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Utah Republican Party

Chairman Rob Anderson

For Immediate Release:

Pursuant to an article today in the Salt Lake Tribune, I regret that my comments about potential Senatorial
candidate, Mitt Romney, came across as disparaging or unsupportive. That was never my intent. While my
method of speaking tends to be very matter of fact, it is also true that tone and tenor do not come across well
in print.

I’ve no doubt that Mitt Romney satisfies all qualifications to run for Senate, and as Chairman of the Utah
Republican Party, I will treat all candidates equally to ensure their path to the Party nomination is honest
and fair.

Governor Romney and I spoke this afternoon. He was extremely gracious. In a time when many choose to
react without knowing all of the facts, I am grateful he reached out to me to discuss this matter, and even
more so that he accepted my apology without hesitation.


Rob Anderson, Chairman

Utah Republican Party

117 E. South Temple Street Salt Lake City, UT 84111 • (801)710.2083

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