55.00 14.56 10Sqm 80 0.00 0.00 10Sqm 0 0 80
including all labour charges etc.complete

7 Cement Concrete(1:2:4) mix using 20mm HBG chips including 11.25 2221.97 1Cum 24997 10.00 2395.70 1Cum 23957 0 1040
cost and conveyance of all materials and all labour charges
including machine mixing charges for APPROACH SLAB

8 Provision for unforeseen items etc 870 0 0 870

TOTAL 120000 66655 1977 55322

Asst.Executive Engineer

Name of the work:-Repairs to the Bridge at Donkuru,Est.Cost.Rs.2.00 lakhs

S.No Description of item Name of the quarry Lead in Kms Initial Conveyance Seinorage Blasting Muncipal Machine Deduct Total
MR CT Total Cost charges Border crushing stacking
allowance charges

1 Sand for Mortar Bahuda river 10.50 0.00 10.50 71.00 107.80 36.00 0.00 16.74 0.00 (-)3.70 227.84
2 40mm HBG metal-SS5 Rattakanna 16.50 0.00 16.50 269.00 142.30 45.00 53.00 56.80 0.00 (-)6.10 560.00
3 20mm HBG metal-SS5 Rattakanna 16.50 0.00 16.50 470.00 142.30 45.00 53.00 97.00 0.00 (-)6.10 801.20
4 Gravel Rajapuram 11.00 0.00 11.00 38.50 107.80 20.00 0.00 10.24 0.00 (-)3.70 172.84
5 6mm HBG chips-SS5 J.L.Kota 29.20 0.00 29.20 237.00 191.50 45.00 53.00 50.40 59.25 (-)6.10 630.05
6 225mm Granite for SS RevetmentRattakanna 16.50 0.00 16.50 80.50 142.30 45.00 53.00 19.10 0.00 (-)6.10 333.80

Certified that the above leads are correct to the best of my knowledge

Asst.Executive Engineer

Name of the work:-Repairs to the Bridge at Donkuru,Est.Cost.Rs.2.00 lakhs

S.No Quantity Description of item Rate Per Amount

1 Earth work exacavation and depositing on the bank with an initial lead and lift for loamy and clayey
soils as per SS-20B by manual labour

1.00Cum Intial cost 28.00 1.00Cum 28.00

1.00Cum Seinorage charges 20.00 1.00Cum 20.00
Add MBA 20% 5.60
Add TOT@4% 2.14

TOTAL 55.74

2 Cement Concrete(1:4:8) mix using 40mm HBG chips including cost and conveyance of all materials
and all labour charges including machine mixing charges

0.92Cum Cost of 40mm HBG metal 560.00 1.00Cum 515.20

0.46Cum Cost of sand 227.84 1.00Cum 104.81
165.00Kg Cost of cement 2700.00 1000.00Kg 445.50
1.00Cum Labour charges 350.54 1.00Cum 350.54
1.00Cum Machine mixing charges 31.00 1.00Cum 31.00
1.00Cum Centring Charges 119.00 1.00Cum 119.00
Add MBA 20% 70.11
Add TOT@4% 65.45

TOTAL 1701.60

3 Cement Concrete(1:3:6) mix using 40mm HBG chips including cost and conveyance of all materials
and all labour charges including machine mixing charges

0.92Cum Cost of 40mm HBG metal 560.00 1.00Cum 515.20

0.46Cum Cost of sand 227.84 1.00Cum 104.81
220.00Kg Cost of cement 2700.00 1000.00Kg 594.00
1.00Cum Labour charges 350.54 1.00Cum 350.54
1.00Cum Machine mixing charges 31.00 1.00Cum 31.00
1.00Cum Centring charges 500.00 1.00Cum 500.00
Add MBA 20% 70.11
Add TOT@4% 86.63

TOTAL 2252.28

4 Cement Concrete(1:2:4) mix using 20mm HBG chips including cost and conveyance of all materials
and all labour charges including machine mixing charges

0.92Cum Cost of 20mm HBG metal 801.20 1.00Cum 737.10

0.46Cum Cost of sand 227.84 1.00Cum 104.81
330.00Kg Cost of cement 2700.00 1000.00Kg 891.00
1.00Cum Labour charges 350.54 1.00Cum 350.54
1.00Cum Machine mixing charges 31.00 1.00Cum 31.00
1.00Cum Centring Charges 119.00 1.00Cum 119.00
Add MBA 20% 70.11
Add TOT@4% 92.14

TOTAL 2395.70

5 Earthwork excavation and depositing on bank with an initial lead of 10m and lift of 2m in loamy and clayey
S.No Quantity Description of item Rate Per Amount
soils in wet and slushy conditions including shoring,shuttering and bailing out of water

1.00Cum Earth work excavation 32.00 1.00Cum 32.00

1.00Cum Add Bailing out water(2 to 3m) deep 83.50 1.00Cum 83.50
1.00Cum Fixing charges for shuttering,shoring&strutting(Nominal) 10.00 1.00Cum 10.00
1.00Cum Seinorage Charges 20.00 1.00Cum 20.00
Add MBA 20% 6.40
Add TOT@4% 6.08

TOTAL 157.98

6 Cement Concrete(1:2:4) mix using 6mm HBG chips including cost and conveyance of all materials
and all labour charges including machine mixing charges for grouting of revetment.

0.92Cum Cost of 6mm HBG metal 630.05 1.00Cum 579.65

0.46Cum Cost of sand 227.84 1.00Cum 104.81
330.00Kg Cost of cement 2700.00 1000.00Kg 891.00
1.00Cum Labour charges 350.54 1.00Cum 350.54
1.00Cum Machine mixing charges 31.00 1.00Cum 31.00
Add MBA 20% 70.11
Add TOT@4% 81.08

TOTAL 2108.18

7 Granite stone packing for revetment with concrete grouting using CC(1:2:4) with 6mm HBG Chips using
225mm size granite stone including cost and conveyance of all materials and all labour charges etc.

1.10Cum Granite stone 225m for revetment 333.80 1.00Cum 367.18

1.00Cum Labour charges 236.48 1.00Cum 236.48
0.06Cum CC(1:2:4) with 6mm chips(Observed Quantity) 2108.18 1.00Cum 126.49
Add MBA 20% 47.30
Add TOT@4% 31.10
TOTAL 808.54

8 Cement Mortor (1:3) (1:5) (1:6)

1.00Cum Cost of sand 227.84 227.84 227.84

2700/1MT Cost of Cement 1296.00 777.60 648.00
1.00Cum Mixing charges 19.00 19.00 19.00
1542.84 1024.44 894.84

9 Plastering with CM(1:5) 12mm thick including all materials and all labour charges etc.complete

0.15Cum Cost of CM(1:5) 1024.44 1.00Cum 153.67

10Sqm Labour charges 311.97 10Sqm 311.97
Add MBA 20% 62.39
Add TOT@4% 21.12
TOTAL 549.15

10 Earthwork excavation and depositing on bank with an initial lead of 10m and lift of 2m in loamy and clayey
soils in wet and slushy conditions including bailing out of water

1.00Cum Earth work excavation 32.00 1.00Cum 32.00

1.00Cum Add Bailing out water(2 to 3m) deep 83.50 1.00Cum 83.50
1.00Cum Seinorage Charges 20.00 1.00Cum 20.00
Add MBA 20% 6.40
Add TOT@4% 5.68
S.No Quantity Description of item Rate Per Amount
TOTAL 147.58

11 Gravel packing for protection of abutments and to provide seating for revetment

1.00Cum Cost and supply of gravel 172.84 1.00Cum 172.84

1.00Cum Filling charges 7.00 1.00Cum 7.00
Add MBA 20% 1.40
Add TOT@4% 7.25
TOTAL 188.49

Asst.Executive Engineer

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