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Residue-Based Evaluation of the Use of Wind Power

Plants With Full Converter Wind Turbines for Power
Oscillation Damping Control
Josep Morató, Thyge Knüppel, and Jacob Østergaard, Senior Member, IEEE

Abstract—As wind power plants (WPPs) gradually replace the the power oscillation damping, e.g., depending on their loca-
power production of the conventional generators, many aspects tion. Different system operating conditions are considered to in-
of the power system may be affected, in which the small signal vestigate the feasibility of a POD controller. Previous research
stability is included. Additional control may be needed for wind
turbine generators (WTGs) to participate in the power oscillation has been carried out in the topic for a particular system condi-
damping. The feasibility of implementing this control needs to be tion. However, how the WPP damping contribution differs be-
assessed. This paper studies how the damping contribution of a tween operating conditions of the power system has not been
WPP is affected by different operating conditions and its depen- addressed, and an effective control should be able to provide
dence to selected feedback signals. The WPP model used includes positive damping for a wide range of system conditions.
individual WTGs to study how internal changes may affect this
contribution. The study is based on the changes suffered by the The paper is organized as follows. In Section II, a survey of
residues of the electromechanical modes, which indicate the sen- related work is presented. In Section III, a description of the
sitivity of the modes to this particular feedback. The results show residues and their meaning is given. Section IV presents the
that a park level control for the entire WPP is possible, although it study case and its modal characteristics, and the WPP model
may not provide damping for a range of critical operating condi- description. Section V presents the results of the analysis. Fi-
nally, the discussion and conclusion are given in Section VI.
Index Terms—Eigenvalue analysis, power system oscillation
damping controller, residues, small-signal stability, wind power,
wind turbines. II. RELATED WORK
Today, there are three major WTG topologies in the market:
I. INTRODUCTION fixed-speed induction generators (FSIGs), doubly-fed induction
generators (DFIGs), and full converter wind turbine generator
(FCWTG), the last two being variable speed wind turbine gen-
W IND power penetration in electric power systems is
continuously increasing and wind turbine generators
(WTGs) are grouped in larger farms with production capabili-
erators (VSWTGs). Because the DFIGs and FCWTGs are, re-
spectively, partially or fully decoupled from the grid, and they
have similar abilities to control active and reactive power, it is
ties that are approaching those of conventional power stations,
seen that they have similar effects on the damping of power sys-
e.g., thermal plants. When the level of wind penetration is
tems [3], [4].
high, and it starts to replace the output of the conventional
Slootweg et al. [1] and Anaya-Lara et al. [5] studied and
generators, many aspects of the system operation and control
compared the influence on power system oscillations of WPPs
may be affected, such as protection, voltage stability, and small
based on FSIG and DFIG WTGs, and it was found that FSIG
signal stability [1], [2]. Since the integration of wind power
generally increase the damping of the power oscillations. Ref-
seems likely to continue growing, large wind parks should be
erences [1], [6], and [7] concluded that the general trend of
able to contribute to network support and operation. Because
the DFIGs is to increase the damping of the interarea oscilla-
WTG may have to participate in power oscillation damping, the
tions, although [1] indicated that the positive damping should
impact of wind power on the electromechanical power system
be discussed according to the types of oscillations, and [6] con-
oscillations is a topic that is becoming increasingly important.
cluded that DFIG can reduce the damping for certain pene-
Previous research used models that aggregate all the indi-
tration levels. Conversely, investigations over the Nordic Grid
vidual WTGs of the wind power plant (WPP) in a single equiv-
in [8] concluded that the use of DFIGs or FCWTGs decrease
alent WTG. In the presented study, the WPP is modeled with
the damping of interarea oscillations. Additionally, Rueda et al.
individual WTGs to study the impact of individual WTGs on
[4] and Gautam et al. [9] demonstrated that the integration of
a DFIG-based wind farm could have both positive and nega-
Manuscript received November 21, 2012; revised April 11, 2013; accepted
tive impacts on the small signal stability depending on the sce-
June 30, 2013.
The authors are with the Centre for Electric Technology, Technical University nario. Investigations by Vowles et al. [10] concluded that the
of Denmark, DK-2800 Lyngby, Denmark (e-mail:; different types of WTG technologies do not have any impact on;
the damping of the electromechanical modes.
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online
at Various power oscillation damping controller (POD) designs
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TSTE.2013.2273232 for WTGs have been investigated. Generally, the classical

1949-3029 © 2013 IEEE

This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


vector orientation control is used for decoupled control of ac-

tive and reactive power of VSWTGs [11]. These PODs could be
based on active power modulation (APM) or on reactive power
modulation (RPM). Hughes et al. in [12] presented a stator
power-based power system stabilizer (PSS), and in [13], an
effective APM simple control using the frequency deviation as
the control signal was proposed. In [14], a controller serves as a
conventional PSS and an active damping controller. Studies in
[15] showed that the APM methodology performs better when
the wind farm is electrically close to synchronous generators.
However, Fan et al. [16] demonstrated that the damping of the Fig. 1. Representation of the eigenvalue sensitivity by means of the residue,
shaft is decreased when using APM, and RPM could be used and the required phase compensation to damp a mode.
as an alternative. Yin et al. [17] proposed a damping controller
using RPM. The residue is a complex value. The angle of the th residue
In terms of feedback signals, [18] and [19] highlighted the im- gives the direction in which the root locus leaves the th pole
portance of selecting the appropriate variables for the damping [21]. The residue angle is related to the phase compensation re-
of multimodal oscillation. Using FACTS for damping purposes, quired at each of the modal frequencies needed to produce the
this selection was based on transfer function residues. In [19], desired damping [18], [20], [21]. Therefore, the phase shift be-
Martins et al. based the selection of signals on their residue mag- tween the input and the output of the POD should be the comple-
nitude. However, in [18], the combination of the residues mag- ment of the residue angle for that input–output pair. Fig. 1 de-
nitude and angle reported to be more effective since the angle picts the ideal phase compensation required to damp an electro-
is closely related to the phase compensation needed to produce mechanical mode, where is the residue angle and is the POD
the desired damping, and it can be used for multiple modes. Ad- transfer function phase.
ditionally, in [20], the residue method was used to determine The magnitude of the residue indicates which modes are more
location, feedback signals, and controller design for a FACTS sensitive to a particular selection of feedback of signals. There-
device. fore, signals with higher residue magnitude of residues are more
It is seen that there are different conclusions on the impact of effective for damping oscillatory modes.
VSWTG-based WTGs to the damping. However, the feasibility The residues are a measure of the sensitivity and hence they
of a POD should be evaluated for a wide range of operating should not be considered an indicator of the final displacement
conditions, and there is a need to evaluate whether a WPP level of the modes on the complex plane, since the modes have a
POD can be implemented. nonlinear behavior for the closed loop condition [21]. It is also
well-known that the location of system zeroes has a significant
III. BACKGROUND impact on closed loop eigenvalues [24].
After the occurrence of a disturbance, the rotor speeds and For a particular situation, different eigenvalues may have dif-
angles of the large synchronous generators suffer oscillations ferent residues. Ideally, the required compensation for a partic-
around their operating points. The rotor oscillations, at the same ular mode must not alter other modes to a weakly damped or
time, give rise to oscillations in currents in the damper windings unstable situation. However, this may be accepted if the overall
of these generators, where energy is dissipated on their resis- result is beneficial, such as a much larger effect on the mode
tances. The energy dissipated provides a damping contribution of interest. This presents a challenge for effective phase com-
of these machines to the power network [21]. pensation of those modes close in frequency, since it would be
The small-signal stability is the ability of the power system difficult to apply individual phase shifts [18].
to maintain synchronism under small disturbances [22]. Such
disturbances can be considered small enough that the equations IV. CASE STUDY
describing the system dynamics can be linearized for purposes A 14-generator power system is used in this research. The
of analysis [23]. The power system oscillations and their anal- system is derived from the one used by Gibbard and Vowles
ysis by modal analysis are well described in the literature [21], [25] to study power system oscillations, and here a 600-MW
[23]. WPP has been connected to bus 212. The single line diagram
of the system is shown in Fig. 2. The generators in Fig. 2 are in
A. Transfer Function Residues fact equivalent generators each representing a power station of
In order to modify a mode of oscillation by feedback, the 2 to 12 units depending on the considered operating case. Each
mode must be excited by the input and must be visible in the generator has a PSS appropriately tuned. The system has been
chosen output. The residue for the th eigenvalue of the implemented in Matlab Simulink using the SimPowerSystem
transfer function between a determined input , and a given toolbox.
output , is the sensitivity of this eigenvalue to a scalar feed-
back [21]. Residues give an indication of how the modes will A. Wind Power Plant Layout
be affected by the feedback control. In [23], a complete de- The WPP is constituted of 200 3-MW WTGs, distributed in
scription of how to obtain the residues from a transfer function 25 feeders with 8 WTGs in each. The WTG model used in this
is described. study is similar to the one described by Ellis et al. [26], although
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.




grid connection point voltage level through a three-phase trans-

former rated at the WPP rating. The parameters of the overhead
lines and cables are listed in Tables A1 and A2in the Appendix.
In the model, two feeders have been implemented with indi-
vidual WTGs whereas the rest of the feeders have been lumped
into an equivalent WTG. This action allows studying these two
feeders in detail while it reduces simulation time and the amount
of computed data.

B. Power System Operating Condition

The three considered generator dispatches and load consump-
tions are derived from Gibbard and Vowles [25] and are listed in
Table I. The original PSS parameters of the generators for these
cases have been modified in order to reduce the damping of the
oscillations for various eigenvalues. It is assumed that the wind
Fig. 2. Single line diagram of the 14-generator 50-Hz system used in the study speed will be constant, sufficient for rated active power produc-
[25]. tion, and uniformly distributed along the WPP.

C. WPP Layout Configuration Scenarios

The scenarios described in Table II are considered. They
represent possible operating situations such as an outage of a
feeder or the disconnection of some WTGs due to maintenance
or failure.
Scenario A allows studying the differences in the influence of
each individual WTG depending on its location with respect to
the collection point and compare between them and between the
lumped model. In scenario B, it is possible to study the effect
that having a feeder offline has on the WPP, while scenario C
will also provides information about the effect that variations
Fig. 3. Representation of the WPP model layout and its connection to the
system. within a feeder can have on the remaining WTGs connected to
the same feeder.

protective functions for large disturbance control have not been D. Modal Characteristics
implemented. A representation of the WPP model is shown in The system eigenvalues for the three operating conditions be-
Fig. 3. fore and after including wind power are presented in Fig. 4. A
Each WTG has its own step-up 690-V/33-kV transformer. closer look of the system interarea modes is presented in Fig. 5,
The grid connection includes two parts, the local electrical con- where the modes of interest are highlighted.
nection within the WPP at a medium voltage level and the con- It is clear that there are poorly damped oscillatory eigen-
nection from the WPP to the electrical grid. The feeders are values, and that the damping ratio is increased of the majority
connected to the Collection Point, where the park transformer of the electromechanical modes. However, the small displace-
increases the voltage up to 110 kV for transportation to the grid ments in the s-plane of the eigenvalues between the no-wind and
through three parallel 50-km three-phase cables. At the point of the wind cases could be associated to changes in the load flow
interconnection (POI) with the grid, the voltage is raised to the given by the integration of the WPP, and not necessarily by the
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.



Fig. 4. System eigenvalues for the three cases without (o) and with (x) wind
power. The local eigenvalues are identified.


Additional control may be needed for WTGs to participate in
the power oscillation. A POD will be feasible if it provides pos-
itive damping over a wide range of operating conditions. Ana-
lyzing the changes suffered by the residues of transfer functions
between feedback signals is useful to see how the eigenvalues
are initially displaced in the complex plane. Additionally, it will
help to determine which signals are more appropriate for posi-
tive damping, and which factors can have an impact on the sen-
sitivity of the residue.

A. Feedback Control Signals

Different feedback signals have been selected to determine
which signals are more appropriate for damping purposes. The
residues for all the input and output (i/o) signal combinations
have been compared.
The WTGs can be operated either through an active or a reac-
tive power command [27]. Therefore, the residues will be com-
Fig. 5. System interarea eigenvalues for the three cases without (o) and with
(x) wind power. The studied interarea eigenvalues are identified.
puted using the two possible input signals to the WTGs:
a) Active Power Reference (Pref);
b) Bus Voltage Reference (Vref), which is used in this study
dynamic properties of the WPP. However, a deeper study should to regulate the reactive power.
be performed to obtain acceptable conclusions. Conversely, the inputs of the POD are signals measured from
The integration of wind power introduced additional modes the system. Here, the signals studied are
associated to the internal states of the WTG models. The ma- c) Active Power at bus 212 (P212);
jority is on or very close to the real axis. However, some modes d) Reactive Power at bus 212 (Q212);
have frequencies between 0.94 and 1.23 Hz, which are associ- e) Frequency at bus 212 (freq212), which is defined here by
ated to the internal states of the WTG models and are identi- the change in voltage angle [21];
fied in Fig. 4 as “wpp.” There is a positive real eigenvalue near f) Rotor speed of the local generator G5 ( G5).
zero for all cases with wind power. The analysis showed that In the selection of input signals, emphasis has been put on
these modes are associated to the unit delay used in the internal signals that are, at least, semilocal to the WPP to avoid perfor-
change of reference in the equivalent WTG model, and it does mance and latency considerations associated with a wide area
not constitute a stability problem in the scope of this study. measurement system. Although it is clear that the use of wide
The characteristics of the critical eigenvalues in the cases area signals might provide better mode selectivity. Signals c) to
with wind power are described in Table III, where repre- e) are considered semilocal, since they could be available from
sents the damping ratio. It is seen that there are poorly damped the WPP SCADA system, while signal f) is included as a refer-
electromechanical modes for each case. ence signal.
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


Fig. 6. Residues angles and magnitudes for the output P212 for case 1.
Fig. 7. Residues angles and magnitudes for the output P212 for case 2.

B. Sensitivity to Different Operating Conditions

In general, the magnitudes of the local eigenvalues represent
less than a 3% compared to the interarea ones. Therefore, it can
Ideally, the feedback signal used for the POD should pro- be assumed that they are not influenced in any great extend by
vide a positive damping contribution for all the system oper- the feedback control.
ating conditions. This could be represented by the residues if Note the differences between residues of the interarea eigen-
their angles do not change substantially between operating con- values. Fig. 8 depicts the residue angle difference between the
ditions. Therefore, an analysis of various available feedback sig- interarea modes. The difference in magnitudes in Fig. 9 is pre-
nals should be performed to identify which one compels with sented in percentage. The higher the difference, the more sensi-
that condition. tive the highlighted mode.
The angle and magnitude of the residues of each WTG for the The feedback signals should satisfy a minimal change in its
output P212 and both inputs combinations are shown in Figs. 6 residue angle over adjacent modal frequencies. However, it is
and 7 for case 1 and case 2, respectively. The graphics in the left observed that the angles for the interarea modes are often con-
side of the figures correspond to the APM (Pref input) of each siderably different and case dependent. High differences are
WTG, whereas the right-side graphs correspond to the RPM found in cases 1 and 3, and for output signal P212 in case 2
(Vref input). The first row of the graphics depicts the residue an- for both input commands.
gles, while the second row presents the magnitudes. The WTG A favorable situation is encountered in case 2 using freq212 –
indices are from Fig. 3 in Section III, on the x-axis. The index L Pref, where the angle difference is small and is much more
corresponds to the equivalent WTG model where the 23 feeders affected by the feedback. Similarly, using P212-Pref, the angle
are lumped. The results were also computed for the rest of the difference is large, but is influenced in a greater extent since
signal combinations for all three cases and the trends are sim- its magnitude is much greater than the residue for the mode.
ilar, but only a few figures are presented to avoid redundancy. Nevertheless, the angle difference is big for the other cases 1
It is seen that the residue angle changes greatly between cases and 3, where the magnitudes of the modes are similar, and the
when utilizing the same feedback signals. These results indi- compensation could have negative effects on one of the modes.
cate that the eigenvalues are highly sensitive to system operating From the results presented above, it is seen that it is difficult to
conditions and the interarea modes will not always be displaced obtain a phase compensation that is beneficial in all cases. How-
in the same direction. ever, for cases 2 and 3, the i/o pairs freq212-Pref and G5-Pref
Generally, the angles do not change considerably between offer damping of one of the interarea modes without affecting
WTGs and the mean for each eigenvalue is used here as the indi- the other negatively (much higher magnitude).
cator of the difference between the studied eigenvalues. Local Additionally, the use of either active or reactive power com-
modes present much smaller magnitudes than the selected in- mands as input signals give similar results, although residue dif-
terarea modes, . In case 1, the magnitude of eigenvalue ferences using Vref are slightly larger.
represents 2.57% of the magnitude of eigenvalue for the The fact that some cases have residue angle differences and
combination i/o P212-Pref, while the magnitude of eigenvalue similar magnitudes of both interarea modes, introduces a com-
is only a 0.03%, for the same signals. plexity to the POD design.
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


Fig. 10. Residues angle for the i/o pair freq212-Pref case 1.

Fig. 8. Angle difference between the interarea modes for the different cases
and i/o pairs.
Fig. 11. Residues angle for the i/o pair freq212-Vref case 1.

Fig. 12. Residues angles for the i/o pair freq212-Pref case 2.

Fig. 9. Magnitude difference between the interarea modes for the different
cases and i/o pairs. The figure indicates which interarea mode has larger mag-

Fig. 13. Residues angles for the i/o pair freq212-Vref for case 2.
C. Sensitivity to Different WPP Layouts
When considering a park level POD, it should be insensitive TABLE IV
to internal changes in the WPP, such as WTGs getting offline RESIDUE ANGLE DIFFERENCES BETWEEN THE THREE WPP
or continuously changing WTGs power productions. Therefore,
the residue angle difference between individual WTGs must be
negligibly small. Here, only the residues of the interarea modes
for different WPP states are studied. Since the local modes in
this case are not greatly influenced by the feedback control, they
are not considered in this part.
For all the scenarios considered in Table III, the first 4 WTGs the residue angle between scenarios is appreciated in conjunc-
and the lumped model are unmodified. Hence, they are the only tion with the differences between individual WTG. Results for
WTGs in which the residues can be compared for the three situ- the same feedback combinations for case 2 are given in Figs. 12
ations. For comparing scenarios A and B, however, all the wind and 13. All i/o pairs present similarities to the figures presented
turbines from the first feeder (WT1-WT8) can be compared. The here, and only a few results have been presented for reference.
residues of the rest of the WTG that are disconnected in the re- The pattern in a “wave” form is given by the minor angle
spective cases will be zero, since the modes will be uncontrol- differences between the WTGs which, in turn, are small enough
lable, and they are hence not shown. to be neglected. Between the first WTG of a feeder and the last
The results are presented in different figures for the different one, there is a maximum difference as low as 0.2 for Pref, and it
i/o feedback pairs. Each figure contains different graphics, is less than 2.6 for Vref. This difference decreases as the WTGs
one for each of the selected poorly damped eigenvalues in are located further down the feeder.
Section IV. Each graphic has three plots, one for each afore- Moreover, the residue angles are seen to remain practically
mentioned scenario. unchanged independently of the investigated internal WPP con-
The WTG indexes according to the WPP layout presented in figuration. Table IV shows the maximum angle difference be-
Fig. 3 are in the x-axis. The index L corresponds to the WTG tween scenarios, which are generally below 2 , being 7 the
model where the 23 feeders are lumped. maximum in case 1. Such slight deviations can be depreciated
1) Residue Angle: Figs. 10–13 show the residue angles for and a park level control could be considered.
the interarea eigenvalues for various situations. Results for case Furthermore, the residue angles associated to the lumped
1 utilizing the i/o pairs freq212-Pref and freq212-Vref are shown model do not deviate from the values of the residue angle from
in Figs. 10 and 11, respectively. In both figures, the difference of the individual WTGs.
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


between individual WTGs normally decreases as they are lo-

cated further down the feeder, which explains the “wave” form
of the plots.


Fig. 14. Residues magnitude for the i/o pair freq212-Pref for case 1.
This paper has presented how the damping contribution of
a large WPP is affected by different operating conditions. The
study has been based on analyzing the changes suffered by the
residues of the electromechanical modes between the different
conditions. The effect of internal changes in the WPP has also
been investigated, and different feedback signals for a WPP
POD have been compared.
With the three operating conditions studied in this paper,
it is noted that performance compromises would have to be
Fig. 15. Residues magnitude for the i/o pair freq212-Vref for case 1. made if designing a fixed parameter POD. Results show that
the contribution to positive damping of a WPP depends on the
system operating conditions and on the control feedback sig-
nals. The residue angle differences between individual WTGs
are insignificant, i.e., , and both angle and magnitude can
be assumed to be constant for the investigated configurations of
the WPP layout. Therefore, a park level POD would be feasible
from the perspective that the same control signal can be applied
for all the WTGs.
Fig. 16. Residues magnitude for the i/o pair freq212-Pref for case 2. Furthermore, results indicate that the eigenvalue sensitivity is
not considerably affected between APM and RPM. Minor dif-
ferences are found between both types, although APM presents
fewer changes in residue angle.
However, both residue angles and magnitudes of the studied
feedbacks change greatly between system conditions. Multi-
modal damping is often difficult since the differences between
the residues of the interarea modes also change. Results did not
present a particular set of feedback signals that provided pos-
Fig. 17. Residues magnitude for the i/o pair freq212-Vref for case 2. itive damping for all cases, although the frequency at bus 212
presented acceptable performance for cases 2 and 3.
TABLE V These results indicate that to ensure that the POD contributes
WPP LAYOUT SCENARIOS CONSIDERED with positive damping for a range of operating conditions, it
would be necessary to vary its phase shift according to these
conditions. Nevertheless, subject to the range of these condi-
tions, it may be possible to achieve acceptable damping levels
with constant phase compensation.
Three system conditions have been considered in this study,
but a larger number should be studied to ensure that appropriate
2) Residue Magnitude: The magnitudes of the residues for feedback signals that provide acceptable damping for a wide
the eigenvalues are represented in Figs. 14 and 15 for case 1, range of operating conditions, can be identified. Additionally,
and Figs. 16 and 17 for case 2, for the frequency input. All i/o more detailed studies should consider a large variety of factors
pairs present similarities to the figures presented here, and only such as larger number of WTGs in a feeder, different WTG tech-
a few results have been presented for reference. nologies, or various WPP configurations.
Table V shows the maximum residue magnitude differ-
ence for all i/o pairs between the three scenarios expressed APPENDIX
in percentage. Between these scenarios, residue magnitude
differences are usually within 3%. Hence, magnitudes can be TABLE A1
assumed to remain unchanged between the WPP operating
It is noted that there are as well minor magnitude differences
between WTGs. In general, the difference in magnitude between
the first WTGs in a feeder and the last one is lower than a 1.27%
for Pref, and it remains below a 2.56% for Vref. The difference
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


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[8] E. Hagstrom, I. Norheim, and K. Uhlen, “Large-scale wind power in- Conf. and Exposition (PSCE 2011), 2011, pp. 1–8.
tegration in norway and impact on damping in the Nordic grid,” Wind [27] K. Clark, N. Miller, and J. Sanchez-Gasca, Modeling of Ge Wind Tur-
Energy, vol. 8, no. 3, pp. 375–384, 2005. bine-Generators for Grid Studies. ver. 4.5, General Electric Interna-
[9] D. Gautam and V. Vittal, “Impact of DFIG based wind turbine genera- tional, Inc., Schenectady, NY, USA, 2010.
tors on transient and small signal stability of power systems,” in Proc.
Power and Energy Society General Meeting, Calgary, AB, Canada, Jul. Josep Morató received the M.Sc. degree in electrical engineering from the
2009. Technical University of Denmark (DTU), Lyngby, Denmark, and the Master’s
[10] D. J. Vowles, C. Samarasinghe, M. J. Gibbard, and G. Ancell, “Effect degree in industrial engineering from the Polytechnic University of Catalonia
of wind generation on small-signal stability-a new zealand example,” (UPC), Barcelona, Spain, in 2011.
in Proc. IEEE Power and Energy Soc. General Meeting, 2008, pp. His interests include large-scale wind power generation and integration.
[11] R. Pena, J. C. Clare, and G. M. Asher, “Doubly fed induction gen-
erator using back-to-back pwm converters and its application to vari-
able-speed wind-energy generation,” Proc. Inst. Elect. Eng., . Elect.
Power Appl., vol. 143, no. 3, pp. 231–241, May 1996. Thyge Knüppel received the M.Sc.E.E. and Ph.D. degrees from the Technical
[12] F. M. Hughes, O. Anaya-Lara, N. Jenkins, and G. Strbac, “A power University of Denmark, Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark, in 2008 and 2012, respectively.
system stabilizer for DFIG-based wind generation,” IEEE Trans. He has been with Siemens Wind Power A/S since 2008 where he is employed
Power Syst., vol. 21, no. 2, pp. 763–772, May 2006. as R&D engineer and works with the development and validation of electrical
[13] P. Ledesma and C. Gallardo, “Contribution of variable-speed wind simulation models of full converter wind turbines and wind power plants, and
farms to damping of power system oscillations,” in Proc. IEEE Pow- with time and frequency domain stability analysis.
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[14] N. Kshatriya, U. Annakkage, F. M. Hughes, and A. M. Gole, “Opti-
mized partial eigenstructure assignment-based design of a combined
PSS and active damping controller for a DFIG,” IEEE Trans. Power Jacob Østergaard (M’95–SM’09) is Professor and Head of Center for Electric
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[15] C. Martinez, G. Joos, and B. T. Ooi, “Power system stabilizers in vari- of Denmark, Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark. His research interests include integration
able speed wind farms,” in Proc. IEEE Power and Energy Soc. General of renewable energy, control architecture for future power system, and flexible
Meeting, 2009, vol. 9, pp. 1–7. demand. He runs several large research projects within power systems and is
[16] L. Fan, H. Yin, and Z. Miao, “On active/reactive power modulation of serving in several professional organizations. He is leading PowerLabDK, an
DFIG-based wind generation for interarea oscillation damping,” IEEE experimental platform for power and energy which includes state-of-the-art fa-
Trans. Energy Convers., vol. 26, no. 2, pp. 513–521, Jun. 2011. cilities at the university and the island of Bornholm.

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