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Sita Amalia Nurfitriana (1610302109)

M. Bailey Audri (1610302 )

Translation 1 (1)

LANGUAGE Bailey Sita Conclusion

Saat ini, Jokowi Currently, Jokowi Jokowi is currently Jokowi is currently

menjabat untuk periode served for the second serving for the second serving for the second
kedua. period. period. period.

Kemenangan mutlak Total winning obtained Absolute victory gained Absolute victory gained
diperoleh saat when mayor vote last during the municipal during the municipal
pemilihan wali kota year. election last year. election last year.
tahun lalu.

Nama Jokowi kini tidak Jokowi’s name now Nowadays, Jokowi’s Nowadays, Jokowi’s
hanya populer, tapi just not popular, but his name is not only name is not only
kepribadiannya juga personality also liked popular, his personality popular, his personality
disukai masyarakat. by people. is also appreciated by is also liked by people.

Setidaknya, ketika At least, when go to At least when he went At least when he went
pergi ke pasar-pasar, markets, the bargainer to markets, a crowd of to markets, a crowd of
para pedagang beramai- abuzz call him, or at traders called him, or traders called him, or
ramai memanggilnya, least whispering to the whispered to the person whispered to the person
atau paling tidak person next to them, next to them, “Eh.. next to them, “Eh..
berbisik pada orang “Eh.. that’s Sir Joko.” that’s Sir Joko.” that’s Sir Joko.”
sebelahnya, “Eh..itu
Pak Joko.”

Soal pendidikan, di About education, in In the matter of In the matter of

beberapa daerah sudah some areas already education, a lot of free education, a lot of free
banyak dilakukan done a lot free education had been education had been
pendidikan gratis, education, whether in done in some areas, done in some areas,
apakah di Solo juga Solo also like that? whether in Solo as whether in Solo as
begitu? well? well?

Kita beda. Di sini, kita We are different. Here, We’re different. Here, We are different. Here,
menerbitkan kartu we are issuing cards for we are providing cards we are issuing cards for
untuk siswa, ada student, there are for students, there are student, there are
platinum, gold, dan platinum, gold, and platinum, gold, and platinum, gold, and
silver. silver. silver. silver.
Mereka yang paling The poorest get Those considered as the Those considered as the
miskin itu memperoleh platinum. poorest ones get the poorest ones get the
kartu platinum. platinum cards. platinum cards.

Mereka ini gratis They can get all free, They are all free, from They are all free, from
semuanya, mulai dari start from the base the tuition fee to the the tuition fee to the
uang pangkal sampai money up to school school needs as well as school needs as well as
kebutuhan sekolah dan needs and also the operational costs. the operational costs.
juga biaya operasional. operational cost.

Kemudian, yang gold Then, the gold one get Subsequently, the gold Subsequently, the gold
itu mendapat fasilitas, facilities, but not as ones are getting the ones are getting the
tapi tak sebanyak much as platinum. facilities, but not as facilities, but not as
platinum. many as the platinums. many as the platinums.

Begitu juga yang silver, So as the silver, only As well as the silvers, So as the silver, only
hanya dibayari pemkot paid by the local only paid by the local paid by the local
untuk kebutuhan government for certain government for certain government for certain
tertentu. facilities. needs. facilities.

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