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by Mike Wooding G6IQM

A N important aspect of any electronic

designer er constructor's work is to
using a printed circuit board design sup-
plied as a file on the disks. I have never
used such a complex CAD package before,
produce circuit diagrams and printed cir-
cuit board layouts for their designs Of pro- but after only a couple of hours going
jects. Having done a little of this type of through this tutorial, I was becoming quite
work myself over the years, I can say with conversant with the very user-friendly
con fidence that, even for the rnosr adept, it package.
is not the easiest of subjecrs to tackle. For
many, having to design a circuit, or pro-
Getting started
duce a printed circuit board for a given cir-
cuit schematic, is a daunting task, even for After running EASY -PC you are presented
the simplest of circuits. with the opening titJe screen for a few sec-
However, there are now available for onds, and then the rnain menu with the fol-
owners of computers of all types, quite a lowing options:
profus ion of Computer Aided Design
(CAD) software packages, to assist in such I Design Layout.
areas. The most popular home computer 2 Design Sehemarie.
for the more serious user is now becorning 3 Create Layout Symbol.
the ubiquitous PC (personal computer), or 4 Create Schematic Symbol.
one of its various clones. So, having looked 5 Exit to DOS.
around at what CAD packages are avail-
able for the PC, I decided to have a look at tion of updates, etc. into the instructions. Printed circuit board layouts ... Option-
what appeared to be, from the advertising The software itself is supplied on two 360k I
literature, one of the better on es - EASY ~ 5.25-inch disks or one 720k 3.5-inch disk, Selecting option 1 presents the user with
PC, from Number One Systems Limited. both formats being supplied with the pack- the rnain drawing screen, which consists of
age. a reetangle in the centre of the screen en-
The initial pages of the instruction ma- closing a cross-shaped cursor. At the bot-
nual deal with the copyright license agree- tom of the screen is a status line, giving,
EASY ~PC is a CAD package for IBM ment and any 'Stop Press' information that arnongst other information. the X and Y
PC/XT/AT/386 computers, or true corn- has not been included in the manual. There coordinates of the present cursor position.
patible clones, running under MS-DOS is also a READ.ME file on the disks that Along the top of the screen are located
version 2.0 or Iater. The basic requirements contains any later information concerning three small shaded squares, which indicate
for running the software are a minimum of changes, etc., to the software. After these the cursor access points for three drop-
512k of memory, with a CGA, EGA or initial pages the instruction manual proper down menus.
VGA graphics adaptor, preferably with a is entered. The first section deals with the Moving around the screen is accom-
colour monitor (especially pertinent if computer requirements and how to load plished using either the cursor control keys
multi-Iayered printed circuit boards are to and configure the software and/or install it on the keyboard (either the 2,4,6 & 8 keys
be designed), The latest release of the soft- onto a hard disc. on the numeric keypad, or the separate cur-
ware also supports Hercules graphics adap- The configuration is simplicity itself. sor-control keys if fitted to your keyboard)
tors. Unless you are using a CGA display adap- or the mouse.
To enable the software to be used with tor, there is no user configuration to be As with all software packages utilising
greatest ease a Microsoft Mouse, or equi- done. If you are using a CGA adaptor, the a mouse, the mouse driver utility must be
valent, is a useful addition. To obtain hard only configuration to be carried out is to loaded in before EASY -PC. This is usually
copies of designs an IBM Graphics corn- copy and overwrite the main EA- da ne automatically by the AUTO-
patible 9 or 24-pin dot matrix printer is re- SYPC.EXE pro gram previously loaded EXEC.BA T and or the CONFIG .SYS files,
quired, or with the now upgraded version with the ECGA.EXE one provided on the which are run by the operaring system of
of EASY-PC, a Hewlett-Packard LaserJet disc. That completes the configuration. A the computer on switch-on.
II or equivalent laser printer can be used. function-key command prompt strip is also The drop-down menus are actuated by
Unlike some of the rival CAD packages supplied in tbe manual for copying or cut- positioning the cursor over the shaded area,
available, a maths co-processor is not re- ting out and placing above the keyboard. at which the menu appears. Menu items are
quired to run this software successfully. The next and main section of the user selected simply by moving the highlighted
manual is a very full and detailed descrip- bar over the desired function and pressing
User manual and eonfiguration tion ofhow the software is used. The 'train- the ENTER key. Alongside each menu
The package is very weil presented. An A4 ing' method is extremely easy to follow item is also given the alternative function
sized ring-binder contains the instruction and is based on a tutorial, taking you key cornmand, which will select the itern
manual, thus allowing for the easy inser- through the various stages and features without using the drop-down menu. These



funcrion key commands are also given on

the function key eommand prompt strip
mentioned earlier. o
Onee a layout is loaded it is displayed o
wirhin the reetangle enclosing the centre
area of the screen. This reetangle repre-
sents the maximum size of circuit board o
that can be aecommodated in one go, that o
is 17 inches square. The cursor position, as o
mentioned earlier, is given by the X and Y o
coordinates shown on the status line at the
bottom of the screen. The coordinates ref-
o 0

erence point is the bouorn left-hand corner o 0 d~JOOO

of the rectangle, and they vary numerically
from 0 to 17.
Initially, the drawing area is shown at
lowest magnification, and as such would
0 00 bo
be very difficult to work in. However, by
positioning the cursor wirhin the drawing
area and pressing Z on the keyboard, the Fig. 1. A seetion of the demonstration board (design file) included with Easy pe. This
display is magnified by a factor of two, artwork was produced as a HPGL ttte and plotted at aseale of 200% on a Roland OPX-2200
with the posirion marked by rhe cursor 10- flat-bed plotter.
cated at the centre of the screen area. Press-
ing Z again magnifies it further again by a
factor of 2. This can be repeated until the turbing the layout. package, drawing circuit diagrarns (sehe-
maximum rnagnification factor of 12limes Having familiarised oneself with the maties). Upon selecting this option, as be-
is reached, at which the entire screen area basics above, the powerful intricacies of fore, the user is presented with the main
represerns an aetual board area of approxi- the package can be explored. The tutorial drawing screen at minimum zoom factor.
mately II2-inch square. There are two in the user manual takes you through a Moving around the drawing screen, ZOOI11-
other ways of actuating the zoom which are guided tour of these, dernonstrating by ing, panning, etc., are all facilitated in
dealt with in the manual. means of using the circuit board layout in- exactly the same way as for the layout sec-
For fast movement around the display at c1uded on the disk. You are instructed how tion described above,
high zoom levels a panning faciliry is to lay down tracks, change track widths, The only main difference is that,
available, whereby positioriing the cursor lay down solder pads, vary the size, shape whereas in the layout option the user has a
atthe edge ofthe display beyond which the and orientation of them and select which of choice of up to eight board layers, ob~
view is required and pressing the P key, the the eight board conductor layers to put viously in the schematic drawing mode
view is rnoved ac ross the layout such rhat thern on or, in the case oftracks, route them only one layer is permitred.
the cursor position is now at the centre of to. As before, a library of pre-drawn sym-
the screen. Again, there are other methods Included within the package is a library bols is available on the disks, wh ich in-
of selecting this facility, a useful one of of pre-drawn symbols, such as single-in- cludes the basic symbols for resistors,
which is the ability to use the centre burton line and dual-in-line le pad patterns, capacitors, inductors, transistors, basic
on sorne ihree-button mice (mouses?!). various transistor pad patterns, etc. These gates, etc. Again, these allow for rnuch
There are various other faeilities avail- syrnbols can be loaded into the layout, re- quicker designing and drawing of circuit
able to help the user get around the screen, peated, moved, re-orientaied, etc., which diagrams, and help the user to produce
such as a grid over rhe entire sereen, a scale saves a lot of time for the designer not hav- neater and repetitively reproducible draw-
around the edge of the screen and a full- ing to draw his/her own. ings.
screen cross-wire cursor instead of the As weil as the ability to design circuit Very powerful editing facilities are
small default version. 1 found that the large board layouts for boards with up to eight available in the package which apply to
cross-wire and the outer edge seale was l11Y conductor layers, the top and bottom silk both this mode and the layout drawing one.
preference. There is also a feature which screen layers and etch-resist layers can also These facilities allow previously drawn
allows you to reference the current cursor be designed. circuits/layouts to be modified, added to,
coordinates, and then all distances as indi- It would be wholly inadvisable of me to sections deleted, or other circuits/layouts
eated by the cursor X and Y coordinates on try and emulate the instructions by explain- to be merged into them. Block editing fea-
the status line are measured from the refer- ing, even in the briefest terms, how all the tures allow areas of circuits/layouts to be
ence poinr, rather than the default bottom design functions are uti lised and accom- saved, deleted and moved. Symbols wirhin
left-hand corner of the layout. plished. Suffice ir to say that all the fea- the circuits/layouts can be changed or
That covers very basically the facilities tures available will allow highly cornplex modified, either singly or on a global basis.
available for moving around the screen. printed circuit boards to be designed with
However, the package needs musr be used the minimum of difficulty. A full list of the Create layout symbol and Create sehe-
to realise just how powerful these appar- main features is included at the end of this matic symbol ... Options 3 & 4
ently sirnple-sounding features really are. review. These options are self-explanatory - they
Loading and saving layouts is also a allow the user to modify existing or create
simple function key 01' mouse operation, Circuit schematics ... Option-Z his/her own symbols and save them into
and directories of the various libraries can Option 2 on the main menu leads us into the libraries. The rules to be observed when
be easily displayed on-screen without dis- the other main function of the software designing/altering symbols are simple to



and 386 based machines. (On my 386-

2 28 based rnachine this was timed at vir-
tually instantaneous).
PL2 RENOTE- • Permanent What You See Is What You
Get (WYSIWYG) display - tracks and
1 25
pads always appear on screen full width
and solid.
• Multilayerboards with up to 8 conductor
I_I_C_1_a_L_S_2_'I_'I_~ I_IC_l_2__ L_S2_'I_'I_.. <I layers, top and bonorn silk screens and
solder resist layers.
LOCAL • Up to 17 x 17 inch (430 x 430 rum)
board size.
• Surface-rnount technology supported.
• Up 10 1,500 [CS, up to 5,000 tracks (with
SJ.Jl RB1 up to [2,000 scgrnents), up to 4,000
1 solder pads (in addition to those used in
JCs), up to 100 different symbols per
board, and up to 6,000 text characters
RENOTE per circuit diagram.
1..._IC_l_l__ L_S_2'1_4
__ 4 1..._I_C_l_3__ LS_2_'I_'I_4 • 128 different track widths from 0.002 ro
over 0.5 inches (0.05 to 13 mm). Maxi-
mum of eighth widths per board.
• 128 different solder pad sizes from 0.002
L 2 28 to over 0.5 inches (0.05 to 13mm).
Maximum of sixteen sizes per board.
PL3 LOCAL - • Solder resist artworks with suitable pad
clearances can be produced automat-
1 25
TR2 TR1 (2xBC18'1) • Grid, 0.1 inch (2.54 nun) with snap to
0.1, 0.05 or 0.025 inch (2.54, 1.27,
0.63 mm). Pads and tracks, etc. can also
be located off grid to aresolution of ap-

IIC8 LS125 5 •
proximately 0.002 inches (0.05 mm).
Auto-via facility for interconnections
between layers.
• Pad shapes include edge connector
fingers, circular, oval, square and rectan-
gular pads, with or without holes.
Fig. 2. Example of a component mounting plan produced by Easy-Pe. Seale: 200%, HPGL • Over 400 library symbols inc1uded with
file output sent to Roland DPX-2200 plotter. the package.
• Repeat, Move, Rotate, Mirror and Erase
Block and Feature
follow, essentially symbols für circuit quired) by positioning the cursor at the • operations. Cornplex track areas, pads
schematics must not contain solder pads as lower left-hand corner of the section re- and symbols can be repeated at a single
connection dots. Symbols for board quired, clicking the left mouse button and key stroke.
layouts C3n be designed for all layers, lines drawing a box around the section. When • Tracks and angles can be fixed at 45° or
included in the symbol are restricted to the required section is enclosed in this box 90°, or run at any angle.
layers 0 and 9 (top and bottom silk screen a further press of the left mouse button
layers) as is any text, and solder pads can 'fixes' it in place. That completes my look at the main pro-
be on all layers or just layer I. Onee the box has been defined, select- gram. However, there are various other
ing the middle drop-down menu reveals a utilities inc1uded in the package, EASY-
Printing your design selection of actions that can be performed PLOT, EASY-GERB, EASY-DRILL and
As mentioned earlier, layout and circuit de- on the box, inc1uding draft, normal and EASY -LASE, and [ shall briefly describe
signs can be saved and loaded to and from bold printing. Selection of one of these op- these and their uses.
disk. Für hard copies ofthe designs an IBM tions presents the user with the options
graphics cornpatible 9 or 24-pin dot matrix screen for seuing the printer defaults, after EASY-PLOT
printer is required (for users of HP Laser Jet setting these as necessary (or if necessary) EASY -PLOT is the utility program which
11 Of compatible laser printers see the the selected layout can be printed. takes files created by EASY -PC and con-
EASY -LASE secnon below). verts thern into HPGL format, for outpur
To obtain a printed output, the BLOCK The main features of either direct 10 a pen plotter or to a disc file
mode is seJeeted from the lefthand drop- for downloading at a later date.
down menu (or by pressing the appropriate its main features include:
function key). The user can then 'rubber- • High speed operation. Zoom and pan at Choice of various draft modes for
band' a box around the desired section to typically 1-2 seconds (Eurocard board) speed.
be printed (or all of the circuitllayout if re- on 8086-based PCs, much faster on 286 Selection of a wide range of pen sizes



and pen writing speeds. A full range of user-selectable options instrucrive, especially when compared
Selection of xO.25, xO.5, x I, x2, x3 or are available and are: with other commercial software packages
x4 outpur scale. Direction of output lO a choice of ports, that 1 use, where the user is expected to be
The ability to plot a section of a layout i.e., COM1, LPTI, etc. a mi nd-reader and miracle worker!
or sehemarle. Resolution, i.e: 300 dpi, etc. All-in-all I could not find anything I did
AO, AI, A2, A3 or A4 output. Number of copies (maximum 99). not like with the package. Again, I found il
The ability to position the plot any- The facility to print Iayers separately or very user-friendly and, within the con-
where on the papcr. together. straints of my limited experience and
The ability to select various pens on The ability to scale the layout/circuit so knowledge of layout and circuit drawing
multi-pen plouers. that it will fit the selected paper size. and design, I could find nothing untoward,
This is automatically calculated and or nothing that the package seemed unable
EASY-GERB prompted on-screen. to co pe with. Highly reconunended for
EASY-GERB is a utility program which A void or Fill in the holes in the centres both Iull commercial and amateur use,
takes printed circuit board files created by of ihe solder pads. I wish to thank Mr. Espin of Number
EASY-PC and converts them into Gerber Print out the solder pads only. One Systems Limited for his help and ad-
photo-plot format, for downloading to a Select the paper size, i.e: A4, Legal, vice, and for the review software. •
photo-plotter. etc,
Its main features include: Printer offset (defaults to 0.5 inches in EASY-PC is priced at f:98.00 + f4.75 p&p
Selection of which layers are to be from the bottom left-hand corner of the + VAT for the U.K. Europe: f98.00 +
plotted. paper). f:l0.00 p&p & Airmail, U.S.A.: $195 in-
Selection of wh ether or not an etch-re- Selection of a reetangular area of the ciuding p&p and Airmail. All other coun-
sist solder mask is required and selec- Iayoutlcircuit to be printed. tries: El l 0 complete including Airmail.
tion of the required clearances. Automatically centre the output on the
Change the currenr work file. paper. EASY -PC Library is priced at n8.00 +
Start plot, which automatically detects Save new setup or restore previous 1::4.75 p&p + VAT for the U.K. Europe:
which layers have been used in the setup. n8.00 + f:10.00 p&p & Airmail. U.s.A.:
layout design and creates the appropri- Enter a cornpensation factor fOT the $75.00 including p&p and Airmail.
ate files. printer in use, wh ich is determined by
closely examining a special test file to Both packages are available from: Num-
EASY-DRILL be printed out from the disc with 0 ber One Systems Limited, Harding Way,
EASY-DRILL is a utility which takes compensalion values (the initial default St.Ives, Huntingdon, Cambridgeshire
pr inted circuit board files created by setting). PE17 4WR, England. Telephone: (0480)
EASY-PC and converts them into NC Change the input file. 61778. International: +44 480 61778,
DRILL format to drive an automatie nu- Fax: (0480) 494042.
merically controlled drill. Finally in this review I must rnention that
lts rnain features include: an extra library of pre-drawn sehemaue
The option to change the current work syrnbols is available called EASY -PC Li-
file. brary, which eontains more than 1,000
Generate a drill file. extra circuit diagram and layout symbols,
The ability to adjust drill sizes without covering eight JC logic families and a
having to alter the pad sizes in the orig- range of popular microprocessors,
inal EASY-PC board layout file. Drill memories and sUPP0rLchips. An additional
sizes can be selected in either imperial PCB layout Iibrary contains a selection of
or metric values. widely used board outlines, incJuding eu-
roeards (16 x 10 cm) and PC bus extension
EASY-LASE adaptors,
EASY-LASE is a utility prograrn which
takes printed circuit board and schematic
files created by EASY -PC and converts
thern into HP-PCL format to drive a Hew- I found the package very weil presented
leu-Packard Laserjet LI or compatible laser and extremely user- friendly. After a
printer. couple of hours J was able to move around
Upon loading EASY-LASE you are within the main program with ease, using
first prompted for the file name of the both the drop-down menus and function
layoutfcircuit to be printed. Once that has keys with relative ease. The seemingly
been entered and found the program reads complex drawing and editing facilities are,
the file, scans the layoutlcircuit and pres- in fact, very simple to use, once the key
ents the main menu. strokes and mouse commands have been
Listed on the menu screen are all the de- practised and experimented with a few
tails of the layoutfcircuit, including the times. Manipulation of the library symbols
number of tracks, solder pads, symbols, is also simple and very time saving, corn-
holes and the amouru of rexr. Also given is pared with drawing your OWI1.
the actuaJ board size for layouts and The user instruction manual is very de-
whether the layout 01' circuit will fit on the tailed and concise. I particularly liked the
selected paper size at the selected scale. tutorial section, which I found to be most


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