Minutes For 18th January 2018

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Hanley Castle Parish Council

Minutes of the Meeting of the Parish Council held on Thursday, 18th January 2018 at
Hanley Swan Village Hall, starting at 19:00.

Present: Councillors: Sue Roberts (Chairman), Bob Lamb, John Taverner, Sue Adeney,
Sarah Darwent, Wendy Roberts-Powell, Alison Bolton, Alex Walker

Apologies: Councillors: Peter Goodyear (PPW), DCllr Andrea Morgan, Marjorie Nelson
(PPW) Gigi Field (Pond Warden)

In Attendance: Mrs Rebecca Abunassar (Clerk), DCllr Mike Morgan

01/18 Welcome: The Chairman welcomed all present to the first meeting of 2018.
She accepted the apologies submitted to the Clerk.

02/18 Declarations of Interest & Dispensation Requests from Councillors

a) Register of Interests: Councillors were reminded that they should have updated
their register of interests and sent them to the Monitoring Officer at MHDC.

b) To declare any Disclosable Pecuniary Interests in items on the agenda and their
nature: None declared

c) To declare any Other Disclosable Interests in items on the agenda and their nature:
None declared

d) To consider and agree all requests from Councillors for the Council to Grant a
Dispensation (S33 of the Localism Act 2011) – None received

Closure of the meeting to allow parishioners present to speak on any matters

relating to the Parish.
Chris Baker, a parishioner from Hanley Castle ask to raise the issue of speeding and
parking in front of the High School. He said that parking on the verge was a real issue
and was there anything that the Parish Council could do to help resolve the matter?
Cllr Roberts explained that it was an issue that the Parish Council were well aware of
and that they were working hard to try and make the situation better. She talked him
through the actions that the Councillors had undertaken and those they were in the
process of doing. The response from Highways regarding the reduction of the speed
limit was read out. It determined they were satisfied with the current speed limit and
listed the reasoning behind refusing to reduce it to 30 mph. Mr Baker asked if a School
Warning sign with a flashing light had ever been requested. It was agreed to contact
Highways and ask them of the criteria required for a sign and also to continue to pursue
the reduction of the speed limit with Safer Road Partnership. It was also agreed to ask
the School to revisit their Transport Plan and try to reduce the parking by parents on
the verges.
ACTION: The Clerk to speak to Highways regarding a School Warning sign for
the High School. Cllr Adeney to speak with the High School and ask them to
revisit their Transport Plan.

03/18 Minutes: The Minutes of the Meeting held on 16th November 2017 had been
previously circulated and the minutes were approved and signed.

04/18 Matters Arising & Progress Reports not Listed elsewhere on the
Min 124/16: Royal British Legion Subsidence Claim – The Clerk advised that the Parish
Council’s insurance company had agreed that there was an obligation to cut down the
oak tree as requested by the British Legion’s insurers. She explained that she had
received a quotation for the work and was waiting on another one for comparison.
ACTION: The Clerk to arrange for the tree to be felled.
Min 151a/16: BT Phone Box Adoption –
The use of the Phone Box needed to be decided as that would determine where it would
located. The priority use would be for a defibrillator if there was not one elsewhere in
Hanley Castle available for public use. Cllr Roberts agreed to talk to the High School to
enquire about their defibrillator and Cllr Darwent would find out if Albion Lodge’s one
would be available to the public. The Clerk would contact the Village Hall Committee to
ask if they had plans to purchase one.
ACTION: The Clerk to follow up the Cemex application for funding. Cllr Roberts
to enquire about the school’s defibrillator. Cllr Darwent to find out about
Albion Lodge’s and the Clerk to find out about the Village Hall.

05/18 Finance:
a) Payment of Accounts: Members approved the payments of accounts as in the
presented schedule in Appendix 1.
b) Notification of receipts received: £1500 contribution to a solar VAS from The Three
Counties Showground; £500 grant from MHDC to go towards traffic calming initiatives.
c) To put forward any financial considerations for the next budget: Cllr Taverner talked
the Council through his proposed budget and precept request of £20840. It was
discussed, Cllr Lamb seconded the proposal and all voted in favour.

06/8 Planning:
a) To Consider the following applications referred by MHDC for consultation:

Options Malvern View The Provision of 2 no. single storey classrooms

17/01953/FUL Rhydd Hanley Castle, (resubmission of permitted planning application
Worcester WR8 0AD 13/00888/FUL).
Esp Ltd Blackmore Park
17/01859/FUL The installation of dust extraction equipment
Hanley Swan WR8 0EF

No objections raised following the discussion of these applications.

ACTION: The Clerk to respond to MHDC planning

b) To consider under the Scheme of Delegation any Planning Applications received

between the publication of the agenda and the Meeting:

None received

c) Details of Decision Notices Received to-date: -

Land At (Os 7957

Construction of new motor workshop,
17/01650/FUL 4248) Hanley Road Approved
including MOT bay and training room
Cobweb Folly
Notification for prior approval for a
Blackmore Park Hanley Decision -
17/01649/GPPA proposed change of use from light
Swan, Worcester WR8 Information
industrial to four dwelling houses
Mayfield Picken End Proposed new dormer windows and
17/01599/HP Hanley Swan, conversion of attic to create first floor Approved
Worcester WR8 0DQ rooms

27 Church End Hanley
Re-submission of 17/00289/HP to
17/01560/HP Castle, Worcester WR8 Withdrawn
include new rooflight
27 Church End Hanley
Re-submission of 17/00290/LB to
17/01561/LB Castle, Worcester WR8 Withdrawn
include new rooflight
Erection of 50 Holiday Lodges with
Land At Langdale Wood, Blackmore Park
16/01771/FUL associated reception building, parking
Road, Malvern, Worcestershire,
and landscaping. (amended)
The application was refused at by the Planning Committee on the 17th January. Cllr Lamb spoke at The
Planning Committee Meeting on behalf of the Parish Council against the development.

d) Details of enforcement action: None taken

e) Details of Appeal Notices Received: None received

f) Planning Consultation: The lack of consultation on planning application 17/01649/GPPA

was discussed. The Clerk had contacted the Planning Officer to enquire as to why the
Parish Council was not consulted. She read out the response from the Officer who said
that Parish Councils were not consulted in prior approval application that had the suffix

07/18 Highway Matters

Road Safety Working Party – Cllr Darwent updated the Council on the Working Party’s
Action Tracker. Their proposed location for the solar VAS was Cross Hands, the Clerk
would contact Highways to seek approval for the location and ensure that an appropriate
post was in place. It was agreed to purchase the white gates in the sizes advised by
Hannah Davies and not all at 1m width, this meant they would come without crossbars
but it was felt this would not detract from their visual impact. They were due to be
installed in the work gang’s February work schedule.
The Community Speed Initiative was moving forward but the Clerk had been advised it
would take time. It was agreed to contact Safer Roads Partnership regarding the
reduction of the 40mph limit in front of the High School as the Parish Council were
unhappy with Highway’s Traffic Management Department’s refusal to reduce it.
Cllr Adeney said she had written to the Headmistress of the High School regarding the
need for children to be appropriately dressed for cycling especially in the winter.
ACTION: The Clerk to place the order for the VAS and contact Highways
regarding the location. The Clerk to confirm the order for the gates. The Clerk
to contact Safer Roads Partnership.
Works for the Lengthsman – Cllr Taverner said that the Lengthsman had started clearing
the grips around the parish. A blocked drain at Bowling Green was reported and the Clerk
said she would report it to the Hub. It was also noted that the ditches running up to the
Three Counties were blocked on one side. Cllr Roberts said that she would find out who
owned the land in a bid to get it cleared.
ACTION: The Clerk to report the blocked drain. Cllr Roberts to find out who was
the landowner.

08/18 District & County Councillors Reports

a. District Cllrs Morgan: Cllr M Morgan briefed the Council on the Planning
meeting and the Langdale Wood application. Cllr Lamb thanked him for the support. He
talked about the changes being made to the refuse collections and that there were four
different types of letters being sent out to parishioners. Cllr Adeney said there was a
need to revisit what would be recyclable, Cllr Morgan said that areas would be included
between now and April.

b. County Cllr Tom Wells: Member not present.

09/18 Report of the:

a. Parish Paths & Tree Warden – Report read out – The Warden was concerned
about the Lebanese Cedar at Hanley Castle as some branches had come down in the
snow. He asked if Adrian Hope could be appointed to survey the tree and report on the
damage and any work required to make it safe.
ACTION: The Clerk to ask Peter to clear the branches on the pathway leading
to the Glebe. The Clerk to contact Adrian Hope about the Lebanese Cedar.
b. Playing Field Warden (Graham Holmes) – No report but the Clerk showed the
Parish Council a No Dog Sign which they approved and requested a second one was
c. Local Police - The monthly report had been circulated.
d. Pond Warden – The Pond Warden was not present but an update was provided.
The Clerk said she had heard back from ROSPA and that they had provided a quotation
to undertake a survey of Pond. It was felt that the price quoted was expensive.
ACTION: The Clerk to see if a survey could be undertaken at a cheaper price.

10/18 Neighbourhood Development Plan – Cllr Bob Lamb said they were
being held up collating all the maps but once they had them the documentation would e

11/18 Correspondence
a) New Street Naming & Numbering procedure – The email had been circulated ahead of
meeting. It was agreed that the Parish Council wished to opt into the scheme and take
responsibility to name new streets if approved.
b) Offer of Support – SW Rural Communities through Claire Vaughan-Wood email – The Parish
Council said that they would like to take advantage of the offer of support. The email would be
passed onto to Cllrs Darwent & Adeney so they could contact Claire.
c) Posters from St Richard’s Hospice – The posters were distributed to Councillors.
ACTION: The Clerk to respond to the Street Naming email and forward the
Offer of Support email.

12/18 Topics raised by Councillors, Committees, Clerk & Parishioners –

a) Parish Benches – Cllr Darwent had forwarded the details of the Parishioner who was
prepared to paint the benches. Cllr Roberts was still contacting owners of the benches to gain
permission to paint them. The Clerk to undertake an audit of the parishes benches.
ACTION: The Clerk to contact the parishioner regarding painting the benches.
b) Emergency Planning – Cllr Adeney said she thought there should be an emergency plan for
the bad weather as during the recent spell the pavements were extremely bad. After a
discussion it was agreed to speak the MHDC regarding the responsibility and liability of clearing
c) Footways in the Hanleys – Cllr Darwent said that the footways around the parish were in a
shocking state and older parishioners found it easier and safer to walk on the roads rather than
struggle on the uneven pavements. She asked that Councillors and Parishioners take photos and
send them to her so that she could compile evidence of their state.
d) May meeting – The Clerk said she was unable to attend the May meeting on it’s usual date
and the possibility of moving it was discussed but it was agreed to continue with the date but to
sign off the finances at the April meeting.
13/18 Councillors reports and items for future agenda: None

14/08 Date of Next Scheduled Meeting: 15th February 2018

Signed ……………………………… Date:

15th February 2018

Appendix 1: Schedule of Payments & Receipts 18th January 2018

Payment of Accounts: The under mentioned accounts were approved:

No. Payee Reason £

1595 The Clerk December & January Duties 820.00
1596 HMRC Q3 PAYE 14.40

Total 834.40

Signed ……………………………………… Date: 15th February 2018



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